View Full Version : Falling Flower, Rising Cloud (IC)

Professor Gnoll
2016-04-23, 12:52 AM
Falling Flower, Rising Cloud
It is the very day that marks the beginning of autumn, in the 24th year of Murumona. The trees, still heavy with spreading leaves, prepare their boughs to shed the weight they have carried since the summertime. Hana-Ja floats in uneasy peace. The clouds of war, from within and without, gather on the distant horizon. Distant, yes, but unmistakeably there.

On the Magnolia Throne, the Emperor broods. He sees danger everywhere, lurking beneath every petal and behind every column of his palace, and has no power to protect himself or his kingdom. He has become reserved and withdrawn, more often than not confined to his bedroom, turning away any that disturb him while composing morbidly elegant poetry.

Meanwhile, the power of the Clans grow. The Daimyos build armies and alliances, gathering their power about them. Some have designs on their neighbouring provinces. Others have far greater prizes in mind. The kindling has been placed, now only a spark is required to create the inferno. And there is danger without, too- Qu Baou tires of peace with its ancient enemy, and nations further afield desire their own empires.

At the centre of Saishoichi, a small town that nestles amongst the sparse forests of the Ninrin Province, a man has died. He was Lord Kebe, once the ruler of this town. A minor lord, to be sure, but well loved by those who live here. The mourners now gather for his funeral.

And amongst those mourners, you stand. You came here, perhaps with friends, perhaps alone. But stand here you do, watching as the body of Lord Kebe, swathed in a kimono of pure white and placed atop a grave altar, is prepared for cremation. Priests, sworn to the gods, hum and chant, their sibilant whispers of sacred words weaving and winding with the stifled sobs of mourners in the air, a low and undulating symphony of sacred regret.

Slowly, his family that was left behind ascend the steps to his motionless body. Each one is clad in darkest black, and bears a pitcher of water. Each step they take is purest, perfectly placed grace.

2016-04-23, 05:57 AM
Kin is among the other priests, knowing the ritual of mourning and purification better than most. As she often wore her leather armor over her robes, she was always ready for rituals such as these simply by removing her armor and weapons. Kin prayed aloud, "Amaterasu up in the heavens, take this man's eternal soul and give him a place by your side. Let his body know rest, and let him protect his family from above."

2016-04-23, 06:59 AM
Matsuo Boshu watches in sorrowful silence. His heart is heavy today - the very land he has sworn to protect is on the cusp of chaos, though he dares not breathe a word of such doom much less criticize those who have allowed such a state to come. His honor would be forfeit.

There has been talk within his Daimyo of taking action into their own hands, though they have held back any particular alliances or dealings that would would dishonor the authority of the Emperor. Even so, they recognize that if his divine authority does not take action soon, Hana-Ja may soon become as one of the lesser powers - there are too many threats, and too few plans in place to confront them head-on.

Lord Kebe was a friend of his family and Daimyo, and as such there are others here, including his father and siblings. None breathe a word as they watch the proceedings, and any uncomfortable shifts in posture or hints of wanting to speak from his siblings are quickly corrected by his father, the man who taught Matsuo his code of discipline.

2016-04-23, 07:31 AM
On the road to Saishoichi she talked to Sanosuke about how this small town was so joyful. The troupe came there some years ago. She was still a child and was now happy to return to this place.

What welcomed them wasn't the cherrfulness she remembered. Sorrow filled the heavy athmosphere throughout the town.

It wasn't long before they knew what happened. They stayed for a while though they knew they wouldn't be entertaining anyone today.
The next day, Miyu wanted to be present for the funeral and so there she was. Looking at the once cheerful people she have seen before.

Thinking about how she never could be there to pay the same respect to her own father. She mourned in silence as most though her thought were as much to this town lord as her own father.

2016-04-23, 08:16 AM
"Well, strange as my father's people may be, at least they know how to hold a funeral," Arjun mutters. "The dead should be given to the flames, so Lord Agni can hold their power."

Irish Musician
2016-04-23, 03:46 PM
Roam (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=780106), Shifter Ronin
Roam does not say much, but stands stoically behind Kin and Arjun. He as been traveling with the pair as protection and a guide for some time now. He had gotten to know them and kind of liked them now, their debates of theology and the gods always bringing a smile to his face. He did not pay much attention to the funeral, as it reminded him of his own lost Lord a little too much, but kept his eyes out for anyone looking to cause trouble. Luckily two clerics often go unscathed through the countryside....but one was never certain from where danger might strike out.

Passive Perception 15

2016-04-23, 07:23 PM
After arriving to Saishoichi they learned that their Lord had passed. Sano tells Miyu the time he had played for his family with one of his old troupe and how nice they all were.

He found it important to show his respect but still found it a bit odd since the last time he was at one, was at his own fathers funeral.

Standing next to Miyu in silence he tries to hide the memories from his past.

2016-04-24, 03:03 AM
Arjun feels sorry for these people. Whoever this man was, he must have been someone of a good heart if so many people are mourning. He clears his throat and calls out to the family.

"I am deeply sorry for your loss. I cannot help much, but if you have any last questions to ask the deceased, I can channel my god and allow you to do so."

Arjun is suggesting use of his spell Speak with Dead, and is prepared to use it if anyone requests.

Professor Gnoll
2016-04-24, 05:14 AM
The family continue their slow ascent, completely ignoring the call.

Around Arjun spreads a ripple of shock. Angry whispers break out as mourners shoot irritated glances at the disruption to the sacred ritual.

As the deceased lord's family reach the altar, his firstborn son steps forward. He delicately wets the corpses lips with the pure water of his pitcher. His face is an utterly still mask, betraying no emotion whatsoever.

2016-04-24, 05:58 AM
Matsuo allows no emotion to outwardly betray him, but inwardly feels a sense of disgust over the suggestion of such a blasphemous activity, especially at such a sacred time.

He takes note of the man that made the disruption, searching his memory for a name.

2016-04-24, 06:21 AM
Arjun seems annoyed that what he thought was a helpful and kind proposal had earned such a response. Whoever these strange gods were, he doubted they'd object to a dead person's family wanting to say some final words. He knew full well that Agni wouldn't. He sighs heavily. Apparently just knowing the language didn't mean he knew much at all about these people. He makes an effort to recall anything he can about the religious customs of this country, especially the funerals...
Religion Check: [roll0]

Professor Gnoll
2016-04-24, 06:27 AM
Arjun seems annoyed that what he thought was a helpful and kind proposal had earned such a response. Whoever these strange gods were, he doubted they'd object to a dead person's family wanting to say some final words. He knew full well that Agni wouldn't. He sighs heavily. Apparently just knowing the language didn't mean he knew much at all about these people. He makes an effort to recall anything he can about the religious customs of this country, especially the funerals...
Religion Check: [roll0]
Arjun recalls that Hana-Ja funerals are exceedingly solemn affairs. It is very uncommon for anyone to speak anything but the ritual chants until it is over. He also recalls that those who live in Hana-Ja have always shown a great respect for the deceased.

2016-04-24, 10:23 AM
Sanosuke lifts his head to try to find where the inappropriate comment came from.

Who would talk at a moment like this?! He tought to himself.

He tried to scout the general direction of where it came from but couldnt find the source and lowers his head again to show his respect and pray.

2016-04-24, 10:55 AM
Arjun recalls that Hana-Jan funerals are an extremely sober affair, and decides to remain silent. I may not see any problems with it, but if I keep talking I likely won't be seeing very much for a while.

2016-04-24, 11:40 AM
Miyu was as much annoyed as most when this person spoke and showed such disregard to the dead.
The dead should be undisturbed, such was how she felt and how she's been thought.

As her friend looked in the direction of the disturber, she gently put her hand on his shoulder, hoping to calm him.

She kept her head low, and kept silent.

Irish Musician
2016-04-24, 06:41 PM
Roam (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=780106), Shifter Ronin
Roam winces as his companion calls out to the family. As a man of a church he should know better, but obviously he is not a part of this culture, so he made a serious mistake. Roam is not of this faith either, but trading with so many different people and cultures, he is pretty good at being able to tell when not to speak, and when to speak.

He steps forward and lean right next to Arjun's ear, and whispers so that just he can hear, "Arjun-san, it would be wise to not call out to the family like that again. It is tradition." He gives a slight bow and then steps back to where he was, meeting anyone's gaze with his own if they should be looking too long.

Professor Gnoll
2016-04-24, 08:05 PM
Slowly, one by one, his family continues their ritual. Each one applies water to the lips of corpse, its final drink. The hum of sorrow crescendos, approaching a melancholy peak, as the last member of the family approaches- the Lord's youngest daughter, who has barely seen eight passings of the flowers. She is not quite so composed- she trips slightly at the last step, only just managing to avoid spilling her pitcher of water. Her hand shakes as she applies the water to the lips of her father, and her face trembles as she barely manages to hold back tears.

The Lord's family now stand upon the stage surrounding the altar, a perfect concentric circle. They part in perfect unison, a gap left at the very back of the stage, revealing the altar. From it, a pure white light begins to flow. It grows, brighter and brighter, and begins to take shape- a tall, elegant figure. You can discern the slightest sketch of shape within the figure- perhaps a graceful smile, the folds of a long kimono- but they shimmer and waver indiscernibly. It steps forward, a perfect step, with transfixing poise and finesse. As it does so, you feel a chill fall across you, a strange, hollow chill. The light has no warmth to it- it is the harsh light that glares off snow, not the warm rays of the sun. A hand rises with absolute precision, a single finger tracing the smallest of circles in the air above the corpse.

You can see it now, in the centre of that cold, harsh light. A small, sad smile. The slightest inclination of the head. The hands are clasped now, the figure bows, and as its head reaches the lowest point, it fades, leaving nothing but the chill in your bones.

2016-04-24, 08:24 PM
Matsuo tries to make sense of what he just witnessed. He searches his memory for a similar event in the past in relation to what has just transpired. He also tries to make sense of what this figure of light was doing, in particular the motions and expressions.

Has Matsuo seen this before? Perhaps something similar? Something very different?

Also, Insight roll:


Professor Gnoll
2016-04-24, 08:40 PM
Matsuo tries to make sense of what he just witnessed. He searches his memory for a similar event in the past in relation to what has just transpired. He also tries to make sense of what this figure of light was doing, in particular the motions and expressions.

Has Matsuo seen this before? Perhaps something similar? Something very different?

Also, Insight roll:

You've seen spirits come forth at funerals before. It's an expected part of the ritual, but... this seems different, somehow. Colder, and brighter...

2016-04-24, 09:07 PM
Matsuo is slightly unnerved by this vision, though he makes every effort to retain his discipline and make no outward display. In this discomfort he scans the area with his eyes for anything amiss.

Not sure if it is okay for me to take further action yet, but if so, I will roll perception.

2016-04-25, 06:40 AM
Miyu risked a peek up as the air got colder. Looking at the entity, she couldn't help staring. Not at the beauty of it but at the wrongness of this thing being there.
And though she seemed to have been paying her respect, Miyu tried to make sense of it all.

She's wondering if there's an arcane relation between the Lord and the entity.
Is there a possibility that the Lord might have made a pact with an otherwordly being?
Arcana :

She looked at the family, trying to see if they seemed bothered by the apparition.

Professor Gnoll
2016-04-25, 08:25 AM
You can sense lingering power in the corpse. There is certainly magic at play, though the source is not readily identifiable.

His family are as stoic as ever, but for the young girl, who seems frightened by the apparition. Ignoring her, the lord's eldest son steps forth. In his hands is a long sword in a plain white sheath, completely unadorned. He places the sword next to the corpse.

The corpse moves and takes the sword in its hand.

The son steps back, his face finally displaying emotion- confusion, and fear- as the body of his father unsheathes the ritual sword and slices through his throat. The blade easily shears through his flesh, and his red blood sprays across the white altar, staining the Lord's corpse. He falls to the ground, toppling a bowl of offerings. It all seems to happen in less than a second. A wave of panic ripples through the crowd, as the shocked mourners witness the scene with rising horror.

The Lord turns towards his daughter, his still unrotted face completely expressionless.

2016-04-25, 08:40 AM
Kin had remained calm and stoic through the event, this was someone else's funeral and she respected the different happenings and cultures. It was her duty to help in the ritual. But this clearly wasn't part of the ritual anymore. In fact, it came strictly into her agenda; to exterminate undead creatures in the name of Amaterasu. She placed her hands to her holy symbol, the amulet containing the holy mirror of Amaterasu. Kin presented it forward, and holy light shone from it. "Leave this world, it is no longer yours roam! Leave this body, it is no longer yours to control! In the name of Amaterasu, be gone evil spirit!"

I'm using my channel divinity to turn undead, wisdom saving throw against my 15 DC. It's instantly destroyed if it's CR 1/2 and it fails the throw c:

Irish Musician
2016-04-25, 08:45 AM
Roam (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=780106), Shifter Ronin
Ronin watched as the being came forth and then disappeared. He'd been witnessed to many a strange custom and has seen many strange things in his short life. However, nothing has chilled him to the bone quite like this display. He got a funny feeling about all this, but didn't want to say anything, esp after his employer yelled out to the family.

Then....after the son gave the corpse its sword, the damned things stood up and slaughtered his son. It turned to the daughter and with his feral instincts in place, Roam charged the corpse, sword flying out of its sheath, and placing himself in between it and the girl.

Bonus - Rage RAWR! :smallfurious:
Move - In front of the thing, in between it and the girl
Action - SMASH!!
Attack 1 [roll0], [roll1] magical dmg
Attack 2 [roll2], [roll3] magical dmg

2016-04-25, 08:45 AM
Matsuo races towards the alter instinctively, as he had been prepared for something after seeing the odd ritual. He will do everything he can to protect the family from this foul incarnation of evil.

Not sure if this applies here, but I have the Alert feat.

2016-04-25, 08:51 AM
Matsuo's attacks with +1 Katana:

Unsheath and attack
Damage: [roll1]
Bonus Damage from Iajutsu strike to first attack: [roll2]

Second attack:
Damage: [roll4]

Professor Gnoll
2016-04-25, 08:53 AM
The corpse is struck by the light of Amaterasu, falling back and dropping its sword to the floor. Before it can make any other move, Roam's sword easily cleaves off its arm and then its head, followed by Matsuo's swift strikes cutting apart the remaining limbs. It collapses, completely destroyed.

But while you successfully safeguarded the young girl from her father... her brother's corpse rises in turn, taking up the sword. It lunges forward, clumsily but with obvious power. Roam lashes out with lightning-quick reflexes, but is unable to stop the attack. The girl, paralysed with fear, is unable to stop the sword as it easily pierces her light clothing and into her heart. She gives a single small cough then collapses to the floor.

The crowd begins to move back, seemingly unwilling to abandon the sacred ritual entirely. The priest conducting the ritual holds out a warding hand, standing bravely in front of the remaining family.

The brother turns towards his mother, sword loose in his grip.

2016-04-25, 09:08 AM
While still in deep prayer, Sanosuke lifts his head up after hearing the crowd panicking. Seeing all that is happening he can't sit back and must protect the Lords wife

Miyu be careful!

After warning his friend he leaps forward the corpse of the dead son to try and disarm him

Using his Jo staff to disarm him while taking a superiority dice



Plus Superiority dice to damage

Disarming Attack. When you hit a creature with a weapon attack, you can expend one superiority die to attempt to disarm the target, forcing it to drop one item of your choice that it’s holding. You add the superiority die to the attack’s damage roll, and the target must make a Strength saving throw. On a failed save, it drops the object you choose. The object lands at its feet.

Then bonus action to kick him in the stomach

Professor Gnoll
2016-04-25, 09:13 AM
The brother's corpse drops the sword, still stained with the lifeblood of him and his sister, to the ground. Your powerful strikes send the corpse to the floor, neck crushed. It ceases to move.

Irish Musician
2016-04-25, 09:17 AM
Roam (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=780106), Shifter Ronin
Roam walks over to the little girl, and bows to her, then decapitates the corpse, "Forgive me, little one, for this dishonor. But I will not leave you unaltered to hurt the rest of your family." He the bows to the family, and picks up the sword that the brother laid down, making sure to touch it only with his cloak and not with his bare hands.

Attack rolls in case you want them to decapitate the little girl, so she also doesn't rise up

[roll0] & [roll1]

[roll2] & [roll3]

Professor Gnoll
2016-04-25, 09:24 AM
Roam (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=780106), Shifter Ronin
Roam walks over to the little girl, and bows to her, then decapitates the corpse, "Forgive me, little one, for this dishonor. But I will not leave you unaltered to hurt the rest of your family." He the bows to the family, and picks up the sword that the brother laid down, making sure to touch it only with his cloak and not with his bare hands.

Attack rolls in case you want them to decapitate the little girl, so she also doesn't rise up

[roll0] & [roll1]

[roll2] & [roll3]
You send the decapitated head rolling across the sacred altar. Red, red blood soaks into it, and Lady Miyu gives a strangled gasp.

2016-04-25, 09:42 AM
Kin nods towards Roam, placing a hand on his shoulder. "Well done." She tells him as she moves closer to the bodies. She takes a hold of her amulet once again and closes here eyes. She chants a prayer; "Goddess Amaterasu, please guide these spirits to the other world. Let the ancestors give them a place in the other world, and may they return not as evil spirits, but to help and give advice to their family. Put these bodies to rest."

2016-04-25, 10:41 AM
Something was wrong, magic was still in the Lord's corpse. As she gasped, Miyu took a step forward. The son brought the sword, without realising, Miyu took another small step.
Her eyes went open out of disbelief when the undead Lord rose and took the sword, plunging it into his son troat. As his gaze shifted toward her daughter, Miyu froze in place. Desperately wanting to go protect the little girl, she was almost forgetting to breathe as the next few seconds came through.
To her relief, someone got in the way to protect the daughter. He wasn't alone, others came to neutralize the Lord who seemed then to be dead again...
Her breathing came back for a second. Her eyes went wide as the son... the dead son... took the sword and plunged it into his own little sister.
Miyu knew she could've protected her... if only she didn't froze in place... if only she'd been there... I... I... searching for word, trying to forgive her innaction, her eyes crossed the little girl eyes. For a moment, it was the only thing she could see. Miyu felt to her knees, her eyes brimming with tears.
At this moment, something came in her vision... an axe... coming down, through the little girl neck, cutting it clean off her body.
The head came rolling down the altar toward where she was. Miyu gasped audibly bringing her head into her hands sobbing.

2016-04-25, 01:59 PM
"How's that for a disruption?" Arjun mutters to himself, horrified at the events that just took place. He runs up to the lord's corpse and casts a spell allowing his spirit to return to answer some questions. He doubted anyone would object now.

"Do you know what just happened?"

Casting Speak with Dead on the corpse of the Lord (assuming the mouth is still intact) and asking a question.

Professor Gnoll
2016-04-25, 04:58 PM
The corpse of Lord Kebe's mouth, upon his severed, partly crumbled head, begins to move. It is whispery and wandering. "They are... the slayer of nothing, usurper of the throne of death... White and white and white and white and red..." Before it can go on, you hear a new voice from behind you, elderly but powerful, and quivering with rage.

"You. You did this!" It's Matsuo's father, Kimu Boshu- Retired samurai, and head of the most highly regarded cadet branch of the Kemada clan. His silken black kimono is emblazoned with the patterned red triangles of the Kemada clan, and in his hand is his glimmering wakizashi. He storms forward, eyes burning into you. "Foreign trickery. You interfere with the sacred rituals, you profane the most pure of times- you murder a child! And now you still dare to dishonour the corpses you created? He raises his wakizashi, ready to strike. "I never should have allowed one of your kind to enter!"

2016-04-25, 07:04 PM
Between the beheading, Miyus reaction, realizing that his old friend Matsuo is actually a few feet from him. AND that now Matsuos father was screaming at the speaker of the dead, it all seemed unreal to him and freezes at the sight of the launching attack against the stranger he just met.

What is going on here? he thinks to himself. Is this really happening?!

2016-04-25, 08:20 PM
As the Lord spirit came back to speak, Miyu had sobber up. Getting back on her feet, she got slightly closer to the stranger who called the spirit.
The old samurai arrival, screaming in disbelief from the scene and starting to accuse the stranger, now was Miyu's time to intervene.
Enough !
She almost startled her own self by the conviction behind word.
Do not shame your departed Lord by accusing openly without any proof. Yes, he disrupted the ritual earlier, but there is something else that lurked behind today event. Do you honestly believe that he his responsible? The Lord family need help right now, if this stranger did something that triggered today event, put him on trial. Though now isn't time for vengeance, it's time to help the Lord family back to their home safely and to make funeral arrangement for the member's of the family who died today.
The frail tall girl backed up a step, hoping she hadn't gone too far... she found herself ready to cast a spell of her own... waiting for the samurai reaction.

Irish Musician
2016-04-25, 08:30 PM
Roam (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=780106), Shifter Ronin
Roam spins around on his heels and faces the retired samurai. Miyu yells out her forceful speech, and Roam is quite impressed honestly. To help her out, he speaks up as well....something he does not usually do. In their native tongue, and a very quiet voice, "Would you rather have me let them kill you? Or stay on this earth as undead puppets with no honor? I know not what happened here, but I do know it is our actions that kept you from dying. Listen to that one, she speaks truly. You dishonor your family and your Lord's memory by speaking to guests in such a way....guests that just saved your life." Roam sheathed his sword, finding a nearby cloth to wrap the offending sword into so that no one could touch it. Just in case.

2016-04-25, 08:37 PM
Matsuo steps forward.

My father speaks true. These rituals of speaking with the dead have no place here. If any of you have something disrespectful to say to my family, you will answer to me, though I know my father can still hold his own against either of you.

Professor Gnoll
2016-04-25, 11:21 PM
As the Lord spirit came back to speak, Miyu had sobber up. Getting back on her feet, she got slightly closer to the stranger who called the spirit.
The old samurai arrival, screaming in disbelief from the scene and starting to accuse the stranger, now was Miyu's time to intervene.
Enough !
She almost startled her own self by the conviction behind word.
Do not shame your departed Lord by accusing openly without any proof. Yes, he disrupted the ritual earlier, but there is something else that lurked behind today event. Do you honestly believe that he his responsible? The Lord family need help right now, if this stranger did something that triggered today event, put him on trial. Though now isn't time for vengeance, it's time to help the Lord family back to their home safely and to make funeral arrangement for the member's of the family who died today.
The frail tall girl backed up a step, hoping she hadn't gone too far... she found herself ready to cast a spell of her own... waiting for the samurai reaction.
Kimu stops, his wakizashi still held high in the air. He slowly turns to face Miyu, his face stony. For a moment it seems as if he will strike her down... then he lowers his sword.
"Hmmph. There is conviction in your words, boy. Perhaps you are right... However, do not presume to speak to me in such a manner again." He turns to Roam. "The same goes for you. I understand that you spoke rashly out of a desire to stay my hand, and you are to be commended for that, but temper your conviction with respect. Others may have struck you down on principle." He sheathes the sword with practised ease. The rage falls away from his face as he gazes upon the bodies. "And now we must witness yet more funerals. But the time for mourning will come later. First, we must concern ourselves with vengeance."

Irish Musician
2016-04-25, 11:44 PM
Roam (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=780106), Shifter Ronin
Roam turns to the elder and bows....twice...then walks over to him and hands him the sword, "I only spoke so that the cloud would be swept from your mind. I, too, know how anger can cloud judgement. Even to the most disciplined of fighters. Apologizes, Kimu-san. Disrespect was not intended. Here is the sword. Pray do not touch it directly until we can find out what is wrong with it." Roam hesitates, I haven't spoken this much in years....., he thinks to himself. He knows not why this next part came out, but it did. "My master way slain in front of me, in battle. This I cannot imagine. If my sword is able to help your family find vengeance and peace, please allow me the honor to help you achieve it." Roam then turns to the girl, and kneels in front of her. Were you to look at his face, you might see a tear or two well up in his eyes. "I am dishonored I could not save her.....but at least I could save her the humiliation of one that walks the earth without spirit. I hope you and your family will forgive me."

This is as many words as Ronin has said in years. Even his traveling companions have heard him say nothing more than a "yes" or "no", and that was usually with a nod or a shake of his head. Ronin's emotions welled up inside of him. The horror and sadness of his master's passing have sprung up to the surface of his emotional well. He does his best to contain his emotions, but the dam may break soon.

2016-04-26, 01:36 AM
Seeing the chance, Kin stepped forward and bowed to the lord. "Lord Kimu-Sama, I can assure you my strange friend had no part in the tragedy that aspired here today. I have traveled with him and the Goddess Amaterasu never warned me about him. I believe him to be true, just a strange fellow from another land." She gripped her talisman to give her strength, this was the important part. "But you are completely right, this is not the time for more funerals. We need to discover who did this and bring them to justice. If they have made anymore undead we must purify them so their spirits may rest. Do you have any reasons to suspect anyone? Anyone who would have both a motive and the means to do this?"

Professor Gnoll
2016-04-26, 02:26 AM
The elderly samurai's face is grim. "I have my suspicions. With the death of both of Lord Kebe's heirs, there is now a power vacuum. I can see chaos on the horizon." He pauses for a moment to consider. "There is only one clan that would have the audacity to do something like this. The perpetrators of this crime were surely the Tsudamote. Long have they had designs on rulership of the entirety of the forested regions. And there is no doubt in my mind that they have the lack of shame necessary to perform such a foul act."
He gazes at Roam.
"I can feel the strength of will behind your words. If you wish to avenge this act, obey my commands. Perhaps you will regain your honour yet, ronin. And you, chosen of Amaterasu- I have trust in your guiding light. But you had best keep that accursed blade in your possession. It may prove powerful evidence."
Lord Kimu then turns to his son.
"Matsuo. You have trained long and hard, and earned the right to wear that blade by your side. I command you now, as your lord and as your father- Go with these warriors. Go to the Tsudamote, and find the perpetrator of this darkest of deeds. Consider this your trial- return victorious and consider yourself a samurai in full. And take your friend Sanosuke with you. You will likely need all the help you can muster. If I could, I would send a cohort of warriors with you, but my followers are stretched thin as it is. If the Tsudamote truly have plans of conquest, I cannot afford to weaken them any further." Lord Kimu is steady and unwavering in his speech. "Yes. This is what must be done. I command you- go forth, and bring them to justice."

2016-04-26, 07:45 AM
Matsuo bows to his father.

You honor me, father. Truly, I still have much to learn from you even today. I will do as you say. The Tsudamote will answer for their crimes against us.

Matsuo then turns to his old friend Sanosuke and smiles.

It has been a long time, my old friend. I trust that you have found success in this world? Have you yet made a name for yourself? I would have you as my companion in this mission for the continuity of Hana Ja. Will you accompany me? I trust that you can still wield your staff with the effectiveness that nearly cost me an eye many years ago?

Who else will stand against the Tsudamote with me? By my sword they will face the justice of the Kemada Clan and Hana Ja!

2016-04-26, 09:39 AM
As Miku spoke to her, Miyu bowed Of course, i did not meant any disrespect, i let my emotions take the better of me. Please excuse my behavior.

The revelation of the son samurai being Sanosuke old friend was a little unerving to her. Quite a coincidence they would happen to be in this place. Was it where her friend Sanosuke grew up? She wondered though did not asked, not now anyway.

To join them on this quest for vengance? Still bowing, Miyu answered :
I... I've never really used my skill in any harmful way but if you'll have me, i'd be willing to lend my gift to this quest. My skills are perhaps unusual though i should be able to make myself useful.

2016-04-26, 09:40 AM
Sanosuke turns to his old friend and smiles back

It has been an uphill battle but i can honestly say that i am happy. If you need my jo staff, i will be there for you like in the old days.

Sano bows to his friend and his father

2016-04-26, 10:14 AM
Arjun stares blankly at everyone else. Normally, he would have been angry that someone dared to judge him based on his origins-like he hadn't had enough of that already-but right now he was far more interested at the mystery on hand. He felt touched that others were standing up for him, but quickly turned his attention back to the dead lord.

"I apologize for not knowing the rituals of this land, but I strongly suggest we question Lord Kebe further before we proceed. It could provide vital insight towards what really has happened here."

Just want to point out that so far, Arjun has been speaking in Hana-Ja. Not sure if that was apparent or not.

2016-04-26, 10:58 AM
"I am not going to save Hana Ja, or defeat the Tsudamote. That is not the job of a cleric of Amaterasu." Kin straightened her back, as she continued her speech. "However, it IS my duty to stop this undead menace. I'll notch my arrows against the villain who did this."

2016-04-26, 11:54 AM
As Miku spoke to her, Miyu bowed Of course, i did not meant any disrespect, i let my emotions take the better of me. Please excuse my behavior.

The revelation of the son samurai being Sanosuke old friend was a little unerving to her. Quite a coincidence they would happen to be in this place. Was it where her friend Sanosuke grew up? She wondered though did not asked, not now anyway.

To join them on this quest for vengance? Still bowing, Miyu answered :
I... I've never really used my skill in any harmful way but if you'll have me, i'd be willing to lend my gift to this quest. My skills are perhaps unusual though i should be able to make myself useful.

I am certain you will prove yourself useful. I do not seek to harm others, but this is an unfortunate side effect of conflict.

Sanosuke turns to his old friend and smiles back

It has been an uphill battle but i can honestly say that i am happy. If you need my jo staff, i will be there for you like in the old days.

Sano bows to his friend and his father

Matsuo bows in return. I foresee that you will be a valuable asset! I look forward to carrying out this task with you, and fighting side by side once again.

Arjun stares blankly at everyone else. Normally, he would have been angry that someone dared to judge him based on his origins-like he hadn't had enough of that already-but right now he was far more interested at the mystery on hand. He felt touched that others were standing up for him, but quickly turned his attention back to the dead lord.

"I apologize for not knowing the rituals of this land, but I strongly suggest we question Lord Kebe further before we proceed. It could provide vital insight towards what really has happened here."

Just want to point out that so far, Arjun has been speaking in Hana-Ja. Not sure if that was apparent or not.

I will accede to my father's authority on this matter. Please respect his wishes.

"I am not going to save Hana Ja, or defeat the Tsudamote. That is not the job of a cleric of Amaterasu." Kin straightened her back, as she continued her speech. "However, it IS my duty to stop this undead menace. I'll notch my arrows against the villain who did this."

Are you not of Hana-Ja? We are all sworn to protect this land, are we not? Do we not serve the same Emperor? I would have you either way, but I suggest you rethink your duty to our land.

Irish Musician
2016-04-26, 12:02 PM
Roam (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=780106), Shifter Ronin
Roam puts the sword, still wrapped up, inside of his belt in the back...for safe keeping. He nods at the Lord and turns to his employers to see what they will do. "We all are not of Hana-ja, and hold no such oath to the lands." Roam, once again, looks stoic and scans the crowd for any other horrible things that might happen on this day. Hand always resting on his Nodachi.

2016-04-26, 12:11 PM
Roam (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=780106), Shifter Ronin
Roam puts the sword, still wrapped up, inside of his belt in the back...for safe keeping. He nods at the Lord and turns to his employers to see what they will do. "We all are not of Hana-ja, and hold no such oath to the lands." Roam, once again, looks stoic and scans the crowd for any other horrible things that might happen on this day. Hand always resting on his Nodachi.

I recognize that you are a man of the Shifters, and have no obligations to us. What has brought you here today? Are you here to respect this fallen Lord of Hana-Ja? If so, please help us avenge these deaths.

Irish Musician
2016-04-26, 12:16 PM
Roam (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=780106), Shifter Ronin
Roam shakes his head, "Protector and guide." He points to Kin and Arjun.

2016-04-26, 12:21 PM
Matsuo looks at Kin and Arjun, finally understanding the dynamic.

Very well, then. Let them decide. If not, I would ask that another person who serves Hana-Ja would step up in your places.

2016-04-26, 12:22 PM
"And friend," adds Arjun, then frowns. "At least, I hope it can be considered as such. I don't have much experience with those matters to be honest. But I, for one, am willing to lend my javelin to the cause. My father was from these lands, and I am sure that my lord Agni would want me to conquer these evil forces.

2016-04-26, 03:09 PM
"I am from Hana-Ja, and I will protect it. But I will protect all people who seek the light of Amaterasu, all who are truly good. Not just those from Hana-Ja, not just those from your or my clan. Politics and noble affairs are not for me." At least, not anymore she thought to herself. "Either way, my first duty is to Amaterasu and so I will smite this evil beside you."

2016-04-26, 04:32 PM
Miyu bows to Matsuo Thank you for your faith. And though i understand that death is part of a conflict, please do not be mistaken, i still believe that taking a moral route that's questionable, if it's for the good of our land, then it is justifiable. That said, we still need to protect as much as possible any innocent. Especially in our own land.

Professor Gnoll
2016-04-26, 06:21 PM
Kimu nods. "Hmm. Yes, this is good. I will furnish you with any information and supplies you require, within moderation. Allow me to advise caution- the road may be dangerous, and the Tsudamote are tricky and dangerous. I doubt they will have any qualms with despatching assassins should you prove a threat. Remain candid until it is time to strike. Now, it would be best for you to depart quickly, before the trail is cold, and I have my own affairs to attend to. Ask what you wish, and then head directly for the Tsudamote."

2016-04-26, 06:40 PM
I am ready as always. For those who plan to accompany me, please make yourselves ready and meet me the gates within the hour. I'd like to assess at that time what skills we have in this group, but we can take on the way.

We will take your advice and proceed with caution, father. I trust these foul people will be prepared for us.

I assume Matsuo knows the way, but if not, I'd be asking here.

2016-04-26, 07:11 PM
Miyu looked at Roam and Matsuo Well, i didn't plan on going on the road today so if you dont mind, i'll take a moment to prepare something for the road.
Looking at Roam, she was wondering if what she was going to say might sound strange but she honestly thought it must be done. Getting close to him, Miyu bowed a little Forgive me but i am unsure if i heard your name. I would like to take a look at the sword. I would be able to see if there's still any lingering effect on it and maybe, if we're lucky, a trail leading the way. It is a foreign art though in no way close to the power to speak with the dead i assure you. This family have been desecrated enough and i wouldn't dare asking something that i think could offend the family or those who love them.
Turning back to Matsuo I could also enchant someone weapon, though unfortunatly, my skill is strong enough for only one.

Her intentions are :
1- To perform "detect magic" as a ritual on the sword, if she sees magic, she'll be using an action to determine the school of the magic
2- Create 3 potions (10 minutes each) : 2 potions of greater healing (4d4+4) and 1 potion of healing (2d4+2)

2016-04-26, 07:54 PM
Moving closer to Miyu he looks at at his old master.

Yes, we actually had a performance tonight...If we are to leave right this moment i have to ask a favor of you Kimu Sensei? Could you please let Zhou Shi know of what happened and tell him that we will be back as soon as we can. They should understand.

For myself i believe that i am ready, i usually travel light.

2016-04-27, 01:34 AM
"If we must make haste, perhaps we could borrow some mounts?" Kin suggested. "Arjun my friend actually have a mount of his own, but as big as it is we can't all ride on it. Traveling on foot isn't the best method."

Professor Gnoll
2016-04-27, 01:43 AM
Kimu nods. "Very well. I shall have your troupe master informed. As for mounts, my stable master will supply you with horses."

2016-04-27, 03:05 PM
"I'll be fine with my elephant, thanks," Arjun says. "I've grown quite attached to it."

Irish Musician
2016-04-28, 09:46 AM
Roam (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=780106), Shifter Ronin
Roam nods and goes to find his mount. The Stable Master prepares a horse for him, a beautiful Red Roan gelding. Roam ties him up to a post and takes some time to perform a ritual which allows him to communicate with animals. He then goes to the horse and starts to pet him, brushes some dirt that was missed off of him, and thanks him for carrying Roam to his destination. Roam makes it clear that they are partners and to let him know if he needs anything. He also asks him his name.

After talking with his new mount, he mounts up and meets with the others.

Speak with animals ritual, to talk with the horse.

2016-04-28, 09:56 AM
Matsuo prepares some rations, his gear and his sword for his journey, then heads to the stable where his horse of many years - a black warhorse he named Shuma - calmly waits for him. She gets mildly excited when she sees her master, and he pats her gently on the snout to calm her.

Easy, Shuma. We will be leaving soon. I know that you are anxious for the open country and you will have your chance.

Matsuo attaches his gear and saddles her, brings her out and walks her towards the gate, where he will meet his rag-tag party of adventurers soon...

I will do my best to keep all of them alive, he thinks to himself as he heads to the gate. God be with us and guide us against these foul people we hunt.

2016-04-28, 11:36 AM
Sano moves next to Miyu to talk to her

Looks like everything will be taken care for. If you're ready Miyu, lets head to the gate for the horses.

2016-04-28, 11:59 AM
Miyu smile seeing her friend arrive close to her Thank you Sanosuke, i'll follow you to the gate. I'm ready.
She straps her gears and gives Sanosuke a vial. Use it if you need and bring back the vial, i'll be able able to make another one after.

Greater healing potion 4d4+4

2016-04-28, 12:12 PM
Arjun climbs up Raj's side and gets into the saddle.

"Ready, buddy?"

The elephant gives an excited trumpet in return.

2016-04-28, 01:39 PM
Kin, now armored and ready mounted the white mare that had been borrowed to her. Keeping her quiver always close to her, she rode up next to Arjun. "How is the view from up there?"

Professor Gnoll
2016-04-28, 05:19 PM
The gates of Saishoichi are small and innocuous. No clue lies in them of the vast adventure that lies beyond.
A gate guard, long yari in hand, stands at attention, and gives a small bow as you approach.
"You must be the group despatched by Kimu-sama. Please, do not allow me to delay you." He stares at Raj for a moment, then turns and shouts, "Open the gates as wide as possible! We've a large... creature to fit through!"
The gates are slowly winched open, and the long road lies ahead of you.

2016-04-29, 07:32 AM
Miyu got clumsily on the horse who in return easily felt her discomfort. She caressed the horse mane. Please take care of me, i promise i'll get accustom to be there fast so be gentle while i learn.

She definitly wasn't used to be on a horse and seemed kind of nervous being on it, she looked at the others trying to see what she was doing bad. She straighten up, trying to keep a good posture. This ride is going to hurt

2016-04-29, 09:53 AM
Sanosuke goes to pet his horse. A tall and gray horse with strong legs

Hello beautiful, i will call you 'Gin' like the silvered color of your hair.

He didn't have much experience with horses but he still felt comfortable riding her.

If we ride next to the elephant, we'll have a nice shade during our travel.

Sano waits for his old friend to lead the way since he seemed to know where we're heading.

2016-04-29, 08:28 PM
Matsuo checks that all are present and prepared, and ushers them to set off. He had a general idea of the way.

Now would be a good time to discuss what skills each one of us brings to the table. Please let me know. We should establish a riding order and see who can scout, who can fight and who can negotiate as necessary. I don't think we are sneaking up on anyone unless we have a good idea where we are going and ditch the mounts, paricular the wooly mammoth over there.

Professor Gnoll
2016-04-29, 09:20 PM
You set off at a leisurely pace, the road gently curved. The forests of the Ninrin province are visible in the distance, thick swathes of gently rustling trees. The first hints of red leaves are visible, splashes of contrasting colour amongst the sea of green.
The weather is pleasantly warm, the sun's gentle rays settling on your backs as you ride. The air is still, and a dragonfly lazily buzzes through the air about your heads.

2016-04-30, 05:47 AM
"Well, I think first thing is first we should introduce ourselves. I don't know all of your names after all. I am Hisakawa Kin, the Goddess Amaterasu blesses me with the ability to heal, as well as to protect others and destroy undead. She introduces herself with trained grace from her noble days. "I am fairly dexterous and perceptive. In combat I choose to stand back with my daikyu, but I'll move in to assist anyone who desperately requires healing."

2016-04-30, 06:11 AM
Miyu was getting used to be on a horse. Her back did just a little though but she was happy. The nice view of the trees changing colors was a sight she particularly loved. A pleasure to meet you Hikasawa Kin. I am Miyu Asachi, i'm not that used to combat though i'd be staying behind. My focus is fire and i dabble with alchemy and herbalism.

2016-04-30, 06:52 AM
Matsuo ride alongside his companions, very interested and focused on every word they say, while scanning the trees along the road. He seems to be attentive to everything though he somehow never loses his focus on who is talking and when.

Pleased to be in your company, and I thank all of you for taking on this important task.

My name is Matsuo Boshu, and I am a Samurai of the Kemada Clan. I specialize in fighting with a katana, but I also have other useful skills - I can handle diplomacy, survival skills and many other challenges that may come our way.

Miyu and Hisakawa - you should stick towards the back of the group as we travel. This is for your own protection. We will also station a close combat fighter to take up the rear in case of a surprise attack. I will take the lead. Sano, please join me at the head of this company.

Matsuo would like to know more about his surroundings as we travel. He is constantly on the lookout for potential ambush locations.

Current marching order: Matsuo-Sano-??-Hisakawa-Miyu-??

2016-04-30, 08:43 AM
"Raj isn't a mammoth, he's an elephant." Unconvincingly, Arjun adds, "And he can be stealthy when he wants to be."

He sighs, and introduces himself.

"I am Arjun Kogara, a warmage from the Church of Agni, the god of fire and divine knowledge. As you would expect, I specialize in fire magic, and can fight pretty well with a javelin too. I'd like to stress, however, that I'm not a cleric. If you get injured, I won't be able to heal you, but I'll be able to rain hell upon whoever attacked you. To be honest, I like to fight with Raj-he's really useful in a fight. He can take down enemies fairly easily or just draw fire. He's no horse, but he's faster than me, and all of you I'd wager. I can fight at the front or the back-I prefer the front, but I can't take that many hits. I AM still a sorcerer, not a knight."

Irish Musician
2016-04-30, 11:53 AM
Roam (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=780106), Shifter Ronin
As the others talk, Roam slows his horse down and takes to the back of the group, letting them all talk and introduce each other. He doesn't really say much, the funeral was a rare occasion for him in which he opened up a lot. This was not normal for him, and tended not to speak unless directly spoken to, as Kin and Arjun already knew. He kept his eyes opened at the back of the pack and made sure that his eyes were always looking around.

While in the saddle, Roam looks for a hawk or eagle, or even a falcon of some nature high in the sky. If spotted, he uses his totem's magic to speak to it, calling up to it and asking it to come to him. If the bird does drop down, he will talk to it, pet it, and ask if it will do him the favor of flying ahead and being his eyes. He also talks to his horse, asking him if he will just follow the other horses for now, and thanks both of the animals. Roam then casts another spell, touching the bird and sending it off. While active, Roam is able to see through the bird's eyes...his own milky white and he's unresponsive to calls.

So, while in the saddle going to use Speak with animals if I see a bird of prey of some sort. This is often how he scouts in front and behind, and I figure being an Eagle Totem Barb, he's got a special knack with birds. If he finds one, he casts Beast Sense, and asks the Eagle to scout ahead for him. If agreeable, he will see through the bird's eyes until something of interest is seen, having his horse just follow the others, and telling the horse so beforehand.

Kin and Arjun knows what he's doing and he's done it with them multiple times in their travels.

Professor Gnoll
2016-05-01, 06:13 PM
A kestrel, brown of body and grey of wing, swoops down to your outstretched arm. With small black eyes it gazes into you, acknowledging your commands. A powerful leap takes it high into the air.

Through its eyes, you can see that the clear path will not last much longer. The deeper forests of the Ninrin province lie ahead, and with them, the loss of the open safety you have enjoyed until now. If you stay on the path you should be safe, but any deeper could send you into the clutches of the Yokai, or worse...

Irish Musician
2016-05-02, 12:04 AM
Roam (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=780106), Shifter Ronin
As he sees what lies before them, Roam breaks contact with the bird, waving to it as it soars off into the distance. "The forest is ahead. Stay on the path, spirits dwell off of it." The forest is fine, usually, unless you venture off into it. Spirits lie there that should not be disturbed, especially given the things they have witnessed thus far. "They should not be disturbed."

2016-05-02, 09:08 AM
Sanosuke trots closer behind is old friend.

As for me friends, i'm Sanosuke Kiwami! Famous actor, performed all over the land...maybe you've even see me before?! Other than that i can handle myself with my Jo staff and my fists. My reflexes are quick and my feet light. I can quickly come to aid anyone on the field.

Sano turns his attention to Roam who just spoked about what was ahead

Thank you for letting us know...After today i hope i don't see another spirit for a long time.

He taught it kind of strange that he would know that much and was a bit intrigued.

2016-05-02, 02:09 PM
Thank you for the scouting information, Roam. We should definitely stay on the path. Any chance you can use that amazing skill to scout for ambushes? Maybe to find our prey?

Do we know approximately how far we are traveling to get to our destination? I'm a little lost on how we have any chance taking on a whole tribe so we definitely need a plan for what we are going to do here.

Would also be good to know if we can get there in a day or if it will take longer.

Irish Musician
2016-05-02, 02:21 PM
Roam (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=780106), Shifter Ronin
Roam considers Matsuo's words, "I only see what they see."

2016-05-03, 07:00 PM
Miyu was distant as she rode, following the others. Looking at the side of the road, trying to catch a glimpse of anything unusual.

herbalism check (looking for rare plants as they move, she'd stop only for very rare ingredient, so DC 20)

Professor Gnoll
2016-05-04, 09:26 AM
The forest is beginning to thicken around you. You've lost sight of the town you departed, and the trail is beginning to become more narrow and twisted by the second. Raj can only just fit through.

The leaves about you seem to rustle uneasily. You feel the slightest of stirrings upon the backs of your necks, and perhaps a glimmer out of the corner of your eye. It's becoming difficult to see what lies ahead, what with the narrow gaps between tree-trunks and the increasingly erratic path.

Perhaps thirty feet ahead, you see that the path takes a sharp bend- almost ninety degrees to the right. It's a sharper turn that you've seen yet. The trees around the bend seem thickly knotted and particularly close, almost like a wall. Presumably, this is why the path was forced to take such a sudden twist.

2016-05-04, 11:11 AM
Arjun raises his eyebrows. "That looks kind of suspicious. If you could give me a second, I have limited fortune telling abilities that I can use to just about tell whether going down there is a good idea."

He raises his holy symbols and chants.

Casting Augury to see what will happen if the group continue down that path.

2016-05-04, 11:53 AM
Agreed, Arjun. Please let us know what you see. Also, if anyone here has skills with stealth and scouting, perhaps you could take a look ahead. Either way, be prepared for trouble.

2016-05-04, 12:23 PM
I probably should keep my skills ready for trouble instead. Though if we find the ingredient i could try to make a potion to make us invisible... Wisp Stalks could grow near here though the elemental water... hum...
Miyu start looking in her bag elbow deep in it. Aww i don't have any of the ingredient unfortunatly. Anyway it would take time to prepare, it's a difficult concoction.
She strayed again thinking aloud Or perhaps just one, no, well, maybe... they wouldn't wait that long and i'd be weaken even more. Seeming almost mad at herself she continued What good is this power if i can't use it when needed... well i could, oh well, we'll see how it goes.
She stop, look up to Matsuo and smile innocently as if to hide her earlier thought.

2016-05-04, 01:34 PM
I could probably go unseen if no one else wishes to do it. I could uses some make-up to try to blend in the foliage....

Professor Gnoll
2016-05-05, 08:39 AM
Your Augury produces a distinct sign of.... woe. The path carries obvious danger.
The leaves about you seem to have fallen oddly still. The air is heavier, and the light dimmer.
Dimmer, except for... what's that in the distance? You could swear you saw something glimmering, on the edge of your perception.

2016-05-05, 12:32 PM
Arjun sighs. "Yep, it's dangerous. Might want to turn back."

2016-05-05, 01:03 PM
Hearing the possible danger, Miyu sight as she got closer to Arjun. Is there another path than this? And do you have any idea on the nature of the danger? If not i'll try to see if i can sense it.

Detect magic as a ritual
She'll concentrate on it for the 10 minutes duration and try to find the nature of any magic she comes across (even from her allies :smallbiggrin:)

Professor Gnoll
2016-05-05, 06:19 PM
Your magically enhanced senses reach out, and you can see a faint, shimmering aura of Illusion magic that hangs about both the nearby trees and the bend in the road.
You can also sense the auras of the magical weapons and items that your companions bear, glimmering trails of enchantment that betray their arcane nature.

2016-05-06, 07:01 AM
If there is danger as you said, it's already upon us hidden by magic. We cannot turn back, whaterver is there, it's waiting for us. Let me try something, though i'll need a torch if anyone can spare one.
Miyu looked for some items in her pouch and went down her horse. She called gently to a place in front of her Come to me Kenshin, i may need you soon.
She got closer to her companions My friend here is named Kenshin. He's usually beside me so if you come close to me, speak his name and he'll let you through. Now a torch if you please, i'll try to have whatever is there flee so we can go through.

Cast : Mordenkainen's faithful hound (a lovely invisible dog named Kenshin)

2016-05-09, 08:10 AM
While unsure about what Miyu is about to do Sanosuke reach into his backpack and throws an unlit torch to his friend.

There this should work...What are you going to do?

2016-05-09, 08:21 AM
Miyu smile as she takes the torch. Can't reveal all my secrets not can I? Let's just say i'm going to free the path. I hope so at least

Miyu lit the torch on fire wich is brighter than it should. The fire changed colors as she close to the bend and then spoke aloud Who ever lurks behind this bend, be warned ! This flame is given to me by the gods ! It doesn't burn flesh, it burns your soul ! Leave our path ! Hinder us in any way and be comsume forever in the pits of hell !

Some fun with a torch :smallbiggrin:
So she lit the torch with produce flame, add a light spell and then change the color of the flame with control flame. It's a violet and black flame.

I'll roll a deception (and hope her inability to lie doesn't kick in :smalltongue:)

2016-05-09, 08:51 AM
Understanding Myu's plan, Kin whispers a short command. "Tremor" As she speaks the word, the ground starts to rumble hopefully adding to Miyu's act of deceit.

Action: Casting Thaumaturgy to make the ground shake!

2016-05-09, 02:56 PM
Arjun sighs. "This is so not going to work," he says under his breath. However, he does add to the effort by using Minor Illusion to create an illusory image of a large, deep black flame on the ground in front of them. Fairly unconvincingly, he says, "Fear us and tremble!"

Professor Gnoll
2016-05-09, 09:19 PM
Before your intimidating spells, the bend in the road and the thickly tangled vines fade away. You see now that the road was straight ahead all along, the curve merely an illusion. If you'd followed it, you'd have walked straight off the path and into the forest.

Sitting in the middle of the road on its knees is what appears to be a small boy, with shrivelled blue skin, a shaved head, and priest's robes. It has only a single eye, huge in the centre of its face, and brimming with a large, watery tear. At the sight of you it gives a frightened squeak and proceeds to bow several times in quick succession. "P-please, lords! I had no idea you were so powerful! If I'd known you were the chosen of the gods, I'd never have tried to mislead you!" It bows several more times, smashing its forehead into the dirt. "Please understand- I was told to find us a meal, I'm just so hungry. Please don't burn my soul! I promise I won't try it again!"

2016-05-10, 06:48 AM
As the illusion wore off, Miyu calmed a little. It's just a boy!
Being hungry doesn't justify trying to take the lives of others. But i said you wouldn't be harm if you let us through without hindering us and i'm still going to leave you in peace.
Miyu looked toward her companion while gently petting the head of her hound.
As she look back to the boy and wondered a moment What happened to the food you usually take? If there's no food anymore, you'll still be ask to come trick others again. If it's on our way, i may be able to ask my companions so that we may help you. And by helping, i also mean that you wont be targetting those who stay on the path. And without trick

Yup, dont forget the hound, he's here for 8 hours :smallwink:
Miyu let go of her spell over the flame so the torch seems to revert back to a natural flame.

2016-05-10, 08:22 AM
Muttering to himself quietly. It actually worked...

Bringing his attention back to the strange child in front of them, he dismount his horse and slowly walks toward him.

There's no need to be afraid child-Chan. We mean no harm and wishes to help if we can.

Sano kneels down on one knee in front of him.

You can stop that now, you'll get dirt all over your face.

2016-05-10, 08:58 AM
"Amaterasu does not like deceit, but Amaterasu also doesn't like the hungry." Kin dismounts and walks closer to the boy. "Take me to your hungry people. I have the power to feed them for a day. Also when I come back from my voyage, I can give you another day's worth of food. But only if you promise you will not trick travelers. Kin looks back at the rest of the group. "I am sorry to delay our quest, but I will not let a boy starve while I have the powers to help."

Irish Musician
2016-05-11, 08:45 AM
Roam (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=780106), Shifter Ronin
The shifter raises an eyebrow and looks down at the boy, "And were we to be the meal?" He stares at the child, as a teacher might stare at a student who has misbehaved.

rolling an intimidation, but like a "RAWR" intimidation, more a "tell the truth" intimidation. [roll0]

Professor Gnoll
2016-05-12, 06:22 PM
The pitiful creature bows several more times. "Yes, yes! I'm sorry! We have been so hungry, and we'll eat anything!" A glistening tear falls from the boy's single eye and swirls into the dirt, forming a small puddle of mud. "Ever since the shrines were destroyed, we've grown weaker and weaker. If we don't find a way to eat soon, we might all fade away!"

2016-05-13, 06:00 AM
"What shrines have been destroyed? Kin crouches to be at the same height as the boy. "Who's been destroying them? Tell us more."

2016-05-13, 06:28 AM
Miyu walk back a little, watching toward where the illusion wanted them to go while listening to the boy.

perception [roll0]
am i proficient? not sure, can't open my sheet. Haven't put proficiency bonus on that roll

Professor Gnoll
2016-05-13, 07:41 AM
"The shrines! Humans used to come and leave offerings, keep us fed! But something came along- smashed them apart, ate all of the offerings! We'll starve to death for sure." The small, blue-skinned boy is crying in earnest now, tears pouring from his eye. "Th-they're just up ahead. Just little pieces, now... I used to live in one of them..."

2016-05-15, 10:32 AM
Arjun feels his heart warm looking at the child. Once, he too had been hungry. He too had been prepared to do anything...

"Don't worry. I'll make sure you and your people will be fed and protected."

2016-05-15, 12:11 PM
"I'm glad you feel the same way Arjun." Kin smiles at her companion. "Alright boy, lead the way. I don't want to scare your companions. Get them to bring out all of the barrels they can."

2016-05-16, 09:19 AM
Sano steps back to let Kin and Arjun deal with the boy since they look like they can help more. He then moves closer to Roam and wispers to him.

That felt unnecessary friend, to try and threaten an already scared little boy...You know they're usually not dangerous.

Irish Musician
2016-05-16, 09:23 AM
Roam (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=780106), Shifter Ronin
Roam shoots a look at Sano, taking a moment to look him over. "I threatened no one. Just wanted the truth." He looks at the young Hitotsume Kozo, then back to Sano, "And the usual does not matter. In times of desperation, anyone is willing to do anything to survive. You would do well to remember that, in case we run into any other desperate Yokai. Most of them won't give us warning before they eat us."

Professor Gnoll
2016-05-16, 08:33 PM
The Hitotsume-kozō gives a hurried nod, standing up from its kneel and gesturing forward. "Follow me!" He leads to you forward to a section of the path that reveals a strange sight.

Ancient stone statues and shrines line the path, leading forward to a moss-covered stone arch made in the traditional Hana-Ja style. Past the arch is a graceful, small shrine, open for offerings and hung about with vines and plants that have grown over the long years. Every bit of stone appears to be at least a century old. However, they stand no longer- they have all been brutally and methodically smashed apart. Stone pieces litter the ground. Ancient statues are defaced or completely shattered. The ancient writing has been scratched to the point of complete illegibility.
What's more, while some of the nearby plants have survived, much appear to have been hacked apart- or burnt to the ground. The charred stumps of trees litter the area, and the ground itself seem to possess an odd sheen.

The shrine has taken the brunt of the damage. The whole thing has been blasted apart, ruined beyond any hope of repair. Scorch marks litter it, and drops of a silvery liquid pool in its cracks.

As you approach, a number of Yokai slowly drift from the trees. Most greatly resemble the Hitotsume-kozō that led you here, in a number of shapes and sizes but all possessing that blue skin and single eye. Several are more strange, with multiple twisted limbs seemingly randomly placed across their body, but all appear to be at least vaguely humanoid. "Do you see?" sobs the Hitotsume-kozō. "Destroyed! Defiled! The ground is poisoned! How can we survive?"

2016-05-17, 06:40 AM
Miyu approach the desecrated shrine. Who could've done this...
She fell on her knees looking at the shrine. Give me a little time, i'll see what i can do.
She turned toward her hound You stay quiet except if someone have ill-intent.

Detect magic as a ritual
And do you think many cast of "Mending" could physically repair it? Bring many of the pieces together (puzzle! :smalltongue:)

Professor Gnoll
2016-05-17, 09:23 PM
Once again, your senses spread over the area, drawing in every trace of magic.
To your surprise, though, you detect nothing but the slightest residual trace of sacred magic that the shrines held before they were shattered. It is clear that no magic was involved in the destruction of this place.

2016-05-18, 06:39 AM
Miyu jumped back on her feet taking a step back So complete a destruction... yet no magic involved?
She turned toward the young Hitotsume Can you or your friends tell us who did this? I can't with what i have right now help you. She looked at Kin How long will they be able to survive with what you can provide them?
Miyu looked again at what's left of the shrine Divine magic still linger, though i dont know for how long. Only thing i'm sure is that i cannot put everything back together with what i have with me.

Professor Gnoll
2016-05-18, 07:09 AM
The Yokai shrugs. "None of us know. There was fire and thunder and this strange silver. It is not of the forest. None of us can touch it." He looks forlornly at the shrine. "We can only live for so long on mortal food. We will surely fade away."

2016-05-18, 09:31 AM
"I can create food, but it only lasts for a single day. After that it spoils and goes bad." Kin puts a hand on the Yokai's shoulder. "We are currently on an important journey which we cannot ignore, someone has attacked a funeral using undead creatures. They cannot go unpunished and that is my duty. However Amterasu will not ignore you, as soon as I am done with my quest I will return to rebuild your shrine. Maybe my companions will help me as well?"

Irish Musician
2016-05-18, 09:52 AM
Roam (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=780106), Shifter Ronin
The shifter gets off his horse, petting him and telling him to stay there, nothing will hurt him. As the Yokai start to emerge, his first instinct is to go for his sword. He does not, as this would be an insult to them as they have not shown aggression...yet. He takes a look at the destroyed shrines, seeing if he can't tell what kind of weapons were used to destroy them. He then takes a stick lying nearby and puts it into the silvery liquid. Swirling it around and trying to determine what, exactly, this substance is.

He then kneels a in front of the shrine and starts a ritual. He calls to nearby animals, hoping they will come to help them. If any do come, he will thank them for their help and ask them if any of them saw who or what did this to the shrines. Roam will feed them a little, and when they are done, send them on their way with his thanks.

Speak with animals ritual. Going to ask them if they saw anything, and if so what. Also, Roam isn't really all that smart....however he does know weapons. Going to roll a d20, and then you put whatever mod you feel is appropriate for a non-intelligent person who has lots of experience with weapons to figure out if weapons did this to the shrines. [roll0]

2016-05-18, 12:22 PM
Looking at the ruin around them and the 'deranged' body of some of the Yokai's, he couldn't be help to feel powerless in this situation.
He tells himself

Who could've done this...

And then after hearing Kin's conversation he asks the small boy

What do you usually eat, if not mortal food?

Professor Gnoll
2016-05-22, 06:29 AM
The Kozu boy shrugs. "Before the shrines were broken, we didn't need food. We did snatch the occasional human, but they don't come along often enough to keep us alive now. And whoever did this must still be out there."

The silvery substance gleams, running off Roam's stick. It almost seems to be liquid metal. The results of his communion with the animals is inconclusive. Their knowledge of the event is scattered panic and fear, memories of red fire and strange liquid that poisoned their water and their bodies. From what you can gather, whatever did this isn't like any weapon you've ever seen before.

As they realise you will be unable to help them, the Yokai hang their heads and slowly begin to move back into the trees.

2016-05-22, 07:12 PM
Miyu looked at the boy We'll what we can do, in the meanwhile, do what you can to survive though no snatching humans
She thought a little before winking at the boy Well, i wont be mad if you take the one stupid enough to destroy this place.

2016-05-26, 09:00 AM
Maybe if we find the cause of the evil spirits we'll also find the one for what happened here...

Professor Gnoll
2016-05-26, 07:06 PM
The Hitotsume Kozo nods gloomily and begins to slowly walk back into the trees. "We'll manage. If you do find who did this, I'd appreciate a little bit of comeuppance."
The Yokai are swiftly disappearing into the trees.
"Perhaps our time was meant to be over. I won't trouble you any longer. Be on your way..."

The shattered shrine lies still. The path through the forest winds into the distance.

Irish Musician
2016-05-27, 10:20 AM
Roam (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=780106), Shifter Ronin
Roam shifts uneasily in his seat, and lets out a snort. "We should get moving," and starts to move his mount and himself back on track.

2016-05-27, 10:49 AM
I agree, this is not a place for us while we can't do a thing for the shrine. Later we'll come back and repair this. Miyu start to follow Roam back on the road.

2016-05-30, 08:32 AM
Sano bows and gets back on his horse to follow the others.