View Full Version : I just started playing Everquest 2

2016-04-23, 01:41 AM
Heh, I swear its like an older version of World of Warcraft. Way better than the original everquest in that... it actually has QUESTS. Like, lots of them. Enough so that (so far) I dont have to farm to level up like I did in the original. I mean, im only 21 so maybe it will start slowing down or requiring me to hop zones a lot if I want to grind quests to level up, but still, for a game called Everquest, there were very few quests to run. It has its down sides. Like, im not sure if its naturally laggy or if its just me, but things like the distance between my brawler and the mob seem odd while we fight, there seems to be a delay when fighting between doing damage and seeing it show up on the hp bar, stuff like that.

But there are lots of skills to play with, interesting quest chains to run, and there is almost always several quests to do at a time in each area. "Oh go to this island and kill orcs" "Go to this island and steal supplies from the orcs." "Kill some orcs and bring back their eyes." "Go to this island and burn orc tents." Then you come back having done all the quests at the same time, and get the next teir of quests from the quest givers all in the same general location.

The biggest thing I dont like is there is a LOT of pay to play content. From classes, to races, to even things like talking in world chat. You can only create two characters max without paying. Not a big fan of that. I mean, I understand, really I do. They need to raise money to keep things running, but it still kinda sucks that I have to erase a character if I want to try out a different class or starting area.

2016-04-26, 08:31 AM
I had thought about reactivating my account several times (I played it for a few years shortly after launch), but I don't think I can just log in anymore without paying. I'm not sure if they'd force me to delete my characters to get it down to 2, but I'd rather not risk it. Such a shame though, because it was a fun game, and I like the setting.

2016-04-26, 09:41 AM
It won't force you to delete your characters. All characters except the last two you played will show on your character selection menu as locked, with a big "give us money to unlock these characters so you can play them again" tag. You can play the two characters you have as much as you want with no risks and no need to pay; they want coming back to be expedited, not punished.

2016-04-26, 09:55 AM
Well, that's good to hear. I just wish I remembered which two were the last ones I logged in with. If I do decide to download it again, I'd rather explore the world with one of my main characters, rather than one of those level 10 crafting alts I experimented with a few times.

2016-04-26, 10:35 AM
One awesome feature of EQ2; the housing! Like, seriously, I spent hours and hours with it, and it's awesome to be able to seek out quests for just the right plant or painting or whatever~

2016-04-26, 12:03 PM
One awesome feature of EQ2; the housing! Like, seriously, I spent hours and hours with it, and it's awesome to be able to seek out quests for just the right plant or painting or whatever~

It's still one of the best housing systems in an MMO that I've played. I remember being a moderately-high level paladin with fancy-looking armor, just sitting around decorating my one-bedroom apartment above the tavern in the new player district. A whole bunch of trophy weapons and exotic treasures mixed with low-level crafted furniture and the creaky, rotting wood walls and floor. It was a nightmare, but I thought it was funny and was too lazy/cheap to move to a new place.

Actually, that's another thing I like about it. The housing was actually spread around the city in realistic places. So, you could keep the same cheap place in the far off newbie-districts, or you could move to the larger, more expensive apartments by the docks, where the transport hub and markets are.

Aww man, now I'm feeling nostalgic... I might have to actually re-download it now.

2016-04-26, 04:51 PM
Honestly, I have never been a tradeskill/housing kind of guy. I appreciate that a lot of people like that kind of thing, but im more in it for the story. I love going to a zone and learning about what sort of big bads are in the area, whats going on, and how to stop them. Honestly, its the main reason I LOVED the cata expansion. So many old world zones were given epic storylines and the new zones were the same. Nice long interconnected quest chains where you feel as if you are making a difference.

2016-04-26, 06:36 PM
Honestly, I have never been a tradeskill/housing kind of guy. I appreciate that a lot of people like that kind of thing, but im more in it for the story. I love going to a zone and learning about what sort of big bads are in the area, whats going on, and how to stop them. Honestly, its the main reason I LOVED the cata expansion. So many old world zones were given epic storylines and the new zones were the same. Nice long interconnected quest chains where you feel as if you are making a difference.

If epic storylines are your thing, start looking up Heritage Quests.

So many interesting stories in absolutely RANDOM places in the world. They reward a nice piece of equipment and/or a housing decoration that lets everyone that comes through your apartment know you finished the quest. For me it scratched both my itches, since I loved the storylines and really enjoyed the housing side of things.

Actually, on that note, don't underestimate how much junk you can store in your apartment/house/etc. It's easily possible to make it a second bank vault, massively increasing available bagspace. (especially since, as I recall, the F2P version holds your 3~6th bagspaces hostage.)

Personally, I didn't enjoy F2P EQ2 much. I used to play during KoS/EoF, really enjoyed it back then. My claim to fame is discovering the Paladin archery joust trick. :smalltongue:

2016-04-26, 07:04 PM
There.... may be old EQ2 devs that frequent this forum.

2016-04-26, 07:41 PM
Is that implying that you are one, or that you think something someone said here shouldn't be said in front of them if they are here?

2016-04-27, 12:52 PM
I was one ;)

2016-04-27, 03:38 PM
I was one ;)

ITS ALL YOUR FAULT!!!!! /shakes angry fist Why do you devs clearly like conjurors more than necromancers huh?

2016-04-27, 05:06 PM
ITS ALL YOUR FAULT!!!!! /shakes angry fist Why do you devs clearly like conjurors more than necromancers huh?

Sadly, you can't really blame me for anything much after 2005 :D

2016-04-27, 06:43 PM
I played before 2005...What was your name there?

2016-04-27, 08:48 PM
Sadly, you can't really blame me for anything much after 2005 :D

In that case, I will blindside you with the most random question I can think of: What was up with the raid zone in Everfrost with the epic x2 Valkyries with no unique loot or quests? :smallwink:

2016-04-27, 11:29 PM
You know how I mentioned liking the story? Perfect example. im in the faydwer starting area and having a blast. Im slowly uncovering the infestation of crushbone orcs and exactly what they are up to. From killing bixies to poisoning lakes and burning down trees. My mission is to figure out what they are up to and stop those blue devils before they can take over the entire area. Thats after helping out the sentient mushrooms (wtf?!) deal with their gobbo problem. I wasnt as happy with the new halas quest area though. It started out great, trying to stop the orcs attacking the coldain and such on this oversized iceberg, but it just kinda trailed off. "Oh, you discovered the underground area they were digging? Well, kill a few orcs, put the big crystal golem back to sleep then forget all about it. There is no need to wipe out any leader or anything. Hey, wanna help the townsfolk collect ingredients for meals?" Then head for butcherblock. At least I got my horse out of the deal. I like my horse. :smalltongue:

2016-04-28, 08:24 AM
I played before 2005...What was your name there?

As a GM, I went by "Dragolen". My actual name is Rob Hanz, so you can look me up on mobygames.com or whatever.

In that case, I will blindside you with the most random question I can think of: What was up with the raid zone in Everfrost with the epic x2 Valkyries with no unique loot or quests? :smallwink:

NO FREAKIN' CLUE. I was/am a code monkey :D