View Full Version : Rules Q&A Dungeoncrasher + Superior Bull Rush

2016-04-23, 07:33 AM
Dungeoncrasher Fighter Variant:you gain a special benefit when making a bull rush. If you force an opponent to move into a wall or other solid object, he stops as normal. However, your momentum crushes him against it, dealing an amount of bludgeoning damage equal to 4d6 points + twice your Strength bonus (if any).

Superior Bull Rush: Starting at 3rd level, when a warforged juggernaut makes a successful bull rush against an opponent, it can choose to deal damage equal to that of its armor spikes plus its Strength modifier against the opponent in addition to the normal results of a bull rush.

Given the two abilities, would the strength bonus for each ability stack when I bull rush an opponent into the wall?

2016-04-23, 08:28 AM
Given the two abilities, would the strength bonus for each ability stack when I bull rush an opponent into the wall?

They are 2 separate damage rolls for 2 separate situations. Superior Bullrush is damage at the start of the movement(DMs might not allow it for Knockback with reach weapons) and Dungeoncrasher is damage at the end of the movement(provided there was an obstacle).

So if I were you, I would:
1) Find a way to pick up Knockback
2) Enchant your armor spikes
3) Get yourself next to an enemy that is up against a wall
4) Full attack with those armor spikes triggering Knockback which triggers armor spike damage(Superior Bullrush) and wall damage(Dungeoncrasher).
With a mere 3 attacks you would deal 3xArmor Spike attack damage + 3xArmor Spike+Str(similar to normal armor spike damage) + 3xDungeoncrasher. With +1 Armor Spikes (remaining enchantments are probably utility) that would be 3d6+3+3Str +3d6+3+3Str +12d6+6Str = 18d6+6+12Str damage.

2016-04-23, 10:43 AM
Wand of Blockade (1st level spell, C.Scoundrel, SWIFT action create a solid 5 ft block of wood) -- The dungeoncrasher's best friend. That and the wand chamber (Dungeonscape) in your weapon to hold it.