View Full Version : Optimization [3.5e] Building a Barbarian Leader

2016-04-23, 08:22 AM
Hi guys,
So in my current campaign as a PC, I am playing a level 14 Lawful Evil Crusader worshiping Hextor, and we are currently in the capital city of a mercantile kingdom.
My character's current goal is increasing the influence of Hextor in the city and bringing it under the control of my church. For this, I have been tasked by the church's Patriarch to go to the wildlings
dwelling not far from the city, raising a leader from their midst who I will use to unify the tribes, in order to make them attack the city and use fear to control the population and convince them only Hextor can provide the protection they need.

Mechanically-wise, it means that during the several weeks the rest of the party are spending R&R-ing to level up, my DM let me take Leadership as I have been meaning to as if I leveled up myself,
so I can find someone in one of the wildling tribes who I will train and turn into a cohort.
He told me to build a character that is logical to be a wildling, mainly in the direction of a Barbarian.

So, to get to the point, I need help building a strong, charismatic Barbarian that can unify the tribes (with my character's guidance and directions) a la Mance Rayder from GoT, and he needs to be smart obviously, because I need him to lead the wildling when they rise against the city. He's going to be level 13.
Pretty much all official books are allowed.

Thank you to anyone that helps!

2016-04-23, 10:07 AM
So ideally you want an LE cohort (or you take a hit to your leadership score). Barbarian will not work with that alignment.
But that doesn't mean the feller doesn't lead barbarians and isn't a barbarian himself. He is just not barbarian-classed.

Fighter, warblade or ranger can all have a very barbarian-y feel

Or you could give them the Ordered Chaos feat (need will +4)