View Full Version : [3.5e Campaign] The Eternal Fire

2016-04-23, 09:29 AM
Urgent Notice from the Royal Family

Calling all those Able for a campaign on the Surface World

An expedition has been ordered by the King. He has seen his citizens' plights- warmth and safety, to be exact- and he is electing to grant help. However, he needs YOU. Yes, you, to search the Surface World and save your City. Those few courageous and trained men and women who are up to the challenge, gather outside of the Castle on Sunday. You will be brought in and given more information. He requires at least five strong adventurers. The weak, untrained or timid need not apply. Your City needs you today.

(At the bottom of the notice, King Kormale's signature as well as Dewport's flag is on it. Definitely legitimate, from what one could have seen.)

You are all standing in front and 'outside' of the massive Castle of Dewport. For one reason or another, you have all volunteered and were told to gather there, and that someone would arrive shortly to take you into the castle proper. Strangely, there is only you four and nobody else. The massive, magical barrier of the Black Gate seems to ominously glow in the distance, the only way in and out for miles. It's getting awfully boring, though- you've all been waiting for a good ten minutes, perhaps for someone else- you just have a gut feeling someone will arrive. A tall, if slightly crooked, figure seems to glare out of the top floor's window, but unless someone can see that well, one probably couldn't make it out. Perhaps this is a good time to socialise? After all, you might be waiting for a while. Four wouldn't do, or so that notice on the board said. All you know is from hearsay- that it's going to be dangerous. After all, the Surface has always been declared as such.

However, for one reason or another, you're all here right now. You also have your equipment, of course. The town seems to be getting quite busy, too, but there really isn't much to do and it's probably a bad idea to go traipsing around anyway. Wouldn't want to be late. Or later. There are a few people that pass by, but they seem to hurry along, not wanting to be noticed. There are a few guards, but they just seem quite stoic and quiet, watching over the city and barely paying any mind to you. However, one of them- a Human, dressed in half-plate and wearing a tabard with Dewport's flag on- gives your group a nod of recognition, then holds up an empty hand as if to signal to wait a few more minutes.

What do you do?

2016-04-23, 11:23 AM
Uppon ariving at the castle gates, Rogan puts his sacks containing his tools and some spare iron down with a notable clunk. As it becomes clear he will have to wait some time, he places his heavy backpack down alongside his tools and takes a deep breath, before taking a look at his new comrades. A young Human, an Elf and a Gnome, the later two armed with bows and wearing armor somewhat similar to his own. The human on the other hand had a shield and some old and dented, but well polished armor, armed with... A stick? A strange weapon of choise - if he had a choise in that matter, that is.

Greetings he mumbles after a short pause.
You are also here to volunteer for the campaign on the Surface World?

2016-04-23, 11:43 AM
Finnaly, the chance to explore the caverns and perhaps the surface, to go beyond what many haven't seen in generations. The thrill of it, the path opening in front and the possibility to contribute to knowledge and lore long lost...

He is sitting on Pearl, his mule, waiting and observing. A human, dressed as an improvised fighter, approaches and asks him a question.

Inside his head Bichat goes through all maner of answers. but he only speaks a dull:


isn't it obvious?

2016-04-23, 12:40 PM
Gregory was impatient, this was evidenced by how he'd been bounding up and down on his heels almost the moment he'd arrived, and evidenced further still by how he'd been swinging about a stick for the past two hours against the endless imagined legions of terrible foes.

Pausing, the boy with dented well-polished armor, who'd been waving around a stick, looks around, jumping up to see the speaker over Bichat's head. Glad for a distraction from the boredom of waiting, the youth circles around. "Yes sir! It's like a dream it is! Just think of all the adventure!" Enthusiastic the youth punctuates the sentence by swinging his blade at an imagined enemy. "All the monsters to slay!" Again he slays an imagined monster. "...and all the people we'll save!" Again the boy slays an imagined monster before... er... "sheathing" his stick in a small loop at the end of his belt.

2016-04-23, 12:58 PM
humans, always so extreme in theiremotions... going from joy to anger in a second... but I share his eagerness. What lies beyond makes me wonder.

It's strange no one else came...

2016-04-23, 01:11 PM
Oh well, this gnome does not seem to be of the talkative type..

Rogan simply gives the gnome a nod of recognition, than sets his attention at the young human. A smal smile appears on his face, he definitly was eager to go out and experience an adventure, fighting evil monsters and rescuing poor surface dwellers in need.

I hope your dreams will come true, he replies, while thinking to himself 'and not evolve into a nightmare'

I'm Rogan. And don't call me sir, I don't think I am that much older than you are.

2016-04-23, 01:35 PM
"...and I'm Gtregory, Gregory Lionsheart." Gregory replies, without missing a beat, extending his hand to be shaken. Why it's certainly astounding there aren't more of us, isn't it?

2016-04-23, 01:50 PM
Rogan takes Gregorys Hand in a firm grip and replies "Oh well, not everybody is willing to take a risk and go to the upper world. And of those willing, some might not be fit for it."

He looks around for a moment, than sights "We should hope someone else will be brave - and capable - enough to join us. Or our adventure might be over before it could realy begin"

2016-04-23, 05:29 PM
"You don't mean..." Gregory hastily unfolded the poster and read it again. "A minimum of five... you don't think... they wouldn't call it off just for that would they? I mean surely scores will arrive if only we wait..."

2016-04-23, 05:49 PM
"Who knows how those nobles think?" Rogan replies with a shrug. "But if we are lucky, they will find some more volunteers. They cant all be afraid of the surface... The city is too big"

He pauses a moment to look around the suspiciously empty place. "I wonder if they already sent others home for being to weak, young or ill trained for the mission"

2016-04-23, 05:56 PM
Gregory gulped audibly. "You mean there could be an age and skill requirement too!?" Yeah, it probably had been too good to be true. Who would want a boy who hardly knew how to swing a stick, let alone a sword, as part of their elite expedition party? Disheartened he sank back into Bert's greasy fur. That was it, he'd have to go back and train, another ten years of practice, if he was lucky enough to get a job he might even get a job and be able to buy back his sword someday... Still, he wasn't going to leave without first seeing it through. Grimly he straightened his back in a failed attempt to make himself look more soldier-like, however the unnatural straightness of his back just made him look all the more anxious as he brooded.

2016-04-23, 06:13 PM
"So it says. But seeing there are so few of us here.. I think we still have a good chance... After all, somebody has to go and if there are so few volunteers, they simply can't afford to send us back"
He takes himself some time to inspect Gregorys geer "And think of it... At least, you got some nice armor and shield in addition to an animal. Much better equiped than most simple man could afford. Your weapon might be simple, but hey... I do not have a fancy sword either"

Rogan pauses another moment, than rummages around in his backpack for a moment till he gets hold of his handaxe.
"If you want, you can take this for a moment. I thought a tool might come in handy, but it could also help you to look a bit better equiped and more dangerous. What do you think?"

2016-04-23, 06:26 PM
Gregory smiles, somewhat reassured by the man's praise, but shakes his head all the same. "No, an ax is not for me, axes make use of weight to fiercely hack, I prefer the moble balance of a swor-... er..." Gregory frowns down at his stick. "...a stick." he finishes with a note of humor.

2016-04-23, 06:36 PM
Rogan replys the smile "Sorry, but I don't have any swords right now. But if we find a damaged one, I might be able to repair it for you, given some time and a good place to set up my tools."
He switches the axe for an waterskin to drink a mouth full of water, than continues "Should we need to fight, I will use my hammer. At least, thats something I am good at"

2016-04-23, 10:12 PM
Rizet has debated the decision all morning. Finally, he decides. I'm earning money too slowly. Ana won't make it unless I can buy a magestove soon. His younger sister, always more frail than Riz, is sick again. So, he hugs his mother and father and kisses Ana on the cheek and hurries to the castle. Late. After hemming and hawing, I'm going to be late. The short human runs the last quarter mile, lest he miss the opportunity. His legs are shorter than every one of his friends, but after eighteen naming days, its safe to say, Riz is as tall as he'll get.

Only four? Either he's missed it, or he's earlier than he thought. A hand smooths his wavy blonde hair, and he says, "I was sure I was going to be late. They haven't taken anyone in yet?"

2016-04-24, 01:25 AM
Rogan replys the smile "Sorry, but I don't have any swords right now. But if we find a damaged one, I might be able to repair it for you, given some time and a good place to set up my tools."
He switches the axe for an waterskin to drink a mouth full of water, than continues "Should we need to fight, I will use my hammer. At least, thats something I am good at"

"Should we need to fight? You're a blacksmith aren't you? Why would you be forced to fight?" Gregory asks, befuddled by the hypothetical, but the new arrival quickly seizes his attention. "We don't know, they might have... but you know what? You're free to hang out and wait with the rest of us really adventurous adventurers over here while we wait and see if they've already picked someone else." The offer had sounded cool in his head, like the sort of thing a knight might say, but as the words left his mouth, the air felt a trifle more awkward, and he himself was feeling a trifle embarrassed. Why hadn't he just said it with his eyes and remained all stoic like the gnome?

2016-04-24, 04:48 AM
The crooked figure in the window seems to perk up just a bit as Rizet arrives and stays. The halfplate-wearing, Human guard would disappear down some stairs as the gate opens, along with one other guardsman. They're not wielding anything, of course, but they've obviously got weapons. They approach your group, and one of them speaks. "You're all here? Finally. Patience pays off.". Evidently, they're as impatient as all of you. One eyes Gregory for a moment, half-scoffing, before just regaining himself and beckoning them to follow. "Come on. Don't want to keep His Highness waiting." Assuming everyone follows, they'd be led inside the castle, the doors being opened quickly by two, presumably, servants. Inside the castle, it is lit by sunrods every so often- with humanity's new, adapted and enhanced vision for living underground, it seems they light more than they should normally. Regardless, they don't give off any warmth, leaving the castle with an eerie, chilling glow. Either way, each guard- two that are escorting you, right now- keeps at least one eye trained on your group at all times. Evidently, they're exercising just a bit more caution when inside the massive castle.

Speaking of being inside the castle, the castle is, aside from being lit with sunrods, decorated quite well. It's definitely very fancy, probably a lot fancier than those from non-noble backgrounds would be used to. There's a lot of dark red around, and multiple copies of Dewport's flag are on the walls, apparently very well made. The room is, basically, a corridor. There are paths to the left and right, presumably up to guard towers, and a stairway to your northwest. The halfplate-guard pipes up again, after clearing his throat.

"Ahem. Do note that this is your last chance to 'back out', so to say. If you're afraid or weak or have any other reasons, please, feel free to leave before meeting King Kormale." He looks over you all sternly and seriously. Evidently, if you want to leave, this'd be your last chance. This also might raise a few questions- they might not want people seeing their plans, or something like that. Why would they keep it so vague? Who knows.

What do you do?

2016-04-24, 08:01 AM
Gregory manages to reign in his focus, staring, not at the walls, but rather keeping his eyes frontward as he walks, straight-backed, through the halls.

2016-04-24, 08:31 AM
"Should we need to fight? You're a blacksmith aren't you? Why would you be forced to fight?" Gregory asks, befuddled by the hypothetical, but the new arrival quickly seizes his attention.

"Yes, I'm a blacksmith. But we are so few and the surface is a dangerous place... I dont think I can aford to stay back and watch if some predator mistakes us for easy prey"

Rogan exchanges a friendly nod with the new arrival, but allows Gregory to do the talking for the moment.

As the guards let them in, he cant stop himself from admire the furniture. He did not live a poor live, but such luxury was more than he had ever seen. At least, he manages to keep the pace.

2016-04-24, 10:57 AM
Bichat follows the guard across the corrdidors. He has wide eyes and is filling his brain with all this information...

as the guard finishes speaking he steps forward and just looks aat the door beyond.

Let's go...Is not fear what I feel, I am thrilled.

2016-04-24, 01:00 PM
Riz looks back. His indecision creeping back into his mind. The surface is surely terrible and dangerous, but it frightens him less than Ana dying while he does nothing to try to help. Resolve found he squares his shoulders and nods at the guard. "I'm committed."

2016-04-24, 04:21 PM
Only FOUR were required, not five, due to Esprit dropping.

The guard looks over you all solemnly, before nodding. He'd point behind you, signalling another guard to the back of your little group, before speaking once more. "Very well. You've all made your choices, then, and there's no going back from this point onwards. Move with me, and act respectful while in the King's presence." He'd lead you all up the stairs- there's quite a bit of stuff around here, including some royal-looking paintings, showing the line of Kings who have ruled Dewport for a century-and-a-half now. Goes back a while, even to the very first. Eventually, you all manage to climb to the top floor of the castle (perhaps the Gnome has some trouble) and you are lead into a room with three men and two women you do not recognise, wearing your typical wizard's robes of varying colours- with the Dewport insignia emblazoned on them- alongside King Kormale himself, wearing your typical royal... armour? as well as a flowing, dark red cloak. They are all, of course, Humans. The King takes a look at Bichat, tilting his head, before sighing. It'd have to do. He speaks roughly and affirmedly.

Alright. This is it? No others? Good. Go, do your magic then we can begin. The guard shuts the door, and one of the robed men walks towards it and mutters something under his breath, laying a hand upon it. Once he finishes his 'spell', he'd walk back towards the group and place his hands behind his back. The king speaks up again. As you all know, I have called those brave, trained and adventurous enough here to solve a few... problems that the City has. I'm sure you can guess- heat. Heat is vital, and without it, none of those who can afford a way to generate it can and probably will die. Obviously, we can't use coal or wood for fires since, well, everyone saw what happened to Dryxhelm. So, we need something other than magic- even Wizards and Sorcerors age. Therefore, my Diviner has found a way to help us. To help -EVERYONE-. After all, I'm sure at least one of you has seen what this everlasting cold does to people. Ahem. Veirey, explain to them. He'd motion to the man in deep blue robes to step forward, and he'd do so with due haste. He's bald and looks quite old, and he speaks just a bit lighter than the King.

Using my magic, I have found something that could save us from our plight. A tree. Enchanted one, magical one, I'm not sure, I couldn't look too deeply into it before it wore me out. Either way, this tree's fires burn forever, smokeless. A smokeless fuel if you will. Should we manage to get a garden, not unlike one that the Elves use, sorted under here, you could potentially take some of this tree's wood and seeds here for further study. A bit of creative spellcasting here, a bit of craftsmanship there, and it should be able to supply just about everyone in Dewport with free, smokeless heat for their fires. This is great for obvious reasons. Knowing the Surface World, the journey will be frought with peril, but according to my scrying, it shouldn't be TOO far- thought it is fairly so. Shouldn't take more than a few days to get there and get back. So, I hope you understand your job? Leave. Get to the Surface. Gather this tree's wood and seeds, as much as you can. Bring it back here. Save us all, get paid handsomely, be revered as heroes. Simple, right? So, any questions? We'll give whatever information we can. Please note that, while it will be dangerous... the journey will be worth it. I'm sure. He smiles encouragingly.

2016-04-24, 05:02 PM
Rogan quietly follows the guard to the king and his wizards.

He bows respectfully, than stand strait and listens to the speech the king -and later his Diviner - gives.
So, they are told to go out and seek a special kind of tree, so the city could get some firewood wich would not generate smoke and therfore was save to burn underground. A very usefull thing to have, indeed. It would solve so many problems the town curently has - if they can find a way to make the tree grow here, at least. And such knowledge could be vital in other regards too. New sources of food, for example.

Rogan was excited, thinking about all those things that would change.
Still, one question comes to his mind:

"How are we supposed to find this tree, Sir? Are there any maps we could see, or landmarks you can tell us about?"

2016-04-24, 09:30 PM
Riz is shocked. I know that none of the poorer folks have magical heat, but I was sure that nobles had something. At first he is forlorn. What point is there in earning money to buy something which doesn't exist? Then the ramifications of the mission hit him. "Maps or directions would be most helpful."

2016-04-25, 01:28 AM
Bichat moves along easily, long strides for someone his height, he walks faster than the human on the medium armor, and far nimbler, his footsteps so light you can't hear him.

Upon hearing the king and his diviner he ponders...

silly humans, they only think in their short life spans, an elven wizard could keep the magic going for 4 generations of humans

Instead he says:

When will we be departing? With what sort of provisions?

2016-04-25, 09:35 AM
Bichat moves along easily, long strides for someone his height, he walks faster than the human on the medium armor, and far nimbler, his footsteps so light you can't hear him.

Upon hearing the king and his diviner he ponders...

silly humans, they only think in their short life spans, an elven wizard could keep the magic going for 4 generations of humans

Instead he says:

When will we be departing? With what sort of provisions?

The Diviner looks upon the Gnome, half-smiling and answering him first. Why, you DO have your own armour and weaponry, correct? Except for, ah, him. He motions towards Gregory's stick. We are prepared to supply a week's worth of rations between each of you- food and water isn't really a problem- plus, young man, we'd give you a shortsword. We're not quite sure if there's even anything left up there, but that leads onto the other's question...

Rogan quietly follows the guard to the king and his wizards.

He bows respectfully, than stand strait and listens to the speech the king -and later his Diviner - gives.
So, they are told to go out and seek a special kind of tree, so the city could get some firewood wich would not generate smoke and therfore was save to burn underground. A very usefull thing to have, indeed. It would solve so many problems the town curently has - if they can find a way to make the tree grow here, at least. And such knowledge could be vital in other regards too. New sources of food, for example.

Rogan was excited, thinking about all those things that would change.
Still, one question comes to his mind:

"How are we supposed to find this tree, Sir? Are there any maps we could see, or landmarks you can tell us about?"
He turns towards Rogan. "From what I could see, it looked like ruins of a small, surface-town. Saw its name of 'Derville' on a sign in the visions. There were a few... green things there. Plants, I believe they're called, but they seemed to be moving around. Didn't see much more than that. After delving through a few tomes, though, I saw that it should be a good two days' travel north of here if you walk the entire way. We'll give you a device called a 'compass' that will let you determine north, south, east and west, if you wish- it'd be most helpful.

Also, ah, I didn't quite get any of your names. It'd be rude to go delving through your minds for them, so, do you mind? He smiles, at least wanting to get to know them before potentially sending them to be killed on a dangerous world.

2016-04-25, 12:35 PM
'So, we will get some food and drink for the journey? Good, the rations I have are rather bland'
A smal smile appears on his face, but it does not stop him from listening.

"A small town called "Derville", about two days to the north..." he repeats, nodding. Not the best description, but it would have to do. The wizzard mentioning the compass makes him smile again. "This would be very helpful, indeed." he replys. Without this devise, he propably would get lost forever. But he would not take it, maybee one of his new friends would be better suited to take the lead.

Suddently he blushes a bit.
'Manners, Rogan.. Manners... How could you forgett to introduce yourself?' he silently rails against himself. Aloud he replys
"I'm sorry, Sir... I'm Rogan, Rogan Smith. By name as well as profession, Sir"

2016-04-25, 02:15 PM
Deciding to press his luck Gregory tentatively counters "...a long sword?" making it sound more like a question then a negotiation demand.

2016-04-25, 04:00 PM
"I am Rizet Tordal, excellency. I'll happily accept the compass. Would you mind showing us how it works?"

2016-04-25, 05:10 PM
Bichat, the name is Bichat...

He attempts a reverence.

I'm good with the bow. And keen of sight.

2016-04-26, 09:54 AM
The King holds up a hand to the Diviner, the former stepping forward and the latter stepping back. Firn, get the compass for this Rizet gentleman, then, and get a sword for the boy. Now, I will address you all for hopefully not the last time. One of the women-in-robes quickly heads through a door adjacent, then heads back in about a minute later carrying a longsword by the sheath and a strange device with a lid, presumably the compass. She'd give the sword to Gregory, before handing the compass to Rizet, opening the lid for him, before explaining.. To use it, open it and simply look at it. See the letters 'N', 'S', 'E' and 'W'? Those are, obviously, North, South, East and West. The arrow on the compass will always point north.

Standing tall, the King would speak, loudly, clearly, and affirmedly. Now then. You're going to be going on a journey that cannot be disclosed to the public. This is because, I'll say it plainly now- the people would want to see for themselves, collect the reward, or even take it for another city- thus, you might be trailed out. If your family or friends or anyone you're saying goodbye to asks where you're going and what you're doing there, just say that you will be heading to the Surface and that's it. It'll be dangerous, and I admit the mere journey out of the Black Gate to the surface proper might not be clear of unwanted guests. Please, stay safe, stay discreet, and don't let any surface-dwellers trail you back. Be back as quickly as possible. You'll get a small while to say your goodbyes if you wish. Be at the Black Gate when you're ready- it will be deactivated when you leave and reactivated once you're actually out. He'd seem to show the faint flicker of a smile, before opening the door again. Guards, we're done here. Take them back down and let them out. Veirey, head to the Gate- shouldn't take too long for the others to do their part. The diviner nods quickly, and the King would disappear into the room, nodding towards the other presumed-wizards before the door closes again.

You'd be lead downstairs and outside the castle, back where you were at the start. Veirey would move past you, quickly- seems he's gonna be the one seeing you out once you're ready. Maybe this is time to say your goodbyes. After all, the Surface is dangerous- could be the last time you see this place.

What do you do?

2016-04-26, 10:13 AM
Riz pockets the compass and nods thanks as the king begins his speech.

"I've said my goodbyes. That's why I was very nearly late." He follows Veirey straight to the gate. He doesn't trust himself not to reveal to his parents the glimmer of hope that he's been shown.

2016-04-26, 12:34 PM
Gregory gives the lady his trusted stick in exchange, for such a sturdy stick is surely a rare find below the surface, belting the word to his waste.

At the gate he shrugs. "I've got nobody to say goodbye to."

Perhaps he should have said goodbye to his parents, they might indeed worry, but they'd been arguing for some time (as to how practical his career choice might be), so having not seen much of them of late he frankly didn't want to.

2016-04-26, 12:48 PM
Rogan quietly follows Gregory, Riz and Veirey to the gate, where he would watch the town for a moment before shaking his head.

"I'm ready to leave. No need to wait because of me"

His immediate family was dead and he already seid his goodbyes to those left. He was ready to leave his hometown for the first time in his life. He turns to Gregory next

"So, you got a sword after all. Still, I hope you won't need it." A smal smile appears on his face.

2016-04-27, 03:01 AM
I have already said good by to my people, this moment has long been waiting for me...

He then ponders, not really prepared to say anything, a sense of the situation tellign him to shut up, but he can't... he stares at the king and simply says.

So we are the city's hope, and the only help we get is this compass thing... you humans never cease to surprise me...

Then he turns around and follow the others to the gate.
greedy humans, not even in their direst need are they willing to give up their privileges. We are nothing for the king, mere pawns. Minimum investment...If we succeed, then he'll take all glory, if we fail there always be someone else to send

I'm set to go

2016-04-27, 05:44 AM
So we are the city's hope, and the only help we get is this compass thing... you humans never cease to surprise me...
"He gave me this!" Gregory counters, drawing the sword so quickly, an so wildly, as to make anyone around him fear for their life.

2016-04-27, 09:09 AM
Too late for the Gnome's snark comment- the King's already went inside. Probably can't hear him.

Veirey starts as he hears Gregory draw his new sword. He'd swing around, ready to do something, before stopping and sighing. ...Boy. That weapon isn't a toy. It's for killing things, to put it bluntly. So, would you kindly refrain from drawing it? He summons up a smile, waiting for Gregory to sheathe the sword again, before continuing on towards the Gate. It's massive and magical, of course, glowing a faint green-pink. A slight crowd seems to have gathered- rumours were being spread about the quest to the Surface, like: "But that would mean the Gate had to be opened." "Could it really be going? No. It's impossible." "The gate's shut with powerful magic from a bunch of old wizards, no way it's gonna open, even with the Court the King has now." Veirey smiles to himself, looking across it, before suddenly shouting- very stark difference from the soft tone he had been using. The crowd seems to grow thicker by every passing moment, and hundreds of eyes are on you all. Citizens of Dewport! The time has come. Our brave adventurers are heading through the Gate to the Surface! This journey will be perilous. Please, keep in mind that while they may not return.. they will have a place in our hearts, always.

Veirey points towards the Castle. Direct your attention there, dearest citizens. As we speak, the Court are performing a powerful ritual to deactivate the Gate! A whole bunch of the crowd turn around, and suddenly a bright flash of multicoloured light fills the air. It's not blinding, but it's strange. A series of gasps, oohs and ahhs can be heard from the crowd. If one was looking, the Gate seems to shimmer slightly... before stopping. A few guards move towards the group after admiring the display in wonder, holding sacks which have some packages in. "One sack each, each one has seven rations in for the trail. More than enough." one says, handing one sack to each of you. "Good luck." Veirey would resume speaking once the display was over. Go now, heroes. Gods be with each and every one of you. The massive doors to the gate are slowly opened by the guards. Seems this is it.

2016-04-27, 09:51 AM
As Gregory draws his sword, Rogan takes a step back. Sure, the boy would not like to hurt anyone, but he seemd to be overly enthusiastic about his new weapon. Better be save than sorry, he would not like to get hit if he could help it.
He would however not say anything about this, as Veirey already did so.

As they finaly reach the gate and their guide gives a speech to the crowd, he can't stop himself from smiling. The powerfull display of magic to deactivate the wards of the massive gates only reinforced it. He felt special, stong, important. "I will return! And I will help bring an end to the cold" he softly whispered to himself.

As the guard hands over the sack containing the rations, he takes it with a and a quiet "Thank you" before taking up his own things and stepping out of the gate, leaving the city for the first time in his life. Outside, he turns back to the crowd again and, slowly, waves his hand toward the city and the citizens of Dewport.

2016-04-27, 12:15 PM
Gregory, unperturbed by the criticism, twirled the sword in a graceful arc back to it's sheath within which it hissed softly. Unbridled enthusiasm or not, the boy had clearly spent many a year learning to use such a weapon to exercise such control over it. He might even have looked the part of a respectable swords-master if he hadn't been wearing that stupidly large smile. It was with a short sprint that the youth caught back up with the party, adopting their walk as he reached them. Impressive as the gate might seem to some however, Gregory paid it and its enchantments no mind as he waited for it to open so they might be on their way.

2016-04-27, 08:15 PM
Fellows, a good friend passed away yesterday. I am a bit distraught and I will take one or two days off. Hope you don't mind. But I need it.

2016-05-01, 04:25 PM
Riz flashes as smile at the crowd. He cinches up the shoulder strap on his bag and follows the others through the gate without looking back. He's unable to fix his gaze purely forward, however, as the gate absolutely astonishes him. "I'll sure be glad when they raise the protections again. Something about having it down makes me uneasy." Riz quietly quips to his comrades.

2016-05-01, 05:44 PM
Gregory gallantly exits with Bert... or at least he hoped it was, overall he really just kinda looked normal though.

2016-05-02, 03:55 AM
Bichat ignores the crowd as he crosses the gate, marvelled at the possibilities, his tiny heart going faster and faster in excitement. He takes long eager steps into the darkness outiside, piercing it with his keen eyes.

this is what I longed for years, the outside world and maybe the surface...hell yeah!

On the inside he is boiling. He shows nothing. But a big wide grin can be seen on his darkened face.
He is thrilled.

2016-05-02, 11:16 AM
A feeling of joy, hope and happiness seems to flood over the crowd and cheers can be heard from all around. The cheers seemingly quiet as you all step through the Gate and exit, perhaps being replaced with wonder as the Black Gate closes once more, and the familiar glow erupts around it. Now, you hear nothing but silence, with only each of yourselves for company. There is a few lights around the area- Sunrods- but they seem to grow sparse as the cavern goes on. It's a seemingly very-long road. If one were to talk loudly, it'd sound like there was an echo. Maybe now is a good time to start moving. After all, don't want to be stuck outside. You all have a mild feeling of being watched, but if you continued on, this feeling would go away quickly.

What do you do?

2016-05-02, 12:07 PM
Gregory takes one of the sun rods with him. :smallsmile:

2016-05-02, 12:14 PM
Bichat moves ahead of the group, out of the radius of light, using his darkvision to scout ahead.

2016-05-03, 11:39 AM
Rogan seems to be a bit bemused, seeing those sunrods still active. Those he knew would not provide light for very long, some hours, perhaps half a day... But as nobody had left the city... Keeping his voice low, he mutters
"Who takes care for those sunrods? Unless they are of a different kind than the ones I know, someone must have activated them no more than a few hours before"

Rogan turns to his human companions, maybe they knew something he did not?

2016-05-03, 01:43 PM
"I think that they are not the usual sunrods, but the dimmer longer lasting kind. Still it was kind of whoever to illuminate this unused passage." Riz takes a magical torch down, himself and follows Bichat.

2016-05-04, 09:36 AM
Bichat sees nothing but a winding thing you could only describe as a corridor. It seems to go on for a long, long while. Even when taken, the sunrods don't dim or flicker or... do anything, really, except provide a nice glow for those of the group who were less apt (though apt enough) in dark conditions. Everything seems peaceful, just with the ominous glow of the Black Gate hovering behind the group. If one were to examine the Sunrods, they seem quite old, even dusty in a way, but they work. There is nothing around except your own voices and yourselves. Or so it would seem.

As Bichat moves further from the group, he sees something strange, as does Riz.

You both see a strange creature, barely, through the darkness. It looks about rat-sized, but it seems... strange. Definitely not anything you've seen before. However, it seems to... 'spot' you- from what you can see, it has no eyes- and scurries away from your group. Coincidentally, it's the path you're going, too. There's only one path that you can see.

You can make a Knowledge: Dungeoneering check here if you want, to identify what it is.

2016-05-04, 11:44 AM
Bichat stops, trying to pierce the darkness, still as a statue and yet detected by the creature... he looks around, on the ceiling, to avoid ambushes...

spot [roll0] listen [roll1]; knowledge dung [roll2]

2016-05-04, 12:49 PM
Riz is completely baffled by the creature. He half turns and whispers to those behind him, "There is a something up ahead, moving away from us. Creature the size of a rat, but not."

2016-05-04, 01:37 PM
Rogan takes another look at the sunrods. They did not seem to be new, as they would be if they had to be replaced regulary. So they would certainly be of long-lasting kind and not a sign of resent passage or maintenance.
Unlike Gregory and Riz, Rogan does not take a rod himself. Two rods would spend enough light and he would rather not have another thing to carry around. Speaking of...

"Gregory? Could your... Pony? carry some of my things? My tools and the spare Iron I have?" With a possibly hostile animal around, he would rather have his hands free to grab his weapons, without having to leave those things behind.

2016-05-05, 10:22 AM
You identify the creature as an Abberation- common in the Underground's deeper caverns, but what's one doing out here? You can't exactly pinpoint the species of Abberation, but you know that they usually attack with tentacles. They're also usually not this small. You hear nothing more and it's already escaped by the time you tried to see it closer. You also see nothing on the ceiling but the barest of movement that also escapes into the passage further.

Bichat seems to identify something.

2016-05-05, 12:03 PM
You identify the creature as an Abberation- common in the Underground's deeper caverns, but what's one doing out here? You can't exactly pinpoint the species of Abberation, but you know that they usually attack with tentacles. They're also usually not this small. You hear nothing more and it's already escaped by the time you tried to see it closer. You also see nothing on the ceiling but the barest of movement that also escapes into the passage further.

Bichat seems to identify something.

This creature shouldn't be here... they dwell deeper...maybe the cold is getting harder down below. Be careful...

with a natural 20 i didn't get more information. It must be a powerful creature

He moves slowly and very carefully...readying his bow...

[roll0] Hide [roll1] Move silently

2016-05-05, 12:29 PM
This creature shouldn't be here... they dwell deeper...maybe the cold is getting harder down below. Be careful...

with a natural 20 i didn't get more information. It must be a powerful creature

He moves slowly and very carefully...readying his bow...

[roll0] Hide [roll1] Move silently

In terms of the check, the only reason you didn't get more was because you couldn't see it before it escaped. Once you get a full view of it, I'll give you more.

2016-05-05, 01:03 PM
"Gregory? Could your... Pony? carry some of my things? My tools and the spare Iron I have?" With a possibly hostile animal around, he would rather have his hands free to grab his weapons, without having to leave those things behind.

Gregory shrugs, allowing Bert to be loaded up.

2016-05-05, 01:21 PM
Rogan slowly moves to Bert to load up his tools and iron, as well as the provisions they all got.

After doing so, he prepares his shield and his hammer before moving on, toward Riz. The boy looks as if he could need some protection, should the beast he described decide to attack.

2016-05-05, 09:45 PM
Gregory ogles slightly at the numerous blacksmithing supplies, but readily hops up to set two of the sunrods close to the gate, and to retrieve the others as he goes to load visibly onto Bert, figuring that if the others were alarmed about something in the shadows, they had best keep the light close to them in hopes of keeping it at bay, or rather in hopes of smiting it in the brilliant light the glowing mule now casts. :smalltongue:

2016-05-06, 08:22 AM
"Let's press on. Whatever it was was small, and likely afraid of our noise and light. Just remember we are on the other side of the gate now, and stay alert."

2016-05-06, 01:16 PM
The group advances forward. The glow of the Black Gate soon fades away, and all that remains is the light of the Sunrods and lit-up Bert, who trudges along loyally even with the iron and... everything packed onto him. Slight chittering could be heard, however, deeper in the cave- Bichat and Riz hear it louder. The feeling of being watched suddenly sets in again, and it dawns on you all that you're not alone. Bert looks around, seemingly spooked. But what is stalking you, and to what capacity? Could be one of those rat-sized things that Riz mentioned. In fact, one could assume that it IS just a rat. Assuming one could survive down here, they're small, weak, and definitely not a problem to deal with if anything happens and they turn rabid or vicious. Care might be required, though. Nothing except your own voices could be heard after the first couple bouts of chittering, though. All in all, you're unsure what it could be, but it's probably somewhat dangerous, even just a smidgen- that is, if the legends of what lies beyond the Gate are true.

Roll for spot/listen if you so choose.

[roll0]Bichat Initiative
[roll1] Gregory Initiative
[roll2] Rogan Initiative
[roll3] Riz's Initiative
[roll4] ??? Initiative
[roll5] ??? Initiative
[roll6] ??? Initiative

2016-05-06, 01:50 PM
Gregory had seen a hoard of hungry rats kill a man once, so he didn't underestimate these chittering miscreants, but so far as they stayed away, and as long as the light repelled them, there was nothing to do for it. So it was that Gregory just continued gathering sunrods to Bert. After all, the brighter they were, and the more darkness they left in their wake, the less need there would be to watch another man devoured by hungry rats. As he went Gregory smiled brightly as Bert began to take on a blinding brilliance, sure to repel any night-walker.

2016-05-06, 01:54 PM
Rogan makes sure to stay near Riz as they advance. "Your name is Rizat, right? Do you know anything about the things we might have to face out here?" he asked silently, while staring into the darkness around them.

spot: [roll0]

2016-05-07, 02:15 PM
I have studied the creatures of the caves in books and manuals, but never faced them...

spot [roll0] listen [roll1]

Bichat prepares his bow and places a tiny arrow, he moves in a zigzag motion forward 30' and actively looking around

2016-05-07, 06:29 PM
Nobody spots anything or hears anything aside from themselves. Except Bichat, who has split from the party and went off towards the unknown. He can see in the dark, so surely he'll be alright. You advance deeper into the darkness.

You hear soft skittering coming from above and in front. You see two very small creatures in front of you, as well as one that's lodged itself into a crevice in the 'ceiling'. Your attempts at stealth seem to be successful, but one of the creatures raises its... head? You're unsure of WHAT exactly these nodes of blackened flesh are, but they're clearly abberations. You faintly recall the names of these beasts- Bothrii. Usually, they aren't in such small groups, but these must be stragglers. Two blackened pieces of mass that you can only believe are tentacles hang tucked-away within the node. A tiny mouth, like a lamprey's, seems to be on its front. You recall that these creatures are weak, but very dodgy and jumpy. After the first one raises their 'head', the others do too, and they seem to be aware of your presence. Seems they've gotten used to living underground via either blindsense or blindsight- you're not sure which. One of the three moves towards you, dragging itself quickly.

2016-05-07, 09:44 PM
Rogan makes sure to stay near Riz as they advance. "Your name is Rizat, right? Do you know anything about the things we might have to face out here?" he asked silently, while staring into the darkness around them.

"Rizet, actually, but everyone calls me Riz. I didn't study much in school. Didn't see the point beyond basic arithmetic and some reading."

2016-05-08, 09:48 AM
Bichat moves back quickly, to alert the rest, and to avoid those tentacles.
How close am I? do I get to act in surprise and then move back? [roll0]
If he gets to the others...
there's something ahead, Bothrills, they can drop in and choke you.

2016-05-08, 09:57 AM
Gregory quickly lights a torch, offering it to the party at large

Improvised weapon, so -4 to attack, but 1d6 damage+1 fire damage, and I think perhaps a chance to catch flammable things on fire. :smallsmile:

2016-05-08, 10:28 AM
"Rizet, actually, but everyone calls me Riz. I didn't study much in school. Didn't see the point beyond basic arithmetic and some reading."

"Oh, I'm sorry Riz. And don't worry, you are not the only one who did not study much. I was busy learning my trade, there was no time for books"

Bichat moves back quickly, to alert the rest, and to avoid those tentacles.

If he gets to the others...
there's something ahead, Bothrills, they can drop in and choke you.

"Bothrills? Never heard of them..." he muttered. "What do they look like?"

Gregory quickly lights a torch, offering it to the party at large

Rogan seems unsure, but after a moment acepts the torch "Thank you. I hope, this will keep those beasts away from us"

2016-05-08, 11:17 AM
The one approaching you is about 20ft away but closing in quickly. They aren't attacking just yet- maybe not in range? However, the creature above suddenly drops down, arcing itself towards your throat.

Something-presumably the Bothrii that Bichat mentioned- suddenly drops down onto the gnome, two flailing limbs outreached that attempt to lock onto him as it comes crashing down. The rest of the group are around 40 feet away from Bichat, but due to their low light vision and sunrods they can see him and the creature seizing him- or at least trying to- in the darkness- a node of blackened flesh, albeit a diminutive one.

I've already rolled initiative earlier to save time, it's in the DM notes a few posts ago.

[roll0] Bothrii's Attack
[roll1] Bothrii Damage (if hit)

(1d20+2)[19] Bothrii Initiative
(1d20+4)[11]Bichat Initiative
(1d20+2)[8] Rogan Initiative
(1d20+2)[8] Bothrii Initiative
(1d20+2)[6] Riz's Initiative
(1d20-6)[4] Gregory Initiative
(1d20+2)[3] Bothrii Initiative

The Bothrii's jump fails miserably- the gnome was just too quick- and it tumbles down to the ground. Since Bichat is running, the node and two others seem to pursue quite speedily by dragging themselves along the ground, akin to worms. They're approaching the group and can see you now.

2016-05-08, 01:42 PM
Bichat knows he is easy game if he stays within melee reach... he moves fast to where his comrades in arms are. and turns around to let go an arrow, almost knitting needle sized, and his heart pumps fast... the excitment of the first combat!

MOVE: Move 30' in the directon of my friends. STANDARD: Shoot an arrow to the bug chasing me [roll0] damage [roll1]+[roll2] skirmrish

2016-05-08, 02:00 PM
Some few seconds after his question, the Bothrii moves closer and into his sight. Obviously it was going after Bichat, who tries to defend himself with his bow, while running toward the rest of the group.

"For Dewport!" he shouts and moves toward Bichat and slightly ahead of the gnome. There he stopes and prepares himself to swing the torch against the first enemy who comes close enough to get hit.

Move toward Bichat, ~15'
Standart: Ready meele attack vs first enemy to get into range.
[roll0] attack (+1BAB+2STR-4impro weapon) for [roll1] (+2 STR) and 1 fire damage

2016-05-09, 09:46 AM
The Bothrii, despite being a nigh-featureless black lump of sorts, nimbly avoids the attack with surprising agility. Seems it needed to be quick even if it doesn't look all that strong. You deduce that light won't hurt it as it has no eyes. Its 'friend' is closing in fast, and redirects itself towards Rogan, naturally sensing the greater threat in that one: he had fire and two: he looked strong. The strong eat the weak. So, it deigns to take him out first- if it can. It attempts a swing at him with two tentacles!

Bothrii moving towards Rogan however far it needs to go- fast little guys (or girls, you decide not to check)- and it swings.
[roll0] Tentacle 1 Attack
[roll1] Tentacle 2 Attack
[roll2] Tentacle 1 Damage
[roll3] Tentacle 2 Damage

Both tentacles dramatically miss, swinging just past Rogan! They looked pretty deadly, though, definitely would hurt SOMEONE if they got ahold. There is now one creature by Rogan and near Bichat.

2016-05-09, 12:56 PM
Riz drops his sunrod in front of him, and draws his crossbow. He pulls a bolt from its case and loads it into the track.

Free: Drop sunrod
Move: Draw Crossbow
Move: Load Crossbow

2016-05-09, 02:49 PM
Gregory drops his sunrod too, drawing sword and shield alike he moves over to...
the nearest enemy, cleaving them with his sword.
[roll0] for [roll1] damage

Bert, preparing to defend him from the clearly quite evil and malicious threat.


Free action: drop sunrod
free action: draw sword
Free action: draw shield
standard action: attack, or ready action to attack
move action: move to nearest enemy to attack, or move to Bert and ready action to attack anything that comes within range.

2016-05-10, 04:24 PM
There indeed was a Bothrii near to Gregory- or, well, near to Rogan and co. It is slain in a single fell swoop- looks like these little creatures are very weak. Either that, or Gregory's very strong. Maybe a mix of both. Either way, blackened blood spills out of it- a sudden charge by one- as if sensing the death of its comrade- causes it to barrel towards Gregory. They're also very stupid.


Once more the Bothrii's outreached tentacles miss, but they look as if they could have done a lot of damage. It hisses and backs off. Looks like the other one is getting ready to move.

2016-05-11, 04:01 AM
Bichat zig zag in the corridor, looking for angles and shoots once again to the nearest bug.

[roll0] damage: [roll1], [roll2]

2016-05-11, 08:43 AM
The other Bothrii moves towards Bichat. Its comrade is also felled by the arrow. Stupid things. It attempts to lash out at him as a last resort. Seems this'd probably be the end for it unless it could dodge a torch, a hammer, magic, a bow and a lot of other stuff all at once.


The Bothrii dramatically misses, and the tentacles smack against the ground. Looks like it's in real trouble now.

2016-05-11, 09:40 AM
Seeing two of those beasts going down, Rogan smiles slightly. "You picked the wrong targets!"

Rogan moves to follow the last Bothrii and swings his torch. It seems teribly unwieldy compared to his hammer, but he might still land a hit.

[roll0] for [roll1] or [roll2] damage.
+1 point of fire damage

As the torch hit the stone floor instead of the enemy, he lets out an angry shout and prepares to defend himself, should the beast strike back.

2016-05-11, 11:01 AM
Riz levels his crossbow at the globular creature and waits for an opportunity. Legs and torches pass between him and his target, then there. Twang. He pulls the trigger hoping for the best. The man reaches for another bolt and begins reloading. His comrades' legs obscure the creature again, so he can't see the result. I'd better keep this loaded. It's dangerous out here.

Attack [roll0] (includes the firing into melee penalty)
Damage [roll1]

2016-05-11, 06:21 PM
Enthusiastically Gregory moves on to his next target, running and jumping and slashing to his heart's content.

[roll0] for [roll1] damage (if 18 hits that doubles to 10 damage)

2016-05-12, 03:29 PM
Gregory downs another Bothrii with a single killing blow. There are now three motionless lumps scattered around. Strange creatures. Dead creatures, too, but strange ones. There's not much else to be said- there's now just eerie silence.

2016-05-12, 03:43 PM
As Gregory delivers a second killing blow, Rogan seems impressed by the display of swordsmanship.
He looks around, checking for more Bothrii, but can't find any. "I'm glad the kind had a sword for you. You realy know how to use it."

He turns to examine the downed creatures, using his torch to poke them slightly, to make sure they realy are dead.

2016-05-12, 03:49 PM
Gregory smiles as his chest swells with pride. "You can trust a Lionsheart sir, it wasn't for nothing that my family did come of guardsmen." Feeling the need to further demonstrate his skill, Gregory stabs each of them again before loading them onto Bert. After all, they looked edible, and it'd be a shame to waste good meat.

2016-05-12, 10:50 PM
Riz leaves his loaded crossbow in one hand and bends down to pick up his fallen sunrod with the other. "Any idea what those things were?"

2016-05-13, 04:10 AM
DM I don't know what those creatures were... but Bichat knew

Aberrations... common denizens of the depths. This is too close to the surface for them to be here...

Bichat sits close to the more intact body and takes out his sketch book and the chalk, he draws the creature and turns it in different angles. to see the tentacles and the body...

If you don't mind, i'd like to open it, see the organs...

2016-05-13, 09:04 AM
Gregory passes along one that's already been cut open by his masterful swordsmanship. :smallwink:

2016-05-13, 11:07 AM
"I don't want to be a poor sport, but I think we should move on. You can examine those creatures later"

2016-05-13, 11:14 AM
The sliced-apart creature looks very dead. Very, very, very dead. Especially dead now. Inside it, there are a few strange things. However, the first thing you notice is its lamprey-like mouth, presumably for eating. The second thing, inside now, is near where its mouth's insides would be. Looks like a strange, oozing lump. Maybe the brain or something. The third, and final, is a set of organs that you can't quite identify, but can be safely assumed to be 'normal' internal organs.


As normal as an Abberation's gets.

2016-05-13, 04:08 PM
Agreeing with Rogan, Gregory suggests "He can examine it while we go.

2016-05-14, 04:00 AM
Bichat doesn't feel like wandering around with a carcass so he quickly sketches and writes. And then follows the rest of the party.

(could anyonw link the OoC thread, I can't find it)

2016-05-14, 09:33 AM


2016-05-15, 07:30 AM
You continue down (or shall one say up) towards where the exit should be. It's a straight, rocky path with hardly any notable features. Seemingly, aside from those strange, lumplike Abberations, this place has long since been deserted, with not even animals in here. After nearly two hours of uneventful marching, you come to a wooden door- or, well, gate- that one can only assume is the exit to the Surface. A faint glow permeates around it. It can also be assumed that the Black Gate is the only protection aside from this. It's time to press on. A feeling of dread hangs over you- the surface has always been thought of as frought with dangers, horrors and abominations.

What do you do?

2016-05-15, 08:58 AM
Bichat, eager to put his long training to use, starts checking the door for traps.


2016-05-16, 10:41 AM
From what you can find, the door isn't trapped.

It doesn't look like there's even a lock on the 'door'. Strange.

2016-05-16, 11:00 AM
Seeing the gate, Rogan frowns. There was no lock or bar, so they would not have to worry about locking the door again from the outside in order to keep this first line of defense against the dangers of the surface intact.
They would however have to worry about finding a way out first - and getting back in later.

"Did the diviner or the king mention this door and it sliped my mind?" unlikely, but not impossible... "I hope we can somehow pass it without dealing damage to it - but how?"

He turns to Bichat "Did you find anything?"

2016-05-17, 07:36 AM
No, there's seems to be no traps...

Bichat pushes the door and moves swiftly

2016-05-17, 09:04 AM
No, there's seems to be no traps...

Bichat pushes the door and moves swiftly


The gate opens after a bit of effort, and suddenly light floods into the cavern for the first time in presumably years. As you all step out, the massive, glowing thing in the sky- presumably this 'sun' that you've heard about- shines down on you. It's blinding, and you decide it's a better idea not to look at it for too long. Though it IS beautiful. Warmth floods over your skin. The stuff that's safer to look (and equally as good) is the massive amounts of greenery. Wait, the Diviner mentioned green things lurking about... could this be it? Can't be. Probably 'grass'. Not trying to kill you yet. You're still in the safety of the cavern, but once you step out you have a feeling you're gonna have to start going. Everything seems strange, though. Overgrown. Plenty of greenery around here. If one decided to check the compass, seems North is just a little to the left, then a steady walk. There's a good clump of what might be presumed as 'trees' in the distance, but they don't seem notable. However, it gives an air of uncertainty, too. You've never been to the Surface, so who knows what might lie in wait?

Either way, you're here now and there's no turning back. Your sunrods are still active, and the corpses of the Bothrii seem to sizzle in the sunlight (if they're kept in the open). There's a whole lot of options here. It's all awfully impressive and imposing. You could do whatever you want here... a new life. But your mission still tugs at you.

What do you do?

You can roll Knowledge: History to discern where towns and villages used to be before the 'big move'.

2016-05-17, 09:22 AM
Perhaps it was because the sun god favored him, but somehow the sun didn't seem to be burning his eyes the way it burned those of the others. Still, there was work to do. He moved the sun-rods around on Bert, making sure they're well hidden before suggesting to the others "The night would probably be more compfortable for us, but with a chamber this big... no doubt our torches would be visible far far away. Probably best we go now."

2016-05-17, 03:50 PM
Moving out in the sunligth for the first time makes Rogan feel strange. On the one hand, it was exhilarating. Fresh air, the many colors, the light... On the other hand: The light was bright! Very bright... Too bright to be entirely comfortable. He covers his eyes and suggests "We should wait a bit before going on. We have to adjust to the surface. Mabe realy going at night. It could be bright enough for us to see without using a torch. If we can cover those sunrods well enough, we should even have an advantage"

2016-05-17, 06:25 PM
Gregory gives his begrudging accent, eager to be on their way, and not himself noticing the blessing the sun-god had given him.

2016-05-17, 10:35 PM
Riz is frozen at the entrance, unable to bring himself to step outside. "Where is the ceiling?" he stammers as his gaze is locked on the strange world outside.

"Night? Does the above change?" It sounds to Riz like the others are saying it will get darker. "Darker is better. I might not miss the ceiling if it were darker."

2016-05-18, 02:58 AM
It is not only the light or the empty space, is also the air... it feels different in Bichat's lungs... He touches the grass. feels the sun... his eyes hurt with the sun... he is sincerily awed...
he walks and feels the dew, the green plants...


Sorry i post so scattered, my PC keeps crashing and i need to find a solution

2016-05-18, 01:24 PM
Riz is frozen at the entrance, unable to bring himself to step outside. "Where is the ceiling?" he stammers as his gaze is locked on the strange world outside.

"Night? Does the above change?" It sounds to Riz like the others are saying it will get darker. "Darker is better. I might not miss the ceiling if it were darker."

"At least in the storys I have heard, the big bright light up there will hide for half a day, leaving behind lots of smaler fires" Rogan replys. "We will surely see if they are true..."

2016-05-19, 02:22 PM
Assuming the party decides to camp out, presumably near the gate's entrance, the sun seems to move in the sky, eventually going down as was said in these 'legends'. Darkness covers the sky, but your sunrods glow on. The bothrii corpses have stopped sizzling- one of them looked like it was melting- but nothing else happens. Loud chirping can be heard, possibly from a hostile creature. It comes from the trees in the distance. Bert looks down at the grass, looking dumbfounded as he chews on it. Strange reaction, but hopefully this green stuff isn't poisonous.

Small shimmers of light fill the sky, too. All of them look white, though, and very distant. Maybe they're sparkling gems, if this place truly does have a roof? Who knows? Either way, there's no way to get to them. A bigger thing, a crescent, is also hanging in the sky. It's pure white. Maybe this is... the 'moon'?

2016-05-19, 03:04 PM
Gregory stashes the sunrods in sacks so as to conceal their glow before sitting down to watch the cosmic event above him. The sun, that giant fire in the sky, had exploded into prismatic brilliance, but it wasn't a quick explosion, it wasn't over just like that, no it was like some wizardry had slowed it to some unthinkable pace. He watched as it flared a bright yellow haloed by shimmering orangeish red, had watched that red slowly take on the intensity of hellflame, and had watched even that fade into a subtler pink and purple. He could not even begin to comprehend how that other flaming orb had been formed, but looking up at the sky countless small embers had settled into the air, each glimmering with their own unique beauty and light. He stared up at awe for some time before it struck him. "Oh my... Oh my god! It's gone! The fire in the sky went out! why it'd take all the dragons of the world to rekindle such a flame, there aren't enough burning arrows in the world to throw that much fire back into the sky! Why... It'd take a god to even think to recreate it!" Gregory stares for a moment more before giving praise to the gods that they were sent up in time to see this marvelous cosmic event. Truly the elders had not lied when they'd said that the world above was ending. Something in him wondered if it might have been a mistake to leave the shelter of the underworld, after all, events of this magnitude could not be fought off with sword and bow... Still, there was another part of him that marveled at it, absorbing every moment of the two hour long explosion, reveling in the sheer wonder of the event, and that part of him, that part of him that was so saturated with wonder lust and passion won out. It didn't take long before he was excitedly pointing in the trees in the distance. "There, there, it's gotta be there right? Lets go, lets go!" So enthusiastic was he to see more such wonders that all thoughts of danger or savoring the moment slipped his mind entirely.

2016-05-19, 09:17 PM
The whole time of the great light, Riz stares at the compass in disbelief. He wonders what possessed him to agree to this. Eventually, he fears the great light is blinding him, because the cavern seems to be getting darker again. It is only then that he realizes the great light is sinking and fading. The crystal sparkles above give him comfort. In this dark time he can pretend he is underground in a huge gallery with gems reflecting torchlight in the distant ceiling. The lesser light is unfamiliar but somehow less terrifying since it is difficult to see the full strangeness of the above.

I... I think I can go on now. He steps forth through the door for points. "If I remember the instructions correctly, that way is the North that we are supposed to go."

2016-05-20, 10:04 AM
Rogan watches the natural spectacle of the sinking sun. Sure, he heard about it - but the storys came very short to actualy describing what he could witness now. The bright light, the changes of color and finaly, the relative darknes of night. "Beautiful and terrifying all at ones..."

It takes some minutes till he is ready to turn his attention to something else. They had a mission to do and no time to rest any longer. "Yes.. We have to move to the north, till we reach a old town called Derville. If everything works out as planed, we should take two days to reach it - or rather, two nights"

He turns around one more time to close the door to the tunnel and to examinine the area around it, to make sure he would find it again when they return. "I'm ready to go..."

2016-05-22, 05:24 AM
The party don't even need sunrods, the hanging light(s) in the sky are so bright. It felt just like the morning, yet much more... Natural.

Ignoring the trees, you continue due north with vigour. As you head over the first hill, many new sights fill your eyes. To the south, obviously, is the cave in the 'mountain' you just emerged from. Evidently, that was the lowest exit. To your west is simply more green stuff, but if you look just a bit further, you see the startings of something pure white (well, almost pure). You're unsure of what it is, but looks like it'd take a long time to get there. To your north is presumably Derville and the object you're supposed to retrieve. It's gonna take days to get there, and you'd be travelling across this terrain. To your east looks to be something with so many of these 'trees'. However, as you are all (presumably) focused on the task at hand, you'd keep walking north.

There are a few more strange sights up ahead. You see... What looks like a few tents, in the distance. Holy crap, there's smoke coming from something, presumably a fire, around them. They're arranged in a semicircle, with the backs to you, do you can't quite see what's emitting the smoke, though it's probably the obvious. You hear vague sounds that seem like laughter.

2016-05-24, 03:50 PM
Rogan watches the ailien landscape while the group marches to the north. He had never expected he would ever see the surface, but now he was here, seeing things no human had for more than a century - at least, no human he would know.It was supposed to be a dangerous place, but right now he could not see anything he deemed a threat. Untill there was smoke at the distance...

Rogan suddently stops, as if he had hit an invisible wall, his face turns pale as as death. The last time he had seen as much smoke as right now was the day he lost his parents. He volunteered for the mission to the surface to escape those memorys, but seeing the smoke brings them all back and the vague laughter from the tents sounds more like dulled screams in his ears. "No..." he wispers, his voice even lower than Bichats.

2016-05-24, 05:06 PM
Gregory was intrigued. These green blades protruded from the ground like emeralds. A whole sea of emeralds as far as the eye could see, but when he'd tried to climb up upon them for a better view he saw they collapsed beneath him like the soft fibers of moss under his hand. Moreover, bert had eaten some of it and didn't seem sick. Dutifully Gregory chewed on the thick fibrous strands, but it have him no energy, so he spat them out as a big soggy glob of green. He marveled at how the sparks from the exploding fire could light the world so well, and for a while he'd lost himself in fret. When those sparks do hit the sky, will it burst to flame? What of its supports? In the caves those were wooden, and were they to burn, not only would the smoke kill everyone, but the tunnel would collapse. Faintly he pondered the ramifications should the sky collapse. It was higher up, so it would fall with a much greater force... Would the force of its collapse crush the tunnels beneath the ground too? The very thought set his blood to ice, but then as his thoughts turned to the heroic opportunity to climb the sky-supports and fan away the sparks (with his sword) his blood swiftly caught aflame once more leaving only the faintest traces of that former chill.

They'd have to be quick about it. First they'd have to complete their original objective, gather the smokeless firewood, give it to the people under the ground, and then rush in pursuit of the sky's support beams. Time and again he found himself having run ahead, having to slow down and wait for his somewhat older companions to catch up. Did they not recognize what this was? This they not recognize how important this all was? Instead, by the look of them, they were letting fear conquer their hearts. That wasn't the way heroes should be! He was just gathering his courage to reprimand them when Bichat spotted the tents. "We can't afford delays!" Gregory hissed sharply, giving a meaningful look to the slowest folk in the party, and a sharp nudge to Bert for good measure since he'd fought the reigns for half the journey while chewing on the soft emerald growths.

2016-05-24, 10:41 PM
Whatever is over there has to be dangerous to not just survive up here, but flaunt their presence with all that smoke. I say we keep our distance and go around. Riz's eyes dart nervously between the compass, the horizon, and the camp.

2016-05-26, 04:15 PM
Noticing the smith was falling behind, Gregory scowled. Didn't they understand the urgency of the situation, the danger? Anxiously he ran to the smith, grabbing him by the hand, and dragging him along.

2016-05-26, 04:28 PM
Rogan sharply shakes his head as Gregory takes his hand. The touch helped him to snap out his memorys and regain his senses. "I'm sorry... I got.. distracted" he mutters before shaking his head again. The smoke was still there, of cource, but it had lost some of it's impact. He follows the group, glad that they would not move toward the smoke. "So.. we are leaving whoever is there allone?"

2016-05-26, 06:23 PM
Gregory was going to remind him about their time frame, the importance of their journey and how they didn't know anything about these people but... The crisp crackling of the flames, caught his ear, filling his head with tantalizing notions of meeting foreigners from distant lands. Curiosity ate at him and wonder filled his eyes as all notions of delays and crashing skies fled his head. The inconsistency of the flickering flame drew his eye and sparked his imagination as he gazed longingly at the camp. Sounding somewhat less sure of himself he replied "Yeah... we're circling around... them..." Glumly he found himself walking away from another adventure, wondering to himself whether the heroes of the great songs ever faced three separate and wholly earth-shattering adventures in but a single day. It was awe inspiring, and made him respect them all the more for it. Maybe one day he too...

2016-05-27, 12:48 PM
You continue walking northwards, after circling around, of course. You wonder what you could have missed by approaching whatever or whoever the things near the campfire were, but you purge these thoughts from your mind as you walk. It feels like hours as you trudge along, and the air seems to get colder. Suddenly, water begins dropping right out of the sky! Jeez. Assuming you just continue along and don't shake in your boots at this natural phenomenon, you'd come to a bunch of what looks like... trees? Another forest. Weird. There is still a path leading into it, but again, you could simply ignore it and walk around it, forgoing any new experiences and focusing on your mission .You've never been in a forest before, and definitely not when this water is falling from the sky, but still.

If you choose to enter the (not big-looking, but imposing) forest, please state your marching order. If you go around, it'll take a long time, but you're sure you could make it to get this 'smokeless fuel' in time. You have plenty of time, right? Definitely!

2016-05-27, 02:03 PM
Every hour they wasted someone was freezing to death down there ...but that was perhaps the furthest thought from Gregory's mind. Instead he was filled with excitement at the prospect of the new discoveries to be found in the woods. No doubt his companions would enjoy having darkness overhead once more, but he found himself more curious with these sculptures. Someone had formed them out of wood, and decorated them with the flexible emeralds from the field. Who would do such a thing, and why? No doubt there was an evil sorcerer at the center of the woods, using these strange sculptures to channel sorcerous powers to some evil end.

2016-05-27, 02:38 PM
As the sky turns darker and the air gets colder, Rogan simply shrugs slightly and continues to walk.
But as the first drops of water fall from the sky, he stops again, but only for a moment before increasing his spead. "What... What is that? The ceiling has a leak!?"

They could not do anything against the water falling from the sky, so they might have to find high ground and pray to the gods they would not send to much water...

Seems like the gods have mercy, as there was a constant, but managable amount of water falling from above. Not enough to flood the area or causing a collapse. Some time later they reached a great number of.. wood-things. They seemd to offer some shelter from the water, but not as much as a proper stone ceiling would. Yet, some shalter was better than nothing. "Let's go on. But careful" he mutters before moving again. After some steps, he would turn around to see if the other would follow.

2016-05-27, 03:12 PM
Riz tries to keep up with Rogan and Bichat, but focusing on the compass was a lot of work. The first drops of water went unnoticed, then he looked up, irritated, as they continued. "Would you keep that mule from spitting on me?" Shock fills his face as he hears the ceiling had a leak. There is no where to run though if it floods until he spots the trees. He has no trouble now keeping up with the front.

"If it only floods a little bit, maybe we can climb the wood things until it drains." Water always drained in a cave, there was always more down. The wood things big covers look almost like little ceilings, which gives Riz a strange sense of comfort.

2016-05-27, 03:28 PM
"Of course the sky is leaking!" Gregory reprimands them irritably. "The fire in the sky exploded, did you really think an explosion that big wouldn't have damaged the sky? We've gotta get this fire quickly so we can fix the sky before it collapses entirely!"

2016-05-27, 03:40 PM
"Bichat? What do you think? Should we climb those wooden pillars and wait for the water to drain?"" Rogan asks the last member of the group. The gnome had prooved to posess some knowledge when the monsters in the tunnels attacked. Maybe he would also know something about the leeking sky.

Rogan does not seem to be convinsed they could fix the sky - but maybe they did not need to do? Surely the gods would not allow their creation to get destroyed by a cave-in!