View Full Version : The Wizard's Errands

2016-04-23, 09:23 PM
You have all gathered in the town square, having said your goodbyes and made your peace with those you hold dear. Many of the townsfolk have gathered as well. Their excited whispers fill the square. They have there reasons for coming out, some to see everyone off, others hoping to get a glimpse at the fabled wizard, and other just enjoying a countryside spectacle. The mayor of the town has already come out to congratulate your party as a whole for settling the debt to the wizard, a task, he says, that they've been long in wait for. The note had instructions for the strongest to meet in the town square where you would be received. The note, however, did not specify by whom you would be received.

A crier can be heard down the street. A rider approaches on horseback. The people murmur among themselves. Last any of them could recall, the wizard could fly, at least those were the reports from that night. Accounts vary. The crowd opens up a pathway for the rider. In the distance you can make out the shape of the rider. What you and the crowd quickly become aware of is that the rider is not the wizard. You can feel the collective hearts of the people sink, the feeling is palpable, but it is quickly replaced by mystery. Who was the woman and why did she come? As she comes closer into view her features become apparent. She an older woman with short silver hair that parts evenly down the middle. Her wrinkles seem to be just starting to show prominently as some of her skin still shows signs of a youthful shine and a soft touch. She carries an odd demeanor about her, a stiff back, and a pleasant smile. A posture one would expect of royalty, but then this woman is certainly no commoner. The woman is wearing a chain shirt over her smart dark blue blouse, which seems to be embroidered about the sleeves with some fantastic design. Her legging hug her tightly and sink into a pair of boots one would normally see on a soldier. There is a long sword at her side resting in its sheathe.

The woman rides her horse straight up to where you and your party are gathered. The mayor seems altogether disappointed and intrigued, but extends a hand to her as she dismounts.

"Madam," the mayor says, "on behalf of the whole town I would like to welcome you. It is an honor to finally be able to repay our debt."
She takes his hand, gives it a firm shake, and replies, "An honor? My goodness, I'm not sure that I would consider this an honor. I'm not anything special myself. Just here to pick them up." The woman looks over to the five of you and remarks, "I expected more of them, but the wizard prefers a tight knit group. The five of you should do nicely."
"Madam, these are our finest. The pride of our town!" Then he looks upon Thachery and Empousa, clearly not terribly clear on who the two of you are, and utters, "I think?"
"Well, if 'you think' then I suppose I can trust your judgement. At any rate, these are the people who came forward. I apologize, my manners have been slipping. Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Sarah. I'm the wizard's wife." She gives a slight bow. "How do you do?"


2016-04-23, 09:48 PM
Alvis tugged nervously at the leather breast he had donned. He normally didn't mind wearing the thing, but now it just felt stifling and uncomfortable. He silently admits to himself that he's having second thoughts. Really, what can I do for the Wizard? With what I saw him do... what everyone else saw him do. What can we do that he cannot? He eyed the other 'champions.' Two strangers he's never seen, though not terribly surprising. Yilt isn't a small hamlet nestled in the woods. It was large and busy. It's not surprising to not know everyone. But, if they were some of the strongest people in Yilt, you'd think he had at least seen their faces before.

Then there was Tsynne, Yilt's own resident arcanist. Certainly nothing compared to The Wizard (did he have a name? It hurt his head referring to him in such a roundabout manner) but certainly skilled. No real surprise though Alvis only knew of her passively. She had helped Uncle Bryant once though he wasn't sure what she did exactly. He was still fairly young. Though, he couldn't shake an unpleasant shiver looking at her. He made a mental note to contain it. Regardless of what they said about people like her, she was his ally in this venture. And he was determined to judge her on her actions and not on what other people say about people they don't even know.

It took a moment to remember the last man's name, Lanterra. He never met the man, but he knew he was carpenter's apprentice prior to the incident. He hadn't around town in recent years. Maybe he returned just in time or was called by the Wizard? Or maybe its just coincidence. Either way, he was as much as a mystery as the other two.

As the woman rode into the square, he took in her appearance. Her aged face still held beauty and a pleasant warmth. Her posture inspired confidence and helped tame the nervousness developing in Alvis' stomach. As she addressed them, Alvis was the first to step forward. He bowed at the woman, averting his eyes from hers for a moment, before returning to her welcoming gaze. I am well, Ma'am. I am Alvis Craterson. It is an honor to do right by my family and repay Yilt and my own personal debt by assisting your husband.

2016-04-23, 10:33 PM
Thackery, still in cat form, has jet black fur and beady yellow eyes that seem to flick all around as he calmly watches all of the proceedings. Thinking about how the wizard saved the family that did so much for him he mews loudly and trots up to the cart. The man who gave the announcements started after Thackery in an attempt to stop him, but Thackery gave a menacing hiss and hopped atop the horse to take the place he deemed most comfortable. As he gazed back into the crowd, he caught a glimpse of someone he felt was familiar to him. "Could it be" he thought as his eyes gazed at Empousa.

2016-04-24, 04:12 AM
Tsynne stands behind the two taller members of the group as the conversation takes place. Though not completely sure who the foreigners are, she has always been careful to keep close tabs on the townsfolk and those who pass through. Much like studying anything else, detailed mental notes filed way for future perusal was never not useful or interesting.

She begins to follow this train of thought, analyzing the trails of memories, losing herself for a moment. When Alvis speaks, she recognizes introductions are forthcoming and dips her head.

"Tsynne. Town Mage."

She glances up quickly, hoping that she didn't attract enough attention form the woman that she might ask questions.

What if she wants a demonstration? A performance? I could slip up, and lose all credibility. Probably best to stick with something I know. Something simple, yet clearly magical.

She runs through her options, then quickly goes through the motions of a spell. Her wand, grasped in one hand, shifts through a rainbow of color. The colors individually drop off the end of the wand, forming a black pool on the ground, which forms into a crude copy of original wand. Tsynne nods and the creation disappears. She bows again, the resumes her place behind the armored Lanterra and Alvin.

Casting Prestidigitation and doing a few minor magical effects. It stays for an hour, so Tsynne makes sure she stays very clean for that hour.

2016-04-24, 02:13 PM
Empousa stood among the crowd wondering what was going on as the silvered haired woman rode up to the square. Empousa anxiously waited to hear more information of the events. After the woman gave her introduction as the wizard's wife, Empousa anxiously awaits to see what others do:

Rolling to see if I see Tsynne's spell casting

If I do, I will go ahead and use my Sixth Sense: Magic, giving me a 50% to automatically sense and know the location the spell.

2016-04-24, 09:29 PM
Lanterra stands in the middle of the group, silent at first, casually observing Sarah, taking in the chainmail and the sword. He also wears chainmail, only a shirt down to his waist with short sleeves, but enough to give some protection where it's really needed. The chain links are dull but carefully cleaned. Over the shirt he wears a a jacket of tan linen, enough to block any chilly gusts. The jacket is open in the front, it's 3 buttons undone. A carved piece of spruce hangs around his neck, displaying the symbol of the order of the Helping Hand. A sturdy leather belt from which hang several bulging pouches, a pair of plan brown linen pants, and sturdy dark brown leather complete his visible ensemble.

Beside him on the ground sits a very well made backpack, clearly well broken in, and he leans casually against a sturdy shaft of blackwood, a handhold worn shiny from years of use as a walking stick. He is well built, lean muscle from years on the road. He nods his head cordially towards Sarah, his slightly scruffy brown hair bouncing as he does. His whole appearance is one of a man who lives cheaply and simply, constantly on the move, and yet one who cares about cleanliness and organization, not your average vagabond.

"Lanterra Seltia" he says after a few of the others have introduced themselves "You can count on me. Will you be appraising us of our mission?"

2016-04-24, 11:06 PM
Sarah looks somewhat bewildered at some of you. She seems most intrigued by Thackery and then smiles.

"You're all very different aren't you?" She pauses a moment and addresses Lanterra. "I do know much about appraising, but I am going to be your guide back to the Citadel." She turns to the mayor. "Where are their horses?"


"Yes, they've got long faces, gallop, built strong," she says, pulling her horse close to her, "Looks like this."

The mayor face swelled to a bright red. He seems taken a back by, and his words come out in a disheveled mess when he says, "Yes...horses. How could I forget-provide horses? Expensive horses. Not part of the letter request, but doable. Correct?" He glances over his shoulder towards a man in the crowd. "Correct?!" he shouts. The man responds quickly and passes through the crowd.

"Thanks very much, its a long way back to the Citadel, and I'd like to get back sooner than later. Horses are just the best way to travel."

"Yes," the mayor replied with a cough, "the best way."

I know time, four horses arrive accompanied by the man the mayor yelled at.

"Now," Sarah said addressing the five of you, "if all is well and good lets be off."

2016-04-24, 11:11 PM
Tsynne nods and mounts up, sure that her display has proven her worth. When the others are prepared, she follows Sarah out of the town without a backward look.

2016-04-24, 11:16 PM
Thackery mews again at Sarah and shifts on the horse he is already sitting on set to ride with the party.

2016-04-24, 11:18 PM
Alvis clambers into the saddle, albeit a bit uncomfortably. He wasn't used to riding a horse. He wasn't raised out in the woods for quite some time and they left before they would have started teaching him. After they have gotten underway, Alvis rides close to Sarah. M'lady, if I may be so bold. What is your husband's name? He didn't divulge it to anyone on his last visit and I'd like to be able to thank my savior with his proper name instead of a rather unimaginative title.

2016-04-25, 11:59 AM
Lanterra hauls his pack onto his shoulders and mounts his horse as the others mount theirs. He is clearly somewhat unfamiliar with riding, more used to walking. He runs a hand over his rowan gelding's mane. The mayor was right, horses where expensive, a luxury he had never allowed himself before. He vowed to himself to make sure this one was not wasted. He tucks his walking stick under one arm to prevent it's loss.

2016-04-25, 02:53 PM
Empousa mounts on her horse. As she gets on, she gets a little queasy, but she is able to stomach it. She rides a little behind Sarah and Alvis trying to listen on their conversation.


2016-04-26, 11:41 PM
"I apologize for the agonizingly short stay, but the trip takes a few days to pull off. I need to get back there sooner than later." Sarah reigns her horse and turns towards the road she came in on. "Thank you for you're gracious welcome. Next time I visit I'll be sure to stay!"

She motions for the rest of you to follow her out of the town. As everyone rides off, the crowd is mostly silent, one could say that they were stunned, but that wouldn't have adequately described their collective disappointment. It was as if a life long dream was finally within reach and snatched away in an instant.

The ride was silent out of the town and the silence lingered still even after getting about five miles outside of town. Then, seemingly at random, Sarah addressed the question that Alvis posed to her as they just left Yilt.

You hear everything in the current conversation.

"The Wizard," she said for all in the party to hear, "his name is Alden Kar. He didn't tell anyone his name last he was in town because it wasn't all that necessary, or so he told me. He's not exactly a proud person, so not giving his name wasn't anything against you or your people. It was more his way of not boasting. Kindness of a stranger. That sort of thing."

"I know we said our hello's back in town, but I don't know much about you folks." Sarah looks over her shoulder and eyes Tsynne saying, "I saw you did prestidigitation. Does that mean you've studied under someone or do your powers come naturally to you? As a matter of fact, what are all of your abilities? We're going to have to be comfortable with one another for quite a while, so might as well share."

2016-04-27, 12:15 AM
Alvis nodded, satisfied knowing the name of his savior. Well, I know a few things about various creatures. And, I know my way around the woods. And... I... well I'm pretty good with this scimitar. Alvis' cheeks flushed. When asked directly, he realized how little he actually offered to this little group. He pulled back on the reigns, letting his horse trot near the tail of the group, embarrassed.

2016-04-27, 11:56 AM
Tsynne nods. "I'm a Wizard, madam. I learned from a roving hedge mage more than 20 years ago, and have been growing in ability since then. My master was quickly outdone by my skill, though, and fled our home. I have been Yilt's master of the arcane for years. The town likely... Nevermind. I'm a mage."

Tsynne bows her head and prays that someone else will describe their talents.

2016-04-27, 01:12 PM
Lanterra sits quietly, allowing others to speak first when asked about their abilities. When he finally speaks up he replies "I can channel the power of the Wayward God to aid those in need, for healing or defense." he says "I also have some training with weapons, and my years on the road helping people have given me a good knack at reading people, and talking them out of bad decisions." Lanterra shifts somewhat uncomfortably in his saddle before continuing. "Although I must admit, I am not used to travel by horseback."

2016-04-27, 01:57 PM
Thackery looks at the other two who just spoke and decided to take their mind off of their short responses. In a matter of seconds the black cat transforms into a small humanlike creature with long ears, black mid length hair, and yellow eyes. "Hello all." he says as he maintains balance on the horse he was riding on without disturbing the other rider. "I was just a young cat when the village was attacked, but that was my last day there for 15 years. My parents left me when I was even younger, and I was hoping to find out who they were and why they left, so I went off exploring. However, in my fifteen years away, I am no closer than I was the day I left. What I did learn was how to get fairly good with my Collar" as he says this, he motions toward the spiked chain that is now on the side of his body. "I was on my way through town when I saw the notice and decided to repay Mr. Kar. Turns out, that the daughter of the family that housed me has gone missing so now there are three reasons I must travel. Now, I hope you don't mind a riding partner Ms. Sarah because I cannot change into a cat again for another hour.

Roll for ride check

2016-04-27, 03:15 PM
Empousa listens quietly to the conversations occurring before her.

[roll0]To sense whether his nervous shifting on the horse matches his words about be uncomfortable on horses

When it becomes her turn after everyone else has ended, Empousa then says, "I do not have much to say before such impressive company. I have lost my memory, and I am seeking to restore it. However, I hope that my glaive will be useful to all of you".

2016-04-27, 03:34 PM
They do, he appears to be a very inexperienced rider

2016-04-27, 07:19 PM
"Good," Sarah said lightheartedly, "we've got a well rounded group." She pats Thackery on the head saying, "I was wondering when you were going to show yourself. At first I thought, 'well this must be a familiar of sorts', but when I got a good look at you I saw my fifth member. You're of course welcome to ride with me."

"Empousa, don't be so modest. Your status is indicated by your company. I'm sure that you're just as capable as the rest, otherwise you'd be back home. Sorry about your memory though."

"Lanterra, you mentioned that you're a part of the Order of the Helping Hands? You're experienced in recovering lost persons? And Alvis, please know that knowledge can go a long way. As I said to Empousa, your status is indicated by your company."

She rears her horse gently and swings back next to Tsynne. Sarah horse rides up close as she begins to speak, "May I know your specialty? My husband was good at all sorts of things, but I must confess that I've never known another wizard."

2016-04-27, 07:49 PM
"I have a little experience with it, but I'm no tracker" Lanterra admits. Was this what they where wanted for? He would try his best, it was part of his calling."Mostly I wander and wait to run into them, but if that is the help you need, then you can count on me to do my all." He turns to Thackery "Might I inquire how a cat turns into a human? Or is it a human into a cat? I must say I'm quite curious"

2016-04-27, 08:03 PM
Thackery chuckles at this question and responds, "Oh, I am no human. I have always been able to do this. I think people call my race Tibbits but as I didn't spend long with my family, I do not know too much more except for what I have read about along my journeys and what I innately remember. "

2016-04-27, 08:21 PM
Tsynne smiles a bit, then ducks her head.

"I'm a Generalist as well, though I admit a certain fondness for dweomers that work within a person's mind. I dabble here and there, but as the town's mage, I felt the need to be prepared to handle any sort of challenge."

2016-04-27, 08:51 PM
Lanterra nods thoughtfully at Thackery's answer and pays the oddity no more mind, accepting it casually.

2016-04-27, 10:00 PM
Empousa blushes at the reassurance of Sarah as the party continues to introduce themselves.


2016-04-27, 10:05 PM
Alvis sat up straighter in his saddle. With a tad bit of stiffness, he recites what he knew about Thackery's race. Tibbits are near-humanoids and natural shapeshifters. Unlike most natural shapeshifters, they can only transition between a humanoid-like form, which doesn't change and a feline form, again which doesn't change. Interestingly, they maintain some of their feline features in their humanoid form, like a weaknesses at the nape of the neck. Alvis beamed a smile, proud in himself.

2016-04-27, 10:27 PM
After hearing Alvis recite what he knew about Tibbits, Thackery rubbed the back of his neck, grinned and says, "Huh, I never really knew that. But I can definitely see what they are talking about."

2016-04-27, 11:26 PM
"You're all quite the peculiar bunch," Sarah says patting Thackery's head once more. "Now that we've gotten acquainted, we should focus on the journey home. You'll be the first guests I've had a the Citadel in a long time."

Time passes and the first day of travel goes well. Sarah tells the party that they are one-third of the way there. The trip has already taken miles. The terrain has become rockier as the party has progressed and the hills have begun to dip into deep crevasses. There isn't a tree for miles and your party can tell that they are increasing in elevation. Not drastically, but at deliberate pace. In the morning your group starts off again. Everyone eats and is in high spirits for the trip. Sarah mentions that in just two more days they'll be home. The terrain has slowed the travel. As far as the party can tell, they haven't been following a formal road, the only guide has been Sarah at the front of the group.

When mid-day approached a small noise could be heard like that of a large cat, but its as if it contains a shrieking quality that pierces the air in an unnatural way. Sarah raises her hand to signal the party should halt. As soon as you're all stop she asks that you all dismount. "I saw a pack of these things go through here recently. They made that awful noise quite a bit as while they ran down a wild boar."

The same noise splits the air, this time closer.

"Alright everyone, I'd like to see a demonstration of your skills. You can take one of these, I'm sure of it. But, if it becomes too much to handle. I'll step in."

As Sarah finishes her sentence, the beast bounds up upon the hill which the party sits atop. It's long cat-like body seems to shimmer in an unnatural light and is lined with what appear to be its skeletal structure bubbling up just beneath the skin. Its wide head, flat nose, and sharp teeth all signify a carnivorous demeanor. It rears back about to strike. Roll a Knowledge Arcana to figure out what it is!

"Its all yours."

EDIT: OOC you have one round to prepare since I set the scene as though it were an announced attack.

2016-04-27, 11:30 PM
Tsynne dismounts and suggested, then starts as the beast appears. Her eyes widen, and she searches her memory for something like it, hoping to explain to her companions what it is.

Tsynne will relay whatever info she can about the creature to the party, so if I don't post after the DM gives us the info, then the rest of the party can act as though Tsynne shared it.

"The beast is a Feral Yowler, I believe. Beware its sharp claws and crushing jaw. Steel yourselves against its howl; it can inspire fear in even the bravest men. It is also not quite were it seems to be; it can easily avoid attacks that seem as though they should hit it squarely. The beast knows no fear and cannot have its life force drained in any way. Lanterra, prepare yourself, and stay within 35 feet of me. I shall make you larger and stronger, the better to fight the monster."

Tsynne moves her fingers in a complicated dance, chanting as she does so.

Casting Enlarge Person. It will go off at the beginning of Tsynne's next turn.

2016-04-27, 11:38 PM
Thackery sees the creature coming and smirks a bit. "It's nice to be able to stretch my legs." he says as he stretches his back. He moves a little in front of the horses and the party, shifts into a stance in which he looks to be there, but not in focus. He says, "Let's get this party started! Also, if anyone knows what this thing is, Looking at you Alvis, would you please let me know? I've never encountered one of these things"

Thackery gets into the Child of Shadows stance and gets ready to fight

2016-04-27, 11:39 PM
Alvis scrambles off his horse. With unsteady hands, he slides his shield onto his left arm and gripped his scimitar in the right. He positioned himself forward, interspersing himself and Tysenne.

ID Check [roll0]
If you want me to make a separate check for Knowledge Devotion, I take 10, for a result of 16. This gives me a +2 to attack and damage against this thing.
If you don't want me to make a separate check, use the above check. I get +1 if below 15, +2 if above and on the 5% chance I crit, a +3.

2016-04-28, 12:34 AM
Lanterra sighs to himself and slips off his horse, gripping his walking stick in the middle, hands about a foot and a half apart, even amounts of the staff on either side. Fighting is neveh favorite thing, but it is clear to him this thing will give them no choice. Clearing his mind with one more breath he lets his divinely granted sense feel whether this creature is malevolent or just hungry.

Lanterra is using Detect Evil[, which best I can read the rules is a spell like ability, and thus a standard action, in addition to his move action dismounting the horse. His quarterstaff was carried, not sheathed, so he shouldn't need to take a move action to have it ready?

2016-04-28, 12:09 PM
Empousa gets off her horse. Her face becomes serious and she stares down the beast. She focus and mutters "Slow"

Spending only one power point to manifest deceleration on the Feral Yowler (Will negates)

2016-04-28, 01:45 PM
With Tsynne and Alvis having relayed their knowledge about the Feral Yowler, the party begins prepares for battle. Lanterra uses his detect evil on the creature, and it comes back as being EVIL. Tsynne grows enlargens Lanterra and Thackery readies his stance. Empousa's deceleration power hits the Feral Yowler. Everyone can tell that the beast seems to have slowed to some capacity.

Edit: The Feral Yowler stands 40ft away from your current positions atop the hill.

The Deceleration Power has taken its effect. Tsynne and Alvis know this creature to go at a speed of 50ft. Now that it is halved the Yowler moves at 25ft.

Combat officially begins!

Initiative Order(Tsynne starts us off):
1. Tsynne <---
2. Alvis
3. Thackery
4. Empousa
5. Lanterra
6. Feral Yowler

2016-04-28, 02:36 PM
Lanterra nodded to himself. So this thing was a malign force, tainted with the touch of evil. He would use his all to take it down. Where he capable of communicating with it he would give it that option of rethinking it's ways and surrendering, but a feral beast like this... he would do his best to kill it. He looks around in momentary shock as he suddenly grows larger, his staff growing in front of him. He shakes it off and as the others perform their attacks he steps toward the creature, shifting his staff into position to put all his power into one single attack, calling on his divine power to strike at the malevolence within the creature's very heart.

I'm posting this now because I'm not sure if I'll be on later today when it actually gets to my turn. Lanterra is moving 30 feet toward the creature, and using his 10 foot reach from being enlargened to make up the rest of the distance to make a smite evil attack.

If it hits: [roll1]

2016-04-28, 03:26 PM
Tsynne's spell finishes, and Lanterra doubles in height. She then gestures toward the beast and says something in a very stern tone. A thin sheen covers the ground beneath its feat.

Casting Grease underneath the creature. Placing it such that it doesn't extend in front of the beast at all so it won't hurt the party (hopefully).

Reflex DC 16 or fall prone. If it wants to move on its turn, DC 10 Balance. Success means it moves at half speed, Failure means it needs another Reflex (DC 16) or fall prone. If it fails by 5 or more on the Balance check, it falls anyway.

EDIT: Forgot to mention. Without 5 ranks in Balance, it's Flatfooted on the grease.

4 rounds left.

2016-04-28, 04:07 PM
Tsynne's spell finishes, and Lanterra doubles in height. She then gestures toward the beast and says something in a very stern tone. A thin sheen covers the ground beneath its feat.

Casting Grease underneath the creature. Placing it such that it doesn't extend in front of the beast at all so it won't hurt the party (hopefully).

Reflex DC 16 or fall prone. If it wants to move on its turn, DC 10 Balance. Success means it moves at half speed, Failure means it needs another Reflex (DC 16) or fall prone. If it fails by 5 or more on the Balance check, it falls anyway.

4 rounds left.

It made the save.

2016-04-28, 08:06 PM
Alvis hopped on the balls of his feet, summoning his courage. With a short bellow, he charged forward, swinging a wide arc with his scimitar.

[roll0] Base bonus 5 +2 (K: Devotion) +2 (Charge)
If Alvis hits, the Feral Yowler is considered Flanked until an ally hits it, or Alvis' next turn, whichever first.

2016-04-28, 08:15 PM
Thackery knows he cannot quite make the fight right away so he moves twenty feet towards the Yowl and gets in a readied state.

Move 20 ft
Ready action to attack if the Yowl gets within ten feet of him

Crit Confim if happens:

2016-04-29, 12:23 PM
A smile spreads across Empousa's face as she walks 30 feet in order to stand before the Yowl. She then thrusts her glaive into the beast.

Atk [roll0]
DMG [roll1]

2016-04-29, 01:08 PM
As all of you strike out at the Yowler, your efforts are in vain. The beast easily dodges most of your attacks, while Thackery's spiked chain comes within mere inches of the creature. The Yowler rears back and lets loose a Yowl of Fear!

I have rolled your Saves for you to speed up the process. You must have made a DC 16 Will Save to negate, if not you become shaken.
Thackery: [roll0]
Lanterra: [roll1]
Empousa: [roll2]
Alvis: [roll3]
Tsynne: [roll4]

After finishing the Yowl, the creature begins to move forward towards the enlarged Lanterra, only to fall over in the Grease!

It failed it's balance and Reflex Save.

2016-04-29, 01:50 PM
Lanterra blushes to himself, silently cursing himself for his horrible aim after the head of his staff clunks harmlessly into the ground far in front of the beast. Not his best showing, but no time to dwell on it. He lets the beast Yowl wash over him, not letting it touch his nerves, feeling the Wayward God with him, protecting him. He immediately shifts his grip back centered and steps in slightly closer to the best, careful to avoid the grease. He then lets loose a quick flurry, striking at the beast with both ends in quick succession.

Lanterra is taking a 5 foot step forward, then doing a full round attack, using both ends.



2016-04-29, 01:56 PM
Now is our chance! Strike! Alvis shifts his stance, lowering his shield arm to defend from below, as his scimitar arc's overhead for a brutal downward slash.

Crit-confirm: 27 (nat 20)
Total damage 18 (if only doubling first roll or 16 if you'd like me to roll separate for crit damage.
Distracting Attack will activate on hit (counts as flanked till hit by ally or Alvis next turn)

2016-04-29, 02:36 PM
Lanterra and Alvis's attacks both strike true. Lanterra hits the Yowler twice, once on both of the creature's sides. On the other hand, Alvis drives his Scimitar into creatures head leaving a horrific gash.

37 DAMAGE!!!!

"That's the way!" Sarah can be heard shouting to the two.

2016-04-29, 02:43 PM
Thackery feels the cool chill of the Yowl rush through his body and becomes eerily more away of how scary the beast looks... Hearing Alvis yell out steadies Thackery and he becomes resolved to end this more quickly. Seeing others strike at the beast increases Thackery's desire to show his worth as he moves 10 ft to get in better position. Quickly his chain bursts into flame and he lashes out at the prone beast with a quick strike.

Move 10ft to gain concealment again, activate burning blade maneuver, adds 1d6+ initiator level (3) fire dmg.
Attack roll
If crit:
[roll2] + [roll3] + [roll4]
Weapon dmg + electric dmg + fire dmg

2016-04-29, 03:27 PM
Tsynne nods once to see her spells being put to good use, then prepares her crossbow, readying herself to take a shot if there is an opening.

Move to draw crossbow. Standard to ready an action: Fire at the beast if there is an open shot - within 120ft, no allies being threatened by it, no allies between it and Tsynne.

If she shoots: [roll0] (Crit on 19-20. Confirm: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]

2016-04-29, 06:45 PM
The howling shook and disorient Empousa. A terrible ringing is in her ears, and images rush through her head. She becomes nauseated. She runs from the battle only to throw up. A black bile comes from within.

2016-04-29, 11:24 PM
All but Tsynne hit the Feral Yowler(dealing 51 damage). The creatures displacement seems to be having no effect. The Feral Yowler gets up from it's prone state and tries to make a break for it down the hill, but the Yowler's legs slide beneath its immense weight on the grease. It barely manages to keep itself upright.

Getting up provokes an attack of opportunity. The Yowler is stuck in the Grease as it failed its move action.

2016-04-29, 11:29 PM
Thackery sees his opportunity to strike true at the beast to hopefully end his misery

[roll1] + [roll2]

2016-04-29, 11:59 PM
Alvis swipes at the beast as it tries to steady itself on its feet.


2016-04-30, 01:51 PM
As Lanterra shifts on his feet to prepare for his next volley of attacks he swings an end of his staff toward the rising beast. He then leans in an launches another set of attacks, swinging at the Yowler with one end, then the other.



[roll=Attack 1Damage]1d8+2/roll]

2016-04-30, 02:06 PM
After recuperating her senses, Empousa went back over to the creature, thrusting the glaive.

Atk: [roll0]
Dmg: [roll1]

2016-04-30, 10:47 PM
Alvis swoops the scimitar against the prone beast, hoping they could end this quickly before it could recover its footing.

Distracting Attack

2016-04-30, 11:28 PM
Thackery follows Alvis's suit trying to finish off the beast before it has a chance to retaliate. His chain appears to double up as he strikes at the Yowler to finish up the job

Initiate Shadow Blade Technique Maneuver - two attack rolls, I get to chose whichever roll I want. If I chose the highest roll, the attacks resolve normally after that, If I chose the lower roll and it hits, I deal an extra 1d6 cold dmg as both attack hit the target - In this case I will use the die that is 14 or higher (if both are I use the lower one)
First attack:
Second attack:
[roll2]+[roll3]+ If lower attack is used [roll4] = 16 dmg total

2016-04-30, 11:47 PM
During the AOO's Thackery strikes the Feral Yowler across the side of its torso dealing 13 damage. Alvis makes a bold attempt strike, his aim seems true, but the creatures body seems to shimmer and the bend of the light makes it hard to discern where the Yowler is. Alvis' blow strikes air! Lanterra thrusts his staff toward the creature only to succumb to the creature's minor displacement. Empousa thrusts her glaive straight into the grounded Yowler's chest dealing 13 damage. With that, the Yowler lets out a high pitched roar, it begins to bleed profusely and is rendered unconscious.

"Well, that ended quickly," Sarah said coming up next to Empousa. "These things are rather a nuisance around these parts. They get at the other wild animals and go nuts with their killings. Up to the lot of you whether to kill it or not. It was your fight after all."

You all gain 320 exp!!!

2016-04-30, 11:58 PM
Alvis wipes his scimitar on the ground, cleaning the blood from the blade. We should put it out of its misery. It's a terror and if we don't kill it, a enterprising predator will do the job.

2016-05-01, 12:08 AM
Thackery looks at the beast and states: It's probably better if we finish it off so that it can stop causing a ruckus around here, and we need to search its remains to see what all it may have left behind for us to find.

2016-05-01, 12:31 AM
"This creature is malign, it relishes destruction" Labterra says "And it would be unkind to leave it alive but this injured, if you would like I can strike the final blow"

2016-05-01, 12:45 AM
Tsynne merely shrugs, eyeing the beast with a mixture of distaste and morbid curiosity.

"If you want it dead, I have no objections."

2016-05-01, 05:16 PM
"What are the chances of it recuperating and surviving, if we leave it alone? asked Empousa nonchalantly.


2016-05-01, 10:51 PM
"What are the chances of it recuperating and surviving, if we leave it alone? asked Empousa nonchalantly.

Sarah walks to the side of the Yowler and squats next to it. She looks up at Empousa and says, "It would likely heal back up. They're nuances like that." Sarah unsheathes her sword, which looks incredibly plain, and plunges it into the creatures chest. The Yowler stops breathing. "I hope no one minded my doing that. The consensus seemed clear."

As Thackery searches the corpse of the Yowler for anything of value, he finds that the stomach of the creature has been lashed open. After doing a bit of unpleasant digging around in the stomach, he finds a very recently eaten sack of gold coin and tattered clothing. When he opens up the bag he finds 1600gp. A hefty sum for an animal to have eaten even if it were a magical beast.

"Well now, that's a fine bit of change," Sarah said with a warm smile. "If that's settled we can move along again. We've still got a good bit of travel ahead of us."

Assuming everyone agrees the party will mount up and begin journeying again.

The night was quiet, clear skies, and the flicker of stars marked the night as the party camped. With everyone well rested and packed to move again, they made their way to the final day of travel. As the group traveled, they began to notice subtle changes in the geography of the area, the rocky rolling hills they were accustomed to were giving way to fields. The grass was starting to thin out and take on a pale green as though the area was drying out. They were no longer going up in altitude and the air was crisp, dry with the warmth of summer. As night fell once more, Sarah assured the group that the Citadel was not far. Under the moonlight a silhouette could be made out in the distance. A ghostly monument fixed in the middle of the field. "There's home," Sarah could be heard silently muttering to herself.

As the party approached, the Citadel came into full view. The structures age could be gleamed in the moonlight, the cracks, strange moss, and strangled vines all encroached on the massive wall lined with towers and topped by aged ballista. A gatehouse peaked out of the walls with its mouth open, ready to welcome the group as they entered their new home. But above all else, the most noticeable piece of this ancient structure was the spire that rose up from the center. Hundreds of feet high, it loomed over the land like a beacon, it long shape capped at the top by a dome. A glowing purple light flowed forth from the top of the spire.

As your group passed through the gatehouse, the party passed into an open area littered with decrepit buildings that hugged the inner wall of the Citadel. Your group was greeted by yet another large wall and another gatehouse. However, this gatehouse was not like the first. This gatehouse was significantly more ornate. It didn't peek out of the wall, rather it seemed to lung forth from it. The gatehouse was rounded bubbling out of the wall and came in a much larger size than the one you had just passed through. An iron gate hung poised to come down on the ground fulfilling its purpose to guard to the enormous wooden doors. A crest was stamped above the iron gate, defaced, and undecipherable. The wooden doors still boar some inscription, though it too was devoid of most of its original luster. The door read For Those Who Remember, Our Malice Keeps Watch. Sarah dismounted her horse and pressing her hand upon the door explained, "The old boy's not as heavy as he looks." She pushed it open, seemingly with ease. She took the reigns of the horse and led it inside.

As your party passes through the door, you behold a grand entrance. One you may have read about in books of royalty. The floor was made of a porcelain tile that still held its shine, columns raised high towards the ceiling, a fountain was stationed in the center trimmed with silver and bronze, the water still flowed from it. Carvings in the floor let water flow freely around the room in some kind of circular pattern around the room. A stately stable was built along the northern wall. Three staircases were inside, one going south, one north, and a grand staircase heading westward towards the spire.

Sarah turns to your party and says in a humble voice, "Welcome to my home."

Something that I forgot to mention about the Feral Yowler is that it had Fast Healing 3. It obviously didn't matter with the damage output that everyone made, so no problem this time, but I will try to do better addressing the abilities of enemies next time.

2016-05-01, 11:08 PM
Alvis dismounted his horse, and almost regretted it. His knees shook, not out of fear, but sheer awe. This place is glorious. The two of you live here? All by yourself? Alvis turned slowly, taking in the grandeur of place. Do you know who resided here before you? It looks like it was ruins before.

2016-05-01, 11:21 PM
When Sarah executed the creature, Empousa's face became absolutely pale. She was dumbfounded at the callousness of the party and the leader. Her hands trembled and her knees shook. When the color returned to her face, she opened her mouth to speak, but the words couldn't come out until Thackery had searched the beast. "Animal" she muttered to herself.

She then kept to herself as the party mounted back up and approached the citadel. Empousa felt uncomfortable with the decrepit buildings and the first gatehouse that seemed to open up as if a mouth. She felt as if they were going to be swallowed. Nor did she feel right passing through the Iron Gate and the door inscription whose most ominous part for Empousa was "...Our Malice Keeps Watch".

Entering the lavish great halls, also made Empousa begin to wonder at Sarah. And as Sarah extends her greetings "Welcome to my home", Empousa tried to search meaning within those words.

For humility or any tinge of insincerity

2016-05-01, 11:42 PM
Tsynne eyes the entrance to the grand hall with nothing shy of jealousy. These could all be her own some day, if she could but advance at a faster rate.

"It's beautiful. When do we meet Alden Kar? I mean no offense to you, lady, but that's why we're here, isn't it?"

2016-05-02, 12:00 AM
Thackery, having transformed into a cat again as to not take up as much space on the voyage meows loudly as he enters the large room and transforms back into a human form for the meeting with the wizard. This is quite an amazing building. I would not mind being a house cat in this place for a little while. There are probably so many places to explore and so many things to see.

2016-05-02, 05:08 PM
Lanterra maintains his silence as Sarah executes the beast. Had it been a normal animal or a being capable of communication he would have shoe more mercy, but this was an unrepentant killer, out for more than just it's share of food.

As the party enters the citadel Lanterra dismounts again, stretching his legs, clearly uncomfortable from the ride. Although the ruins make him curious and slightly on edge, he remains silent, letting the others ask the questions.

2016-05-02, 11:52 PM
You think that she is being entirely sincere in her humility.

Sarah settles the horses into the stable as she answers everyone's questions. "It's been Alden and I for a long time," she said to Alvis. "We get by, but this place takes a lot of upkeep and has sadly come to ruin around us, but we've kept up what we could and its as good a home as we can get. But before we moved here, the Citadel used to be one of the many forts along the long border with the Badlands." Sarah puts the last horse in its pen and fills their troughs with feed. She places the sack of feed in the corner and bekons everyone to follow her towards the fountain. She sits her small figure upon the side of the fountain and runs her hands through the clear water. "You know its interesting. Before Alden and I lived here, this place was just another fort belonging to Malice. I'm sure you've read about them, maybe been schooled on them? Anyway, when they were no long necessary the forts were abandoned. We found this place and made it home."

Sarah nods at Tsynne and Thackery saying, "Thank you for the earlier compliments. Funny thinking that we could have a house cat running around, not that you're a cat Thackery. Its nice to be appreciated for our work. You're correct though, Tsynne. You're here to see the wizard and its about time you and yours get that opportunity." Sarah gets up from beside the fountain and gestures for the party to follow. "This way," she says in a more serious tone. One you've not heard before since coming to know her.

She leads your party up the grand staircase and through another set of doors. They creek open and reveal a massive meeting hall. At a glance you think it could seat about five hundred in this hall. Multiple deteriorating tables and benches rotting away under the light of the chandeliers that hung low from the ceiling. One can see the kitchen doors on the south side of this great hall. In the exact center of the room, you notice a small round table with two chairs sitting side by side. As Sarah takes you past it, you observe that an a single plate sits on the table, a vase stands upright on the center of the table, with a dying rose drooping to the side. Sarah takes your party to the western most part of the room. Another section becomes visible and you begin to pass through what must be the base of the spire. Two sets of stone stairs rise up the side of the wall. There are multiple large iron doors on each side. Sarah remarks that this section is a crossroads for the Citadel. Once more, however, she takes you westward. In doing so, your party is taken down into a short narrow passageway no more than fifteen feet wide. Torches light the way along the walls and at the end of the passage is another iron door that reads Respite.

Sarah opens the doors, the sound of flowing water can be hear, and the moonlight shines forth into the passage. As you step back out into the warm summer air once more you behold a grotto. The high walls of the Citadel shelter the grotto. Water bubbles up from the soil creating a pool that fills all the low points of the grotto where graves rest idlely along its bank. Small bridges link the banks along the water. The grotto stretches out about a two hundred feet from the door and drops off into a sudden cliff. In the moonlight you can make out the true nature of your height. Hundreds of feet up, the land is spread out before you, not like that of which you have just travel. Red clay dots the landscape, the ground seems dry, and cracked. The water from the grotto spills over the side of the cliff and can be heard steadily wafting down the side. Sarah walks your party over to a few of the small bridges to a plot that sits alone on its own island. She sits down next to it and reads the inscribed text: Here Lies Alden Kar, Husband to Sarah Kar

Sarah feels the marker with her hand and says, "I couldn't figure out what else to put on it, but these words speak volumes to me, so it must be enough." She looks back at your party and says, "I'm sorry, this must be very disappointing to you. Alden would've liked to me all of you in person, but he didn't last that long." She pauses a moment. "Though Alden may be gone, he does still need you. I'm sure you have questions and I will answer them as best I can, but when the questions are over I need to give you something from Alden."

2016-05-02, 11:58 PM
You said "didn't last long," said Thackery after Sarah had finished. What do you mean by that? Long after the rescue, or long in terms of the length of his life?

2016-05-03, 12:20 AM
Lanterra steps over to the grave and places his hand over it, offering a brief but heartful prayer to the Wayward God, entreating that Alden's spirit find peaceful rest. He turns to Sarah "You said our help is needed, and Alden has past, that means you have knowledge of something we are needed for." he states "Perhaps we should go somewhere better suited to talking and leave this place to it's peace."

2016-05-03, 12:33 AM
Alvis breath caught in his chest. His sole purpose was to personally thank the man who saved his life. And, though he didn't allow himself the sliver of hope, ask if he knew what happened to his parents and grandfather. But... that can't happen. Alden Kar is dead and Alvis found himself as that grieving child from 15 years ago. He blinked rapidly, fighting the welling tears of confusion, anger and oddly loss. I... I... I'm...

Alvis struggled to form words to express the maelstrom of emotions, welling up from the worst night of his life. He sniffled, brushing his sleeve against his nose hoping to pass it off as nothing more than allergies. He took a shaky step forward, inhaling a shaky, raspy breath. Did... did he... go peacefully? His voice was barely a whisper and his throat dry. He couldn't summon the courage to ask what was really on his mind.

2016-05-03, 07:57 AM
Tsynne's face lights up at the the inscription on the gravestone, but she quickly regains composure when she sees the somber mood.

At the mention of traveling elsewhere to talk, she nods. "Somewhere quiet? Like Alden's study, perhaps?"

2016-05-03, 12:34 PM
The words "It's been Alden and I for a long time" assuaged the nagging feeling that Empousa had. She continued to listen to Sarah. At the mention of Malice, Empousa became interested. She thought she had heard that name before, but she could not remember when or where.

When they begin to pass the hall with rotting furniture, Empousa began to wonder why such things were left in such a state if two people were using the facilities. Certainly, as magicians, they could repair the furniture.

Fifty percent chance to know magic's presence and general location. If I sense magic and its location, I shall inform the party

As they continued through the passage way, Empousa continues to keep to herself. As they come upon the door Respite, she could only wonder to what it refer. She only understood after she stood before the tomb of Alden Kar, the wizard acclaimed and praised by the town. She continued to watch the reactions of her party.

On Alvis' tears and Tsynne's face lit up:

IF I SEE Tsynne's face light up, I will also sense motive:

2016-05-03, 07:18 PM
Everywhere Sarah has taken you so far has not revealed any magical presences other than the ones coming from your party's magic items. Sarah has no magical presence about her.

You absolutely see everyone's expressions.

Sarah responds to Thackery and Alvis first. "He passed away in his sleep. He became gravely ill with a malady we had no knowledge of. In his last days, Alden wrote various letters that would state the nature of his needs. I've already read them, but he instructed me to give them to you in an order." She stood up, brushed the dirt from her clothes, and said to Tsynne, "His study is private for now, but Lanterra is right. This is not the place to hold our discussion. You are, however, welcome to the archives, Tsynne. I can show them to you after we discuss certain details regarding Alden's letters."

Sarah takes you back through the base of the spire and into the meeting hall where she asks that the five of you wait at the small round table in the middle of the room. She cleans off the table, removes the dead flower and the dirty plate, and runs off towards the kitchen. When she returns she is holding a single letter. She sits for a brief moment until she realizes that there are only tow chairs at the table. She excused herself, clearly embarrassed at the lack of suitable furniture, and returns with four more chairs; carrying them one at a time. As everyone sits Sarah opens the letter, unfolds it, and places it on the table so that everyone may read.

Greetings All,

Let me start off by introducing myself. My name is Alden Kar and most of you probably knew me as the wizard. No doubt you were there that night when I fought of the bandits in Yilt. I expect that you had wanted to see me, and for that I am sorry. I can not fulfill your request. By now you've either figured out that I'm dead or my wife has told you so, despite my asking her not to. I like a good story, twists and turns, but real life doesn't exactly follow a relative pattern at which such junctures can occur. I thought it would be a fun twist that I'd be dead and you'd find out, but that's me being selfish. Really, I did not die intentionally, this illness has put me down and I'm sure it will take me soon.

In that case, I'd like to get down to business. There are five things that I'd like you to do for me. They may seem trivial to you, but they are quite important to me. I know that all of you are here based on a debt and though I am gone let me assure you that in whatever heaven I end up in I'm grateful to you. The letter contains the first task that I need done. This must be completed in a timely manner and in no less than a day or two, you will likely have time to rest from your travel, pending what my wife says. I left a light on for a friend on mine in the far south in a region of Farah that can not be traveled to in the amount of time that has been given to you to complete the errand, but my wife will have more to say on that. The location in question is not unlike the one you reside in now. It too is an old Malice fortress. If that light goes out, my friend may never be able to find his way home. This is no ordinary light, mind you. There is a certain magic that keeps it going. My wife has in her possession a stone, a crystal if you will, that will rekindle the flame that lights my friend's way. Simply place the crystal underneath where the fire dims and the crystal will begin to kindle the flame anew. However, this fortress is booby trapped and much of its old defenses remain in tacked. I would not send my wife out to take care of this. I care too much for her safety.

Once you have completed the first errand return to my wife for the next letter. Our home is your home, but please be patient with Sarah. She's not one to trust easily, though she puts on a polite face.

Your truly,
Alden Kar a.k.a the Wizard

2016-05-03, 07:44 PM
Tsynne looks excited at the prospect of the archives and eagerly awaits the contents of the letter. After a quick read, she nods.

"A reasonable request. What do the rest of you think?"

2016-05-03, 08:33 PM
Well, we came to help the wizard, so help we shall, when do we get started?

2016-05-03, 11:21 PM
A pang of anger raised in Alvis' belly as he read the letter. He quickly quashed it. He could not blame a man for having a dramatic flair nor having an untimely death. This friend of Alden's. Will he be welcoming of us, or will he find our intrusion of his home as many would?

2016-05-04, 02:04 PM
Lanterra places a gently hand on Alvis's shoulder. "If this friend needs this done to find his way home, I am sure he will not be offended by our presence there doing it." He points out simply. He turns to Sarah. "Personally I am ready to go whenever the others are, I require no rest, our travels have not been so difficult, but the others may wish a rest. What can you tell us about this friend, and the traps employed in his home?"

2016-05-04, 04:46 PM
"I rather not. What is this Malice fortress? What is this fortress actually? What does it mean to be 'of Malice'? What sort of things shall we find there, magic? A specific kind?" Empousa said sitting and folding her arms across her chest.

2016-05-04, 10:53 PM
Sarah raises an eyebrow at Empousa. "I expected some skepticism, but that's quite a lot of it." She rests her elbows on the table, folds her hands slowly, and takes a deep breath preparing to explain everything best she can. "The name Malice came to be because they were a group built on the anger of the known world against Githa Scrod, her armies, and her country. The very same nation that you inhabit, that this Citadel is built on. This land was originally called the Empire of Scord, after that, Alter, and now Farah. You may have heard all this from history books. The books that weren't destroyed as Githa and her army burned away the known world's knowledge. What you probably know about Malice is that they stood guard against the surviving forces of Githa Scrod about a hundred years ago. They sent expeditions into the Badlands in order to find Githa and her army, but they never succeeded. Mounds of coin were spent on build fortresses all along the boarder with the Bandlands to prevent any incursion by her army, but none came. These Malice fortresses were built as a protective measure from a threat that was never to return. Talk about paranoia, of course manning all of them with thousands of troops would've been a ludicrous feet, so they booby trapped every single one of them." Sarah takes a breather, seemingly winded, then begins again. "When Alden and I traveled in our youth we stumbled upon this particular fortress first, which we learned was known as the Citadel. I'm a follower of the Wayward God, so I was never one to stay in one place, but when I found Alden he wanted to journey with me. Not out of faith of course. The reason became clear to me as we traveled. Anyway, back to the Citadel. In the letter, Alden writes that the fortress you're visiting is all the way down south. Well, it is, but since we live in the Citadel that journey is no problem. The Citadel was built as a hub. As we crossed through the base of the tallest tower, right beneath your feet exists the means to travel to many of these fortresses provided you have the proper key. Portals will be the means of your travel."

"Now, as for information about the fortress you'll be travelling to, I can only offer what little knowledge that Alden and I have of our friend's home. You see, that fortress had two portals. One was in its tall tower, a tower like our own, but something happened to it. That was the portal we used when we used to travel there. Forgive me, I've forgotten to mention our friend's name. Bartholomew Mardet, he was a fantastic swordsman, but you can't expect any of the traps to be his doing. They could be mechanized or magical. Those were set long ago by the captain of the fort. Whoever that was. Barth always said he'd give us a tour, but he never did. All we saw was the top of the tower and his living quarters before he decided that he wanted to go off and explore the Badlands. Barth was one of those people who loved thrill and adventure. Deep down I think I knew, while Alden suspected, that Barth was making sport of the place. He's been gone for years and still hasn't come home. Anyway, the last time we tried the normal portal was after he'd left on his adventure. Alden wouldn't let me go through the second portal and I wouldn't allow him to go. He was sick by then. Barth worried that he wouldn't find his way home, so we gave him a way."

Sarah got up for a moment and headed towards the kitchen. Returning almost immediately she held something in her hand. Sarah sat back down and placed the item on the table. It was a white relatively clear crystal with a strange orange hue at the center that seemed to move about in its container. "This is an artifact from the Age of Scrod. Something left behind by the old Empire that wasn't destroyed in their retreat. Malice had apparently garnered it. The 'light' that my husband refers to is called a soul flame. The flame and Barth's soul are interconnected. This crystal created the flame and tethered Barth's soul to it. Wherever Barth is he feels the pull of home, but the flame must be kindled every so often or go out. Bartholomew was one of our only friends. It would be a shame if he'd never make it home or if he thought that we'd forgotten him."

Sarah rubs her eyes and gives a slight yawn. "Apologies, I'm not suited to long trips anymore." She looks directly into Empousa's eyes with tear in her eye, "Have I satisfied you're curiousity." Sarah quickly brushes the tear away, and clearly feigns yawning.

Sarah then begins to talk to everyone. "If the five of you want to we can retire for the night. The soul flame will go out two days from now. I don't believe that it will take that long for you to make your way through the fort, so you should have plenty of time. Oh, by the by, you'll want to stay inside the fort. Barth always told us that something big had taken up residence. We never saw hide or tail of the thing, but Barth insisted that it had been putting holes in his fort...big...gaping holes... We were pretty sure that Barth killed it before he left, but we never saw a corpse. Bartholomew would've been incredibly proud of himself for killing his giant rodent, meaning he would've made it a point to show it off. At any rate, the offer stands. You may stay here for the night and go in the morning or head out now."

2016-05-04, 11:05 PM
Lanterra smiles when Sarah reveals herself as a ellow devotee. "I am ready to go immediately if the rest are He states I will leave it up to them"

2016-05-04, 11:08 PM
"I am quite satisfied" said Empousa with a slight smile, "except for this filthy place. How can a magician not fix this place up? Oh well." She then turns to the party, "We have 2 days? Want to use one of them to go kill that giant creature punching holes in the fort before going to the other fortress?"

2016-05-04, 11:09 PM
Alvis gave Empousa a hard glare. If you don't wish to help Alden and Sarah, that is your choice. You lack memories, or so you claim, so I'm not even sure why you have joined us and neither do you. Taking a deep breath to steady himself. I believe we should rest for the night before traveling. If for no other reason as to start with fresh face.

2016-05-04, 11:10 PM
Empousa smiles back at Alvis, "Chill. Do not get your panties in a bunch. Or are you so hard for the wizard? I was just asking questions anyone else would before going into an unknown fortress".

2016-05-04, 11:18 PM
It is your tone I take offence to, Empousa. You challenge our hostess and the wife of what the rest of us can claim as our personal savior. So, yes, I am a tad 'hard on' towards them, as you so eloquently put it. Alvis' fists slowly clenched and unclenched, holding back his anger the best he could. If I may Sarah, I wish to retire for the night. It seems I am not used to long travel either and the weary has gone to my head.

2016-05-04, 11:20 PM
Thackery looks at Empousa after she asks about killing the beast and states: I love honing my skills as much as the next person, but I would rather not throw my hand in for killing a giant beast in which I don't know anything about. That being said, if the party all want to try their hand at it, I will lend my Collar as well. Thackery also states that he is ready to go whenever anyone else is.

2016-05-04, 11:25 PM
Empousa shrugs at Alvis. And notices Thackery's reaction to her words.

Does he wanna do it? Does he!? Kill the beast I mean. Perverts get your mind out of the gutters!

Regardless, she says to Thackery, "Would be fun"

2016-05-04, 11:27 PM
You think that he doesn't want to sway anyone else's opinion, but he TOTALLY wants to go kill the beast

2016-05-04, 11:30 PM
"I like you cat"

2016-05-05, 12:36 AM
Lanterra shakes his head exasperatedly at Empousa and Alvis, then rubs his chin at Empousa and Thackery's exchange "Wouldn't it be be better and safer if we stoked the fire with time to spare and then look into the beast, unless it comes for us? He suggests "It's not our mission, and none of us are a master swordsman like the man who went after it before.

2016-05-05, 09:55 PM
Tsynne listens to the proceedings, but make no comment until more of a consensus is reached.

Sorry for the slow posting. Super busy week.

2016-05-06, 10:56 AM
Sarah give Empousa a glare and says, "I understand that you have problems with this arrangement, especially with the death of Alden, but that is no reason to berate the people who want to be of help. As for defeating whatever lurks out side that fortress, I suggest that you steer clear of it at all costs and return here as quickly as you can. That being said, if tensions are going to be high among some of you tonight it might be best if you all stayed and cooled your heads. Have a fresh start in the morning. It is ultimately your decision, but that's just my opinion on the matter."

Don't sweat the slow posting. We all have busy weeks.

2016-05-06, 11:12 AM
If that's the case, I might as well turn in for bed tonight and we shall get started in the morning Thackery states as he looks around the room. He then transforms into a cat and searches out a nice nook to rest in.

2016-05-06, 01:58 PM
Lanterra retires as well. Before going to bed he spends an hour praying to his good, thanking him for putting him in a position to aid on this mission and asking for aid being prepared for it. He focuses on what he might be called on to do and decides that he may need to be prepared for combat. He asks his god's aid in preparation of that. He then removes his armor and lays his walking stick beside him as he lays down to sleep.

2016-05-06, 06:14 PM
Empousa decides to follow the party's suite, and heads to bed as well.

2016-05-06, 07:39 PM
Tsynne also readies herself for bed. "I will need one hour in the morning before we can depart. Goodnight."

2016-05-07, 12:47 AM
A consensus being reached, Sarah guides everyone to through to the to another part of the Citadel. You pass through what look to be old barracks. She takes the five of you up the stairs to a corridor with individual rooms, each with a name scratched out on the door. "I thought it might be nice for each of you to have your own rooms. I prepared seven in case of a larger crowd. These used to be officers quarters according to old journals in the Archives. Each one has a bed, a desk with a chair, a chest of drawers for storage, and a small table for dining at. Please, make yourselves at home." Before Sarah retired to her room she gives one final comment. "By the way, should have the itch to roam about, only go where I have taken you so far. Everything else is currently off limits. It's nothing against you, I just need some time to adjust. Good night."

In the morning, when you have all rested and done your preparations for the day, you gather in the meeting hall where Sarah has prepared a breakfast for the morning. Fresh grapes and apples sit upon the table along with breads and jams. Glasses have been filled with milk and await each one of you. Sarah is sitting at the table indulging in an apple. Her attire is much different from what she wore while traveling. She is dressed in a long emerald green dress, something sported by royalty, it seems to gleam by torch light. No combat attire adorns her. "Good morning," she says with her mouth full, "A good way to start the day is always with a meal. I hope you're all ready for the trip." Sarah swallows a fiddles through a small pocket in her dress producing a glowing yellow mechanism. "This is the key for the portal you'll be using. It will take you to Barth's fortress. It's also your way back."

2016-05-07, 01:45 PM
Unless anyone stops her, Tsynne takes the key. She eyes it for a few moments, then shrugs. "When do we leave?"

She hasn't touched the fruit.

2016-05-07, 03:27 PM
Thackery, already being up and in human form falls in line behind Tsynne and gets ready to roll. He snags an apple for the road in case he gets hungry later and states: I am ready to roll out when everyone else is.

Sense motive as to why Tsynne does not eat the food

2016-05-07, 03:47 PM
Empousa yawns with both a tired and bored expression on her face before getting up and awaiting the rest of the party.

2016-05-07, 05:35 PM
Lanterra grabs a light meal of the fruit, eating slowly enough to savor the flavor but not lingering on the meal. Then he tosses his pack on his back and grabs his staff "I'm ready. Tysnne, if you'd open the portal?" He says, then turns to Sarah "Be sure to care for our horses while we are gone?"

2016-05-07, 07:33 PM
Alvis sleep was shallow and troubled by disturbing dreams. When he awoke, he could not recall anything specific but a sense of foreboding and opportunity lost. He consumed the breakfast in consummate silence, murmuring a thanks to Sarah before following the others to the portal.

2016-05-08, 08:09 AM
"Well then," Sarah says getting out of her chair, "let's get started."

Sarah guides the five of you to the base of the spire. She feels along the wall and pushes a series of bricks in a particular orders. The floor starts to sink near you forming stairs that run down into the darkness. "This way," Sarah says walking down first.

When you walk down into the darkness you can see multiple corridors marked with small lights. Sarah guides you further into the basement. Multiple arches are spread all over the walls, each dormant, and each with its own symbol. Sarah stops at one with the insignia of a skull. "Here."

The key that Tsynne holds begins to glow. Yellow line being to light up all over the key. "Simply place it into the arch like so," Sarah said taking the key from Tsynne for a moment. She places it in small hole in the arch. Spreading from the key energy rocks through the arch until beams of yellow light shoot from the arch into the center. The portal begins to form. Sarah hands back the key to Tsynne and says, "It stays open long enough for everyone to move through. The portal will have a key hole just like this one. That's how you get home."

Sarah turns to everyone and with a small warm smile says, "I'll be here when you get home. Good luck."

As you pass through the portal, you feel something akin to the wind rush past you while a brilliant light envelops you. You come out the other side of the portal in a small enclosed darkened room. One could hazard a guess that you are in a basement much smaller than the one you just came from.

2016-05-08, 10:47 AM
Alvis takes a half step forward in front of the others, silently motioning them to stay still. He studies the room around them, ensuring no traps or other hazards had been placed in their path before allowing anyone take a step forward. Once he was satisfied the immediate path was clear, he let out a small sigh and motioned for the others to follow.

I'm going to take 10 on Search and Spot checks whilst here, unless something looks like it would be trapped. IE: Long, plain hallways, big doors, chests, etc. Additionally, I've changed his prepped spell to Surefooted.
For reference, when taking 10 on Search and Spot, both results will be 20

2016-05-08, 11:15 AM
Alvis takes a half step forward in front of the others, silently motioning them to stay still. He studies the room around them, ensuring no traps or other hazards had been placed in their path before allowing anyone take a step forward. Once he was satisfied the immediate path was clear, he let out a small sigh and motioned for the others to follow.

I'm going to take 10 on Search and Spot checks whilst here, unless something looks like it would be trapped. IE: Long, plain hallways, big doors, chests, etc. Additionally, I've changed his prepped spell to Surefooted.
For reference, when taking 10 on Search and Spot, both results will be 20

As Alvis searches, he finds no traps in the small room, rather he finds a loose brick. Upon removing it, Alvis finds a leaver.

2016-05-08, 12:32 PM
Thackery sees the lever and is extremely curious on what it might do. After understanding that there is no traps in the room, Thackery runs over to the lever and says, I wonder what this thing does? He then pulls the lever without warning preparing for whatever may happen!

2016-05-08, 01:09 PM
When Thackery pulls the lever, everyone begins to hear the sounds of gears churning. The walls of the room begin to rumble and dust falls from the ceiling. Then the wall next to Thackery opens up revealing a staircase spiraling upwards giving you a way out of the enclosed room. You can see some light from the top of the staircase.

2016-05-08, 01:14 PM
Well, as far as hidden levers go, revealing the exit is probably the best we could hope for. C'mon then. Stay behind me so you don't trigger any traps before I see them. Alvis takes point going up the stairs, scanning them for traps and things out of place as he went.

2016-05-08, 01:33 PM
As your group moves up the staircase, Alvis notices nothing out of the ordinary. The staircase leads everyone to the base of a large tower, not like the one from the Citadel. There are two hallways connected to the base of the tower, one to the left and one to the right, and the staircases up the tower are a heap of crumbled mess. You hear a voice seemly speak to you from the walls.

"Blasted bandits, I've to hand it to ya. Ya made it past the first lot. But, can ya handle the army! Sick 'em boys!" You all prepare for combat, but nothing comes, rather you hear a small animalistic noise to your right. A few deer lay in the hallway to the right. Startled one of them springs up from the stony floor and stands alert staring straight towards the five of you, until a gigantic monster crashes through the wall, swipes the deer, and barrels through the other side. The right hallway collapses in on itself leaving a pile of rubble.

2016-05-08, 01:45 PM
After seeing that Thackery quietly states: Well. I guess we go left. I wonder if that was the beast we shouldn't go after.

2016-05-08, 01:56 PM
Alvis jumps back as the creature crashes through the corridor, flattening the deer. If its all the same, I'm not going to mess with that thing. There's no reason to stay here, we need to find that soulfire thing.

2016-05-08, 02:15 PM
Lanterra grips his staff firmly in both hands. "I vote we forget any thought of going after that thing. Lead the way Alvis, we will trust your senses to see us through. I'll watch our rear." He positions himself at the rear of the group, staff fully at the ready in case the beast returns. He keeps his ears open for any signs of danger.

Taking 10 on listen checks, Lanterra is activiely listening as best he can as we move. He has a +5, so he'll have 15

2016-05-08, 05:10 PM
"Fun" says Empousa following the party left.

2016-05-08, 07:06 PM
Tsynne follows the group, wide-eyed. She shakes her head disapprovingly at the rash pulling of the lever, and works her way to the middle of the group when the monster crushes the deer.

Keeping her voice low, she offers, "I don't have much in the way of utility, but wit a few minutes of concentration, I can set an alarm to protect our rear, if needed. I also have the means to shatter one non-magical object today, which may prove useful if we come across a trap. Just point me in the right direction."

2016-05-08, 07:22 PM
I doubt that will be necessary. Even if someone or something follows behind us, the alarm would likely draw the attention of that thing.

2016-05-08, 08:22 PM
"Oh. I mean, it could be a silent alarm. But you're probably right. Sorry."

2016-05-08, 10:29 PM
No need to be sorry. It was a good suggestion. Alvis just bring up a valid counter point. I for one, assume we will hear someone behind us, but I'm not opposed to a silent alarm either.

2016-05-09, 12:07 PM
Lanterra shrugs If it can be silent I see no harm in it" He states "But it may not really be needed. Up to you, it's your spell"

2016-05-10, 09:07 PM
As your party moves down the left hallway you come to a large iron door. Alvis searches it and find that there are no traps. Upon opening the door, nothing is triggered. What you see in front of you is a large diamond shaped room. Along the left and right walls are multiple wooden doors. The same strange voice that you heard in the tower seems the come from the wall again. "So, ya got through my boys. Hat's off ta ya, but I must welcome ya ta da second killgate. Designed it me-self."

When you enter the room, you notice that where you stand the width of the room is 30ft and the length 100ft. The room increases in width by 5ft on each side every 5ft forward. There is another iron door opposite the one you came through. In the center of the room there are two pits evenly spread 20ft apart from each other and each are 10ft long and 10ft wide.

You move up cautiously forward, until Alvis gets wind of a trap 10 feet into the room. It is a pressure plate trap and you aren't quite sure what it is attached to. There is no way to move around them without tripping one.

I don't know if you want me to take 10 on disable device or if you want to do that via roll, since you only specified on Listen and Search checks.

2016-05-10, 10:20 PM
"His 'boys'?" Lanterra muses softly while turning to watch the door they came in through.

2016-05-10, 10:51 PM
I wonder if these comments were designed for a time when these castles were filled with a few more soldiers... Thackery states aloud

2016-05-11, 12:14 PM
Empousa shrugs at Thackery and then begins to tap her foot impatiently.

2016-05-11, 01:52 PM
"It seems likely. At least I hope you're correct" Lanterra responds to Thackery.

2016-05-12, 12:30 AM
Alvis studied the floor for a moment before reaching into his enchanted bag. He pulled out a thick rod, only 2 feet wrong. With several twists and tugs, the rod extends to a full length of 12 feet. Shuffling backwards to give himself some room, Alvis slowly lowers the far end of the pole onto the pressure plate, slowly applying more pressure till it triggered. Hopefully, it won't create a pit-trap.

2016-05-12, 08:00 PM
When Alvis pushes down on the pressure plate. A series of gears can be heard turning in the walls. The iron door you came through shuts behind you and large iron bolts begin to pass over it. Meanwhile, the doors on the side of the room begin to open and a voice can be heard saying, "Ha! Brutish bandits is what ya be! Can't quite figure out a trap when ya see one! Or don't I have nary a clue to be honest." When the doors open up four skeletal canine looking creatures come out. Two come out next to you and are 10ft away. The of two are 25ft away. There are two on the right and left side of the room. Both the walls to the side of the iron door opposite the one you arrived in have opened up slightly revealing two skeletons with bows.

Empousa (23) <---
SW 1 (22)
SA 1 (21)
SA 2 (20)
SW 2 (18)
SW 3 (18)
Thackery (18) [You had the lower initiative compared to the other enemies that rolled 18]
Tsynne (14) [I factored in Nerveskitter, but the roll was a 3...]
Lanterra (12)
SW 4 (11)
Alvis (8)

You rolled a 19 and identified the canine like creatures as skeletal wolves, so you get a +2 on both damage and attack rolls. You also identify the skeletons with bows as skeletons(surprise!) with a 13, so you get a +1 to damage and attack rolls.

What you know about these creatures is that they are undead. They have damage reduction of 5/bludgeoning, darkvision, immunity to cold, and other undead traits (Immunity to poison, sleep effects, paralysis, stunning, disease, and death effects.
Not subject to critical hits, nonlethal damage, ability drain, or energy drain. Immune to damage to its physical ability scores (Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution), as well as to fatigue and exhaustion effects.)

2016-05-12, 09:41 PM
Empousa opens up the fight with a deceleration on one of the closer canines (the one closest to her), "Katexou!" she shouts. She then moves some 10 feet back from the closest canine.

2016-05-12, 09:59 PM
Empousa successfully decelerates the Wolf Skeleton closest to her, but it comes within striking distance of her. It bites Empousa on the leg and deals 4 damage. The Skeleton Archer on the right fires an arrow and hits Tsynne square in the chest dealing 8 damage. A second skeletal wolf strikes at Lanterra, but misses horribly. A third skeletal wolf attempts to bite Thackery, but it too fails miserably.

Only one of the wolves are not right next to the party and is still 25ft away. Thackery's turn.

Empousa (23)
SW 1 (22)
SA 1 (21)
SA 2 (20)
SW 2 (18)
SW 3 (18)
Thackery (18) <---
Tsynne (14)
Lanterra (12)
SW 4 (11)
Alvis (8)

2016-05-12, 10:11 PM
As the doors open Lanterra turns toace them. Seeing the skeletons he holds his staff in one hand and raises his holy symbol, channling the power of the Wayward God, praying to him for rest for the restless dead, and proetection.

Lanterra will lead of with Turn Undead when it's his turn:


2016-05-12, 10:40 PM
Knowing there is a paladin in the group, Thackery figures that he will do his little holy thing that he does to undead creatures so he is just gonna try to get in as much damage without wasting anything. He sets his feet and swings at the wolf that tried to bite him. That was not nice wolfie growls Thackery as he slashes out.

Attack: [roll0]
If Crit-Confirm: [roll1]
Damage: EDIT: my damage roll got messed up, I will roll dmg in the OOC
Other: Thackery gets in his Island of blades Stance which makes him and any allies flank a target as long as they are adjacent to said target. (If the target I am attacking is now being flanked, add 1 to my attack roll)

2016-05-12, 10:46 PM
Tsynne sighs. "Undead? Great."

She then steps back a bit and gestures angrily while viciously spitting the words to her spell.

A shimmering layer of grease spreads across the floor.

"Keep off it for 20 seconds or so," she warns the party.

Casting Grease wherever I can hit the most enemies without hitting anyone in the party. 4 rounds.

Reflex DC 16 or Prone. Balance checks to move normally on their turns (10, 5 or lower is prone again), as normal. If they have fewer than 5 ranks in Balance, they are Flat Footed. If they take damage while on the grease, it's a DC 10 Balance to avoid falling prone anyway.

2016-05-12, 11:18 PM
Thackery hits his mark and tears at the bones of the Skeletal Wolf that attacked him. Tsynne's grease spreads across two of the wolves (the one adjacent to Thackery and Lanterra). When Lanterra uses his Turn Undead three of the skeletal wolves were disintegrated by his holy light. The remaining Skeletal wolf runs for Thackery and bites deep into Thackery's arm for a critical hit of 4 damage!(wow....) The skeleton to the left of the iron door lets an arrow fly and it hits the ceiling.

Empousa (23)
SA 1 (21)
SA 2 (20)
Thackery (18)
Tsynne (14)
Lanterra (12)
SW 4 (11)
Alvis (8) <----

2016-05-12, 11:24 PM
Awww bugger it all! Alvis backpeddles, dropping the lengthened stick in the process and grabbing his longbow strung across his back. He notches an arrow and fires at one of the archers. That spell is great Tsynne, but now we can't get to the others over there.


Note, Alvis' AC is reduced by 1 for he is not currently using his shield. It is now 15.

2016-05-13, 12:13 AM
Alvis scores a hit on the creature and deals 3 damage to it based off damage reduction.

Empousa (23) <---
SA 1 (21)
SA 2 (20)
Thackery (18)
Tsynne (14)
Lanterra (12)
SW 4 (11)
Alvis (8)

2016-05-13, 10:41 AM
Empousa strikes at the creature that attack Thackery

ATK: [roll0]
DMG: [roll1]

2016-05-13, 01:52 PM
Lanterra pushes his way forward as the battle continues, trying to make his way towards the archers at the other end of the hall.

On his turn, Lanterra will move 60 feet, getting as close as he can to the other end of the hall

2016-05-13, 10:39 PM
Empousa scores a hit on the last remaining skeletal wolf sundering part of its rib cage. The two archers fire. One of the skeletons fails yet again and hits the ceiling with his arrow. The archer that targeted Tsynne does so one more and hits dealing 7 damage.

Lanterra's action will occur after Thackery and Tsynne post.

Empousa (23)
SA 1 (21)
SA 2 (20)
Thackery (18) <---
Tsynne (14)
Lanterra (12)
SW 4 (11)
Alvis (8)

2016-05-13, 11:49 PM
Thackery hisses as the wolf's teeth sink into his arm. He was going to save his maneuvers, but this wolf upset him enough that his chain seems to start flaming as he slashes at the wolf in front of him.

Initiate Burning blade maneuver - 1d6+initiator level extra fire damage
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1] + [roll2] = 15 DMG

2016-05-14, 07:53 PM
Thackery scores a hit upon his target chipping away at it's backbone. The creature is still up.

Empousa (23)
SA 1 (21)
SA 2 (20)
Thackery (18)
Tsynne (14) <----
Lanterra (12)
SW 4 (11)
Alvis (8)

2016-05-15, 05:48 PM
Tsynne clutches her still-bleeding chest and moans softly as she moves behind Thackery for cover from the archers. She then points to the shimmering ground, makes a sharp, negative hand wave, and forces the spell to dissipate.

Hiding behind Thacker for cover. Hopefully that AC bonus keeps me from being a pincushion.

Standard action to dismiss Grease.

2016-05-15, 09:59 PM
As Tsynne uses Thackery as cover, Lanterra bravely moves forward towards the skeletal archers. Lanterra gets to the center of the room adjacent to the pits in the floor when suddenly he feels the ground start to drop out from underneath him. Lanterra makes an effort to pivot to stable flooring, but fails and falls into the floor. As he falls, Lanterra can hear from the "killgate", "Ha! Ya got ta admit...I had somethin' clever fer this...Yer fallin' fer me! That was ta ting!" He lands on a slide that takes him twenty feet down and shoots him into an open room where he falls 20ft and takes 8 DAMAGE from the fall. When Lanterra lands he finds himself a little more than ankle deep in a pile of waste and feces, the stench of which causes him to be NAUSEATED for 2 ROUNDS. To make matters worse, the room is very dimly lit by sunlight coming through cracks in the structure, and something has begun shrieking wildly near him. All Lanterra can see are shadows, something like a blob is very close by him and he determines that the sound is coming from the blob, but he can make something out writhing in the muck and it is coming closer.

Lanterra is keeping the initiative that he had previously and the things that are down in the muck with him will be added to the order, since combat has not stopped and will not break up the flow of combat. Alvis will go next despite the newcomers to the fight, they can only take a move action so their first turn is inconsequential at the moment.

Meanwhile, the remaining skeletal wolf strikes at Thackery once more, but Thackery skillfully dodges it.

Empousa (23)
SA 1 (21)
SA 2 (20)
Thing 3 (19)
Thackery (18)
Thing 2 (15)
Tsynne (14)
Thing 1 (13)
Lanterra (12)
SW 4 (11)
Alvis (8) <----

2016-05-15, 10:13 PM
Lanterra! Hold on, I'll be down to help in a moment. Alvis shouts a few harsh words, jabbing at his feet, feeling light on and springy. He charges forward, towards the now open pit, leaping at the last moment the magic's propelling him further than he should landing him safely on the other side. He skidded to a stop, brandishing his Scimitar at the skeleton archers.

Cast Surefooted.
Take 10 on the Jump for a result of 25 Even if I don't get a 20 ft running start, I can clear a 12.5 ft jump with that (and 25 if I do get a 20 ft running start). A quick note, I have a move speed of 40, so I should be able to reach the archer's with a singular move action.
Also he draws his scimitar as part of his move action. He is currently holding the scimitar in one hand and his bow in the other.

If I'm not allowed to take 10, then I'll roll but I should be able to clear it even with a roll. [roll0]

2016-05-15, 10:22 PM
Lanterra! Hold on, I'll be down to help in a moment. Alvis shouts a few harsh words, jabbing at his feet, feeling light on and springy. He charges forward, towards the now open pit, leaping at the last moment the magic's propelling him further than he should landing him safely on the other side. He skidded to a stop, brandishing his Scimitar at the skeleton archers.

Cast Surefooted.
Take 10 on the Jump for a result of 25 Even if I don't get a 20 ft running start, I can clear a 12.5 ft jump with that (and 25 if I do get a 20 ft running start). A quick note, I have a move speed of 40, so I should be able to reach the archer's with a singular move action.
Also he draws his scimitar as part of his move action. He is currently holding the scimitar in one hand and his bow in the other.

If I'm not allowed to take 10, then I'll roll but I should be able to clear it even with a roll. [roll0]

You make it over the hole that just swallowed Lanterra and land just over it to find that the floor is solid.

During combat, I'm going to go with RAW and say that it is only something you can do out of combat. So, we'll be doing straight up rolls for the skill checks during combat. On the bright side, you still make it cause you're jump is crazy.

2016-05-15, 10:28 PM
Empousa will use her move action in order to use Earth Sense to see how many creatures are below where Lanterra fell. She then uses here standard action, expending 4 power points to gain 2 insight bonus to her AC through Precognition, Defense.

If I am able to detect how many creatures there are, I will immediately shout it to Lanterra

2016-05-15, 10:40 PM
Empousa will use her move action in order to use Earth Sense to see how many creatures are below where Lanterra fell. She then uses here standard action, expending 4 power points to gain 2 insight bonus to her AC through Precognition, Defense.

If I am able to detect how many creatures there are, I will immediately shout it to Lanterra

You can't tell sense the presence of anything below you.

The skeletal archers fire off their arrows. One narrowly misses Tsynne and the other once again hits the ceiling.

Meanwhile, Lanterra can see another writhing figure coming towards his direction.

Empousa (23)
SA 1 (21)
SA 2 (20)
Thing 3 (19)
Thackery (18) <----
Thing 2 (15)
Tsynne (14)
Thing 1 (13)
Lanterra (12)
SW 4 (11)
Alvis (8)

2016-05-15, 10:45 PM
Alright, I better finish off this wolf so we can focus on other things!

Thackery swings again at the wolf in front of him hoping to finish the job

Attack: [roll0]
Dmg: [roll1]

2016-05-15, 10:49 PM
Alright, I better finish off this wolf so we can focus on other things!

Thackery swings again at the wolf in front of him hoping to finish the job

Attack: [roll0]
Dmg: [roll1]

Thackery wraps the spiked chain around the head of the skeletal wolf and pulls tight on his chain. The skull of the wolf lacerates and spins right off the body. The rest of the skeleton collapses.

Down in the muck, another writhing shadow comes into view. Whatever these shadows are, Lanterra knows that they are surrounding him, but can't quite tell at what distance they are.

Empousa (23)
SA 1 (21)
SA 2 (20)
Thing 3 (19)
Thackery (18)
Thing 2 (15)
Tsynne (14) <----
Thing 1 (13)
Lanterra (12)
Alvis (8)

2016-05-17, 10:45 AM
Still clutching her wound, Tsynne mutters another curse and draws a crossbow from its holster at her side.

She drops into a crouch and aims the device at the archer that had so wounded her, and looses the quarrel.

Crouch as a free. Draw as a Move. Shoot as a Standard.

Crit? [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]

EDIT: Well, I tried. :smalltongue:

2016-05-17, 11:34 AM
Still clutching her wound, Tsynne mutters another curse and draws a crossbow from its holster at her side.

She drops into a crouch and aims the device at the archer that had so wounded her, and looses the quarrel.

Crouch as a free. Draw as a Move. Shoot as a Standard.

Crit? [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]

EDIT: Well, I tried. :smalltongue:

Tsynne takes her stance, fires, and hits the wall. If the skeleton who keeps missing its shots had emotion, it would find warmth in its non-existent heart knowing that it found a kindred soul in long ranged combat capabilities.

You see thing 1 moving even closer toward you, but you still aren't sure what they are or quite what they look like. However, they do seem to be slow.

Empousa (23)
SA 1 (21)
SA 2 (20)
Thing 3 (19)
Thackery (18)
Thing 2 (15)
Tsynne (14)
Thing 1 (13)
Lanterra (12) <-----
Alvis (8)

2016-05-17, 11:47 AM
Alvis rushed forward, swiping at the skeleton he had pinged with his bow earlier.

Distracting Attack (forces flanked condition)

2016-05-17, 12:20 PM
Alvis rushed forward, swiping at the skeleton he had pinged with his bow earlier.

Distracting Attack (forces flanked condition)

Alvis slices clean through the ribcage and splits the backbone of the skeleton, dropping it. It lies life-less on the floor. Only one skeletal archer remains.

2016-05-17, 12:24 PM
"I my god, why must you allow me to get myself into such tribulations?" Lanterra mutters out loud, gagging hard enough to make his throat hurt at the stench and the thought of being covered in excrement. He looks worriedly at the thing in the darkness, groping around for his staff.

2016-05-17, 12:35 PM
Updated Initiative Order:

Empousa (23) <----
SA 2 (20)
Thing 3 (19)
Thackery (18)
Thing 2 (15)
Tsynne (14)
Thing 1 (13)
Lanterra (12)
Alvis (8)

2016-05-17, 02:25 PM
Empousa unsure of what to do walks to about the edge of the pit which separates her and the skeletal archer.

2016-05-17, 02:45 PM
The last skeletal archer takes aim and fires through its window. The arrow flies and whizzes past Empousa'sshoulder. If the skeleton had emotions it would feel an overwhelming amount of shame, for every time is has fired it has hit nothing.

Another of the 3 moving figures comes closer to you. On this time you are able to make out something more clearly in the dim-light. A mass of some sort plant-life with 4 tentacles whipping around it is making its way towards you. Likewise, what was screaming near you has ceased, and the source of which seems to have been another plant-like creature, but it remain stationary and you are able to see that there are no tentacles springing from it.

Empousa (23)
SA 2 (20)
Thing 3 (19)
Thackery (18) <----
Thing 2 (15)
Tsynne (14)
Thing 1 (13)
Lanterra (12)
Alvis (8)

2016-05-17, 02:56 PM
Thackery looks around for anything to attach some rope to, and then walks towards the traps, stopping right before them. He then yells out, Anyone have some rope I could use?

Spot check: [roll0]
Action Thackery walks 40 feet to the trap or to whatever it is he can attach some rope to

2016-05-17, 03:02 PM
You don't see any place to tie a rope off to near where Lanterra fell. There is nothing on the floor either. The six doors on the sides of the walls have handles attached, but are good distance away from the door. The closest being 10ft feet from the pit 10x10 pit on the left side.

Another of the tentacle plant creatures comes into view. The exact distance between you and the two tentacle plant creatures that you can see is 20ft.

Empousa (23)
SA 2 (20)
Thing 3 (19)
Thackery (18)
Thing 2 (15)
Tsynne (14) <----
Thing 1 (13)
Lanterra (12)
Alvis (8)

2016-05-17, 06:43 PM
"I had hoped to save this..."

Tsynne withdraws a scroll from her pack, unfurls it, and reads from it. She points at Thackery.

"Good luck. I can control your height. Step out over the pit and I will lower you. Grab our companion, call out when you are ready to come back up."

Using a Scroll of Levitate. I can raise or lower Thackery 20ft as a Move. Next turn, I'l be using my full round to lower him by 40ft.

2016-05-17, 06:55 PM
Thackery feels as though his body is not quite his own. As though the a breeze had taken over his motions.

The last moving shadow comes into view. Three of the tentacled plant creatures are 20ft away from you.

Empousa (23)
SA 2 (20)
Thing 3 (19)
Thackery (18)
Thing 2 (15)
Tsynne (14)
Thing 1 (13)
Lanterra (12) <----
Alvis (8)

2016-05-17, 07:03 PM
Give me a moment, I can help Lanterra! Alvis shuffles towards the final skeleton, going for a horizontal slice against its exposed backbone through the non-existent gut.

Distracting Attack

I REALLY wish I could Wildshape at the moment. My swings are so pitiful.

2016-05-17, 09:31 PM
Alvis takes a swing through the window in which the remaining skeleton stands, but he misses, coming within inches of the opponent.

We will wait for Katashi to post before we continue, since next round we will be interacting with the floor he is on.

2016-05-18, 10:37 AM
Gulping in as much air as he can bear, still getting used to the stentch, Lanterra calls up to the rest of the group "There's some kind of plant creatures down here!" He yells "At least three of them with tentacles and a screamer!" He tries to back as far away from the creatures as he can. If he cannot back farther away than 5 feet he just waits until the nausea wears off.

2016-05-18, 04:32 PM
Empousa immediately translocates herself across the pit using her anklet. She then moves 30ft to stand 10ft away from the archer. She then smiling menacingly at the archer swings at it.

ATK: [roll0]
Confirm?: [roll1]
DMG: [roll2]

2016-05-18, 06:15 PM
You are able to move 5ft back, but a wall blocks you from being able to go further. When you take a closer look at the wall you note that it is only 10ft tall.

Empousa swings at the skeletal archer planting the glaive firmly into the skeleton's face dealing 1 damage after damage reductiondealing 6 damage. Its jaw drops as if to scream, but nothing comes out. The skeleton responds in kind and fires an arrow at Empousa, but misses horribly. The skeleton drops.


Thing three moves 10ft closer to you. It is now 15ft away.

Empousa (23)
SA 2 (20)
Thing 3 (19)
Thackery (18) <----
Thing 2 (15)
Tsynne (14)
Thing 1 (13)
Lanterra (12)
Alvis (8)

2016-05-18, 06:35 PM
Thackery says to Tsynne, Alright, when you are ready, count to three and I will step off and let you control me down. Also, listen for my yell cause I want to be hovering about 10 ft above the ground just in case anything is down there and I can attack them with the reach

ready an action for a five foot step over the trap on the count of three by Tsynne and yell out to stop when I am ten feet above the ground down the trap

2016-05-18, 06:46 PM
Thing 2 is now 15ft away from you as well.

Empousa (23)
Thing 3 (19)
Thackery (18)
Thing 2 (15)
Tsynne (14) <-----
Thing 1 (13)
Lanterra (12)
Alvis (8)

EDIT: That Skeletal Archer is dead. I misread the DR.

2016-05-18, 10:12 PM
Tsynne holds out her hand and counts, "One, two, three!"

With that, she sends her ally floating down, halting the descent when she hears the shout.

"Call to me and I'll bring you up."

Full Round to lower Thackery.

2016-05-19, 08:32 AM
Thackery is sent flying down the hole and comes to a halt in the sewer 10ft above the muck covered floor.

Thackery smells the utterly putrid air that flows through the room, but does not become nauseated by the smell(You beat the DC by 1 point! Woot!). Thackery's dark vision comes on and he sees Lanterra butted up again a ten foot wall with his quarter staff at the ready. When he looks around Thackery can see that some of the plant creatures that Lanterra mentioned are within range of his spiked chain. There are three creatures with tentacles. The room that they are in is fairly large. There are six creatures without tentacles that don't seem to be moving around at all. Thackery can see a pathway leading out of the room, but it is past the other creatures. Two of the tentacled creatures are within range.

One of the plant creatures thrusts it's tentacle at Thackery lashing him, the thorns of the tentacle dig into Thackery and he feels a something burning running through his body. He tries to resist the pain, but his breath seems to shorten slightly and his muscles burn. 3 damage is dealt to Thackery as well as 2 STR damage and 1 CON damage.

Empousa (23)
Thing 3 (19)
Thackery (18)
Thing 2 (15)
Tsynne (14)
Thing 1 (13)
Lanterra (12) <----
Alvis (8)

2016-05-19, 09:46 AM
Thackery shrieks out with pain at the lashing of the plant and looks to return the favor as he lashes out at the plant with what looks like 2 chains.
Initiate Shadow Blade Technique:
Attack 1: [roll0]
Attack 2: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2] + if double hits [roll3] cold dmg

2016-05-19, 09:56 AM
Thackery slashes the Violet Fungus and rips it in two with his Spiked Chain. Its the most dead thing Thackery has seen to date.(Your crit confirmed)

Empousa (23)
Thing 3 (19)
Thackery (18)
Thing 2 (15)
Tsynne (14)
Lanterra (12) <-----
Alvis (8)

2016-05-19, 12:04 PM
Finally feeling the waves of nausea pass, his nose starting to get used to the smell, Lanterra moves forward toward the nearest plant, gripping his staff firmly in both hands. He lifts his staff up over his head and brings it quickly down toward the creature.


2016-05-19, 03:18 PM
Lanterra hits with his Quarter Staff knocking the plant as best he can square in what looks like its chest.

Empousa (23)
Thing 3 (19)
Thackery (18)
Thing 2 (15)
Tsynne (14)
Lanterra (12)
Alvis (8) <-----

2016-05-19, 11:24 PM
Alvis ran back towards the pit, jumping down and bracing himself for the impact, rolling to his feet. The smell hit him like a hammer blow. Once he gained his bearings, he notched an arrow, letting it fly at the Violet Fungus. Avoid their tentacles at all cost! Their poison will sap your strength and your vitality!

Jump check to reduce fall damage by 10 ft [roll0]
Tumble check to reduce fall damage by 10 ft as well [roll1]
Fort save for nausea I'm assuming? [roll2]

Attack roll (copied from previous invalid post) If I fail my nausea, ignore.

2016-05-19, 11:38 PM
Alvis ran back towards the pit, jumping down and bracing himself for the impact, rolling to his feet. The smell hit him like a hammer blow. Once he gained his bearings, he notched an arrow, letting it fly at the Violet Fungus.

Jump check to reduce fall damage by 10 ft [roll0]
Tumble check to reduce fall damage by 10 ft as well [roll1]
Fort save for nausea I'm assuming? [roll2]

Attack roll (copied from previous invalid post) If I fail my nausea, ignore.

As Alvis jumps down, he comes down on the slide to the pit, landing on his feet he rides the slick stone down until the floor comes out from beneath him. He seems to fly through the air with grace, and rolls upon hitting the ground taking 0 DAMAGE from the fall. He did, however, tumble right into a combo of feces and other waste. The smell of which he gets over quickly. He lets an arrow fly at one of the Violet Fungus but misses.

The ones with Tentacles are called Violet Fungus. They are basically mindless and they have a poison that will sap STR and CON along with 4 tentacles with which they can attack with.

The other plant creatures are Fungus. They are stationary creatures and have the ability to shriek letting other creatures know of the presence of food.


I've given you a token as well.

Empousa (23) <-----
Thing 3 (19)
Thackery (18)
Thing 2 (15)
Tsynne (14)
Lanterra (12)
Alvis (8)

2016-05-20, 08:56 AM
Empousa watching people go down the **** hole (literally and figuratively :^)) walks over to the pit. She takes a whiff, and then decides to just sit on the edge and spectate the whole affair below.

2016-05-20, 11:08 AM
Empousa notices that she has kind of a hard time discerning what is going on down below.

the Violet Fungus next to Lanterra whips all four of its tentacles at him. Lanterra skillfully blocks 3 of the tentacles, but one of them strikes his shoulder dealing 3 damage. Lanterra feels the poison run through his veins, which burns only for a moment. He resists the effects and takes no STR or CON damage.

Empousa (23)
Thing 3 (19)
Thackery (18) <-----
Thing 2 (15)
Tsynne (14)
Lanterra (12)
Alvis (8)

2016-05-20, 11:54 AM
Thackery floats over to the Plant attacking Lantera. Hey buddy, looks like you could a hand.

Thackery then concentrates on his attack and whips his Collar right at that plant below him.

Move to the plant attacking Lanterra - Lanterra and I are now flanking the plant with my stance
Initiate Sapphire Nightmare Blade: You attempt a Concentration check as part of this maneuver, using the target creature’s AC as the DC of the check. You then make a single melee attack against your target. The attack is also part of this maneuver. If your Concentration check succeeds, the target is flat-footed against your attack, and you deal an extra 1d6 points of damage. If your check fails, your attack is made with a –2 penalty and deals normal damage.
Concentration Check: [roll0]
Attack if Concentration works: [roll1]
If Crit: [roll2]
Attack if Concentration doesn't work [roll3]
If Crit: [roll4]
DMG: [roll5] + (If Concentration works) [roll6]

2016-05-20, 03:46 PM
Thackery thrashes his Collar up the side of his opponent and the Violet Fungus falls.

The remaining Violet Fungus takes aim at Alvis. Violet Fungus thrusts all 4 of its tentacles at Alvis. He attempts to dodge and parry the blows, but the Fungus hits each time, lashing him for an initial 7 damage. With each lash a thorn digs into him. His blood feels as though it truly boils as the poison from all four blows enter his body. Alvis, though, being stronger than most in fortitude shrugs off two helpings of the poison. The other two, however, take a toll. The poison saps a huge portion of his strength. Alvis can feel his muscles burn and weaken significantly. He has taken 6 STR Damage. He feels his breathing become heavy and his vision blurs for a moment. The poison has also dealt 4 CON Damage to him.

Empousa (23)
Thing 3 (19)
Thackery (18)
Thing 2 (15)
Tsynne (14) <-----
Lanterra (12)
Alvis (8)

2016-05-20, 04:06 PM
"Glad to have the help!" Lanterra says "Hope you don't mind the smell" He moves to strike the plant creature that just attacked Alvis.


2016-05-20, 04:48 PM
Tsynne hobbles her way over to the pit and looks down, hoping to see what's going on.

"How are you doing down there? Need a hand? I can come down, but it would be most costly."

Tsynne withdraws her scroll of Fly in case she's needed.

Tsynne has Darkvision 60ft. I'm not sure if the slide curves out of view, but it's worth trying.

2016-05-20, 05:06 PM
You can't see anything, just a lot of waste. They have likely all moved around away from where the pit drops them.

Lanterra pounds the Violet Fungus with his Quarterstaff and the plant arches back from the blow, but it still stands.

Empousa (23)
Thackery (18)
Thing 2 (15)
Tsynne (14)
Lanterra (12)
Alvis (8) <-----

2016-05-20, 07:28 PM
Alvis let out a strained grunt as the poison coursed through his body. He fought the quickly draining strength to stay on his feet. Through labored breath, he notched another arrow, firing at the Fungus that Lanterra had struck, making a point of firing defensively.

Fighting Defensively, my AC is 17 right now.

2016-05-20, 07:47 PM
Alvis' arrow meets its mark, but the Fungus is still going.

Empousa (23) <-----
Thackery (18)
Thing 2 (15)
Tsynne (14)
Lanterra (12)
Alvis (8)

2016-05-20, 08:18 PM
Thackery yells up to Tsynne: No need to waste anything else, we are just finishing up down here! He then moves to the last Plant to finish the job.

move to the final Plant and initiate Drain Vitality: As part of this maneuver, make a single melee attack. If this attack hits, you deal normal melee damage and the target must make a successful Fortitude save (DC 12 + your Wis modifier) or take 2 points of Constitution damage. A successful save negates the Constitution damage but not the normal melee damage.

2016-05-21, 10:37 AM
With Thackery's final strike, the last Violet Fungus goes down. All that are left are the stationary screaming Fungus. Thackery laid the final blow to all three of the creatures.

From fighting the skeletons everyone gets 300 EXP. 480 EXP to everyone for the fungus.

2016-05-21, 11:11 AM
Alright, Alvis, give me your rope, you guys search the fungus and grab any thing they might have... If you can, see if you can sap some poison from them. If you guys want, you can put the other fungi out of their misery too while I get this tied on up high
Once he gets the rope, Thackery yells up to Tsynne to raise him up so that he might tie the rope onto something for them.

2016-05-21, 04:32 PM
Tsynne waves her hand, allowing her companion to float to the surface.

"I don't suppose any of you have any magical healing?"

Just to be clear, is that 780xp total, then?

2016-05-21, 04:45 PM
Tsynne waves her hand, allowing her companion to float to the surface.

"I don't suppose any of you have any magical healing?"

Just to be clear, is that 780xp total, then?

Yes. 780xp.

2016-05-21, 04:58 PM
I believe the ones in the pit have healing, we should tie this rope to a door knob or something to get them up. We should also search the skeletons for anything they have to offer to us.

2016-05-21, 05:22 PM
Alvis slumped against the wall, trying to desperately catch his breath and failing. He dug a hand into his haversack, thanking the magic of the bag to place his rope on top. He handed it over to the hovering cat-man. He turned weakly towards Lanterra. If your god granted you any magic to help fight toxins, now would be the time to cast it. I'm afraid the dosage I took may cripple me.

2016-05-21, 05:53 PM
Empousa hums some tunes to herself as she watches her party gather themselves.

2016-05-21, 06:51 PM
Thackery walks over to the door and takes a 20 tieing the rope to it and then drops it down the hole for the other two... He then goes and searches the skeletons for what they might have on them.

2016-05-21, 09:44 PM
Thackery ties an impeccable knot around the door handle, making way for safe travel up the rope for the others. Alvis looks around the sewer for anything of use, when he notices something odd when coming to a tunnel running deep into the dark. Underneath a pile of waste, he finds a corpse rotting, its armor and sword wasting away from the attrition of the sewer. One item seemed unphased. A pair of bracers dirtied by the muck.

2016-05-21, 09:51 PM
Alvis picks up the bracer's gingerly, slipping them into his pack, along with his scimitar and shield. Without wasting anymore time, he ascended the rope. He crawled back into the hallway, collapsing on his back, winded. There is a passage down there. Not sure where it goes. Something think about once we've re-lit the soulfire. Also, I found some bracer's that have survived the muck down there. Probably magical.

So, no more Poison hits? Unless Violet Fungus' poison only hits once, they always hit in two bursts, once immediately and another 1 minute later.

2016-05-21, 09:56 PM
Alvis picks up the bracer's gingerly, slipping them into his pack, along with his scimitar and shield. Without wasting anymore time, he ascended the rope. He crawled back into the hallway, collapsing on his back, winded. There is a passage down there. Not sure where it goes. Something think about once we've re-lit the soulfire. Also, I found some bracer's that have survived the muck down there. Probably magical.

So, no more Poison hits? Unless Violet Fungus' poison only hits once, they always hit in two bursts, once immediately and another 1 minute later.

It only hits once.

2016-05-22, 10:52 PM
Once everyone is up the rope and safe, the group begins to go forward as planned. When they come out of the "killgate" the same voice that has been mocking them speaks once more. "Hmm, I think ya be some sort of new kinda bandit. One not so different from I or me boys. Ye shall be tested."

When the party walks through the door, the hallway slants downwards towards yet another iron door, but this one is wide open. Alvis scans for signs of traps, but finds none. Everyone moves forward with caution. When the door is inspected and found safe, Alvis gives the all clear and opens up the door. What everyone sees is an open room with nothing in it besides an exit door. "I told ya. Ye be tested!"

We have moved over to Roll20 for all of our mapping needs. Everyone has a token.


2016-05-22, 11:05 PM
Alvis silently motioned for everyone to stay put. In a murmur, So far, this mysterious voice has signaled a challenge for us to face. A trapped hallway and based on what we heard when we first arrived, we avoiding at least one other hallway like it. If this is a test, nothing is as it seems. Alvis scanned the room more thoroughly, hoping he missed something the first time.

an ACTIVE spot check!? Craziness! [roll0]

2016-05-23, 09:43 AM
Empousa begins to whistle her tunes as she awaits Alvis' checking of traps.

2016-05-23, 10:32 AM
Lanterra moves among the group after the fight, using his healing spells and abilities to take away the group's wounds.

Lanterra will use his 8 points of Lay on Hands to heal himself, then moves amongst the group with his wand of cure light wounds to take care of the rest. Not sure how much healing is needed exactly, so just going to roll several times. Let me know how many spells are actually used for healing, Lanterra will stop when everyone is fully healed


2016-05-23, 11:44 AM
Thackery starts doing pushups while he waits for Alvis to finish up.

I can either take the 8 and be fully healed, or just use like a 4 and a 3 and take 2 of your CLWs

2016-05-23, 12:45 PM
Tsynne needs 7 to be at full. I doubt I'll be hit too often, though, so I'll just grab that first charge and call it good.

2016-05-23, 06:14 PM
Alvis continues to not see anything indicating a trap in the room. The ceiling of the room, however, is quite high(about 50ft). If you didn't have the sneaking suspicions that you have about this room, you'd think that it was empty.

2016-05-23, 06:25 PM
Alvis relaxed slightly. Well... I can't seem to find anything out of the ordinary. The roof is really tall. Other than that, I've got nothing. So... who wants to go in first? I volunteer not me.

2016-05-23, 07:12 PM
Thackery sighs, and says: I guess I can lead the way

2016-05-23, 07:39 PM
"Don't be stupid" said Empousa grasping Thackery. "Does anyone want to put something weighty on the floor?"


2016-05-24, 02:13 PM
"It can't be that bad can it?" Lanterra asks Empousa "Nobody would pull the same trick twice"

2016-05-24, 04:27 PM
Thackery takes a step back upon Empousa's request and waits until the group decided what they want to do

2016-05-25, 08:05 AM
"It is not the floor that worries me, it is the high ceiling" responded Empousa to Lanterra.

2016-05-29, 06:42 PM
Alvis stood just outside the threshold of the door, prodding the floor at regular intervals, hoping to trigger something.

2016-05-29, 06:58 PM
Lanterra stands behind Alvis, following along.

2016-05-29, 07:54 PM
Thackery follows as well, keeping his eyes open for anything out of the ordinary

2016-05-29, 08:53 PM
As the three of you cautiously move forward, nothing seems out of the ordinary. You come to the center of the room, and the same holds true. Then Alvis finally reaches the door at the end of the room and finds there are no traps to speak of. Alvis reaches for the door to check for traps when he suddenly feels engulfed in slim and it begins to feel as though he is moving through goop. His eye sight is murky and his skin burns. Alvis takes 7 damage.

Everyone else, it looks as if some kind of gelatinous cube has consumed Alvis!

Initiative Order:

Tsynne (26) <----
Thackery (22)
Empousa (16)
Lanterra (14)
Alvis (8)
Cube (-2)

2016-05-31, 12:09 AM
Tsynne quickly backpedals, putting as much space between her and this new abomination as she can. Juts before she does so, a ray dart from her finger toward the Ooze.

Standard to cast Ray of Enfeeblement. Move to move away.

Ranged Touch [roll0]
Str Damage [roll1]

2016-05-31, 07:38 AM
Thackery is taken aback by this blob that seemingly came out of nowhere, but understands he must hurry to help Alvis. He changes his footing and moves to position himself 10ft away from the blob. He then swings his spiked chain at the blob.

Heal check to see if Alvis is effected by the Ray that Tsynne shot out: [roll0]
Initiate Child of Shadows stance: If you move at least 10 feet during your turn, you gain concealment against all melee and ranged attacks until the start of your next turn. You also gain the standard benefits of concealment, but you cannot use this stance to hide in plain sight
Move (at least) 10 ft to position myself 10 ft away from the blob
If I don't think Alvis was effected by that: Use Drain Vitality to strike at the blob: As part of this maneuver, make a single melee attack. If this attack hits, you deal normal melee damage and the target must make a successful Fortitude save (DC 14) or take 2 points of Constitution damage. A successful save negates the Constitution damage but not the normal melee damage.
ATTACK: [roll1]
DMG: [roll2] +2 con dmg if fail the fort save

2016-05-31, 04:34 PM
Empousa moves to the cube, standing 10 ft away from it. She then attacks with her glaive


2016-06-01, 09:28 AM
Tsynne's magic hits the creature, but the creature seems almost unphased. It gives no indication of being weakened, probably because it is made of slime. Thackery strikes at the creature and sends a chunk of its slime into across the floors. Empousa also strikes and sends slime everywhere.

Tsynne (26)
Thackery (22)
Empousa (16)
Lanterra (14) <-----
Alvis (8)
Cube (-2)

2016-06-01, 01:12 PM
"Hurry, let's try to break it apart!" Lanterra says, swinging his staff at the cube.

If Lanterra was near enough to Alvis that he can get to the cube with a 5 foot step:


If he's not he'll move 30 feet as a move action and attack two handed


2016-06-01, 06:09 PM
Alvis tried to keep calm. He struggled and strained, trying to move through jelly that burned his skin. He fought and strained, his weakened muscles screaming in protest.

Grapple to break free. [roll0]
ID Dung check + Collector of Stories[roll1]

2016-06-02, 11:48 PM
Lanterra struck the slimy creature both times. Alvis wriggled his way out of the creature, but just barely.

The creature then strikes at Lanterra and misses.

Tsynne (26) <------
Thackery (22)
Empousa (16)
Lanterra (14)
Alvis (8)
Cube (-2)

2016-06-03, 09:18 PM
Alvis scrambles backward, giving himself some space between him and the cube. He let loose an arrow, hoping to end this quickly.


2016-06-04, 10:42 AM
Alvis hits, his arrow comes out the back of the creature. Alvis can tell that the creatures form is becoming much less stable. Chucks of the slim are all about the floor.

2016-06-05, 12:12 AM
Tsynne continues backing away from the gelatinous behemoth and readies her crossbow to take a shot if she gets an opening.

Readied Action: Shoot the cube with my crossbow if I can do so without it gaining cover from my allies.


2016-06-05, 01:11 AM
Thackery takes a 5 foot step back, then a 5 foot step forward to maintain concealment, then slings his chain trailing fire behind it.

Initiate Burning Blade:
Attack: [roll0]
Dmg: [roll1] + [roll2] Fire Dmg =17

2016-06-05, 02:30 PM
Empousa attacks the cube blob

Atk: [roll0]
Dmg [roll1]

2016-06-05, 07:39 PM
Pressing the fight, Lanterra grips his staff firmly, hands spread evenly in the middle to allow him to easily use both ends against the cube.


2016-06-05, 09:19 PM
Tsynne and Thackery lay into the creature, taking it down. Empousa and Lanterra, not knowing how utterly dead the creature has become, continue to beat the ever loving stuffing out of it.

Everybody get 160EXP!!!

You can hear the voice from above once more. "Ye did much better than I expected...ceilin' must'a tipped ye...."

2016-06-05, 09:21 PM
Thackery searches the remnants of the glob to see if anything is worth salvaging

2016-06-05, 09:28 PM
Alvis sighs heavily. He sits on the floor, catching his breath and shaking off remaining ooze. If I didn't know any better, I'd say that voice is watching us.

2016-06-06, 12:36 AM
I was figuring that it was on a time lapse whenever we hit certain obstacles, but that could be another explanation. Maybe we should try to talk to him/her. Thackery says as he sifts through the ooze

2016-06-06, 09:40 AM
Thackery finds a small key in among the slime.

2016-06-06, 09:51 AM
Oh hey! Thackery exclaims, A key!

2016-06-06, 12:59 PM
Tsynne tilts her head.

"Well that's oddly convenient. And I'm not sure the voice is... Watching us. Hm..."

Spellcraft on the voice: [roll0] Magic Mouth or something similar perhaps?

2016-06-06, 03:10 PM
You know for certain that what keeps occurring is the triggering of a magic mouth spell.

2016-06-06, 07:12 PM
Tsynne shakes her head.

"No, not watching us. It's a spell. Magic Mouth to be specific. It's just a trigger that reproduces words when certain conditions are met. Nothing to concern ourselves with."

2016-06-06, 07:15 PM
Empousa intrigued by the the Mouth Spell then turns to Thackery, "Want to try the key on the door?"

2016-06-06, 10:43 PM
If every one is ready to go, then absolutely, Im excited!

2016-06-07, 03:02 PM
"I am ready" Lanterra says, leaning casually on his staff.

2016-06-13, 02:02 AM
Thackery tries the new found key in the door to see what it does