View Full Version : Player Help [3.5] Fey Hunter / Witch Hunter Build Help

2016-04-25, 03:59 AM
Beyond the western border of the kingdom of Scarlen, past the final tattered fringes of civilization, lies a vast and untamed frontier, the Westlands. In this unknown and dangerous territory, we will surely face a varied multitude of foes, but the Fell Hunter comes prepared for nature's most treacherous creations, and more.


In this setting, there exist many malicious fey, commonly referred to as "fell". It has been my character's occupation to deal with them when they creep into civilization and wreak havoc. His experience has lent him a specialty in combating fey and arcane tricksters of many kinds.

The essential concept of this character is a mostly martial or mundane type, though not necessarily strictly such, with a focused proficiency in dealing with magical creatures and spellcasters, and decent utility besides. We are starting at 5th level, with normal WBL, up to two flaws, and can use just about any official sources to make our idea work, so long as the result isn't a complete thematic mess, and our power level isn't significantly better or worse than that of our peers.

For a game that provides a great plethora of resources for magic users, I'm rather disappointed to find a distinct lack of options for those who wish to competently combat magic on relatively mundane terms. Having perused many different sources, I've familiarized myself with the feats "Mage Slayer" and "Pierce Magical Concealment", as well as helpful utilities like "Darkstalker" and "Nemesis". I'm aware of the Ranger's ACF for Favored Enemy (Arcanists), as well as the prestige class Occult Slayer. Naturally, Tome of Battle may come in handy here as well. Still, making my idea actually work within a concise number of levels has proven to be a serious challenge for me.

So, I come to you, the experts, for your advice and experience. How would you build the "Fell Hunter"? Any guidance would be greatly appreciated.

2016-04-25, 04:08 AM
I would use Swordsage 5/Shadowsun Ninja 10/Occult Slayer 5 for a mage hunter.

Play a whisper gnome, get the dark creature template (even without LA, it may be worth it) get dark stalker. You want a full body cloak lined with lead. I am pretty sure that should make you a hard bugger to find. With shadow jaunt, and the darkstalker/Whisper Gnome synergy, unless it is a super wizard you should be able to pop in next to the fey/wizard and beat the dog spit out of it

2016-04-25, 06:25 PM
Warblade (or Crusader) 5/Cold Iron Warrior 10/Witch Slayer 5.

Full BAB, and get's a bunch of anti-fey/anti-magic class features. You can throw any full BAB class at the front: Ranger (favored enemy, fey/arcanists), Paladin, Barbarian etc.

Warblade/Crusader: ToB
Witch SLayer: ToM
Cold Iron Warrior: http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/fey/20040507a

Bobby Baratheon
2016-04-25, 07:34 PM
I don't know how much customizing you allow, but you could take the Spirit Shaman's spirit busting abilities (which work on feys), and slap them on a fighter chassis.

2016-04-25, 08:22 PM
Magebane weapon enchantment.

2016-04-27, 06:01 PM
Thanks everyone for your replies so far. They've definitely given me a few more ideas of where to go with this build, particularly in the long term. One of my biggest concerns, however, is being able to have a cogent build well before entering the late-game. Realistically, if I'm starting at 5th level, I need to have a toolkit that's already performing what I need to some capacity, and then proceeds to scale up as we play. Or, in lore terms, I should already be a credible "Fell Hunter" by the time I'm 5th level.

Starting with a ToB chassis, or at least integrating that in the first five levels, seems like the most straightforward way to up my martial game and give my character some good mundane options. However, I'm curious about what could be done in the short-term to counter some of the nasty enchantments and effects of fey, and by extension, so many save-or-suck effects that can nullify a martial character. Prestige classes granting resistances and immunities aren't so relevant to me if I'm getting them only past level ten, for example.

So, are there class options available within five levels, or ten, that will provide the sort of defenses a hunter would need? Alternatively, what feat options stand out, and are there any recommendations for spending my starting wealth?

Ort's build appears to avoid the issue of making saves, by just being completely undetected to begin with, and then ganking my foes. That seems like a viable way to go, so long as my attack assuredly kills or disables my enemy, so that the next round doesn't proceed to suck for me. This build is also mostly compatible with the Caster Level-reducing feats Mage Slayer and Pierce Magical Concealment. While I'm mentioning those two feats, just how good do you think those would be for a concept like this?

I know I have many questions still, but it seems the more I think about the challenges presented with this build concept, the more details come into consideration. Thanks again for your input.

2016-04-27, 10:07 PM
Here is a Mage Slayer build I came up with a while ago.

1. Ranger - B: Track, Weapon Focus: Guisarme, Arcane Hunter ACF
2. Barbarian - Spirit Totem: Lion ACF, Whirling Frenzy ACF, {Optional: City Brawler ACF (Drg#349)}
3. Barbarian - Nemisis: Arcanists, Wolf Totem ACF
4. Warblade
5. Warblade
6. Warblade - Mage Slayer
7. Warblade
8. Warblade - B: Improved Initiative
9. Crusader - Blindfight
10. Crusader
11. Occult Slayer
12. Occult Slayer - Combat Reflexes
13. Occult Slayer
14. Occult Slayer
15. Occult Slayer - Pierce Magical Concealment
16. Witch Slayer
17. Witch Slayer
18. Witch Slayer - Stand Still
19. Witch Slayer
20. Witch Slayer

Note: The levels of Occult Slayer and Witch Slayer can be switched around as needed.

Warblade nets you the maneuvers Iron Heart Surge, Moment of Perfect Mind, and Action Before Thought. You also get Uncanny Dodge

Crusader nets you the Thicket of Blade Stance (combos nicely with Stand Still, Combat Reflexes, and a reach weapon; wear spiked gauntlets or armor spikes to threaten nearby squares) and some healing maneuvers. it also nets you Indomitable Soul.

Witch Slayer nets you Mettle and Slippery Mind.

If playing human take EWP: Spiked Chain and WF: Spiked Chain instead of Guisarme

2016-04-28, 03:13 PM
Here is a Mage Slayer build I came up with a while ago.

I'll take note of this build. Using my Human bonus feat, and two flaw feats, means that I'll have plenty of room to work with, and can get Mage Slayer online before I even start playing.

Something you may or may not have taken into account, is that your Initiator Level would be the same whether you took Warblade at 4th or 5th level. I suppose committing to Warblade for 5 levels gets you one more maneuver, and then a bonus feat. But having other ways to get Improved Initiative means I could probably do something more interesting with my 4th level. Thanks for this build, though!