View Full Version : 3.5 Dragonic swordsmen help

2016-04-25, 09:13 AM
so I be taking part in a one shot campaign and I really want to play a awesome swordsmen who has a powerful breath attack but i'm not sure whats the best way to go about this. this will be campaign starting at level 12
I want full BAB but I want to add some dragonic grafts to my character so she appears dragonic
I was thinking of making her breath weapon fire and giving her feat were it still dose have to things immune to fire do to its high heat (blue and white flames)

2016-04-25, 09:42 AM
Dragonborn's the easiest way to get a breath weapon.

2016-04-25, 09:56 AM
Dragon Totem Barbarian, with the Dragonborn Template?

Or for a one shot, play a slight re-imagining of the Dragon Shaman from the PHB2. The class gets a lot of stick, but if you're looking for Dragon flavour it's well up there. You gain some neat immunities and resistances too.

It's not the most -effective- class in the world, but it's passable and comes packed with flavour.

Also, not to be pedantic, but it's 'Draconic'

2016-04-25, 05:22 PM
You could go with Martial Study for Hatchling's Flame and the like.

If you wanted white-blue flames that aren't a breath weapon but could be fluffed to it, you have the Spellfire Wielder feat with one level of Warlock to power it.

A DWK or Hatchling dragon(silver is the best mechanically) with Loredrake and the Dragon Breath feat can waste their cheesy spell slots on weak breath weapons.

Anyone able to get the Dragonscale Husk ACF(however bad a choice it is) can look all manner of dragon-like and there are a great many Dragonblooded races to pick from for that.

You could also use a Prestige Race to get something like Searing Burning Hands at will for a breath-weapon-like attack.

Any of the high BaB caster builds can get you a Reserve Feat for a cone of cold, line of lightning, or ball of fire.

2016-04-25, 05:33 PM
Dragonborn as the race with Quicken Breath and Entangling Exhalation feats allows you to open most combats by laying down battlefield control as a swift action and then follow up with the usual martial beatdown. Something like warblade with dips into lion totem barbarian and hit-and-run fighter variant works well enough.

2016-04-25, 05:38 PM
Dip in Dragonfire Adept then advance the breath (and invocations) with a full BAB full casting progression PrC? You may need to also dip duskblade or similar to meet reqs.

Bobby Baratheon
2016-04-25, 06:07 PM
If you're DM will let you, and you don't care too much about LA, Blue Dragonspawn gets you some sweet stat adjustments, +7 na, one free sorcerer level (which could synergize with Thurbane's DFA idea), natural weapons, flight, and a breath weapon. All for +2 LA! White Dragonspawn is the cheap version, with lesser stat boosts and a weaker breath attack, but for only +1 LA.

2016-04-25, 07:03 PM
If you're DM will let you, and you don't care too much about LA, Blue Dragonspawn gets you some sweet stat adjustments, +7 na, one free sorcerer level (which could synergize with Thurbane's DFA idea), natural weapons, flight, and a breath weapon. All for +2 LA! White Dragonspawn is the cheap version, with lesser stat boosts and a weaker breath attack, but for only +1 LA.

Also if you pick an odd race(such as Kobold) you add abomination to that for a potential(but improbable) total +7 sorcerer spell casting at no LA. With Kobold you can also get Greater Draconic Rite of Passage for another +1. And that is without a single class level and only +1 LA.

2016-04-25, 08:38 PM
Your two best options are probably to either go dragonborn or a young dragon.

For the former, I would suggest a warfored dragonborn crusader. Total of +4 racial con bonus which is great for your breath save dc and tanking, and because dragonborn lets you keep your subtype you get to keep all of those delicious warforged immunities. Pick up a couple of metabreath feats, open up with a nasty breath attack, then wade in and start pounding until your breath recharges. You might want to pick up a level or two in dragonfire adept. You lose a point of BAB, but your allies become imune to your breath, you gain a second (weaker) breath attack, and you can change the breath type to eityer cold or electric on a whim. Here (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?181655-Spirit-of-Steel-The-Crusader-s-Handbook-WIP) is the crusader handbook and here (http://www.minmaxboards.com/index.php?topic=15686.0) is the dfa handbook.

Another option is to be an actual dragon. Probably your two best options are a mercury wyrmling or a steel wyrmling. The dragon handbook here (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?303204-The-Truest-of-the-True-A-Handbook-to-non-Kobold-Dragons-(WIP)) explains why they are so good, but suffice to say that the former is probably better for a hit and run build while the latter could make a great gish. Again, ToB classes such as warblade, crusader, and jade phoenix mage would probably work best for building your martial monster.