View Full Version : if i have shield spell so is absorb elements worth getting

Night Eternal
2016-04-25, 12:47 PM
these 2 spells seem very similar besides that bonus damage and the limitation to elemental damage trigger

But I have shield and am lvl and trying decide between absorb elements and sword burst and thunderwave.

Im an ek lvl4


greenflame blade
booming blade
shocking grasp

spell lvl1

find familiar( dm allowed)
chromatic orb

I am a dex fighter with 19 ac ( including shield). I have a rogue, druid, monk, bard on the team

The bard does have thunderwave so I was thinking there was no reason to duplicate the spell. Our team does a lot of stealth so I don't like how loud the spell is. SO I was would prefer sword burst which is silent.


Night Eternal
2016-04-25, 12:50 PM
oh and specter I have read your guide which was helpful but I need the pro and con in this situation :)

2016-04-25, 01:00 PM
It is worthwhile, since it covers things that don't target AC. As in spells or abilities that require saves. There's a large overlap between "attacks which deal elemental damage" and "attacks which do not target AC".

Night Eternal
2016-04-25, 01:09 PM
can you explain that in more detail please :) that sound like something I need to know lol

2016-04-25, 01:27 PM
Some spells target your AC, usually cantrips, which Shield adds to. Makes you harder to hit, because they have to beat your AC.

Most 1st level and up spells require you to make a save, usually Dexterity if it's a damage spell. You have to beat their Spell DC. AC doesn't factor in, and having more of it does nothing. Absorb Elements helps cover this large gap in defenses.

I assume this is for your Eldritch Knight, in which case Absorb Elements and Shield are highly recommended (in general). Read up on the differences between Attack rolls and Save rolls in your handbook to get a better idea.

2016-04-25, 01:30 PM
Well, for an example let's say you get hit with Fireball. Fireball is a DEX save, so your AC is completely bypassed. Shield can't help you out at all. Absorb Elements can cut the damage in half by giving you resistance, even if you make the save (If you save, you take half damage. If you use Absorb Elements, you take half of that half, or a quarter of the full damage). Plus you get a nice bonus of +1d6 damage on your next attack.
This bonus damage isn't always useful though, since many enemies which cause a particular damage are often immune/resistant to their own damage, such as dragons. Gaining resistance for a round is really the meat of the spell.

2016-04-25, 01:44 PM
Anecdote incoming!!

We were in a gauntlet of challenges and went up against a black dragon. He moved away from my gish wizard and I made the foolish decision of taking the opportunity attack. Lo and behold, the dragon managed to get his breath back and blasted me. My wizard was the tank of the party (yes, mild irony) and that breath all but killed him due to high rolls on damage and a failed save. It worked out, but the ability to reduce that damage by half would have saved an entire short rest and spell slots.

The elemental attacks it resists also tend to be the high-damage attacks. Absorb Elements can be the difference when it comes to concentration. An attack that lands for 60 damage could be impossible to succeed on (with proficiency and a high Con, that's not possible until level 13) while 30 damage at least gives a chance to keep concentration.

Night Eternal
2016-04-25, 01:56 PM
thanks this is very helpful and I am definitely getting it. If im a defense fighter its a most have.