View Full Version : DM Help Sharing some spell templates for roll20 users.

2016-04-25, 11:06 PM
Hey everyone. I just wanted to share something that I find useful. I made templates via photoshop and a pdf contained graph paper. Uploading the images to roll 20 is the first step.

However, I would not both trying to move them to the field when you need them and resize them. Stick them on your own separate page already sized. If you just stretch them to a 5ft unit grid as you would find with any d20 system they match up according to what you typically find within the d20 system.

Once you do save them, you only need to select and copy and then past it where you need it to go. As the GM is suggest making it part of the map, because then the grid can over lay it, and it won't touch the tokens. See pics below If you wish to download them, here they are:

it includes a number of different ones. If you think there is one that needs to be made just let me know I will try and make it too.


WARNING contains real spoilers of dungeons with labels.


