View Full Version : Build Idea: Eldritch Knight Bonus Value Town

2016-04-25, 11:17 PM
The premise of the build here is to take spells that can gainfully employ an Eldritch Knight's bonus action if your base features don't give you much to do with it.

There's really not a ton to work with in published books, as far as I can see, but here's the options that stand out to me:

L1: :/ nothing, really. Here you take the standard "shield, absorb, utility" layout. Closest thing here would probably be expeditious retreat to close distance, but you have cantrips to fill time on the way to a target...
L2: Flaming Sphere. Unfortunately, this spell isn't evocation, so you're stuck using up one of your precious non-school specific spell options. Otherwise it's a fine choice, adding 2d6 to your DPR and doubling as minor area control; with semi-decent positioning you can force an enemy to chose between risking OA or risking damage from this.
L3: Melf's Minute Meteors. This one doesn't give you a lot of extended use, but its cumulative damage for single targets out-matches fireball once you've expended your 3 turns worth of gas with it. The small AOE can hit maybe 2 targets, so there's room to argue that this spell holds up even with only 3 turns of gas.
L4: Storm Sphere. By far my favorite spell from the EEPC, this spell differs from the others in that it deals damage with both the action that you use to cast it and your bonus action that turn. The small area inside deals continuous damage, so perhaps with some help and a proper gridlock you can use this to clear out mooks on the DOT while burning the highest value target with lightning. You can even stand in this yourself, considering you probably have +10 to concentration saves, so you only speed up the fight with this in a gridlock, as you actually literally can't lose the spell to its own damage (nat 1 doesn't auto fail saves, ya know).

The big issue with the idea is that everything competes with Haste at level 13. There's very little chance that you would rather cast melf's meteors when you could instead make a fourth Great Weapon Master attack, so the idea has a pretty niche space: either you want a different out-of-school spell at 3rd level despite the obvious power of haste, or you're going sword and board tanky style. The latter case is far more likely, and is quite justifiable as the extra AC from a shield and defense style can save your skin, and melf's meteors/storm sphere will give you more damage than one longsword attack.

So what thoughts have ye? any other spells that can gainfully employ a bonus action for an EK? or is someone just going to come and not read the whole thing and say "haste is better if you power attack" even though I covered that point?

2016-04-26, 01:44 AM
Had to read it a few times in order to get your point, and I'm still not sure I have.

So a few things - 1. the extra action from haste isn't a bonus action (not sure if you know this, just wanted to point it out)

2. You can still cast haste on other party members, and by the time 3rd lvl spells are online for an EK, haste is prolly always more value than the EKs mediocre attempt at blasting.

3. Warmagic CAN be a feature you can base a whole build around (if SCAG is allowed at your table that is) in which case you got the bonus action constantly covered.

So to answer what I assume is your question: if you are playing a GWM build (or PAM or SS) haste will be top tier no doubt.
If you want to maximize the war magic feature I suggest going SB with duelist, grabbing warcaster and then multi class into abju wiz after 8 EK lvls.

The scag cantrips (GFB,BB) are gonna deal more damage than a 3rd attack with a warhammer/longsword at lvl 11.
The extra attack deals 1d8+7 (assuming 20str and duelist) for an avg damg of = 11,5 damg.
The scag cantrips deal either 9 avg damg (assuming BB isn't procced and GFB dosent hit another target) or they deal 22,5 avg damg(BB procced) or 18 + INT mod avg damg(GFB hitting two targets).

I hope some of this is helpful and not just complete nonsense.
Either way I'd still prefer haste as the non EK school spell, if there's another caster in your party you essentially frees up his/hers concentration slot so he/she isn't a buff bot.

2016-04-26, 10:46 AM
1. the extra action from haste isn't a bonus action (not sure if you know this, just wanted to point it out)

the conflict is in that it competes for concentration