View Full Version : Rules Q&A Natural Reach Weapons

2016-04-26, 04:30 AM
Let's say im fighting a Huge foe while im Large, he'd get one AoO because of his size category.
But what if i'm Medium size and fighting a Huge foe, he'd get 2 AoO (As long as he posses the Combat Reflaxes feat ).
Because he's larger than me in 2 size categories, Am i right?

2016-04-26, 04:34 AM
Let's say im fighting a Huge foe while im Large, he'd get one AoO because of his size category.
But what if i'm Medium size and fighting a Huge foe, he'd get 2 AoO (As long as he posses the Combat Reflaxes feat ).
Because he's larger than me in 2 size categories, Am i right?

Sorry. What you're asking isn't -strictly- clear. So I'm going to answer what I -think- you're asking. If I miss the point, my apology.

You get an attack of opportunity everytime someone -leaves- a square you threaten. So yes, a Medium sized creature charging a Huge creature with a 15ft reach will provoke two attacks of opportunity (he -leaves- two threatened squares on the charge, and settles in the third) provided the huge creature has combat reflexes.

In the case of a large creature with 10 ft reach, you would provoke one attack of opportunity, as on the charge (or your chosen method of sauntering casually into combat) the large creature must leave one square in order to get into range.

This theory is kind of the basis for 'Reach Zoning' builds.

2016-04-26, 04:34 AM
No, movement only ever provokes one AoO from an opponent, regardless of Combat Reflexes.

Let's see if I can find the exact rules citation...

Moving out of more than one square threatened by the same opponent in the same round doesn’t count as more than one opportunity for that opponent.

I'm sure it's right there in core, but RC was the first source I put my hands on.

Here's the SRD version:

Combat Reflexes and Additional Attacks of Opportunity
If you have the Combat Reflexes feat you can add your Dexterity modifier to the number of attacks of opportunity you can make in a round. This feat does not let you make more than one attack for a given opportunity, but if the same opponent provokes two attacks of opportunity from you, you could make two separate attacks of opportunity (since each one represents a different opportunity). Moving out of more than one square threatened by the same opponent in the same round doesn’t count as more than one opportunity for that opponent. All these attacks are at your full normal attack bonus.

2016-04-26, 04:39 AM
No, movement only ever provokes one AoO from an opponent, regardless of Combat Reflexes.

Let's see if I can find the exact rules citation...

I'm sure it's right there in core, but RC was the first source I put my hands on.

If it does turn out to not be in Core, that would explain why my experience differs. We don't use the RC in our current group.

2016-04-26, 04:41 AM
If it does turn out to not be in Core, that would explain why my experience differs. We don't use the RC in our current group.

Relevant SRD quote now added. Can also be found on page 138 of the PHB.

2016-04-26, 04:52 AM
Relevant SRD quote now added. Can also be found on page 138 of the PHB.

I stand corrected! Disregard my answer.

2016-04-26, 05:04 AM
Let's say im fighting a Huge foe while im Large, he'd get one AoO because of his size category.
But what if i'm Medium size and fighting a Huge foe, he'd get 2 AoO (As long as he posses the Combat Reflaxes feat ).
Because he's larger than me in 2 size categories, Am i right?

1. Size category has nothing to do with AoOs beyond the indirect effect they have on your reach.
2.Any single move action only provokes once, regardless of combat reflexes or not.

2016-04-26, 08:33 AM
AoOs (both for and against me) are one of the reasons why I always get as much reach as I can. Heck, I have a Small (counts as Tiny when beneficial, 'cuz he's a kobold, and Large when beneficial, 'cuz he has Human-Blooded and Jotunbrud) build with 60' natural reach on his turns (and 30' reach otherwise). That comes in really handy when you have Combat Reflexes, Evasive Reflexes, and Karmic Strike, lemme tell you.