View Full Version : Pathfinder Magic Item Crafting time

2016-04-26, 08:02 AM
I just want to make sure my understanding is correct. Not sure why Paizo refuses to give examples.

For easier number, I'll attempt to craft
Lord's Banner (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic-items/wondrous-items/wondrous-items/a-b/banner-lord-s)
Market Price is 100,000.
The SRD doesn't state specifically, but given that crafting a level 1 wand has a Base Price of 370, but the Market Price is 750, I trust that the Base Price of said Banner is 50,000 gp. WRONG. It's 750.

Normal Crafting without distractions can craft that in 50 100 Eight-Hour days.
That can be sped up to 50 100 Four-Hour days or 25 50 Eight-Hour days for a +5 DC

What I'm not as sure about.
Spark of Creation (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/traits/magic-traits/spark-of-creation-magic) Trait
States; "the cost of creating magic items is reduced by 5%"
This does not say that the Base Price is reduced, just that the cost is reduced.
Does that make the Base Price actually 47.5k with 48 four-hour days of crafting? EDIT: Wrong numbers, but the entire theory was proven wrong later.

Also not sure;
A Valet Familiar has Cooperative Crafting to "double the gp value of items crafted each day". Linguistically, that seems to only apply to mundane items and determining how much gold one can get from using craft checks during downtime, but that seems like a waste of a Feat.
Does it actually mean that Cooperative Crafting allows the PC to Craft 2,000gp of work in a normally 1,000gp period?
If so, does that apply to both Four-Hour blocks in a day, or just the first one? Unlike how doubling damage twice is really mathematically 3x instead of 4x, this does not appear to be doubling twice; one is accelerating the work and the other is doubling the gp value.


2016-04-26, 08:40 AM
Yes, Spark of Creation calls out the cost reduction only. All other calculation based on the base price, like crafting time, stay unaffected.
The Valet Familiar uses odd wording, but the effect is simple: Craft in half the time.

I think in both cases, the wording is a bit odd because they also affect Craft Constructs and there the material cost of the construct is added and plays a role in calculating crafting times.

2016-04-26, 09:04 AM
Yes, Spark of Creation calls out the cost reduction only. All other calculation based on the base price, like crafting time, stay unaffected.
The Valet Familiar uses odd wording, but the effect is simple: Craft in half the time.

I think in both cases, the wording is a bit odd because they also affect Craft Constructs and there the material cost of the construct is added and plays a role in calculating crafting times.

So... Spark of Creation = pointless (might be worth it for he +1 to craft checks)
EDIT: Nope; I can do better.

Would you say that Valet Familiar allows a true Double, so effective 4k of progress in a day?

2016-04-26, 09:22 AM
There is one fundamental error in you calculations, Base Price = Market Price (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic-items#TOC-Magic-Item-Creation) (most of the time).

Magic supplies for items are always half of the base price in gp. For many items, the market price equals the base price. Armor, shields, weapons, and items with value independent of their magically enhanced properties add their item cost to the market price. The item cost does not influence the base price (which determines the cost of magic supplies), but it does increase the final market price.

So creating a Lord's Banner would take 100 days without any reductions.

2016-04-26, 09:41 AM
There is one fundamental error in you calculations, Base Price = Market Price (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic-items#TOC-Magic-Item-Creation) (most of the time).

So creating a Lord's Banner would take 100 days without any reductions.

Ah, in researching a reply, I see that I looked at the wrong row of the chart. Yes, it appears that;
Market Price = Base Cost = Base Price.

Thanks for clarifying.

2016-04-26, 10:53 AM
So... Spark of Creation = pointless (might be worth it for he +1 to craft checks)
EDIT: Nope; I can do better.

Would you say that Valet Familiar allows a true Double, so effective 4k of progress in a day?

Oh, I donīt think that Spark of Creation is pointless. For me, the cost reduction makes crafting some expensive limited-use or one-use items to be less a pain in the ass. You know, stuff like Ganji Dolls and such things.

The Valet Familiar simply is a co-crafter that crafts alongside the original crafter without needing to make any checks of its own. You raise the DC to craft faster, it crafts faster, and so on.

2016-04-26, 12:39 PM
Oh, I donīt think that Spark of Creation is pointless. For me, the cost reduction makes crafting some expensive limited-use or one-use items to be less a pain in the ass. You know, stuff like Ganji Dolls and such things.

"Pointless" may be a bit strong, but I would rather pay the extra 5% and get a Trait that provides a +2 to spellcraft instead of just +1.

But, I've never played a crafting character before, so I might be giving things more or less weight than they deserve.

2016-04-26, 01:13 PM
"Pointless" may be a bit strong, but I would rather pay the extra 5% and get a Trait that provides a +2 to spellcraft instead of just +1.

But, I've never played a crafting character before, so I might be giving things more or less weight than they deserve.

Things change a lot once crafting is in.

Take a look at one of the regular guides, go to the equipment section and outfit a character using regular costs and WBL.

Then look what happens when youīre able to cut the cost of the "big six" by half and how much room that leaves for more exotic but less elementary items.

Depending on how deep your feat-investment is going to be, it will be pretty much noticeable once high-cost items like the better staves (or the banner you named in your starting post) are concerned.

You can handle the spellchaft check quite easily by first crafting an Item that pushes that skill, like goggles of elvenkind or related items. If you have UMD, get a wand of Burst of Insight for a handy instant +8 bonus to a Int related check, in this case the Spellchaft check. That stuff is easy to do, the cost reduction is rather unique.

2016-04-26, 01:37 PM
the cost reduction is rather unique.

Very well. Thank you for the insight.