View Full Version : Player Help Can Eldrtich Glaive be another weapon?

2016-04-26, 10:57 AM
Question is above. I would like to have a dagger (flavorwise) instead of a glaive. Is there a way to do this by raw? Like sculpture invocations or something (I don't know if this is viable but i thought of a Profession(Invocation Sculpturerer)). Homebrew is out. Books are all 3.0/3.5 that we have which are quite alot. Please help! :smallfrown:

2016-04-26, 11:03 AM
Page 34 of the Dungeon Master's Guide has a passage on this topic:

Magic is flashy. When characters cast spells or use magic items, you should describe what the spell looks, sounds, smells, or feels like as well as its game effects.

A magic missile could be a dagger-shaped burst of energy that flies through the air. It also could be a fistlike creation of force that bashes into its target or the sudden appearance of a demonic head that spits a blast of energy. When someone becomes invisible, he or she fades away. A summoned fiend appears with a flash of blood-red energy and a smell of brimstone. Other spells have more obvious visual effects. A fireball and a lightning bolt, for example, appear pretty much the way they are described in the Player’s Handbook. For dramatic flair, however, you could describe the lightning bolt as being a thin arc of blue lightning and the fireball as a blast of green fire with red twinkling bursts within it.

You can let players describe the spells that their characters cast. Don’t, however, allow a player to use an original description that makes a spell seem more powerful than it is. A fireball spell that creates an illusion of a dragon breathing flames goes too far.

Spells without obvious visual effects can be described as well. Since a target who makes his saving throw against a spell knows that something happened to him, you could describe a charm spell or a compulsion spell as a cold claw threatening to enclose his mind that he manages to shake off. (If the spell worked, the target would not be aware of such an effect, for his mind would not be entirely his own.)

Sound can be a powerful descriptive force. You could say that a lightning bolt is accompanied by a clap of thunder. A cone of cold sounds like a rush of wind followed by a tinkling of crystalline ice.

Overall, the exact fluff of your abilities can and should be set up to be what you want it to. However, you should talk to your DM about what you and them think works.

2016-04-26, 11:10 AM
Page 34 of the Dungeon Master's Guide has a passage on this topic:

Overall, the exact fluff of your abilities can and should be set up to be what you want it to. However, you should talk to your DM about what you and them think works.

Well my dm thinks it is a glaive as it is stated in the spell and spell describtion. Moreover having a different type of form would enable new feats or moves. A lance would act different than a spiked chain. And a longer reach weapon would act different than a smaller reach weapon. What i am looking for is a way to change the form of spells and spell like abilities or the like.

Red Fel
2016-04-26, 11:18 AM
Well my dm thinks it is a glaive as it is stated in the spell and spell describtion. Moreover having a different type of form would enable new feats or moves. A lance would act different than a spiked chain. And a longer reach weapon would act different than a smaller reach weapon. What i am looking for is a way to change the form of spells and spell like abilities or the like.

First, this discussion would probably be better suited to the 3.5 subforum. You might get more responses if you move it there.

Second, your DM is right. The Eldritch Glaive blast shape works as explained in the ability description, and according to that, it functions as a reach weapon. That's not a dagger. That's a glaive.

It sounds like you're venturing into homebrew territory. "Eldritch Daggers" could be a thing. Clearly, you want it to be. You don't want Eldritch Glaive; you want some kind of homebrew Eldritch Daggers that you can apply dagger feats to. And that's fine, if your DM allows it.

By RAW, doesn't work. Closest thing you can get is the Eldritch Claws feat.

2016-04-26, 11:33 AM
Well my dm thinks it is a glaive as it is stated in the spell and spell describtion. Moreover having a different type of form would enable new feats or moves. A lance would act different than a spiked chain. And a longer reach weapon would act different than a smaller reach weapon. What i am looking for is a way to change the form of spells and spell like abilities or the like.

I see. I had read your post as "I want this to look like a dagger but act like a normal eldritch glaive," which seemed quite reasonable a refluffing to me. Notably, eldritch glaive is not an actual glaive.

It's "similar to a glaive," but it follows its own rules, and has nothing actually to do with glaives. It's a weaponlike spell (per page 71 of Complete Arcane) that is used as a reach weapon, is treated as a light weapon for Weapon Finesse, and requires one (not two) hand free to use, as it's a spell-like ability with a somatic component.

2016-04-26, 02:43 PM
If you reskinned it as a dagger, there would be no change in its mechanics. It would still be a reach weapon, it would deal the same amount of damage, and it would not work with any feats or special abilities that require a dagger. It would function exactly the same as the glaive version in every way, except that it would look different.

If you want to use a dagger and have it work with dagger-related stuff, you'll need to settle for Hideous Blow.

2016-04-26, 03:29 PM
It's "similar to a glaive," but it follows its own rules, and has nothing actually to do with glaives. It's a weaponlike spell (per page 71 of Complete Arcane) that is used as a reach weapon, is treated as a light weapon for Weapon Finesse, and requires one (not two) hand free to use, as it's a spell-like ability with a somatic component.

Where's it say it needs a hand free to use? Beyond the obvious 'invocations have somatic components' thing, of course.

2016-04-26, 03:39 PM
Where's it say it needs a hand free to use? Beyond the obvious 'invocations have somatic components' thing, of course.
It's just for the somatic component. If you have a way to avoid the somatic component, you can cast it hands-free.

2016-04-26, 03:56 PM
What Troacctid said. Specifically, from here (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/magicOverview/spellDescriptions.htm#components).

A somatic component is a measured and precise movement of the hand. You must have at least one hand free to provide a somatic component.

2016-04-26, 05:40 PM
Maybe you should consider the "Eldritch Claws" feat. Still not Daggers, but you could visualize your Claws as blades poping out of your hands (Wolverine style^^).
They count as natural weapons and can be enhanced by feats / combat maneuvers. You lose the reach compared to Eldritch Glaive, but you gain AoO.

2016-04-26, 05:46 PM
Maybe you should consider the "Eldritch Claws" feat. Still not Daggers, but you could visualize your Claws as blades poping out of your hands (Wolverine style^^).
They count as natural weapons and can be enhanced by feats / combat maneuvers. You lose the reach compared to Eldritch Glaive, but you gain AoO.

Not "count as", are. The feat, when active, gives you claws.

Also, Eldritch Glaive also lets you make AoOs as well, so that's not a point in either favor.

2016-04-27, 04:47 AM
If you reskinned it as a dagger, there would be no change in its mechanics. It would still be a reach weapon, it would deal the same amount of damage, and it would not work with any feats or special abilities that require a dagger. It would function exactly the same as the glaive version in every way, except that it would look different.

If you want to use a dagger and have it work with dagger-related stuff, you'll need to settle for Hideous Blow.

If i settle for Hideous Blow would Quicken Spell-Like Ability still allow for itterative attacks?
doesnt work ...