View Full Version : Kotor 3

2007-06-24, 01:37 AM
I've been hearing rumors about this game. Does anyone have any proof whether it will be published or not? To semi-quote someone, the alternate universe where Kotor 3 is not produced is as crazy as the one where Halo 3 isn't made. I heard somewhere also that Lucas Arts has it in its budget, but that doesn't necessarilly mean anything. I love this series, and want some closure.

2007-06-24, 01:48 AM
So far sources are pointing towards a no.
However, certain rights were bought from SOE by Bioware a while, and now rumours point towards the perhaps more likely Knights of the Old Republic MMORPG.
Now, a lot of people would turn away now, disgusted by the very idea.
Me? I'm absolutely fandabbidosy with this idea, and really can't wait.

2007-06-24, 01:50 AM
I saw the MMO mentioned, that looked pretty interesting. I might even overcome my fierce hatred towards MMOs and pick it up. By any chance did you beat the second Kotor? Because even after the second or third run through I was still confused by the entire plot.

2007-06-24, 02:03 AM
Kriea and me have been bitching at each other for a while, but yeah, I'm basically done.
Besides, I'm a story whore, I'd be surprised if I didn't know everything inside out.
Which parts have confused you?

2007-06-24, 02:08 AM
I played the first one five or six times, as good, bad, and nuetral. I completed all of the side quests, which is why not understanding the second hit me so hard. I haven't played it in a while, but I think it goes downhill after you fight that one girl whowas the keeper of the holocrons. I lost pretty much everything after, and I still don't understand who Mandalore is. I feel like a noob.:smallfrown:

2007-06-24, 02:40 AM
...and I still don't understand who Mandalore is. I feel like a noob.:smallfrown:

Mandalore was Canderous Ordo from the first game. I thought that was pretty obvious (I'm pretty sure he had some line about how powerful Clan Ordo is/was/will be). I was always curious as to why there were never any little cutscenes between him and either of the droids seeing as how he, T3, and HK were all in the first one together (even though both the droids couldn't really remember anything from the first game).

As far as characters in KotOR 2 go, The one I thought was the most interesting was Mira. Though it always pissed me off because she was the only character I could never get influenced enough to train to be a jedi (and Mandalore and Hanhaar, but they can't be trained as a jedi).

2007-06-24, 02:47 AM
The KOTOR 2: The Sith Lords Restoration Project should probably be mentioned here - a mod project by a group called Team Gizka that's been ongoing for the past two years that fixes bugs and restores cut content in KOTOR 2, a lot of which fills in plot holes and makes the ending much, much more satisfying.


2007-06-24, 02:48 AM
You've played KotOR I five or six times and don't recognize Mandalore's voice? :eek:

I didn't like the second pretty much at all. The scenery was so very, very boring, the game was buggy as heck and the plot... Eh. Also, I could beat everything but Kreia using Force Wave, which got a bit boring towards the end. (Which for me was when Kreia pulls out the flying lightsabers. Argh!)

KotOR I, on the other hand... :cool:

Emperor Ing
2007-06-24, 04:48 AM
The greatest KOTOR tip of all time--NEVER balance out your attributes, superboost and focus on one

In a dialogue with Traya at the end when shes talking about the future, you can mention Mandalore, and she will mention something about "canderous". But i easily recognized the voice. I have to say T3 sounds a lot less retarted, but in exchange, HK is not as funny :smallfrown: . Didya know T3 has a secret message from bastila?

2007-06-24, 07:47 AM
Bioware's still a bit busy making a game called Mass Effect, which looks like pure Win. After that, who knows?

2007-06-24, 08:06 AM
Didya know T3 has a secret message from bastila?

Also one from Carth. I haven't heard the one from Bastilla, but then I've only ever completed the game with a male character so I can't really comment.

2007-06-24, 10:54 AM
Oh my...:smallfurious: I can't believe I missed all this now. Arghhh. I've seen the T-3 message from Bastila, but never the one from Carth. I hate to ask again, but how does the second game assume the first ended? Does it say that Revan went off into Unknown Space and was never seen again? Also, who did you say Kreia was exactly? I didn't spend a whole lot of time with her in the party because she got on my nerves a lot.

Edit: Okay, now that I think about it, I usually don't play with the sound on. A lot of the time I do my gaming at night, (which might explain how I missed some stuff, too) and I don't want wake up my family. Now that I've invested in a good pair of headphones, I guess I'll have to play through again.

2007-06-24, 11:15 AM
I hate to ask again, but how does the second game assume the first ended
Revan (canonically male) redeems Bastila, whups Malak's behind and saves the Republic (http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Kotor#The_Star_Forge). The part about him disappearing is KotOR II (http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Star_Wars:_Knights_of_the_Old_Republic_II:_The_Sit h_Lords) stuff.

2007-06-24, 11:20 AM
Umm... No?

You decide how the first one ended when you are talking to Atton the first time. It has little effect on the story, but that's how it goes.

You actually meet Carth if in the beginning you say Revan was good and female and you are good as well.

Edit: HAHA! I am the great SIMU-NINJA! But how do you meet Bastila?

2007-06-24, 11:20 AM
You can however decide everything about Revan, gender and ending, in the first conversation with Atton.
He automatically presumes that Revan was female and fell to the dark side.
This conversation also decides who is on the secret message on T3. Also, if Revan fell to the dark side and was male, you can find a secret holocron on Korriban from Bastilla. Saying Revan was light side also means you can meet up with Carth and Bastilla later.
Also: Mandalore rocks.

2007-06-24, 11:35 AM
I've found the holograms on Korriban, but I've never met Carth and Bastila. By meet, do you actually talk to them or just see them?

2007-06-24, 02:16 PM
Okay, I'm not as stupid as I thought. I did know that Canderous was Mandalore, I just got a few names mixed up.

2007-06-24, 03:53 PM
I absolutely loved the first, but never played the second because it was rushed out the door half finished (Hence slightly bizzare plot holes, missing levels and so on). I'm waiting on the release of the KOTOR II Resotration project (http://www.team-gizka.org/), which is adding in a load of content cut from the final game. Worst part is a lot of the sound files for the lost content were actually on the disc and in the game, they were just pushed to release it and couldn't finish it.

And yeah, I'd love a third as well.

2007-06-24, 04:05 PM
I hope HK-47 is in it meatbag.

2007-06-24, 04:22 PM
Which reminds me. Is the whole droid factory subplot possible to finish?

2007-06-24, 04:26 PM
No. It's supposed to be in the military facility on Telos, but it's cut from the game. The sound is still there, though.

And if there is a third, it's not going to be made by BioWare, at least not for a couple of years. I think they have (in addition to the aforementioned Mass Effect) at least one handheld title coming up, as well as a "mystery" project that is heavily speculated to be an MMO.

2007-06-25, 02:36 AM
And if there is a third, it's not going to be made by BioWare, at least not for a couple of years. I think they have (in addition to the aforementioned Mass Effect) at least one handheld title coming up, as well as a "mystery" project that is heavily speculated to be an MMO.

So far they are heavily denying working on a KOTOR III. Mass Effect and this Sonic RPG for the DS.
The reason it's speculated to be an MMO is because Bioware officially has the rights to produce a Star Wars MMO. Naturally, with them denying a KOTOR III, it's assumed that this is going to be a KOTOR MMORPG.

I hope HK-47 is in it meatbag.

It's actually possible to meet HK in Star Wars Galaxies, where his AI has holed itself up in a computer on Mustafar. Through quests, players can reuinite him with his body, effectively bringing HK into the middle of the Empire.

I've found the holograms on Korriban, but I've never met Carth and Bastila. By meet, do you actually talk to them or just see them?

Yes, actually meet. If Revan is light side, then Carth is now Admiral Onasi, and will talk to you after defeating Darth Nihilus.

2007-06-25, 03:23 PM
You decide how the first one ended when you are talking to Atton the first time. It has little effect on the story, but that's how it goes.

Which annoyed me a bit, my actions during the first game were supposed to impact the universe! I understand why they had to fashion the game that way, but it did irk me.

2007-06-26, 03:49 PM
As far as characters in KotOR 2 go, The one I thought was the most interesting was Mira. Though it always pissed me off because she was the only character I could never get influenced enough to train to be a jedi (and Mandalore and Hanhaar, but they can't be trained as a jedi).

She kept me busy as well, and then I finally figured it out.
With Mira, you have to slowly prod your way into her past. ONly asking two or three questions with each conversation. Eventually, your influence with her will be really high, but her conversation seems to stall, even though hinting at more. What you have to do is take her back to Nar Shadda, and making sure shes in the party, go to the place where a previous conversation with Kreia opened your character further to the Force. Another cut scene will begin, and you will finally be able to convince Mira down the path of a jedi. Though I can't seem to remember which path she takes. Sentinel I think.

2007-06-26, 05:09 PM
It would be nice to see a 3, I liked both 1 and 2, despite the problems with 2, it was still an above average RPG, and on the PC no less. It amazes me how much or I should say little it takes for someone to get pissed off at a rather decent game. Yeah it should have had the content they didn't include in it, but the loss of it did not make it a BAD GAME, it just made it a LESS GOOD game.

Sorry I tend to get pissed at gamers who bitch about anything that isn't perfect or runs perfect out of the box. Should games be? Well sure, we all want them to, and in the essence of functionality yeah, we shouldn't have to wait for patches, etc. But still, most of the games that seem to get copious amounts of this whiny crap are above average games that we are better with than without in my opinion, doesnt excuse the bad parts, but doesnt mean you need to continue to whine about it months and months after its been released (mainly this refers to KOTOR2 and NWN2, I dunno, it just bugs the crap out of me, I don't mean to offend anyone here, nor is this targeted at anyone in particular, just the community of these games as a whole, I could continue to rant, but its pointless, both sides have good points wether the other side wants to admit it :P)

Anyways back to the topic, I never heard that it was the Star Wars MMO license Bioware got, in fact I don't remember it ever being said. So if someone can show me a link to a gaming news site that shows this, much appreciation, as ive seen thousands of posts thinking the new MMO from Bioware was gonna be Star Wars, but no proof was ever given, besides that Bioware wanted to get away from other IP's. Which I remember reading in an interview somewhere with them.

Course thats kinda shot in the arse with the Sonic DS Rpg, but again thats console stuff, not PC, so maybe thats different who knows. It would be nice, assuming Bioware does it right. I would say they would, but its a totally different experience making an MMO than a normal single player RPG, so you can never say for sure they will or wont do it right. I just hope if they do, they figure out something smart to do with Jedi, cause id rather see everyone be a Jedi, or no one...since they are kind of the want of most players, including myself. I mean, why would you wanna play some gun toting soldier when you can wield light sabers and use force powers? I know, I know, some people wouldn't but the majority would, so even in KOTOR's time line it would be odd to have so many Jedi. Again this all depends on if the MMO is Star Wars (again Ive never heard of the licensing thing beyond them getting something from SOE, never what or anything) and how they do it.

Still, irregardless of the MMO if it were to be made, they should still continue with the storyline of the first two, and hopefully not get rushed this time through. Im all for giving Obsidian another shot, or another RPG developer, whoever.

2007-06-26, 05:38 PM
You can however decide everything about Revan, gender and ending, in the first conversation with Atton.
He automatically presumes that Revan was female and fell to the dark side.
This conversation also decides who is on the secret message on T3. Also, if Revan fell to the dark side and was male, you can find a secret holocron on Korriban from Bastilla. Saying Revan was light side also means you can meet up with Carth and Bastilla later.
Also: Mandalore rocks.

Woah, I know that you eventually meet Carth, but how the heck do you meet Bastilla?

2007-06-26, 05:54 PM
For getting influence with Mira one of the most important things you need is an Awareness skill of 11 or more, I think. That opens up a new line of chat that leads to much influence.

I don't think you ever get to meet Bastila. You just get to see that holocron. With Carth you can meet him and see the hidden clip on T3.

From the way that KotOR 2 ended, I figured that a third one was definitely on the way. Or at least, that the story strongly wanted continuing, with 'the real Sith' playing a significant role in proceedings. For these reasons I obvious would love to see another game, but am in no way holding my breath.

Raven T.
2007-06-26, 06:02 PM
I do not believe you actually MEET Bastila in the second one. If I remember correctly, once the Ravager is destroyed, there will be a scene where Carth will ask if you know where Revan wanders (if (s)he's Light) and I THINK, after you leave, there's an exchange between Carth and Bastila.

2007-06-26, 06:13 PM
So how do you meet Carth?

Raven T.
2007-06-26, 06:44 PM
He will be on Citadel Station for the express reason to ask you about Revan before you take off for Malichor V.

2007-06-26, 06:58 PM
For those of you mentioning what Bioware is busy doing, you're forgetting Dragon Age as well. They're busy little beavers right now. They're working on two PC games, a hand-held, they opened a MMORPG studio in Austin in May '06, oh and there's supposed to be a PS3 game being looked into as well. Who knows what's going to happen? KOTOR 3, unfortunately, looks a long way off. Besides, who's to say it wouldn't be done by Obsidian again, or even another company? And before people start Obsidian bashing, KOTOR 2's shortcomings were not just their fault. They were getting pushed by both Microshaft...er...soft and LucasArts to get the game out ASAP because they wanted a "Christmas Contender" for the RPG market.

2007-06-26, 07:05 PM
But do you have to be a specific alignment or something?

Raven T.
2007-06-26, 07:07 PM
You must set REVAN to Lightside, otherwise Carth is dead/stuck on Rakata Prime anyway. Just as I said before. YOUR alignment doesn't mean anything.

2007-06-27, 03:01 AM
I do not believe you actually MEET Bastila in the second one. If I remember correctly, once the Ravager is destroyed, there will be a scene where Carth will ask if you know where Revan wanders (if (s)he's Light) and I THINK, after you leave, there's an exchange between Carth and Bastila.

Yeah, that's pretty much it.
I'll try and dig out that news for you Serene, and I also agree with you.
Here's (http://www.computerandvideogames.com/article.php?id=162675) the best article for it. If you put all the clues together though, you can get a much better idea of the situation. Such as the exceptionally poor state of Star Wars Galaxies, and Bioware's new MMORPG studio.
Then, for you conspiracy nuts, you can note that they say (http://forums.bioware.com/forums/viewtopic.html?topic=552506&forum=22&sp=0) they're not working on KoToR III, not KoToR MMORPG. Far fetched yes, but it just makes sense, considering the money to be made in MMORPGs.

I think I'll just say that KoToR II is one of my favourite games. Yes, it's not finished, yes it's bugy as hell (Dantooine...) but my God the story is immersive. These characters are so much real, and there's so much interaction. When I first trained Handmaiden to be a Jedi I was absolutely crapping myself with joy watching the bit with Atris (smary little...).
Kreia, Sion and Nihilus are also so unique for Sith Lords. They each have their own motivations, and it comes through beautifully.

2007-06-27, 01:56 PM
I really liked the NPC interaction in KoTOR 2... Until I realised that you except for Kreia, Mira and T3, you could do all the conversations in one go, more or less. I was hoping for some sort of progression but it seemed that sole point of character interaction was to turn them into Jedi or gain force abilities...

That being said, I hope they'll make a 3... And make it better.