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2016-04-26, 05:55 PM
Just a normal day. As normal as life is when the world is split into 6 planes dedicated to different virtues, ruled by a chaotic magical tyrant, and the laws of physics are taking a very long lunch.

On this perfectly normal day, 5 perfectly normal ponies and one perfectly normal baby dragon go about their perfectly normal lives...

2016-04-26, 06:42 PM
Chase leaned back on her haunches, plucking at her lute with her eyes closed as she searched for new tunes to lure in customers. Wouldn't help much until tomorrow, though; day and night weren't too predictable anymore, so ponies tended to set their internal clocks by whenever they felt collectively sleepy...and it was getting close to bedtime soon. As she chased down the melodies of emotion dancing through her head, Chase began mentally reviewing the closing checklist for getting her kiosk packed up for the night. She would stick around here another week at most before moving on; she had orders from other towns to fill out near the candy swamp, and it was best not to stick in one place for too long anyway, or else she might get too--

A sudden sound caught her attention, forcing her to open her eyes as the symphony fell away; a customer, perhaps? It was rare to have somebody coming for a simple knick-knack so late, though...she searched around for the source, but saw nothing immediately apparent. A concerned frown graced her face for an instant, before she smiled with a shrug and returned to her music.

2016-04-26, 07:21 PM
Lieutenant Anthracite of the Radiant Guard watched her platoon work their way through the exercise with growing disbelief. "You've got to be kidding me. They've gone and shipped me an extra stupid set of greenhorns this year."

Her platoon sergeant snorted beside her. "They're not that bad. Just a little enthusiastic, is all."

Anthracite's answer was cut off by a pegasus war cry. She watched in dismay as a corporal, against both orders and basic sense, charged headlong towards a cloud that was standing in as an enemy griffon. A cheer went up from the soldiers as the cloud dissipated into mist.

Anthracite shook her head. An example was going to have to be made here. "Corporal! Just what was that display all about?"

The corporal saluted nervously. "Ma'am! In light of the, uh, tactical situation, I decided that a frontal assault was called for."

"I see. Well, soldier, do you want to know what the result of your heroic charge was? You were flying straight as an arrow, and with that war cry the griffon could hardly have missed that you were coming. Dodging the point of your spear would be child's play. What next, corporal? Now you've presented your back to an enemy who's stronger than you. A single pegasus against a griffon in a fair fight favours the griffon. But this isn't a fair fight, is it? The griffon descends on you from behind. His back claws are raking your wings while his fore claws are tearing out your throat."

Lieutenant Anthracite paused for dramatic effect. "So ends the charge of Corporal Light. That's what happens to heroes, corporal: they get sent home in coffins."

2016-04-27, 01:40 PM
Couple of rules questions:

1) May I assume that my starting equipment (specifically my armour and backpack(saddlebags?)) are already adapted to my wings, so I can fly while wearing them?

2) How are you ruling that my Pegasus Lucky trait interacts with advantage/disadvantage? Say I have advantage on an attack roll. If I roll a 1 and a 19, can I re-roll the 1 and hope for a crit, and still use the 19 as my roll if the reroll results in, for example, an 8?

I think that interpretation works best, because if I were to have disadvantage and rolled a 1 and a 5, if I rerolled the 1 into a 20 I should still be stuck with the 5 IMO. But this is up to the DM, of course.

2016-04-27, 02:02 PM
Brix is running house to house delivering packages. He loves to see happy faces on the Ponies and Pegasi, when they receive their packages. Actually it’s the giving part that warms Brix’s heart.

Today was a relatively easy day, because there were not that many packages to deliver, so much so that Brix was done by mid day. Brix brought his lunch to an open field, and watched the clouds drift by while he ate. When Brix finished his lunch he took a nap and had his favorite dream. Brix dreamt that he brought a masterfully crafted ornate box with many, many, many shiny gems on it. Brix loved holding it and would never want to let it go. Sometimes in his dream he is actually allowed to keep the box, but he knows he shouldn’t. Brix woke to some ponies playing ball in the field.

Master Waldo
2016-04-27, 02:15 PM
Irving stood in front of the wooden dummy, concentrating. He pictured fire in his mind. Flames rising up, consuming the target in front of him. Willing it to burn. He started at the wooden face, raised his hoof, and send his thoughts flying toward it.

Not even an ember.

"GRAAAH! I could have SWORN I had it that time. Grflnflalnrrrrrrr." With a scream of frustration, he started pummeling the dummy, which quickly splintered beneath the ruthless onslaught.

As Irving turned back to his desk to make some notes, he thought he could just smell the hint of smoldering wood.

2016-04-27, 03:09 PM
Aloe is at her home, grumbling to herself. Shoulda fixed the damn door. 4'6" is tall enough, they said. Mumble grumble...

2016-04-28, 08:40 PM
Meanwhile on a long and lonesome road was a particularly dark colored stallion, yawning gently. He didn't know when he started walking the road, or where the road was going to take him, but it was there and by george, Macabre Haze was going to walk the line.

2016-04-29, 12:00 AM

As Chase turned back to her work she walked right into an odd face that she had never seen before, but instantly recognized.

Next time, you might want to watch where you're going. Discord (because who else could it be?) said in before flicking her lightly on the snout. As he did so, everything went dark.


Oh, don't blame him. What he needs is something more realistic to practice on. A smooth voice boomed out. As it spoke, the cloud the had been practicing with reformed into a griffin, which then (still a cloud) launched itself at Corporal Light.

Now, I have some business with your Lieutenant, so for now, you're in charge Anthacite had just enough time to see one of the recruits be zapped into a Lieutenant's uniform before something grabbed her, and she could see no more.


As Brix woke up, he saw the ponies weren't the only ones present. Discord sat right over him, holding the exact box he was dreaming of, and examining a particularly fine Onyx gem that he had given Discord as payment long ago. He tsk-tsked
And here I though I solved this problem for you. I suppose now I owe it to you to take harder measures to help you out. With that, Discord flipped the gem, which spun in the air before landing right on Brix face. Before Brix could react to any of this, he felt himself sucked into the darkness of the gem.


Irving heard a slow clapping noise Now I thought that was a very nice effort. As Irving turned to look, the dummies began to smoke, until a magnificent ice sculpture shaped like a roaring bonfire burst from it, with Discord laying on top, clapping. Perhaps I could help you out. Discord clapped one more time, and suddenly, Irving was gone.


Suddenly the wall containing the door burst open. Through the rubble, Aloe could see that there was now more than enough space for her to walk through without banging her head. On the other side of the wall was Discord

No need to thank me, Aloe, I have a wonderful way for you to repay the favor. Discord snapped his fingers, and she was sucked away.


Is this really the most interesting thing you you could be doing, Macabre? I mean, you're supposed to represent my element! Before Macabre could register what was happening, he was gone


Darkness surrounded you. But not the kind of darkness that hid anything, but darkness that said that nothing was there at all, not even space.

From this Darkness, a voice called out.

Its that time again, for Discords favorite game,

Discord's Game!
Our Contestants tonight are:

Aloe Zie, of the Realm of Honesty!

Lieutenant Anthracite, of Loyalty!

Brix, of Generosity!

Chase, of Kindness!

Irving Stronghoof, of Magic!

And finally representing our lord's favorite Element, Macabre Haze of Laughter!

As the voice said each of their names, a spotlight shone over the named pony (or baby dragon)'s head, revealing them to be standing a podium covered in flashing lights. Looking around, they could see the others, arranged in a half circle so they could all see each other.

Now let's give it up for our host, Discord!

Yeah, that was a bit long. Wanted to get things moving. I'm giving everybody time to react if they choose before Discord shows up.

2016-04-29, 12:34 PM
Anthracite drew one of her swords, forgetting that she'd been wearing wooden practice swords for the exercise. "Discord!" she roared, "Show yourself and feel the bite of my blade!"

2016-04-29, 01:23 PM
Chase glanced around, hoping to catch a glimpse of the chaos spirit, but to no avail...at least, for the moment. "I...don't think that's going to be very helpful, Anthracite. I don't think Discord's form would be...what's the word I'm looking for? Solid? Permeable? Tangible? Well, whatever the word is, I doubt Discord's body will be of a consistency that makes it vulnerable to stabbing. Besides...that's not how the game is supposed to go. Is it?" she asks a bit louder, even as her head swivels around once more to try and spot the demonic spirit.

2016-04-29, 03:16 PM
I am sure he is not physically there. As long as we give him what he wants we can be rid of him, and return to our lives. Brix mentions as he looks around at his compatriots.

2016-04-29, 05:22 PM
Macabre blinks, glancing around where he was standing, before quirking his face and frowning slight. "Huh?" he asks for a moment before scratching his head. He turns to Anthracite and raises a brow. "I don't see a mouth on your sword.. how does it bite? Why would Discord want to feel its bite?"

Master Waldo
2016-05-02, 04:00 PM
Irving Stronghoof
Irving looks around the podium, confused and curious, the rage he was feeling temporarily abated as he waits to see what's about to happen.

2016-05-02, 09:36 PM
Aloe takes a few moments to appraise the situation, then shouts out Right y'all-let's not panic. Everyone just calm down, and let's introduce ourselves. We'll get our way out of this somehow...

Anyway, she says, I'm Aloe-from Honesty.

2016-05-03, 02:54 AM
Chase regarded the rugged Earth Pony; Honesty, huh? She gave the mare a winning smile. "Chase, from Kindness. Guess this is our chance to find the Elements, huh? I've heard a few stories about past contests, but nothing that inspires any particular kind of optimism...anypony else heard anything useful?"

2016-05-03, 09:17 AM
This is Discord, so we should be ready for anything. By the By I am Brix from Generosity, it is a pleasure to meet you all. the baby dragons mentions with a little smile.

2016-05-03, 12:35 PM
"Macabre Haze! And we should be ready for nothing too!" he says nodding sagely "Nothing is something when something is nothing after all!

2016-05-03, 12:52 PM
"Macabre Haze! And we should be ready for nothing too!" he says nodding sagely "Nothing is something when something is nothing after all!

Right, I'd appreciate y'all talking in plain pony.

2016-05-03, 02:48 PM
Right, I'd appreciate y'all talking in plain pony.

"I think They're trying to say that with Discord, we shouldn't take anything we see on face value, because it's likely that things won't be quite as they seem. Such caution is worth keeping in mind, as long as we don't let it turn to paranoia, I think..." Chase mused.

2016-05-03, 03:59 PM
The new elements conversation was cut short by a drumroll and a burst of bright colored lights that came together and formed the shape of the spirit of Chaos himself.

It's good to see all of you too. But I believe it's time to get down to business. Discord turned around looking at each contestant. He winked at Brix briefly before turning to Anthracite

You should listen to Miss Chase, Lieutenant. As well as consider what sort of things might harm a spirit of chaos. Maybe this:

Discord bent Anthracite's wooden sword like it was made of rubber and let it snap back. The sword transformed into a huge glowing sword that radiated power.

Or maybe this

The sword turned into a large mace with a number of buttons

Or maybe this.

The mace became a bright pink curved sword, made of Styrofoam. Still, Anthracite could feel a hum of power in it.

Anthracite's training sword becomes a Holy Avenger, a Rod of Lordly Might, and then a Nerf scimitar. Anthacite can feel some sort of magic in it, but she would need to either make an Arcana check, or attune to it to know more.

But a wooden sword? Don't try to be the Element of Laughter. Especially when we have such a fine one here already. But dear me, we are getting off track.

Discord backed up to the center of the half circle. Now, I'm sure all of you know the basic rules of My Game. I challenge you to find the Elements of Harmony and turn me to stone, you fail, and I send the last one standing home with a wish. But this is a Special Edition of the Games, with a prize for entering.

Discord snapped his fingers, and six wrapped packages, complete with bows and a tag, made their way over to each contestant.

2016-05-03, 04:16 PM
Thank you, Mr. Discord? Aloe says, not wanting to be rude, but not quite trusting the snake-goat-snake-goat-chimera-dragon-goat-snake-goat thing.

2016-05-03, 04:29 PM
Chase accepted the gift; Discord wouldn't start the game with gifts intended to kill them, right? "Thank you for the gift. I'm afraid I didn't bring any presents myself, unfortunately...

2016-05-03, 04:30 PM
Let's see what Anthracite might know about chaos magic. Probably nothing, given that +0 to arcana checks.


2016-05-03, 10:31 PM
Thank you Discord for the gift. I'm sorry I don't have anything to give you, but I'm sure I'll find something nice. Brix said with a grin.

2016-05-03, 11:48 PM
Anthracite looked suspiciously between the foam sword in her hooves and the box that had floated in front of her. "I don't know what you're playing at, Discord, but I am not amused," she said as she cautiously poked at the package with the sword.

2016-05-04, 02:45 PM
"I knew Amused. She was a rather grumpy pony." Macabre nods a little, before blinking and looking at the package. His horn darkened slightly as his shadow morphed into some sort of collection of knives and blades and began to open the package "Ooh! Its a thingy! Just what I always needed!.. Wait what is it?"

2016-05-04, 05:17 PM
Aloe finally gets over her caution and hoofs at the package, tentatively opening it, her Philosophy Stick at the ready in case it's dangerous.

Casting Shillegah.

2016-05-04, 06:03 PM
Brix follows in suit reading the tag first. He would really hate to open someone elses gift. If it's his, he would gently open it without ripping the wrapping paper.

Master Waldo
2016-05-06, 05:59 PM
Irving Stronghoof
Irving opens up his gift, tearing the paper apart excitedly.

2016-05-08, 12:24 AM
Discord brushes the ponies off, leaning back into a lounging position, as if he was uninterested in the goings on in front of him. "Oh, please. Let's just say your presence is your present to me for now. These games are a big present to myself in any case, so you better give me a good show."

As the ponies opened the packages, the contents floated up to eye level. At first glance, they looked like small colored pieces of chipped pottery, or glass. But they glittered with... something that called to each contestant deep inside.

Since describing each one would be a bit tricky, I've prepared some true-to-life artwork to show you what I'm picturing.

I hope you appreciate the effort that went into this

You see, just because my games have been going on fore centuries, and there has been no true winner, some ponies take that to mean that they don't actually exist. So I decided to show you that, yes, they are here, and yes, you can have them. Or at least, about half of what's left of them. You still need to find the other half and repair them them through the power of friendship, or magic or however the darn things work. I just thought you might want a bit of a head start on finding them.

Everypony (and Brix!) obtains one point of Inspiration. As long as they have pieces of their Element on them, they get one point of Inspiration per day (not counting others ways they can earn Inspiration)

Discord turns towards the contestants suddenly and smirks. I thought that in this case, a little advantage wouldn't hurt.

2016-05-08, 10:05 AM
"So what's next, Discord?" Anthracite asks. "Do you expect your little ponies to dance to your tune? Or perhaps perform an uplifting musical number of our own? What do you want from us?"

2016-05-09, 01:09 AM
"Oooh wow! Always wanted one of these.. a.. Thingamabooper.. Wait, what is it?" Macabre Asks, slightly confused at the present.

2016-05-09, 02:35 AM
Why the Elements of Harmony, of course.

2016-05-09, 07:41 PM
"Then I suppose there's nothing for it but to track down the other half," Chase said with a smile; optimism is easier when your task starts out halfway done!

2016-05-11, 09:12 AM
"But I thought the elements were things like fire, water, earth and air?" Macabre asks a little confused. Some pony didn't get the memo, or he was using his bardic senses to force discord into exposition. It was hard to tell with that blank stare on the young pony's face.

2016-05-11, 01:29 PM
"But I thought the elements were things like fire, water, earth and air?" Macabre asks a little confused. Some pony didn't get the memo, or he was using his bardic senses to force discord into exposition. It was hard to tell with that blank stare on the young pony's face.

"Don't forget about Heart," Chase snarked.

Master Waldo
2016-05-11, 10:26 PM
[B]Irving Stronghoof[\B]
"The Elements of Harmony, eh? I've read a little of those before. Powerful magical artifacts, right?" Irving put a hoof to his chin. "Yea, I wouldn't mind finding something like that".

2016-05-13, 01:02 PM
Why the Elements of Harmony, of course.

Brix looks longingly at the piece of the Element of Harmony in his box and appears to be in a daze. He returns to his senses when Discord speaks.

2016-05-13, 02:30 PM
While they unboxed their elements, Discord conjured up a magazine with a brightly colored, but indistinguishable cover. Discord only looked up to raise his eyebrows at Macabre Haze.After a second, he chuckled. Oh, yes, I was right to choose you.

Discord turned back to his magazine, but still responded to Irving.Well, you're already halfway there. Actually, considering that I'm going to send you to the planes where the elements are, it's more like two-thirds of the way there. Really, I should be the Element of Generosity.

Once all the boxes were opened, Discord balled up his magazine, and got to his feet. Well, now, you all know each others name, you have you're trinkets. It seems you are now fully prepared. I would expect you know the goal of the games is to travel through my special planes searching for the Elements (or the other parts in this case) Bond with and restore them, and then you can try to stone me or shoot me or whatever you want. As for what I expect you to do.

Discord took a sidelong glance at Anthracite. I expect you you to put on a good show dying.

With a snap of Discord's fingers, the six found themselves back to back in a misty space, while 8 snarling clouds the size of a dog with teeth like a sabre-tooth tigers surrounded them ...

I swear jumping into the fight like this was the plan all along. :smallwink: Hope this is okay with you.
You guys out initiative them fairly definitively so you can react first.

2016-05-13, 02:31 PM
Right, time for a crash course in philosophy! Aloe yells out, brandishing a large stick.

I'm going to run forward and smack them with a big stick. Does anyone want to drop any BFC or AoEs before I do?

2016-05-13, 03:17 PM
Brix’s right hand goes out toward the nearest Cloud Dog as he mutters a curse in Draconic. A crystal on a chain around Brix’s neck glows with a magical power. Then Brix closes his eyes, brings his closed fist together over his right shoulder and moves his left foot forward. A purple glow grows from his fists out over Brix’s head parallel to the ground. When Brix opens his eyes a vicious looking Great Sword appears over his head, where his hands are holding it steady.

Brix cast Hex on the Cloud Dog and has disadvantage on Dex Ability Checks.

Brix (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=776719)
HP=21 AC=14 Speed=30 ft Spell Slots= 1/2

2016-05-13, 03:52 PM
Anthracite checks the contents of her scabbards and breathes a sigh of relief when she sees that solid steel has replaced wood. "Well, at least he has the decency to give me a fighting chance." she mutters. Raising her voice, she turns to the civilians. "Okay, everypony, don't panic! Present a united front and don't let them flank you. I can provide cover from the air with my bow."

2016-05-13, 07:01 PM
Chase could feel a panic attack approaching: between these beasts and her new allies, the tension was rising a bit too fast for her to handle; if she was going to keep the violence contained, she needed to do something quickly. Focusing her willpower, she released a wave of calming lethargy into the area in an attempt to get their enemies to back down a bit.

Flying up 30 ft. Casting "Sleep", centered wherever it would only catch enemies and no allies (presumably, the enemies near where Chase was).

Sleep: [roll0]

2016-05-15, 11:06 PM
Macabre blinks as the clouds begin swarming the group. "Don't worry everypony! I'm sure their bite is worse than their bark!" he calls out, magic infused into his own words, as they cut at one of the cloud puppies.

Vicious Mockery - Any random cloud pup needs to make a wisdom save or take
[roll0] physic damage

Master Waldo
2016-05-16, 09:08 PM
Irving Stronghoof

Irving rushes forward to strike at the nearest foe

Greataxe swing:
Att: [roll0]
Dmg: [roll1]

2016-05-16, 09:13 PM
Seeing Irving strike out, Aloe follows suit, thwacking out with her magically-enhanced length of wood.


2016-05-16, 09:25 PM
"What are you doing? I said to present a united front!" Anthracite shouts in alarm. She takes her amulet in hoof and whispers, "Sun, moon and stars: lend me your strength." Then, with a practiced motion, she draws a scimitar and rushes to Iriving's side.

Bonus Action: Anthracite casts Divine Favour. +1d4 radiant damage to all her hits with a weapon attack.
Object Interaction: Anthracite draws a scimitar
Movement: Anthracite flies to the cloud dog that Irving attacked if it's still alive, otherwise, she flies to the nearest dog to Irving that's not sleeping
Action: Anthracite attacks that dog.

Attack roll: [roll0]
Damage on hit: [roll1] + [roll2]

2016-05-17, 12:05 AM
As the cloud creatures got closer, it became clear that the clouds had different shades. (Perhaps Discord wanted color coding? ) The colors varied from light orange to very pale blue to mud brown, but they were definitely there. Although checking the appearance of cloud dogs was probably not the best thing to do in the middle of a fight.

The cloud dogs themselves didn't seem willing to give up without a fight.

The powder blue cloud Macabre insulted only seemed more enraged, lashing out with it's teeth and managing to graze him with it's icicle-shaped fangs.

The light-orange cloud Aloe swung at managed to dodge and followed with an equally misaimed attack. A mud brown one was more successful, nicking her on the leg.

Brix's curse landed successfully, and the pale blue creature responded by biting him on the arm, leaving a burning cold wound.

Irving's Strength proved more powerful than any magic, He didn't even feel the attack of the second orange cloud's attack, cleaving through the pale grey cloud, which was slow to reform. Anthracite's follow-up broke the cloud further, until there were only wisps left.

In response to Chase's Magic, the battered cloud slumped to the ground, unmoving. The tan cloud directly in front of her, however, was not so amused and shot a pebble in her face.

As the battle raged, a second pale grey cloud stood still trembling, seemingly unnoticed. Then it let out a high pitched whistle, and shot a cloud of burning steam at the ponies...

Dang, I forgot how complicated running combat was. Although part of that is my own fault for not establishing distinguishing characteristics for the clouds, or where everyone was. But no longer!

The PCs have been positioned a bunched up in a circle, surrounded by clouds. Going clockwise, we have:
Anthracite (since she moved to attack the creature Irving attacked)

As for the clouds (again going clockwise)

Powder Blue 1
Orange 1
Pale Grey 1
Powder Blue 2
Orange 2
Pale Grey 2 ( very bloodied and sleeping)

And now, Hard numbers!

Macabre takes 6 damage (2 of it cold damage)
Aloe takes 3 damage
Brix takes 7 damage (2 of it cold damage)
Chase takes 6 damage.

And everybody must make a DC 10 Dex save, or take 7 fire damage

2016-05-17, 07:54 AM
DEX Save: [roll0]
Concentration Save (if I take damage): [roll1]

2016-05-17, 08:07 AM
Anthracite looks down at the sleeping cloud in front of her and snorts. "I've never seen an enemy fall asleep during a battle. What's Discord up to?" Drawing a second scimitar, she turns to the orange cloud behind her and attacks.

Object interaction: Anthracite draws a second scimitar

Action: Anthracite attacks Orange 2
Attack: [roll0]
Damage on hit: [roll1] + [roll2]

Bonus Action: Anthracite attacks Orange 2 (or nearest awake cloud if Orange 2 is dead)
Attack: [roll3]
Damage on hit: [roll4] + [roll5]

2016-05-17, 11:37 AM
Brix takes the bite from the Blue Cloud, as soon as he pushes away from the Blue Cloud; Brix gets blasted by a large amount of fire. Still standing and not willing to let Discord beat him so early, Brix goes on the offensive. Brix Swings his Great Sword at the Blue cloud with all his might. Brix could not tell if he made contact with the cloud, but did not feel his blade slow in his swing. The sword being slightly too big for Brix to wield it spun him completely around once. Brix stands there with the Great sword pointing out in front of him toward the Blue Cloud, shaking off the spin, and waiting for the cloud to attempt a counter attack.

2016-05-17, 10:35 PM

Aloe tries her best to dodge the cloud of steam, then whaps out with her Philosophy Stick again, hoping to hit a bit better this time.


Master Waldo
2016-05-17, 11:42 PM
Irving Stronghoof

Irving hears the piercing whistle, and does his best to leap back out of the danger.

(Danger sense)


"GRAAHH! HOW DARE YOU!" he screams at the steaming cloud, and continues to pummel the one in front of him with reckless abandon

Bonus action: Frenzied rage (can make bonus attack on my turns after this one)
1/3 rages for the day - lasts 1 minute (1 lvl of exhaustion afterwards)

Attack: [roll]1d20+6 (see here for real roll :P) (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=20791621&postcount=83)
Dmg: [roll2]

2016-05-18, 09:48 AM
"Ouch! It really is! They Bite worse than they bark! Well You're taking teh unicorn by the horn!" and with that he points his horn at the dog that just bit him. His shadow extending in something that looked like a boxing glove to hit the dogs own shadow.

Using Horn Bolt
[roll1] I'm not sure if there is a damage mod for this.

2016-05-19, 01:53 PM
Anthracite looks down at the sleeping cloud in front of her and snorts. "I've never seen an enemy fall asleep during a battle. What's Discord up to?" Drawing a second scimitar, she turns to the orange cloud behind her and attacks.

"That's not Discord's doing," Chase replied, even as she sent out another calming wave of lethargy. There's no way her magic would fail so spectacularly twice in a row, right?

Sleep spell, 2nd lvl slot this time; as before, catching as many enemies as possible without catching any allies. Second time's the charm!

Sleep! [roll0]

Anthracite has a Bardic Inspiration die now, BTW.

2016-05-19, 03:19 PM
Chase's second wave of calming energy hit much harder, causing the formerly rabid tan cloud to slump over, as did the blue cloud after Aloe's sturdy hit.

The other clouds, however were more resiliant, even as they continued to get battered by the ponies. They lashed out as best they could. The other blue cloud even drew in a breath ( if they could breathe) and shot icicles in every direction.

Well, that was a very successful round. Everybody except Brix hit soundly.

In terms of the Cloud's attacks:
Aloe takes 3 slashing and 2 fire damage
Brix takes 3 Bludgeoning damage

Also, everybody needs to make another Dex 10 save or take 3 slashing damage.

Ball's in your court now.:smallsmile:

2016-05-19, 03:32 PM
Feeling as if Discord is picking on him, because of his pact with him Brix takes another couple of hits. Brix's resolve falters for a second feeling like one more hit will finish him, he slashes with his Great Sword at the cloud in front of him. The damage Brix has received from the battle has him worried, causing him to swing a little wildly and Brix is sure this time that he did not hit the Blue Cloud in front of him.

Dex Save

Great Sword attack and damage

Brix (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=776719)
HP=2 AC=14 Speed=30 ft Spell Slots= 1/2

2016-05-19, 03:57 PM
"I don't think that singing lullabies during battle is going to be very effective..." Anthracite trails off as two more clouds slumped to the ground. "Sorcery!" she whispers.

Further comment is cut off as the blue cloud spits out a hail of razor-sharp icings. With two power flaps of her wings, Anthracite gets enough altitude to dodge them easily. Raising her scimitars, she steers herself downwards, hoping to finish off her opponent with a powerful attack from above.

Going to spend my Bardic Inspiration on the first attack roll that is between 8-10.

Action: Anthracite attacks Orange 2
Attack Roll: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1] + [roll2]

Movement: If that killed Orange 2, move up to Powder Blue 2

Bonus Action: Anthracite attacks Orange 2 (or Powder Blue 2 if O2 is dead)

Attack Roll: [roll3]
Damage: [roll4] + [roll5]

2016-05-19, 07:21 PM
How much damage have I taken? Also, [roll0] for Dex

2016-05-20, 09:47 AM
Macabre blinks looking to Brix who seemed the one of the most beat up by these cloud Dogs "Hey, I see you dragon around, I'm sorry you've gotta be dogged, but its time to pony up!"

[roll0] Healing Words!

2016-05-26, 08:32 PM
Aloe casts her eyes over the creatures, and goes for the nearest one that's already injured. She shouts out Eat knowledge, you monster! as she thwacks with her staff.


Master Waldo
2016-06-01, 04:21 PM
Irving Stronghoof
Irving stares at the foes that have slowly started to drift off to sleep, wondering how it was accomplished. For an enemy to be lured to sleep as it's fighting...to have its controlling consciousness leave right in the middle of a fight, leaving it unmoving, unhelpful to it's allies.....

Shaking his head, Irving locks eyes (or the closest approximation) with the nearest cloud, and swing once more, furious might driving blows at his enemy as he attempts to dodge the counterattack.

Danger sense

Still raging
Attacking whoever is closest and not asleep

Attack: [roll2]
Dmg: [roll3]

Bonus attack: [roll4]
Dmg: [roll5]

(Is +6 the right modifier for the 2nd attack's damage? I'm at work right now and don't have access to my rulebook)

2016-06-06, 02:16 PM
The ponies powerful pummeling soon proved less than pointless. The second orange and blue clouds exploded into wisps, spraying the nearby Elements with a last attack. The remaining clouds were less aggressive, with only the remaining orange cloud landing a direct hit on Macabre.

And we are back! Hopefully!

Both Powder Blue 2 and Orange 2 are down. In their death throws, they spray they nearest opponents with Fire or Ice

Blue: Brix,Anthracite, Irving need to make a DC 10 Dex Save or take 8 cold damage
Orange: Anthracite, Irving and Chase need to make a DC 11 save or take 11 fire damage

Orange 1 deals 5 slashing and 2 fire damage.

2016-06-06, 02:52 PM
Anthracite descended on her orange opponent like an arrow, and a single slice from her scimitar sliced it in two. Her momentum carried her beyond the range of its death throws, and she flew on to meet the blue cloud that had been attacking her new dragon companion. She attempted to land and strike a blow in the same motion, but her back left hoof skidded along the ground, spoiling her aim. But luck with was Anthracite this day, as the cloud, attempting to jump out of the way of her attack, instead put itself right in the path her wild swing. Before the cloud could recover, her companions rushed in to finish it off.

Before anypony could celebrate, the cloud exploded in a hail of ice. Once more Anthracite's wings carried her to safety, and now she descended upon the pale grey cloud that lay just ahead...

Movement: Anthracite flies up to Pale Grey 1

Action: Anthracite attacks Pale Grey 1
Attack Roll: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1] + [roll2]

Bonus Action: Anthracite attacks Pale Grey 1
Attack Roll: [roll3]
Damage: [roll4] + [roll5]

2016-06-06, 03:26 PM
Eat radiant blaze, cloudy monsters! Aloe shouts out, staying back from the apparently explosive beings and hurling a blast of sacred energy at Pale Grey.

DC 14 Dex save or take [roll0] radiant damage.

Master Waldo
2016-06-07, 07:35 PM
Irving Stronghoof

As the clouds trash out in their dying throes, Irving does his best to leap out of the way.

Save 1:

Save 2:

Eyes filled with rage, Irving bears down on the remaining Orange cloud. As he rushes forward, he shouts “INFLICT WOUNDS”, and performs the complicated somatic rituals involved, namely swinging his axe as hard as possible.

First attack:
Att: [roll4]
Dmg: [roll5]

Bonus attack:
Att: [roll6]
Dmg: [roll7]

2016-06-08, 03:31 PM
Brix still standing, after narrowly escaping the Blue Cloud exploding. Free of clouds around him Brix takes a breath and breaths three fire balls out at Brown Cloud.

Scorching Ray

Ball 1

Ball 2

Ball 3

Most of the attack appears to hit its mark... HARD. when the smoke cleans from the flaming balls streaking through the air, Brix is holding in Great sword ready for any clouds to come at him.

2016-06-09, 02:24 PM
Macabre ows as he's bitten again, the pony still standing, but for how much longer? "Ack.. Stop biting me! Bite Sword!" he groans pulling out a blade with his ponykineses and swinging it at the cloud that just bit him.

I'll have to check what my bonuses are when I get home.