View Full Version : An insight to O-Chul's character

2007-06-24, 09:05 AM
This explains a great deal to me:


A man who would rather clean a litterbox than accept a security breach. That's dedication... and humility. Gotta love him. Right Mr. Scruffy?

How I wish my neighbor with seven cats was half so responsible. I could deal with Suburbia, if only it did not smell like cat poo. I'm getting a motion-detector for my sprinkler. Or buying a one-way ticket to St. Ives. Have not decided yet.


Surfing HalfOrc
2007-06-24, 09:42 AM
This explains a great deal to me:


A man who would rather clean a litterbox than accept a security breach. That's dedication... and humility. Gotta love him. Right Mr. Scruffy?

How I wish my neighbor with seven cats was half so responsible. I could deal with Suburbia, if only it did not smell like cat poo. I'm getting a motion-detector for my sprinkler. Or buying a one-way ticket to St. Ives. Have not decided yet.


Go with the motion detector, and tie it into both your sprinker system, and a camcorder.

YouTube fame awaits!

2007-06-24, 10:56 AM
Cats stink? I live around/with both cats and dogs and they don't stink to me.

Anyhow, can't you just politely point out to your neighbor his shortcomings?

2007-06-24, 04:02 PM
Go with the motion detector, and tie it into both your sprinker system, and a camcorder.

YouTube fame awaits!

ROFL! Nice!

2007-06-24, 04:22 PM
How I wish my neighbor with seven cats was half so responsible. I could deal with Suburbia, if only it did not smell like cat poo. I'm getting a motion-detector for my sprinkler. Or buying a one-way ticket to St. Ives. Have not decided yet.

St. Ives? Wouldn't it smell even worse, keeping them in sacks? Or was the whole point that the Man Coming From St. Ives was removing large numbers of cats from the vicinity?

Maybe O-Chul just likes cats. I must admit that a stick-figure cat is close to being the cutest thing I ever saw, and stick-figure poop must have some improvements over the regular variety too.

2007-06-24, 04:22 PM
Cats stink? I live around/with both cats and dogs and they don't stink to me.

They do. Trust me; move away for a bit, get used to not being around animals, and then go home. You definitely notice it.

It's really bad for me. I've always loved cats, but now I need allergy medicine whenever I visit family :smallfrown:

Anyhow, can't you just politely point out to your neighbor his shortcomings?

We don't do that in America; we just bitch and moan and hope something tragic happens to the damned things.

2007-06-24, 04:59 PM
They do. Trust me; move away for a bit, get used to not being around animals, and then go home. You definitely notice it.

I just returned from visiting friends who live with three cats. There was absolutely no animal smell in the house. Good hygiene, healthy pets and keeping the kittylitter clean is the key.

Oh... also cheap cat foods (the sort with vegetables. Potatoes and corn don't do anything useful for cats as they are pure carnivores) make their poo smell real bad. Do yourself and your furry friend a favour, and buy quality catfood that doesn't contain "healthy vegetables"

-Adept, a biologist

2007-06-24, 11:36 PM
Go with the motion detector, and tie it into both your sprinker system, and a camcorder.

This made me laugh out loud!

Cats stink? I live around/with both cats and dogs and they don't stink to me.

Anyhow, can't you just politely point out to your neighbor his shortcomings?

Actually, Friend Nexus, we have miscommunicated: I never said cats stink. In fact, I have a kitty of my own, and he smells just fine! So does his litterbox, because I clean it daily. What I find annoying is having to clean up the poo of seven cats that don't belong to me. What is worse is that these cats are ninja cats: they sneak into my yard at night, commit their acts of biological harassment, then sneak away. I do not discover their actions until I walk barefoot across my yard and ... Well.

And your suggestion to talk it out is a good one: so good, in fact, that I already tried it. I approached my neighbor (whom I like alot) with determined politeness and was informed that he did not provide a litterbox for his cats because he hates cleaning litterboxes. I looked around his yard (which is very secluded) and replied that I could understand his position, because I hate cleaning the toilet.

And then I smiled and asked if he had any toilet paper.

He got very quiet, laughed nervously, and we still get along just fine ... But he did not change his behavior, nor have the cats changed theirs.

St. Ives? Wouldn't it smell even worse, keeping them in sacks? Or was the whole point that the Man Coming From St. Ives was removing large numbers of cats from the vicinity?

Stupid Fat Hobbit, my neighbor is the Man Coming From St. Ives. Don't know what happened to the wives, but boy howdy, the cats are all accounted for!
