View Full Version : IC Heroes of luxdon

2016-04-27, 03:24 PM
A hero is someone who, in spite of weakness, doubt or not always knowing the answers, goes ahead and overcomes anyway. Christopher Reeve

welcome to the greatest city ever built, Luxdon. a Continental City that spans the entire landmass of Annina. For more than a thousand years, this City has been the center of the worlds politics, culture, religion, technology.... and crime...

for decades civil unrest and poor leadership has left Luxdon crippled by famine, natural and unatural dissasters, and of course, a crime wave that would make a bone devil take the long way home to avoid. it is also your home... and as such you find the will to defend it, a journey has begun to right the wrongs that you see all around you... do what must be done that the law cannot, using whatever means available, you have taken up a new face, a new identity... become a superhero!

tonight is one such night where you must dawn your alter ego... each of you have found a letter on your person bearing the mark of Salvi's Army, the unknown patron to all vigilantes that attempt to make the city a better place, on the page reads this

'come to The Backup in Cobbleport midnight tonight, the harbor between 543th and Newton lane has more than fish passing through its ports.... if you truely wish for change.... this is a place to start...

may Salvi and the Streets bless the heroes...'

attached to the parchment was a sample of high quality Em, a magical narcotic that has been funding some of the most powerful crime bosses in the City... taking out a supplier could potentially save thousands of lives... this is something that must be done...

the streets and docks of cobble-port are lively, but most defiantly The Backup is the exception...an old abandoned mega-dock... it has been covered into a ship graveyard... broken wood and scrapped metal litter the shaky ground, make shift homes have been created from the abandoned ships to create a little patch of the kobold slums with a ocean view flair to it... the moons shine against the waters brightly, illuminating the docks with a cold light. here is where your adventure begins.... some of you scout from roof top, some walk right though... some part of you feels as though this is different than your other crusades.... it feels like the city pushes you forward....

The Grand Continent-City of Luxdon

many years ago... there was a mighty kingdom, Luxdon... lead by one of the best and brightest kings, his majesty king Salvi Monthiar. his wisdom and grace lead his kingdom to advance at an alarming rate, yet the other neighboring kingdoms did not fear him, nor loath his might. King Salvi was generous, when his scientists created a new device, he openly shared it with his fellow royals, even his enemies. when too many crops sprouted from the fields, he would give them to the hungry, even if they were not his own people. under his leadership the kingdom had grown to be the hub for near all culture, technology, magic study and politics in the world.

eventually, his kingdoms boarders expanded far and wide. until it clashed with another kingdom... one known as Proventus. the king of this land was of the violent sort, firm but just, his name has been lost to the ages, but in the history books he is told as the risen demon, he spat at the face of Salvi and said that he had no need for his culture or technology, his weapons and soldiers were strong enough to conquer the weak kingdom of Luxdon.... which he did...

the kingdoms grand structures were torn down, the streets were blood red that night. for one whole day the entire world could not sleep, for no matter how far away, the cries of anguish would echo through the winds... it was only one day that this lasted however... for the good king Salvi's generosity had paid off, in the distance with the sun to their back, armies from 10 different kingdoms had arrived all to defend a land that was not their own... the battle was a long one, every army had been nearly destroyed by the onslaught of the Proventus army, but eventually, the risen demon fell... the world quiet from the chaos, able to sleep once more.

with the worlds armies annihilated... there was no way any of the kingdoms could defend their land by themselves... but King Salvi had an idea... he offered his entire kingdom to the other rulers, and begged for the others to do the same. alone, he said, our kingdoms, our people, will not survive... but together, it is possible to create something truely beautiful... the other rulers were, at first, uneasy... they would be giving up their kingdoms, but be it form fear of what would happen, or admiration for king Salvi, each one threw in their own crown... thus, the grand kingdom of Luxdon had become a collection of kingdoms. vast roads were made to connect the capitals, and from them, the technology of Luxdon could spread uninterrupted... on the roads vast cities were created in what felt like days, the materials and skills of the other kingdoms allowed for the growth to advance at an alarming rate. soon the entire continent had become one large and grand city. Proventus became this cities main capital, as so none of the original rulers would be considered better than the rest, and this city became ruled by this Councel of Kings. though their leadership, this city grew into something incredible, that which the entire world had never seen before...

... this golden age... however, was not to last... one day King Salvi grew ill, not even the greatest of the medical doctors nor healers of the world could save him. the king had spent his time ruling, and had no heirs to take the throne, in his last days, he saw how the other kings were beginning to fight over his power... greed in their eyes... with what strength he could muster, he told the counsel that he would resign his title of king... and instead give it to a commoner should they prove worthy enough.... in his will, he had given instructions as to how to hold an election for who would take his place, how they would be voted in, and the winner would be given a test to see if they are truly worthy... the first voted in, by the people, was a young lad named Barnabus Cathos... he won in a landslide, the entire city support at his back... but come the test, which takes place in a sealed room and lead by Salvis most trusted viseers, he had failed.... the next failed, and the next... eventually other kings became ill, and wishing to honor the memory of their fallen leader, also gave up their royalty for democracy, the tests for these kings proved to be much easier, and the councel of 10 kings had moved allong from ruler to ruler, however... with the missing seat and a even number of votes... the advancement that shook the world began to grind to a hault, some parts of the grand city began to halt in its advancement, technology grew faster in other parts while staying stagnant in the less developed, natural disasters were left unattended to as the councel could not act fast enough.... eventually, the crime wave began....

inside the city of Luxdon, the crime has taken over like the plague, no were has been spared as robbers, crime lords, corruption eats away at a once glorious nation. the police force which was formed by the remaining army forces, The National Peace Conversationalist Society, have barely been able to keep them at bay, half the force in the entire City is bribed or corrupted to the point of being a gang themselves.... rumors have begun to spread, a group of people, vigilanties that fight against the madness of the Cities crime wave, trying to restore the vision of the once great king, they are the hidden heroes... Salvi's Army.... you each begin in a sea side district just north of the capital Proventus, a place nicknamed The Backup, for how little the advancement of the City has been given to you... each of you have a reason to keep the city safe, a reason to say enough is enough and become the hero your town needs, no.... that the City needs... will you let Luxdon fall into anarchy and crime? or will you be the ones that save it?

Neronis: aka the "undead"district. here it has been a coustom of the major businesses to buy off dead bodies and use them for the massive factories, all strictly 'legal' necromancy of course... this area was once the kingdom of vamipre lord, Draximus Voltarie, one of the last people alive or rather... unalive to have seen King Salvi. more about him below... the district is mainly comprised like one big graveyard, some of the most beautiful stone cathedrals remain here, gothic designs thousands of years old are carfully preserved by expert craftsmen, behind the greatest testimate to masonry... the Tombstone gates. lies the zombie factories... where the undead work till their arms literally fall off to bring to the world all of the mass produced modern technology... or... at least the easy to make ones, the undead craftmenship does not have that high a standard... none the less, this is the home to some of the more wealthy families businesses, the living that reside in this district have all been given vaccine shots to counteract the undead diseases that are known to cycle from out of the chimmines of the factories, anyone born in this part of the city gains a +2 fortitude to all poison and disease checks, once per day you can use dark and light ability, you may take negitive energy as positive energy and positive energy as negative, for 1 minute

briarthone: not far away from Necronis is the land of the old dwarvish kingdom, Briarthone, as the stone work and masonry of the City is in constant need of repair and growth, the dwarves took great pride in their stone work, and building the vast city to house nearly every race imaginable is considered to be the greatest of feats the dwarves have ever endevored to accomplish... the original plans for the city of Luxdon are considered to be this Districts most holy of artefacts, written by a humble dwarf named Ameror Ingus, the original plans, otherwise known as the "Dwarven Bible" are still used to this very day. this Districts buidlings and masonwork are by far the most well built and impressive in the entire City. stone almost defies nature as it bends to create arches that should crumble under its own weight yet stands firm, towering structures of grey concrete would make any stone worker cry tears of joy, truely the sun smiles on this small part of the city. growing up here, you had to learn how to climb the buildings with ease, know how the building was created, even studied the dwarven bible yourself... growing up here gives you a 20 feet climbing bonus to your speed when scaling buildings

Old luxdon: the original Kingdom of luxdon.... a shell of its former glory... after the dreadful anchient attack of the proventus, the death of their representitive, and years of neglect... it is one of the most neglected and poorly cared for parts of the City, here, crime has run rampant, besides the constant attempts to return this district to its former glory. the unoffical ruler of the crime center of the city, nicknamed "lucifer", runs it like his private kingdom of crime, here villains are trained and let loose into the city when dues arent paid... living in this part of the city can make a person go dark.... but some manage to leave and keep a bit of heroics inside them, in hopes that they may change it... people who grow up here have a direct connection to the black market... and thus a way to buy most anything they could need... prices are also reduced by 10% on all non-common objects

Woodward: a hybrid of common city structure and nature itself, here is where the majority of the original plant-life and wildlife remain in a almost perfect harmony with the city... through deals with anchient gods, druidic rituals and the need for survival, animals and intellegent races have adjusted to eachother seemlessly... the population of both are kept at strict numbers, and so realistate in this area is a priceless comoditiy. once a elvish and vanaras kingdom, the leaders of this district are in a constant struggle to spread out the animals that live here, using the dark-zones as expansion points where the population of animals can continue to thrive... although without the normal protection or order that Woodward gives. As pristine and natural this place may be.... it is also known to be a home of backdoor politics, the more shadier areas of the woodward are in the tree-casino, the Hive... here the population is said to be strictly... supervised, by an unknown force... if you are lucky enough to be born in this part of town, you have kept youself in constant balance with nature... or else... you get a handle animal bonus of +2, handle animal is always a class skill for you, the bond with nature allows you to use speak to animals once per daty as a spell like ability

blusterdome: a cultural hub for the entire city, here is where all the major sporting events, carnival events, games, entertainment and exitement is centered on the compititions that surround this district, challengers from across the globe come here to show off their skills in combat, cards, racing, and possibly the oddest of the Luxdon sports... Polka dance obstacle course. the dinizens of blusterdome are energetic, strong and are known for their sence of pride, the streets are difficult to traverse as to help train those who cross it to be more fit and thus, better sportsmen. those who grew up in blusterdome have an acrobatics bonus of +2, once per day, they can summon up the enturance to gain an extra 30 feet of movement to sprint to victory

Argosis: aka, the kobold slums, a make shift disrict where immigrants, more rare races and most notably, the kobold population resides, although many creatures have managed to leave behind any racial tentions... here things were not so fast on the liberal minded ladder... ruled by one of the more cruler councel members, Gunple Savanger, the living space is nearly unheard of, there is rarely food to go around, and the people are as desperate as they come... most near anyone is willing to do whatever it takes to get out, murder, stealing, chaos and crime are this districts bread and butter, the main issue in this part of the City, however, is not the rampent crime... but that which is ment to stop it... the police and guard are as corrupt as they come... invoking "saftey" taxes or else... those poor souls who refuse or cannot pay are no longer considered "citizens of the city" in the polices eyes... and thus are almost certanly marked for death... the districts building was suppose to be grand and easily managable space, but due to constant bickering by the councel... the Dwarvish bible had nothing to do with any of the construction for this place... made by whatever was handy, 50 foot structures of glue, nails and gods know what else hold together flimsy housing, this place... as terrible as it is... has become a home for some of the most creative thinkers... either by navigating through the trap filled streets, jumping about the flimsy structures... or avoiding the police all together... people born here can notice things better than anyone else, people born here get a +4 to perception, erception is alway a class skill for you...

Bleas-ortin: the religious center of Luxdon, where the famous courthouse for the gods resides, nearly every building in the district is a temple to a god or gods, every religion and cult is allowed, even the most evil of gods have been given space for a temple, as long as there is no killing or blood sacrifices that do not have a permit to do so, a god is allowed to be worshiped in a temple, the conflicting ideologies of these gods have created a number of strange temple disignes. and so no building is alike in shape or form... growing up here has given you a connection t the gods that may be unwanted, but none the less has been apart of you every day, you gain a spell like ability of bleed and stabalize once per day, +2 to knowlage (religion)

ja-Grog-tin-Tin-tigorzomor-El-Xeztonorington: aka Tech-Town: the scientific highpoint of the city.... the entire District is much like a college... inventons, discoveries, and magic are being made new and freash every day, here the best and brightest live in order to develop the Cities ever growing needs and demands... of course, only about a third of any of the innovations ever hit it off, due to constant theft, politics, and questionable uses... some of the most impressive creations have been turned down after from the councels innability to make disisions... the "campus" of tech town is mainly made of steel, some parts are made of pure magic... but in every case clashing styles are fighting for a chance to be recognized and become useful, here, the rich and powerful tend to pray on the failed inventions and take them for their own... more than half of Draximus's emipre is made from "totally legal" seizures of inventions taken by students of this district. living here, you have a wealth of information that was available to you at all times, every knowlage check is considered a class skill,once per day you may gain a +1d6 to one knowlage check like the investigatior ability, this effect is stackable

Proventus Capital: the capital of the entire city, where politicians and buracrats argue until their hair goes white... as the reimagined kingdom of a warrior race, the styles conflict between dark and bright buildings... the entire district is built ontop of a grand mountain that can look over the entire city... the tip of the mountain sits the famous counsels chambers, where the 10 counsel members deside the fate of the City... or at least argue about it... if you were born here, you gain a +4 to bluff and deplomacy checks, both are considered class skills

Gunderoath / Heanderon: two Districts in one, the gunder-heand area has in part, a captial in the skies, and a capital in the ground, here the under grownd dwelling races as well as the sky dwelling groups live in a almost harmony... ok so its a bit of a rivalry... this is the hub for most transportation sytems of the city, be it by air or by underground subways and trails, if you want to go somewhere in the City fast... you will be here at some point... being such a high concentration point for travelers... it isnt uncommon for robberies to be a almost daily occurance... living in a torn district, where sleep is never an option, you have learned to be stronger of mind and of body, people who grew up here gain diehard as a bonus feat, even if they do not meet the prerequisites for it

Cobbleport: the main port to the seas, the old kingdom of a race of undines, it is here that countless immigeants are sent to different parts of the city, given ID's and left to their own devices. most who live in the giant ship yard live on boats that float on the sea, many of which serve as traders, moving the increadible inport and export trade of Luxdon, though... as of recently... these trades have not been going so well... the harbor has gone through many storms and is in desperate need of repairs, given that the dwarf constuction workers have much dificulty swimming, many of the districs citizens have needed to make repairs on the fly, growing up here you get a +2 to swimming checks, once per day you can treat an object with the broken condition as not broken for 1 minute

Tuckleton: the least developed part of the city, here the buildings are far inbetween and grass is a common sight... considered a more suberban area, technology isnt the most important part of the still expanding frontier of Tuckleton. most people who cant stand the sussle and bustle of the city-life come here to farm on rooftops or, in some rare cases, on the very ground itself... the buildings are made from quality lumber, clay and morter, the entire district gives a warm feeling as even the homeless can come into one of the many... many.... many bars in the area to sample the finest liquors in the entire City and arguably the best food as well... the people here, although knowing strife, have found that they can have a much cheerier outlook on life... and a almost supernatural ability to get alchohol in their hands, people born here have gain a +2 to profession (cooking) as well as a spell-like ability once per day, working like create water, instead working as an alchohol of your choice, once an alchohol type it chosen... it cannot be changed

Immigrant:although the cty of luxdon is grand... it does not encompass the entire globe... many other countries enter the ports of Luxdon to start a new life, but most know the cities dangers coming in... you loose common as a given language, you must have a high enough intelegence score or linguistics rank to learn it, but you gain an exotic weapons proficency of your choice

dark-zoner: some parts of the city have struggled, most survive, but every now and again a district does not survive... and becomes abandoned... these districts are refered to as Dark-Zones... it could be a failed expansion of nercosis... a overgrown part of woodward... or even a fallen anchent kingdom that couldnt adapt to the new lifestyle... in any case. they are no longer considerd part of the City... here be where wild things live... and most common folk avoid at all cost, if you were born here... chances are you had to evacuate to stay away from a terrible monster, a desease run rampant, or a gang of criminals that burned your Disrict to the ground... though the most notible of these disaster areas is the kingdom of the halflings, which was once a possible contender for becoming a councel District but suffered distruction by a series of disasters, they are spread far and wide, some being only a few blocks in size, others being the size of states... if you were some of the lucky few to have escaped one of these dark zones and lived to tell the tale, you feel as though luck has forever been at your side, once per day, you can add a luck bonus of +2 to any roll, even after the roll has been cast, this bonus can be applied.

the dwarvish bible: the dwarves holiest of manuscripts, written by the famous dwarven citycrafter Ameror Ingus, a copy of it is in the pocket of near every construction worker in the city, the original copy is sealed in an inpenetrable vault and kept in the luxdon meuseum, it is said that it it the heart of the city itself and to change its disign in any way is to change the city itself... the old Dwarvish God himself was said to have cried tears of joy after seeing it... claiming Ameror Ingus had surpassed him, thus allowing Ingus to become divinity himsef...

courthouse of the gods: the City of Luxdon has done much in its time on the planet... it has become so powerful that it is now considered to be a deity... as such, the courthouse of the gods has become a place where avatars of the gods delegate over matters of reality itself, the only immortals, councel members and the gods chosen few are allowed to enter this most sacred of places... those who enter have described some of the most odd sights one could imagine.... one onlooker stated he saw chuthulu, eldrich god of chaos, in a tuxedo holding a breifcase, the will of the gods are desided here, the councel are allowed in as they are considered to be the voice of the city, but otherwise, entering the sanctom of the courthouse is to risk not just mortal death, but the distruction of ones soul

the counsels chambers: the hollowed halls of the castle of proventus, here the chosen members of the counsel argue and bicker day in and day out, trying to make the city better in their own way,

energy-bold: the most common drink in the city, owned by a famous kobold that made it out of the slums, this energy drink is fizzy, always fresh, and comes in a few different flavors that have amazing effects

the Luxdon Press: the no. 1 new outlet for all of Luxdon, filled with hard hitting reporters, cigar-smoking department heads that want pictures of spiderman heroes, and possibly the only place in the city where the truth is most desired, becoming a enployee of the luxdon press is one of the most noble acts anyone can do, many reporters are considered to be palidens in their own right, the entire building is covered in a zone of truth, and they hope that one day they can spread it to the entire city

amoror ingus: the patron god of the city, the archetect that drew the plans for Luxdon himself. he has been said to aid constrution workers and stop natural disasters from destroying national landmarks, his symbol is the dwarvish bible..

Salvi: the Old king/ Hero who united the 1o other kingdoms and almost singlehandidly made Luxdon what it is today, hailed as almost divine in his own right, he created the trial system of becoming a councel member, removed the barriers of the kingdoms to make the City, and is credited as being the partner of amoror ingus when building the city, his mausoleum in /necronis is so large it can be seen from almost the entire city, it is said that his will is what keeps the city alive to this very day

Commisioner Skullduggery Lockes: the leader of the cities finest... skullduggery use to be a human commander of the Salvi alliance, his will was like no other... today at least half that is true... his will continues to show itself, but he has long since died... partly... the man is now a skeleton, he was said to have worked himself to death, then after an hour of being dead, he heard the break shift end and got back up. he is a no nonscene kind of guy, he has had his bones covered in strongest steel and has become arguably the most powerful undead to ever live, much to Draximus's despise. he is in constant battle with his own corrupt police force, the indisision of the counsel, the ever growing crime rate, and the uprising of vigilanties that now take the law into their own hands. he is someone who sees the world as good and evil... though a good enough dictective, he is constantly overfun with paperwork to ever afford enough time to leave the office... every now and again his iron determination allows him to leave the office, and be sure that when he leaves... he is a force of nature...

the Third Eye: possibly the most infamous vigilantie in the city, the Third eye has gone down as being the boogyman of Luxdon, his face has never been seen, all that is known is he is a demon with a gun, his bullets do not kill unless he wants it to, even though each one has hit its target dead center of the forehead (if the creature has a forehead), no... the bullet has in each instance hit a part of the brain perfectly, each time, the victim has suffered a make shift labotony, spell-casters no longer have any ties to magic, clerics are disavowed by the gods, warriors loose the nerve to pick up a weapon... and those are the lucky ones... the unlucky few to have ever come face to face with this hero have not stopped screaming for mercy... calling him a demon not of this world... it is rumored that the Third eye has taken a side kick under his wing, but that remains to be seen...

mayor Bantonesh: the most recent contender of Salvi's trial, he, like all that came before him, failed the test, as this has happened so often, the losers of the compitition still keep a significent amount of sway from the people, as such they remain in a seat of power, known as being the mayor, though not as influencial as the counsel, if there hadnt been for the mayor system, the city would have crumbled years ago, the mayor, a drow man named Carl Bantonesh, keeps the city from being stagnant in advancement by doing everything in his power to have the city help itself, sending aid to less developed parts, creating donation drives that let the City survive one more day at least.

mayors daughter, Sylvia Bantonesh: said to be in line for the next in line for a chance at taking Salvi's trial... sylvia is an advocate for justice in the city, leading most rallies and fundraisers, she combats the corruption of the city head on, although stirring up much chaos in her wake, the papers have hailed her as being "someone worthy of Salvi's position" she has gone on recored saying that the pressure is great on her and her father... and as such has taken a partiular fondness of the Woodward district when she needs to unwind

Bart "Lucifer" Harrison: the infamous Strix mafia leader, who has risen to be the unspoken leader of Old Luxdon, he has his fingers in most every crime organization in the city, without his infuence, the city would die... the councel knows this as does most other political officals, he has long wished to become a councel member, to raise his power to the utmost level, but has hit every roadblock imaginable by the law... named the unoffical second mayor... he has just as much influence though extortion, bribery and raw power as the mayor does...

Salvi's Army: this is the name that most heroes take when commiting vigilanite acts, although as of recent there are rumors that an actual scociaty has been made that has taken the name. they work from the shadows to take down the bigger threats, be it the most powerful villains, corrupt politicians, and most notibly, attempting to take down lucifers crime ring where the police cant...

Sparks N. Shines: half-gnome, half-aasimar, this popstar has gone down as being the best bardic player in the City, appering as an icon of the city, her face advertises the majority of the streets, as well as being the poster child for many love struck citizens

Draximus Voltarie: the infamous vampire lord and counsel member, representitive of the nerconis district, having symbolicly inheriting both his empire and counsel-ship from his father, the original vampire lord who was the king of the undead kingdom, draximus has strived to be seen as a true contender in the global scale all of his unlife. He uses the laws of the city to his advantage, never going about any issue unless it's entirely "legal".... of cousre... since he is a council member.... he gets to make the rules most of the time...

Blik-blort shiny-scale: the inventor of energy-bold. Currently running to for next tech-town council membership, a peppy lizard who hopes that he can help his brethren in the kobold slums, a bit of coward, he none the less is a brilliant inventor and a kind hearted soul and has been seen aiding Sylvia in many protests and fundraisers

2016-04-28, 06:33 PM
Heading in to the Backup in the late evening, Case wraps a scarf around his face against the night's cold - for no other reason, surely? - and makes his way to a bar or other place where kobolds might gather. Surprisingly few people notice him despite the height difference with most of the locals.

[roll0] + inspiration: [roll1] edit: =21 total

2016-04-29, 08:58 AM
Deadeye prowls the rooftops of the Backup with caution. This could be a trap, he keeps reminding himself. But there was no turning back now. Scanning his surroundings, Deadeye patrols the area in hope of spotting the criminals.

2016-04-30, 02:58 PM
Heading in to the Backup in the late evening, Case wraps a scarf around his face against the night's cold - for no other reason, surely? - and makes his way to a bar or other place where kobolds might gather. Surprisingly few people notice him despite the height difference with most of the locals.

[roll0] + inspiration: [roll1] edit: =21 total

case finds a pub just next to the sea, well... to call it a pub is a bit of a stretch... it is only a bar with a few stools to sit outside, the three walls that make it up are of a capsized ship, called the 'Mermaids delight' a increadibly ugly merman serves drinks to the few remaining patrons... two kobolds and a halfling, its almost last call and each of them are milking every last penny into getting as much booze in them as possible...

Deadeye prowls the rooftops of the Backup with caution. This could be a trap, he keeps reminding himself. But there was no turning back now. Scanning his surroundings, Deadeye patrols the area in hope of spotting the criminals.

you are most certainly not alone in your rooftop stalking... in the distance... you see a blur... a figure in dark hops across ship top to ship top... it seems to be heading for the large abandoned cargo ship... the "Gals-ion"... after reaching it... the figure stops for a moment... then begins to hop and jump away

2016-04-30, 11:30 PM
Tobias found the note on the inside of his forge earlier that day, and it had set him on edge all day. Now, as the Blue Tiberon, he clung to the rooftops, observing the situation from above.

Rolling for stealth [roll0], and for Perception [roll1]

2016-05-01, 05:54 AM
Wandering up to the bar Case orders a round for those remaining. "On me. Anyone want to answer a few questions for me for coin? I'm looking to hear what folk work the harbor by Newton Lane late at night."

Probably Diplomacy to get the info, sadly. [roll0]
To guess whether any of the patrons or the merman know anything more than they'll say though should be Sense Motive: [roll1]

{assuming the diplomacy above fails but the sense motive gives him a hint; if untrue this won't happen.}
"I really need a partner who can talk to people and get answers," Case mutters. He slips away from the bar and into the shadows. Waiting for his best prospect at getting info as they leave he readies himself for a firmer exchange of views, one less fettered by social constraints.

2016-05-01, 05:30 PM
Deadeye cautiously followed the shadowy figure in the distance, until it hopped away at the Gals-ion. Still uncertain and wary of the situation, Deadeye crouches still and scans his surroundings once more, looking to find where the figure went.

2016-05-02, 12:43 PM
Ethan sat in his office, slowly tapping his pen against the letter that he had found just earlier this morning. He had thought about burning it right after he found it, but he was just too obsessed to let go of the letter. Again and again he looked over the well printed words that summoned him to Cobbleport. His eyes would read them again and again, turning over the words and wondering who had wrote them and for what intent. His fingers traced the sigil of Silvi's Army, the sigil that represented vigilantes all over the vast and impressive city. It was foolish to say that Silvi's Army represented any kind of specific or cohesive faction in Luxdon. More often than not, vigilantes operated by themselves and kept within their own turf. It was definitely chaotic and inefficient, but it did mean that each small neighborhood often had their own community watchdog. But more importantly, it meant that usually one vigilante did not know who another vigilante was - who they were when they took off the mask.

And here he was, holding a note that was clearly addressed to his....alter ego but given to Ethan Ketheryl. What was he supposed to think about that? How much did he trust the Silvi's Army? Cobbleport wasn't far from his meager office and he would be able to swing by with no difficulty. The only question was how much he was willing to risk - if he showed up as The Law he was basically revealing his secret identity to the rest. Yet if he did not answer, what tragic consequences would transpire? He was still deep in thought when he heard a knock on the door. "Come in," he said as cleared his throat and covered the note on his desk. A tall and thin man stepped into his office, wearing wire frame glasses and holding a stack of papers.

Ethan smiled when he saw him. They both worked in the same community office that Ethan had founded not too long ago. Together, and several other passionate individuals, they had really started laying the groundwork for a grassroots, community based organization to help grow the community and make it a bigger and better place for everyone. Their office was so small that their movement didn't even really have a name yet. So far they had been too busy getting into the nitty gritty details of community service to care about things like that. It was slow and tough work, but Ethan appreciated all the help he could get. "Fogey! It's so nice to see you," Ethan said as the gears already started turning in his head. They began having a conversation about upcoming community events before Ethan slowly nudged and hinted at the narcotic substance Em. He wanted to know more about the situation before he stepped in.

"See if you can help me find some more information about it Fogey," Ethan said with a smile. "This stuff is so dangerous and we don't want it poisoning our community. Actually that gives me a plan..." he said as he started going over his ideas in greater detail....


Ethan approached the harbor in Cobbleport, cursing himself every step of the way. He had arrived 15 minutes before, in full costume under the dark cover of the night. In the seedy and abandoned parts of The Backup, even someone dressed as he was didn't seem that out of place. The night belonged to the vigilantes and he did not feel an iota out of place. His hand fell to the familiar scorpion whip at his side and he took in a deep breath. He could already feel his demeanor and presence changing, reacting under the mask to form....something else. Even the way he moved and walked was different - like a reaper floating past the ground and towards those with ill-intent. He was no longer merely Ethan - he was now The Law.

As he neared the docks, he could feel a sense of urgency in the air. What could he do here?

While in his Social Persona, Ethan has the Renown talent. He's known in his local community. I decided to quickly just say that he is a community service leader. Just a small one, based in the local neighborhood, trying to improve the lot of the small and disenfranchised. His community service office can be his Loyal Aid talent.

Diplomacy check to find out information regarding Em. (I get +2 from being in my Renown community, and +4 from Social Grace)

Diplomacy check to find out information regarding the Backup.

Once per day, I can ask a favor from the Loyal Aid. I want to use it to organize a community service event to help focus attention on the magical narcotic Em. People suffering from those effects are welcome to step forward and be welcomed as members of the community. The goal isn't to shun them or throw them into prison, but to help them get off a path of dependency.

This is basically Ethan telling the community service office to work on raising awareness/funds about the issue. I want this to happen later this week/next week. So the event is being planned for right now, but not going to happen until after the vigilantes meet up at the docks.

When he gets to the docks, the Law makes a perception check.

Perception (terrible I know)

2016-05-02, 02:18 PM
asking around the office, you manage to find someone who has actually tried EM, a coworker, the janitor Finnis Goralith... she tells you that she was lucky enough to have the money to get a potion of cure sickness to get clean off the stuff... but it was still one of the hardest things she had ever done... the drug comes in a few different varieties, but the dealer never told her how many there were... part of the "fun" of EM, it felt like a dose of real potential... she had gotten off of it before the effects could really take hold... but she describes that in a drug den, some of the more experienced users were almost... dissapearing... from existence. every now and again a person would shoot up... then they would start shaking fast... and look like a ghost eventually poof... all thats left is the clothes on their back and whatever they had on them. she tells you that the Backup was where she got her batches, its noticeably difficult for her to speak about it... but you need answers... and she has developed trust for you over the years... she tells you about a major docked ship. the Gal-ion... thats where they made it, she thinks... its where sh would always see her dealer come out of.

at the broken port, you find that you most defiantly are catching attention, but people have learned to both respect, fear, or even loath the heroes... many people give you looks as you pass by, not many are comforting... other than the usual vigilante looks you receive...not much seems out of place... except for a shady looking man harassing a dive bar by the bay a nervous looking halfing leaves whilst looking at the stranger, who has on a disturbing smile... and the air that he is hiding something.

you follow the figure to a secluded spot... there you see another person, lying on its back against a fallen mast which was reused as a lamp post... the first figure slaps its feet, the second slowly looks up... almost uncaring... the first figure speaks... although you cannot make out the words... you can tell it is a woman's voice, the figure sighs and stand up, they both slowly move away, heading to the Gal-ion... as you study the figures... you happen to hear a quiet sound from behind you... had you not been focusing so intently on your powerful senses... it might have gone unnoticed.... nothing more than a hushed clink... like metal on the clay roofing... followed by a muffled... grumble?

the kobolds as well as the merman look you up and down... sizing you up and finding you to be a bit out of place. the halfling is more or less uncomfortable with you, you can tell immediately that the hafling is frightened by your straightfowardness, though no dark ideas play into it, he picks up a collapsible fishing rod and calls it a night, the merman... however, gives a glance to the kobolds... there.... there in lies some dark intent... as you leave the bar-side... you see a figure in the distance... a man in a skull like mask... the kobolds and the merman, see him, and exchange glances... sorry mate... ain't no work at this time of night.... besides... closing shop just about... now... like clockwork, the kobolds slip away and the merman flops to the back room...

you are the night.... in your armor you glide through the darkness of the roof.... now... this might have not been the best for you... as in focusing on souly being quiet... you had forgotten to look where you were going... with a sudden slam you gracefully fall off a high rooftop and ever so quietly fall on your face, not hard enough to hurt anything but your pride... you do, however... find that you have toy the best of your knowlage and none the less skillfully "snuck up on" another stalker of the rooftops, you find yourself about 15 feet away from a masked man... a gun by his side

2016-05-02, 10:45 PM
Well, that could have ended up better, Tobias thought, chiding himself for forgetting to activate his flight. He then spots the armed stranger and said Hark Stranger! Identify thyself! I can't get the color icon to work, so until further notice, I guess I'm speaking in bold until I can figure out how to fix it.

2016-05-03, 02:52 AM
Neal waited for a while for the woman to return before settling down to see what would happen.

The next thing he knew his foot was slapped and he jerked awake. "How can you sleep at a time like this?" she hissed at him.

"Welcome back, beautiful. And for your information, if you want me to do something, you're going to have to be more specific than saying 'wait here'. I was expecting to be in bed by now, so I'm not exactly on my A game."

She sighed and shook her head. "Besides," he went on to say while standing up, "we can't start until you get the whole gang here, right?" They started walking while she answered him.

"If you want to live, you're going to need to be more careful..."

Just then she was interrupted by the sound of a voice calling out ""Hark stranger! Identify thyself!"

Neal smiled underneath his mask. "Speaking of which, it sounds like at least one of them is here now."

The Shadow then turned towards where the voice was coming from and peered into the darkness.

Perception check: [roll0]

Since he has Rogue's Edge perception, the distance modifier to the dc is reduced by 1 for every 20 ft; or in other words, only half the distance matters for my character. Interestingly enough, while he has 30' darkvision, he doesn't have low light vision.

Also, given your pm, ninja, I'm assuming you're referring to Neal when you talk of her slapping someone awake. If not...well I'll delete this post and come up with a better entrance than that.

2016-05-03, 04:15 AM
Deadeye was about to take off in pursuit of the duo when the slightest noise from behind alerted him. It took every amount of willpower for Deadeye to not make a physical reaction upon hearing the sound. Instead, he kept his eyesight locked to where his quarry had gone, and slowly, he stood up.

"Come out and speak, or hit me from the back. Either do it or don't, but I got criminal scum to apprehend, so best get to it."

Deadeye kept his back to whoever's behind him, a show of fearless confidence. He waits a heartbeat's pause, and then takes off in pursuit of his prey.

I just realized that Digiman's character is the one behind me. Anyway, it doesn't really change much, Deadeye was going to act the same regardless.

2016-05-03, 05:18 AM
Flying down to join the chase, the Blue Tiberion speaks: Judging from your words, you are not one of the villains who rampage this city. I received a note requesting my presence. I take it you received such a note?

2016-05-03, 06:50 AM
Case's target changes with his sight of the skull-masked man who terrifies the locals with but a glance. Surely this is someone who keeps the secrets of The Backup. Soundlessly he moves into shadows with speed which defies the eyes.

The difficulty of stealth is based on relative rather than absolute speed. I didn't make the rules! Anyway, Case's spending a point of ki to get +30' speed for the next minute, so he has a chance of catching up.

Stealth: [roll0] + [roll1]
& if that doesn't work, once Case gets within 50' there's a separate DC 18 Perception check needed to perceive him.

2016-05-03, 08:25 AM
The words stopped Deadeye in his tracks. "You received the same note?" He asked, finally turning around to acknowledge the stranger.

"I'm gonna pull out the note, no need for any sudden moves," He warns as he rummages in his pockets and pulls out the crumpled note. Unfolding the parchment, he shows it to the blue figure. "Yours look something like this?"

2016-05-03, 10:16 AM
Indeed. The Blue Tiberon likewise pulled out his note. Someone knows much about both of us... and I now suspect we weren't the only ones.

2016-05-03, 02:08 PM
Looking at the bar, the Law spots a suspicious looking man snooping around at the dive bar. As it was the first thing to catch his eye, he begins to make his way over there. His steps are methodical and sure, but he almost seems to glide across the pavement. For someone who looks so stoic and serious, he seem to move across the harbor in just a few steps - he was quicker than his tall form looked.

As he neared the harbor, he heard a voice shout out on the rooftops above. Obscured from his sight, the Law wondered what the commotion was about. Were there other heroes here, or criminals lying in wait? He didn't care either way - it wouldn't matter to him whoever it was. If they meant to help out, they were certainly welcome to. If they meant him harm....the Law's hand once again drifted to the scorpion whip at his side. He knew how to deal with the scum of the city - to teach them a painful lesson that they would never forget.

Not seeing or hearing anything further, the Law turned back to the bar but found that every was gone. The Law quickly blinked twice when the suspicious man seemed to disappear from view. Strange..., he thought as he started to move away from the bar and towards the ship. As a secondary precaution, he slowly closed his eyes and implanted an illusionary trick to protect himself. Satisfied with his protections, he emerged out into the piers and began to find the elusive Gal-ion

Take an action to use the Spectral Smoke trick on himself.

2016-05-03, 04:48 PM
The Shadow took a moment to deepen his shadow in order to prepare for the others. He then prepared himself to cast a spell at a moment's notice.

When he saw the woman look at him oddly he responded "What? We ought to be prepared in case your plan for making a team falls through. And don't look so surprised at me changing my voice. I almost got caught once when someone recognized my voice and not my appearance."

The Shadow gains a shadow surge and readies an action to cast silent image. I'm not expecting a fight, it's just what the Shadow would do.

2016-05-03, 05:42 PM
"Well ain't this a morning's kick in the fruits. If me and you are any indication, it seems we've received an invitation to a Hero All Stars gathering," Deadeye responds in a gruff displeased voice. "Bunch of mad people dressing up like children and playing the hero. And I'm one of them. That kind of reminder's the last thing I need."

Deadeye turns around, about to walk away, but quickly turns back towards the Gal-ion. "Might be some new player in town's trying to ambush us. Breaking a bone or two, now that's exactly the kind of potion I'm achin' for."

He's moving cautiously, but at this point he's under the assumption that the people who invited him are already aware that he's there, and if they're dumb enough to not have noticed him, they wouldn't pose much of a threat anyway, so he's not doing any stealth at this point, but pretty much just walking there.

2016-05-03, 08:12 PM
Indeed, The Blue Tiberon replied One way or another, we need to find out who this new player upon the field is; to find if he be friend or foe if nothing else.

2016-05-05, 08:53 AM
Since the masked man was heading towards the harbor that the note named, Case decided against ambushing him for now. Just following people and keeping a sharp ear out had often been more useful for him than trying to extract information by fear - and as they got closer to this harbor a scuffle might alert whoever else might be nearby anyway.

2016-05-05, 02:13 PM
The Law kept his pace brisk and focused, each step sending out a small thud through the otherwise quiet and cold night. He let nothing distract him as he moved towards his goal. Off in the distance, he can see two individuals, but nothing too clear. For a moment it looks like he might hesitate, before he resumes the same fast pace he has been walking this entire time. Slowing only momentarily, The Law analyzes where he is and who the two people are in front of him.

".....So were you two the ones who delivered the note?" he flatly asked, his voice a rather monotonous flat drone compared to his frightening appearance. His hand wavered by his side, never too far away from pulling out his weapon if needed. He was certainly tense, but ready to react appropriately to these two individuals. He was practically excited to get started....

2016-05-06, 02:18 AM
The Shadow shook his head. "This was her idea, not mine. She just decided to come get me instead of delivering a note like she did with you all."

He continued to hold himself ready to cast at a moment's notice. His stance was clearly agitated, but cautious instead of aggressive.

2016-05-11, 08:10 AM
The Law paused, taking in the new information and looking at both of the two people in front of him. For a moment he seem to hesitate, before he continued pacing in a small circle around them. "Well then who are you," he said as he turned to The Shadow. "What do you know about the magical Em that is being doled out here?"

2016-05-16, 06:40 PM
The Law paused, taking in the new information and looking at both of the two people in front of him. For a moment he seem to hesitate, before he continued pacing in a small circle around them. "Well then who are you," he said as he turned to The Shadow. "What do you know about the magical Em that is being doled out here?"

The Shadow shook his head. "This was her idea, not mine. She just decided to come get me instead of delivering a note like she did with you all."

He continued to hold himself ready to cast at a moment's notice. His stance was clearly agitated, but cautious instead of aggressive.

the woman simply stared for quite a while, almost uncomfortably so, through tinted lenses you see her blink once... she turns to The shadow once again and snorts Shades here hasnt earned a letter... you on the other hand... have, congrats!, the woman before you is covered head to toe in strange garb, nothing on it seems cheap, the figures posture is something of cocky and... maybe having fun with this, her gaze is some mix between dark, and kind. the lady gives a calm skip and attempts to bump your shoulder lightly with her fist, whether you let it happen or not, she gives a shrug and looks you over i got to say though... some of the new guys are alot... er... what do you say Shadow? darker? menacing? she turns to the thief with a covered smile, her hand gives a "so-so" motion. she however does not wait for a response, quickly she winds up her head to face the direction of the original yell. in the distance you can just barely see two figures, she gives a flick to a strange choker device around her neck, her voice becomes deeper, more like a man, strangely enough, almost identical to the voice The Shadow makes with one difference, the octave level has matched the girls volume YO! UP THERE! THE MAIL DELIVERY SERVICE NEEDS A WORD WITH YOU BOTH!!!...*clears throat* leaving one left from around the corner... a halfling emerges from the shadows, he seems nervous, this fear increases at the sight of the Law. the woman looks to the man. the shared look flickers with a taste of magic, at the end of it, the woman nods, and the little halfing runs off. and that makes 5the voice still The Shadows... she quicky moves her hand to the device once again, turning around, the strange character waives a hand in the air and calls out hello? yes hello! the threatening one, come on come on... she turns to face Law once again... now... onto your questions, first of all, im known as Miss Fey. she glances a knowing look to The Shadow, an unspoken understanding between the two is obvious. for your next question, however... i should say we need the whole gang here for that? she walks back over to The shadow, and gives a slight smirk, and sits where he had been resting before now , while we wait... i would like you two to play nice and introduce yourselves, oh maybe i should now laying down exactly as he had done, Miss Fey points unlooking to the Law this is The Law, the more threatening candidate in a few years actually... one of the more brutal and intelligent crime-fighters that shreds criminals to shreds with a whip of razors her finger glides to The Shadow This is The Shadow... a criminal.... though currently on... lets say parole... he has stolen from some of the most impenetrable art exhibits in the City, one of the more intelligent, and clean villains i have dealt with and is currently the 12th on the most wanted crooks list of Skullduggery himself looking to The Shadow with one eye closed, keeping watch...

Since the masked man was heading towards the harbor that the note named, Case decided against ambushing him for now. Just following people and keeping a sharp ear out had often been more useful for him than trying to extract information by fear - and as they got closer to this harbor a scuffle might alert whoever else might be nearby anyway.

you see the masked man head down an ally, the smell of rotten fish and rusted metal flow through these rickety streets, the windows barred and lights begining to go out. only the streetlights give off the dull illumination. you see him reach two figures, one a female, drapped in coaks, the other, a shady looking man, not as much the common use of the word although it most likely applies to his character, but shady as in a heavier darkness surrounds him... you watch as she screams in a mans voice at the top of her (his? is it a he or she? the voice has left you unsure) lungs, you look up to see what she was shouting at... two figures in the distance, on top of a roof... when you bring your gaze back onto that of the closer party, the halfling from the bar stumbles into your view, as though time were moving in slow motion, you see him look to the woman... who then looks to your exact location... your heart stops as even from this distance you can fee a grin appear on the womans face as she waives to you, hello? yes hello! the threatening one, come on come on... you watch as she heads to a seat and lies down, though what she says next is inaudible from that distace, you can tell its directed to the two men....

"Well ain't this a morning's kick in the fruits. If me and you are any indication, it seems we've received an invitation to a Hero All Stars gathering," Deadeye responds in a gruff displeased voice. "Bunch of mad people dressing up like children and playing the hero. And I'm one of them. That kind of reminder's the last thing I need."

Deadeye turns around, about to walk away, but quickly turns back towards the Gal-ion. "Might be some new player in town's trying to ambush us. Breaking a bone or two, now that's exactly the kind of potion I'm achin' for."

He's moving cautiously, but at this point he's under the assumption that the people who invited him are already aware that he's there, and if they're dumb enough to not have noticed him, they wouldn't pose much of a threat anyway, so he's not doing any stealth at this point, but pretty much just walking there.

Indeed, The Blue Tiberon replied One way or another, we need to find out who this new player upon the field is; to find if he be friend or foe if nothing else.

just as Tiberon finished speaking, a mans voice erupted from the direction of the two spotted by Deadeye, YO! UP THERE! THE MAIL DELIVERY SERVICE NEEDS A WORD WITH YOU BOTH!!! turning to the source, another figure has joined them, a skeleton masked man, it appears that all three are looking at you... you continue to watch the female figure seemingly bounce around and make gestures here and there, ending with her laying down and pointing at the other two figures

alright, just going to do a tiny bit of introductions to the whole gang, then, off to the EM factory, as an apology for the extended wait, you all get +2 to one roll for the adventure to use at your leisure, things should be moving a bit quicker now although!

2016-05-16, 08:26 PM
"Not the way I like to make an entrance," Case mutters as he stalks out to meet the woman and her current associates. He casts a lingering glance at the halfling so as to mark his face for later.

"Call me The Smile, if you would," he introduces himself, "this isn't a place to bandy about true names - or even to linger now that everyone in earshot knows that something's happening here. Sure, I'm concerned about this Em hitting the streets, but I'll do my best work against it when they don't see me coming."

2016-05-17, 12:11 AM
The Law was taken aback by Miss Fey's disarming personality and mannerisms. Experience had taught him that people only acted this way if they were foolhardy, or extremely, extremely powerful. In fact, most of the time they were both - it was a dangerous combination indeed. She (obviously) knew who he was and yet he had not recognized her and that deeply troubled him. Unconsciously taking a step back, the Law masked his surprise by turning around and looking at where Miss Fey was shouting. They were even more people here? At the very least, it seemed like all of them were in the same boat - only Miss Fey knew of his identity behind the mask. Despite her....erratic nature, the Law much preferred to keep it that way.

The Law craned his neck as he was trying to see exactly who she was calling out to. He didn't have to wait long as a figure mysteriously appeared from the shadows; he wasn't sure but he felt as if this might be the suspicious man that he had seen from afar. A lot of people seemed to be out and about tonight - this was going to be bigger than stopping a small scale drug operation. As another new companion joined their little circle, the Law stepped to the side so that they were all equally looking at each other. He carefully looks the Smile up and down, and he can't help but nod in agreement to what he says.

"I am unsure why we are all here," the Law slowly adds, as his eyes scan the harbor. "I already know where the Em is being trafficked off of. A ship called the Gal-ion. With the cover of night and some minor preparation, I can have the whole ship locked down within an hour. But if they heard everyone shouting like that, they might be on high alert already. Things certainly aren't going to be easier just because we have a few more....individuals around," he said as he looked at each of the members slowly. Tapping his fingers along the side of his leg, the Law visibly sighed. "Worse case scenario is that they get spooked and set out to sea. We don't have much time to waste..."

2016-05-17, 06:48 PM
The Blue Tiberon floats down to the voice he just heard. Who art thou, who seeks the Blue Tiberon?

2016-05-17, 09:22 PM
Miss Fey quickly pops back up at the sound of the new voice, ah! Yes yes of course, slavi's army prides itself on need to know information... but yes, onto the business of the matter.... Em... she listens to the Laws informationsomeones been doing their homework... but be a lot worse if they cast off, more would be lost than catching some crooks...In a moment, Miss Fey hops up, almost instantly she is on a roof, looking to the Gal-ion in the distance, everyone can hear her talking she points at it, signaling to how far into the Backup it really is... that thing Casts sail... and half of the port is taken with itlooking down, her eyes widen behind the goggles.... once again she moves quickly down to exiteably greet the newcomers, the extremely blue person and a man with a pistol by his side. oh goodie , erm * clears throat* very good! Your all here, do hurry along bullets!

With all the heroes in one place, a feeling of grandeur flows between you all, eyeing eachother.... sizing up the man next to you... the silent stare down is only broken by a clap of hands, the sourse the mysterious woman whom seems to have been pulling the strings alright.... the formalities.... each of you know that this city is slowly eating itself out.... but from that consumption, something extraordinary has emerged, from each of you... your gifts and need to do make a change has caught the eye of some very.... very important people... consider tonight to be an exam, me your teacher, mediator and in some cases, disiplinarian... this is your chance to show me what you got... the cloaked lady points in the direction of the Gal-ion. over there? That is the hub of not just a Em distributor... but the top supplier for the entire City, tonight is going to be one of the biggest deals with a representative from Lucifer own guard, that deal goes through... Ingus knows what havoc that bad juju can do... for a moment, Fey pauses, you can swear you can hear the grinding of teeth... ... you have three goals tonight, you only have to complete 1 to pass... but a real hero would go above and beyond to do what's right in another flash, she's on the lamp post... an unearthly glow irratiating from her as the light makes her hard to see, almost a glare or stain on a window... when she speaks, her voice has changed to a more supernatural tone, shaking as though it was more than one person saying the words... a chorus of the monotone comands 1 and the most important... that much Em could ruin this city.... above all else, It mustn't go out to the public, destroy all of it. 2. Find the head alchemist, cut off the sourse and stop this cycle for good. 3, bring Lucifers man to justice, show that even someone as powerful as the he is not above the rules of the city... do this, and you will join the fight to save luxdon, her hand raises, a small pellet inside three guarding the doors, 2 more inside... that's what I found from a quick look... good luck, and may the city guide your justice a flash of smoke, and she's gone.... you all stand in a circle... now alone...

2016-05-18, 04:55 AM
Neal crossed his arms as the lady began speaking. He wasn't accustomed to people being this jovial near him while he was in his "hunting" gear.

"Thank you ever so much for that introduction, Fay. What would I ever do without you?" he says sarcastically. "At least I know a little more about my reputation now, though," he thought to himself.

He then began to examine the other people he would be working with. A guy in blue tights with a strange mask was the one speaking using archaic words. "Most likely has some kind of supernatural ability if he's confident enough to go around wearing something that ugly," he thought to himself.

The one introduced as the Law obviously knew how to handle himself given his calm demeanor. "I'll need to watch out for that one. He looks like he would attack me as soon as shake my hand."

The one that called himself the Smile clearly had no sense of humor. "Note to self: wait until the punchline is particularly good and you're ready to escape before messing with that one.

The guy wearing a mask and carrying guns was perhaps the most dangerous of them all. "This guy likely could do what the Law can, only from a safe distance. I'll need to be on good behaviour around these guys..."

The Shadow makes no pretense about sizing up everyone else. He's not about to let them have too much of an advantage over him if he can help it. Then he speaks up.

"Lucifer's man is mine. I've seen firsthand what this stuff has done to my sector. I shall no longer tolerate such exploitation."

2016-05-18, 04:36 PM
The Law merely stepped back and watched Miss Fey jump and prance around. Once again she showed off some considerable power with her theatrics. Her words implied that she was part of the organization that was known as Slavi's Army. He had heard of them but if this was how they operated, he couldn't say he was really impressed. He would have hoped for someone more....serious. Or at least someone who could stay in the same place for more than a few minutes, he thought to himself as he watched Miss Fey vanish into thin air. Taking in a deep breath, he felt like a great weight had lifted off his shoulders. With Miss Fey gone it was as if he didn't have to be constantly wary - these other heroes were more...understandable. At the very least he could size them all up and understand who they were. He made a mental note of The Smile and Blue Tiberon - he would have to assess who they were and what they could do.

Turning his attention to the Shadow, he could see him mentally sizing up the other heroes as well. This was not strange - forcing all of these talented individuals to work together would create tension, and he had not even expected to work with so many people. To be honest he had expected one, maybe two, individuals to be waiting at the piers. This...was not exactly what he signed up for. The Law carefully stepped to the side and took a deep breath in. His disdain for being stuck in this situation would be evident on his face if he wasn't wearing a mask right now. He didn't really care much for working together - as long as they didn't get in his way, he was happy enough to let them do their own thing.

"Whatever you want," The Law stated as he turned and started walking down the pier. "I'm only after the Em. Stop wasting time and move. Let's try to do this before the whole neighborhood wakes up and jumps on us, eh?"

2016-05-19, 01:29 AM
Nodding , The Blue Tiberon speaks Indeed, the game is afoot. He points toward the pistol-wielder. How far can you hit someone with that? Because I think that I and our more shadowy associates can quickly eliminate the outside guards before heading inside and would like the covering fire.

2016-05-19, 05:30 AM
Unwillingly drawn into the conversation Case contributes, "We should check for other exits before making a noise there if we can. Boats, a gangway ready to swing out, whatever. Miss Fey seems a couple of ribbons short of a May-tree but she's right that catching the alchemist making the Em is a plan worth working for." He shrugs. "That said, I can mark one of those guards and take them out likely enough. Lets go and find where they're waiting!"

2016-05-19, 04:42 PM
Deadeye rolls his eyes as the woman magically dissipates. Looking over his new companions, he takes out a cigar and shifts his mask a bit to the side, wishing he could have the damn thing lit, but chewing on the stub will have to do for now.

"Well well well, and here I thought I was the only kid that liked to play dress-up." He speaks casually with his smoker's rough voice.

The blue suit that had walked with him glanced at Deadeye. "How far can you hit someone with that? Because I think that I and our more shadowy associates can quickly eliminate the outside guards before heading inside and would like the covering fire."

"Whoa whoa whoa, Blue. This here's a lady, can't be referrin' to a lady simply as that. Liable to get hurt that way." Deadeye takes his pistol out and gives the barrel a loving pat. "This is Lady Pepper, never refer to her as a Miss, she hates that. Hates that word something furious. Anyhow, she works as a diplomat, and she can negotiate from up to about a hundred feet. But you get her up close, say about twenty feet er so, and she'll negotiate you to a niiice happy ending. Gotta warn you though, she's a screamer. She starts moaning and screaming, and all the rats'll know the lady's a-coming. So let me know when you're ready, and I'll put a silencer on."

"I don't know about y'all, but since we're at a dress-up party, I'm fixin' to paint some people red, and I don't mean their fingernails. Time to give a bloody makeover."

2016-05-19, 10:13 PM
the ocean winds bellow through the coradors of the half-sunken block of the district, make shift chimes rattle about through the Backup, the sound of the air screaming and whistleing fills your ears as you take one final moment, and head to begin your heroism... as you make your way to the Gal-ion... you all can tell you are being watched, be it a rattle of the rooftop, a misplaced shadow... Miss Feys presence was clearly known, until suddenly, the signs stopped... signifying that you have now reached the area of operations...

in the distance you can hear voices, loud... unafraid of being heard "Naw, hahahaha! im telling you, that shady freak just walked up and practically said 'hey, your kobolds, know anythin illegal going on i can do?" "holy crap... thats sort of.... i mean its true in this context and all but.... thats messed up, Frank" the conversation continues as such, you can hear flopping on the deck like ground, much like a giant fish "gotta talk to the boss guys..." the rest of the conversation is too quiet to hear from a safe distance... stores around you are closed, windows are shut... no civilians in sight, down the street there is a large opening with lights shining out of place on the left side, from where you saw it before, that is the resting place of The Gal-ion, the buildings on each side of you are made of mis mached pieces of driftwood and nails, the craftmenship of which makes you question how they are even standing upright... waters splash up from the hand built flooring of the backup the water rising from the holes make your own voices undetectable for the moment... now is the best time to prepare your plan of attack as best you can...

alright, perception checks for me, the best advise i can give is to gather some intel because i need time to figure out how to make a map

the rest is up to you as to how to handle it... best of luck to you all!


2016-05-20, 05:09 AM
The Blue Tiberon makes his Perception check!

2016-05-20, 05:26 AM
Deadeye Perception roll, after casting Guidance first:

2016-05-20, 05:39 AM
Case's Perception check: [roll0]
Edit: looks like I'll need to wait a while longer for a decent roll. Well, maybe the Blue Tiberon can carry the day.
The maze of buildings confuses Case's attempt to evaluate the Gal-ion's surroundings. "Maybe I can get a better view from under the piers," he says, and pulls out a succession of coffee-scented extracts.
Heightened Awareness
Alchemical Allocation
Fly (from potion, uses up alchemical allocation to return the potion)

2016-05-20, 08:39 AM
Looking at all of the....odd individuals that were gathered, the Law wondered if Miss Fey had a weird sense of humor. At the very least, they certainly had their own "mannerisms" that made them easy to recognize. Then again, I'm hardly someone who should judge, he thought with an ironic smile behind his mask.

Crouching to maintain a low profile, the Law could barely make out anything. His keen eyes could pick up the faintest of light so he was not completely blind, but he did not have a good vantage point. "What do you all see," he said in a low whisper.


2016-05-20, 09:20 AM
it would have seemed that the waives and tides that are so use to this place are just as distracting to the heroes as it is to their prey... tiberion, however... has one of the perfect solutions for the problem... with his suits skills he gracfully flew up and was able to reach the perfect vantage point to see the towering boat fortress in its entirety... many lights from flame and magical circuts light up this area, the boat is floating directly in the water, almost as though surrounded by a moat of crashing waives. the only visible way to get inside is the bridge that leads inside the massive hole in the ship.. a four anchors are set on each corner of the gal-ion, holding the ship in place, tiberion sees the figures that were before having a conversation... two kobolds wearing pea-coats, they stand watch to the bridge, they both seem to be drinking something, but even with your position you cant make it out what exactly the bright blue and red bottles are... up on the deck, a single human paces about, treating the perimeter of the ship like a watchtower, a trumpet gleams on his waist, illuminated by the police issue torch-baton... the man wears the same clothes as a man in uniform, but his face is that of a hardened criminal. now closer, the faint sound of machinery hums, covering the sounds of yelling from inside, though the number of voices couldnt possibly be only 2, maybe around 5 or 6... tiberion diesides to head back to the ground before he is spotted by the watchmen

dead-eye turned his attentions however, not to the ship... but to the ground, he manages to find a big enough hole to fit in and have direct access to the ocean below their feet, drift wood filled with broken nails float on the cerface menacingly allong garbage and the occasional used needle of Em...... out of the corner of your eye, however you just manage to catch something swimming fast through the waters...

the rest of the party have great skill in finding a really cool looking rock, collectively... witch in all honesty is quite the achievement since this part of the district was entirely man made and is right above the ocean... a very cool rock indeed! they also are able to see with clarity that the ship is in quite well managed condition, compared to the rest of the boats and houses in this quarter. you just manage to see that there are two somewhat short creatures guarding the entrance

2016-05-20, 11:05 AM
The Blue Tiberon returns form his aerial recon The deck is guarded by three beings; the first two are kobolds, which should be dispatched easily enough, but the third is a counterfeit constable; a hardened criminal in guards' guise. He has both a light and a trumpet to which to sound the alarm. we need take him out first. he paused, taking a harder look at his compatriots. There are also about a half dozen people below decks, judging from the sounds, but I know naught else about them.

2016-05-20, 11:48 PM
"Anyone other than me able to cast Silence? Would be great to just go in there and stand amongst them while the whole area gets silenced."

2016-05-21, 01:02 AM
Case suggests, "Well Tib, if we can get below the piers and fly up from the water perhaps we can take this trumpeteer by surprise - I won't call him a constable or policeman. Or jump down at him out of the dark if that won't work, should be near as good. Maybe the others can take the two kobolds?"

Glancing at the gunslinger, "The only silence I can summon is unconsciousness. You'll surely need your veil of silence to cover your favorite toys there though?"

2016-05-21, 03:18 AM
Deadeye grinned at Case. "Was honestly thinkin' I'd go in as bait. Put the silence around myself and let 'em attack me 'n Pepper. Would really need that backup though. Oh yeah, 'n there's something heading our way from the water. Might not wanna go that route without takin' it out first."

2016-05-21, 03:18 AM
The Shadow shrugs in response to the gunslinger's question.

"I can cast a spell that forces things or people to be quiet, but I can't fully silence them. I typically use misdirection and preparation. However, if you need an illusion, then I've got the spell for you. Typically though I try to do my best to handle things without magic until it's definitely needed. If needed, I'm probably the best among us at sneaking up and knocking someone out. The real question is whether there is enough cover for me to make it to the ship."

The Shadow then took a long moment to study the dock and ship.

While the Shadow can turn invisible, he's not going to announce that to a group of people he doesn't trust, especially since it doesn't last long.

Also, taking 10 on perception for a total of 18 to see how much cover is available between the dock and the ship, as well as on the ship deck.

2016-05-21, 01:45 PM
The Blue Tiberon turns to Deadeye If you cast your silencing spell, I could fly you above the trumpeter and we could take him out without the possibility of him raising the alarm.

2016-05-21, 10:36 PM
The Law was strangely silent as he observed the crew and the ship. He was mulling over the best course of action in order to apprehend the criminals - he didn't want a single one to get away. Finally speaking up, the Law cleared his throat. "I can enchant this pebble with the Silence spell," he said quietly as he picked up the small rock. He turned it over in his hand, admiring its smooth texture and flat surface. It would've been perfect for skipping across the water, he thought as his mind imagined casting the spell on the small rock. "I can then hand it off to one of you and it will silence all of your actions. However you must be quick. The spell will not last more than 30 seconds and that includes the time it will take you to reach the trumpeter."

Looking between Blue Tiberon and The Smile, the Law seemed to smile and nod. The two of them were the most likely candidates and they seemed more than capable fighters. But more than anything, he wanted to know what they were capable of. This was a valuable opportunity to see exactly what these other "heroes" could do - any information on them was more than invaluable. "What about the two of you go - you seem more than capable at handling the trumpeter between the two of you. I'm sure the rest of us can handle two measly kobolds without alerting the rest of the ship. Assuming we can do that, we can catch the rest of the ship by surprise. If not..." the Law trailed off as his hands fell to his weapon. "Well, we can always adapt when that happens," he said plainly and left it at that.

2016-05-22, 03:18 AM
"I'm up for anything, I just point and shoot. I can cast silence on a different pebble if it'll help. There's also the matter of getting everyone to the othe ship."

2016-05-22, 06:32 AM
"It looks like there's a bridge? Once the guards are down you can just walk over. Mind whatever that is in the water of course. On that subject, if we're to stay clear of the water then diving out of the night sky might work best against a human with no better night sight than he should. Even kobolds can only see so far in the dark. Just give me a moment to gain a little height before we attack."

2016-05-22, 04:37 PM
The Law nodded as he palmed the pebble in his hand. "I'm ready when you are," he whispered as he began concentrating on the task ahead.

So The Law readies an action to cast Silence on the pebble when he sees that The Smile and Blue Tiberon are both ready to take off.

Basically I imagine that Blue Tiberon gets ready to fly. Then he grabs Case/The Smile. Then The Law casts his spell - once the Smile sees that, he takes the pebble from The Law. Once The Smile has the pebble, Blue Tiberon makes a bee line for the Trumpeter.

On the ground, the rest of us will rush the kobolds and take them out quickly as well.

Is that the plan we settled on guys?

2016-05-22, 06:03 PM
"Here we go again, darlin'." Deadeye gives Lady Pepper a peck. "I'm going invisible now, and I'm gonna sneak in there. Just give me about a minute to sneak into position, and I'll only start shootin' once the melee guys come in as well."

Stealth Roll: [roll0]
I'm not sure what the exact distance is to get within 20 ft. of Guard 1, but I figure 1 min/10 rounds should suffice. Once I get into position, since Silence has a radius of 20ft, and I'm gonna be within 20ft, I'm gonna ready a full attack for when the flyers come.

2016-05-23, 05:54 AM
Case - the Smile, now - grins at the vigilantes. "Back and up we go, high so those kobolds don't see us. When you see the light drop on the deck some aid with them would be appreciated." And a test of whether they're truly on the same side in this, he thinks but doesn't say. One more coffee-scented vial is uncapped and drunk, then he lifts off the ground.

Vine Strike added to his buffs now.

2016-05-23, 09:53 AM
Very well. Give me the stone, and I''ll take out the trumpeter
How far away is he from me? Remember, my base speed is 40; I can, if need be, go scout mode, which brings it up to 55.

2016-05-23, 11:38 AM
Nodding, The Law concentrates on the stone. Strangely enough, he does not need to mutter any arcane words or make special arcane symbols with his hands. He is completely silent and still as he casts his spell - it is almost imperceptible. Finished, he hands the stone off to Blue Tiberon and waits patiently for them to move into position. Turning back to face the kobolds, The Law narrows his eyes and tries to estimate just how far away they are. He is confident he can reach them before they can react - and strike fear into their hearts when he does. Taking out his Scorpion Whip, he feels the weight of his weapon in his hand as he eagerly anticipates the upcoming battle. He was going to enjoy shutting down this Em dispensary.

The Law casts Silence on the pebble and hands it away. He then takes out his weapon and waits on standby to move out.

2016-05-23, 03:15 PM
As the Blue Tiberon kines up with the target, he asks Anyone want a lift?
How far away is he? I want to make a charge at him

2016-05-24, 06:14 AM
The Shadow responded to all the talk by casting an invisibility spell on himself. He then began to carefully walk towards the bridge.

The Shadow is taking 10 on stealth since he's walking slowly. This gives a stealth roll of 40 for sight based stealth and 20 for sound based (because of the +20 to stealth from the invisibility spell. Yeah, I'm actually using up one of his secend level spell slots. Probably going to see how far he can get without alerting anyone.

2016-05-24, 08:15 AM
the two kobolds conversation continues as your plan is set in motion well... i suppose that we are promoting a terrible steriotype through our actions, but isnt the scociaty of our area truely to blame? forceing us to enter into this life in order to survive? yes, but as... er...*muffled sound* dealers... we continue the cycle of self deprecation, dont we? so your saying we should stop, truely examine our lives? and strive to make this City a nurturing place for all kobolds? I mean... maybe tomorrow we can set an example... right? yeah... of course, tomorrow the watchmen above gives a yawn, clearly these sort of discussions happen often between these two, and go way over the head of the false copper. shadow wanders just about right past them, onto the bridge, without being noticed...

you enter the dark corridor of the inner hull, two makeshift hallways lead to the front, and back of the ship, splintered wood and rusting nails pop through the Gal-ion, the derelict ship creeks and moans as you step aboard... one of the kobolds glance behind him... looking directly where you stand... he gives a quick sniff of the air, shakes his head... and goes back to his philosophical discussion... you can now clearly hear machines buzzing in behind the walls, muffled shouting is heard... at least, to yourself its muffled... taking a quick breath, you can smell the distinct scent of Em floating throughout the ship, the reason the kobold could not smell you becomes an obvious savior... and possible doom

... the smell is... intoxicating... you can feel the effects slowly coming over you, (i am going to need a fortitude save right now >:) )

2016-05-24, 02:39 PM
Just as the Blue Tiberon and the Smile fly away, the Law turns to see if the others are ready to go. He turns around expectantly....and sees nothing. A little irked for being left behind, the Law quickly emerges from his hiding place. His form is fearsome in the dark night - a man with the mask of a skull suddenly emerging from the abandoned pier. At his side is a long silver chain that ends in a serrated blade - his trusted Scorpion Whip. He makes almost no sound as he steps out from where he was hiding, his chain making the smallest clinks as he brazenly steps forward.

His voice is deep and raspy, like the his own throat was filled with metal and chains. "Leave you fools," he threatens as he readies to brandish his whip. "Leave before I drag you down for the crimes you have committed!"

The Law steps out and tries to draw the attention of the 2 kobolds.

He readies a Full Round action to use Dazzling Display when they get close enough (30 ft) to him.


Intimidate for Dazzling Display

2016-05-24, 02:39 PM
The Blue Tiberon paused, realizing that no one heard him due to the silencing stone he held. He shrugged, and at the top of his lungs (as he knew it couldn't give his position away) he shouted THE BLUE TIBERON STRIKES!!!
Attack roll [roll0]
Damage roll [roll1]

2016-05-24, 06:46 PM
Case dives in silently using the only shadow available - the Blue Tiberon's. Well, there may be masts and such, but those are very transient.

initiative [roll0]
Stealth [roll1] + [roll2] = 26, plus the second chance 18 from inattention blindness
attack, if applicable [roll3]
damage [roll]1d8+6[roll] + [roll4] = 13 (including roll in next post), plus entangle

2016-05-24, 06:49 PM

2016-05-25, 04:17 PM
Fort save (if needed): [roll0]
Surprise round attack (vs Touch AC): [roll1]
Surprise round damage: [roll2]
Initiative: [roll3]