View Full Version : [Fate Core] Mercenaries of Lychen, Bar Chat

2016-04-27, 03:57 PM
Your zeppelin is docked in the port city of Kutsaud in Lychen, on the southern coast. The crew is out barhopping, some minor pirate activity out over the ocean has a few of the biplanes needing some repair. For the mechanics, it means a long few nights' worth of work. For the rest of you...beer.

A few bars in, the six of you find yourselves in the Silver Serpent - the dive bar drunks go to after they get thrown out of the other dive bars in town.

2016-04-27, 06:25 PM
Well, for most of them anyway. Being the requisite absolute lightweight and near-teetotaller, and being a bit of a mother hen towards the rest of the logistics of the mercenary crew... Kamui has nonetheless gotten tugged along for the pub crawl reluctantly, but seems to be insistent on keeping her eyes glued towards their accounting books and outgoing expenses. The dark-haired woman is dressed as she normally is -- a chiffon crepe sleeveless white dress and black skirt to go with her opaque armwarmers and thigh-highs, along with a black cloak. A bit dainty and princess-like, perhaps, but that was pretty much how the handmaidens back in Rayh chose to dress Kamui.

"Estimated 8 hours for the A7M2 repairs, quote was eyeballed at 1,000 and 3,000 pieces adjusting for market inflation and unforeseen circumstances due to potential fatigue from ocean conditions..." she murmurs to herself, scribbling notes and otherwise pointedly being the one not drinking.

2016-05-02, 09:37 AM
Mumbling and grumbling Bralog somehow was convinced by the promise of ale to disembark and make his way with the crew to the Silver Serpent. It was the type of place that Bralog approved of, dark enough that seedier dealings could be had but not too dark to were you couldn't spot the glint of the dagger aimed at your back.

Bralog was dressed in whatever furs and leathers had managed to stick onto him as he rolled out of his bunk a few days prior. It had been a few weeks since his last bath so Bralog was starting to get a nice earthy aroma going just like a proper dwarf. He wished he didn't have to bathe every few months but the crew usually promises mutiny when his aroma overpowers their weaker non-dwarf noses.

Bralog plops himself down and grumbles in a surly tone "Who does a dwarf got to skin around here to get some Thunder Ale."

Don nadie
2016-05-04, 05:11 AM
Lyss got into the bar with her characteristic light step, cheerful demeanour and cocky attitude. She had her rapier on her waist, and was very much willing to have anyone tell her weapons were not allowed there. She was wearing some comfortable boots and trousers, a white blouse, and her characteristic red coat. As always, she was ready to smash noses, drink too much, and woo if the situation presented itself... Which it did.

My dearest captain!, Lyss said approaching fast to Kamui. She sat at the table, next to her. Why are you so lonely sitting and so un-drunkly staring at paper? Whatever still needs doing can equally well be done tomorrow... You should relax... Lyss rose her eyebrows pointedly, clearly offering herself to help. Shouldn't she relax, you handsome devil?, she asked yelling over the bar to Bralog. Get me some ale and our beloved captain some... orange juice with a dash of champagne! I promise to get the next one, she added with a wink.

2016-05-05, 03:30 AM
Kamui blinked a few times and leaned back, in that telltale way of hers when Lyss got rather flirty with her. Just a little rose-cheeked, like an innocent maiden who really wasn't used to being flirted upon. "Really, these things will never finish themselves--" but she pauses when it was quite clear Lyss was not going to hear any lip to the contrary. "I suppose that would be fine..." while some sense of forebodance rose in herself. Surely a splash of champagne was fine... would it not be?

2016-05-05, 02:42 PM
Overhearing the exchange from a nearby table, Robert decides to put in his two cents, seemingly not remembering what happened last time... Or perhaps hoping to watch a repeat from a safe distance.

"C'mon Cap, learn to live a little!"