View Full Version : Plot advice bouncing

2016-04-27, 04:11 PM

I'd like to bounce a scenario I'm running, off of you and see what kind of ideas you think would work well with it.

So, I have 6 PCs (ECL 6) that are on the edge of a major clearing in a massive forest, staring at an old ruined keep. The clearing is there because of a nasty horrid wilting/curse that was cast on the land surrounding the keep, decades ago. Inside the keep resides a necromancer of Nerull. His defenses are bolstered by a large host of Orcs (more like Uruks) as well as a sizeable regiment of human fighters, etc.

To put it in a nutshell, the linear timeline is for them to get into the keep, kill the necromancer (or chase him off at least) and find a link to the tunnels below, which will lead to the next part of the campaign.

The party is split with two of them coming in from the east and the other 4 from the northwestern side. The Necromancer is level 9 and has 2 dread wraith servants that are in the sub-levels of the old fortress. I don't want him to come in until the very end and be the big boss fight, you know? He has been watching the group via animals infected with necrotic cysts and they have encountered some of these furry little agents. I don't want that to be reason for him to know they're there.

I'm thinking maybe some gnarly traps that would be out and around the keep. One of the six characters has rogue levels but I don't know if they will be thinking about the trap-search checks. I've also considered using a guardian of sorts that's on patrol...like a beholder-type aberration.

Can you all lend me some advice? What would you do?

2016-04-27, 04:32 PM
Pit traps in the woods are a classic, as are snares... with a little bell to let the trapper that food's been caught.

Though what happens if they chose not to explore the tunnels below and go out the way they came?

2016-04-27, 04:37 PM
The lord driving this investigation into the keep (it's his old home) will reveal the tunnels and where they lead (private mine in the north). He will suggest they return to the place and go into the tunnel system to verify that they have scoured the area for the baddies. $$$ will be the incentive.