View Full Version : Looking for graphic design artist

Thorin Ironfist
2016-04-29, 02:12 PM
So I had an awesome idea. A couple of friends and I have a D&D campaign going, but about half of them are moving out of state in like 2 weeks, and we would like to have a really awesome picture of us standing beside our characters. I don't have much of a disposable budget as we are still students, so it would have to be unpaid. I am decent with voice acting, so I could repay with an IOU for that. If anyone is interested, PM me or something like that and I'll send you the character sheets and picture. If you would like payment, we can work something out.

Thorin Ironfist
2016-05-10, 12:36 PM
Turns out we still have this week and next week. Anyone up for it? It would be greatly appreciated. A reply would also be fine.

2016-05-10, 03:07 PM
You may be more likely to find a taker in the art forum...there might be someone there willing to do free requests?

You may want to consider having you and your friends chip something together for the artist though, I don't know what the artist culture around these forums is like, but it's generally looked upon dimly to ask folks to do art free of charge.

2016-05-13, 10:28 PM
I'm not super experienced, but I'm always looking for something new to add to my portfolio. :smallwink: