View Full Version : Chronicles of the Nentir Vale; Chapter One: Of Kobolds and Kings

2016-04-30, 02:57 PM
Chronicles of the Nentir Vale
Chapter One: Of Kobolds and Kings


Spring had come quickly to the Nentir Vale. The cold winds of winter have finally given way to warm breezes and the snow has melted away to reveal the vibrant new growth beneath. As always the spring rains have been heavy, leaving the roads and fields muddy and the streams and rivers swollen and rushing. The sky is a watery blue high above, with billowing clouds heavy with rain. In the mornings the sun struggles to dispell the gray haze of moisture in the air, and each evening a rolling mist settles over the land like a blanket. The silence of the winter has been replaced with the twittering songs of birds returning to the land, and everywhere the forests and fields have come alive with new life.

On the shore of Lake Nen, the sleepy village of Nenlast has begun to come alive as the early days of spring arrive. The farmers have begun the laborious tasks of cleaning and tilling their fields for the planting season, and the shepherds have once again moved their flocks of woolly sheep out onto the hills and meadows to graze. Already the first traders from Hammerfast have begun to arrive seeking smoked fish and furs in exchange for iron work and gold. With the traders come travelers. Farmers seeking new land to settle and priests on their yearly pilgrimage, offering the spring blessing of Corellon.

All those who visit Nenlast, and indeed many of the locals, eventually find themselves drawn to The Shepherd's Rest, the local tavern and the second largest building in the quiet hamlet, dwarfed only by the church of Erathis at the town's center. The Shepherd's Rest is a cozy two story building with wooden walls and a heavy thatched roof. A field stone chimney protrudes through the thick thatching to spread wood smoke to the wind, and an amber lantern hangs beside a hand painted sign above the door proclaiming the name of the establishment. The interior of the Shepherd's Rest is comfortably small, with a dozen round tables surrounded by simple wooden chairs, and low counter stretching across the wall opposite the door. The floor is covered by a carpet of hay, and the fresh smell mingles with the scent of pipe smoke, honey mead and baking bread. Behind the counter a comely young woman with dark hair and brown eyes, in a homespun dress and apron wipes copper pints with a clean rag, and she smiles at those who enter. A second girl, younger and with brilliant green eyes, moves back and forth among the tables, setting bowls of stew and plates of bread in front of the visiting traders, and occasionally disappearing through a swinging door into what must be the kitchen to retrieve more food.

Though it is still early in the afternoon, already some of the local farmers have begun to filter in to the Shepherd's Rest for drinks and to hear news from the traders on the state of the roads and the Vale beyond Nenlast. It is shaping up to be a busy evening at the Shepherd's Rest as five strangers make their appearance, unaware of the important part they are to play in the events that are about to unfold...

2016-05-01, 04:31 PM

Heedless of what effect it might have on the locals, Nuala walked into town and into the Shepherd's Rest with a large black panther padding beside her. She pointed to one corner of the tavern, then made her way to the counter as Shadow went to the corner to curl up and wait. "Hello, mistress," Nuala addressed the woman behind the counter. "I'm searching for my brother, Nevan. He's a half-elf, about my height, with hair the color of red leaves in autumn. Do you know if he's been through here recently?"

2016-05-02, 12:38 AM
A rather unusual being enters the tavern. Its body appears to be made up of hundreds of small crystal shards in a roughly humanoid shape, and an orb wrought from the same crystal hovers next to it.

Tishaik turns his crystal head a few times, scanning the tavern, then looks away. The shardmind shortly considers what to do, then decides to sit down. The journey to Nenlast hadn't been easy, after all, and even if he couldn't feel fatigue; he could feel comfort. And it was possible (though not probable) that a humanoid who knew of his kin lived in this town; in that case he should remain wherever large numbers of humanoids gathered.

The shardmind walks over to the nearest empty seat and sits down, his orb hovering after him.

Tishaik's orb is floating through Mage Hand.

Dice Gremlin
2016-05-02, 05:26 AM
At the edge of town a big dog slowly wanders out of the forest, sniffing at the air. It is an impressive specimen, large and athletic in appearance, with a well groomed coat of brown fur. It looks at the village of Nenlast from the top of a small hillock and swivels its ears atop its head. Tail held stiff and erect, the big dog turns its gaze to the slender ferret sitting casually in the grass beside him. He makes a series of low barks and growls, speaking to the ferret, "Human den. Smell fire, sheep, men, women, children, mud. Good food and drink. We go?" the dog asks, his voice gruff to the perked ears of the little ferret.

Ferrilyn, in the form of a ferret, gazes down at the village as a smile plays across her face, "Oh definitely. I've had nothing but berries and nuts to eat for the past three weeks and I'm dying for a good, strong drink. I was starting to think this forest went on forever," she comments, glancing over her shoulder back the way they had come. The pair had emerged roughly a month ago through a fairy gate from the Feywild into a remote part of the Winterbole Forest, and had spent the past few weeks searching for some sign of civilization. Looking down on Nenlast, Ferret could feel her excitement rising. She bounded over to Tempest and climbed swiftly up the blink dog's hind leg to settle herself on his back, and she waved one furry little foreleg in a charge motion, "Onward! To food and fun!" she giggles with delight as Tempest heads down into the village.

The pair wander through the streets for a while, taking in the sights and only drawing a few curious looks from the locals who no doubt wondered why a ferret was riding on the back of a dog. After a bit of exploration, they arrive at the Shepherd's Rest, and Ferret scrambles down from Tempest's back, "Alright. I don't think they are going to let you inside. So you wait here and I'll see if I can nick us a little something to eat," she winks and scurries through the door under the feet of a farmer. She pauses just inside the door long enough to look around, then presses herself against the wall and follows it around the room toward the kitchen. She stops, however, when she spots first the fey panther in the corner, then the elf at the bar. She freezes in place, her mind racing, "Oh no. Have they tracked me here already?" she glances around, half expecting an ambush from Clan Sable, but sees no other fey in the room.

Taking a wide circle away from the panther and the elf at the bar, the little pixie in ferret form is debating whether or not she should just flee, rather than risk that the elf is an agent of Sable, when her eyes fall on the man made of crystal that has just entered the room. Curiosity gets the better of the pixie, as it usually does, and she scampers closer to get a better look. Finding an empty chair near the being, she climbs up and perches herself on the back to gaze at him, little ferret ears twitching and dark eyes blinking.

2016-05-02, 05:59 AM
Tishaik, who up to that point had been absentmindedly reading in his spellbook, looks up as he sees the ferret. Interesting: why would this animal approach him? It seemed unusual.

The shardmind leans forward to get a closer look at the strange animal. Hoping not to startle it, Tishaik holds out his crystalline hand.

2016-05-02, 11:30 AM
Brandis, having spent the day hiking around Nenlast, decides to retire to the inn for the evening. As he approaches the entrance, he sees a large dog standing nearby and approaches tentatively.
Hey there boy, what are you doing here?
As he says this, he keeps a slightly wide radius between himself and the dog as he circles around to the door.
"He may just be a dog, but it never hurts to be careful," Brandis thinks to himself.

Dacia Brabant
2016-05-02, 11:47 AM

It had been a long, perilous, and worst of all, lonely walk to civilization, but when she finally reached it Thera was tempted to go back to Vor Rukoth and stay with the vampires.

Foul-smelling, fouler-tempered, spittle-dripping, muck-dwelling, tripe-feasting, beer-swilling, vermin-infested bunch of... *sigh* freemen, she reminded herself. The lavish lifestyles of the City of Brass, even for slaves, made this place--this Nentir Vale, as she had come to learn--seem so foreign, and so terribly common by comparison... and yet it was only ever a gilded cage. If the gilding was absent here, at least so was the cage.

Not really knowing where to go in this strange country, Thera elected to follow where its waters went--where there's water there's life, that was true even in the Elemental Chaos--and that brought her to the eastern shores of a rather large lake and, as expected, there was a quaint village nearby, so she followed the path into town and hoped she could score a bit of charity from the locals. One thing she had to give these people credit for, at least the ones she'd met so far were surprisingly tolerant of other races.

That observation was further confirmed when Thera stepped past a man talking to a dog (a little odd) and set foot into the local public house where she spotted an elven woman at the counter (not terribly odd), an enormous cat curled up in a corner (getting kind of odd), and a... crystal statue playing with some kind of rodent at one of the tables while a stone orbited its head (okay, definitely odd). If a tall, heavily armored and devilishly beautiful tiefling woman with a brazened tattoo on her forehead seemed out of place here, it would only be because she wasn't entirely made of bronze, didn't have a chained devil on a leash or something else equally strange and entirely normal.

The crystal construct and its furry friend were just too curious for her to pass up.

"May I join you?" she inquired as she pulled up a chair at the same table, though she wasn't really asking. "Is that animal your pet? It's very cute."

2016-05-02, 12:32 PM
Tishaik looks away from the ferret and towards the tiefling. Interesting: humanoids did not often initiate conversation with him. Telepathically, the shardmind responds:

To answer your first question: I have no objections against you joining. To answer your second: it is not. The animal recently approached me, but it is not mine.

It's unusual for such a being to act in this manner, is it not? Do you have any suppositions as to why it is sitting there?

Dice Gremlin
2016-05-02, 02:37 PM
Ferret watches the crystal man for a moment, and when he extends his hand toward her she moves as if she is going to climb onto it, but she is stopped by the sudden arrival of the tiefling. Blinking she backs off again and moves her gaze between the two unusual people, "Wow, this little town is much more interesting than I thought it would be. I wonder if all the settlements in this world are this entertaining," The little pixie in ferret form sits back on her hind legs to observe the pair and listen to their conversation, momentarily forgetting about her mission of finding food and drink for herself and Tempest.

Outside the tavern door the big blink dog watches the coming and going of the various people, and perks up his ears when one of the humans stops and speaks to him. Tilting his head he sniffs at the man and lets out a soft ruff in response, sitting down and watching the stranger curiously.

Dacia Brabant
2016-05-02, 03:23 PM

Trying her best not to look startled at the sudden sounds of a voice inside her head--after all, this being had no visible mouth with which to speak--Thera smiled and shrugged.

"Perhaps it's a messenger of some sort, or perhaps it thinks you're tasty?" she answered. "I truly have no idea, animals aren't my strong suit, and I suspect I'm as much of a stranger to these parts as you must be--oh forgive me, I skipped right past the introductions. I'm Thera, pleased to meet you."

2016-05-03, 04:17 AM
The humanoid was called Thera. It wasn't a name common to these locales, as far as he could remember. Perhaps she was from a faraway land, as her appearance implied? In that case she might know more about his brethren: further interaction would be valuable.

I am called Tishaik. Allow me to inquire after your origins: where do you hail from?

2016-05-03, 07:23 AM
What had been shaping up to be a normal, quiet night at the Shepherd's Rest has been rudely thrown into disarray by the arrival of the strangers. When the elf woman enters with her panther there is a general ripple of panic through the assembled farmers and traders who had been enjoying their meals, and more than a few of them make hasty exits, or move as far from the big cat as they can manage. Behind the bar the dark haired girl looks astonished as Nuala approaches and asks about her brother, "No, I'm afraid I haven't heard of anyone matching that description passing through town," she answers, her gaze flicking from the elf to the panther, "I'm sorry, but could you please take your...pet...outside? It's making the customers nervous," and it's obviously making her nervous as well.

Meanwhile the second bar maid, spots the crystalline man and the tiefling sitting together and, brushing a strand og her blond hair behind one slightly pointed ear, she walks over to them, "Hello there. Welcome to the Shepherd's Rest, can I get you anything? We're having a special on cabbage stew tonight, only two copper for a hot bowl," she does her best to be friendly as she tells them about the special, but she can't help but stare at the crystal man, as are many of the other patrons in the room. More than a few can be heard whispering loudly to each other, wondering what he is and where he came from.

2016-05-03, 07:50 AM
Ah yes, the stares and whispers. Tishaik had dismissed them as just another humanoid oddity a long time ago, just like their baffling dependency on eight hours of unconsciousness per day or inability to live past hundred.

I appreciate your offer, but my continued existence is not dependent on the consumption of food.

2016-05-03, 04:18 PM
Brandis smiles, reaches out and pets the dog gently, before stepping inside the establishment.
A look of bewilderment crosses his face as he sees half of the patrons crowding away from a dark corner of the room, before noticing the panther's eyes shining out from the shadows, and finds himself joining the other half of the patrons that are staring at the Shardmind, the Elf, and... a bipedal ferret?

He blinks a half-dozen times and rubs his eyes before dismissing the situations as one of 'those days'. He decided to play it cool and walks up to the bar and sitting at a stool, before trying to catch the barmaid's attention to place his order. As he spots her, he notices her in conversation with an intriguing-looking Teifling lady. He also can't help but notice that the shadowy panther seems to be watching the Tiefling...

2016-05-03, 04:23 PM

Nuala frowned. "Don't worry, Shadow won't hurt..." She looked around to see people darting frightened glances, and some getting up to leave. Nuala sighed. "Ah, I see. Very well. My apologies." She rummaged in a coin purse tied to her belt and came out with a gold piece. She handed it to the barmaid. "For a meal this evening."

She motioned to her panther, which got up and followed her out. Nuala brought her companion around to the back, pausing a moment on the way to regard the big dog, and left Shadow where the large cat wouldn't be seen as much by the locals, then came back around. People didn't seem to have a problem with the dog, if the man talking to it by the entrance was to judge. Seemed a little unfair, but oh well.

When she re-entered, she moved to the travelers she had noticed enter before she left. They were certainly not locals, and might have seen her brother. "Hello, travelers. I'm searching for my brother, Nevan. He's a half-elf, about my height, with hair the color of red leaves in autumn. Have you seen him on the road?"

Dacia Brabant
2016-05-03, 11:30 PM

Thera smiled up at the barmaid, grateful for the interruption as she hadn't prepared for having to lie to a telepath. Her smile turned upside down just as quickly, however, upon mention of the day's special. Ugh, cabbage stew. Have these humans no palates? she wondered. Still, she could feel her stomach grumbling and didn't relish another evening meal of water and trail rations.

"Thank you, no. Perhaps later, provided you might have something a bit more... exotic in your larder," she replied.

It was around then when Thera realized she'd caught the attention of both the elven woman and the human she'd seen earlier. They both seemed to want something (doesn't everyone?) but only the elf came out and said it. She smiled coyly at the man before turning her gaze up at the woman.

"Hmm? Your brother, you say? That's not much to go on. Please, sit down and tell us about him, and perhaps either Tishik--er, Tishaik--or myself or someone else here may recall meeting him in our journeys. Have you any inkling as to which direction he may have been traveling?"

2016-05-04, 02:15 AM
Brandis grins back and swivels back around to the bar. Waving at the barmaid, he says, "I'll have some of the special, what is it, cabbage stew? Yeah I'll have some of that thanks. And a mug of mead if you wouldn't mind."

2016-05-04, 02:30 AM
I am afraid I must disappoint you: I have not seen any half-elves that meet your description.

Tishaik thinks for a moment. This elf was looking for someone, and she had no idea where to look: so was Tishaik himself. Perhaps if he resumed his travels he could follow this woman: it seemed a safer and more informative way of searching than by himself. Not to mention she travelled in the company of a panther specimen: a set of fangs and claws between him and potential roadside dangers was a comforting thought.

The shardmind turns his head towards the white-haired elf.

Allow me to propose something. I could accompany you on your travels for your sibling. I find myself with no clear destination at the moment, and traveling together would be safer and most likely more pleasant for both of us. Do you accept this offer, miss...?

2016-05-04, 02:57 AM

Nuala happily plops down in a chair. "Well, it has been two years since I saw him last. I hoped he is just wandering the Vale, but it's been too long. I don't have many clues, so I figure if I ask at enough villages, someone's bound to have seen him."

She then turns to examine the crystal man. "Is that you speaking inside my head? I guess it'd have to be, since you don't have a mouth. I wasn't really looking for a companion, but since I don't exactly know where I'm going anyway, I suppose it wouldn't hurt. As long as you don't have a problem with cats like the others here seem to. I promise Shadow won't eat your pet Ferret if I tell him not to. My name is Fionnuala. Nuala for short." She holds her hand out to shake the demon's hand, then the rock-man's. Such interesting people here!

2016-05-04, 05:57 AM
Tishaik raises his own hand to meet the elf's. Shaking hands: another humanoid oddity.

Be assured I have no aversion toward your feline. And, as I find myself stating far too often as of late, I am not that ferret's owner.

The shardmind tilts his head quizzically. It wasn't his, it wasn't the tiefling's or elf's, and neither did it seem to belong to any of the other people here. Even more interesting was that the creature didn't seem to fear humanoids. It was strange indeed. Was it magical in nature, then?

Tishaik takes a moment to focus on the strange creature, and a few small crystals in his forehead rearrange to improve his view of the being.

Arcana check to detect/identify magic: [roll0]

Dacia Brabant
2016-05-04, 08:06 AM

"Thera, a pleasure," she replied, shaking the elven woman's hand. "Two years, you say? That's... quite a while, and this is a dangerous land as I've found in the little time I've been here. Well, if you wouldn't mind a third, I think I could see fit to invite myself along, and hopefully we'll find your brother before we tire of each other's company."

2016-05-04, 11:44 AM
As food and drinks are ordered and the afternoon begins to wane and the early hours of evening steal over the village of Nenlast, many of the traders finish their meals and drift up the tavern stairs toward their rooms for the night. The local farmers linger around the tables, and more locals, shepherds, fisherman, merchants and others, begin to arrive for an evening drink. The tavern becomes a bit more lively as the locals swap gossip and stories, and one young man near the bar even produces a wooden flute whittled from a length of hard wood, and begins to play a little tune. It is a pleasant, friendly atmosphere. The locals keep to themselves for the most part, occasionally looking toward the table of strangers but never approaching.

Then quiet suddenly the tavern door swings open with a loud BANG!, flying wide and striking against the wall. The chatter in the room dies down, and the flute player stops abruptly, all eyes turning to regard the stout figure in the door. It is a dwarf, broad shouldered and barrel chested, with a long black beard tucked into his belt and streaked with lines of iron grey. He wears a tri-corner hat on his head and chews on the stem of an unlit wooden pipe in his mouth as he glares around at the locals. Everyone seems to make a studious examination of their drinks and the tavern floor, some seeming guilty as they avoid making eye contact with the dwarf. The surely looking dwarf grunts and stomps across the tavern, one heavy boot and one wooden peg thumping on the floor. He pulls himself up onto a stool at the bar and the dark haired barmaid immediately sets a full wooden flagon of dark ale in front of him. The dwarf nods his thanks, glares once more around at the locals, and grunts again, grumbling and busying himself with getting drunk.

Slowly the patrons return to their conversations, but the atmosphere in the tavern has grown noticeably sullen. The flute player puts his instrument away, and more than a few people finish their drinks and make a quick exit looking ashamed and avoiding eye contact with the dwarf.

2016-05-04, 02:05 PM
Based on the humanoids' reaction, this individual was most likely a criminal or other feared character. Realizing the situation might get troublesome, Tishaik considers leaving the inn, but decides not to. After all, if a fight did break out, having someone there able to subdue any troublemakers would reduce the chance of injury and dead for the civilians here.

Tishaik moves over to the bar and telepathically contacts the barmaid.

Excuse me, but could you provide me with some information about the displeased individual of dwarvish ancestry who saw fit to interrupt this otherwise undoubtedly enjoyable evening?

Dice Gremlin
2016-05-05, 06:04 AM
Ferret continues to listen to the conversation between the odd group until the elf comes over to join them. Still unsure of her and wary of a possible connection to clan Sable, Ferrilyn moves as far from the elf as possible and debates whether or not to remain nearby at all. However, since she wasn't paying any real attention to the little pixie in ferret form, Ferrilyn decides to stick around and see where the conversation goes, though she is already beginning to feel herself getting bored, and her stomach growls for food.

When the door slams open she can't help but squeak in surprise and jump, nearly falling from her perch on the back of the empty chair. She watches the surely looking dwarf curiously as he stomps up to the bar and starts drinking, "Well he seems like a cheery fellow, she tilts her head, cocking her ears toward the dwarf. She watches as the crystal man moves to the bar, and she scampers down to the floor and follows after him, too curious to keep her distance as she scrambles up an empty stool and hops onto the bar top to get a better view and keep an ear on the conversation.

Dacia Brabant
2016-05-05, 09:56 AM

Time passed and--while the present company was not unpleasant--it was becoming increasingly likely to Thera that the day was shaping up to be a bust, so she munched on her trail rations as she listened to the flautist's performance. She considered getting up to dance, until she realized she still had her armor on.

Well this stinks, she pouted to herself. What I wouldn't give for some action.

Thankfully (or perhaps not), Fate obliged her silent demand, as the evening was disrupted by the sudden appearance of some surly dwarf whom the locals seemed to fear even more than her table of misfit strangers.

And that's when things got interesting. The crystal construct, Tishaik, had stood up and walked to the bar and... well, it was hard to say what, since she isn't a telepath herself and there hadn't been any reaction yet. Strike that, there was one: the sudden reappearance of that ferret who, despite Tishaik's protestations to the contrary, seemed intent upon following him around.

He'll need more backup than a small rodent, she thought, and picking up the black iron rod she kept apparently as a walking stick, she also got up and went to the bar where she leaned up against it near where the dwarf was sitting.

"Buy you a drink? Or better yet, why don't you buy me a drink?"

2016-05-07, 01:54 AM

Well, this was curious. The rock-man Tishaik insisted the ferret was not his, yet the creature seemed very intent on following him around.

Oh, yes, and the dwarf. Nuala thought about asking him about her brother as well, but decided against it. It wasn't likely he knew if nobody else did around here, and judging by the people's reaction to his entrance, it may not be a good idea to mob him asking questions. Instead, Nuala sat back and listened to his reaction to her new friends. She could always ask her question if he turned out to be much friendlier than his entrance indicated.

2016-05-09, 01:25 AM
At the bar the dwarf barely turns to regard the tiefling sliding up next to him. He scowls when Thera asks if she can buy him a drink and he grumbles angrily, "No. Get yerself away from me," his words are almost a growl. He gulps down the last of the ale in his flagon and thumps it on the bar heavily, signaling for the bar maid to refill it, "I don't want yer coin or yer company," he states, "An' I got no interest in spendin me own coin on you," he says by way of refusing to buy her a drink.

The dark haired bar maid is a bit surprised when she suddenly hears the telepathic voice of the crystal creature in her mind, and it takes her a moment to respond, looking a bit uncomfortable. At his question she sighs softly, "Oh. That's Flint Ironwick," she explains quietly so as not to be overheard, "He came to Nenlast about two months ago with a few of his kin to scout the hills east of town for suitable mining sites. We all thought they was a bit mad to go traipsing around the hills in the snow. But they insisted. I think it was some matter of personal honor," she shakes her head a bit, "Anyway. He found himself some copper, and he got some of the local boys to help him set up a camp to start mining. But something happened out there. He came back to town injured about three weeks ago and said the mine had been taken and the others were dead," she looks at the dwarf sadly, "He tried to raise the militia to retake the mine, but those boys aren't warriors, and everyone is too scared to try."

2016-05-09, 09:47 AM
Brandis can't help but overhear the mysterious Dwarf's gruff response to the Tiefling's attempts at interaction. He remains seated but cannot help letting his hand drift to the pommel of his scimitar, which rests at his hip, "just in case things start getting ugly." he thinks to himself.

Dacia Brabant
2016-05-09, 06:21 PM

Even though it was hardly an unexpected response, Thera bristled at the dwarf's rudeness.

"I'm sorry, but you seem to have mistaken me for a woman who does what she's told," she replied, feeling that tiefling temper welling up inside of her, which she tried her best to hold in check.

"The locals may be frightened of you, but I'm not so timid, and neither are my new friends. Come, sit with us," she said, gesturing to their table.

2016-05-10, 12:59 AM
Tishaik saw the horned humanoid get upset. That was a scenario best avoided: his recently gained information implied that while currently averse to combat, a fight might break out should either side be angered to a sufficient level.

The shardmind quickly walks over to the quarreling pair, then stops and walks back to his table. As he passes Thera, a short telepathic message is sent to the humanoid.

I advice against further engaging the gruff humanoid, lest either he or you loses their temper. I suggest returning to our table.

Dice Gremlin
2016-05-10, 04:08 AM
Ferrilyn cocked an ear as she listened to the bar maid's explination of who the dwarf was, even though she hadn't heard the initial question. Blinking dark eyes she looks over at the dwarf and tilts her head, "So, the villagers aren't afraid of him. They feel ashamed because they are too scared to help him," she sighs and shakes her head, "Well that isn't any fun, the little pixie in ferret form was quickly losing interest in the whole situation, her limited attention span beginning to run out as she wanted something fun and engaging to occupy herself.

2016-05-10, 03:28 PM

Nuala stood up and confidently walked to the growing group at the bar, her keen ears having heard both the conflict between the dwarf and the demon and the explanation of the barmaid. "Before you two start fighting, can we just jump straight to the part where you hire us to help you take back your mine? My brother was always off on adventures and many of his stories started like this."

Something had just occurred to Nuala. Wandering around asking people if they had seen her brother hadn't been working for weeks. Becoming an adventurer seemed the next logical step. She might as well help some people instead of uselessly wandering, after all, and making a name for herself in the Vale might make it easier for the two siblings to reunite.

2016-05-11, 03:17 AM
You propose we assist the humanoid in recovering his copper mine. Am I correct in assuming my earlier agreement to help you look for your brother extends to this affair as well?

2016-05-11, 01:18 PM
At the mention of the word 'hire'. Brandis sits up and looks over at the elf who had just walked over. He quickly stands and makes his way along the bar until he is sitting almost directly next to the potential employer, and his new fans. Silently cursing himself for being so conspicuous, he watches the conversation unfold.

2016-05-11, 05:03 PM

"Only if you want to. You were the one who suggested the idea, after all," Nuala replied to the rock-man's question.

2016-05-12, 02:09 PM
Tishaik is silent for a moment (both verbally and mentally), then answers:

My previous objective was to gain information about a certain individual I did not know location nor name of. It stands therefore that the objective of my travels is equally likely to be found in any direction, including the one I would be exploring were I to embark on the mine-reclaiming proposed here. With my chances of accomplishing the aforementioned goal being independent of my decision, but the emotional state of the mine-owning humanoid being not, reclaiming the mine seems the morally obvious choice.

To abbreviate: yes, I will accompany and assist to the best of my ability whoever wishes to aid this humanoid in recovering his mine.