View Full Version : NWN2 Persistent Worlds?

2016-05-01, 01:55 AM
Good morning ladies and gentlemen,

a friend and I are having an itch to play NWN2 together again. Our first attempt with a module via VPN was unsatisfactory, though. We used to play together years ago on PW that no longer exists, and since Gamespy no longer works, it has become rather difficult to find current servers that are worth playing.

So I figured I'd ask around here if anything suitable comes to mind. Our preferences:

- full XP allotment, unreduced leveling speed. It's hard for us to find time for playing together so we want to make some progress.
- no "low magic" or "low treasure" servers. Those are usually poorly balanced, and besides, gathering loot is one of the main enjoyments especially for my friend.
- preferrably no extensive reworking of existing classes; again, we'd just like to play the game, not re-learn it from scratch.
- level cap at least 20. 30 is also fine. But no low-level mudcreeper please.
- low/restricted or no PVP. Especially no forced PVP.
- preferrably Forgotten Realms or Planescape setting, but this is not a hard requirement.

Thanks for any suggestions. =)

2016-05-01, 05:48 AM
The NWN2 wiki has a category for Gameworlds (http://nwn2.wikia.com/wiki/Category:Gameworlds), which also links to NWNList.com (http://www.nwnlist.com/). Both mention an extension (http://neverwintervault.org/project/nwn2/other/nwn2-client-extension) for finding multiplayer listings.

2016-05-02, 02:33 PM
Never heard of this game :S

2016-05-03, 07:45 AM
Never heard of this game :SI just realized neither of us had used more than the initialism to describe the game. It is Neverwinter Nights 2 (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neverwinter_Nights_2), which was developed by Obsidian Entertainment. Where BioWare made Neverwinter Nights, which was based upon the tabletop rules for Dungeons & Dragons 3rd edition, Neverwinter Nights 2 used the D&D 3.5 update as the base. In both games, it is possible to make your own campaign world. Persistent worlds (http://nwn2.wikia.com/wiki/Persistent_World) are basically miniature MMORPGs.