View Full Version : Carnevil?

2016-05-01, 09:08 AM
TL:DR at bottom

So I'm running a modern campaign, set in my home town. One of the most depressing events to have ever occurred in our collective childhood was the closing of the local arcade.

Recently, I slapped the party with their own taunting haunt (MM 5 pg 82), and it's a blast. Every time they slip up I get to lambast them for it. But it got me thinking about an old arcade game. Carnevil. The most popular light gun game we had aside from Time Crisis 3 (which I had beat into oblivion as well).

Long story short I'm cramming that little turd's bones in the Carnevil machine and turning my local amusement park into the game. There's just one problem.

This is going to be a long encounter, probably the longest I've thrown at them. I'm not entirely sure what CR of monsters I should be putting them up against, especially with the four mini bosses and the finale. Four players total, all level 8. All humans. Barbarian, Fighter, bard/sorc and psion. They're all new(ish) players.

Also, if anyone has any ideas to make the encounter kind of pop more, I'm all ears.


Long ass encounter, longest they've ever done and I'm not sure how strong I should make monsters. All 4 players are level 8.

2016-05-01, 09:52 AM
Well within the D20 system a level appropriate encounter will (ideally) drain 1/4 of a four person party's resources.

2016-05-04, 11:13 AM
Scarred Lands had something similar I think...