View Full Version : Fiend Bladelock/Fighter/tempest cleric fluff musings

2016-05-01, 11:55 AM
So highly religious Half-Orc fiend lock that wants to spread his erm "religion" to
further his patrons power and influence in an effort to make it a god and the pc his
first apostle, how would you build this char skills and stuff to make him good at preaching/decieving
to the masses about the good will of his master? he will have a dip of 2 fighter and 1 tempest cleric.

Also what fiend would be a good master in the way of not too extreme so it makes it impossible to
convince the unwashed masses of his greatness? :P

2016-05-01, 12:19 PM
Well, you'll have maxed Charisma, presumably. That plus proficiency in Persuade, Deception, and Intimidation is pretty solid, especially if you add spells like Guidance, Friends, Charm Person, Enthrall and the like. The only thing more you could do would be to dip for Expertise, which I don't recommend on a build that's already multiclassing this much.

2016-05-01, 12:19 PM
Took beguiling influence as one of the invocation thingies and acolyte as background so he is proficient
in: Religion, Deception, Persuasion, Insight, Intimidation so pretty much all of the social skills to help sway
the hearts and minds of others. :)

2016-05-01, 12:31 PM
Beguiling I'd pass on. Warlock can give you, oh, Deception and Religion; customize a background (Charlatan? Acolyte doesn't seem quite right for a new god--Hermit might fit better ability-wise) for Persuasion and Insight, and you get Intimidation by virtue of being a half-orc. That frees an Invocation slot for yo; Master of Many Faces of Misty Visions would go well, or perhaps Gaze of Two Minds.

2016-05-01, 03:40 PM
Beguiling I'd pass on. Warlock can give you, oh, Deception and Religion; customize a background (Charlatan? Acolyte doesn't seem quite right for a new god--Hermit might fit better ability-wise) for Persuasion and Insight, and you get Intimidation by virtue of being a half-orc. That frees an Invocation slot for yo; Master of Many Faces of Misty Visions would go well, or perhaps Gaze of Two Minds.

Beguiling fits well fluff wise + I want all social skills on him since he is a preachy bastard, but yeah I should rename acolyte to something
else cause want the skills from that background. :) Dun know what I should call the background of somebody that wants to spread the
faith of an evil fiend tho. xD

2016-05-01, 04:14 PM
The name acolyte is fine; it's the "shelter of the church" bit that's odd. And my point was that you can get all the relevant skills without wasting am Invocation slot.

2016-05-01, 04:18 PM
The name acolyte is fine; it's the "shelter of the church" bit that's odd. And my point was that you can get all the relevant skills without wasting am Invocation slot.

Not without loosing athletics and perception tho. :) and since going 17 warlock I get lots of invocations anyways so not a big waste. :)

2016-05-02, 11:02 AM
I'm curious... why the fighter and cleric dips?

2016-05-02, 11:05 AM
I'm curious... why the fighter and cleric dips?
Objective is to start a religion/get the patron to become a god. Clerics tend to be the public face of a religion, at the least.

in an effort to make it a god and the pc his first apostle,
Not sure why the dip in fighter, I suspect to boost concentration save/Constitution Save stuff for the caster bits.

2016-05-02, 11:25 AM
Objective is to start a religion/get the patron to become a god. Clerics tend to be the public face of a religion, at the least.

Not sure why the dip in fighter, I suspect to boost concentration save/Constitution Save stuff for the caster bits.

Cleric cause religious as you said, fighter for fighting style, action surge and CON save for hex concenteation.

2016-05-02, 12:51 PM
Love the concept! I think I'd skip the fighter levels, though and go 3 cleric. What you'd lose from F2.. A few hit points, a small self heal, and 2 extra attack in a round or 1 extra spell 1x per rest. With C3, you'd be getting 6 1st or 2nd level spells that you can also cast in your warlock slots as 5th level spells. Shatter at guaranteed 48 points! 5d8+WIS mod to 6 people via Prayer of Healing!

Another route might be to skip the cleric part altogether and go Valor bard. You wouldn't be a priest, you'd be a prophet. Armies will be the best places to recruit your followers, and you'll have amazing persuasion skills, the ability to heal, and to affect the outcomes of battles... Not playing some pansy instrument, but by the force of your prophecy alone. Imagine going among the wounded during a pause in a major battle using the Song of Rest. It works on anyone who can hear you. +1d6 to potentally hundreds of common soldiers... You could rally entire armies to your cause!

2016-05-02, 01:33 PM
Love the concept! I think I'd skip the fighter levels, though and go 3 cleric. What you'd lose from F2.. A few hit points, a small self heal, and 2 extra attack in a round or 1 extra spell 1x per rest. With C3, you'd be getting 6 1st or 2nd level spells that you can also cast in your warlock slots as 5th level spells. Shatter at guaranteed 48 points! 5d8+WIS mod to 6 people via Prayer of Healing!

Another route might be to skip the cleric part altogether and go Valor bard. You wouldn't be a priest, you'd be a prophet. Armies will be the best places to recruit your followers, and you'll have amazing persuasion skills, the ability to heal, and to affect the outcomes of battles... Not playing some pansy instrument, but by the force of your prophecy alone. Imagine going among the wounded during a pause in a major battle using the Song of Rest. It works on anyone who can hear you. +1d6 to potentally hundreds of common soldiers... You could rally entire armies to your cause!

away from book atm but would not lore bard be better since already get a 2nd attack from warlock? would net me 3 extra skills. :)

2016-05-02, 01:46 PM
Well, perhaps. But Valor bard would give you medium armor, shields, and Combat Inspiration. 2nd attack doesn't happen until level 6 for VB so that was never the point. And all bards give 1 extra skill, expertise and Jack of all trades.

2016-05-02, 01:57 PM
Oh, and to the second part of your question, an ambitious pit fiend who was striving to increase his power would make a good patron. His tenets could be strength in combat, order among the faithful, and retribution on his enemies. You wouldn't have to say his name. In fact it could be heresy to speak it.

2016-05-02, 02:03 PM
Well, perhaps. But Valor bard would give you medium armor, shields, and Combat Inspiration. 2nd attack doesn't happen until level 6 for VB so that was never the point. And all bards give 1 extra skill, expertise and Jack of all trades.

Wow my mind just got blown... I were like 100% sure that blade locks got medium armor since that would you know make sense. O_o

2016-05-02, 02:48 PM
Wow my mind just got blown... I were like 100% sure that blade locks got medium armor since that would you know make sense. O_o Armor of Agathys is a common pick. It behaves a little bit like reactive armor.