View Full Version : ffd20 A Crystal Path

2016-05-01, 07:18 PM
The air is heavy with a a mix of tension and hope.

Crowds are gathered in the great courtyard of the Temple of the Four Divines in providence, the gleaming white stone building standing a stark contrast to the scars of war struck deep into the walls and buildings of the city, grim reminders of the strife of the recent past.

The soft sound of hymns fills the air, the morning recital in full flow beneath the clear, humid skys, and people of all walks of life are gathered before the temple; nobles and paupers, craftsmen and scholars, gaurds clad in the colours of garlandyne stood at the back of the throng. The soft melody was carried on the warm morning breeze, rustling through decorative tree tops and lending a gentle flow to the flags and pinions adorning the buildings – both those of the church, and the stark black and white flag of the Garlandyne republic

the 6 of you have a front seat ticket to see the crowds, as you stand upon a raised stage in the courtyard, surrounded by lesser members of the clergy and soldiers of Garlandyne in full dress uniform. More than one of the on-lookers has found their eyes drawn to the 6 of you.

“Thank you, my friends, for your staying strong in our time of need, for coming together when times are trying. It is through our faith and our unity that we will forge ahead into the future” spoke an aged priest on the pulpit, clad in ornate robes in the colours of the four Divines, the acting head of the church until a true papal election could be held “a future for both ourselves, and our neighbours. Though the events of the past 12 years have been truly dark, a tragedy brought along by desire and distrust, we must look to the light that has been born, not the shadows of the past. We must strive forwards into our new future, a future of rekindled kinship with our estranged brothers and sisters of Garlandye, of bonds of peace and family, so that this tragedy may never be repeated” As the priest continued his address, behind him a woman in the armour and heraldry of a Garlandyne commander nodded curtly, a slight smile on her lips
“And on the subject of family, I would like you all to bring your hands together for a new member of our flock, a new chosen of the divines, for Sister Shesha, our new high priestess of Tiamat, and the maiden of the fire crystal.” the announcement was met with a wave of applause and a prayer to the Divine, as a young priestess dressed from head to toe in white robes hesitantly stepped forward onto the podium, though throughout the crowd began a ripple of whispers at the reveal of a new high priestess, especially one so young
“Now, I doubt I need remind any of you that soon the festivities of the 6 crystals will be upon us, a time for merriment and joy, a day I am sure we all look forward to, but I must ask you offer a prayer and a cheer to the high priestess. As we celebrate, our lady will begin her pilgrimage to the great shrine of the six crystals to pray to the divines to keep the crystals shining bright and to forge our new bond with our Garlandyne neighbours in blood and deed, to sign the accords to end the unfortunate measures needed to maintain stability in these past four years, and of course, to become a blushing bride. I ask we all send her, and these 6 noble souls that have volunteered to escort her – gathered from all the world, and truly a sign that all people are as one – with a cheer and a prayer, and our thanks. Now, our Sister has some words she would like to share with you all...”

As the older priest stepped back and the younger priestess nervously took his place, the 6 of you are beckoned off the stage by one of the Church's acolytes, a chestnut haired Elvaan woman, then hurried away into the temple proper and sequestered into a lavishly decorated waiting room inside, the adress outside fading to just a background buzz.
Much of the room is decorated with velvet cussions and sofa's in the blue and white colours of Tiamat, and light streams into the room through a stained glass window of the dragon queen in all her glory.
“I'm sorry for the quick relocation, guardians” the acolyte said, somewhat brusquely, “but I hope you understand; the address is one to ease our people's spirits and even without your... ecentricities” she continued, stealing a glance as Syng, at the huge bulk of muscle that is Chotan, at Pallas' heavily armour form, before quickly turning her gaze to the floor “the sight of 6 armed strangers can be unsettling, especially to our... esteemed guests from Garlandyne. The high priestess will be coming to meet with you once the ceremonial address is complete, and until then, if you need anything, I will be outside the door ready to assist.” she finished with a nervous smile, before backing out of the room and leaving the 6 of you alone

2016-05-01, 07:58 PM
The sight of a fully-armored knight in the temple was likely enough of a jarring sensation. However, the person who now stood in the waiting room was far more eye-catching. The armor was solid black, much like the black on Garlandyne's flag, though a sharp eye might detect a faint bloodstain in a couple of places that would be difficult to polish and clean. Both the knight's armor and their shield seemed to be laden with spikes, discouraging anything from getting close. Also discomforting would be the fact that the knight's blade seemed to be slightly protruding from its scabbard, as though ready to be drawn at a moment's notice.

That knight now stood at attention, acknowledging the acolyte's instructions with silence. They did not seem to make any attempt to inspect or otherwise engage the other "guardians" as they waited.

2016-05-01, 08:09 PM
Accompanying the ceremony was perhaps one of the shortest assembled, a seemingly Hume-looking woman with long black hair and a half-mask of what seems to be ivory or possibly dragonbone draped over the right side of her face. She was dressed in a relatively light outfit, with a light blue and white theme to accompany the half-cape and tailcoat ontop of the light, polished-white bits of mithral armour that could be seen layered ontop. A strange coiled sword rest at her side, not the largest or bulkiest of weapons and nearly mistakable at first glance for what could be petrified wood, perhaps. A Holy materia sat at the centre of its jeweled pommel, shimmering with a faint light.

The young woman looked just a little uneasy as she sat through the ceremony; she wasn't, exactly, the most used to formal ceremony and ritual, and being in a building of stone and metal, even if she got to sit on a wooden pew, was a little uncomfortable. But she seemed relieved when it was all done, bowing her head to the acolyte. "Oh... goodness, I was a little nervous people would look peculiarly at me," she confided in Zellos. Her accent was a little strange, perhaps pointing her towards rural regions such as the woodlands.

Then looked towards the others, who were to be their travelling companions. That armor-clad knight with the spiked shield was... particularly menacing...

She nervously waved with an uncharacteristically thick gauntlet draped over her left arm; "Um-- hello. My name is Lunata... I'm not the most experienced of adventurers, but I look forward to working with you all."

2016-05-01, 09:57 PM
Syng is dressed as usual, sporting his white leater lab coat, industrial work boots, black leather chaps, and a brown leather vest. Though he wears goggles, unlike other Al Bhed who hide their eyes with them, his rest on his forehead, mocking those who would be offended by the spiraling pattern of his eyes.
He sits with his arms crossed and his legs stretched out, revealing a custom built machina shotgun holstered to the side of his leg.
Rolling his eye at the word 'eccentricities'.
The relocation's just fine. Syng answers. I'm not very fond of being displayed like some sort of bauble.
And indeed he wasn't, the whole situation made him feel uneasy.

2016-05-02, 02:43 PM
Next to Lunata, leaning solidly agianst the wall was a tall fellow with pour sense of decorum. Wearing fatigues, mixed with a deep purple duster, light purple scarf and lilac coloured hair. One would think he was lost and confused had it not been for the long well cared for and used bolt action rifleover his right shoulder and variety of tools attached to webbing and the faint glint of metal under his fatigues.
Zellos nodded his head to the acolyte in response to the relocation. He wasn't good with so many loud people. Considering the nature of the mission, he felt they should observe the faces in the crowd, but information went both ways, and the Acolyte was right, heavily armed non military people would seem out of place.

Ducking low to bring his mouth closer to Lunata's ear while patting her on the head in response.
I would not worry about people being perterbed. That person is rather attention grabbing. Gesturing towards the dark and spikey armoured knight.

As his adopted sister issued greetings to everyone, Zellos gave a short bow in greetings Zellos nearly knocking off his glasses before catching it and looking sheepish, giving boyscout salute to Syng. Then procceded shuffle through a pocket on his chest, pulling out a small novel before returning it and pulling out a small notepad and pen. Lunata was always a sweet girl and better at making friends, so he chose to gather as much information as he could, jotting down notes and sketches about the Preistess, his new coworkers and their armaments he observed. All while attempting to pay social norms their proper due.

2016-05-02, 04:46 PM
Lunata gave a nervous nod to her brother, adjusting his duster lightly with a smile as she let him get absorbed in his novel. She glanced towards his rifle, and Syng's shotgun... wow... there's really an increasing number of people with magitek-powered armaments lately. She did try Zellos' rifle once, and... well, let's say she's profusely apologised for breaking their neighbour's living room window and giving their pet dog the scare of his life. For two weeks straight.

The cloaked, robed girl decided to walk up to the scary knight and look up at their looming demeanor. "H-hello...?" she tilted her head, clutching at the pendant at her neck out of some unconscious nervous tic.

2016-05-02, 05:00 PM
Syng, not noticing Lunatas attempt to converse with one of the others, unintentionally interrupts her.
"I guess if we're gonna be workin' with each other we'd best get all the cards on the table. For those of you who don't know, I'm Syng I run a small shop in town, mostly sell arms, but I there's research and engineering lab attached to it as well."

2016-05-02, 05:00 PM
Under nearly any other circumstance, Pallas would have ignored a greeting entirely. But that name...she turned her head to look toward Lunata directly. Same hair, same accent, same eyes...well, eye; the mask covered the other one. It couldn't be...no, it has to be a coincidence. Has to be.

She returned to attention, not voicing a response to the greeting. Not much for small talk, it seems!

2016-05-02, 06:02 PM
Lunata dithered around for a painful five seconds or so, clinging a little tighter to that pendant of hers. When she let it go, it was evident that it was shaped vaguely like a crescent moon, albeit rough-hewn and sawed-off from what was once a larger piece of a sprocket. "... oh... um, w-well, it's nice to meet you anyway, Mister Knight."

She looked towards Syng with a nod, bolstered by his response over Pallas' non-response. "Research and engineering... and, with that gun, you must be a good shot as well. Zellos there is also really good with a gun."

2016-05-02, 06:04 PM
Zellos after noticing Lunata being awknowledged but ignored gets a little irritated, closing his book fairly loudly.
EDIT: Yup, he knows mom too. He's a pretty nice guy. with a smile.

He walks up in front of the soldier, with a glance at Lunata, sticks his hand out in a hand shake; thinking to himself "You darn well will speak". Zellos, I was formally chosen for this mission. My specialty is my rifle, light scouting and light explosives. As per operational norms, please introduce yourself and your vital combat skills. If we are to form a proper Guardian Unit we will need to know the basics of our team.. Then turns to the room at large. Shall we get the basics down before we meet the Preistess? OurGuardianship begins at that moment, we should not waste the prep time. I know of Lunata and Syng's skills, but give a brief skill set overview please.

2016-05-02, 06:49 PM
Tch. Typical Hume. Going around like they own the place. Pallas was prepared to completely ignore hi--what was that

That pendant. No. It couldn't be. Had to have been a trick of the light, or something. Had to be. The name had brought to mind a memory, and she was seeing things that weren't there to see. That had to be it.

She refocused on the annoying Hume in front of her. While she would like to ignore the question, she did have to admit that the mission would work more smoothly if everyone knew each other's names. Though...she glanced at Lunata without turning her helmet. If that was her...then it would be best to not cause a stir.

"...Cecil." She didn't directly state her specialties, but did move one hand to conspicuously reach up and grab her sword's hilt. Surely the Hume -- and the rest of the room -- could draw conclusions from there.

2016-05-02, 10:30 PM
Lunata looked more than a little surprised that Zellos knew the older man -- Syng; but she was glad that he was an acquaintance of Zellos' mother, Alundra, who'd helped her out so much as well. "That's good to know..."

She blinked and paused, before the knight shared his name with the group. "C-Cecil, then. It's nice to meet you... I assume that you're a very skilled swordsman." She tilted her head to look to the rest of the group. "As for me... I can use a bit of magic and my sword, but not very much." Maybe underselling herself a little, but...

2016-05-02, 11:35 PM
Selais, stood up from her seat around the time of Zellos' prompting and Cecil's hand moved. She was a tall, black-haired Elvaan woman in a black, green and white formal gown with a scabbard at her waist. With a small polite smile she began to address Lunata.

"There is no reason to be modest about your abilities. While the Orthodoxy may be without The Divine Guard, I doubt they are so desperate to accept any passersby to accompany the high priestess of Tiamat. Perhaps, as was my case, your reputation has preceded you?"

She performed something approaching a mixture of a bow and a curtsy to the group with one hand on the pommel of her sword and the other in front of her in a way which displayed her signet ring identifying her noble house.

"I am Selais v'Endrasion. It is an honor to serve the church of the Four Divines along with you."

The unarmored noble waited a beat for any sort of recognition to set in, then strode toward Lunata, stopping next to the dark knight and Lunata before addressing her again. "Well, you say you know some magic, and that is some fine armor you have. What sort of magic have you? Do you practice red magic?"

2016-05-03, 02:08 AM
Lunata turned to Selais and was a little taken aback, as she curtsied and addressed her. . o O ( Wow... she's really -- elegant and pretty... is she a noble of some kind? That ring looks like what the nobles who used to pass through when the autumn came would wear... )

"O-oh, yes!" she snapped out of her reverie and bowed back in turn, nowhere near as gracefully. "I'm, I guess the scholars back home have told me it's very similar to Black Magic when they lent me some scrolls to study..." She squinted a little bit with a pensive, uncertain look on her face. Via'ta always called it the Magic of the Great Swamp, and it had no other name to it. A primal art, she'd say, a primordial vision of clarity, piercing the murky bog. ... Lunata didn't quite understand when she explained it. She was seven at the time.

2016-05-03, 02:59 AM
Chotan didn't like this. He had signed up to be the High Priestess' guardian, not to be paraded around like some kind of prized beast that was put away the moment one of the richer guests felt less than absolutely comfortable with its presence. Having an acolyte direct them to another room had been a smart move, had it been someone not from the clergy or, progenitors forbid, a Garlandyne official... Chotan would have been less than pleased at such a thing and even now he had to suppress the mocking scoff that wanted to escape his lips when the acolyte explained his actions. He tired of these games and gazing at the stained glass window, Chotan took up position in front of it and gently set the butt of his drive spear to rest against the floor. The sound leather wrapped metal against finely worked stone was a soft but unmistakeable thud. "In this hour of need.." he began, offering a quiet prayer to the Progenitors for the physical and mental fortitude to succeed in his charge. "...as I gaze into the encroaching night I praise Tiamat the Duskmother for the past day and beseech her to grant me the strength to rise my next dawn. And as I rise in the morn' I give praise to Bahamut the Dawnfather for the past night and beseech him to grant me the..."

Feeling himself sufficiently fortified by the prayers, Chotan rose to his full height, easily lifting the heavy spear as he turned to the rest of the group, armour like dragon scales shifting with the movement. The group was diverse but as far as he could see he towered near half a head taller than even the Al Bhed, making his muscled form the most physically imposing there, if not for the dark knight. A brief flash of memory danced through his mind before he turned to more properly regard the others gathered here. Making introductions to each other, it seemed.

Chotan smiled at Selais' words and he managed to suppress the chuckle long enough to not rudely interrupt the conversation. "The Church is likely to know more than we suspect," he began, "and it accepts us regardless of our prior actions. I am Chotan Tosho, monster slayer and one of the volunteer irregulars." And clearly a devotee of Tiamat, the blue of his arm-guards, breastplate, and greaves matching with the white of his horns and scales despite the otherwise black and grey on the cloak and clothing he wore. Now it was just to see how many of those here had been a part of the war: "Regarding my abilities... I believe that the military designation for those of my discipline is 'Dragoon'."

2016-05-03, 04:10 AM
Selais blinked a bit to keep her composure at Chotan's response about how much the church knew about them. If this Au Ra meant to imply that the church was merely tolerant, his chuckle did not help. He could simply be referring to this dark knight next to me, she thought. No need to get defensive, yet. She merely nodded towards him politely when she heard his occupation. Inwardly, she considered how obvious it was. Lululaesta help us when there is dragoon armor designed with a sense of subtlety.

She looked at Lunata again. "Oh. Do you mean you did not study your magic then? Are you one of those blue magic practitioners? The mages who get their magic from monsters, I believe?" Selais' knowledge of obscure magic was very limited, and she was reaching the end of it.

2016-05-03, 04:17 AM
Syng, becoming restless, moves to his feet and finds a wll to lean on.
"How long are we gonna be waitin' around?" He asks the acolyte.

2016-05-03, 04:22 AM
Lunata looked up -- way up! -- at Chotan when he approached to greet himself. . o O ( W-wow, he's really tall and muscled... and that spear is so huge! Dragoons... aren't those the folk that can jump really high up? I wonder what kind of training you'd have to do, to be able to do that? )

"Oh-- no..." Lunata squinted and rubbed against the back of her collared neck uneasily. "My... teacher... taught me in a way that was very different from the spellbooks and studies of the White and Black Mages in town. It's very..." She was grasping for a word. "... primal? Is the best way I can express it." She pulled a card from a somewhat weathered-looking pouch from her sleeve, which bore a tasseled rope that held a swamp charm upon it.

The card was little more than rough paper, with wide brush strokes that lacked the intricate logic of a black mage's, or the religious evocatives of a white mage's. But nonetheless, the strokes created symbols, smeared with pigments that suggested the primality that Lunata was referring to.

2016-05-03, 05:49 AM
Selais took a look at card Lunata held. "Oh, yes, that does look quite different," she bluffed. In truth, she couldn't tell Materia apart. "Well, I'm certain we shall find a use for your magic."

She began walking away from Lunata and the dark knight as she spoke to the room, "I believe we know what Cecil does. My house specializes in sword techniques which work from a distance, as some dark knights can perform. But for us, it is a matter of... spirit. A matter of conviction."

She looked back at the direction she had walked away from. "By which, of course, I do not mean to say the dark knights do not have those traits. But, I suspect the source of their arts to be somewhat different. My house seems to achieve different effects. There are some other techniques we learn which make us quite useful on the battlefield. If you are close enough to me and you can follow an ordertake my advice, you need not worry about being caught completely unaware. No, only our enemies will need to worry." She smiled to herself at that last thought.

2016-05-03, 05:57 AM
"With any luck, there won't be many enemies. In theory, us just bein' there'll keep most from doin' somethin' they'd regret." Syng says, but it's obvious by the tone of his voice that even he's unconvinced of the certainty of that.

2016-05-03, 03:43 PM
Once again leaning agianst the wall, "That would be nice... We do have some imposing sorts this time around. Hopefully not many idiots this time around."

2016-05-03, 03:47 PM
Lunata looked to Syng and Zellos with a nod. "I'd say the most we'd have to worry about may be monsters... and we aren't exactly going off the beaten path."

2016-05-03, 04:01 PM
"Monsters I can deal with."Syng says. "I've done my share of monster hunting when the shop didn't quite cut it financially. It's the ones who show a glimmer of regret a moment too late that I'd rather not have to put down."

2016-05-03, 05:05 PM
The hubub from outside died down for a second, followed by a burst of rapturous applause from without, and the familiar sounds of the first prayer – as well as the clipped soldiers oath of Garlandyne, familiar to Pallas and those who had spent time on the battlefield. Soon after, the accolyte re-entered the room, much of the brusqueness dropped away for a more grandiose style of speech. “May I present the chosen of Tiamat, the maiden of the fire crystal, High Priestess Shesha; hallowed be the ground she walks and may the Four always watch over her. Amen”

Following the announcement, the priestess stepped into the room, moving to stand in the light streaming through the staned glass window. As outside, she is dressed in almost pure white, white breaches, high white boots, a short priestess'robe, with long sleeves cut almost like a military coat, and a white hood; even her face is concealed behind a white veil. Around her waist in looped a deep red sash, and she wears a short cloak lined with the sky blue of Tiamat. This close you can make out subtle highlights of sky blue and slender bands of gold jewlery across hour outfit. She holds a long crystal blue staff tightly in her hands, almost as if she's holding on to it for dear life.

“Thank you all for accepting this task, be you volunteers or here by request, here from charity or profit. It means a lot to the church that you are willing to bear the risks and responsibilities to help bring our nation through these troubled times, even if this course of action is potentially dangerous and possibly even... sorry, sorry I shouldn't have said that out loud. Oh no, no.”
The priestess paused, her grip tightning on the stave even tighter than when she entered, as she took a moment to compose herself, before taking a deep breath, her head rising high as she spoke again.
“Um, let me start again, I am Sister Shesha, Subdeaco... no, High Priestess of Tiamat, may her wings shield us from darkness, chosen of the second divine. It is my pleasure to make your acquaintance” with this, she lowers her hood and veil, revealing a pair of small, curving horns of a gria, as well as bright green eyes and short-cut black hair. She seems to relax somewhat after dropping the hood "Again, you have my thanks - mine, even if you are ones dragging me to my wedding day - for taking on this task, despite the dangers, and I hope that I can one day aid you as you are aiding me."
“Here, I am supposed to extol the virtue of our task, the honour and thanks it will bring, how the four divines will watch over us and keep us safe from harm; I will not say that. The four divines help those who would help themselves, and falsehoods diminish us all. I will not try to deceive you, this task will almost surely entail more than keeping wild beasts at bay as we make the journey to the temple of the six crystals, as there are many in our land that would rather not see these accords come to pass, both native and foreign, even those within this very church or those we once called our closest allies, those who wish to see the war continue or those who stand against the republic's council. We will have to walk forward not knowing which smile hides the knife, until the ceremony is complete.”
“It is fair to say this decision, to marry Garlandye and Coroheim – literally, as I am well aware - for the future of both is unpopular, and for many of our people, this decision is seen as one of betrayal, disregarding our ancient ways in a bid for the Orthodoxy to keep its power. I-i believe that this choice is the best; the war cost us dearly, and as much as it pains me to admit, without the Republics aid in rebuilding the damages they caused, Coroheim would have shattered, and that moving forward like this is the best path to peace for us all.”
The priestess stopped for a moment, letting out a deep breath of air, a slight smile on her face, before a look of panic returned once more and she began to speak faster than ever, though some of the tension was fading from her posture.
“N-not to say that this journey is only to sign away our home. No, no no no no no, we will not simply be following the steps laid out for us, of total surrender, but when we stand on even ground, then we can resolve the remaining injustices peacefully. Too much blood has been spilt already, too many broken families and lost friends, and we teeter on the brink of another, bloodier, war – and I can not, will not, let that continue.”
“Thank you, my friends, for listening to my speech – I'm sorry my way with words is rather, er, clumsy, this is my first day on the job. I hope you can bear with me as I improve. Please, call me Shesha, and may I ask for your names?” Shesha finished with a much more relaxed tone, before almost collapsing down into one of the sofas, facing the stained glass window

2016-05-03, 05:48 PM
So this was the person Pallas was assigned to escort? Well, at least she knew this wasn't going to be all fun and games, unlike the rest of the people in the room.

Pallas took her hand off of her sword, though it still wasn't completely sheathed. For now, the high priestess was her direct superior, and she just gave an order, however gently it was phrased. She decided it best to keep the name she used earlier. "Cecil."

2016-05-03, 07:07 PM
There was some part of Lunata that always revered priestesses -- even though she was a priestess of the fire crystal, she felt a kinship due to her childhood as a shrine maiden. Even primalist, she knew what it meant to be a white mage, to be someone who could help the people... Via'ta didn't quite see eye to eye with her, even when she begged her to teach her how to cure people. It just wasn't something she knew about. There was a wand of Cure tucked away in her bag, when she secretly wanted to practice and pretend she could restore people...

"Um-- it's Lunata, Lady Shesha," Lunata saluted and did an overexaggerated bow. Next to her, standing in those resplendent robes of the high priestess, the heritage she had as the girl from the swamp seemed uncultured by comparison. "I know you may be nervous, but we'll do our best to remove as many worries from your mind!"

2016-05-03, 07:27 PM
"Syng Kihhan." offers the Al Bhed.
"I'm surprised you haven't already been told about the people who will be escorting you. You guys must be either very disorganized or very desperate." He says with a tone of genuine concern.

2016-05-03, 08:38 PM
""It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance." the priestess said, setteling back further into the sofa like she may never have a chance again.

The priestess watches Lunata's over the top bow, waiting for her to stand again, then returns her salute "Thank you for your kind words, Lunata, I trust my future in your hands. And please, no need to call me Lady Shesha, Guardian Lunata, simply Shesha will be fine" she adds with a chuckle

"I'm sorry to worry you, Syng. I felt I'd rather meet my traveling partners than be told about them, and I trust my companions in the church to have made the best choice for guardians, though it cannot be argued this is a trying time" she said towards the Al Bhed, for a second focusing on his eyes, and leaving the admission of some desperation as somewhat obvious subtext

Lastly, she turns to 'Cecil', a look of slight confusion and amusement on her face "and...Cecil, was it? I'm thankful to the Garlandyne republic for helping in this endeavor, and sending such an imposing champion. Do you by any chance know General Raynardine, or know of him, besides all the scandalous rumors? I'd like to hear anything you know about the man I will be spending the rest of my life with"

2016-05-03, 09:03 PM
Upon seeing the fare Shesha enter Zellos briefly remembered all the stories he read as a child. All the stories of the priestesses and their guardians. Briefly his imagination played through the story of Tifus and Yuka, superimposing the characters before coming out of his revrie upon the introductions beginning.

Following the manners his parents built into him, he pulls his rifle down, pops open the bolt to show a clear chamber, taking a knee infront of the Shehsa with his weapon in his palms raised up.
Greetings offered to the lovely Priestess Shesha. From this moment I offer my services to you. cracking a smile, I've always wanted to do that. I'm Zellos, I'll do my best, so don't hesitate to ask. You are risking and exchanging a great deal to the betterment of others. I respect that, but it is ok to be a bit selfish until we're done. Just be sure to give us a heads up.

2016-05-03, 10:16 PM
"I have not met the general." Pallas could read expressions well enough to guess that the high priestess knew her name; it had almost certainly preceded her arrival. Still, she seemed willing to allow Pallas her deception. The mission would already be difficult enough.

2016-05-03, 10:19 PM
"Ah... okay, then," Lunata nodded, still a little uncertain. She'd gotten used to calling people 'mister' and 'miss', and it felt a bit rude to not do so... but, it'd be ruder still to make Shesha uncomfortable! She had to wonder herself if the others had heard of the General...

2016-05-04, 12:35 AM
Selais reflected on the words of the high priestess, the particularly new high priestess, while the others made their introductions. It is sad that now we must arrange a marriage so our nation might continue even if its independence may not for a time. She does mean to bring our form of order and not Garlandyne's... We'll need to make sure she gets that chance. At the discussion of "scandalous rumors" of her groom, Selais raised an eyebrow. Are we to be her minders, too? Apolion! There are plenty of us who can protect her body, but must I be the only one who would consider how to protect her reputation?

Selais repeated her earlier display of introduction, this time for the high priestess. "I am Selais v'Endrasion. It is an honor to serve the church of the Four Divines and our High Priestess of Tiamat." After, she chose a seat across from Shesha and arranged her skirt as she sat.

"It is as you say, Shesha, a trying time without The Divine Guard. As you must know, my house is always available to give aid to the Orthodoxy. How fortunate it was you did not even need to send for it." To herself, she considered, Especially as I hadn't been in regular contact with my house. That last letter I sent is going to be quite surprising.

2016-05-04, 06:40 AM
"why thank you Zellos, but I'm sorry to say, I'm engaged" the priestess said with a slight hint of a blush when Zellon knelt before her "and my betrothed has an army"

"It is my honour to meet you as well, Selais, your family's reputation proceeds you, and it heartens us all to know we have willing friends. truly, the four Divines guide our path to bring both our long term allies and new companions together. I trust your noble father is well? he has not visited the church in some time"

"and a greeting to you, my fellow disciple of Tiamat" she said towards Chotan "may the dragon queen watch over us"

2016-05-04, 07:46 AM
"Oh," she exclaimed while she considered an excuse. "I am certain he has simply been preoccupied with the administration of our land further away from Providence. Well... what we have now." She paused as she considered how to continue her response. "It is also no secret that my house is quite devoted to The Seven. If Dusberaux v'Endrasion is in need of solace," she prodded, "he may be seeking it among the Elvaan pantheon, privately."

Selais folded her hands together in her lap as she considered the possible meaning of recent visits by her father to the church here in Providence. Would he be meeting with the Orthodoxy secretly or openly? Perhaps his faith is changing. We lost much in the war... likely Flautaire. I need to focus on our task, though, not dance around religion with the high priestess. Whatever her response, my questions will need to wait awhile.

2016-05-05, 03:38 PM
“of course – your father spent a lot of time helping us to rebuild the church and providence after the war. It was selfish of me not to consider your own home would need as much attention and care. Forgive my rudene...”

“Death to the betrayers! We will not let the hopes and dreams of our slaughtered companions be for naught!” a black fletched arrow shattered through the stained glass relief of the Dragon Queen, embedding itself firmly into the back wall, above the sofa where Sesha was sat, as falling beautiful fragments of blue, gold and white threatening to turn you into decorative pin cushions

“Look out” Shesha shouted at the top of her lungs, ducking down into the sofa and pulling her hood over her head “oh no no no no no. why can't we have one easy day first. Is everyone OK?”

Reflex save: DC 12 or else suffer [roll0] piercing damage.

the light of the sun streams through the broken window – revealing an attack outside, bodies swarming into the Temple's courtyard. Though the view through the broken window is somewhat restrictive, the din of battle is unmistakable; it seems that these where the vanguard, with their companions occupied elsewhere, and judging from the chaos, their surprise strike was effective against the Garlandyne soldiers that had been stationed as security.

the lead attacker, and the one shouting, looks to be an Au Ra man in a dusty brown cape, a hood reminiscent of a wolfs head obscuring his features, save for the unmistakable bony horns of his race. Looking beneath the cloak, you can make out a dirty and torn soldiers uniform, the slight hint of chain-mail. Surrounding him is a small pack of fangs, trained monstrous wolves, with spiked collars and coats in the same motley as the Mans uniform – and looking much more lovingly maintained. Chotan and Selais recognize the colours as the Ducal rangers 7th division, one of the units almost completely wiped out during the war, that refused to surrender when the cease-fire was called.
A few steps behind him, two hume women in light chainmail and with large black bows launched arrows into the few remaining Garlandyne soldiers in the courtyard, as the wolves pinned another down.

“In the name of the true Coroheim, in the name of the Four Divines, we will not let you pervert our faith to save your own skins. We will not let our children grow up slaves to the republic. Even if it damns our souls for all eternity, we will not sit by and let you damn everyone we love.”

“A govornment, a church is for the people, yet here you plot to clad the people in Garlandye chains! We will not let you sell our home for your own power, you false priests, so come out from behind your white walls and the flags of your new masters.” the leader snarls, spitting as he gestures with a large, twin bladed axe. “Traitors you may be, we have no wish for more of our kinsmen to die. surrender the old liar and the heratic bitch of Tiamat now, and you can leave alive! You have one minute to comply or else heads will roll, what say you?”

It seems the arrow that shattered the window was either a stray shot, or more a statement of rejection against the church – shattering its murals. The invaders do not seem to be aware you where in the room, and they seem intent on marching towards the main doors.

the leader seems to be commanding the Fangs with gestures and body language. If hes taken out, its possible that they'll revert to acting on instinct.

Map (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1GXyJ-eqB4V5i6LBFCB0WFBozB7WGTS5XcYfJTobE-bU/edit?usp=sharing) - map is editable. simply drag and drop where you want to move too etc :)

We'll be using group initiative – each player rolls initative and we'll take the average for the player group. Players will be able to act in any order during their groups turn, so long as they don't take any . The only difference would be things that modify initiative temporarily (such as aim), which will be resolved as their own personal group.

So, as such, can everyone please roll initiative :)

You have a surprise round here, as most of the enemy are currently unaware of you, though the fangs will become aware if you step out the destroyed waiting room/antechamber. How you proceed is up to you.

2016-05-05, 04:02 PM
And that would be Pallas's cue. "High Priestess, stay hidden until it is safe." The command was made at no louder than a normal speaking voice, with nary a change in inflection from the circumstances. With that, she marched toward the assailants.

Shifting over to F6. Dang heavy armor, being all heavy! :P

2016-05-05, 04:12 PM

2016-05-05, 04:17 PM
Lunata's eyes widened as she threw her cloak up in instinct -- a good instinct, as it would seem, since the shard fragments stopped cold against the thickened fabric. "What is..." she seemed a little taken and overwhelmed by the sudden rush and attack, but shook her head as she heard the shouting from outside the hall. No... no! Everyone's-- those people are...

She paused for a moment, as a heartbeat which did not feel like hers struck deep, like a painful palpitation.

Underneath her armor, underneath her mask, the rotwood eyes begin to twist and glance, and her perception started to dither. This always happened in times of crisis and stress. It seeks. It desires. It hungers. She could feel the petrified wood start to shift, in search.

She couldn't just hide here, she had to do something. She drew the coiled sword from its buckle and hurried after Pallas, and held out one of the primal charms from her pouch. She focused her will upon it -- and it erupted into black flame, and shielding winds surrounded the Dark Knight. "If you're going to run into battle, then at least take the wind's blessing..."

Move Action: Move to F7.
Standard Action: Cast Wind Armor on Pallas (+2 deflection AC, lasts 3 minutes.)

2016-05-05, 04:18 PM
~This is clearly a group of fanatics.~ Syng thinks to himself. ~Trying to reason with them would probably cost more lives then it could save...~
Syng uses his standard action to cast mage armor and his move action to draw his shotgun.
"Looks like we're on the clock now."

2016-05-05, 05:50 PM
Zellos, having grown up in the house of an engineer was always used to sudden explosions. His instincts kicked in-clearing the danger by using a pillow off the couch. The thought of such an expensive fluffy shield played a brief chuckle inside before his thoughts were swept towards assessing the situation. He thought to look out the window to gather information first, hoping that perhaps the enemy were unaware. He changed his mind as Pallas, and then Lunata moved into position. "I guess we won't be quietly egressing. Fight it is. Shesha duck behind the couch, cover up in case of stray fire."
Giving Shesha a nod he follows the others out, reading his rifle, and takes up a guard position for the entryway. Peering over the foliage Zellos notes the body language of the speaker. "Break the pack by breaking the leader. Hope your advice is right Pops." Zellos silently reminds himself.

So. Inadverdantly use the house rule from my last game. We can only take standard OR move during surprise. So disregard the gunshot. I only moved to E3 while drawing my rifle.. Ignore everything after this spoiler
I guess due to the teamwork feat, I can move and miss! haha.

Raising his rifle up, drawing a bead on the target, slowly exhaling Zellos pulls the trigger. Letting out a loud curse as a bird flies up from the bushes at the last moment fouling his shot. "..crap.." Lamenting pointlessly giving his position away, while working the bolt.

Move to E3, drawing rifle during move action.
Attack at BM
touch AC
[roll1] Concealment, 20%
If hit: [roll] 2d10+1

2016-05-05, 10:00 PM
Despite her attempt to focus on the present and not her family affairs, the crash of the stained glass wasn't quite what Selais was prepared for. She barely managed to avoid the arrow. It pinned a sleeve of her dress to the wall behind Selais, which she then ripped.bring her arms up in front of her face in time, but felt some shards tear into her sleeves and knick her arms.

"Ducal rangers, everyone, move! We fight for our charge!"

"Sound advice, Zellos. I'll check the back door."

I hope its okay if I flavor the damage as not actually drawing blood just yet.

I'm not sure if there's a way to flavor giving everyone a move action silently. Ditto for rallying people to fight to the last.

Selais' standard action is to use warleader to grant everyone in 30' a move action during the surprise round (aturtledoesbite, I didn't see where you began, but that might be useful for Pallas). This actually lets people trade that and the usual standard action or move for a full-round action, but I doubt anyone is going to stay still.

Move action is to activate tactical presence (http://www.finalfantasyd20.com/ffd20/sword-saint.html), which I had incorrectly recorded as a swift action on my sheet before. Diehard and some bonusesa +4 morale bonus on certain fortitude saving throws if you're close enough within 30' of Selais.

Swift action to activate aura of healing. If you're within 15' of Selais and are at less than 50% HP, you have fast healing 3.

A bird fouled Zellos' shot? I see Syng isn't the only one making puns.

2016-05-06, 09:20 PM
Soooo tired, and sorry for the crap post >.<

Bowing to the high priestess in greeting, Chotan exchanged a quick few pleasantries while the group's conversation carried on. Suddenly, and quite rudely I might add, interrupted by an arrow through the window and glass pieces flying towards them Chotan quicklygrabbed his cloak, shielding his body from the multi-hued sharpness.

The embers of a smoldering anger were brought new oxygen with the ex-ducal guard explaining the motives of this assault. Shifting over to stand beside Cecil and Lunata, Chotan readied his massive Drive Spear, letting the wrappings unwind. He might not see eye-to-eye with certain parts of the Orthodoxy's high council, but their want for peace was the right path.

Moves over to F5, spear at the ready

2016-05-07, 07:40 AM
“Over there” shouted one of the archers at the loud report of Zellos' rifle and the result scattering of birds, her eyes snapping towards the antechamber and your group “They have a rifleman. Be careful”. Knocking an arrow as she began to move, she slipped around the greenery until she could draw a clear bead on Zellos and loosed her arrow.

attack roll: [roll0]
damage: [roll1]

The second archer (archer b) drew back and knocked an arrow onto her bow, her eyes carefully watching the surging wave of fur, trained on where the greenery ends so she could make a clear shot. She draws the string back, ready and waiting

The fangs let out a low growl, sniffing the air as they pick up your scent. One of them lets out a loud, mournfull howl as many others lope forwards, jaws open, before being halted by the leader.
“Hold” growls the beastaster in a low tone towards his pack, before the beast rounded the corner in their haste and gave up their concealment “Come out, you cowards!” he then bellows in the tone he introduced himself in, slinking forwards, flanked on either side by two of the fangs.

dc 10 climb to get up the stage without stairs. For some reason said dc 1 before. Stage is high enough to see over the decorative bushes without risking concealment (for both sides)

also, sorry if I seemed pushy EdenoiZ. you OK?

2016-05-07, 09:41 AM
Selais stood up and faced the door leading further into the church.

"Shesha, where is the nearest other exit this way?"

As she prepared to listen at the door, she slowly drew her knight sword. It bore upon its ricasso the same marking of House Endrasion as her signet ring and a maker's mark of her own on the opposing side, while symbols of two of The Seven were on the blade.

Correct me if I'm wrong, I'm assuming sitting down on a couch wasn't the same as being prone. Move action, if necessary, to move to the doorway, whichever spreadsheet cell that is. Otherwise, I would like Selais to spend a move action on a perception check to listen at the door. Move action to draw her sword.

Perception roll if it was only a 5' step to get to the door.

Selais probably left her platemail and her adventuring gear with her chocobo, unless there we passed a cloak room on the way to the ceremony. Where would she likely find that? In a stable? Or would a stable only be used where chocobos are raced? I'm not sure how common a hitching post might be.

2016-05-07, 12:30 PM
"There... there should be a side door just outside of the antechamber, or a way out through the stables, though we're still inside the Temple's outer walls, and it looks like our attackers have the front gates." she epped a little when an arrow flew past Zellos's shoulders, justvisible through the broken window "I-I believe there was a way out of the walls besides the front gate near the rear, the old Divineguard Barracks, but I'm not sure. I first came to this temple from Sanctuary just a few days past." replied Shesha, looking out worriedly as she huddled against the wall for dear life

Listening at the doorway, Selais can hear the clear sound of panicked activity, the hurried rapport of feet on stone floors and the rattle of chains and locks. Thankfully, she cannot make out any sounds of violence, any screams of pain or loss - Thankfully, it seems that the enemy has yet to break into the church proper. From being escorted around earlier in the day and where she'd been asked to stable Gutsco, she could recall a store room just past the antechamber, and she could navigate to where gutsco was stabled

She can just hear the voice of the head priest who led the prior assembly above the din, though his words are hard to catch, and a louder voice barking commands in a Garlandyne accent, both seeming to be trying to take command of the situatuion.

battle map (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1GXyJ-eqB4V5i6LBFCB0WFBozB7WGTS5XcYfJTobE-bU/edit#gid=0)
temple interior map (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1aoVuj_6xygmOYiRq0vhVnuze-QP4qpky26wP6mKXMXY/edit#gid=0)

2016-05-07, 01:58 PM
Zellos grins as the arrow zooms by fruitlessly. He waves at the archer, then draws a bead on her. "Sorry," Pulling the trigger.

Noting how close the pack is now, Zellos moves out of view and closer to those with blades. Intending to help block the window and Shesha, and in hopes of funneling the enemy into their territory"

To Hit Archer A
[roll]2d10+1 P. Damage
5ft step to E4.
Looks like i messed that roll up. I'll toss it in to OOC instead of double posting here.

2016-05-07, 03:49 PM
Lunata grimaced and focused, stooping down as her cloak began to slither and move -- with a slight bursting noise, a pair of dragon's wings emerged from her back. They're not terribly large, with perhaps a two-foot wingspan over her norm, with a kind of woody discolouration intertwined with the leathery, scaley norm that indicate her as a Gria.

"If I can just take their leader out..." she murmured to herself, and took to the skies above the stage. She withdrew another cursed charm and let it burn with black flame before her eyes. "The call of the sand-men beckons thee to a realm of fitful repose... thou shall have thy unjust reward! Sleep!"

The air around the Beastmaster started to shift, and a dusky mist started to surround him, lulling him to sleep...

Move: Fly to G13, hovering at 30 ft.
Standard: Cast Sleep on the Beastmaster. Save DC 15 vs. Will (negates), 3 round duration.

2016-05-07, 04:05 PM
Syng cycles his shotgun's cylinder to the next chamber, which holds a buckshot round, then moves forward and fires it though the bush.

Move to G-3, fire buckshot (ignores concealment) at fang-D attack:[roll0]; damage: [roll]2d10+3[roll]

Edit, messed up on the damage roll, but it doesn't look like that matters.

2016-05-07, 04:15 PM
Zellos' bullet slams into the archer, blowing a neat hole through her breastplate and winding her. She managed to hold on, barely, but the wound was telling.

As Lunata flew over the bushes - and into a clear line of sight - the second archer looses her readied arrow towards the cursed knight, even as Lunata's spell ensorceled the beastmaster, his snarling and ranting cutting off into almost as loud snorning

Archer B launches her readied shot against the first foe to move out of the bushes concealment (lunata)
Attack roll:[roll0]
damage: [roll1]

The fang Syng shot upon looks up, puzzled, at its slightly singed fur but is otherwise unphased, though the entire pack seems more restless now that their leader is no longer bellowing orders.

2016-05-07, 05:13 PM
Pallas scanned for the closest enemy, spotting one on the other side of the bush. She marched through the foliage as a malicious aura emanated from the dark knight, drawing her sword and slashing at the creature on the other side.

Moving to I6 for 15/20 feet (not gonna bother rolling Acro)
Swift to activate Darkside (-3 HP)
Power Attacking Fang D: [roll]1d20+10 /roll] for [roll0] damage.

2016-05-10, 12:41 PM
Pallas' blade crashes down on the fang before her, the beast yelping in pain as the shadow-wreathed sword cut into not just its flesh, but the dark fires burnt its very essence.

2016-05-11, 01:34 PM
OOC: sorry EdenoiZ, but got to time you out.

also, rolling off panel to hopefully save time on descriptive flow

Without their pack leader to guide them, the remaining fangs seem to have reverted to their base instincts; rushing at the nearest thing they could see and trying to turn it into lunch beneath a sea of matted fur, sharp teeth and dogs breath.

The injured fang, reeling from Pallas' strike, lunges towards her, fangs aimed for where the throat would have been if not for the all-concealing armor, though its fangs find no purchase.

With Lunata high in the air and out of reach, the packs fury turns to Pallas. The lead fang, one of the two that had been at the au ra's side since the start of the fight, leaps at the dark knight, attempting to drag her to the ground with its mass, heedless of the danger, landing atop of her. The two remaining fangs attempted to rip into the dark knight, but met only steel for their efforts.

Heh, fangs +3 to hit is nothing compared to pallas' AC of nope. Even tripped, they all missed. poor puppies XD this is not their fight

Pallas gets an attack of oportunity against fang b in response to its trip attempt. if its killed by the hit, then shes not tripped.

One of the fangs, a beast larger and seemingly better groomed than the others, nips cautiously at its master, trying to rouse him from his magical slumber. His saw-toothed snores are interrupted as he jolts back to wakefullness. Looking towards pallas entangled in the pack of wolves, and Lunata high in the sky, he shakes his head with a rueful smile, advancing past the pack of fangs and drawing in close to Chotan, nearly breathing down the neck of his fellow Au Ra

Fang A uses aid another to wake Beastmaster
Beastmaster makes a double move to G6

The Injured archer, shocked by the telling level of damage Zellos' rifle rept, reaches into her pouch and pulls out a potion as she tries to put some distance between herself and the gunman. Quickly downing the vivid red liquid, her wounds heal as if by magic (heals 7 hps)

The other archer, seeing Lunata take to the sky, smiles grimly to herself and launches another shot against the cursed shrine maiden, though her arrow falls short, falling uselessly atop the stage.

2016-05-11, 01:54 PM
These mutts were more annoying than dangerous. Pallas could probably leave them be for the moment, instead focusing on the beastmaster who was nearby. Standing up, she shrugged off the wolves' attacks, stepping over and slashing at the Au Ra as her darkness ate away at them both.

Darkside ticks off 3 HP.

Move: Standing up; taking those AoOs.
Free: Five-foot step to H6
Standard: Swinging at the beastmaster with Power Attack. [roll0] Attack for [roll1] Damage.

2016-05-11, 02:05 PM
The fangs continue to strike at Pallas, one getting lucky and finding a slight chink in her armour, drawing blood (4hps), however the Garlandyne Knight's blade left a much more bloody toll on the opposition

surprised by Pallas' strike to his back, the beastmaster was unable to defend himself as the shadow-coated-sabre struck straight through both his armour and his body, leaving him a shocked expression at the gaping wound

2016-05-11, 02:24 PM
Syng creates a minor temporal distortion and takes a shot at the beast master.


2016-05-11, 02:30 PM
Oh, sorry, I forgot to add the other stuff.

Syng uses a swift action to spend a grit point on focused aim (Int mod added to damage.), and a free action to spend a mote of time to increase his attack's damage (+1d4)

Total damage:
edit: Um... I thought I did that right?
Edit 2.0: Oh, I just realized how much health the beast master has, so I guess even all 1's would be enough- I guess I went a little over the top with that.

2016-05-11, 03:10 PM
Seeing the close quarters combat in front of him Zellos assumes that Pallas, Chotan, Syng, and Selais can hold the attackers from the window. Dashes towards the stage, climbing it deftly while holding his rifle in his left hand. Takes quick survey of the new point of view, spotting the injured Archer, decides to put her down before she can wing Lunata in the air or lob a lucky arrow into the window and Shesha. Shouting "Give up before you die. You're outclassed."
edit: I cannot type well sometimes. shesh.

Move to e7, climbing to E8. Presuming that the bushes do not give concealment to the archers from here.
Archer A (whom I shot before)
[roll0] to hit touch AC
[roll1] P damage
3/6 rounds in rifle

2016-05-11, 04:05 PM
Lunata couldn't really hold back some of the nauseous feeling that was starting to well up in her. Combat was an inevitable part of their lives, of course, but... it didn't really mean that she was terribly used to it, even after all these years. But she can hold enough to function, was the important part (to her).

She hefted the coiled sword over her shoulder, summoning the power in her cursed arm to aid in her strike. Then her wings have lifted, and she's blazed ahead in a flutter of robes as she chimed in, "I agree. Surrender now and we will spare your lives." She couldn't guarantee that, but...

...and then the coiled sword has twisted towards the archer's vicinity, aiming to hit centre of mass.

Full Round Action: Lunata charges to O9 and attacks Archer B.
Attack Roll: [roll0] (19-20/x2) threaten range. [roll1] Critical Threaten (if necessary)
Damage Roll: [roll2] damage (1 damage is Holy elemental)

2016-05-11, 05:08 PM
Syng's literal split-second shot dropped the Beastmaster to the floor before he could even recover from Pallas' strike, punching right through him. As he collapsed, he managed to choke out one final "How fitting... killed by one of garlandynes pet murderers and a heretic. heh"

Meanwhile, from atop the promenade, Zellos could draw a clear bead to his target, and his shot ran true, striking the archer once again and punching another hole, similar to the first. the combined trauma and bloodloss caused her to fall.

The other archer was caught off-guard by the speed at which Lunata charged her, and try as she might to avoid the strike, it grazed her ribs, past her armor. "Barbaricia damn it!" she exclaimed, gritting her teeth from the pain "surrender? surrender our way of life so we can be slaves? ha, you may be deluded by pretty words, but the real worlds not as nice. no, we can't surrender, girl."

2016-05-11, 08:52 PM
Seeing a fellow Au Ra intent on raising his hand against the High Priestess was a travesty Chotan could not soon forget. In his heart he could not let this stand but as the Beastmaster fell to the combination of Cecil and Syng the hot rage cooled into precision. With a whispered "For the Dusk Mother's Grace!" Chotan leapt over the Beastmaster's body and slammed his spear into...

Chotan jumps from F5 to H5: 1d20+10
Chotan tries to hit Fang E: 1d20+8, 1d100, 1d20+8, 1d10+7, 1d6, 1d10+7

... The Fang in the bush next to Cecil (Fang E), sending the heavy spearhead ripping through it's body.

Rolls in OOC thread and I think 17 dmg drops it, yah?

2016-05-11, 09:56 PM
The combined force of Chotans mass, his great leap and the weight of the spear skwered the canine fiend, the fang yelping in pain for the last second of its life, before its body falls limp and lifeless

2016-05-13, 09:26 PM
Once she was content she could not hear a fight inside the church, Selais exited it through the now open window to join the one outside it. Seeing the Au ra ranger now lying at the dark knight's feet she searched for the fangs he was commanding and found two on the other side of the bush. She only considered the irony of what she was doing for a moment as she raised her sword and her arm as one, as she had practiced many times. With a slash of the air before her, she focused to push it beyond her arm, beyond her allies and into the thicket to expand as multiple blows.

"I heard no fighting within the church, but that "old liar" the rangers seek may be inside. I know my gear and chocobo are. Thoughts?"

Move action: B5 to F5 through difficult terrain.
Syng, Chotan and Pallas are within range of aura of healing again.
Syng, Chotan, Pallas and Zellos are within range of indomitable presence again.

Standard action: expend lingering edge, intersection of the 5 foot burst is I5, I6, J5, J6. Fangs C and D take 6 damage and another 3 at the start of their next three turns, but may make a DC 15 reflex save to talk half and not take ongoing damage.

2016-05-14, 08:18 AM
As the blade of air surged forwards, the wolves never saw it coming, the strike slicing through the branches of the decorative bushes and crashing into the two fangs. Fang D fell, the combined weight of its injuries too much for the beast, and Fang C was not looking good.

Fang C slipped stealthily into the undergrowth, moving swiftly and keeping low to avoid Chotan's spear, before clamping its jaws around the Au Ra, drawing blood.

fang c takes a 5-foot-step to I5
fang C attacks Chotan, causing 5 damage

Fang A lets out a long, mournful howl as his master falls, a tinge of sorrow in the call that sounds alien coming from such a beast. showing that same glint of intelect from before, when it woke its master, it turned away from Pallas - having seen how ineffective its kind was against the walking wall of garlandyne steel - and dashed towards lunata, eyes crazed and frothing at the jaws. The beast crashes into the gria's back, its jaws finding purchase through her cloak, though it draws back slightly when it tastes something... wrong

Fang A charges Lunata!
Fang A inflicts 5 damage to the dark knight
fang A is angry

The remaining archer looks somewhat panicked at the sight of the heavily armed dark knight before her, the fact both her companions had been quickly felled also seemingly a knock to her confidence "no.. Alya, no. I said this was hopeless, sis" she whispered to herself softly "why?" she shouted, distraught, slipping to the side slightly then trying to run. For a second she glanced at the gates they'd entered, but instead shook her head, and grabbed another arrow as she ran.
Archer B makes a withdraw action, meaning her current space is not threatened. sadly, all the others are, and she pinned herself against a wall before...
Lunata is entitled to one Attack of Oportunity against the fleeing Archer

2016-05-14, 05:33 PM
Syng moves around to the other side of the bush then plucks a mote from the flow of time, giving himself a moment to steady his aim, and knowing well the limits of his weapon, he shoots a buckshot round at the fang lurking in the bush.


2016-05-14, 05:35 PM
Looks like different types of dice don't work like that


2016-05-14, 07:40 PM
The leader was down, as were some of the pups and one of the archers. The other one seemed to be running away. Pallas figured she wasn't close enough nor fast enough to catch that one, but there was someone who was...but she was being hounded by a hound. Pallas couldn't reach that one, either. Sometimes, this armor was a little bit inconvenient. After striking down one of the nearby hounds, she turned her helmet toward Syng and Lunata. "Stop the last assailant before she escapes."

Alright, let's see here.

Darkside ticks off 3 HP.
Free action: 5 foot step to I6.
Standard action: Swinging at Fang C. Attack: [roll0] for more than 8 damage.

2016-05-14, 11:00 PM
Zellos took a deep breath, and dashes forward to use the pulpit as a level resting point to lean agianst as he aims. Next came the unpleasant part. He assumes it is worse with a blade, something Lunata deals with regularly, but its always unsettling to see the impact of killing bullets.. and that was what he wanted this shot to be. She could have given up, or even ran, she chose to stay. But, if she was taken chances are her death would be much slower. Given the choice, he'd rather die quick than slow.
"Sorry about the situation. " adjusts the ghost rings to head level, and pulls the trigger.

Move to F12, then fire upon the last Archer.
To hit [roll0] Damage [roll1] P damage
to hit [roll2] damages original x4 [roll3] [roll4] [roll5] plus original
-the bad grammer bothered me so I had to fix the bits I noticed-

2016-05-14, 11:09 PM
the rapport of bullets filled the courtyard, Syng and Zellos' shots both rang true, each putting down their target, even as Pallas' shadow tinged sword claimed the soul of another fang.

as the second archer fell, she gasped out a single word even as the bullet punched through her. "Sister"

2016-05-15, 01:27 AM
Lunata was preparing to rear her sword back, as she heard the Archer hesitate; however, she was distracted by the Fang converging upon her, wincing as something pulsated from beneath her armor in a disgorged manner. She started, "You could still--" She was ready to make a pommel strike with the Coiled Sword. Perhaps, if she could just knock her out--

--and the bullets rang out.

The half-masked girl stared to the archer as she fell, and shook her head. "... ah..."

She hesitated further, before turning to the last remaining Fang and swiping half-heartedly with her sword.

Standard Attack: (1d20+7)[25] vs. AC
(1d8+4)[10] damage, 1 damage is Holy

2016-05-15, 04:40 AM
While Selais awaited her companions' answers to her question, the cry of "Why?" from the remaining archer drew her attention. Not long after the dark knight's command the clearly shaken woman was struck down. Selais could almost swear she heard her say, "Sister." No, it must be some mistake.

Selais turned away from this finished fight and tried to put her mind to what must come ahead. That hume woman..., she thought. "That force was nothing," she said.
"There must be more seeking Shesha and the other clergy."

She returned to Shesha through the window and addressed her. "High Priestess, this part of their force is finished, but I fear they may be elsewhere. We have defended you here, but may need to move. Can you ride a chocobo?"

Standard action: Recover 1 expended swordplay technique
Move action: Move from F5 to D6

2016-05-15, 10:20 AM
The priestess peaked around from round the window, looking upon the corpses and recoiling slightly, before noticing Selais' question. “I can, though I fear not gracefully. There should be some birds in the stables, but are you sure its right for us to leave those here in danger? It may be because of... well, me... that people are dying...” she trailed off towards the end

Lunata's blade found purchase in the last fang, that recoild back and readied a lunge, before an arrow fletched with the black and white of Garlandyne pierced its side from the gates and it fell down.

The sound of metal shod footsteps sounds through the temple courtyard, as from the direction of the arrow and through the game collapses another atacked in the same uniform as the beastmaster and the archers, before a small contingent of soldiers in dull steel armour and Garlandyne black steps into the courtyard, carrying a couple of injured in the same uniform as your attackers. The peacekeepers have arrived it seems, a little late.

“Make a perimiter. Keep on guard. We have reports of insurgancy through the entire city and this will not fall on our watch!” The leader of the new soldiers shouted, tension still clear in the air. Clad from head to toe in dull silver armour and black cloth, save a glamorous red cloak, his features are nigh impossible to make out besides an extended snout and a lower, bulkier build. He carries a crossbow in one hand, and walks with a slight limp. Stepping in, he surveys the corpses; both those of the guards and the invaders with the air of someone used to death.

“Damn me. They got this far? How complacent we have grown, that we let this happen” he says almost to himself, standing over the corpse of one of the slain guards, before turning towards the six of you “You have my apologies, for our failure, and my thanks for picking up our slack. Divines honour your blades” the soldier said as a wide address to you all, a note of relif in his gruff voice, beofre the steel returned “Report. Are the non-combatants safe? The General's fiancée? Did any of my men stationed here survive? How many are injured, friend or foe? Did any of these cowardly dogs get into the temple? Can you still fight?” he then followed up in a storm of brisk questions to the nearest of the temples defenders, Lunata, his tone forceful.

the guard seems quite worried and a little panicked, though he is keeping most of it out of his voice. it feels like theres something hes not mentioning

the other guards that had come in with him quickly got to work getting into position, weapons drawn, their heads darting from side to side, looking for any movement. A couple of them started to gather up the bodies, taking advantage of this momentary lull to give the dead their proper due.

the battle is over, you are victorious. it just seemed mean to make you have to finish off one wounded puppy that posed no threat to you at all

Each character receives 250 exps, and feel free to begin looting corpses if you so desire :smallsmile:

2016-05-15, 10:45 AM
Syng approaches pallas.
"You look like you took more punishment than the rest of us.Let me patch you up." He says.
He uses a mote of time for the old wounds ability. "Time heals all wounds..." He pulls out his pocket watch to help focus his mind on the temporal alteration.
~Three hundred ninety million one hundred forty one thousand four hundred fifty six seconds~ He mumbles- the amount of time that has passed since the incident.
"Well, most wounds."

Pallas regains [roll0]

2016-05-15, 10:48 AM
"Give me a little more time." He says, channeling another mote of time to the same effect.

Pallas regains another [roll0]

2016-05-15, 11:30 AM
"Shesha, you are a target, but not their sole target. The Ducal ranger who seemed to be leading this group made it clear they sought another priest. The one who introduced you?" Selais added, "And our people have been dying for thirteen years."

At the entrance of the guard Selais paused while she studied them, and their news. An attack throughout the city? How strong is this resistance? Seeing what she took to be their captain trying to get answers from Lunata, Selais cringed at how uncomfortable she expected that would make her. But this captain also seems anxious.

"The high priestess of Tiamat is safe," Selais called out. "We have not seen any other Garlandyne soldiers make a stand, but I believe I heard one inside."

2016-05-15, 11:46 AM
The dark aura that surrounds Pallas begins to subside once the last beast is felled and the immediate danger passes. She speaks to the guard on duty, "Reporting in. Non-combatants are believed to be uninjured, as well as the high priestess. All of your men stationed here were killed. None other of ours were injured; every assailant was killed. We are all able to fight, though our efforts are best focused on securing a route for the high priestess."

Aside from standing still for the moments it took for Syng to perform his healing, Pallas did not acknowledge the gesture.

2016-05-15, 01:07 PM
Zellos was considering answer the questions, but Pallas diligiently covered that. Assuming that discussion was over, he hopes off the stage and checks on the archer he killed, closing her eyes and reading her name to inscribe later.

After which he lets the military take over and jogs to Lunata's side, "You doing ok?" Looking through the gates at signs of conflict, "I don't think it's going to be any easier after this. Glad mom's shop is reinforced and out of the way, I feel sorry for anyone that tries to invade that."

2016-05-15, 02:11 PM
Lunata was indeed not really in a state of mind to be fielding a storm of questions right now, but she shook her head and pulled the coiled sword out of the deceased Fang, the animal's blood still dripping from the intertwined blade. "Y-yes, we were able to deter them before they harmed the priestess. We can still fight--" She frowned a little, noticing that they referred to her only as the General's fiancee, and then Selais and Cecil both covered up for her. She was quietly relieved, since she wasn't sure if she wouldn't get tongue-tied in nervousness trying to answer all the details.

She decided to step back, looking towards Zellos. "... I'll-- be okay," she admitted. She knelt by the archer with her brother, and placed a charm on her chest gently. "We already knew what kind of things we might have to do when we picked this job up... but it doesn't exactly make it any easier."

2016-05-15, 02:47 PM
The captain of the guard salutes Pallas as she approached, noticing the rank insignia on her armour, though the action seems somewhat slowed as Pallas casually listed off the dead, shaking his head a little in disbelief "Understood. Thank you, captain. We will attempt to hold this position, you continue with your mission, though I'm afraid to say I cannot lend you any assistance in that besides my best wishes." he replied to the dark knight

After Selais reported the Garlandyne voice she'd heard inside the temple, the guard captain seemed to regain some lost spirit. "Thank the five some survived. We will rendezvous with those inside the temple and see if we can;t quell this uprising. The insurgents are attacking not only the temple, but also many other key locations throught the city, including the barracks military command. My advice is keep off the main roads, though divines damn me I can't say where they got the numbers for this. Why can't your people see this is for their own damn good, rather than butchering each other." his tone of voice made it clear he though of insurgents in the same vein as he thought of, say, plague rats.

As Zellos looks over the bodies of the two fair-haired archer sisters he shot down, he notices not only their resemblance, but also their youth; both where much to young to have fought in the war proper, seeming barely older than Zellos or Lunata, and their uniform's - besides being tattered and a little bloodstained - are ill-fitting. Checking their identification tags, he finds the surname of each rough hewn metal tag scorred out, leaving just the names Alya and Emilia.

between the two of them, Zellos can scrounge up 43 gold crowns, 14 arrows remaining, and a few personal baubles. In addition, the younger sister - or at least the one that looks youngest - was carrying a crumpled up letter with the words 'to Katarina' scrawled on the front of the envelope.

Sesha seems somwhat taken aback at Selais' reply, grasping her staff tight to herself again as if keeping hold of it would help her keep hold of the situation. Y... your right. I'm sorry Selais, that was selfish of me, only thinking of myself, when everyones' at risk." the priestess said, stretching her wings and gently flying through the broken window and landing near Selias, sticking close to her."Captain, I leave this in your hands. The temple should hold, divines be kind, but your right, we must leave. My friends, is anyone injured? I may not be able to fight, but I can help there" she asked, for the first time a little confidence in her voice

2016-05-15, 06:13 PM
Zellos slips the personal items and letter into his side pack before the army troops start to take too much stock-Given the chance, after this was all over he hoped to return it to anyone he could find. Maybe the letter would give him a clue for the job, or for their family, he'd have to read later. In any case he didn't really think the military would be very respectful with the after effects, much less return to the family or their graves.
Zellos rubs the top of Lunata's head, as he always does. "Yeah. I doubt it'll ever get easier, probably shouldn't. They're too young for this, Hell we're too young for this. Thinking internally, that their uniforms probably belonged to parents or siblings, brushing his hands along his Father's rifle. "But that makes this mission even more important to see through. Its alright to shove the dirty stuff onto me though, Ok? I know your tougher than me, but I'm still your older brother, even if its just a year. "
Thinking silently to himself, You already have enough things inside, eating away at you, without extra guilt.

2016-05-16, 03:20 AM
Lunata put her hand to cover the shirt where the Fang tore through a little; just for a moment, there was a fleck of movement from underneath. She squinted as Zellos pat her head, but then shook her head to say, "No, that's not fair... it isn't what Via'ta would have wanted either. But thank you, Zellos..."

2016-05-16, 10:09 PM
Before leaving the antechamber once more, Selais paused by a pile of glass which had once been part of the window. Pulling up her sleeves to inspect her arms, she found a few small shards in them which she pulled out and added to it, then covered again. Her posture became a bit less stiff as she considered the effect her words had on Shesha. That came out a bit harsher than I meant. But, she can bring an end to the bloodshed. I must remind her later.

As she was walking towards the guard captain, she turned at the sound of flapping, a little surprised to see Shesha was the cause of it. Ah, yes. Gria. Must be nice to fly. Still, a chocobo might speed her from danger. Gutsco might need to bear her in a fight if there are only common steeds here. She also took a closer look at the body of the Au Ra who was leading the attack against them, noting his division.

When she reached the guard captain she added to the report, "That man was the one leading the attack out here. He was in the 7th division of the Duke's rangers. Do you know why he was after the priests, Captain...?" She decided fishing for a name would be better than addressing the guard's attitude. For the moment.

Selais ends her indomitable presence. Her aura of healing is still active.

2016-05-17, 02:11 PM
"Tchaka, 113th garrison division." the guard replied, his voice stressed but trying to be jovial, extending a three fingered hand towards Selais "The rangerss, you say? I fought against them during the insurgency; fine unit, a shame about what happened to them; Thought they where wiped out. No matter, good show dealing with them so easy then.
But damn, we'd heard rumblings recently about former soldiers gathering in the north, remnants of broken units, and some member of the old guard holed up in the Comb calling for aid, but I'd written them off as just that, rumor; it seems I was wrong. Most of these 'freedom fighters' we catch are little more than bandits and opportunists, or... kids raised on nostalgia and carrying their parents grudges. Wish I could give you a reason for it, though, but I can't" he says, glancing cautiously at the gate, then nodding to one of his men to approach the temple doors.

"Ummm, if I may speculate, Captain, Selais." Shesha piped in, standing to Selais' side and smoothing out her robes after her landing "The church has been an arbiter, and middle ground for the peace and treaty between our lands; If it where to fall, or if the people lost faith in it, then the treaties would most likely fall apart, even if the marriage goes ahead. Of.. of course I-I could be wrong"

The soldier considered this for a moment, tapping his crossbow against his hip as he thought, before shrugging. "Makes as much sense as any other reason to go after your own, I suppose. As for a motive, who can say? Maybe he felt betrayed that saner minds voiced against continuing a hopeless battle. Maybe he thought that without a voice of peace, his band of anarchists would have more support. Maybe this is what the rebels have been skulkiing and hiding for. Or maybe he was just sick and wanted to kill someone, and this seemed like a good excuse. I long ago gave up trying to understand the thoughts of criminals, and as he's hardly in a state to answer questions, we can but speculate, and do our damnest to stop them."
he sighed, looking like he wanted to say something more, then added "A word of warning, if these rumors are true, if the rebellion is putting its last breath into this, be damn careful, and get out of here quick. Nothings more dangerous than a wounded animal that knows it's done for."

2016-05-17, 02:59 PM
Lunata sort of stood on the side as she watched the conversation unfold between Tchaka, Shesha and Selais. She put her hand to her chest and looked down again at the archer, then to the skies as she let her wings stretch a little. She's rubbed at the crescent-moon pendant hanging by her neck.

"Some people are... incapable of escaping the cycle of vengeance," she murmured to no one in particular. "Even if some part of them knows... the grief and loss that the war has brought upon them has led them to desperation."

She shook her head. "Hmm... what would be our best route? It rather seems like they are focusing on the main roads, does it not?"

2016-05-17, 06:10 PM
"Our route can be settled on after we have left Providence and the immediate danger," Pallas replies. Facing the guard captain, she continues, "What portions of the city are least affected by the fighting? Will we be able to travel through them to leave the city?"

2016-05-18, 05:49 AM
"Hra, Reports we've been getting have the attacks centered around the duke's palace, central command and round here, keeping to the main walkway. We've not had any report of activity near from the barracks, of any kind, so my gut says somethings going down there as well. My advice would be head for the east gate, near the residential district and the damned machine shops, if the place hasn't set itself on fire again. All reports say the place is secure, but watch your back, we're not sure how they got in"


make a local knowledge or geography check for more info about parts

2016-05-19, 03:00 PM
Lunata looked to the rest of the group, appearing to agree with the captain's appraisal. "I think that would be a wise idea. The engineering quarters are full of... um--" she gestured with her gauntleted hand, "Contraptions that may impede our pursuers." She thought of the last time she nearly got taken out by a large piston hammer careening overhead while flying through.

2016-05-19, 03:06 PM
"Let's get going then." Syng says, reloading his gun.

2016-05-19, 03:36 PM
Zellos cracks a smile. "Well at the least I can check in on my mom, we can probably nab some supplies at her shop and use the location to plot out how to get away from the city. Mom's lived here a while she might know some unusual ways that I don't know.
If everyones fine with that idea, Lunata and I know the way, there are a few back alleys that might be of use. Lunata or I could show the way, or I could try my hand at scouting ahead to avoid troublesome spots. Thoughts?" Looking at Lunata for confirmation, and then at Shesha and the others.

2016-05-23, 08:26 AM
Following Lunata, Syng and Zellos' directions made reaching the engineering district an easy task, the three knowing the area well. True to the captain's words, it seemed resistance was centered around other areas of the city, though a few times you heard screaming, a the streets where filled with worried citizens trying to evacuate, or heading for someplace they thought safe. In the distance, set against the glorious daytime sky, you can see plumes of smoke rising high

Reaching the engineering district, you are greeted immediately by the smell of machinery, the hiss of steam and the groan of gears, the classical architecture giving way to heavier set stone buildings and newer styles. In the maze of side streets and walkways, you can hear a more unusual sound, that of screaming, of steel on steel, and a haze of heat somewhat stronger than normally expected. The slight smell of burning reaches your nostrils from ahead, a dull red glow atop the rooftops

Zellos, having grown up in the area, noticed a waterway entry on the way; a childhood of exploration let him know the waterway leads outside the walls, but rumours have abounded since he was young of monsters in the sewers.

sorry for stall. since it looked like a good half of the team wanted to follow the captains suggestion and head for the mechanics district, thats we're we're headed :D

2016-05-23, 10:58 AM
Selais took some comfort that she had not been able to find a helm suitable for the armor she now wore... or her elvaan ears. Better to have some air on my face if this shop is going to contain these... furnaces. She jumped a little at some unknown metal-on-metal noise from one of the buildings. She patted Gutsco as she directed him through the street, though the chocobo was probably less uneasy with their surroundings than Selais was. The forges I have seen must have nothing in common with what is causing this, she thought as she tried to ignore the burning she smelled.

Selais called ahead, "How much farther until we reach this shop of yours, Zellos?"

Selais has donned her armor since the last scene. Her sword is sheathed, her shortbow is slung over her shoulder, shield on her back I think. Aura of healing is still active.

If Shesha was unable to obtain a combat trained mount, she could be riding on Gustco, with Selais leading him on foot. Otherwise, she is probably mounted right now, somewhere near Shesha. Gutsco's leather barding is on.

2016-05-23, 04:01 PM
Lunata did her best to lead the way for the group, along with Mr. Syng and Zellos. She wasn't as familiar with the town as the other two, but enough to guide; she did wind up leaving town a lot in search of Via'ta, after all, however fruitless those quests may have been. She just never really thought their home would become a warzone like this; she winced at every scream in the background, some part of her wanting to help, but knowing she has a more important mission.

"It's just a bit further, Miss Selais," Lunata called back to the chocobo-riding elvaan lady. "But, ah... did you want to find another passage, Zellos? I can't imagine they wouldn't have guarded the gate."

2016-05-23, 08:52 PM
Hoping that none of the screams were someone he knew, Zellos stopped the group near the water way, peering in.
"Yeah, good point Lunata. I'll posit a question. We can take this water way, when I was little it let out a ways from the walls. If its not blocked off or guarded it might be a good way. I haven't been there for a while, not sure if anythings taken up residence-When I was little I was told I'd get eatin in there but I never saw anything, heard a few noises maybe. Seems like a pretty good bet, at the least we won't get ambushed from a roof. We're a bit close to my mom's shop as well, she's probably plated up the entry ways by now and gone full defense situation. But if we needed something might be able to get it there. "
Turning to the group, "Thoughts?"

2016-05-26, 09:54 AM
The two ahead of her had raised some valid concerns, but the alternate route seemed very costly to Selais and she probably did more than raise an eyebrow to anyone who looked for it. The sewers?! How can they think of taking the chosen of the Fire Crystal through the sewers? She can't be seen doing that... I can't be seen doing that. She latched onto an alternative to avoid skulking through the muck.

"If your shop is so defensible, then it sounds like a good place to plan how to make our exit. What does your mother make out here, anyway? Perhaps we can make use of her aid?"

2016-05-26, 01:08 PM
"We don't have the time. The waterway would let us escape the city without the insurgents knowing." Is...is that a vote for the waterway, Pallas? Maybe? Probably?

2016-05-26, 05:14 PM
Having bid a quick prayer over the foolish Au Ra that failed attempting to murdinate the High Priestess, Chotan quickly decided that his input wasn't exactly needed. He was to guard the High Priestess of Tiamat and ensure she survived to finally end this needless conflict with Garlandyne.

Having been deployed as a flanking force on many battlefields, Chotan was used to wading through the sludge in the aftermath, or even mid battle. "I do not see anything that would weigh one path over the other."

I'm back, wooohooo!!!

2016-05-27, 12:02 PM
"Takin' the sewers seems like a good plan to me." Syng says checking his pocket watch, "Whatever we choose, we gotta choose soon- time," he continues, snapping it shut "is of the essence."

2016-05-28, 06:47 PM
"I... I agree with Mr Syng and Sir Cecil. The waterways should let us escape this situation sooner, and as much as I hope Zellos' mother is OK, we have our own task at hand" Sesha added, sat uncomfortably atop Selais' chocobo Gutsco, looking warily at the large bird "I just hope the rumours... and the aroma... are just hearsay and hapenstance"

2016-05-28, 07:30 PM
Lunata nodded in turn, saying, "It is a defensible place, but... we can't afford to stay in one spot. If they find us and corner us, it'll all be over."

2016-05-28, 10:48 PM
"Sounds good. Lets go carefully. Keep on the guard for trouble and keep the walking order. It doesn't happen much, but be sure not to step in a hole.

2016-05-28, 11:09 PM
Seeing that she was outnumbered, and Shesha amongst those willing to take the sewers, Selais resigned herself. "...very well, then. Lead the way."

Oh, let there be a service path, she hoped silently. Shesha is at least on Gutsco. I do not want wet greaves.

2016-05-29, 07:56 PM
Following Zellos' directions he lead you to a manhole cover nearby, away from the direction of the heat, and with a simple bit of work, it was off; the smell followed shortly after, of old dust mingled with the slighting hint of waste

Drip. Drip. Drip.

Droplets of condensed water tumbled from the stone ceiling overhead, the air in the tunnels damp. Rows of flickering gas lamps lined the walls adding an inconsistent hum to the regular beat of the droplets and the baseline of flowing water. Stone walkways and wooden boards ran above shallow pools of water, their flow slow and sluggish now, though come the rainy season the storm drains would spring to life. The walkways themselves where a somewhat sorry affair, rough hewn stone marked with potholes, and repaited with quick patches or wooden boards, and through some of the breaks you can see nothing but darpness, and hear the distant echo of water; Providence's sewer system being built into a re-purposed – and refitted – cave system, the natural stone walls visible at some corners or through the cracks, who knew where they lead?

Thankfully, it seemed to have been built with space in mind, the walkways large enough to accompany a full repair team and equipment if need be, or in this case, your party without anyone needing to walk single file or wade through sewage, and the sewers where much cooler than the opressive heat of the engineering district. Praise the divines for small mercies, right?

Northward from where you entered, you can make out water rushing through a fine sluice gate, to filter out the undesirable debris and waste; no doubt it lead straight outside the gates and to the river outside, but unless you where willing to try and squeeze though holes just a few inches wide, chances are it was out of the question. To the east, lead a side tunnel, as did the west, though this one had collapsed, the other side around 12 feet away and a steep drop between. To the south, down a steep slope was a large room that Zellos had never found a purpose for before, with deeper holes than normal, though Syng's engineering know-how identified it as an aquifier, a chamber to store water for when it is needed, and where a lot of things where washed up

Across many of the stone walls where old scrawls and faint pictures, signs of some kind, though making them out was a chore, but they where signs of use. here, you can make out what looks to be a rough sun with an arrow pointing eastwards, an eye, and what might be a gear or cog.

"well, this is certainly a gloomy place, isn't it. At least the blasted heat is gone. Zellos, you have the most eperience here, can you guide us?" Shesha asked, raising her hand and mouthing a silent prayer to cause a ball of brilliant white light to form "hmmmm, did you hear that? or is it just nerves making me see things in every shadow"

dungeon 'map' (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1F8vvLBW9b2TvrHhxn3P46fv2pzdH5zKi7mSzA_Si2KI/edit?usp=sharing) - including areas pre-revealed from Zellos'

everyone, make a perception check :smallbiggrin:

unrelated does anyone know any good online map building software. I know what the sewers should look like, but I worry google sheets aren't the best at showing it, if nothing else because they only work in squares and right angles; allright for something artifical like a sewer, bad for anything more natural we find later

2016-05-29, 09:19 PM

2016-05-29, 09:20 PM
Lunata, in truth, didn't mind the sewers too much... though its scent was artificial, compared to what she truly enjoyed -- the swamp's natural odours. The waste and byproducts from the engineering quarters also didn't help. But she respects the place for what it is, even marvelling at it a little.

"Ah, hmm..." She tried to keep an eye out too -- but when you only have one eye out of... it must be twenty-seven now... open, it's a bit hard to be perceptive...


2016-05-30, 01:21 AM
"It's been a while. But the signs should be alright to follow." Gesturing towards the indicator signs, "Should be able to follow them out alright. Hopefully nothing has collapsed much. Well, I suppose worse comes to worse I can use acid or explosives, but quite a bit can go sideways and noise travels easily."
Zellos thinks for a moment and starts patting himself down as if to look for something. "Ah, Shesha, let me give you this. If you find yourself falling throw it where you'll land." Spoken while pulling a small canister out and handing it to her. "and this," handing her a small thumb sized clear blue crystal, "Chewing on it will give you a bit of air. Just in case."
Following, Zylo looks around the corner towards the direction that the arrow and sun pointed

Gives Shesha 1 impact foam canister, and 1 air crystal (Alchemical Items)

2016-05-30, 06:39 PM
Putting the pungent smell out of their minds and focusing on the tunnel itself, Zellos, Selais and Chotan managed to make out the faint sound of voices, coming from the west, a mix of Garlandyne and Coroheim cadence, though it was hard to make out specific words.

Chotan, his eyes kept sharp from having to hunt targets from the sky, managed to note a few, recently erased remains of white chalk marks, one damaged one looking something like a skull, and nother scrawling of 'west, south, west, south, east'. Furthermore, it seemed parts of the wall had been seemingly melted by some kind of high heat - or acid

2016-05-31, 01:12 AM
While Shesha was creating light for them, she did not immediately hear anything but the drip and babble of the water around them. After Zellos had given his items to Shesha, Selais raised an armored arm. "Hold. I hear voices. They seem to be coming from that way," she pointed to the west path.

There is no way I can sneak by in this armor, she considered. Selais looked around at her fellow guardians, particularly Zellos and Syng. She then murmured, "Volunteers?"

2016-05-31, 12:19 PM
"I'll check things out." Syng says, but to everyone's surprise and confusion, rather than advancing, Syng closes his eyes with his head tilted downwards.

Here's the spell so you don't have to go digging for it.
Omen of Peril
Level: Time Mage 1
Casting Time: 1 round
Range: Personal
Target: You
Duration: Instantaneous

A brief glimpse into the future gives you a vision that hints at how dangerous the immediate future is likely to be. Based on an assessment of your immediate surroundings and chosen path of travel, you receive one of three visions that reflect the next hour’s journey: safety, peril, or great danger. The base chance for receiving an accurate reply is 70% +1% per caster level, to a maximum of 90%; the DM makes the roll secretly. If the omen of peril is successful, you get one of three visions, which lasts just a second or two.

Safety: You aren’t in any immediate danger. If you continue on your present course (or remain where you are if you have been stationary for some time before casting the spell), you will face no significant monsters, traps, or other challenges for the next hour or so.
Peril: You will face challenges typical of an adventure: challenging but not overwhelming monsters, dangerous traps, and other hazards for the next hour or so.
Great Danger: Your very life is at grave risk. You will likely face powerful NPCs or deadly traps in the next hour. If the roll fails, you get one of the two incorrect results, determined randomly by the DM, and you don’t necessarily know that you failed because the DM rolls secretly.

Choosing which vision is "correct" takes some educated guesswork on the part of the DM, who should assess the characters’ likely courses of action and what dangers they’re likely to face.

2016-06-01, 02:21 PM
As syng expands his conciousness to take in visions of possible futures, he is met with flashes of reptilian eyes, a rainbow of surging colours, and coins falling from high to hit other coins, stacks of unmarked crates and boxes, and finally a burst of sunlight. He get's a feeling of challenge, but not of difficulty

ooc: result is 'peril'

2016-06-01, 04:42 PM
Syng opens his eyes and faces the others.
"Reptiles... or maybe Bangaa- Could be smugglers? Not sure who or what's over there, but I think we can handle it. I say we forgo stealth- we can't hide very well as a group, but we shouldn't risk splittin' the group up to scout ahead here."

2016-06-02, 10:37 AM
Selais watched the self-proclaimed shopkeeper and engineer do... seemingly nothing? She was openly surprised by his report.

"I... see...," she said. In reality, she didn't. "Except, we are down here to avoid confrontation." She considered how to get more information. "Some sound like they're from Garlandyne...," she mused.

2016-06-02, 12:04 PM
"Then we'll have to go another way and hope they don't run into us." Syng replies "What do you think, Zellos?"

2016-06-02, 04:21 PM
Lunata made a face and said, "I would be all for avoiding confrontration in the sewers..." while wondering if they could just be other refugees seeking shelter in the mist of the rebel's raids...

2016-06-02, 04:40 PM
If Pallas had any opinion about the sewers and their smell, she didn't show it. "If the exit lies past them, then our only option is to confront them. If they attempt to stop us, we strike them down."

2016-06-05, 10:05 AM
As Selais considered what would bring people from Coroheim and Garlandyne into Providence's sewers (and tried to not think of being in the sewers herself) she listened to the group until she felt a strong need to respond to the dark knight.

"We do not even know if there is an exit in that direction." She squinted in the light Shesha was providing and noticed an arrow drawn onto the wall nearby. She nodded toward it, "Is that is one of the signs, Zellos? If so, it points away from the voices." She turned to face Cecil as she said the last sentence.

Now would be a good time for Chotan to point out if he noticed something no one else did. Selais is starting to get smug.

2016-06-05, 03:19 PM
Lunata paused for a long moment, as if in thought... then looked at Syng. "Can you use that power of yours in the other direction? Would it tell us if we'd reach an exit?" It seemed... sensical to her, but she didn't know how Syng's power worked.

2016-06-07, 01:24 PM
"Sorry, it's not the most precise method of findin' things." Syng says. "Doesn't really tell ya where you're going, mostly it just tells ya how dangerous it is."

2016-06-07, 01:39 PM
"Well I suppose the best we can do is try to keep Shesha out of view, and do our best to avoid them.. Plus maybe Cecil would be too scary for them to want to fight. I mean.. No offense but in a dark sewer if I ran into you, it would be unnerving."

2016-06-08, 06:31 PM
"Then let us be off." She patted the head of her chocobo and began to lead him and the High Priestess toward the Eastern passage.

"Coming, Chotan?"

2016-06-08, 07:40 PM
"I agree, let's not spend too much time deciding," Lunata nodded, knowing that haste was a critical part of their escape. She followed Selais down the eastern path.

2016-06-10, 04:56 PM
Following the hints of Syng's vision and Zellow's memories, you head down the eastwards path, following the slight breeze that may yield freedom sooner - be it to help speed your mission, or from the damp and the smell - and keeping a wary eye out for the portents revealed.

the tunnel going further to the east seemed to bear stronger signs of wear and tear, the same melting effect you noticed before. large sections of the wall are meted or bubbled away, and the damage looks to get worse as it goes down, though it starts after the northward fork.

finding the fork in the path, you can see quite a few gaps have been patched over with a vide variety of wooden boards and other junk, in a range of uneven shades and shaped, even a longer break where the air seems to be coming from - all looking a lot less stable and weight bearing than the stone floors, like it was thrown together in a hurry, rather than a permanent fixture or lasting repair, but they look stable enough that they shouldn't give way, and it does just seem to be the drainage-water below.

Down the tunnel, you can hear voices again, as well as the slight shrilling of scraping metal, though its hard to make out more than just sound, as the crystal lamps down the tunnel are cracked and broken, leaving it in a pool of darkness save the lights you yourself carry, the pale white light of Sesha's illumination glinting off the water below

"You lost the key? First the pigs catch on to us, then we loose our cargo, then some crazies set the city on fire... and now we're locked out. Odin's beard, can this day get any worse?" says the first voice, with a local accent, sounding agitated

"Gee, I don't know. maybe you could have been caught in that fire, or ambushed by... things, or be stuck with some shouting fool trying to give us away, or I don't know. Now shut up and let me think" says the second, a more feminine voice, again with a local accent. it seems these are not related to the whispers you heard before

2016-06-10, 05:00 PM
Lunata blinked once, before glancing to the group, having just overheard the conversation. She whispered, "They sound like thieves to me... but... I'd rather not get into a scrap if we can help it." She moved closer to peek around the corner to see where the voices were coming from.

2016-06-10, 09:16 PM
Selais kept back with Shesha and the chocobo, doing her best to keep the latter quiet for the sake of the former. This would be a poor time for a wark to give us away, she thought.

2016-06-15, 12:33 AM
Noting the wording, "Hum, doesn't sound like they're with the folks that set the city ablaze. They might be smugglers of theives. Not the nicest sort, but if they aren't involved they probably want to get away as well. We could probably avoid them if we wait till they sort the gate out, or we could go out and make it clear we don't care, we just want out too.. Might be worth it to get out with less risk of combat, and maybe making enough noise to call someone or something unsavory"

2016-06-16, 06:59 AM
Selais murmured, "A fight might attract the voices from the other path, but if they are in control of this 'highway' they may demand a toll for safe passage. Tell us what you see, Lunata." With a small grin she turned to the dark knight, "Cecil, have you ever been in a play?"

2016-06-17, 06:24 PM
Peering around the corner, her gria heritage giving her the ability to see clearer through the darkness. She can make out the speakers barely, illuminated in heavy shadow by their own small light - a lantern resting on the ground too weak to normally reach the end of the coridor.

There are three of them. The first was the one you'd have to assume was screaming, a thin, somewhat weasly hume in a patchwork assortment of leather garments, a variety of clashing shades, like someone tried to combined the garb of a traveler and a clown and did so poorly. From this distance, you can;t make out many details, but he has a flopy, rather sad looking red cap atop his head, and the faint glimmer of many metal objects slung around his waist - just beyond him is the source of his contention, a heavy metal gate that looks strong enough to weather the centures

to the side of him, slumped against the wall, was a girl with the unmistakable ears of a viera, poking out above inky black hair hard to make out in the darkness. She is dressed far more practically than her companion, in drab heavy clothes and a dark green cloak. One of her legs is extended out straight, tightly wrapped in the same material as her cloak, and her outfit around it seems shredded. She is looking over the break in the pathway, over too the water below, listlessly picking up a stone or piece of debris from the ground and tossing it into the pond with a plop

The third, keeping silent before, is a large, bulky figure you can only assume is an Au Ra or Galka from the sheer size of them, hunched over slightly in the tunnel, but their are almost completely concealed beneath all-covering leather attire, save for a sky blue neckerchief. He seems to be keeping silent as his companions argue. As Lunata peers around the corner, he raises one arm and waves, cautiously - aparantly a lookout.

2016-06-19, 05:10 PM
Lunata knew she wasn't great at hiding herself, so she didn't bother -- at seeing the lookout wave to them, she just turned the corner and held her hands up as if to show that she came in peace. The coiled sword was sheathed at her side, not drawn. "Um, excuse me, I'm trying to find a way out of here... do you three know where the exit is...?" She dithered a little, glancing behind her, then back to them. "I'm trying to escape from all the violence in the city right now..."


2016-06-21, 04:51 PM
"Welcome. You've probably come to the right place then." the watchman replied, his voice course but friendly, bringing to mind more a tavernkeeper or baker than any man dressed in all concealing leather deserved. "You want to take it from here, Biggz?" he asked, to his companion in the red hat

"Hmmm, oh indeed. undoubtedly. assuredly. We three are official members of the Providence unofficial sewer watch. I am the illustrious enchanting Biggz, the famous hearthtrob of Coroheim, my big boisterous companion here is Wedge, and the charming maiden is the lovely Jesse" Biggz, the man in the red cap, said with a flourish, turning away from the gate "and there is no-one who knows these charming, clammy, rather unpleasaent and not at all charming tunnels better than we three, as such, when the, hmmm, ruckus above started up, we felt it was our civic duty to scout out an escape route for the humble citizens, such as we three fl... made haste to ensure all was neat and ordered, hunky dory and all OK."

"A pleasure to meet you all. I am Lady Shesha, Priestess of Tia..." Shesha began, gently urging Gutsco forward like she expected to be bucked off at any second, but before she could get far into her introduction, the 'sewer watchman' started up again, starting to bring his hands into his storytelling, with wide, sweeping motions, shushing the priestess

"Not now, honey. But then we ran into a snag, shall we say. This grate leads, after a couple more twists, turns.... a bit of splashing around and maybe one or two trials of the squeezing nature... to glorious, cool, clean-aired freezing. The problem is.... Jesse lost the key."

"I didn't loose it, you Cactaur-head, I dropped it when we where ambushed by those things." snapped back Jesse, the Viera woman gingerly touching her bandaged leg and wincing

"Ummm... what things?" Shesha asked, but was ignored

"But the fact remains, undoubtedly, that the key was once in your possession and now is... not, no?"

"I didn't see you doing much to help, unless you call crying and running help. It is your usual response to everything" replied the Viera woman, with a resigned air to her voice, like this happened frequently. Despite the accusitions flying back and forth, neither of them seemed to hold much aggression to the others

"Now that's hardly fair. He cowered a little as well, recall" added the Galka, Wedge, it seemed with a grim chuckle. Throughout it all, his gaze down the tunnel hadn't waivered, and he still seemed to be on edge despite the mellow tone to his voice.

"You besmirch me in front of these fine fellows. Base lies, one and all, I assure you, it was but a tactical retreat." Biggz responded with a loud, theatrical laugh "Yet the fact remains, we know how to get out, but without that key - or a behemoth kept in one of your pockets - we're not using it. So, I am sorry to say, we may as well just wait here to roast. Anyone fancy a game of cards while we wait? You saying something, sweets? gotta say, spending my last day in this company, well, I couldn't complain." Biggz asked to the priestess he had talked over so many times, flicking his wrist and producing a deck of clearly marked and dog-eared cards, shuffling them idly.

Shesha seemed lost and confused - she was obviously not used to having someone talk over her, and shaking her head, she dismounted Gutsco and walked up to investigate the inured woman's leg.

2016-06-21, 05:00 PM
Lunata waved her hands nervously and said, "A-ah, don't fight, you three, but... hmm... if you lost the key, then..."

She squinted a little and walked up to the grate, inspecting it. And then pulled out a set of lockpicks. While she didn't really have a head for the more complicated machines, Zelloss' mother Alundra had her spend some of her time fixing up locks and all kinds of locking mechanisms, which proved to be more her speed, and it helped the household make some spare change along the way. "Let me see if I can't help..."

Lunata is trying to take 20 using Disable Device on the grate, which would put her result at 26 (+6).

2016-06-21, 10:00 PM
Selais was very surprised when she heard Lunata just walk up to... whomever was around that corner, but more so when Shesha rode forward. She hurried after, loudly in her armor, but she was too late to protest against this course. Even if she hadn't been, Selais was surprised by the sight of the Galka in this group.

A Galka, here? Could he be from the Sodragamm clan?

2016-06-22, 07:41 AM
Cracking a smile at the strange ones, but remaining on guard since.. he didn't really remember seeing them before.
Noting that she was pulling out her tools, Zellos offered to help.
"Hey sis, I'll give you a hand too. Well at worst I could just melt, expand, or blow the thing up. Someone keep an eye out for..whatever those things were. You three want to tell us a clearer story on that while we work on this?"

Pretty sure you can aid another on a take 20 to speed it up a bit, lessens the chance of maulzor. Aid another, disable device roll [roll0] I've got a bad habit of putting 1 point in everything haha.

2016-06-22, 11:31 AM
Resting his shotgun on his shoulder Syng addresses the other three. "These creatures, they reptilian?"
After a moment, he checks on the progress on the lock to see if he'll need to get involved. "How's it comin' along?"

2016-06-23, 04:55 PM
As Lunata fiddles with the door mechanisms, with a little help from Zellos, Jesse speaks up again "No. no, not reptiles. Lizards, I can deal with, even if they do want my fluffy cotton tail more like.... evil pudding. burning evil pudding." she says

"Pardon me, Jesse, was it? But may I see your injured leg? I am a healer from the church, and I believe I can help. Do you mind if remove the bandages?" Shesha asked gently, kneeling down near the injured viera though flinching slightly when he crisp white robes rubbed against the cold, clammy stone floor. The girl in leather armour considers it for a second, before nodding nervously , her ears twitching in shock when Zellos mentions melting...

Biggs, the Galka, seems to notice Selais' focus, but he says nothing about it, though he does shift awkwardly from one foot to another

Eventually, with a click, the lock gives up the fight, and with a push the gate scrapes across the stone floor. the groan of the metal and the keening scrape of the bars against the stone are a song of complain, voicing quite clearly the gate had not been moved in a long time, and it did not much appreciate being budged. The sound echoes through the tunnels, loud enough to be clear to anything nearby

"You... you did it. you really, truly, honestly did it. Thank you, my friends, priestess sweetcakes, thank you! you where all truly a gift from above, a guiding light of the four divines, the kindest card ever dealt to this humble performer. How about we show you the way out of these dreary tunnels and into comfort and saftey? it's the very least we can do"

"But... what about the civilians you said you where scouting for? should we not head back and inform them of the safe passage?" The priestess asked, her hands aglow with brilliant white light as she held them over over Jesse's injured leg

"Ah, but, you see...." Biggz began, stumbling for what to say

"We need to make sure it's safe all the way to the end. No sense leading a buncha folks into cramped tunnels if they'd easy prey for gators or shaugain, right priestess...?" Wedge interrupted, the big man's strong timbre resounding throughout the tunnels

"Oh, that makes sense. My apologies, for doubting you, good sirs. and my apologies for forgetting to introduce myself - though you did make it hard, talking over me - I am Lady Shesha, High priestess of Tiamat, and these are my traveling companions and guardians." Shesha says, standing up and curtsying towards the two 'sewer watchers', a blithe smile on her face, before she approached Gutsco again, cautiously, and attempted to climb back onto his back with seemingly as little grace as possible.

"Holy Ramuh, my leg feels good as new." Jessie exclaimed, hopping up onto it and stretching; indeed, it seemed whatever wound she had was gone, though her armour remained damaged "See, bomb-for-brains, that was real healing magic, none of your prancing!" she added towards Biggz playfully; for all the stories of viera grace and posie, it seemed Jesse herself did not get the memo

"High priestess, you say? what's a classy dame like you doing in a dump like this? It ain't safe" Biggz mouthed, flabbergastered, a lot of his theatrical flair gone for a second and his accent taking on a more slum-esque bent, before he regained his composure "My Lady Shesha, your Holiness, allow us three humble scavengers to escort thee to the outside world."

"Shall we get going, then?" asks wedge, begining a relaxed amble down the passageway, shaking his head at his companions

Following the three further down the passage, you come to another wide chamber, the walls bearing obvious sights of water damage, and a line of green algee a few heads high, like the room has spent extended periods of time underwater. The flow of the water splits at a right angle here, most of the gentle, slushing flow of the water continues to the east, though it sounds much thicker and more turgid now. carved stone arches pass over the flow in the centre of the room, raised high, while to the south west you can make out a ramshackle bridge of wooden planks over a deeper water channel, illuminated torches set into the ceiling above, but of a different design to the ones in the walls, casting a murky orange glow as opposed to the clean white of the magic lamps. Most curious of all, it seems that to the northwest, the wall has given way, and you can make out the mouth of a natural cave, though it is pitch black inside. From the north, you can feel a slight breeze and the taste of fresh air, and the path seems to continue in that direction, sloping gently upwards.

but as you enter the room, Biggz seems to stop mulling over his thoughts and steps ahead of you all, blocking the way north and making an exaggerated show of looking left and right, removing his beaten red hat to scratch a mop of sandy black hair, as if confused.

"And, can you belive it, I seem to have forgotten the way. First the key, then this, forget my own hat next. haha. Wedge, Jesse, a moment of your time, mayhaps we can put our heads together and recall how to lead our new friends and our distinguished guest into safety." with that, the trio hustled off into a corner, furious whispering coming from between them, that you can almost make out. More than once, you can also see Jesse stamp her foot or lightly strike Biggz, wh eventually turned back to your group ""feel free to explore nearby, take in all the blandness, but a word of warning though, heed you well, the north path is perilous, guarded by... it." he finished, after a drawn out pause.

updated map (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1F8vvLBW9b2TvrHhxn3P46fv2pzdH5zKi7mSzA_Si2KI/edit?usp=sharing)

a listen check will let you hear what the trio are chatting about, though they may not take too kidnly to evesdropping (though their friendly enough right now, it'll likely be more anoyance than stab killy kill)

2016-06-23, 05:02 PM
Lunata looked pleased as she and Zelloss managed to overcome the lock. "H-hooray! I was wondering if I'd have trouble..." as she proceeded forward, she glanced around herself and frowned, looking north. "What do you mean, 'it'...?"

2016-06-25, 02:22 PM
Zellos notes "bomb for brains" he'll have to keep an eye on that one, a well placed bomb-or worse a misplaced bomb, could collapse the sewers, or destroy their formation.

Taking the pack off his back, to pull out night vision goggles, illuminator and flashlight. Zellos sighs,
"Well.. Whatever IT is, with how this day is going we're probably going to at least see it. Hah it better not be a spider thing" Placing the night vision goggles on his forhead, attaching the illuminator to his rifle, and then handing his flashlight to Shesha. "Keep that in case, but don't use it unless you need to. Light brings attention. Keep the light from my face while I'm wearing these," Zylo says tapping the goggles, before putting his pack back.

"So. Do we make a beeline for the exit, and deal with what comes our way, or should we try clearing the sides to make sure we aren't bottle necked? Probably could manage a bit of scouting while we have a secure point of egress, and defensive bottle neck. You three, How do you know its guarded if you don't remember and were locked on the other side? What's guarding it anyway?" Making a mental note to watch for preset explosives in the area, the sewers aren't that complicated from what he rememberd, and their story is rather odd.

2016-06-27, 07:34 PM
When Lunata and Zellos asked about the beast, Biggz took a moment to clear his breath, adjust his hat, then set off into a speech "Ah, but how can tales of this ferocious beast, this vile devourer, this...pernicious parasite... yeah, that works... the very legendary monster of these tunnels. We have seen it but twice. It's baleful yellow gaze, it's scales like steel, it's remarkably dagger like teeth, seen only in fleeting glances in the water and the bones of it's meals" placing his hands together, he then brought them apart, a spectral image of a shilouette, all spikes and muscle, with four large, yellow, reptilian eyes aglow "it... fled when we met, recognizing us three as mighty warriors, but a wise man heads these thankful omens and thus since then we avoid that way. Why, I know a great song of the beast, if anyone is interested? no... no? your loss then"

As far as selais can tell, every word is truth, though it does have the clear ring of exageration about Biggz' own exploits

"heh, what biggz doesn't want to admit is that we saw it and we ran with our tails between our legs. I like to think myself with some iron in my spine, but there's a difference between brave and stupid" Added Jesse, rummaging through a sack slung across her back, with the rustle of papers accompanying her actions "I know I have a map in here somewhere.... The creature only turned up in the past few years, and if it wasn't there, then the exit would be as simple as following the northwards tunnels. But that way's out, and we don't come this way that much, unless the boss tells us to."

"It's locked off normally fer a reason." the large Galka, Wedge, chimed in partially towards Zellos. "Not much that needs maintaining and it don't link to much of the city without gettin through the gate. Since beasts like to wander into this part, it's safer to just avoid it. Unless we gotta pick something up 'discreetly', or get out when the place catches fire." he rumbled, breaking away from the trio and heading to the east path, peering into the gloom with one hand on the worn hilt of a sword "Now, I swear by my ancestors we head this way, we end up under the sun again soon. Jesse disagrees"

The gentle burble of the water seemed to be picking up, you can hear louder splashes, like the flow may be increasing

"High priestess. that's... that's damn heavy. We're in the precence of church nobility. We need to tell the boss, as soon as possible, maybe even take her to him" stared biggz, with much less flourish than when he spoke to you
"And what's he gonna do? nah, I say we keep quiet. They helped us out, her ladyship healed my leg, it's the code. someone helps you, you help them." Jesse replied, seeming testy
"That's why I said we tell the boss; look, I may not be the smartest man, but the same day the high priestess sets off to the festival, the city catches fire. that ain't no coincidence, mark my words." Biggz retorted, before casting a glance around their surroundings "And high ladys like her, or fancy knights like her guards, don't go running through the sewers if they ain't running from something. No, someones after em, and if anyone can help em vanish, it's Mr Delcato"
"Yeah, he can help em vanish into the hands of whoever offers the most gold. Hell, you where right, this probably is important, so I'm not turning her in for a quick buck. No, we get out of her - all of us - and then we part ways with a thank you, same as always"
"We keep out of it and let our home go to hell, like always?" Biggz asked, exasperated "Look, lil lady Shesha back there, she's set to marry that Garlandyne bigwig and end the occupation, right? get Coroheim back to coroheim? We got a duty, as citizens, to help her, and aint nothing the boss wants more. It's a big picture thing, like your always talking about, actually helping"
"How does this help anyone, besides Delcato?"
"We take her to Deliverance, out of sight, like, and then we get the boss to help her get where she needs to go, nice and safe and quiet. C'mon Wedge, back me up here you gotta see sense.
"We work for Sir Delcato. We made that pact. We're oathsworn to tell him about these travelers... the galke began in his slow draw, somehow almost silent despite the usual rumble to his voice
"See, Wedge has go...
"...Preferably after we have parted ways, and when all this chaos has been sorted, and the Priestess is far away from Sir Delcato Wedge continued, without missing a beat.
"Thanks Wedge, always nice to know some men have brains in their pretty heads. Taking her to a bast*rd like Delgato won't help free Coroheim, it'll just put everyone else in our situation. Look, if your serious about helping her, then we need to get word to the old nobles down in the Wake, or up on the Comb."
"You mean the people setting the city on fire? We're getting nowhere. hows about we compromise, yeah, or else we'll be in this forever. We get out of here first - all of us - and then we offer to take em to Deliverance. If the 'boss' wants her there, he gets someone else to do it, not make us dirty our hands, and that's if they agree to go, and if they want to head up the comb, thats close too. Deal?" Asked Biggz, his tone saying something was going through his head
"Fine, but I'm not happy about this" replied Jesse, tersely
"There may be a shine in your tarnished heart yet, Biggz, though it could just be a few copper coins. Agreed" finished Wedge with a chuckle

2016-06-28, 01:18 AM
Having overheard the conversation of their "guides" Selais admits that Shesha's immediate act of kindness was a boon. "High Priestess Shesha, that was most kind of you to heal Jesse. However, I feel I must remind you to allow your guard to guard you. That job will be easier with a little forwarning on your part, yes?"

Still, she won over the Viera, and even Biggz seemed to want to be... helpful. Deliverance has suffered many attacks and the road to it will likely be the worst possible route. Wedge, there, may have our best interest in mind. I haven't met a dishonorable Galka, yet. How did he end up working for this disreputable Delcato?

At Wedge's assurance of the eastern path, Selais stepped a little away from Shesha (not much) to address Jesse and he. "It isn't every day you meet someone who would disagree with a Galka on an underground route." She decided to introduce herself simply, "I'm Selais."

No need to bring my House into their decision to sell us out.

2016-06-28, 01:24 AM
Cecil generally disregarded the chatter going on, including Selais's question earlier. It wasn't relevant to their job, except for possibly that mention about a beast down here. Still, it would die like anything else.

Cecil did, though, seem to have the coincidental habit of standing between the High Priestess and their new 'guides'; it seemed not everyone was entirely willing to trust random people in a sewer...though it's just as likely Cecil doesn't trust people in general. As always, Cecil's hand rested on their blade's hilt, ready to draw it at any time.

2016-06-28, 03:10 AM
"Hmm... well, I'm not entirely eager to go fight a dangerous beast just because," Lunata had to admit. She looked to Cecil for a moment, and had to wonder what the dark knight thought; well, she knew that the dark knight was wary of the trio, but... not much else.

"Is there another way around?"

2016-06-30, 05:34 AM
Zellos listens in to the discussion, while thinking on the content. However he kept his eyes, with the night vision gear towards the area supposidly frequented by said creatures.

2016-06-30, 09:32 PM
"Oh, umm, of course. It's just... I was distracted and the woman was injured. I will... I will be more mindful of the strain I place on you all." Shesha said in response to Selais' advice "and on the topic of danger, I feel it is in our best interests to avoid this beast. It sounds truly frightful, but which way, Tiamat guide us?." she asked, her head tilling from side to side, the slight hint of haste in her voice

"Wedge, of no clan or village" the Galka replies to Selais genially "Jesse's a smart gal, but she doesn't have the feel for the underground, though she'll never admit it. Now, if we head this way, we should rejoin the north path after the beast's lair, mark my words." He adds, directed towards Lunata, with Biggz nodding enthusiastically and jesse just shaking her head.

2016-06-30, 11:37 PM
Settling in to the idea, with no real opposition-They've been here more recently, and haste seemed good for the moment.
"I'll keep to the back and help keep an eye out behind us. I've got a light if I need it, and my spects."

2016-07-01, 12:02 AM
Lunata nodded, having no reason to distrust the Galka, Wedge. "Then, please lead the way and I'll be right alongside you."

2016-07-01, 02:19 AM
Syng follows along quietly for lack of any input to offer.

2016-07-01, 08:50 AM
Interesting, she thought. Selais decided to not look too much into Wedge's greeting. For the moment.

After Zellos mentioned his light, Selais asked the trio, "How is the light ahead?" She busied herself with checking Gutsco while she inwardly cursed her lack of a lantern.