View Full Version : One rare special shot (Pathfinder)

Endless Query
2016-05-01, 10:57 PM
This is sort of a weird one, but I've committed the terrible crime of having a very particular idea of a character in RP/Fluff before making sure the rules were feeling like permitting it (Curse you ruuuuuules! *Impotent, silly fist shake*). Basically working on a Gunslinger sort of character (though not necessarily actually a gunslinger), who, you know, just shoots people most of the time, but occasionally, when needed/dramatically appropriate (heh) can fire off a magic infused bullet or something, just something distinctly fancier and more effective than normal.

I've been screwing around with Magus (Eldritch Archer seems perfectly satisfied with any ranged weapon) with maybe a 1 level dip into Wizard (Spellslinger) for all the basic "Be able to use guns" feats, and the amusing alternate fire mode of just flat out shooting magic sans bullets entirely. The only problem is, after piecing it together and checking my math, at level 5 where the game is starting, I've discovered my Ranged Spellstrike, IE: "Magic bullet" is... Not... Good.

Best option I currently have is Scorching Ray (so far as I can tell), which means on a round where I give it my all, I do 4d6+1d12+4(... Probably, character in progress. Assuming +2 weapon, Arcane Pool, Spellslinger thing. Yay enhancement bonuses that stack with other enhancement bonuses) giving me a 1 round average damage of 24 to one target on my current "peak" round (23 if I somehow get a Rifle, but Rifles are shiny enough to be worth the d10 vs d12, obviously).

Now, obviously, a gimmicky build like this isn't going to be exactly in min-maxxer paradise, but the other character I was considering for this game (Earth Kineticist) had about 23-25 DPR... With their normal attack (Little range depending on point blank shot, Elemental Overflow) and up to about 36 on any "full attack" round.

Now, general consensus is, Kineticist ain't great, and when my character's pales in comparison utterly to a standard full round attack... I feel as though I've trailed so far into unoptimal territory I'm going to feel painfully useless trying to play this character.

So, my question is, does anyone have a better way to get my desired effect (IE: Generally gun user with the occasional good burst damage attack[can probably get the GM to re fluff it to look right so long as I can get it to exist in the first place]), or am I just kinda SoL on this one?

2016-05-01, 11:04 PM
The spell named bullet (http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/ultimateCombat/spells/namedBullet.html) and its greater counterpart are probably what you are looking for. With a 4x crit bonus of a gun and a spellstrike, this is going to outright end most targets.

There is also the grit feat named bullet (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/feats/grit-feats/named-bullet-grit) that lets you make custom ammo to kill specific targets.

Endless Query
2016-05-01, 11:57 PM
Oooh, wow, it totally is... Now I just have to figure out how to get it. Thanks a lot!

Though if anyone else has suggestions/ideas I'm certainly all ears for them too.

2016-05-02, 03:55 AM
Spells do not inherit the critical multiplier of the wielded weapon. They inherit the critical threat range, so you don't get x4 Scorching rays, you get times two scorching rays, and times 4 damage. This is why you always see Magi with Scimitars (And the odd Rapier, Estoc etc), and never Falcata's or light picks.

That being said, Named Bullet plus blasting spells ain't bad, though I'd go for Disintegrate+Named Bullet rather than Scorching ray, for 68d6+37+4d12. (Ish. I think) This is assuming you go maximum Magus with a one level dip in Spellslinger.

For a little more consistent damage, I'd probably go something like SPellslinger 1/Trench Fighter 3/Eldritch Archer 16, too get dex to damage and 6th level spells from the Magus list, and the bonus feats gunslinging really kinda needs.

Endless Query
2016-05-02, 04:25 AM
Mnnh, that would make it more consistent... Though the one downside of the set up at present is, it would seem, that you wouldn't get Named Bullet until... Like 13-15 (depending on Trench Fighter dip or not), since it's not a Magus spell, and you'll have to wait for your next Arcana to be able to add it to your list, which is... Really late, I'd be surprised if the game even hits that... Er, this year. If it lasts that long. Which is a little tricky when fishing for something I consider kind of character defining (Always awkward to go "This ability is like my character's signature ability. Except I won't learn it before the game ends...").

Any alternatives? Or clever ways to get it earlier?

Like, come to think of it, are there any other autocrit if hit class features or spells or w/e that work with ranged weapons? I don't know of any, but if they exist they could be a decent place to start...

2016-05-02, 06:05 AM
THere's a Path of War maneuver that gives ou autocrit on one ranged attack, but that's a sixth level maneuver, and so requires like, 7 feats on a Magus, which is huge.

Actually, thinking about it, you could play a Desperado Warlord or Gunsmoke Mystic from Path of War, either of which could be a gunfinghter with mystical flavourings, but it is third party.

Endless Query
2016-05-02, 06:45 AM
Yeeeah, sadly no 3rd party at allll in this game. None at all. I was more thinking, I care more about the stylistic bit of it more than "it literally has to be a magic bullet" so if there was some, I dunno, super version of Vital Strike you could only use X times per day, or gunslinger autocrit or... Something I could start to work with as a base for that particular sort of flair I'd be almost happy to dump the Magus/Spellslinger thing, I'd lose a few touches I liked, but getting the general character concept to work and not feel like trash is more important to me than "But I can fire lasers out of my gunwand!" =P