View Full Version : Glitterbaby's RHoD IC

2016-05-02, 10:35 AM
The next logical step in your quest to do Good leads you to Dennovar. Moving about the city asking for leads yields little and you get the idea that asking a little further up the chain of command might be a decent idea. Knowing the area you make your way to the office of High Councillor Thorn. An elderly woman that reminds you of a Cuthbert nun informs you that it'll be a few days before an opening makes it's way into the High Councillor's schedule but to leave your name and where you're staying so they might be able to contact you. After only a few hours a knock at the door reveals a messenger.

"Mr. Broadmane? Mr. Thorn wants ta see ye, dun know what it's fer."

I hope you'll forgive me for taking a few liberties. I'd rather have everyone in the same place and lose out on a little RP than to run the risk of potentially not having the party together at all.

During your time in the Blades you impressed many with your combat abilities and humble nature. Expanded title and pay raises were quick to be passed on to you but you gained a disproportionately small amount of command power as you rose through the ranks. When Councilor Thorn asked your superiors for loyal and capable people to set out on something of an open-ended mission, your name was among the first to be mentioned. You find yourself now being told you have an appointment with the High Councilor today at four, and to arrive a bit early.

I hope you'll forgive me for taking a few liberties. I'd rather have everyone in the same place and lose out on a little RP than to run the risk of potentially not having the party together at all.

Upon arriving in Elsir Vale you question a few locals and decide to make a beeline for Dennovar. Being the largest city in the Vale and a trading hub, you get the idea that if there's adventuring to be had, you'll find the best leads in Dennovar. Instead of wasting your time asking the locals, you decide to jump straight to the top of the chain of command. A few questions at the guards upon entering the city leads you to the office of High Councilor Thorn, the leader of the Merchant's Guild and de facto ruler of Dennovar. An elderly woman that reminds you of a Cuthbert nun informs you that it'll be a few days before an opening makes it's way into the High Councillor's schedule but to leave your name and where you're staying so they might be able to contact you. After only a few hours a knock at the door reveals a messenger.

"Mr. Valorn? Mr. Thorn wants ta see ye, dun know what it's fer."

I hope you'll forgive me for taking a few liberties. I'd rather have everyone in the same place and lose out on a little RP than to run the risk of potentially not having the party together at all.

Upon arriving in the Vale you ask around with the locals to get a feel for the area and the local mannerisms. In doing so you learn that the city of Dennovar is the largest city in the Vale and a center for trade. These two things mean it's probably the most likely place to find a little bit of inspiration, be it in the form of adventure, fine drink, or finer companions. You decide to make a beeline for the city. Upon arriving you spend some time among both the commonfolk and the nobles, blending into both crowds with relative ease. Unlike with most places, where legitimate gaps in access to education separate the classes, it seems as though in the Vale all that matters in determining social status is money. Few people here are actually educated, even among the nobles. In asking around you eventually befriend a noble that is willing to call in a favor to get you an appointment with High Councilor Thorn, apparently he was looking for a few people to head out west to investigate the recent disappearances in Drellin's Ferry.

I hope you'll forgive me for taking a few liberties. I'd rather have everyone in the same place and lose out on a little RP than to run the risk of potentially not having the party together at all.

When you all arrive back at the councilor's chambers, you find yourself in a waiting room with three other people. The group is then ushered through a series of doors and hallways. Everything is finely crafted, paintings and tapestries adorn the walls. It's apparent that more wealth is present here than many of you have seen before. You finally arrive at a close door, the stern woman leaves and you enter. At a desk, papers piled to the ceiling, sits a middle-aged man. Some of you recognize him as High Councilor Nindel Thorn, the rest of you find this out from the plaque on the desk. His hair is prematurely graying and receding, he has bags under his eyes. The man doesn't seem to have slept well in weeks. He's sipping a yellow-orange juice from a mug. He looks up when you enter, a bit startled. He looks the lot of you over as you come in and, with a relieved smirk, addresses you.

"So you're my four o'clock?"

He doesn't ping of Evil.

OOC (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?486757-Glitterbaby-s-RHoD-OOC&p=20731609#post20731609)

2016-05-02, 10:56 AM

Varonis strolls into the room, eyeing the councilor and making a quick assessment. Stressed... in a position of power... maybe a little cocky. Mild deference, then, and a hint of obsequiousness. Don't want this one to turn against me. He steps forward and offers a short but polite bow. "Varonis Sindragon, at your service. I've heard you're the man who knows how to get things done around this town... you've built quite the reputation with your work here. Now, before we begin, I just want to offer my apologies for that incident in the market two weeks ago. She never said anything about having a husband, at least not to me, and before this one I've never heard of a town with a 'statute against public wantonness', so maybe we could just let this one slide and in the future I'll be sure to..."

The High Councilor looks back as Varonis trails off, a blank expression on his face.

Varonis shakes his head a bit and offers a broad smile. "You know what, I can tell you didn't bring us here to talk about that. Something about Drellin's Ferry, was it?" He decides to stop speaking while he's ahead, and busies himself studying the other three people in the room, clearly adventurers all.

2016-05-02, 12:11 PM
Helvan Broadmane

Helvan is tall, broad, and scantily clad. A less self-righteous man might feel some shame dressed in rags in these resplendent surroundings, but Helvan hardly notices. His bare arms and legs are tan, scarred, and well-muscled. His bare feet are calloused. His long, unkempt hair and beard are in need of a wash. Truly, aside from the fine sword hanging from his hip, he could easily be mistaken for a beggar. But he carries himself with nothing but pride and confidence. He looks Thorn in the eye as he enters and nods sharply at the question, then eyes this "Sindragon" with a mixture of mild distaste and amusement as he speaks.

"I'm happy to help however I can. Is something the matter with this ferry?"

2016-05-02, 03:09 PM

The slight build woman entered the office and dipped her head slightly upon recognition of the man before her. "Sir, Gabriela Snowthistle reporting for special assignment as requested."

She glanced to either side of her as others made their way into the office. They didn't seem to have the bearing of Blades, nor the designations and patches to confirm it.

2016-05-02, 03:48 PM

Gallant is a handsome human in his mid-twenties, with hair to his shoulders. He is looking somewhat awkward despite his dashing features, clad in full plate, with his helmet carried under his left arm. On his back, he has slung a spiked shield, and at his left side hangs a well-made sword. When entering, he strides inside with confidence, bows deeply to the councilor and sending the other three brief acknowledging nods.

"I am Gallant Valorn, knight of Pelor, at your service, Master Thorn," he says with clear pride in his voice. "I was sent a message saying that you wished to see me...?" He trails off, then shrugs slightly. "Excuse me. Was I misinformed?" He glances at the others, raising an eyebrow questioningly.

2016-05-02, 06:50 PM
Unable to get a word in edgewise as Varonis goes on, Thorn seems annoyed at first until a look of resigned acceptance makes it's way across his face. He let's everyone continue making their introductions. As soon as Varonis mentions the name of the town, Thorn interjects, "what? How did you kn..." before trailing back off.

After the introductions are finished, Thorn addresses Gabi first with a smile. "Ahh so you're Ms. Snowthistle, the crackshot my soldiers are raving about. Can you really peg a goblin from a thousand feet out? That has to be just a story the men tell around the fires, right?"

"But no, Mr. Valorn, you are not misinformed. I just didn't know any of you knew what I was calling you in about. I suppose either Mr. Sindragon here has a way of loosening tongues or I should be more careful with which friends I confide my classified affairs." With that, he turns his gaze back towards Varonis, "or perhaps it's a bit of both, huh son?" The accompanying chuckle is dry and seemingly uncomfortable coming from his mouth. You get the idea that this man either has no sense of humor whatsoever or rarely gets out of the office. Probably the latter.

"Down to business though. As you may or may not be aware, there have been some unofficial reports of disappearances out west towards Drellin's Ferry. We knew that raids were increasing in the mountains and caravans are just refusing to through them due to the safety hazard but it wasn't all that bad as they could just go around. Lately though, caravans are either not arriving at all or are coming in behind schedule complaining of poor roads. As you can probably put together, delayed caravans is bad for our profit margins.
I've been meaning to send out a group to investigate but until today the only decent candidate has been Ms. Snowthistle here. As luck would have it, my secretary informed me that a shining knight and a well-muscled vagabond both wanted to make an appointment with me today about work. Would the lot of you be interested in investigating this for me then? Of course I'd offer a reward for any information you may find as well as a bonus for this situation to be resolved without my having to send out any of my companies."

"As for you, Mr. Sindragon, I honestly have no idea how you came across this appointment but I don't have any doubts a mutual friend set something up. I'd extend to you the same offer but I'd need your assurances that you'll be able to keep up with the rest. Judging from the sword in you sheath I'm sure you're at least familiar with a blade but I'm not going to get in the habit of sending unequipped individuals to their deaths lest that blasted Shining Servant, Goldenbrow chews off my ear again."

"That blasted Shining Servant, Goldenbrow" obviously refers to the Shining Servant (a title for a high cleric of Pelor) Tredora Goldenbrow of Brindol. She's the highest ranking cleric of Pelor in the Vale and is seen by many as the premier moral authority.

2016-05-02, 07:11 PM

Helvan raises his eyebrows and glances at Gallant at the mention of hid deity, but holds off on branching into another discussion in front of Thorn.

He nods along with Thorn's offer, but squints in irritation at his impolite reference to the Shining Servant. "If there are people going missing out west, I'd be happy to investigate. I can't imagine it would be anything other than raiding goblins or an Owlbear family, nothing too worrisome. I'm ready to depart at once. Will you two be joining us?" He directs this last question toward Gabriela and Varonis, clearly including Gallant in the "us."

2016-05-02, 07:29 PM
"If Councilor Thorn believes that I will be of some benefit to an expedition instead of regular patrol duties..." Gabi glanced toward Thorn to ensure that she had interpreted his desire correctly. If no dissatisfied expression could be noticed, she would offer a smile toward Helvan and a nod in agreement.

"Yes, I will. While skilled in wild craft and the bow, the stories Councilor Thorn has heard are vastly exaggerated." She seemed overly humble, almost forcibly so.

2016-05-03, 02:11 AM

Gallant frowns slightly. "Surely you do not intend any disrespect towards Her Grace," he says softly. He doesn't wait for an answer, seemingly assuming the councilor is contrite. He turns to the others. "I am ready to depart as soon as possible. Do you have mounts?"

2016-05-03, 08:28 AM

Varonis follows along with the description of the task, his ears perking up a bit at the word "reward". His purse had been growing a little thinner lately, and Dennovar seemed to be lacking in respect for the performing arts... at least among people he hadn't managed to offend. He looks mildly offended as the High Councilor questions his abilities. "Keep up with the rest? Better to ask whether they'll be able to keep up with me! But if you've got concerns about us being underequipped, I'm certain we wouldn't turn down any assistance you'd be willing to provide... you know, to make sure that we succeed in this big favor we're doing for you. Speaking of which, what sort of reward are we talking about here? Hard to put too high a price on safe roads and free trade in a place like this one..."

2016-05-03, 08:41 AM
Helvan nods his head, seemingly in thanks, at Gabi's agreement.

"I have no mount. I have sworn off such luxuries in my service to Pelor. I can depart as soon as this one is done negotiating his payment."

2016-05-03, 09:12 AM
Varonis looks at the man, noting the disapproval in his voice. "OUR payment, my good man, OUR payment. Even the most devout among us need money! Got to pay for food, drink, better drink, clothing..." He falters a moment, noticing again the man's lack of clothing and generally disheveled appearance. "Umm... weapon maintenance... charity for orphans with diseases... maybe some deodorant..."

Varonis looks around at the rest of the group. "Then again, should any of you decide you're not interested in partaking of the well-earned payment for our assistance, I'd be happy to hold on to your share for you... for safekeeping."

2016-05-03, 09:41 AM
Gallant chuckles wryly. "Payment is all well and good, but our focus needs be on those who require aid," he argues gently. He nods in respect to Helvan. "I could not myself live on such terms," he says, "but I admire the ideal all the same."

He studies Varonis and Gabriela in turn. The ascetic was easy to see through -- a man cut of the same cloth as Gallant himself. "I look forward to getting to know you all better on the journey. Where lies this Drellin's Ferry? I am newly come to the Vale, and I fear I have no frame of reference."

2016-05-03, 09:58 AM
Helvan smiles briefly. "Our payment, then. And I know you are mocking me, good Varonis, but know that I do truly intend to put aside my share of the payment for, as you put it, 'orphans with diseases.'

2016-05-03, 10:03 AM
Varonis smiles broadly. "See, that's what I'm talking about! Isn't it your gods-given duty to get as much money as possible for said orphans with said diseases? When you get right down to it, you should be thankful you have me here, fighting for those poor children's share." While Helvan can detect some mockery in Varonis's tone, he can sense it to be gentle and good-natured rather than malicious.

2016-05-03, 10:43 AM
Thorn casts aside the admonishments of the Paladins, rather used to those of higher moral standing talking his ear off at this point.
Shall we call it 4,000 gold to be split among the four of you, not counting the bonus? In your case, Broadmane, we could make your share a donation to the temple of Pelor here in town or with that Goldenbrow down in Brindol?"
"In any event, Drellin's Ferry is the small town that spans the Elsir out west. The great dwarf highway that runs through our town, the Dawn Way, yeah that runs all the way out to Drellin's Ferry. There used to be a dwarf bridge over the Elsir but that's been gone for decades. Just stay on the Dawn Way, you can't miss it."

2016-05-03, 10:50 AM
"I accept. Thank you."

Assuming there is nothing else important to be discussed, Helvan leaves the room with a friendly nod toward Thorn.

Once the rest of the party joins him, he speaks to Gallant. "A Knight of Pelor, you said? I am a Paladin of The Shining One myself. He has long blessed my line with his inner flame. Helvan Broadmane." Helvan offers a hand to shake.

2016-05-03, 10:51 AM
At Varonis's honeyed words, Thorn caves a bit.

"What can I do for you then? Mounts? Food? You seem well-equipped with weapons enough as is but I suppose I could offer more swords."

2016-05-03, 12:00 PM
Gallant grasps Helvan's hand with a firm, steel-clad grip. "For Pelor, then," he says with a wry grin. "Pelor has blessed me with strength and vigor. I am proud to serve the Sun Father."

2016-05-03, 12:27 PM
Varonis nods. "4000 gold between us is a worthwhile sum, and you won't be disappointed. If you have horses to spare, it would certainly get us there faster... even if they were just a loan, we could return them when we return to the task. Beyond that... if we're expected to defend the roads from raiding parties along the path, perhaps something to help heal us of our injuries? I've been known to dabble in the magical arts myself, and the operation of a wand of cure light wounds is not beyond my skills."

He looks again at the trio he's cast his lot with. "We'll make all due haste out to Drellin's Ferry, knock some skulls around, and drive off whatever misfit gang of bandits is harrying your caravans. What could go wrong?"

2016-05-03, 12:40 PM
Thorn's mouth forms something of a half-smile as he nods in agreement. He grabs a piece of blank parchment from across his desk and scribbles on it before stamping it with a seal. He hands it to Varosin.

"Very well then. Take this to either the Temple of Pelor or St. Cuthbert, they'll bill my office. Do the same at the stables. They're instructed to cross off the desired items after they give it out or request to keep the seal if they're the last stop on the list. Don't want my seal just floating around, now do we?"

The parchment is as you might have assumed, an order for a wand of Cure Light Wounds to be billed to the Office of High Councilor Thorn. The same with the horses. It doesn't specify which breed, he's left that you your discretion.

With that he ushers you out of his office.

"You'll forgive me, sirs and madame, but I have a lot of work to do. As you can probably assume, the sooner you can figure this out, the better."

2016-05-03, 01:01 PM
Varonis accepts the paper with another half-bow. "You'll be pleased with our accomplishments, High Councilor. We'll send back a report as soon as we're able." He takes a glance at the document, then looks back to Thorn. "So do we show this to your quartermaster for payment, then? At least for enough up front to cover our expenses on the road..."

Once Thorn has made his decision about an advance, Varonis turns and leads the party out of the office, then out onto the street.

He glances at the rest of them. "I'll admit I've no talent in picking horses. Would the rest of you care to head to the stables and examine what's available while I run to the temple and pick up the wand? We've got enough light left today to get started if we hurry, and I can keep our path lit into the evening," he adds, reaching into his component pouch with a flourish and drawing forth the Angel Radiance, briefly demonstrating its ability to emit light before tucking it back safely away. "I can meet you there."

2016-05-03, 04:33 PM
With a sigh, Thorn grabs his inkpen from his desk and makes a quick addendum to the parchment. He then signs beneath it.

"There, one fourth of the payment up front. The rest when you return along with any bonus you might accrue."

2016-05-03, 05:35 PM
Helvan grins."For Pelor!

"I'm all for leaving right away, Varonis. Shall we all agree to meet at the west gate before the hour is up? That should give you all time to make arrangements. I'm uncomfortable carrying around a large sum of coin, but will gladly accompany whichever of you will be making the purchases.

"So, Gabriela, was it? Are you a soldier, then? You must be talented indeed if Thorn would rather you work in a small group to fight off bandits or monsters than working garrison duty. Well met!"

Helvan, true to his word, accompanies those on the errands.

I think we can probably move along to travel. We'll get our wand, three (is that right? IF so: any preferences? I'll just grab a light horse; no need for anything fancy) horses, and our money, and then set out. I can't own the horse, so it will need to belong to someone else, and then "lent" to Helvan for travel, if that's alright.

2016-05-03, 07:50 PM
With Thorn's addition to the parchment, Varonis's first stop is to retrieve the advance on the party funds. Seeing that the arrangements are already made for Helvan's share, he hands out 250 gp each to Gabi and Gallant.

Varonis gives another nod at Helvan's suggestion. "Perfect. We'll meet at the gates in about an hour. I need to make a quick stop to get some supplies for the road." He makes his way to a general store in one of the seedier parts of town, along with anyone who decides to follow.

Once there, Varonis gestures to anyone who came with him as he heads inside. "Go ahead and wait out here, I'll only be a few minutes." He heads inside and after a brief bout of searching and haggling, makes a handful of purchases.

If available, Varonis purchases the following items:

Antitoxin (50 gp)
Book, empty (15 gp, as wizard's spellbook in PHB)
Expandable Pole (5 gp)
Ink x2 (16 gp)
Inkpen x2 (.4 gp)
Needle x2 (1 gp)
Parchment x10 (2 gp)
Piton x10 (1 gp)
Rope Climber (15 gp)
Sealing wax (1 gp)
Small steel mirror (10 gp)

Assuming he's not being observed closely by the rest of the party, he makes a discreet inquiry about the availability of a set of masterwork thieves' tools, and purchases them if they are available. (OOC, it doesn't seem like anyone else can easily find a trap or open a lock, so Varonis can do a passable job of that role, though rogue-level trapfinding is still beyond him for now.)

Thieves' tools, masterwork (100 gp)

With his purchases tucked safely away in his pack, Varonis begins heading for the temple. On the way there, he voices the necessity of seeing to his personal needs, and finds a shop with a bathroom or outhouse. Once assured of his privacy, he whispers a brief spell to aid in his concentration. Then he takes two of his blank sheets of parchment and does his best to trace the High Councilor's signature onto them, using his Angel Radiance as a backlight to help the ink shine through the parchment, and the cover of his new book as a firm surface for writing, if required. He also does his best to duplicate the seal twice in the fresh sealing wax, affixing them to the blank signed parchments. He's aware they likely won't hold up under intense scrutiny here in Dennovar, but in the smaller towns, they may be able to pass as authentic in case a desperate need arises. He makes a mental note to subtly inquire about the penalties for forgery around these parts, preferably before attempting to make use of his work.

The forgery attempts should take only a few minutes, and likely gains the +4 bonus for having the autograph/seal in hand to copy rather than doing it from memory. Varonis is treated as having 2 ranks in the skill via bardic knack, and a +3 from intelligence. Varonis is also casting improvisation and using it to provide a +2 luck bonus to each check. Forgery check to be made in secret by the DM if we ever need to use these, which would only happen in a time of desperation... still, Varonis can't pass up this chance to try.

If you meant an ink stamped seal rather than a wax imprint, Varonis gets one of his two bottles of ink in the color of the seal and traces it onto the other parchment, like he does with the signature.

Carefully concealing the forged papers within his backpack, he exits the outhouse and proceeds on to the temple, picking up the wand, and then on to the stables, where he enlists the aid of any others who came with him in selecting sturdy horses. He dutifully turns over the completed document to the stablemaster.

I'm assuming 4x light horse, though if our paladins want to push for warhorses for themselves, that's up to them. Varonis will attempt to convince the stablemaster that the High Councilor intended tack and saddle and some feed for the journey to be included, in case the paper is not specific on that point. Otherwise I guess we'll buy them since Varonis doesn't fancy riding the whole way bareback.

Varonis meets up with anyone else from the party who set out on their own errands, getting up on his horse, a gentle-tempered roan, and beginning the ride out to Drellin's Ferry.

Varonis is ready to depart. DM, just let me know if he wasn't able to get something on his shopping list. He'll stop at multiple stores if needed, so long as he doesn't delay the group's departure.

2016-05-04, 01:10 AM
You are able to purchase all that you need in the marketplace or in the various shops around it. Dennovar is the trade hub of the Vale, after all. After gathering all of your things you find a small outhouse. People give you a few looks for taking your stuff in with you but you gather you'd get just as many looks for leaving it outside for people to steal. Using your light, you get to work on recreating the seal. Your first attempt yields a result. It's fairly decent, you think it could pass a normal guard. Thorn himself would probably see through it. Deciding it's not perfect you decide to try again and you're rather pleased with the results. You have produced a nigh-identical sketch of Councilor Thorn's seal.

Everything in town goes as Thorn has told you it would. With the seal, nobody questions the legitimacy of the document and the payment and the wand are both passed over quickly and with a smile. When you reach the army stables, four light warhorses or heavy if that's what you would've wanted are waiting for you, saddled and all. Gallant is invited to stable his mule here or take it with him. The four of you, who until an hour ago were complete strangers, mount up and set off. Kinda funny how adventure just seems to find us without any indication or warning.

The first hour of travel sees the party through the farmlands surrounding the city. Traffic along the road is common. Poorer groups point at the knight in armor atop an armored horse and then naked man. Rich folk spare not even a glance. A few merchant caravans pass as well. The locals working the fields and orchards tip their hats to you as you pass. The hot afternoon sun beats down on you as you ride and you begin to notice it more in the second hour as the initial high of a new adventure wears off. Settled land is replaced by rolling grasslands as it passes into the distance during the second hour; the air is hot and still as you travel on. Traffic along the highway slows down significantly passing out of the settled lands.

The sun eventually loosens it's hold on the horizon and the temperature drops to a more comfortable level. While somewhat backwards and away from civilization, the Vale does have it's advantages. A refreshingly cool evening breeze dances around your faces. To the north, the white-capped peaks of the Giantshields make themselves barely visible. Even the wildlife seems to enjoy the sun's relent. You feel.. Peaceful.

You are able to put four hours behind you before nightfall. At Varosin's suggestion the party continues on by the light of the Angel Radiance and you're able to log another four hours before you feel like you would be pushing the horses. Many of you know you won't find a safer place along the Dawn Way than between Brindol and Dennovar. Night camps are certainly possible, although not without some risk from brigand or beast.

You're aware of the small town, Marthton, maybe three or four hours ahead. It's tough to say, distance traveled is less intuitive traveling by night.

2016-05-04, 02:43 AM
Gallant agrees to help Varonis select horses, though it turns out not to be necessary. Gallant chooses a heavy warhorse, similar to his own steed, and also agrees that he can be the one to own the horse Helvan rides. He ties the lead from his mule to the saddle of the new horse, then holds the reins of both horses as they ride out onto the road. Once Gallant is mounted on Galavant, he seems much more at ease.

2016-05-04, 07:24 AM
Gabi did not require any items before they departed, storing her coin in her pack. She waited for the others at the stables and then saddled and directed her horse toward the road. It was an easy ride for the most part, the roads had always been well-kept.

As dark settles in, she turns in her saddle toward the others after studying where the stars lay in the sky and recalling the markers that remained on the road. "There is a town a few hours away. We can either set up camp and watches or push on until reaching the town. Your choice."

Knowledge: Geography [roll0]

2016-05-04, 11:55 AM
"Pushing on merely risks one of the horses stumbled and becoming injured. And most of us will not perform so well in defense of the travelers if we are exhausted from riding too long. I propose we camp for the night."

2016-05-04, 12:12 PM
Varonis glances at the archer, trying to get a measure on her. "A town means an inn, and an inn means comfortable beds... and a hot meal and some cold drinks. We should press on, the horses have only been going since the late afternoon and once we get into town, we can sleep in tomorrow morning to make up for pushing ourselves today." The party gets the sense Varonis is accustomed to late morning wake-ups... or perhaps early afternoon.

2016-05-04, 12:27 PM
Gallant shakes his helmeted head, pushing up his visor. "Riding in the dark is dangerous on more than one level. I agree with Helvan; we should make camp for the night."

He smiles wryly at Varonis. "As for sleeping in... I doubt we will have occasion to do much of that on this mission. There are people counting on us; I would not feel right wasting time just for the sake of comfort."

2016-05-04, 12:44 PM
"A long rest here would be beneficial to us all. We can stop in Marthton to break our fast tomorrow, never fear. If we stop up ahead in the shelter of [nearest hill, group of trees, milestone, ruins, large boulders, etc], we can rest til dawn and be on our way. We'll be at Marthton before noon. I'll keep the first watch and wake one of you after a few hours, if there are no real objections?"

2016-05-04, 12:50 PM
Varonis looks from face to face, seeing the two paladins firm in their decision and the archer not voicing a complaint. He sighs a bit, nudging his horse towards the shelter Helvan indicated. "Fine, fine, we can camp up there. what good are horses if they can't get you to a decent town for a proper drink and a comfortable night's sleep..." He trails off muttering to himself as he gets ready to make camp in his bedroll, hoping the good weather holds and wondering why he didn't pick up a tent in Dennovar.

2016-05-04, 01:36 PM
Gabriela dismounted and tied her horse so it could graze. She set about gathering wood and made quick work of establishing a fire without much talking at all. Once the fire was warm and stable, she retrieved some rations and ate.

"Which watch shall I take?" She offered up herself for a shift as she put the uneaten portion of food away and tossed the scraps in the fire to avoid attracting animals.

Survival [roll0]

2016-05-04, 02:45 PM
"I'll take first watch," Gallant offers. "My armor is a bit cumbersome to don and doff, so I would appreciate any assistance."

After he has tied the mounts up for the night, the paladin starts unpacking a tent from the mule, and proceeds to set it up. "Do we have more than my tent...? I can offer a spot in mine to one of you." He glances at Varonis as he says this, but directs his words to all of them. "Though I fear I have only the one tent."

2016-05-04, 02:55 PM
Helvan smiles. "If you want the first watch so badly, that's fine by me. Wake me when you tire and I'll aid you with your armor. Until then."

Helvan finds a spot on the ground and sprawls. He withdraws some simple hardened bread and jerky, eats quickly, and washes the dry food down with a sip of water. He then rolls to his side and is soon snoring softly.

2016-05-04, 02:57 PM
"I've no need. I have protection from the elements, but thank you." Gabi lays out her bedroll and tucked her pack beneath to form a pillow. She set her bow and quiver next to her body for ease of access. It is obvious that she is comfortable in this type of environment.

2016-05-04, 03:20 PM
Varonis glances at Helvan and Gabi as they curl up on the ground, right at home. He shrugs and pulls his bedroll into the tent. "Thanks, I guess. You can wake me for a watch if we need it." He pulls a roll of twine, a bell, and some pitons from his pack, offering them to Gallant. "You can use these to set up a perimeter, if you'd like. Can't watch every direction at once."

Varonis then ducks inside the tent. He removes his greatsword and sets it to one side, then takes his pack and wraps it in his cloak, setting his chain shirt atop it. I doubt anyone would go snooping through my stuff, but that will make plenty of noise if someone did. He then curls up in his bedroll and quickly falls asleep.

2016-05-04, 10:45 PM
"Clever," Gallant says, taking the paraphernalia with a grin. He immediately goes to set up a perimeter around as much of the camp as possible, hanging the bell on the twine so that if anyone trips over it, the bell will ring.

For the next two hours, the paladin keeps watch. He wakes up Helvan, and after getting help in removing his armor, he goes to sleep.

I suppose that calls for an untrained Craft (Trapmaking) check? Here's one in any case:

2016-05-04, 11:54 PM
Voting down Varosin's request to push on to the next town, the group makes camp for the night in the shelter of an isolated stand of trees. A fire is started and Gallant sets up his tent before taking his watch. The night is uneventful, the traps are not sprung. Each watch reports no new developments. Eight hours of rest bring the party well past dawn. Those who need to make daily preparations do so before once again saddling up.

In the daylight you can see a vast forest to the north, most of you recognize it as the Marth forest. The road fares you well. Three and a half hours pass and you can see a few structures poking out of the distance, which later reveal themselves to be the tops of watchtowers and the roof of a cathedral. As you near, you see a wooden palisade surrounding a small town. Guards are posted on the watchtowers and at the gates, which are more openings in the wall that can be covered by a sliding door than actual gates.

One of the guards addresses you as you approach. "Hail travelers, what business have ye in Marthton?"

2016-05-05, 12:05 AM
Varonis retrieves his gear in the morning, thanking Gallant for the use of his tent for the night. He tosses on his chain shirt and hops up on his mount again, moving on towards the next town.

At the palisade he calls out a response to the guard. "Ho there! We are passing through Marthton on our journey west. How much longer until we reach Drellin's Ferry?"

2016-05-05, 07:02 AM
The ranger woke early and had her camp packed as hints of the morning light peaked over the horizon. She sat on the bare ground for some time, breathing slowly and being still as she listened to wilds. After nearly half an hour, she loaded up her horse and saddled, ready for travel.

As the group approached the town, Gabi couldn't help but be critical of their defenses and the guards. She studied them to ensure they were presenting a professional appearance and the wall looked well-maintained.

2016-05-05, 01:08 PM
Gallant rides up next to Varonis, lifting his visor.

"How far to the next settlement along the Dawn Way?" he asks after the bard has said his piece. "I fear we cannot linger long in your fair town, as we must press west -- but it would be good to know how far we can travel before nightfall."

2016-05-05, 10:03 PM
Helvan offers a wave to the guard, but is content to let the man answer the questions posed by the others.

2016-05-06, 01:09 AM
The guard seems a bit surprised. "Drellin's Ferry eh? That's a real trip if ye'd ask me. Where you folks comin' from? Ye must have all sorts a stories to tell, huh? Me I'm just a servin' my required duty on guard. Hard ta say, though. Ye got a 'nother day and a half ta Brindol if the holds the same. Then if ye don't get held up in Brindol ya might have another 3 or so days to Drellin's Ferry. Idunno about the roads out there though, certainly is safer round these parts."

And rambly. You get the feeling there was a reason he was posted on the outside of the gates.

The majority of the guards, in fact, don't seem to be all that well trained. They seem awkward in their armor and uneasy with the their weapons. These seem to be commonfolk conscripted. As Gabi points out, the guards are organized rather poorly, upon further inspection. A competent leader would likely change a number of things. You imagine the men would route quickly. Thankfully the Vale hasn't warred internally in many years and the folk are loath to see things come to that.

2016-05-06, 11:07 AM
Varonis glances to his companions, speaking softly. "Sure glad we got these horses... this journey would have taken forever on foot. Let's stop here for a decent meal and be on our way, we've still got a long way to Brindol and beyond."

Varonis has nothing special to do in this town, so he's willing to fast-forward the stop and get on the road again, unless the DM prefers we play it out, in which case I can make a post getting us to an inn.

2016-05-06, 11:48 AM
Helvan nods. "I have all the food I need here, but won't begrudge you a few minutes for a real meal."

I'm good fast forwarding through stop (and as much travel as the DM wants).

2016-05-06, 12:10 PM
Gabi nods in agreement with the other's idea about continuing on. Time was of the essence and it wasn't even really worth addressing the issues with the security of the town. They'd likely just revert back to their old ways as soon as she was beyond the gates.

2016-05-06, 04:13 PM
Gallant nods. "There's little harm in stopping for the length of a meal. We do need to eat as well."

No problem for me either.

2016-05-11, 10:16 AM
The guards allow the party to enter Marthton with relative ease. The time spent in the town is rather uneventful. You find a halfway decent inn and stop for a halfway decent meal. Nothing special but not bad. The townsfolk here are all relatively strapped for cash and prices on services are definitely inflated to accommodate. Gabi and Helvan inform the out-of-towners that the local lord, the old and greedy Erethal Rethrew, levies heavy taxes on his people.

Stopping only for a meal, you set out on your way again; a few of the locals seem disappointed to see you go. The road is slow but easy. It's another hot day in the Vale as you would expect. The Vale is currently in it's dry season. With her knowledge of the wilds, Gabi is able point out rain isn't likely to happen tomorrow either. A day of travel leaves you roughly halfway between Marthton and Brindol. Putting a second day behind you, you find yourselves arriving just at the outskirts of the settled land around Brindol. With some luck you should find yourselves in Brindol before noon tomorrow. At dusk a small farming family notices you near the road and welcomes you to stay in their barn.

The family treats you to a hearty and satisfying breakfast as you set out at dawn. An hour before midday leaves you with the city of Brindol towering before you. Arriving at the gates you notice the walls are in something of a sorry state. Still more imposing than the trade-city of Dennovar, it seems as though other concerns have been more pressing on Lord Jarmaath than the upkeep of his defensive structures. You are allowed to pass through the gates so long as you aren't waving your weapons threateningly at the guards or something of that nature.

2016-05-11, 10:43 PM
Varonis continues riding onward from Brindol, party in tow. He's starting to get used to this horse... thankful to have a well-trained one that's not difficult to manage. Of course, he still felt out of place next to the other three, who all sit the saddle like they were born to it. "So... uhhh... what brought you folks to Dennovar, anyway? Seems we'll be on the road together a ways yet, we ought to get to know each other better."

2016-05-11, 10:58 PM
You jackin' my speech color, Gabrosin?

"I am a follower of Pelor, and I travel these lands looking for wrongs to right. I decided that anyplace so full of people would have some need of a man of my talents. Pelor's blessing guides me to auspicious events such that he might use my skill to further his plans, and so it happened."

2016-05-12, 07:39 AM
Gallant listens attentively to Helvan, they adds, "I am a follower of Pelor as well. As for why I am here in particular... My father has other sons, all older than I. There was never much for me to inherit. I chose to find my fortune with my blade, and to help as many as I could along the way."

2016-05-12, 07:54 AM
"I live there." Gabi didn't seem keen on sharing as they continued on the trail. Her eyes were out scanning the surroundings. A group of well-armed adventurers might keep most bandits away, but it could also tempt those desperate for a large payday.

2016-05-12, 12:55 PM
Deciding their quest was too pertinent to allow an extended stay in Brindol, the party replenishes supplies, buys a few odds and ends, and mounts up again for the road; the seemingly endless road. You put an hour behind you, three, six, a day, two...

It is the fourth day since you left Brindol. The afternoon sun beats down on you; the air is hot and still. The sparsely settled lands of Elsir Vale have grown monotonous, with a seemingly endless line of dusty flyspecks of towns. You are weary and tired from your travels but you know your destination lies just ahead. You cover the crest of a hill and get the barest glint of a town in the distance. Soon, however, the road descends and the town is again obscured by the path and the trees. You know you're within a few hours of the town you set out for nearly ten days back. The journey seems nearly at an end yet deep down you feel the journey has barely even begun.

The road immediately in front of you crests a small rise and descends in to a dusty grove in a large, shallow dell. An abandoned farmhouse, partially visible through the trees, stands on one side of the road. You've passed a dozen spots much like this one already today, but this one feels wrong. Then you glimpse the glint of mail through the brush by the side of the road. Six tall, hairy humanoids with wide mouths and flat faces are lying in wait!

Ambush! (http://i.imgur.com/4tp6eSJ.png)

They don't seem to notice you've noticed them. The party has a surprise round before the attackers. Everyone has one standard action before initiative takes effect. Everyone notices the red X's, only Gabi notices the blue X's. You are all currently mounted, that is why you take up four squares.

Your keen eyes allow you to notice two additional creatures hiding in the forest. They are the same type of creature as the others but they wield bows instead of swords.

Gallant: [roll0]
Helvan: [roll1]
Varonis: [roll2]
Gabi: [roll3]
Red Monsters: [roll4]
Blue Monsters: [roll5]

2016-05-12, 01:25 PM
Varonis, charitably put, is not known for a keen awareness of his surroundings. In fact, at this very moment, he was idly contemplating the nearby woodlands, wondering whether or not a particular kind of mushroom might be growing somewhere within. He had been introduced to said mushroom in a festhall in Garth-Whente, during one of the happiest weeks of his life that he can't remember much of, and he had kept an eye out for it ever since. Though to be fair, he probably wouldn't have been contemplating the woodlands in silence if his companions had not insisted, just minutes ago, that he stop singing his favorite dwarven drinking song, after barely tolerating it for the previous hour and a half.

And so it was that his eyes caught the glint of metal, and his distracted mind unclouded in a moment of adrenaline-fueled focus. "You picked the wrong group to mess with, bandits!" he shouted confidently, hoping it would prove to be true, since he had never actually seen what his companions were capable of. Then he raises his stolen family heirloom, the Dragonhorn, to his lips and sounds a single clarion note of challenge! Letting it fall back around his chest, he breaks into an inspirational song about a long-dead brigade of elven pikemen who stood their ground against a troll sortie many centuries ago. He draws upon the pin near his throat to add to the effect.

Standard action to inspire courage using his masterwork natural horn (continued via song as combined performance). Regular IC, not DFI for this one. I believe I'm unable to use a swift action in the surprise round, but after his turn ends Varonis will activate his Badge of Valor as an immediate action to increase the bonus by +1.

Allies who can hear Varonis's song get a +3 morale bonus to attack and damage rolls for as long as he maintains the song and 5 rounds thereafter. Also a +1 morale bonus to Will saves.

2016-05-12, 02:18 PM
Reacting quickly, Gallant drops the lead to his spare mount and his mule, slams his visor down and spurs Galavant in almost the same motion. He thunders down the road along the southern edge, then whirls around to face the group on the opposite side. He couches his lance, preparing to charge any of their foes that have come down onto the road.

In the surprise round, Gallant moves 30 feet to (H-I,15-16). Then he prepares to charge the first enemy he can.

2016-05-12, 02:58 PM
The ranger pulled her bow from it's hasp on the side of her mount with a quick and efficient motion. Knocking an arrow and drawing were reflexive. She felt the adrenaline rush of combat combined with Varonis's inspiring tale and narrowed her eyes as the fletching of the arrow rested at the corner of her mouth.

A steadying exhale and the arrow was loosed with a twang of the string. The feathers whistled lightly as the arrow flew through the air at her designated target. She had selected closest of the hobgoblins to the south who was not as concealed by the trees.

She yelled a warning to the others as the arrow was released. "Archers further behind them. One on each side!"

Target - C13

Knowledge Devotion: +1 attack / +1 damage
Point Blank Shot: +1 attack / +1 damage
Inspire Courage: +3 attack / +3 damage
Deadly Aim: -2 attack / +4 damage

Attack - [roll0]
Damage - [roll1]

2016-05-12, 05:12 PM
Helven swings himself off his horse and draws his blade. As he lands, he's pointing into the woods with the sword.

"Creatures lying in ambush in the woods! Surrender, lest the flames of Pelor himself destroy you!"

2016-05-12, 05:41 PM
The creatures snarl and yell in frustration as their ambush is foiled.

"Get 'em, boys!"

"These are our lands now smooth-skins!"

"We'll eat good tonight, boys!"

"The Red Hand doesn't surrender!"

Throwing their threats aside, Gabi knocks and releases an arrow. It flies true, landing dead between the creature's eyes; he instantly crumples. The remaining creatures seem to not even notice, moving forward to attack the party.

Varonis then Helvan!

Updated Map (http://i.imgur.com/aFhTETX.jpg)

2016-05-12, 06:16 PM
"So be it. Your fate is decided!"

Helvan rushes forward, throwing his own safety aside in order to more quickly destroy the foes of his god. He scrambles through the scree and swings his massive blade directly at the creature's head, intending to end the fight as quickly as possible.

HP: 41 AC: 17 Saves: 13/4/11

With Detect Evil: Are they? If they're not, subtract 6 from my attack roll and 4d6 from the damage. If they are, then Smite can be used again in [roll0] rounds.

Move to K10.

Swift to switch to Stance of Aggression (+1d6 damage, -2 AC, leaving my AC at 17 until I change it).

Standard to Smite!
[roll1] (Crit on 19-20, confirm at [roll2]) Add another +3 Here! So 24 to hit.

Damage: [roll3] + [roll4] + 11. 31 Slashing Damage that overcomes all DR (if the Smite worked).

EDIT: Crap! Forgot our song bonus! Edited in.

2016-05-12, 08:32 PM
AC: 17 (temporarily to 15 from charge)
HP: 47

Red Hand? Wonder what that's about. Varonis continues his inspirational song, ad-libbing a part about the enemies having red hands because they were wiping up bloody discharge from their rears. He guides his mount to charge at the nearby pair to the south.

Swift action, Varonis enters Leading the Charge stance. Full round action, he and his mount charge to E13xF14, drawing his greatsword on the way. Charge attack on R5.

Attack: [roll0] (+4 BAB, +4 Str, +2 charge, +3 inspire courage, +1 greatsword, +1 Knowledge Devotion, +1 attacking while mounted)
Confirm: [roll1] (+3, battle ardor)
Damage: [roll2] (+6 Str, +1 greatsword, +2 echoblade from music use, +3 inspire courage, +1 Knowledge Devotion, +4 Leading the Charge)

2016-05-12, 08:58 PM
As the others rushed off into direct confrontation with the brutish goblinoids, Gabi positioned herself in the middle of the road and stayed atop her horse for better line of sight on the enemy.

She drew another arrow. The reassuring touch of the feather against her lip was all she needed as she stared down the shaft at her prey and released the string with another twang.

Gabriela "Gabi" Snowthistle (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=655832)
F NG Athasian Human Ranger | Inquisitor, Level 4, Init 7, HP 44/44, Speed 30
AC 16, Touch 12, Flat-footed 14, Fort 8, Ref 7, Will 10, Base Attack Bonus 4, Power Points 13/13
Guided Longbow (98/50/50) +9 (1d8+5, x3)
(+4 Armor, +2 Dex)
Abilities Str 10, Dex 14, Con 16, Int 14, Wis 21, Cha 10
- Inspire Courage (+3 attack / +3 damage)
- Knowledge Devotion: Hobgoblin (+1 attack / +1 damage)
- Deadly Aim (-2 attack / +4 damage)

Move Action: Move to F11
Standard Action: Fire at R2 - [roll0]
Damage - [roll1]

2016-05-12, 11:57 PM
As soon as the first enemy reaches the road, Gallant charges.

I completely forgot to actually roll for that prepared action in the other post. Oyy... :smallsigh:

AC: 23 (-2 Charge)
HP: 48/48

Lance charge: +11, 2d8+10. Attack: [roll0]; damage: [roll1]; Crit confirm:[roll]1d20+11; crit damage: [roll2]
EDIT: Blargh. Good thing I didn't need that crit confirm anyway.

2016-05-14, 04:50 PM
Quick to act, the party makes quick work of a few of their would-be-ambushers.

With little regard for his personal safety, Helvan charges into the undergrowth. The first foe he comes across meets the end of the massive blade. A clean slash to the chest finds it's way through the creature's armor and it topples. Snarling for retribution for their fallen comrade, the creature's companions make for Helvan. Gabi takes one in the neck with an arrow, dropping him instantly. The second of the two actually makes it to Helvan but before he can bring his blade down on the paladin, Gallant charges, cleansing this world of yet another Evil soul.

On the other side of the road, Varonis spurs his mount towards another hobgoblin. With a tremendous flourish of his blade, the bard cleanly liberates the beast's head from his shoulders. A fearful look overcomes the final hobgoblin's face before he hears a horn coming from the road. With a smirk he steps forward and snarls,

"Fools! Uth-Lar will end you all!"

He then swings his blade at Varonis.

From the directions Gabi indicated, two archers abandon their hiding spots. Seemingly ignoring the inhibiting undergrowth and trees, they kite back towards the sound of the horn. One threads an arrow through the trees at Helvan and the other fires at Varonis.

From the road to the south, another troop of hobgoblins round the bend. Seven of the eight are clad in mail, just as the others you've already fought. One of these carries a massive sword similar to the one Gallant wields while the rest carry the same longswords as the rest. The final is clad in plate mail from head to toe and wields a large mace. He raises a five-clawed talon and utters a guttural slew of syllables.

R4 vs Varonis: To-hit [roll0] Confirmation [roll1] Damage [roll2] CritDamage [roll3]

B2 vs Varonis: To-hit [roll4] Confirmation [roll5] Damage [roll6] CritDamage [roll7] Skirmish [roll8]

B1 vs Helvan: To-hit [roll9] Confirmation [roll10] Damage [roll11] CritDamage [roll12] Skirmish [roll13]

Updated Map (http://i.imgur.com/FiQlhcH.png)

Edit: Varonis manages to avoid both the sword and the arrow while Helvan takes an arrow to the side. Take 12 damage

2016-05-14, 10:49 PM
Convenient of them to bunch up like that, Varonis thinks as he spots the approaching group. Drawing on his meager knowledge of the arcane arts, he launches a burst of disruptive light in the warband's direction, weaving the words into his song.

Edit: adding AC and HP.
AC: 17
HP: 47/47

Standard action to cast Glitterdust at the incoming group, centered on the lower-right corner of Q25; it should hit everyone but H6 within its 10 foot radius. DC 15 Will save or be blinded for 4 rounds. -40 penalty to Hide for affected creatures, no save.

Perform check to cast defensively via Melodic Casting: [roll0]

2016-05-15, 06:42 AM
Whirling Galavant around again, the knight digs his heels into the horse's ribs through the barding, and Gallant charges down the road with a battlecry to Pelor sounding from behind his visor.

Assuming Gallant's turn comes up before the new arrivals...

AC: 23 (-2 charge)
HP: 48/48

Charging "U" (Uth-Lar?); Gallant ends his turn in squares (O-P),(21-22). His lance gives him reach.
Attack: [roll0]; damage: [roll1]; critical confirm: [roll2]; critical damage: [roll3]

2016-05-15, 06:16 PM
As the edges of his wound begin to close over, Helvan looks torn. The archer is a threat to his allies, but chasing it would leave him far from the battlefield, leaving his allies without his protection. He decides quickly. Tossing one last glance at the archer, he runs toward the melee, crying, "Gabriella, the archers, if you please?"

Double Moving to O20, switching my stance to Pride Leader's Stance

AC: 19
HP: 30 or 34/41 Glitterbaby: If I have concealment, then that archer shouldn't have been able to use Precision Damage against me, right?
Saves: 13/4/10

Everyone: If you're within 20ft of Helvan, you gain a +4 Morale Bonus to saves vs Demoralization effects.

And, if you're within 30ft, you have a +6 morale vs all Fear effects and spells with the [Evil] Descriptor. This bonus is constant: it always applies. I will try to remember to mention it in every post of mine.

2016-05-16, 07:31 AM
"I can't ignore the trees and brush like them!" Gabi called back at the request for her to target the bowmen.

Instead, she focused on what seemed to be the largest threat. With Gallant already having threatened the beastman, she utilized the distraction of his attacks to fire two arrows in rapid succession that whistled over his shoulder and at his flank toward their shared target.

Gabriela "Gabi" Snowthistle (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=655832)
F NG Athasian Human Ranger | Inquisitor, Level 4, Init 7, HP 44/44, Speed 30
AC 16, Touch 12, Flat-footed 14, Fort 8, Ref 7, Will 10, Base Attack Bonus 4, Power Points 13/13
Guided Longbow (98/50/50) +9 (1d8+5, x3)
(+4 Armor, +2 Dex)
Abilities Str 10, Dex 14, Con 16, Int 14, Wis 21, Cha 10
- Inspire Courage (+3 attack / +3 damage)
- Knowledge Devotion: Hobgoblin (+1 attack / +1 damage)
- Deadly Aim (-2 attack / +4 damage)
- Rapid Shot (-2 attack)

Full Attack Action: Targeting U
Attack - [roll0]
Damage - [roll1]

Rapid Shot - [roll2]
Damage - [roll3]

2016-05-18, 02:26 AM
Gallant charges forth, arrows whizzing past him and his target from behind as he plunges his lance deeply into the hobgoblin's gut. Blood pours forward but the creature seems to relish the pain. A wild smile makes its way across his face.

In response to Varonis's burst of light, four of the five regularly armed hobgoblins run off in various directions blindly slashing their blades to no effect whatsoever. The hobgoblin with the massive blade, the well-armored hobgoblin, and the two remaining regularly armed hobgoblins sparkle but seem largely unaffected. The three bladewielders all move forward to attack the knight. The well-armored hobgoblin once again raises the five-clawed talon and utters a guttural phrase, his eyes fixed on Varonis. The archers once again harry back, firing at Helvan and Gabi. The arrow intended for Helvan plunks into a tree before reaching its destination.

The hobgoblin dueling Varonis slashes at him.

You may make an attack of opportunity against any of H1/H2/H3/H5/H6, H5 and H6 are the only two that are obviously not blind. U took a five-foot step.

Will Save: [roll0]

B2 vs Gabi - Attack: [roll1] ; Critical Confirmation: [roll2] ; Damage: [roll3] ; Crit Damage: [roll4]
R4 vs Varonis - Attack: [roll5] ; Critical Confirmation: [roll6] ; Damage: [roll7] ; Crit Damage: [roll8]
U vs Gallant - Attack: [roll9] ; Critical Confirmation: [roll10] ; Damage: [roll11] ; Critical Damage: [roll12]
H5 vs Gallant - Attack: [roll13] ; Critical Confirmation: [roll14] ; Damage: [roll15] ; Crit Damage: [roll16]
H6 vs Gallant - Attack: [roll17] ; Critical Confirmation: [roll18] ; Damage: [roll19] ; Crit Damage: [roll20]

Updated Map (http://i.imgur.com/uVZTbsl.png)

Two misses and one hit for 7 damage.

You are fully paralyzed. You may make another saving throw on your turn to break the affect with a full-round action. You cannot take any other actions.

2016-05-18, 04:27 AM
Taking advantage of their momentary distraction, Gallant stabs at one of the hobgoblins with his lance, whereafter he drops the weapon to the ground to pull his sword out of his scabbard, slicing at the one with the massive blade.

Galavant rears to strike at the same one with iron-clad hooves, then snaps after him with powerful jaws.

Gallant automatically succeeds on his Ride check to fight with a warhorse with a minimum result of 11 against the DC 10 check.

HP: 41/48
AC: 25

Attack of opportunity against H5:
Attack: [roll0]; damage: [roll1]; critical confirmation: [roll2]; critical damage: [roll3]

Regular attack on U with bastard sword:
Attack: [roll4]; damage: [roll5]; critical confirmation: [roll6]; critical damage: [roll7]

HP: 30
AC: 18

Full attack on U:
Hoof attack: [roll8]; damage: [roll9]; critical confirmation: [roll10]; critical damage: [roll11]
Hoof attack: [roll12]; damage: [roll13]; critical confirmation: [roll14]; critical damage: [roll15]
Bite attack: [roll16]; damage: [roll17]; critical confirmation: [roll18]; critical damage: [roll19]

2016-05-18, 11:18 AM
Helvan moves around the other knight, aiming to take the fight to those enemies who still can see. As he moves, the arrow wound continues to shrink.

He swings his blade at the Hobgoblin, aiming to cut down another foe before they can wreak anymore havoc in these lands.

AC: 19
HP: 35/41
Saves: 13/4/10
2 More rounds til I can Smite again.

Move to Q22.

Standard to attack "U" if it's still standing after Gallant's turn, otherwise it's H5.

Attack: [roll0] Crit on 19-20? [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]

Using "Hunting Party." Gallant, you get a free Attack of Opportunity against my target if I hit and it survives the hit.

Everyone: If you're within 20ft of Helvan, you gain a +4 Morale Bonus to saves vs Demoralization effects.

And, if you're within 30ft, you have a +6 morale vs all Fear effects and spells with the [Evil] Descriptor.

2016-05-19, 07:52 AM
The female ranger took a steadying breathe and once again drew two arrows in rapid succession and let them loose. The twangs of the bowstring were so quick, that it nearly sounded as if she had only fired once.

Gabriela "Gabi" Snowthistle (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=655832)
F NG Athasian Human Ranger | Inquisitor, Level 4, Init 7, HP 44/44, Speed 30
AC 16, Touch 12, Flat-footed 14, Fort 8, Ref 7, Will 10, Base Attack Bonus 4, Power Points 13/13
Guided Longbow (98/50/50) +9 (1d8+5, x3)
(+4 Armor, +2 Dex)
Abilities Str 10, Dex 14, Con 16, Int 14, Wis 21, Cha 10
- Inspire Courage (+3 attack / +3 damage)
- Knowledge Devotion: Hobgoblin (+1 attack / +1 damage)
- Deadly Aim (-2 attack / +4 damage)
- Rapid Shot (-2 attack)

Full Attack Action: Targeting U
Attack - [roll0]
Damage - [roll1]

Rapid Shot - [roll2]
Damage - [roll3]

2016-05-19, 09:44 AM
Varonis Sindragon
Init: +2; Perception: +4
HP: 47/47
AC: 17 (touch: 12, flatfooted: 15; uncanny dodge)
Saves: +10/+6/+3 (Will +9 when using MoPM; +4 vs. sleep/paralysis)
Base Melee: +8
Base Ranged: +6
Knowledge Devotion this encounter: +1 vs. hobgoblins
Inspire Courage this encounter: +3 morale attack/damage, +1 morale saves vs. fear

Varonis feels the icy grip of the hobgoblin's spell threatening to lock up his limbs and immobilize his entire body. He draws deep upon his martial training, focusing his willpower in a silent No!

Then the moment passes, and his body is free again. Continuing his inspirational performance, he whirls and slashes at the nearest hobgoblin.

Moment of Perfect Mind expended to save vs. the spell, consuming Varonis's swift action for the turn. Standard action, attack R4. If R4 drops, move action to J14 to get back on the path. Otherwise he'll stay where he is.

Attack: [roll0] (+8 base, +1 weapon, +1 KD, +3 IC, +1 mounted)
Confirm: [roll1] (+3 battle ardor)
Damage: [roll2] (+6 Strength, +1 weapon, +1 KD, +3 IC, +2 echoblade)

2016-05-20, 04:58 PM
With quick slash to the creature's neck, Gallant topples the hobgoblin champion. Helvan then walks beside the knight and fells another. On the other side of the road, Varonis dispatches his foe and makes his way towards the main melee. Her eyes obviously blinded by the glory around her and for absolutely no other reason, Gabi is unable to peg any of the creatures with arrows.

Their champion fallen, the sword-wielding hobgoblins look to their leader. His mace glows with a dark energy as he charges forward for Helvan and, filled with vigor, the rest of the them follow suit. The eastern archer pops out of the forest and intends an arrow for Gallant's throat, barely evading the blind hobgoblin's wild strikes. The western archer does the same with Helvan, preferring to stick to the safety of the forest.

B1 vs Helvan - Attack: [roll0] ; Confirmation: [roll1] ; Damage [roll2] ; Critical Damage [roll3]
Z vs Helvan - Attack: [roll4] ; Confirmation: [roll5] ; Damage: [roll6] ; Critical Damage: [roll7]
B2 vs Gallant - Attack: [roll8] ; Confirmation: [roll9] ; Damage [roll10] ; Critical Damage [roll11] ; Skirmish: [roll12]
H6 vs Gallant - Attack: [roll13] ; Confirmation: [roll14] ; Damage: [roll15] ; Critical Damage: [roll16]
H2 vs B2 - Roll 1 for B2's square: [roll17]; Attack: [roll18] ; Confirmation: [roll19] ; Damage: [roll20] ; Critical Damage: [roll21]

Updated Map (http://i.imgur.com/UmNpRgI.png)

7 damage for Helvan from arrow, 14 for Gallant from the arrow.

2016-05-20, 05:11 PM
Varonis Sindragon
Init: +2; Perception: +4
HP: 47/47
AC: 17 (touch: 12, flatfooted: 15; uncanny dodge)
Saves: +10/+6/+3 (Will +9 when using MoPM; +4 vs. sleep/paralysis)
Base Melee: +8
Base Ranged: +6
Knowledge Devotion this encounter: +1 vs. hobgoblins
Inspire Courage this encounter: +3 morale attack/damage

Varonis notes that the two Pelor-devoted spoilsports shining champions of right and justice seem to have the main band of attackers well under control, and nudges his horse due south, aiming his efforts at the pair of hobgoblins there, one of which appears to be blindly swatting at the other.

Move action to J22xK23, standard action to execute the Steel Wind strike, allowing a single melee attack against each of H2 and B2. In theory the movement provokes an AoO from H2 but being blind I'm not sure he's allowed to even attempt it. Varonis continues to sing.

Attack (H2): [roll0] (+8 base, +1 weapon, +1 KD, +3 IC, +1 mounted)
Confirm: [roll1] (+3 battle ardor)
Damage: [roll2] (+6 Strength, +1 weapon, +1 KD, +3 IC, +2 echoblade)

Attack (B2): [roll3] (+8 base, +1 weapon, +1 KD, +3 IC, +1 mounted)
Confirm: [roll4] (+3 battle ardor)
Damage: [roll5] (+6 Strength, +1 weapon, +1 KD, +3 IC, +2 echoblade)

2016-05-20, 05:23 PM
After barely avoiding the mace swing, Helvan grunts as the arrow takes him, tossing a quick glare at the archer. He circles his heart with Pelor's blessing and mutters a quick prayer, allowing his god to add to his strength.

He then steps forward and throws his weight into a mighty swing at the Hobgoblin, opting to put power into his swing at the cost of telegraphing it such that the enemy might avoid it.

AC: 19
HP: 29/41
Saves: 13/4/10
1 More rounds til I can Smite again.

Swift to cast Divine Favor.

Attacking Z, using Distracting Strike. If the attack his, Z is Flat-Footed until its turn.

Attack: [roll0] Crit on 19-20? [roll1]
Damage: [roll2] + [roll3]

Everyone: If you're within 20ft of Helvan, you gain a +4 Morale Bonus to saves vs Demoralization effects.

And, if you're within 30ft, you have a +6 morale vs all Fear effects and spells with the [Evil] Descriptor.

2016-05-20, 05:51 PM
Gabi mutters under her breathe and focuses again, noticing that the one archer had risked leaving the woodline but she was still unable to draw a bead on him. She also noticed another hobgoblin who had fallen behind her rapidly advancing allies. Not wanting him to flank them, two arrows left her bow in rapid succession and flew toward him.

Gabriela "Gabi" Snowthistle (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=655832)
F NG Athasian Human Ranger | Inquisitor, Level 4, Init 7, HP 44/44, Speed 30
AC 16, Touch 12, Flat-footed 14, Fort 8, Ref 7, Will 10, Base Attack Bonus 4, Power Points 13/13
Guided Longbow (98/50/50) +9 (1d8+5, x3)
(+4 Armor, +2 Dex)
Abilities Str 10, Dex 14, Con 16, Int 14, Wis 21, Cha 10
- Inspire Courage (+3 attack / +3 damage)
- Knowledge Devotion: Hobgoblin (+1 attack / +1 damage)
- Deadly Aim (-2 attack / +4 damage)
- Rapid Shot (-2 attack)

Full Attack Action: Targeting H3
Attack - [roll0]
Damage - [roll1]

Rapid Shot - [roll2]
Damage - [roll3]

2016-05-21, 01:28 PM
Gallant spares only a glance at the hobgoblin that hit him with an arrow, then focuses on their armored foe. He slashes out at him then his mount rears, snapping hooves going for the hobgoblin's throat. He draws on the power of Pelor as he swings.

HP: 27/48
AC: 25

Gallant attacks Z, as does Galavant. Gallant's attack is a use of his Smite Evil ability; if Z is evil, Gallant deals +4 damage, and his AC and his attacks increase by +3, only toward Z.

Attack: [roll0]; damage:[roll1]; critical confirmation: [roll2]; critical damage: [roll3]

Galavant full attack:
Hoof: [roll4]; damage: [roll5]; critical confirmation: [roll6]; critical damage: [roll7]
Hoof: [roll8]; damage: [roll9]; critical confirmation: [roll10]; critical damage: [roll11]
Bite: [roll12]; damage: [roll13]; critical confirmation: [roll14]; critical damage: [roll15]

2016-05-23, 11:59 PM
After rearing his steed to unleash it's fury upon the foe, Gallant finds the Hobgoblin felled by the combination of efforts between Helvan and Galavant. Noticing this, he turns his blade towards a new foe and, with a quick stroke, ends him as well. Meanwhile, Gabi plunges two arrows deep into her mark and he falls. Varonis meets the pesky archer as he pops out of the trees and unleashes a flurry of slashes against him and his mate. The archer takes a gash deep in the neck while his companion is toppled. Fear fills his eyes as he steps back to place another arrow into the Bard.

B2 vs Varonis - Attack: [roll0] ; Confirmation: [roll1] ; Damage: [roll2] ; Critical Damage [roll3]

The remaining hobgoblins are now blinded but for the archers, one of which is running and the other will fall next round to the combined efforts of the party almost undoubtedly. We can drop from combat order as you clean up the remaining hobgoblins.

So with the *ahem* the uhh, the crit... That's uhh *ahem* 33 damage for Varonis.

2016-05-24, 03:21 AM
Varonis, out of practice with fighting while mounted, is only able to drop one of the two targets he's aiming for. The other one stumbles back a step, knowing his end is probably near, and fires an arrow at the bard from point blank range.

In a rush, Varonis swipes his sword in front of him. Whether through skill or dumb luck, he manages to nick the fletching of the arrow in mid-flight, diverting its path... though not quickly enough, as the arrow glances off his blade and embeds in his shoulder.

Varonis breaks the cadence of his song. "Ouch! Why didn't you just surrender, you dumb orc!" he says to the hobgoblin, before raising his greatsword overhead and bringing it down with a sickening splat on the bowman. He looks around as he rubs his shoulder, watching as the rest of his party makes short work of the remaining foes.

I'll leave it to one of our more nobles heroes to attempt to capture one alive, if they want.

Once the threat has passed, Varonis hops down from his horse and begins scavenging amongst the group.

Gather the corpses and loot them. Search check if required: [roll0]

With a pleased smile on his face, he turns to his companions. "Well, that's that then! It's been real nice journeying with you folks. Now that we've taken down the bandits, time to head on back to Dennovar and claim our reward!"

2016-05-24, 07:58 AM
Once the remaining hobgoblins are dealt with, Gallant calls out, "Wounded, gather up on me, please!" He sheathes his sword, holding Galavant under control with a deft hand, then waits for everyone to be within reach.

He closes his eyes for a moment, his hand grasping his holy symbol, and a healing wave spreads out from him, washing some of the wounds away.

Gallant uses two of his 5 daily Lay on Hands uses to use Channel Energy as a cleric of his level, healing 2d6 points of damage to everyone within range.
AoE Heal: [roll0]

He then uses another daily use to cure himself of further wounds.

Lay on Hands (Gallant): [roll1]

He raises an eyebrow in Varonis' direction. "You are a bit too hasty, perhaps. This small group could hardly be responsible for the disappearances we've been told about. At the very least, we must head on to Drellin's Ferry and speak with the leaders of the community, and get their take on the problem. If this group is all there was, good; if not, we wouldn't want to leave the job half-done."

He dismounts, leaving Galavant standing in the middle of the road, then examines the corpses of the two important-looking hobgoblins, looking for anything unusual. Once that is done, he walks over to the farmhouse, taking a quick look inside there as well.

2016-05-26, 08:08 PM
Varonis glances back in the direction of Dennovar. "Just because we made quick work of them doesn't mean they weren't the culprits! Not every caravan is going to have fearsome paladins like you and Loincloth over there to defend them. But fine, we can keep moving to Drellin's Ferry and report the good news there. Maybe we can get a reward out of them as well..." Varonis mutters as he continues checking through the dead raiders, gathering their gold and other valuables into a small sack to be shared among the party. Varonis may be greedy, but he's not one to steal from his allies... especially not when they're standing right next to him.

He also examines the archers' bows, thinking one of them would do him better than the sling he's currently got in his pack. Plenty of arrows remain in their quivers... and he may not be so eager to go charging in against the next lot.

2016-05-28, 09:05 PM
You slay the remaining hobgoblins. As the archer falls, his forms turns from that of a hobgoblin to gray, featureless body. The other archer quickly disappears into the woods, unhindered by the undergrowth.

On the hobgoblins you find 12 chainmail, 12 heavy steel shields, 12 masterwork longswords, 12 composite longbows (+1 str), 200 arrows, and 12 potions. Uth-Lar has a bastard sword and a mithril breastplate, each of exceptional make as well as a ring with a faint magical glow. The Cleric was clad in a full plate armor. He also wielded a light steel shield and carried with him two potions, two scrolls of magical writing, and an amulet shaped like a clawed hand strung around his neck. The archer used a finely crafted, custom engraved longbow, and a chainshirt. Ten arrows remain in his quiver and he also carries a set of masterwork thieves' tools.

In the farmhoue, the hobgoblins have set up a crude campsite. Dirty bedrolls, banked fires, and other necessities are present as well as the bodies of a few unfortunate fellows. From the look of their attire, a traveling merchant and his three bodyguards as well as a local farmer have been slain by these creatures. Beside the bodies is a pouch containing 355 gold pieces. The dead guards are still in their studded leather armors with light crossbows and longswords strapped and sheathed.

After gathering the valuables and dealing with the bodies, the party sets out again for their destination.

The road descends into a small town built mostly on the near side of a broad, sluggish river. Six old stone piers jut from the water, marking the spot where a bridge once stood. Instead, a couple of long, thick ropes cross the river, each secured to a flat-bottomed ferryboat. Brown fields and green orchards surround the town.

A group of armed townsfolk stands guard, watching you warily. "Halt and state your business, strangers."

2016-05-28, 10:09 PM
Varonis takes the extra time to load up the horses with the various armors and weapons, as much as they can handle. "Judging by the sorry state of the garrisons we've seen so far, could be Drellin's Ferry could use some of this stuff." He takes a moment to examine the collection for magic.

Detect magic, examining everything and separating out whatever's magical.

"I'm afraid I can't do better than guess at what some of this stuff does, but we can hold onto it until we get it properly appraised. Unless one of you can do so?"

He shoulders one of the bows and a quiver of arrows, then holds up the mithral breastplate. "This looks about my size... if no one else wants it, I can put it to use."

Once the grisly business of gathering up the bodies is done, he heads out with his allies to Drellin's Ferry. Met there by a nervous bunch, he holds up his hands and smiles. "Easy there, friends. We're here on official business from Dennovar. We've come to help out with your bandit problem... don't mind all the blood, that's just what's left of the last group that got in our way!" Varonis chuckles deeply at his own joke, and slowly trails off into silence at the worried yet unamused stares of the townsfolk. "Anywayyyy, could someone please direct us to your mayor, or alderman, or burghermaster or whatever it is you folks defer to round these parts. Also, tell me you've got a tavern...?"

2016-05-29, 04:33 AM
Gallant glances at Gabriela before shaking his head. "Unless miss Gabriela wants it, I believe it's yours," the Paladin says, nodding at the mithral breastplate.

He helps packing things on his spare mount and his mule, agreeing that whatever force of arms the village has, they could likely use more, especially fine items like the swords.

Speaking of swords, Gallant claims the magical bastard sword for himself, testing it out with a few choice swings before hanging it from his belt next to his other blade. "This should do nicely," he comments. "Time for this to serve a righteous cause rather than what that goblin did with it."

He also makes sure to pick up his lance.


At Drellin's Ferry, he lets out a soft sigh at Varonis' failed joke. "Forgive him, gentlemen, please," he says, dismounting and bowing before them. "We have journeyed far. I am Gallant Valorn, servant to Pelor, and these are my companions." He gestures to each in turn, and either lets them introduce themselves or does it himself if they are not inclined to speak. "We are sent by the High Citizen of Dennovar to investigate the reports of banditry and disappearances in the region."

2016-05-29, 12:30 PM
"Did you? Where? Bands of those murderous savages have been skulking near the town for days now. You're lucky you came through it! I won't deny, though, we're in a hard spot and you all look like capable sorts, especially having made it through some already. Go over to the Old Toll House and ask for Captain Soranna. As for the tavern, I'm partial to the Old Bridge Inn just ahead. You can cross the river and try out the Green Apple if you like. Taking down those hobgoblins I'm sure you've all earned yourselves a good pint or two!

2016-05-29, 02:10 PM
"Luck's got nothing to do with it, my friend! You just need to bring along a couple of knights in shining... uhhh... what is that, deerskin?" Varonis looks momentarily at Helvan, then shrugs and looks back to the townsfolk. "Old Toll House it is."

Varonis gets directions to the indicated locales and begins to head for Captain Soranna.

2016-05-31, 12:04 AM
Helvan allows his allies to handle the looting of the corpses, contenting himself with mourning the unnecessary loss of life that comes when foes fail to surrender. He shakes his head at the proffered potions and turns down any other offers of wealth.

"Give my share to those in need and I will be content."

At the entrance to the town, he smiles at the guards and introduces himself as "Helvan Broadmane, Knight of Pelor" before following the rest of the party to meet the Captain.

2016-05-31, 02:30 PM
The Sergeant offers Varosin a chuckle before allowing the party to pass through.

Entering the town you quickly notice a people preparing for an attack. Homes are being boarded up, provisions are being gathered. The air is rife with fear.

You enter the Old Toll House to find a building lacking a purpose. It's a barracks judging by the militia present. It's also a courtroom, a jail, and the town hall. A clerk sits at the desk and, after a short dealing, leads you to a back room where a woman you assume to be Captain Sorrana sits at a desk.

"Can I help you?"

2016-05-31, 08:35 PM
Varonis gives a deep bow, perhaps slightly more exaggerated than would be fitting for the situation. "A pleasure to make your acquaintance, Captain Sorrana. I am Varonis Sindragon. My friends and I are here at the behest of Councilor Thorn in Dennovar. And I'm happy to report: we did it!" He raises his hands in the air, as if expect a giant banner to unfurl on the wall behind him, and maybe some confetti falling from the ceiling.

When neither of those things happen, he continues, "We outfoxed a dozen or so bandits that were lying in wait for us by doing the one thing they would never expect: walking right into their trap! A few minutes later it was all over and we were victorious. We're just stopping in here as a courtesy to let you know that the threat is over and everyone can go back to their lives now." Varonis offers a broad, slightly oily smile.

After a long moment's pause, he pipes up again, as if just remembering something. "Oh, and Thorn made some mention of a reward... is that something we can collect here, or do you have to send to the local counting house for it, or...?"

2016-06-01, 01:56 PM
The moment Soranna hears the company has been sent from Dennovar, a great wave of relief overcomes her.

"Oh thank Pelor! Help finally coming from Dennovar." She lets Varonis finish.

"You're wrong, unfortunately. The hobgoblins stalk all our roads. They're growing more aggressive by the day. Hundreds, by our estimations. Honestly, Speaker Wiston will probably want to hear of help arriv.."

Soranna is cut off as the door opens. A tall, balding, middle-aged man wearing a well-groomed salt-and-pepper beard enters the room. "Afternoon folks, " he mutters as he takes his place behind Soranna's desk.

"Speaker Wiston, these folk were just filling me i--"

"I hope you'll inform me next time you're having a meeting, Soranna. You know I don't like being enlightened by rumor."

"Yes s--"

Regardless, I've been told of some capable-looking folk heading in from the east. No doubt Jarmath has recruited some of the best and brightest, eh! It's about time, though. Folk 'round here were starting to worry. As you're most likely aware, our town is under attack. Hobgoblin raiders have been harrying our lands for days now and they're waylaying travelers along the Dawn Way."

Almost as if waiting to strike at an opportunity to speak, Soranna adds, "we've had some problems with them before but this is different. It looks like a large, aggressive tribe has moved down from the Wyrmsmokes. Frankly I fear they may be numerous enough to sack the town. I've been trying to make hasty preparations but--"

"But beyond the immediate threat to our homes," the Speaker continues obviously annoyed, "the road is our lifeblood. If the hobgoblins make the Dawn Way impassable to the west, trade won't come this way and we'll be ruined. Not only do we need to repel the raiders from our town, but we've got to keep that road open. Can you help us do it?"

Edit: Since you're moving in and about the town, here's a relatively nondescript map (http://i.imgur.com/FpJFvyb.png) of it. You came in on the southern 1 road and are currently at 8.

2016-06-01, 11:37 PM
Varonis frowns, a bit startled. "Hundreds, you say? Well then why did Thorn only send the four of us! We're not going to be able to take down a whole army all by ourselves. Not without substantial help."

He glances at his companions, knowing they're all on the verge of joyfully volunteering to throw their lives away defending this poor town. He sighs. "Buuuuut I'll tell you what we can do. We've got a bunch of armor and weaponry we'd be happy to sell to the town at a very reasonable price, so you can better equip more of your own. And we can go take a scouting trip out to the west, maybe see if we can find their encampment. Could be we could harass them some, leave a few less of them should they make a move against the town. How does that sound?"

2016-06-02, 12:12 AM
Helvan nods.

"My share of the equipment will go to the town, free of cost, naturally. And, following our scouting mission to the west, I will gladly stand beside your brave warriors to defend the innocents of Drellin's Ferry against this army."

2016-06-02, 05:09 AM
Gallant frowns, one gauntleted hand stroking his chin, the other holding his helmet under the arm. "When you say you are afraid they might sack the town, Captain," he begins, his tone polite, "how many are we speaking of? What are the numbers of your own forces?" He looks at the Speaker in expectation.

He places the helmet on a table. "Do you have a map of the region?" he asks, glancing at Soranna.

2016-06-02, 05:35 PM
Soranna begins, "We'll purchase the armor and weapons, of course. We'll need all we can get. Hmm a map.. I should have something around here somewhere.. Oh yes, here we a--

"As I'm sure Soranna was just about to mention, I'll speak with the rest of the council and try and convince them to donate to the purchase of weapons. As far as their numbers go, we've had at least three different warbands around our lands at the same time. Each of them numbering around fifteen to twenty strong, so around fifty at the minimum. Until now, we've not had any heroes that could stand up to them." Wiston finishes speaking almost expectantly waiting for the lot of you to mount up and head off in Pelor knows what direction to slay some bad guys.

Soranna produces two maps. First (http://i.imgur.com/FpJFvyb.png) is Drellin's Ferry (the same as I just posted), and the second (http://i.imgur.com/Ife89tl.jpg?1) is of the Vale (the same as the one at the start of the OOC thread).

2016-06-03, 03:01 AM
Varonis takes a look at the proffered maps before Gallant can tuck them away. "If they're broken into separate bands, we have a shot. We can probably handle a couple dozen if we get the drop on them and have a chance to rest up afterwards. But if we run into more than that, we'll have to take out a handful and then get away. It's a good tactic for wearing down the numbers of a superior force." The words tumble from Varonis's mouth without much of a pause for thought. For all the time he spends drinking and carousing in taverns, his warblade training can't help but come to the fore when the situation demands it.

2016-06-05, 12:10 AM
"Varonis is right on most counts. If we find a large group, though, we should be able to handle it. Our first conflict as a group only seemed as difficult as it did because were will ill-prepared and uncoordinated. If we can make better use of our respective talents, we will be more than capable of defeating a group well larger than ourselves. Fifty may be more than we can handle, but with your militia's support, it should prove no trouble at all. A simple hammer-and-anvil maneuver could rout the lot of them if Pelor blesses us."

2016-06-05, 01:28 PM
Gallant unfurls the maps on the table, using his helmet to weigh down one end. He frowns as he studies them. After a bit, he rolls up the map of the town, and focuses on the one of the wider region.

"Three warbands of twenty strong is a strong force indeed," he comments absently, one finger running down along the Dawn Way all the way from Dennovar to the western edge of the map. He taps the mountain range from where the raiders are coming, looking thoughtful. "How strong is your militia, Captain?" he asks Soranna again, a brief glance at Wiston acknowledging his words, though he fails to give the Speaker a reply. He rolls the map of the Vale up and brings out the map of the town again. "With proper tactics, such as yielding the far side of the river and posting ranged troops to harass their crossing," he says, one hand pointing at the eastern bank, "we might be able to handle even twice that number unless your forces are very depleted from this crisis. I doubt they would amass such an attack if they are no more than that, however; it won't be in their favor, and for all their brutality, goblins are a cowardly lot as a whole. Unless we are badly underestimating their numbers, I would not think it likely that the city will face an outright assault."

He looks at the others. "It is more probable that we will have to seek them out and slay them where they have set up their camps. I agree with your suggestion, Varonis; we should scout the area and try to locate them."

He looks up at Wiston. "Do you know where they might be located, sir? Where are the attacks most frequent?"

2016-06-06, 06:07 PM
Patiently listening to all the proposed strategies, Soranna finally answers: "Those are all well and good for tactics with an actual fighting force but you gentlemen must remember I'm working with an untrained militia. These are literally townsfolk with weapons. I have maybe twenty or so trained guards in the entire town and then maybe a handful of the other townsfolk are capable of putting up something of a fight. The actual townsfolk might be able to do more than my soldiers. I know Morlin is able to swing an axe well and Sertieren might be able to fire off a spell or two. Brother Denny could heal up the wounded if a conflict did happen but he can only handle so many. Delora Zann and Kellin Shadowbanks might be willing to come out of retirement for a high enough pri--"

Very obviously at the mention of a fee, Wiston again interrupts, "Oh Soranna don't be modest! I'm sure you could have your militia in top shape by the time any major conflict arises. I don't think we need to dip that deeply into the coffers to hire washed-up adventurers, thieves, or gold-mongering bearders to the cause. I'm confident in your ability to train up a fine fighting force and these brave new heroes!

Soranna just stares at Wiston: open-mouthed, stunned, and speechless.

Obviously content with himself, Wiston continues. "On to strategy, then. The far side of the river is the most dangerous. The Witchwood has been impassable for a while but it's haunted so I'm sure the hobgoblins aren't hold up there. No, they must be somewhere else. Perhaps at the base of the Wyrmsmokes to the west or along the river to the northeast?"

2016-06-06, 06:39 PM
Gallant nods to Soranna. "Twenty good soldiers may be enough if we use the terrain wisely and prepare accordingly," the paladin says, bending over the map again. He points out any elevated sections of the eastern riverbank as good positions for archers, as well as the taller buildings. "We should also discuss evacuation procedures," he says, almost as an afterthought. "It is vital that you begin preparations for any of these plans immediately if we are to prepare the town for a possible attack. For all intents and purposes, we are already under siege."

He looks at Wiston expectantly. "I would strongly suggest incorporating any civilians with fighting experience into the militia in one capacity or another," he adds. "We do not yet know their true numbers, and for all we know, an attack could occur at any time."

The paladin frowns. "On that note, has there been any strange occurrences in town of late? Anything out of the ordinary. It doesn't have to be related to the raiders."

Diplomacy: [roll0]

2016-06-06, 09:24 PM
Helvan sits back, clearly content to let Gallant handle most of the details. He does, however, speak up when the discussion turns to employing peasants as warriors.
"Perhaps just arm the noncombatants with bows, slings, or other ranged weapons. Leave the frontline fighting to those who know how to handle themselves. I won't see men and women die do to inexperience when it's not necessary."

2016-06-08, 02:44 AM
Fuming, Soranna turns so that she's facing Wiston. In a fit of rage, she blasts at him, "Listen here you entitled, condescending, militaristically illiterate cu-- and then catches herself.

Taking but a moment, silent in a mix of tremendous effort with a hint of embarrassment, she calmly turns again to address the party. "Look your holy nakedness, we're facing a big threat here. If I had enough fighters to hold off a large force such as the one that I'm sure is out there, I'd be more than willing to tell the volunteer militia to head back to their homes and jobs. Unfortunately that's not the case so unless you're going to try and indict me for crimes against humanity for allowing a volunteer militia to defend their homes, I suggest you shut your yap on that particular subject and focus on things we can actually control.

Wiston takes his turn catching flies, stunned.

Soranna continues As for incorporating the more capable citizens, that'll take some talking. I know Delora specifically retired here to leave that life behind her and Kellin is an unpleasant, solitary fellow. He talks to his kin fine enough but that's about it. Nothing much odd going on that I can note. Some drunken brawls and petty theft but nothing more than usual. I've had my eye on Jarett Nurth for a while, something off about that one but I really doubt it relates to any hobgoblins. Then as for the Witchwod idea, She gives another disapproving nod towards Wiston, I can't imagine why marauding hobgoblins would care at all about a haunted wood. I'd put my money on that being where they're hold up. Jorr Natherson would probably be able to give you more input on the Witchwood and it's goings-ons than I would, you can't find someone who knows the woods better.

2016-06-08, 10:54 AM
Varonis stifles a chuckle as the commander and the politician fire insults back and forth. "Even retired and solitary people wind up dead if they get overrun by an army. Could be I could talk to your holdouts, convince them of the need to stand together against the threat. But if you think they're based out of the Witchwood, then that's where we should go scout, see if we can confirm your notion... maybe bloody them a bit. Where can we find Jorr Natherson?"

2016-11-03, 05:59 PM
With Wiston still taken aback by Soranna's sudden outburst, Soranna continues speaking.

"We would certainly appreciate any help we can get by both you and the more capable citizens in town so if you think you'd be able to convince them, go for it." Soranna then takes a map from her stack of papers and scribbles on it. Upon closer inspection, it seems to be a crude mapping of the Witchwood, the wood to the west. "Jorr lives roughly here," says Soranna, pointing out a location on the map. "Be careful with him though, he's a bit wily and doesn't trust easy. He really hates goblins though so you might use that to get him to help. Maybe bring some meat for his dogs too, they're usually the first to notice someone coming up on his cabin."

Avarthel is one of the Keepers of Eth, the druid circle of the Witchwood. He likes to make sure we're not using the woods badly or something... It's more than a little annoying.

Delora can handle a blade, alright. She use to be part of the Golden Drake Company, some pretty famous adventurers. Dunno what the actually did but everyone knows the name of the party. She's retired here to leave that life behind, I'm pretty sure. She doesn't really like to talk about it all that much so I'm assuming she doesn't want to relive it. If you do talk to her, she's pretty straightforward. Don't beat around the bush."

Brother Derny is our town cleric. He's sometimes a preachy, pompous ass but his heart is in the right place. I doubt you'll get him to abandon the shrine of Pelor though.

Jarett is... off. Rumor has it she can handle a blade well enough. She just rolled into town one day and bought out the previous general store owner and set up shop. For that kind of money you usually have to inherit it, adventure for it, or get it through some ill-gotten means. She doesn't seem to have any family so that rules out the first so she's either really talented with her blades or she's... I've been keeping an eye on her.

Kellin is the brown-haired halfling. He's the head of the Shadowbanks clan. Like I said, he's reasonable enough and gets along with his own lot but he doesn't really seek out other people.

Morlin is our town smith. He's the dwarf that can be found most of the time at his workshop. He has some considerable skill working steel and probably knows how to brandish it as well.

Sertieren is the town wizard. He's the halfling that can pretty much always be found in his house. He doesn't really like going out. He's pretty shrewd but if you use my name you can probably get him to cast some spells for cheaper than the usual rate. He can make scrolls and potions and other magical gadgets too.

Jared is a drifter. He wandered into town from the road by his lonesome so he is either extremely lucky or possesses some skill. He doesn't wear any armor and carries a staff so my guess is he's an arcanist of some kind. He doesn't say much but cooperates when we'd like answers to ensure public safety. He likes to keep to himself, I gather.

Anexa is another more recent arrival. She's a bit more talkative but is still a bit reserved. She wears some lighter armor and a short sword so my guess is that she's rather adroit. She came in alone on the road, presumably... Our watchmen didn't even notice, she was just in town one day. But she might be some sort of scout or sneak?

"Right out west of the town the Dawn Way enters the wood, that's right here."

"You'll notice the Witchwood is crossed by a handful of old trails from farmers or hunters or whoever. The Witch Trail is one of the bigger ones, I'll mark it here. You might be better of taking the Dawn Way though. It'd be a lot easier to follow."

"Jorr lives somewhere around here. I haven't been to his cabin but I know he lives along this trail that runs along Swift Creek."

"This is what Jorr calls the Blackwater Causeway. I've never been there myself but I'd guess the water is just really dark and it's easy to lose your footing. The Dawn Way crosses here but apparently it's not much more than rickety wooden causeway."

'Right here is around where old Vraath Keep was. It's in ruins now and a lot of people think it's especially haunted but again, I'm not sure why hobgoblins would care. Could be they're hold up here, could be it's completely empty. I guess that's for y'all to find out."

"This is where the Old Forest Road comes through the Witchwood. It goes all the way from Witchcross, along the Witchstream, and up into the Wyrmsmokes. The paths are pretty difficult to travel though and going would be slow."

"Here is Skull Gorge Bridge. From what I've heard it's a pretty impressive old Dwarfbridge. It's really the only place to cross the gorge for a ways. Otherwise you'd have to go all the way to Cinder Hill and ford the river to the south or do the same all the way to the east with the Rhestwash."

"Cinder Hill is probably the last actual landmark to the north until you see only the Wymrsmokes and then the Endless Plains. It's right here."


2016-11-03, 06:36 PM
Varonis scratches his head, holding back a yawn. It felt like ages had passed since he asked his question. "Wow, that's quite a list. Maybe we'll need to split up for a bit, recruit additional support. A couple of us could stay here to help prepare the villagers against an invasion, and the others head out to find Jorr and search out their encampments. Delora and Anexa sound like the most promising options for heading out into the brush and rooting out the hobs. Perhaps a stop by Sertienen as well, see if he has any trinkets that could aid us before we go. Helvan and I should go speak to those people... round up a party to go outside the city limits and search. Gabi, you and Gallant have the most military experience. You two should speak to Morlin, and perhaps Derny, about preparing the town."

2016-11-03, 06:55 PM
Helvan nods. "Agreed. I also feel I should point out that it might be worth our while to speak with those who are new in town or in any way mysterious, regardless of their appearance. Many a capable warrior has gone garbed in little or less, after all."

As he speaks, he smiles and gestures to his own simple outfit.

2016-11-03, 07:50 PM
Gallant nods in approval.

"That's quite a few people. I agree, we'll make more progress splitting up. Gabi and I will speak with Derny and Morlin."

Gabi nods in agreement.

2016-11-06, 04:44 PM
Satisfied with the plan, Varonis turns to Soranna and nods. "Thank you for your assistance. We'll speak to the people you mentioned, and return to you if we have anything further. Where would we look for Delora, this time of day? Her house, or a place of business? A tavern perhaps? I assume there's an inn where the last two travelers are staying."

2016-11-10, 02:07 PM
"Yes, of course. Delora can be found in her livery stable. Anexa is staying at the Old Bridge Inn and Jared at the Green Apple. We thank you for your help, adventurers. If you're able to convince the others to provide their aid and clear out the Witchwood, I'm confident we'll be able to handle this threat."

2016-11-10, 02:35 PM
Following Soranna's directions, and with Helvan in tow, Varonis leads the way towards the livery stable. Once there, he takes a quick look around to see if any of the others that Soranna described are nearby. Then he politely knocks on the door, donning his most rakish smile, and waits for an answer.

2016-11-10, 04:37 PM
The stables are in the south part of town on the east side of the river. The building you approach is on the outskirts of town, and for good reason. The main building, what seems to be a renovated barn, has attached pens much larger than a general livery stable would need. Walking along the road, the two of you notice a woman riding an impressive steed in the back. You knock on the door it it opens almost immediately. An scrawny, eager human boy around twelve or thirteen answers you, wide-eyed.

"Aye sirs. Are ye for stabling or rental? Purchase?"

2016-11-14, 12:10 PM
Varonis shakes his head. "Just here to speak to Delora. That's her out back?" Without waiting for a response, Varonis steps past the boy and starts heading towards the riding woman, putting on a rakish smile.

2016-11-20, 02:00 PM
A few minutes later...

Varonis walks out of the stable, looking a little shell-shocked.

Helvan offers a low chuckle. "That didn't go well."

Varonis shook his head. "I've never heard such an impressive range of curses before."

Helvan laughs a little louder. "She slipped into a few languages I didn't recognize. Still, the intent was clear."

Varonis shrugs, forcing a wan smile back onto his face. "I'm sure we'll have better luck with the others, especially the ones without roots in the town. Let's try the..." Varonis double checks the map, seeing that the Green Apple is closer than the Old Bridge Inn. "...the Green Apple. Soranna says Jared Scracth is there. Perhaps he'll have some spells that can help us root out the orcs. Then we'll head to the Old Bridge and talk to Anexa."

After a short ride, the pair arrive at the Green Apple, tying off their mounts outside and stepping in. Varonis looks around, trying to spot someone matching Jared's description.

2016-11-20, 02:16 PM
Jared, leaning back in a chair near the eastern wall of the Green Apple, facing the entrance, seems quite at home. His brown leather jacket and pants seem to have had a hard time of it as of late, and the walking stick leaning against the wall near him is still green. A pack sits on the ground nearby, although it seems to have been much better taken care of. He looks faintly sunburnt, which is all the more obvious in comparison to his black hair. Strangely enough, his eyes seem to be a deep red color. A closer examination shows a tarnished silver circlet concealed in his hair.
He seems to be nursing a tankard of ale as he watches the door. As Varonis comes in through the door, his eyes widen slightly in surprise, clearly not expecting someone carrying a giant sword made of crystal.
A... crystal sword? Magical, I imagine, since otherwise it would shatter. And well cared for armor... a guard, or something else?

2016-11-23, 02:27 PM
Varonis takes a look around the room, easily identifying Jared by his description. He ambles up with a smile on his face. "Your name is Jared, yes? I'm Varonis Sindragon, and Soranna told me I should speak with you. We've been commissioned by High Councilor Thorn to put a stop to the hobgoblin incursions into these border, and we're getting ready to ride out and find their encampment, scatter them. We need a few extra hands, and Soranna says you've got some magic about you. Someone who can drop a big ball of fire right in their midst would do the trick. Interested?" Unbidden, he pulls out a chair and settles in beside Jared.

2016-11-23, 02:43 PM
Jared leans back, and affects a look of nonchalance as the stranger approaches him.
Approaching me? Why? I'm fairly certain no one is after me... A job? Must be desperate, if he's approaching random people.
As the man speaks, and introduces himself, a faint frown appears on Jared's face, vanishing almost instantly.
Right. Town leaders. Well, at least they'll pay. It's not like they can run away.
After Varonis finishes speaking, Jasper speaks up, his voice raspy.
"I do have some skill with magic. What's the pay?"

2016-11-28, 07:04 PM
Varonis lowers his voice conspiratorially. "The High Councilor is paying 1000 gold a piece for this one, if it's done right and quickly. Now, we'll have to make it back to Dennovar alive, but I'd bet Soranna would be willing to offer an advance to those that agree to take part. Two more should be plenty, wouldn't you say, Helvan?" He smiles at Jared. "You can be one, or we can keep working on our list and you can stay here and sip your drink, unbothered by the likes of us again."

2016-11-28, 07:17 PM
Jared frowns, clearly considering. After a few moments, he nods, grinning.
"Sounds like about a thousand reasons to help out. Who else is in?"

2016-11-28, 07:37 PM
Varonis gestures to Helvan. "The big guy there is named Helvan... he can crack a few heads together when the time comes. A couple others are off working on securing the town in case the hobs find it before we find them. Our next stop, once you finish your drink, is the Old Bridge Inn, where we hope to recruit a woman named Anexa. If she turns us down, we've got a couple other options. Then we're off to see a man named Jorr Natherson who may be able to lead us to their encampment, or some spots it's likely to be. Heard of him?"

2016-12-09, 07:14 AM
Jared looks thoughtful as Varonis continues.
"Jorr Natherson? Goblin hunter, right? Local? Knows the Witchwood by the back of his hand? That Jorr Natherson?"

2016-12-16, 12:55 PM
Varonis nods. "That's the one. Between you and me, I don't expect much resistance. Border folks always have an exaggerated idea of the threats they face on the edges of civilization, am I right?" He chuckles at his own joke, then stands back up and drops a silver piece on the table to cover the costs of Jared's drink. "Come on, let's go see if we can find this Anexa woman and get moving again."

Once Jared and Helvan are ready, Varonis leads the trio out of the Green Apple and across to the other side of the town, spying the Old Bridge Inn. Crossing over the small bridge that the building is named after, Varonis opens up the door and heads inside. A stealthy sort who slipped into town unannounced... she might react poorly to a trio barging into her residence and demanding to speak with her. He walks over to the innkeeper and orders a round of drinks for the three of them, dropping a comment that they'd like to speak to Anexa and asking him to run a message up to her, wherever she is. Then he takes a seat at one of the central tables, proceeding to drink his ale and get to know Helvan and Jared a little better, recounting several stories from his past that had varying amounts of truth in them. All the while he keeps his eyes open for someone matching Anexa's description.

2016-12-16, 01:00 PM
Jared's only response is to shrug. Seeing his drink paid for, Jared stands, and follows, walking quietly behind, clearly thinking.

As Varonis tries to get him to open up, Jared seems willing to share some stories, but doesn't really open up. His stories mostly consist of encounters on the road, which tend to end up with him running away, and returning later.