View Full Version : Splinters of Hope: Viridian IC

2016-05-02, 07:44 PM


Ten-Eighty's contact hadn't been wrong: this firebrand's preachings were something different. The itinerant went by the monicker Fisher of Men. He was a scarred, ragged middle-aged sailor, cutting an unimpressive figure at first. Fishbone charms hang from his clothes. Then, your gazes crossed, and you saw the fervor in his eyes. His words boomed in the crowded tavern, drawing the attention of farmers and sandship crewmen:

A peasant is born with nothing, and he will die with nothing in
the same village, or even the same hut, where he was born.

A farmer or servant or laborer goes through life knowing
that this is all she gets, day in and day out, and that she
passes this empty legacy to her children and dooms them
to live the same way.

And the only alternative to drudgery and toil is death
and horror. There are wonders and terrors in
the world, gods and monsters and beings with the blood
of the Dragons in their veins, and when their shadows pass
over Creation, the common folk usually lie dead in their
wake. The Immaculate Faith offers faith and the promise
of elevation to Dragon-Blooded divinity many incarnations
in the future — but in this life, it preaches acceptance
of this small and pitiful lot, the appropriateness of the
peasant’s struggle and limits and small, pointless existence.

And while heretical cults abound, all they offer are different
parameters of worship, different beings to beg for aid
and succor.

Nothing changes, nothing moves, and life is
still a dirt path to death and the Underworld or rebirth into
another incarnation just like the last.

But the Cult of the Illuminated is different. It holds the
promise of change, massive change in this lifetime, in the
next decade, tomorrow! The Cycle of Day is coming,
when the Shining Ones will overthrow the
tyranny of the Realm, of the Dragon-Blooded, of Heaven
itself, and make everything different! Make a world where
everyone has choices, everyone has options; make a world
where farmers and laborers and sailors who rose
for the Shining Ones will stand at their sides and be
rewarded in both this world and a vastly different Heaven!

While not all the patrons are moved, surprisingly many cheer this strong rebuke of the Immaculate Faith and the Princes of Earth themselves. Later, the owner brings the two of you together at a secluded table, as your contact has arranged. Fisher of Men looks at you with hope, "Mistress...I am told you are a Shining One."


OOC thread (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?486854-Splinters-of-Hope-Viridian)

Yuki Akuma
2016-05-02, 10:19 PM
The woman One Thousand and Eighty Grains of Sand has done very little to conceal her nature as a foxwoman - in fact, while she wears more clothing than most members of her tribe, she doesn't wear any more than a normal mortal would. Fine silk robes of green and silver, wooden sandals adorning her feet, and... not a whole lot else. She's decent, sure, but in a 'just barely' sort of way. But hey, who expects a barbarian to dress properly? Despite being covered in red and silver fur, the woman is actually quite attractive. If you're into hairy women.

"I have been known to erupt into shining silver light ocassionally if that's what you mean," she answers the unassuming man, a faint smile playing across her mouth. It's amazing how expressive an elongated muzzle can be!

2016-05-03, 02:59 PM
If Fisher of Men doubts your words, he doesn't show it.

Then I will pray, and the Shining Ones will listen. Two paths are open to you...

One is far from here, and yet still in the scorching sands of the South...a hidden fortress of white stone rising against an ever-clear sky. Peerless sifu there will teach you to overcome any adversity.

But be warned. To be there is to test your spirit and body to the limit.

The itinerant pauses to see if you have any questions.

Yuki Akuma
2016-05-03, 03:53 PM
The silk-clad vixen produces a fan, which she snaps open and fans at her face with. "Hm? That's only one of the options. Not that it's probably not the one I'm going to pick, of course - I do so love the desert and I was raised to survive in any climate - but I find myself curious. What is the other path?"

One Thousand and Eighty Grains of Sand flashes a smile, showing off those wickedly sharp canines of hers. "And, if you would be so kind, I have another question for you. What is it that you want?"

2016-05-03, 04:32 PM
Hidden away in the mists of the Dehennen Mountains, at the heart of a valley paradise, a glorious temple rises up in ivory and golden spires. Within its beautiful gardens and hallowed halls, the Illuminated Ones study fundamental truths of the world and reflect upon their own inner perfection. There, you will learn to shred both the lies and the armor of the Dragons with equal ease.

What I am is what I want, the Fisher of Men muses. Indeed, I am blessed, for the Faith of the Illuminated has given me what I desired.

Yuki Akuma
2016-05-04, 03:40 AM
"Hmm. Sounds boring. Give me hellish desert survival over valley paradise any day." She gives another of her toothy grins. "You don't want anything? Feh." She shakes her head a little bit. "Well... I thank you for the... information? I guess I don't have anything better to do. So I suppose I'll go follow my... destiny or whatever it is."

2016-05-05, 02:41 PM
Chapter I


The Malfeasant spire rises high above this layer of the Demon City. The will of Malfeas himself protects it against all intrusion. Only the Reclamators - the servants of the five conspiring Yozi - can enter.

Nowadays the great structure is mostly empty. Ten-Eighty Grains Of Sand and Crocus are about to leave too, for a secret rendezvous in the desert.

roll Socialize+Charisma or Manipulation to find out who else is in the citadel

2016-05-06, 11:05 PM
Autumn Crocus leans against the wall beside one of the great windows of the spire, sipping idly from her glass as she regards the landscape below. The Fiend is dressed richly, in a high-necked gown of dark blue netted with silver, with flowing skirts and long sleeves that conceal her hands. Delicate crystalline teardrops glitter in her earlobes, but her only other jewelry is the black-iron circlet that rests on her brow, with the subtle shape of a dragon's wing sweeping back from a gem that holds all the many colors of water. Her hair, black as night's shadow and gleaming with iridescent highlights, is wound up in a complex braided arrangement.

She wonders how long it will take her fellow Green Sun Prince to find her, in the mazes of the Malfeasant. She's not hiding, but nor has she made her presence exceptionally obvious. A little test. She hasn't worked with One Thousand and Eighty Grains of Sand before, although what she knows of the Malefactor... does not speak of noteworthy incompetence, at least.

The spirits in the glass might as well be water for all the difference it makes to Crocus, but the sesselja nestling contentedly in her stomach will appreciate the alcohol. And while she drinks and regards the glories of the Demon City, she has a little time to consider, to weigh the state of things, to consider who will remain here at the center of the City's politics while she is breathing dust and cursing the sun and seeking a way into the heart of a certain peculiar heresy. Knowing the actors, she may guess at the play, and try to anticipate their lines; her training among the acolytes of She Who Lives In Her Name has at least sharpened her understanding of patterns.

Manipulation+Socialize is 8 dice, and ideally I would like to spend 5m from the SWLIHN Excellency since this action involves analyzing every variable. (If avoiding half-hearted or excessive effort requires more or fewer motes, just let me know.)

Basic roll: [roll0]
Stunt: [roll1]
Excellency dice, rolled separately in case they need to be changed: [roll2]

I'm going to post this just so it's up there, but if I've misunderstood the situation (see OOC thread), I'm happy to change things. I'm currently assuming that we're meeting here before heading out into the desert.

Yuki Akuma
2016-05-07, 12:33 PM
Ten-Eighty had never liked Malfaes. The acrid smell in the air, the constant music and singing, the way First Circle demons debased themselves in her general direction whenever they noticed she was there... It was all so distasteful. In truth, she was very much looking forward to being out of the city and back in Creation again.

Time to get out of here. Now, where was that Fiend...?

The fox-woman closes her eyes. The caste mark on her head - a permanent fixture of silver fur that had been there permanently since her Exaltation - glittered faintly as she focused her Essence to her eyes. Allowing herself to perceive the world in a manner similar to She Who Lives In Her Name, she opened her eyes to gaze at the lines of Essence surrounding her. This, combined with her strong senses, would make it child's play to track down the Fiend... so long as she wasn't trying to avoid her.

5m on Essence-Dissecting Stare. Which I believe doesn't actually add any dice unless Crocus is trying to hide. C'est la vie. It should at least make the fact that she as E4 Obvious...

Perception + Awareness + Keen Smell: [roll0]
Stunt die: [roll1]

And so, One Thousand and Eighty Grains of Sand insinuates herself next to Autumn Crocus, fanning herself demurely with her fan, with a faintly playful grin on her... lips? Mouth? Mouth.

2016-05-07, 03:48 PM
"Ah, One Thousand and Eighty Grains of Sand," Crocus greets the other Infernal with a faintly rueful smile. "I'm very glad to see you - I was going to come find you as soon as I finished my drink, but I wasn't looking forward to it, this place is a maze." She sets down her glass on the windowsill, suppressing the fleeting desire to say My what big teeth you have.

"You can call me Crocus - or whatever my cover identity is, I suppose. You've already met one of the agents of this cult, yes? Can you tell me anything more about them, or about the meeting?"

Yuki Akuma
2016-05-07, 05:18 PM
"You may call me Ten-Eighty, I suppose. Or... well, whatever, really. I don't really care." Cough. "Haven't the foggiest about the cult, I'm afraid! Just that they're waiting for these 'Shining Ones'. Honestly, I just needed a home base in Creation closer to the Center than my old tribe... And they're going to teach me martial arts, so that's cool~" She grins a little.

2016-05-07, 08:45 PM
Autumn Crocus leans against the wall beside one of the great windows of the spire, sipping idly from her glass as she regards the landscape below. The Fiend is dressed richly, in a high-necked gown of dark blue netted with silver, with flowing skirts and long sleeves that conceal her hands. Delicate crystalline teardrops glitter in her earlobes, but her only other jewelry is the black-iron circlet that rests on her brow, with the subtle shape of a dragon's wing sweeping back from a gem that holds all the many colors of water. Her hair, black as night's shadow and gleaming with iridescent highlights, is wound up in a complex braided arrangement.

She wonders how long it will take her fellow Green Sun Prince to find her, in the mazes of the Malfeasant. She's not hiding, but nor has she made her presence exceptionally obvious. A little test. She hasn't worked with One Thousand and Eighty Grains of Sand before, although what she knows of the Malefactor... does not speak of noteworthy incompetence, at least.

The spirits in the glass might as well be water for all the difference it makes to Crocus, but the sesselja nestling contentedly in her stomach will appreciate the alcohol. And while she drinks and regards the glories of the Demon City, she has a little time to consider, to weigh the state of things, to consider who will remain here at the center of the City's politics while she is breathing dust and cursing the sun and seeking a way into the heart of a certain peculiar heresy. Knowing the actors, she may guess at the play, and try to anticipate their lines; her training among the acolytes of She Who Lives In Her Name has at least sharpened her understanding of patterns.

Manipulation+Socialize is 8 dice, and ideally I would like to spend 5m from the SWLIHN Excellency since this action involves analyzing every variable. (If avoiding half-hearted or excessive effort requires more or fewer motes, just let me know.)

Basic roll: [roll0]
Stunt: [roll1]
Excellency dice, rolled separately in case they need to be changed: [roll2]

I'm going to post this just so it's up there, but if I've misunderstood the situation (see OOC thread), I'm happy to change things. I'm currently assuming that we're meeting here before heading out into the desert.

You're always awarded 1-die stunts - and to be honest the quality of the writing around here deserves at least that. For this particular roll I award another die [roll0]. The excellency use is appropriate.

The great spire is mostly empty now. It seems all the Reclamators are on tasks away, or in the case of some of the Green Sun Princes, not reincarnated yet. The Malfeasant itself changes by Malfeas' whims. For a while now it's been a coldly sterile monument of massive stone walls at odd angles and protruding crystalline networks pulsating with Ligier's viridian light. The ground level is one tremendous chamber that could hold the Imperial Palace of the Realm many times over: or at least that's what Crocus has been told. The many upper (and lower) levels house suites for all Reclamators - Princes, Akuma, Demons, and Jouten - should they wish to stay, as well as countless planning rooms, training halls, armories, treasuries, libraries, dungeons, laboratories, craftshops, or whatever else Malfeas feels is vital for the effort at the moment. However, Crocus has been warned that the quality of those facilities, or even their existence, suffers from Malfean mood swings.

An oddball Slayer is one of the few remaining in the Malfeasant. He goes by the sobriquet "the Green General". Fittingly, he imposes himself as the leader of all Green Sun Princes. Most ignore him, but a few have joined his nascent faction.

Ligier visits often in the guise of an earthly prince. He acts friendly and offers oft-cryptic advice.

A lone-wolf Defiler, who otherwise rarely visits, happens to be here at the moment. She goes by her old name: Tepet Teah, a nobleborn of the Realm.

There are more secrets to be had...but Crocus hasn't chatted up the right people yet.

2016-05-07, 09:27 PM
5m on Essence-Dissecting Stare. Which I believe doesn't actually add any dice unless Crocus is trying to hide. C'est la vie. It should at least make the fact that she as E4 Obvious...

Perception + Awareness + Keen Smell: [roll0]
Stunt die: [roll1]

4 successes would reveal if she's E4 or more, her visible artifacts and hearthstones (and possibly hidden ones - for which the charms offers a bonus), any active charms you're already familiar with, and make non-familiar charms obvious. Mind you, permanent charms aren't seen unless in use. Also, Crocus may or may not carry all of her panoply in the Malfeasant.

2016-05-08, 02:55 AM
"You may call me Ten-Eighty, I suppose. Or... well, whatever, really. I don't really care." Cough. "Haven't the foggiest about the cult, I'm afraid! Just that they're waiting for these 'Shining Ones'. Honestly, I just needed a home base in Creation closer to the Center than my old tribe... And they're going to teach me martial arts, so that's cool~" She grins a little.

"Ah? Interesting. Martial arts have never really been my focus, but I'll concede it's useful for someone to know them." Crocus grins at the foxwoman, but it quickly fades to a pensive expression, as she taps her fingertips on the windowsill. "Shining Ones is suggestive; we'll want to take some care going into this meeting, in case they have other Exalts on their side. I suggest we take some demonic backup with us when we go; agatae in case we need to make a quick getaway, and perhaps some teodozjia or tomescu for personal defense. Although teodozjia are risky if there's a chance this cult is a Solar front. I can call and bind the First Circle from Creation, if need be, but not on a moment's notice."

"What are your particular skills, Ten-Eighty? It's probably best to work out any significant gaps in our expertise before we leave, so we can take steps to address them while we have Malfeas' resources to hand."

Yuki Akuma
2016-05-08, 06:03 AM
"I wouldn't really expect it to be anything more than a Solar front. They vanished centuries ago and only just showed up again, right? The cult's become much more active since five years ago, so either they're reacting to us, our... Underworld cousins (which I doubt, come on, they don't even shine) or..." She shrugs her shoulders.

"Well, I can't summon demons, so I can't help you with that. My 'particular skills' are... survival, I suppose? Oh, and making your every dream a reality, of course." A teasing wink. "...And I have more money than I ever dreamed existed when I was a child, but I don't think that qualifies as a 'skill' so much."

2016-05-09, 12:55 AM
"The five-year time period doesn't mean it's a Solar or Solars behind the scenes," Crocus argues, albeit without much force. "I agree it's the most parsimonious explanation, but the cult could be a Lunar front, or a Sidereal front, or just a handful of spirits taking advantage of the growing weakness of the Wyld Hunt and the Immaculates - reacting to the Solars' return, yes, but not directly connected. But since they tried to recruit you, presumably without knowing what you were, that suggests they'd likely at least be open to Solar Shining Ones."

So we should go in with the knowledge that we might face Solar counter-infiltration capabilities... but if the Malefactor's not already thinking in those terms, her interest in the cult might be genuine enough that she could pass such an interrogation, and if that's the case then Crocus doesn't want to waste it.

"And hey, don't dismiss money!" she adds, half-seriously. "Money is useful, and my own circumstances are relatively straitened, at least by any currency valued outside Malfeas - I left Creation in rather a hurry, without much time to pack."

"But very well - I can call demons, see Essence, read untruths, move things with my mind, and break us out of any cells we might end up in, which I'm sure will not happen at all -" The Fiend's grin is a little sardonic. "You can survive in a desert and... make dreams reality? Just how far does that go?" The curiosity on her face appears genuine.

As far as panoply goes, Crocus is wearing her Dragon Tear tiara and it has her hearthstone socketed. She would also have Mind-Hand Manipulation active. Aside from that, no magic (she has a sesselja curled up in her stomach, but I don't think that can be seen through flesh - if it can be, there's a sesselja curled up in her stomach). She is E4.

Yuki Akuma
2016-05-09, 04:47 AM
"I've also been delving into some of the secrets of our Pyrian mistress, although I haven't yet mastered the, uh... ability to move things with my mind. It sounds cool, though. I kinda wish I could." She then winks, and snaps her fingers.

Swirling silver sands erupt up around Ten-Eighty as her anima flares brightly. The sand and flames of her anima form themselves into Old World lettering - 'force', 'unseen', 'distance' being among them - before, after a few moments, the sudden lightshow stops. Ten-Eighty inspects herself for a moment, and then levitates her fan above her hand slowly. "Oh, wow, that feels weird..."

Spending 10m and 1wp to use Verdant Emptiness Endowment to grant myself Mind-Hand Manipulation, putting me at 8 XP debt and giving me 2 Limit.

Then committing the 10m to Mind-Hand Manipulation.

"It's not just restricted to magic, of course. I could also make someone stronger, faster, prettier, more skilled with a sword... I'm also fairly sure I can manipulate fate to give people stuff and friends, but I haven't... quite worked out that technique yet." She gives a slightly embarassed smile. "There's a catch, though. There's no such thing as a free lunch... you need to put the effort into whatever it is you've 'earned'. It can just be, ah... retroactive."

Cough. "...Shall we get going? I don't really want to spend more time in this place than I need to."

2016-05-10, 01:51 AM
Aside from that, no magic (she has a sesselja curled up in her stomach, but I don't think that can be seen through flesh - if it can be, there's a sesselja curled up in her stomach). She is E4.

Occasionally, sesselja betray their presence. Also, bright light, like the iconic anima Ten-Eighty flared, reveals flesh as less-than-opaque.

2016-05-10, 02:01 AM
"But of course," Crocus murmurs, at there's no such thing as a free lunch. She tilts her head, studying the Malefactor. "You dislike it here so much, then? We can certainly start walking, but do you mind if I ask why?"

She picks up her skirts and begins strolling down the corridor, leaving her glass on the windowsill.

Within her thoughts, there is a musical chuckle. Only the most observant would see Crocus tense by just a hair, for just a moment - but no, this is just Croak, waking from somnolence to observe through her eyes. She can sense the coadjutor's bright curiosity, its quick-darting keen perception as it studies the other Infernal.

Not for the first time, she hides a flash of anger behind a perfect mask. She knows her own answer to that question; has known it since she understood the nature of the chrysalis, and the sacrifice imposed on its bearer. Of course, that first clue was quickly superseded by a flood of information about the workings of Malfeas - but this is somehow still the most personal, that this gentle clever mind should be bound into this bodiless twilight existence solely to act as a conduit.

Heh. Better than being eaten by a blood ape, dear Fiend. Now do pay attention; that wasn't very subtle, but nor was what she said. Nibble at the bait, it's only courteous, but don't swallow it whole just yet.

Fair enough, re sesseljae. Assuming it is ok (she can call them with Slave-Spawn Summons and they're descended from the Dragon, who sources her Backing etc), she will generally have at least one sesselja with her at all times, and there are probably more wherever she's living. We'll see more of this in Creation, but she likes sesseljae and tries to protect them as she can - she finds their drives and motivations oddly pure, for creatures who are disdained by Creation for being demons and disdained by stronger demons for being weak (and nuisances when it comes to alcohol). And she knows quite a bit about them due to her coadjutor (well, mechanically due to her Occult rating, but in principle due to her coadjutor).

Yuki Akuma
2016-05-10, 08:05 AM
"I've had it drilled in me since my birth that I must do everything I can to survive - and I don't believe insulting the King of all Demons while inside of Him is a particularly wise course of action regarding my own survival. Do you~?" If the Malefactor noticed Crocus's expression, she doesn't let on. She probably didn't, to be honest. "...But mostly, I can't stand the scent of vitriol. I suppose you don't really notice, with that half-blind sense of smell, but the scent is everywhere here!"

Ten-Eighty continues to play with her fan, bouncing it from one telekinetic 'arm' to another and just generally testing out her new capability. "...And, to be honest, the day I was bound to Dancer was the worst day of my life. I don't really like to be reminded."

2016-05-13, 01:09 AM
"Mm. Fair enough then. I see no need for us to delay too long in Malfeas - I'd like to send a few messages to let people know how long I'll be gone, and make sure we have supplies for the journey, but we'll have time to plan our approach on the way across Cecelyne. If you have significant funds in the local currency, it would probably be a good idea to bring some portion of those, and perhaps some easily concealable jewelry as well." She eyes the other woman a little dubiously. "I suppose disguise would be a tad difficult for you, but you want them to recognize you... it might be worth taking some ordinary weapons just so we don't look like quite such easy prey, since telekinesis is more than a little obvious."

"On a more pleasant topic - just how far does this wish-granting of yours go? Could I say... oh, I wish I could change my face and form and attire whenever and however I desired?" She flings out one hand in a flamboyant gesture.

At the same time, Crocus structures the Essence flowing through her eyes into the precise crystalline lattices of She Who Lives, and looks out on a diffracted rainbow of power. This time she will see exactly what's being done, if indeed the other Infernal can work her Charm with no more than that.

Crocus would like Loom-Snarling Deception, if you're handing out wishes :smallwink: If not, no worries, but if Crocus doesn't have LSD she'll also pick up a few changes of desert-suitable clothing and so on :smallwink:

And OK, having re-checked how some backgrounds work, I don't think I have much prep to do; can Crocus teleport demons to her with Slave-Spawn Summons in Cecelyne just as she can in Malfeas or Creation?

She would like to send a quick message to Benezet to the effect that she'll be out of town for a while, but since this was planned in advance, can we say she already did that?

She would also be interested in sending a brief note to Tepet Teah asking if there's anything in the way of materials she would like them to pick up in the Southern deserts (Crocus is happy to do small favors that don't cost her anything, someday any goodwill so gained might be useful) - I'm not sure what the easiest way is for GSPs to communicate inside Malfeas, though. Again, this could probably have been done before this meeting, if it's okay to retcon it.

Modulo that, I'm happy to move on to whatever meeting is going to intervene when we start to head out to Cecelyne.

Yuki Akuma
2016-05-14, 08:15 AM
Ten-Eighty nods along as Crocus mentions getting supplies. Of course, she doesn't actually need to take anything with her - they're going to the desert, finding food will be child's play for her. "Ah, yes. Carrying a weapon might be a good idea. Of course, I can kill a man with my jaws, although... I'd rather prefer not to. Most men taste awful." She makes a note to acquire something suitable before they leave.

"Well... something like that should fall within the themes of your patron, shouldn't it, Fiend? Let's find out~" She snaps her fingers - her anima flares again, the permanent hourglass on her forehead shining to life as Crocus feels a slight 'pressure' on her mind. There's an offer being made. Will she accept?

Assuming she does, silver sands erupt around her, forming into Old Realm script spelling out words such as 'Deception', 'Fate' and 'Shadows'. In a moment, the sands are gone, leaving Crocus changed - she knows now how to shape her Essence to provide disguises for herself, calling on the Ebon Dragon's principles of opposition and trickery.


10m and 1 wp on Verdant Emptiness Endowment to grant Crocus 'Loom-Snarling Deception', assuming she has the prerequisites! (I expect she does, because why would she ask for it otherwise) oh it doesn't have prerequisites okay, which will cost her 8 xp. Putting her into XP Debt as a Training effect. 1 wp to refuse the gift, if for some reason you changed your mind in the day it took to post this. :smallwink: If she's using Essence-Dissecting Stare, there, I think she should know about the repayment clause? I'm unsure.

I'd also like to purchase a pair of war fans, which my Resources of 3 should be able to cover? I don't have my book with me right at this moment.

Also: Gosh, down to 3wp. I should spend some XP to improve it at some point >.>

2016-05-16, 12:25 AM
"Fascinating," Crocus muses, as the silvery sand evanesces back into nothingness. She concentrates for a moment, and then a young man stands where the Fiend had been, dressed in a loose robe suitable for desert travel. He runs a hand through his short-cropped hair - the coppery red common to those with traces of elemental heritage, contrasting with his dark eyes and brown skin - and grins cheerfully at the fox-woman.

"Well, that seems to work. Much obliged, Shining One. If I do need a cover, outcaste Terrestrial sorcerer seems like a reasonable start. If he hides his identity and does so with moderate incompetence, hopefully they'll latch onto that and not look deeper."

"All right then. Let's pick up our supplies and head out..."

Happy to be in XP debt, and thanks :smallsmile:

I asked a few questions in my last IC post, but generally happy to move on to whatever's going to happen as we leave for Creation.

2016-05-17, 12:52 PM
And OK, having re-checked how some backgrounds work, I don't think I have much prep to do; can Crocus teleport demons to her with Slave-Spawn Summons in Cecelyne just as she can in Malfeas or Creation?

She would like to send a quick message to Benezet to the effect that she'll be out of town for a while, but since this was planned in advance, can we say she already did that?

She would also be interested in sending a brief note to Tepet Teah asking if there's anything in the way of materials she would like them to pick up in the Southern deserts (Crocus is happy to do small favors that don't cost her anything, someday any goodwill so gained might be useful) - I'm not sure what the easiest way is for GSPs to communicate inside Malfeas, though. Again, this could probably have been done before this meeting, if it's okay to retcon it.

Modulo that, I'm happy to move on to whatever meeting is going to intervene when we start to head out to Cecelyne.

You can "teleport" them in Cecelyne, but they'll have to spend five days there nonetheless to enter Creation.

We can. Again, the prelude and this scene are more "memories" establishing your background.

The reclusive Defiler hadn't replied to the note, for whatever reason, but she does have a reputation of a lone wolf who won't cooperate with the other GSP.