View Full Version : Call of Duty: Infinite Franchise Fatigue

2016-05-02, 10:13 PM
Alright, let's be real here, this franchise has been going on for nearly ten years now, and Call of Duty itself has been going on longer than that. I will be the first to admit that MW3 is my favorite of the series, but even I know that by then, the franchise had been going on for far too long. Advanced Warfare was an atrocity in ways of gameplay even in its single player. Now they're coming out with Infinite Warfare, and I, for one, really hope that it is the final in the series. Space should really be the final frontier in this case. I know I can't be the only one who feels this way. Please, let be know if you say yay or nay on this franchise reaching "new heights." Are they really hitting new grounds, or are they kicking a dead horse?

2016-05-03, 10:23 AM
I havent touched the game since black ops 2 and they introduced that stupid new mini game where you setup robots to defend a base or whatever. I play call of duty for its classic warfare stuff. I had no problem with modern warfare either. But I draw the line at sci fi warfare. Just gimmie my garand and my thompson and gtfo my way. I got various axis of evil soldiers to wipe out. I was so happy with black ops because it seemed like it was finally starting to branch out into other wars like veitnam and such. I had been waiting for it to explore the other wars since ww2 for years.