View Full Version : Best Startoss Weapon

Endless Query
2016-05-03, 05:17 AM
Pretty much as says above. I'm looking at what may prove to be a bit of a silly Vigilante thrown weapon build, and I'm trying to figure out what weapon works best. Looking at running Startoss (huhdoy) because it does nice extra damage, and the, uh... Ranged cleave? Is pretty entertaining, but even though I'm being a bit silly, I'd like to still end up with something decent.

At present I've looked at throwing axes, possibly picking up Sliding Axe Throw, which seems to combo oddly well with Startoss, since you're making your attacks at full BAB and can then take the -2 penalty on... Each one in turn letting you try to trip everyone? I think? Seems funny. Also something small enough to maybe carry a few around hidden in social situations, unlike a spear or a trident or something.

But, really, I don't know all my throwing feats or traits (like, I know there's one out there that gives you +1 damage on daggers some people use for throwing stuff, though I imagine more spam throwing), so I'm wondering if there are better options I'm utterly oblivious of. Thanks for whatever assistance you choose to render.

2016-05-03, 03:18 PM
Your first choice is whether to use a melee or pure ranged throwing weapon. Melee weapons tend to have shorter range increments, but allow you to use Blinkback Belt (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic-items/wondrous-items/wondrous-items/a-b/belt-blink-back), saving you a lot of money in the long run by not throwing your gp at your foes and allowing you to full-attack when faced with single foes. Pure ranged weapons meanwhile have longer range increments, which keeps you out of harm's way and also improves the effectiveness of your Startoss Comet/Shower. While these don't work with BbB, there are still a few money-saving options - notably the Sling Glove, which will let you throw inexpensive sling bullets (with a 50ft. increment!) and transfer weapon enchantments to them. The other benefit of the Sling Glove is that reloading it is a free action by default, meaning you don't need to burn feats on Rapid Reload or Quickdraw (though you'll likely need to burn one on EWP.)

By contrast, I wouldn't use throwing axes for this concept - they have a pretty abysmal range increment of 10ft.

Your other route for boosting damage is getting the Vital Strike chain - combined with a decent strength and your Startoss boni, you'll have a good chance at one-shotting the first thing you hit before going on to "cleave" every enemy in the room. This route is very feat intensive however, and other classes with bonus feats might have better damage, such as Fighter, Brawler, Slayer, Ranger, or Warpriest. But an Avenger Vigilante could pull it off.

Endless Query
2016-05-03, 04:08 PM
The only reason I was looking at axes was because of the Sliding Axe Throw since having it fly around trying to trip people seemed... Really funny, but yeah, having just a 10 foot range increment is kind of sad. Also, while not enabling full attacks (... well until 14th. So while not enabling full attacks) Vigilantes can just give Returning to their weapon type of choice which is what made Startoss reasonably interesting, since if you're just making one attack anyways, the free returning is pretty perfect.

I suppose Vital Strike does sort of make sense, then, if you're only going to be making the one attack, mine as well get your bonus dice but then, what do you use? . . . Chakrams? d8 base damage and 30 foot range increment gives you decent kickbacks on your Vital Strike and plenty of ricochet range? Granted, getting a bit Xena Warrior Princess up in here at that point, but I'm not sure what else is a good option for it.

On an unrelated note, I've always been a touch... Tetchy about Vital Strike though I realize I just fail at math, really. "I dunno, an extra die doesn't seem that good." "... Okay, now consider that as + the average damage rolled on that die. Does +4.5 damage look better to you?" ". . . Ohhhh."