View Full Version : Computer Dawn of War III trailer

2016-05-03, 09:22 AM
Laddies, it's habbening (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N_ZgyNoHtjw).

The news of Relic's demise has been much exaggerated.

2016-05-03, 09:27 AM
As I've said elsewhere the trailer is one of the worst I've ever seen, even if I'm looking forward to the game this trailer is just garbage.

2016-05-03, 09:29 AM
As I've said elsewhere the trailer is one of the worst I've ever seen, even if I'm looking forward to the game this trailer is just garbage.

I'll get excited when I see gameplay.

2016-05-03, 09:45 AM
As I've said elsewhere the trailer is one of the worst I've ever seen, even if I'm looking forward to the game this trailer is just garbage.

Yeah, instead of going that allegoric, dreamlike route with very different, refined aesthetic for each race (I really like that woven, organic, raw look of wraithbone) they should just have lazily slapped together some scripted scenes rendered at above ultra graphic settings that will never make it to final master of game, upscaled to 8K, slapped some post-production HDR and bloom effects, manually excise remaining blemishes from each frame with photoshop, and call it a day, right? :smallsigh:

In other news, poetry, abstract painting, and music without lyrics had been banned for being too complex.

I wouldn't be surprised if this trailer takes every single possible award for game video in 2016, barring someone making something even better.

I'll get excited when I see gameplay.

Yup, who cares, Relic never made any good game or did anything like single-handedly introducing whole new generation to failing hobby, eh?

I also loved that little dig at current WH40K badly imbalanced mess of a ruleset, two Imperial Knights being needed to take on a single cheaper Wraithknight, and nearly failing. Whoever scripted this video has better grasp of rules than GW does...

2016-05-03, 09:56 AM
Yup, who cares, Relic never made any good game or did anything like single-handedly introducing whole new generation to failing hobby, eh?

Dawn of War was a base-building RTS.
Dawn of War II was a top-down RPG.

Totally different games. What will #3 be like? Will I hate it? Will I love it? How the Hell am I supposed to know, based on a trailer with no gameplay? Various expansions to both games were both awesome and terrible, depending on the expansion.

You're asking me to get excited about a trailer, not a finished product...Simply put, I refuse. I've been burned so many times. A cinematic trailer is cinematic. Yeah. It looks pretty. So do a lot of things. I will not base my excitement levels on game by a cinematic trailer with no gameplay. I just wont. I don't care who publishes it.

2016-05-03, 10:05 AM
Yeah, instead of going that allegoric, dreamlike route with very different, refined aesthetic for each race (I really like that woven, organic, raw look of wraithbone) they should just have lazily slapped together some scripted scenes rendered at above ultra graphic settings that will never make it to final master of game, upscaled to 8K, slapped some post-production HDR and bloom effects, manually excise remaining blemishes from each frame with photoshop, and call it a day, right? :smallsigh:

In other news, poetry, abstract painting, and music without lyrics had been banned for being too complex.

I wouldn't be surprised if this trailer takes every single possible award for game video in 2016, barring someone making something even better.

Yup, who cares, Relic never made any good game or did anything like single-handedly introducing whole new generation to failing hobby, eh?

I also loved that little dig at current WH40K badly imbalanced mess of a ruleset, two Imperial Knights being needed to take on a single cheaper Wraithknight, and nearly failing. Whoever scripted this video has better grasp of rules than GW does...

Please try not to be so condescending this was basically babies first attempt at being "Cool". I was mildly hopeful that the beginning was going to be hinting at a plot of the Empire totally renouncing the Blood Ravens after all the stuff they've gone through but after that it just descends into inanity, Nope the statue of the emperor is a Giant Horde or Orks, everyone's Dead, ELDAR, Possible hint of Forge world scale, Imperial Knight, Mound of Corpses that may as well be listed to sort.

You know what would have been interesting, a still painting telling us of the war that is going to make up the plot have it showing some of the units with a heaven vs hell aesthetic, actually meaningful voice over instead of the speech we've heard a million times before. Or you know anything that would tell us something more than what they have here.

And no Relic don't get any points for making the DoW games one because DoW1 was a decade ago and two because they have a new publisher now so we don't know if they will have to push the game out of the door early or anything like that. (Especially considering Sega doesn't exactly have a good reputation at this point for that.)

As for the cheapshot at the rules I believe that as much as I believe this actually had any thought put into it beyond making a teaser.

2016-05-03, 10:18 AM
Man, that trailer looks awesome. And Relic has yet to disappoint, even if I liked DoW 1 better than 2.

Apparently the game will be a combination of the first two (http://store.steampowered.com/app/285190/), with the armies and base-building of the first, and heroes of the second. And it looks (http://cdn.mos.cms.futurecdn.net/bRNzRsaDJieNeZKeMfEw4H.jpg) great (http://cdn.mos.cms.futurecdn.net/6Pqc2ZPME28GLxGNZoELmL.jpg). Pretty excited about it.

2016-05-03, 10:24 AM
Especially considering Sega doesn't exactly have a good reputation at this point for that.

Oh, right. I totally forgot. Sega is running this one. Not THQ. :smallsigh:

Hunter Noventa
2016-05-03, 10:28 AM
Man, that trailer looks awesome. And Relic has yet to disappoint, even if I liked DoW 1 better than 2.

Apparently the game will be a combination of the first two (http://store.steampowered.com/app/285190/), with the armies and base-building of the first, and heroes of the second. And it looks (http://cdn.mos.cms.futurecdn.net/bRNzRsaDJieNeZKeMfEw4H.jpg) great (http://cdn.mos.cms.futurecdn.net/6Pqc2ZPME28GLxGNZoELmL.jpg). Pretty excited about it.

So kind of like Warcraft 3 then? I can live with that. Especially since I saw Imperial Knights int he trailer. That's all I needed to know.

Professor Gnoll
2016-05-03, 10:31 AM
I'm really loving that organic look for Wraithbone. Interesting, and really lends the Eldar a unique and ancient feel.

2016-05-03, 10:32 AM
Dawn of War was a base-building RTS.
Dawn of War II was a top-down RPG.

And both were major successes that introduced whole new generation to WH40K, being first contact with the game and runaway success to such a degree that royalties paid by THQ were third of GWs profits for nearly a decade. The series was so important that when THQ went belly up we saw a cascade of WH40K mobile, tablet, and portable game licences as GW desperately tried to make up for the shortfall. So important in fact that WH40K lore was changed to match the games, not the other way around. Saw the new Deatchwatch board game? Guess what chapter it includes instead of several first founding legions, never mind other chapters of later foundings.

And it's not just DoW. If you look at non-WH Relic games, most of them were really good. If there is a studio you can trust with making a good (if not great) game, Relic is certainly among them.

Totally different games. What will #3 be like? Will I hate it? Will I love it? How the Hell am I supposed to know, based on a trailer with no gameplay? Various expansions to both games were both awesome and terrible, depending on the expansion.

But that's the point - gameplay trailers are worthless. They are inevitably scripted, done by someone who knows the game inside out, on best studio machine, by someone who doest it for a job and has stake in it. They never tell you how good it will work on your PC or if you will have a fun time playing it. This trailer, however, tells you the studio invested in world class animators, designers, graphic direction and writing. This says a lot more how serious this project is than several minutes of canned gameplay. I would be a lot less optimistic if they rolled out your standard bland gameplay trailer #6367783 first.

You're asking me to get excited about a trailer, not a finished product...Simply put, I refuse. I've been burned so many times. A cinematic trailer is cinematic. Yeah. It looks pretty. So do a lot of things. I will not base my excitement levels on game by a cinematic trailer with no gameplay. I just wont. I don't care who publishes it.

But giving you that information is not the job of first impression trailer. That information is on press release (http://www.gamespot.com/articles/watch-dawn-of-war-3s-impressive-debut-trailer-see-/1100-6439434/). Or in game page (http://store.steampowered.com/app/285190/) in store. Or on these screenshots:


You just need to look, but alas, complaining the trailer didn't do 20 things at once is certainly easier.
Speaking of press release, Gorgutz is back!

2016-05-03, 10:47 AM
Trailer looked cool to me. I'm pumped. I wonder what we'll get this time? Each DoW is pretty wildly different from the next.

Judging by the screenshots, it looks like we're getting Supreme Commander.

2016-05-03, 10:51 AM
And both were major successes that introduced whole new generation to WH40K, being first contact with the game and runaway success to such a degree that royalties paid by THQ were third of GWs profits for nearly a decade. The series was so important that when THQ went belly up we saw a cascade of WH40K mobile, tablet, and portable game licences as GW desperately tried to make up for the shortfall. So important in fact that WH40K lore was changed to match the games, not the other way around. Saw the new Deatchwatch board game? Guess what chapter it includes instead of several first founding legions, never mind other chapters of later foundings.

And it's not just DoW. If you look at non-WH Relic games, most of them were really good. If there is a studio you can trust with making a good (if not great) game, Relic is certainly among them.

But that's the point - gameplay trailers are worthless. They are inevitably scripted, done by someone who knows the game inside out, on best studio machine, by someone who doest it for a job and has stake in it. They never tell you how good it will work on your PC or if you will have a fun time playing it. This trailer, however, tells you the studio invested in world class animators, designers, graphic direction and writing. This says a lot more how serious this project is than several minutes of canned gameplay. I would be a lot less optimistic if they rolled out your standard bland gameplay trailer #6367783 first.

But giving you that information is not the job of first impression trailer. That information is on press release (http://www.gamespot.com/articles/watch-dawn-of-war-3s-impressive-debut-trailer-see-/1100-6439434/). Or in game page (http://store.steampowered.com/app/285190/) in store. Or on these screenshots:


You just need to look, but alas, complaining the trailer didn't do 20 things at once is certainly easier.
Speaking of press release, Gorgutz is back!

Actually I have read the information off the site like I said above Relic don't get a free ride because of what they've done in the past A: Because they are now owned by Sega a notoriously bad publisher until they have gained some faith back recently but from dev talks it sounds more like they devs are being made to lick boot in exchange for concessions and B: Because that's a stupid way to decide on games to buy and leads to laziness. Now obviously I'm still interested in the game otherwise I wouldn't be here so Relics name being attached to the DoW label has obviously got my attention but I'm not going to overlook everything to declare this the second coming off a bad Teaser.

As for them saying its going to be DoW1+DoW2 well of course they're going to say that but it doesn't really mean much. Now they screen shots look pretty much like a DoW1 mod so I'm going to guess this is going to be Retribution remade I.e larger forces like DoW1 with limited basebuilding and heroes not being the be and end all, which is a shame since Ret was the worst of the DoW2 games since it was stuck halfway between two games that actually had a good outlook. However they aren't really worth talking about since they don't show any mechanics just some people standing and shooting at each other and hints at an unimplemented as of yet cover system. Infact reading the PC gamer article reminds me of Tom Clancys End war which doesn't exactly get my hopes up.

Note the Hero line up is Gorgutz, Gabriel and Macha.

2016-05-03, 10:54 AM
And both were major successes that introduced whole new generation to WH40K, being first contact with the game and runaway success to such a degree that royalties paid by THQ were third of GWs profits for nearly a decade. The series was so important that when THQ went belly up we saw a cascade of WH40K mobile, tablet, and portable game licences as GW desperately tried to make up for the shortfall.

None of which influences my decision on whether or not *I* will like the game itself.
Will *other* people like it? Sure. But why would other people's opinions affect mine?

*I* am not impressed by a cinematic trailer.
*You* would not be impressed by a gameplay trailer.

See how opinions work? Amazing.

But giving you that information is not the job of first impression trailer. That information is on press release (http://www.gamespot.com/articles/watch-dawn-of-war-3s-impressive-debut-trailer-see-/1100-6439434/). Or in game page (http://store.steampowered.com/app/285190/) in store.

Cool, and now I know. I'll get excited about those. Not the trailer.

You just need to look, but alas, complaining the trailer didn't do 20 things at once is certainly easier.

If press releases and game pages were linked in the OP. I would have seen them.
Unfortunately, all I have to go on, was a cinematic trailer, which didn't interest me. Would I like to know more? No. Not of my own volition. If someone points me to something that I should look at that *does* interest me - as you've done - then I'll go look at it, and get interested in it. But, had I not been pointed to it, I wouldn't have looked for it, because the first thing I saw, did not interest me, so why should I keep looking...Unless, of course, someone tells me otherwise.

"This show sucks. I'm going to stop watching."
"Dude, you've only seen four episodes, keep watching. It doesn't really get good 'til Season 2."

Without the second person to intervene, the first person would not have gotten to Season 2, because he's not interested in what he's seen so far. Happens all the time.

So, once again; Until I see gameplay - what it plays like, compared to similar games that I enjoy, will determine whether or not I will like the mechanics. The gameplay will determine whether or not I will the game. Who cares that gameplay trailers are scripted!? You still see what the gameplay is like. What the UI looks like, etc. I am not interested in how much money a studio can throw at an art team. Anybody can throw enough money at a good enough artist - or group of them - and produce a desired result. Cinematics do not interest me. End of discussion.

I'll get excited when I see gameplay.

2016-05-03, 12:01 PM
That trailer wasn't very good, and I've been disappointed before...

...Screw it. It's DOW III, YAAAAAAY!

2016-05-03, 12:54 PM
Are the knights new addition to WH40k?
I only saw them but not sure if Astartes are allowed to have Titans except as joint-support.

2016-05-03, 01:28 PM
Are the knights new addition to WH40k?
I only saw them but not sure if Astartes are allowed to have Titans except as joint-support.

They're fairly new. They're tiny baby titans. I'm... not really sure why they exist, given that Dreadnoughts are already tiny baby titans. And then Centurians are in there somewhere??

2016-05-03, 01:50 PM

Or knights, whatever. They're still big, roaring humanoid fighting machines and they look awesome. The Eldar one in particular. Actually, the Eldar in general look great in this.

Also, is it just me or did they make the Space Marines a bit less bulky? I'm seeing a lot of leg and not as much shoulder as I'm used to.

I'm still going to hope for some Imperators in there. Not sure how they'd do it, but I still want it.

2016-05-03, 02:45 PM
Marines and Eldar coming from the same direction!? Marine captain smiling at Eldar victory!!? What is this heresy!!!1!:smallfurious::smallfurious::smallfurio us:

Also yes, this is a completely meaningless cgi clip. It's not even particularly cool. They gotta put out some actual game before it's worth anything.

2016-05-03, 04:08 PM
Was that... a marine... with hair?

Mind. Blown.

Actual trailer: meh? Some nice aesthetics on the Eldar, and I like the very dreamlike imagery (Emperor exploding into orks? Marine just saluting while a knight explodes on him? The endless rain of debris? All cool.) But the action felt rather stale.

2016-05-03, 04:37 PM
I for one am thrilled and will buy the preorder as soon as its available. I do have some skepticism though about their fluffed easy coordination of the battle field though, its not like jet packing marines is new or helped track events on a battlefield previously. Extra flashes,.....dunno.

Hiro Protagonest
2016-05-03, 05:57 PM
was that... A marine... With hair?


Hunter Noventa
2016-05-04, 07:10 AM
In truth the Imperial Knights fit in more alongside the Imperial Guard than the Space Marines. But they don't have anything close to the same scale themselves.

I'm excited, but I want to see gameplay too.

2016-05-04, 07:37 AM
I'd say Knights fit the Marines just fine. They are organized in knightly orders and noble houses, so they fill some of the same fluff niche as marines, when transported from Warhammer Fantasy.

2016-05-04, 11:02 AM
I thought the trailer was surprisingly moody, and not in the way I'd expect. Almost mournful despite the big action bits. Maybe it was the music, and also the whole dreamlike quality to the scenes. Corpses falling down like dandruff? That's gotta be metaphorical. I suspect this might be an Eldar perspective/vision of some kind, but that's a shot in the dark admittedly.

Also found it odd how badly the Astartes were being pwned. I would almost think that the cinematic team had some kind of grudge against Space Marines. The trailers for I and II were a bit more balanced in that regard. Maybe not entirely lore-accurate, but balanced.

The involvement of Wraithknight-scale units seems interesting at first glance. Upon reflection though, I wonder if they'll just fill the same role as Relic units or if the entire scale of the game is going to be increased. The screenshots would suggest the scale is similar to I and II though.

2016-05-04, 12:08 PM
I'm with Cheesegear here. The trailer was... ok. But making moody, dark, war-is-hell kind of trailers has become pretty popular in the last time, with few of the games actually matching that mood. I'll watch gameplay videos and read stuff, but the trailer didn't do it for me.

2016-05-04, 12:26 PM
Speaking of press release, Gorgutz is back!

And Da Big Boss is back for round 4. I think this may have just made the game for me.

Also ya, the trailer was awesome, i hope Orks get a Stompa

Are the knights new addition to WH40k?
I only saw them but not sure if Astartes are allowed to have Titans except as joint-support.

Imp Knights have actually been around for some time, waaaay back when Epic was a thing. They arent actually Titans as the smallest titan is a Warhound, though they do serve a similar tactical purpose. IE Giant Walking Death Machine

2016-05-04, 12:59 PM
Imp Knights have actually been around for some time, waaaay back when Epic was a thing. They arent actually Titans as the smallest titan is a Warhound, though they do serve a similar tactical purpose. IE Giant Walking Death Machine


2016-05-04, 01:18 PM

Well theres that too, but in Relics defense they where a thing and then GW made them a thing again :smalltongue:

2016-05-04, 02:19 PM
I thought the trailer was surprisingly moody, and not in the way I'd expect. Almost mournful despite the big action bits. Maybe it was the music, and also the whole dreamlike quality to the scenes. Corpses falling down like dandruff? That's gotta be metaphorical. I suspect this might be an Eldar perspective/vision of some kind, but that's a shot in the dark admittedly.

Also found it odd how badly the Astartes were being pwned. I would almost think that the cinematic team had some kind of grudge against Space Marines. The trailers for I and II were a bit more balanced in that regard. Maybe not entirely lore-accurate, but balanced.

The involvement of Wraithknight-scale units seems interesting at first glance. Upon reflection though, I wonder if they'll just fill the same role as Relic units or if the entire scale of the game is going to be increased. The screenshots would suggest the scale is similar to I and II though.

I assume it was a Marine having a vision, actually. I don't think anything in it is literal. I mean, it starts with them kneeling in front of the Emperor and the wind blowing most of them away. Symbolic. Statue exploding into Orcs. Orcs killing most of them without a battle. The scene where the marine almos smiles while a Knight falls on him and he just salutes with his sword.

2016-05-04, 02:27 PM
Well theres that too, but in Relics defense they where a thing and then GW made them a thing again :smalltongue:

Yeah, I can dig that though as best I can tell they haven't had a consistent place in the w40k universe, dropping off when apocalypse wasn't being pushed and the coming back because....not sure. The inconsistency makes it a bit suspect in my mind.

Not that it matters in the slightest, big robots with big guns because the Tau shouldn't have all the fun. Kind of disappointing how little damage they did to the Eldar in two shots.

2016-05-04, 02:36 PM
Yeah, I can dig that though as best I can tell they haven't had a consistent place in the w40k universe, dropping off when apocalypse wasn't being pushed and the coming back because....not sure. The inconsistency makes it a bit suspect in my mind.

Not that it matters in the slightest, big robots with big guns because the Tau shouldn't have all the fun. Kind of disappointing how little damage they did to the Eldar in two shots.

Those looked like Battle Cannon shots, those are meant for clearing infantry and maybe blasting apart light vehicles. The sword did a great job though.

2016-05-05, 12:08 AM
I assume it was a Marine having a vision, actually. I don't think anything in it is literal. I mean, it starts with them kneeling in front of the Emperor and the wind blowing most of them away. Symbolic. Statue exploding into Orcs. Orcs killing most of them without a battle. The scene where the marine almos smiles while a Knight falls on him and he just salutes with his sword.

See, my first impression wasn't that the statue exploded into Orks. I assumed it was a massive figure of the Emperor carved into a rock face, and the Orks were climbing up from the "back" of it. Just as the Orks crest the top of it, it blurs out because of dust.

After replaying the scene a few times, I'm not so sure. It does seem like the statue itself breaks apart as the Orks emerge.

The idea of it being a Space Marine vision is interesting though.

That voiceover is another thing. The voice and effects make me 99.5% sure it's an Eldar speaking, but she sounds like, for at least part of it, she's quoting Imperial Cult literature. The rest of it is admittedly general, but the bit about faith and doubt doesn't seem like anything an Eldar would bother about.

2016-05-05, 03:21 AM
Loved DoW 1, DoW 2 was quite the letdown but still fun enough, putting the 2 together would be great.

DoW 1 opening cinematic still remains the pinacle of human achievement to date (with the moon landing a distant second), this trailer sucks a big fat one.

Much like Cheese I'll be waiting for more info to get excited, but consider me cautiously optimistic about 3.

2016-05-05, 05:03 AM
The idea of it being a Space Marine vision is interesting though.
That voiceover is another thing. The voice and effects make me 99.5% sure it's an Eldar speaking, but she sounds like, for at least part of it, she's quoting Imperial Cult literature. The rest of it is admittedly general, but the bit about faith and doubt doesn't seem like anything an Eldar would bother about.

Most of it, yes. Though I could see "In throes of Rage I will hone my Craft" as a Banshee thing.

2016-05-05, 12:39 PM
Dream Sequence/Vision, agreed.

Well done for a First Trailer.
Lets see what comes next, even though Relic didn`t ever produce a perfect game, they were all at the very least good. Which is much more than most developers can claim

So I am looking forward to DOW3 (ona sidenote: maybe the Blood Ravens finally get told they`re actually an Eldar Joke? ^^).

2016-05-08, 01:22 AM
I'm not well-versed on the 40K-verse, but I felt like the Blood Angels Ravens in the trailer looked a lot thinner than most Space Marines I'd see in promotional art or fanart. Is this that Legion's Chapter's particular armour style to be thinner, or is that just an artistic hiccup?

2016-05-08, 06:40 AM
I'm not well-versed on the 40K-verse, but I felt like the Blood Angels Ravens in the trailer looked a lot thinner than most Space Marines I'd see in promotional art or fanart. Is this that Legion's Chapter's particular armour style to be thinner, or is that just an artistic hiccup?

Most of the fat marine pictures are based on replicating the proportions of the tabletop models, and the proportions you can get when casting a 28mm model wearing all that cruft aren't particularly natural.

2016-05-08, 06:48 AM
One thing I've heard is that the standard bulky space marine armor is apparently very hard to animate in anything other than generic "standing heroically" poses. I think they had to modify it for Space Marine too. Maybe they had to make it less bulky for the videos to make it more expressive.

2016-05-08, 08:58 AM
I always thought that too bulky standard marines (ergo exact replicas of the models) made Terminators look not massive enough (or if they did scale properly, too massive to move) myself.

SPace Marine had thinner Marines, but these Blood Ravens DO look thinner than any Marine ina rmor I ahve ever seen. Including the Faces. Hmmm.....

2016-05-11, 01:35 AM
Man, that trailer looks awesome. And Relic has yet to disappoint, even if I liked DoW 1 better than 2.

Apparently the game will be a combination of the first two (http://store.steampowered.com/app/285190/), with the armies and base-building of the first, and heroes of the second. And it looks (http://cdn.mos.cms.futurecdn.net/bRNzRsaDJieNeZKeMfEw4H.jpg) great (http://cdn.mos.cms.futurecdn.net/6Pqc2ZPME28GLxGNZoELmL.jpg). Pretty excited about it.

Well damn, I hate base building crap, it's why DoW 2 is still one of my favorite rts games.

2016-05-11, 01:51 AM
Well damn, I hate base building crap, it's why DoW 2 is still one of my favorite rts games.

Well, the original didn't exactly have massive base-building. There wasn't really anything in the way of expanding to new resource hubs (by this I mean building a second base, staffing it with worker units, yadda yadda) or building 15 barracks to simultaneously pump out guys.

I loved Dawn of War 2, but it just didn't have the pizazz of the first. The scale felt lower, and the slower pace and cover system made it feel much more like Company of Heroes, a series I've never managed to quite get into.

I think I'll have to wait for it to come out, then watch videos to see if they've taken it in a direction I like.

2016-05-11, 06:30 AM
Well, the original didn't exactly have massive base-building. There wasn't really anything in the way of expanding to new resource hubs (by this I mean building a second base, staffing it with worker units, yadda yadda) or building 15 barracks to simultaneously pump out guys.

I loved Dawn of War 2, but it just didn't have the pizazz of the first. The scale felt lower, and the slower pace and cover system made it feel much more like Company of Heroes, a series I've never managed to quite get into.

I think I'll have to wait for it to come out, then watch videos to see if they've taken it in a direction I like.

I don't know about you, but I totally built fifteen barracks to pump out guys when playing as Orks.

2016-05-11, 04:28 PM
I don't know about you, but I totally built fifteen barracks to pump out guys when playing as Orks.

To be fair Orks can pump boyz out of like 4 buildings :smalltongue:

2016-05-17, 12:10 AM
It's obvious why these guys don't look like 40k Space Marines. They're not. They are Dawn of War Spess Mehreens. Fuhr tha Emprah!

2016-05-17, 06:18 AM
To be fair Orks can pump boyz out of like 4 buildings :smalltongue:

If you can't keep your population cap maxed at all times, you've made a terrible mistake. (Specifically, the mistake of not bringin' enuff boyz)

2016-05-17, 04:54 PM
If you can't keep your population cap maxed at all times, you've made a terrible mistake. (Specifically, the mistake of not bringin' enuff boyz)

That always bugged me as Orks cant really outnumber their opponents 2:1. I mean the cap looks huge, buts its really not cuz each boyz takes up one, so you have a max of 100 boyz. And that sucks.

2016-05-17, 11:10 PM
I've never been interested in pure cinematic trailers for games. Way too often it's just the creators trying to camouflage the fact that they have shallow/unbalanced/unfinished gameplay.

This one in particular felt like it was just going for shock value in OMG LOOK AT THE BLOOD AS THESE DUDES DIE THIS ISN'T THE MINIMAL BLOOD PREVIOUS DOW GAMES!

Really the only thing I take from this trailer is disappointment that they're just using the same tired races AGAIN. Come on, there is so much more in the universe than Space Marines, Eldar and Orks. At least DOW2 made an attempt to add more races.

Where's the Necrons, the Tau, the Tyranids??

2016-05-17, 11:13 PM
I've never been interested in pure cinematic trailers for games. Way too often it's just the creators trying to camouflage the fact that they have shallow/unbalanced/unfinished gameplay.

This one in particular felt like it was just going for shock value in OMG LOOK AT THE BLOOD AS THESE DUDES DIE THIS ISN'T THE MINIMAL BLOOD PREVIOUS DOW GAMES!

Really the only thing I take from this trailer is disappointment that they're just using the same tired races AGAIN. Come on, there is so much more in the universe than Space Marines, Eldar and Orks. At least DOW2 made an attempt to add more races.

Where's the Necrons, the Tau, the Tyranids??

The original DOW and DOW2 only featured four race at the start. (Chaos, SM, Eldar and Orks for DoW 1, Tyranids, Orks, Eldar and SM for DoW 2) That isn't anything new, tbh. As always the new races would be expansion bait.

I still cri everytime IG never makes it at the start.

2016-05-17, 11:53 PM
The original DOW and DOW2 only featured four race at the start. (Chaos, SM, Eldar and Orks for DoW 1, Tyranids, Orks, Eldar and SM for DoW 2) That isn't anything new, tbh. As always the new races would be expansion bait.

I still cri everytime IG never makes it at the start.

That's the point. We're now on the 3rd major game and its still just the same group of races when the universe has so many more to choose from.

Hunter Noventa
2016-05-18, 07:20 AM
That's the point. We're now on the 3rd major game and its still just the same group of races when the universe has so many more to choose from.

Space Marines, Chaos, Orks and Eldar have always been the most popular armies and are pretty much the most well known things about 40k, even to those outside of it. There's only so much time and money they can spend before releasing the game, and I'd rather have 4 solidly built races than 8 shoddy ones.

2016-05-18, 04:31 PM
Space Marines, Chaos, Orks and Eldar have always been the most popular armies and are pretty much the most well known things about 40k, even to those outside of it. There's only so much time and money they can spend before releasing the game, and I'd rather have 4 solidly built races than 8 shoddy ones.

It is the reason they are referred to as the Big 4. Not to be confused with the Tournament Big 4, which is Space Marines, Eldar, Chaos Daemons, and Necrons

2016-05-19, 06:39 AM
Space Marines, Chaos, Orks and Eldar have always been the most popular armies and are pretty much the most well known things about 40k, even to those outside of it. There's only so much time and money they can spend before releasing the game, and I'd rather have 4 solidly built races than 8 shoddy ones.

Indeed. I do wish they had Chaos from the start though, and I hope we get more of the factions than we did in DoWII.

2016-05-19, 05:25 PM
Indeed. I do wish they had Chaos from the start though, and I hope we get more of the factions than we did in DoWII.

We still might, itd be a bit weird to only have 3 races at launch when the others have always been 4.

2016-05-19, 06:26 PM
We still might, itd be a bit weird to only have 3 races at launch when the others have always been 4.

Maybe, but then I don't see why they'd not mention them. I guess maybe if the weren't playable in the campaign... (Even then, that'd be a little annoying, even for someone like myself who prefers the other 3. Maybe it'd mean they're the primary antagonist, but I'm sick of Chaos as the primary antagonist. Let the Orks or Eldar have some time in the villain spotlight for a change!)

2016-05-19, 06:37 PM
Maybe, but then I don't see why they'd not mention them. I guess maybe if the weren't playable in the campaign... (Even then, that'd be a little annoying, even for someone like myself who prefers the other 3. Maybe it'd mean they're the primary antagonist, but I'm sick of Chaos as the primary antagonist. Let the Orks or Eldar have some time in the villain spotlight for a change!)

Especially because Gorgutz is back, this would be what? Game 4 for him?

2016-05-24, 12:26 AM
Number 4 is likely 'Nids. Aren't all of the corpses being dropped into a feeding pool?

2016-05-24, 04:20 AM
It looks more cratery to me than like a feeding pool.

But yeah, getting a different group of starting races might have been interesting. Say, Dawn of War: Damocles Gulf (Tau, Imperium, Behemoth) or Dawn of War: Shield of Baal (Marines, Leviathan, Necrons).