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View Full Version : What exactly makes a creature a celestial?

2016-05-03, 09:06 PM
I just recently stumbled across the lucid channeling feat from ECS. Channeling is weird, So I'm gonna play with it a little bit, but to do so, I need to know what the RAW definition of a Celestial is.

So far I am assuming that Archons, Angels, Guardinals and Eladrin are celestials. What else? And by what criteria?

2016-05-03, 09:10 PM
Are you looking for some sort of rules definition? Because lore-wise i'm quite sure celestial creatures are creatures native to the upper outer planes.

2016-05-03, 09:19 PM
Are you looking for some sort of rules definition? Because lore-wise I'm quite sure celestial creatures are creatures native to the upper outer planes.

Close, but no cigar. A Celestial is any Outsider with the [Good] subtype. So the various Magical Beasts native to those realms aren't celestials. And it's possible for creatures not native to the Upper Planes to fit this definition (i.e, a Demon that's somehow become a Divine Minion of a Good god replaces the [Evil] subtype with the [Good], technically making it an Eladrin (Outsider with Chaotic and Good subtypes), despite hailing from a Lower Plane).

2016-05-03, 09:29 PM
Close, but no cigar. A Celestial is any Outsider with the [Good] subtype. So the various Magical Beasts native to those realms aren't celestials. And it's possible for creatures not native to the Upper Planes to fit this definition (i.e, a Demon that's somehow become a Divine Minion of a Good god replaces the [Evil] subtype with the [Good], technically making it an Eladrin (Outsider with Chaotic and Good subtypes), despite hailing from a Lower Plane).

I'll bite it's a Celestial now, which is pretty much the opposite side of Fiend, but it's not an Eladrin. Eladrin is more like Baatazu or Tanari. Sure, every CE fiend is a demon, but only a given set of them are Tanari. So every Good-aligned exemplar are Celestials, but being a CG alone doesn't make one an Eladrin. A Lillend is a CG exemplar but not an Eladrin.

2016-05-03, 09:32 PM
Close, but no cigar. A Celestial is any Outsider with the [Good] subtype. So the various Magical Beasts native to those realms aren't celestials. And it's possible for creatures not native to the Upper Planes to fit this definition (i.e, a Demon that's somehow become a Divine Minion of a Good god replaces the [Evil] subtype with the [Good], technically making it an Eladrin (Outsider with Chaotic and Good subtypes), despite hailing from a Lower Plane).

So you say a Celestial Badger or other creature with the Celestial template is not actually celestial?

2016-05-03, 09:34 PM
So you say a Celestial Badger or other creature with the Celestial template is not actually celestial?

Yes, I'll say that. The Celestial badger is a magical beast, a Celestial is a [Good] Outsider. A Fiendish badger is not a fiend, it's also a magical beast. A fiend is an [Evil] Outsider.

2016-05-03, 09:47 PM
Are you looking for some sort of rules definition? Because lore-wise i'm quite sure celestial creatures are creatures native to the upper outer planes.

There has to be something more to it than that. So a flipping bauriar is capable of being channelled? That seems weird. D&D fluffwise, a celestial is the counterpart to the upper planes in the same way that fiends are from the lower planes. Each plane seems to have a specific archetypical type of outsider. Yugoloths being NE, Devils being LE, demons being CE, Slaad CN, Modrons LN. For celestials, Do I simply include Devas, guardinals, archons, eladrins, and ...angels?

Celestial bloodline from draconomicon includes devas, archons, couatl, lillends, minor good deities, or the avatars of more powerful beings. Couatl?


Celestials entry in the manual of the planes has this:

"The Outer Planes that celestials call home foster an astounding variety of good creatures. Despite their great diversity, all celestials unite to battle fiends from the infernal realms or to assist lost travelers.
Guardinals (neutral good) and eladrins (chaotic good) are invariably creatures of great beauty, though their appearances vary. Creatures they’ve helped on the Material Plane sometimes refer to them simply as “angels.”

Then the outsider type and a good alignment seem like the only two criteria in order to be considered a celestial, but if you use the D20 Monster filter for outsider of good alignment (http://www.d20srd.org/extras/d20monsterfilter/), a triton is considered a celestial and so is an elysian thrush.

According to the OPEN SRD:
Angel subtype (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/typesSubtypes.htm#angelSubtype)
Angels are a race of celestials, or good outsiders, native to the good-aligned Outer Planes.
Archon Subtype (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/typesSubtypes.htm#archonSubtype)
Archons are a race of celestials, or good outsiders, native to lawful good-aligned Outer Planes.

So is it as simple as anything that is outsider[good] is considered a celestial? BUt no, it gets even dumber p.191 of BOED has a list of celestials, some of which includes dwarves and elves!

2016-05-04, 12:27 AM
Dwarf and elf einherjar. Those are Outsiders native to the Upper Planes - oddly, they don't have the Good subtype though - being mortal souls who have become Quasi-Deities after death.

2016-05-04, 01:15 AM
There's a list of creatures that are considered Celestials in BoED pg. 191. Yes, Bariaurs are on the list, as are Einherjars and Moon Dogs.

2016-05-04, 01:16 AM
So you say a Celestial Badger or other creature with the Celestial template is not actually celestial?

Its a lot like the fiendish template. A fiendish badger may be fiend-ish, but that doesn't make it a fiend. Similarly, a celestial badger would be... celestial-ish, but not truly celestial.

2016-05-04, 04:25 AM
Its a lot like the fiendish template. A fiendish badger may be fiend-ish, but that doesn't make it a fiend. Similarly, a celestial badger would be... celestial-ish, but not truly celestial.

Yeah, the Celestial template uses the word Celestial as a adjective, the counterpart to fiendish, but since the descriptive form of the word "celestial" is just... well, celestial, its understandable why it could be confusing.

Kinda like how someone would say "He's such a fiend", and "He's such a celestial", vs "He's so fiendish" and "He's so celestial". Really I blame the english language.

2016-05-04, 06:00 AM
Then the outsider type and a good alignment seem like the only two criteria in order to be considered a celestial, but if you use the D20 Monster filter for outsider of good alignment (http://www.d20srd.org/extras/d20monsterfilter/), a triton is considered a celestial and so is an elysian thrush.

Outsider type and good subtype, not alignment.

2016-05-04, 06:38 AM
There's a list of creatures that are considered Celestials in BoED pg. 191. Yes, Bariaurs are on the list, as are Einherjars and Moon Dogs.

Nice find! Interestingly, the page is listed as an 'Index of Celestials', and lists tables of celestial creatures and celestial templates.

Now, over on Afroakuma's thread, he's said several times that in Planescape templated creatures aren't in the same league as good aligned outsiders, but it looks like in 3.5, even in the BoED, creatures with the celestial template are actually celestials.

2016-05-04, 08:17 AM
Nice find! Interestingly, the page is listed as an 'Index of Celestials', and lists tables of celestial creatures and celestial templates.

Now, over on Afroakuma's thread, he's said several times that in Planescape templated creatures aren't in the same league as good aligned outsiders, but it looks like in 3.5, even in the BoED, creatures with the celestial template are actually celestials.

They're not, actually - the celestial template is listed on a separate table called "Celestial-Related Templates." They are still not true celestials themselves; Xuldarinar's reading is correct.

2016-05-04, 08:36 AM
There's a list of creatures that are considered Celestials in BoED pg. 191. Yes, Bariaurs are on the list, as are Einherjars and Moon Dogs.

So there's actually lore-support for playing a Half-Celestial Anthropomorphic Dog? nice!

2016-05-04, 09:10 AM
They're not, actually - the celestial template is listed on a separate table called "Celestial-Related Templates." They are still not true celestials themselves; Xuldarinar's reading is correct.

Having gone through the templates, the celestial template does not make a creature a celestial in the sense that they can participate in channeling.

The half celestial template might be able to do so, if you get that Savage Species ritual to attach a subtype to yourself. Same for the Saint template. Maybe also the same for the petitioner template. That one's a bit weird.

Further, the only other templates that I've found thus far (I'm only 5 books in: BOED, MoP, PlHB, Deities and Demigods, MM1) is the sanctified creature template (applied to an outsider).

So far, there is only 1 celestial that can be channelled without using the BOED spells channel celestial and channel greater celestial. Although casting Sanctify the Wicked on an outsider with the ability to possess people could theoretically swap possession for channelization.

Are there any celestials in the web articles?

2016-05-04, 09:17 AM
So far, there is only 1 celestial that can be channelled without using the BOED spells channel celestial and channel greater celestial.

Actually, deities and some celestials can themselves choose to be channeled by you without those spells. For example, Throne Archons can allow themselves to be channeled by anyone, even a noncaster. In addition, don't forget the epic spell Channel Celestial Paragon (BoED 122) which adds the big dogs to the list - the Hebdomad, the Court of Stars, and the Companions.

2016-05-04, 10:28 AM
Actually, deities and some celestials can themselves choose to be channeled by you without those spells. For example, Throne Archons can allow themselves to be channeled by anyone, even a noncaster. In addition, don't forget the epic spell Channel Celestial Paragon (BoED 122) which adds the big dogs to the list - the Hebdomad, the Court of Stars, and the Companions.

Yeah, the throne archon is the only one that directly has the power that I've catalogued so far. I didn't want to search through deities and demigods to see which ones have the possess mortal salient divine ability, that's too epic for my blood.

I'm compiling my desk reference of "celestials" because brimstone speaker is a theoretically amazing class. At level 6 in the class, you can summon a word archon with a DC 33 Truespeak check. At 18 int and normal skill ranks, that means that your total truespeak check is at +20. In order to affect yourself with any truespeak abilities, however, you need a truespeak score that can routinely beat DC 43 or so. If there were a means of directly merging with that word archon, your truespeak check jumps to +27, and with lucid channeling, your intelligence bumps up to 22 while you have access to every truename that that particular word archon happens to know...including their own. This means at level 6, your truespeak jumps from +21 to +33. Your knowledge skills get nearly maxed out (+19), which is convenient considering that entry into the class is best through archivist (that +19 to basically every knowledge check is handy for some extra d6s of damage). Throw some metabreath feats on yourself and just go to town.

2016-05-04, 10:56 AM
They're not, actually - the celestial template is listed on a separate table called "Celestial-Related Templates." They are still not true celestials themselves; Xuldarinar's reading is correct.

I disagree. The entire page is the 'Index of Celestials', and on that page are two separate tables, one for creatures, and one for templates. They are both equally considered, so if a creature has any of the templates on the list, they are a celestial. That includes the celestial template, but also the aleax template and all the others. Also, it's right in the name.

I agree that it doesn't make much sense though. Why would a half celestial descended from something with the celestial template be more powerful than their ancestor? Plus, there's a celestial heritage bloodline feat that indicates that their ancestors were 'good outsiders', so there's that.

2016-05-04, 11:56 AM
Yeah, it can go either way. Personally, I don't think it should be possible to channel a celestial dolphin or whatever, but I'll acknowledge the ambiguity.

2016-05-04, 12:12 PM
This is one of those places where I'll sometimes take a few steps away from RAW and use story-based things. Just as you can have demons that are not outsiders, I accept magical beasts that can be celestials. Rules might not support that, but the story opportunities for certain "champions of the heavens" to be channeled through that feat are too fun for me to disallow.

Having said that, certain DMs with certain players might make that a bad combo.

2016-05-04, 01:17 PM
This is one of those places where I'll sometimes take a few steps away from RAW and use story-based things. Just as you can have demons that are not outsiders, I accept magical beasts that can be celestials. Rules might not support that, but the story opportunities for certain "champions of the heavens" to be channeled through that feat are too fun for me to disallow.

Having said that, certain DMs with certain players might make that a bad combo.

I'm looking for the RAW bad combos to begin with... But, for the project as is, I'm sticking to cataloguing things specifically called out as celestials, (cuatls) or outsiders with the good subtype. Which means that elysian thrushes and moondogs are fair game.

2016-05-04, 04:29 PM
Alright, the final tally is in! Coutl is included because celestial heritage says that they are celestials. Radiant Idols are included because, fluff wise, they may be appropriate. That brings the total to 46. I am keeping Titans in here because they are nearly demigods, they are listed in the MM1 creature by type as having the good subtype, despite their entry not having that. But the same can be said for Eladrin, which hail from the same plane.

There are 10 archons
Archon, Justice
Archon, Hammer
Archon, owl
Archon, Sword
Archon, Throne
Archon, Warden
Archon, lantern
Archon Hound
Archon: trumpet
Archon: word

6 Eladrin
Eladrin: Coure
Eladrin: Firre (BOED p.169)
Eladrin: Shiradi
Eladrin: Tulani
Eladrin: Ghaele
Eladrin: Bralani

7 Guardinals
Guardinal: Avoral
Guardinal: Leonel
Guardinal: Equinal
Guardinal: Ursinal
Guardinal: Cervidal
Guardinal: Lupinal

5 Angels
Angel, astral Deva
Angel, Planetar
Angel, Solar
Deva: Monadic
Deva: Movanic

3 einherjars
Dwarf Einherjar
Elf Einherjar
Human Einherjar

12 outsider type (good subtype)
Bauriar (BOED p. 166)
Elysian Thrush
Sibyllic Guardian
Arcadian Avenger

3 outsider type (native) subtype
Coutl, psionic
Radiant idols* (fluffwise, may count)

In my journeys I discovered some neat things. Did you know that only a single celestial is channelable (the throne archon)? There are hints in dragons of eberron that you may be able to channel aspects. Did you also know that angel blood can be bottled and thrown as a grenade that only damages non celestial creatures (5d6 damage!)? Did you also know that if you planar bind a throne archon, channel them, and then proceed to cut onions, that you can make sling bullets that do 3d6 damage apiece? (BOVD p.117). While we're at it, there is a positoxin labelled "celestial essence" that costs 400 gp a pop. Beats the pay rate at the sperm bank, amiright, fellas?

The planar mote in complete scoundrel can be used as a nonmagical means to obcsure your identity. Animate with spirit, a spell from champions of valor p.72 is another use for that list up there.

Did you know that the favorite music of all those badamofos up there is made by handbells or psalteries? (Song and Silence p.45)

You can more easily rebuke a devil if you channel a celestial (fiendish codex 2 p.32)

If, for some reason, that list of celestials just ain't cutting it for you, well, that's why we have the sanctified creature template.

The sanctified creature template is pretty amazing, especially paired with the 9th level spell, sanctify the wicked. You can grab any evil creature, force its alignment to be good, and apply a sanctified template to them. If they are an outsider with the Evil subtype, well you can't sanctify them...
But apparently, you can give outsiders the good subtype with this spell. So grab demon tainted elementals, sanctify them, or stash devils or demons in the gems, perform that savage species ritual to get rid of their evil subtype, and then you can theoretically channel them...

I just need to cut and paste a few more stat blocks and I'll be able to compare the various celestials for "7/5 would channel again" scenarios.

2016-05-04, 04:45 PM
Speaking of templates that can make one a celestial, Divine Minion (http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/mb/20050209a) can also make Outsiders Celestials if they're Minions of a Good god. Not quite as useful as Santified because a player has significantly less control over what Divine Minions exist.

2016-05-04, 08:21 PM
Alright, the final tally is in! Coutl is included because celestial heritage says that they are celestials. Radiant Idols are included because, fluff wise, they may be appropriate.

There are 10 archons
Archon, Justice
Archon, Hammer
Archon, owl
Archon, Sword
Archon, Throne
Archon, Warden
Archon, lantern
Archon Hound
Archon: trumpet
Archon: word

4 Eladrin
Eladrin: Coure
Eladrin: Firre (BOED p.169)
Eladrin: Shiradi
Eladrin: Tulani

7 Guardinals
Guardinal: Avoral
Guardinal: Leonel
Guardinal: Equinal
Guardinal: Ursinal
Guardinal: Cervidal
Guardinal: Lupinal

3 Angels
Angel, astral Deva
Angel, Planetar
Angel, Solar

2 Devas
Deva: Monadic
Deva: Movanic

3 einherjars
Dwarf Einherjar
Elf Einherjar
Human Einherjar

12 outsider type (good subtype)
Bauriar (BOED p. 166)
Elysian Thrush
Sibyllic Guardian
Arcadian Avenger

3 outsider type (native) subtype
Coutl, psionic
Radiant idols* (fluffwise, may count)

In my journeys I discovered some neat things. Did you know that only a single celestial is channelable (the throne archon)? There are hints in dragons of eberron that you may be able to channel aspects. Did you also know that angel blood can be bottled and thrown as a grenade that only damages non celestial creatures (5d6 damage!)? Did you also know that if you planar bind a throne archon, channel them, and then proceed to cut onions, that you can make sling bullets that do 3d6 damage apiece? (BOVD p.117). While we're at it, there is a positoxin labelled "celestial essence" that costs 400 gp a pop. Beats the pay rate at the sperm bank, amiright, fellas?

The planar mote in complete scoundrel can be used as a nonmagical means to obcsure your identity. Animate with spirit, a spell from champions of valor p.72 is another use for that list up there.

Did you know that the favorite music of all those badamofos up there is made by handbells or psalteries? (Song and Silence p.45)

You can more easily rebuke a devil if you channel a celestial (fiendish codex 2 p.32)

If, for some reason, that list of celestials just ain't cutting it for you, well, that's why we have the sanctified creature template.

The sanctified creature template is pretty amazing, especially paired with the 9th level spell, sanctify the wicked. You can grab any evil creature, force its alignment to be good, and apply a sanctified template to them. If they are an outsider with the Evil subtype, well you can't sanctify them...
But apparently, you can give outsiders the good subtype with this spell. So grab demon tainted elementals, sanctify them, or stash devils or demons in the gems, perform that savage species ritual to get rid of their evil subtype, and then you can theoretically channel them...

I just need to cut and paste a few more stat blocks and I'll be able to compare the various celestials for "7/5 would channel again" scenarios.

Just a little nitpick, but "Devas" Are actually a subset of Angels, of which the astral Deva is supposed to be a part of (it's in the name, astral deva). Also, You seem to have missed the eladrin from the MM1, the ghaele and bralani. Oh, and titans are any chaotic, so they could just as well be evil, they lack the [Good] subtype, so I don't think they qualify as celestials.

2016-05-04, 09:02 PM
Just a little nitpick, but "Devas" Are actually a subset of Angels, of which the astral Deva is supposed to be a part of (it's in the name, astral deva). Also, You seem to have missed the eladrin from the MM1, the ghaele and bralani. Oh, and titans are any chaotic, so they could just as well be evil, they lack the [Good] subtype, so I don't think they qualify as celestials.

Weird, titans have the good subtype in the creatures sorted by type category at the beginning of the book. I'm keeping them based on that.

Edits accounted for. Thanks for catching the missing eladrin.

mabriss lethe
2016-05-04, 09:58 PM
Yeah, the throne archon is the only one that directly has the power that I've catalogued so far. I didn't want to search through deities and demigods to see which ones have the possess mortal salient divine ability, that's too epic for my blood.

I'm compiling my desk reference of "celestials" because brimstone speaker is a theoretically amazing class. At level 6 in the class, you can summon a word archon with a DC 33 Truespeak check. At 18 int and normal skill ranks, that means that your total truespeak check is at +20. In order to affect yourself with any truespeak abilities, however, you need a truespeak score that can routinely beat DC 43 or so. If there were a means of directly merging with that word archon, your truespeak check jumps to +27, and with lucid channeling, your intelligence bumps up to 22 while you have access to every truename that that particular word archon happens to know...including their own. This means at level 6, your truespeak jumps from +21 to +33. Your knowledge skills get nearly maxed out (+19), which is convenient considering that entry into the class is best through archivist (that +19 to basically every knowledge check is handy for some extra d6s of damage). Throw some metabreath feats on yourself and just go to town.

Look at the Ancestral Whispers feat as well: You'd need to enter as a Cleric to burn a turn attempt to gain a +4 bonus to truespeak checks and gain the ability to take 10 on them for 1+Cha rounds. (the latter being far more important than the former) IIRC, The Undying Court grants access to the Good Domain, so you'd still qualify for entry into Brimstone Speaker.

2016-05-05, 01:08 AM
Ok, now to start sorting through these bad boys.

Unless you have a way to make a celestial channel with you, I am going to treat these ruminations in the following manner: Every celestial up to 4 HD will be thought about in terms of how they react with the sanctified 4th level spell, animate with the spirit, from Champions of valor on page 72. They will also be considered for lesser planar binding.

6HD celestials will be considered for both the animate with the spirit spell in mind, as well as enter consideration for lesser planar binding and BOED's 7th level sanctified spell, channel celestial.

Celestials of 6HD to 12 HD will be evaluated for their abilities to flesh out the channel celestial and planar binding spells.

Celestials of 12 HD to 18HD will be evaluated for their ability to work with BOED's 9th level spell, channel greater celestial, as well as Greater planar binding.

Celestials of 18HD and 24HD will be evaluated for what they bring to the channel greater celestial spell's versatility.

Then, when we are done, we will look at divine minion & the sanctified template, and see if we cant find all of the outsiders that we want to slap a good sybtype onto for celestial abuse: visilight?

Duration 10 minutes per level

By casting this spell, you request your deity to send you the spirit of a good-aligned outsider (of 6 HD or less) of the deity's choice to inhabit a corpse within range, which becomes animated by the spirit. If you serve no particular deity, the spell is a general plea answered by a creature sharing your philosophical alignment. If you know an individual creature's name, you can request that individual by speaking the name during the spell (though you might get a different creature anyway).

The Hit Dice of the corpse to be animated (not counting class levels) cannot exceed your caster level. The possessed body attacks your opponents to the best of its ability. If you can communicate with the possessing spirit, you can direct it not to attack, to attack particular enemies, or to perform other actions.
While the body is inhabited by the spirit, it is treated as if were still alive but possessed. It uses the outsider's Intelligence, Wisdom, Charisma, base attack bonus, base save bonuses, alignment, mental abilities, and any class levels it might have. The body regains the Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, hit points, and innate abilities of the creature the corpse represented when it was alive. For example, a sahuagin's body breathes water and a troll's body regenerates.

The spirit can't choose to activate the host body's extraordinary or supernatural abilities, and the host body's spells and spell-like abilities do not stay with the body. (Note: it doesn't say that the celestial can't use its own spell like abilities or spells!)
The spirit remains within the body until the spell is dismissed, the duration ends, or the host body is slain, at which point it returns to its original body with no ill effects.
Sacrifice Component: 1d3 points of Strength drain.

1 HD

Lantern Archon (SRD): At will aid, continual flame, and detect evil. Ex ability to shoot light rays. Can be created by a 3rd level sanctified spell (champions of valor p.54's Create Lantern Archon). DR 10/evil & magic, -2 to enemy attacks through aura of malice, aid another on full spam alert, Solid little bugger. Get enough of these guys, and you can really mop up some mooks and you'll never need to buy a torch again. Unlimited continual flames? More importantly, you got teleport dawg. Up to 50 pounds per lantern! Also, you never need to bother learning tongues yourself. Archon can translate for you. And you can summon these guys with summon monster 4 for temporary usage.

Elysian Thrush (Planar handbook p.118): Can be summoned for 8 hours by a second level bard/cleric spell. Accelerates natural healing by double rate. But, BUT after 12 hours of listening to the buggers, your enemies need to pass a DC 12 (12!) will saving throw or become stuck in an emotional hole like a kid addicted to world of warcraft. They will waste away if they don't stop hearing Elysian thrushes. The only thing that can break them away is a strongly evocative emotional state, like deleting their save file or casting rage on them. Does anyone else think of a self resetting trap? You could kill entire congregations of people with these little buggers. You can also, for no good apparent reason, replace celestial monkey or celestial owl on your summon monster 1 list with an elysian thrush (PlH p. 134)

General Analysis: Elysian thrush hijinx are for out of box thinkers who can take days to foment trouble. Otherwise just use them to accelerate natural healing, which should synergize well with heal checks...
Archon hijinx makes for little glow lazer attack forces.

Animate with the spirit analysis: You can use the lantern archons to teleport dead bodies to somewhere...maybe also loot? The thrush only has a 2 int, so you would have to basically use handle animal on whomever you animate with them, despite the higher wisdom and charisma that the bird has compared to the good brand(tm) willowhisp. At least the lantern archon has an int of 6 and thus takes verbal commands, but it also has some skills...if you need a synergy bonus on spot, listen, knowledge planes, concentration, diplomacy or sense motive, lantern archon is your dude.

2016-05-05, 02:21 AM
I actually started a list kinda like this but for all outsiders. I'm still in the process of populating the whole thing cause it's a damn huge list, and also included elementals (since you can bind them with planar binding) but if anyone wants to have a look at it so far, here's the link (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1C_E5G9bp7PEWZXh3Nfa9dYzKC2qbe2l4f9Q0dZJQ_f0/edit?usp=sharing).

2016-05-05, 02:51 AM
I just recently stumbled across the lucid channeling feat from ECS. Channeling is weird, So I'm gonna play with it a little bit, but to do so, I need to know what the RAW definition of a Celestial is.

So far I am assuming that Archons, Angels, Guardinals and Eladrin are celestials. What else? And by what criteria?

It may be worth noting that the feat doesn't actually summon the celestial or force any kind of compliance; it must still be physically present. Which then raises the question of why would the celestial need to hide inside a mortal's body? Without a pressing stealth-based reason, the celestial can almost always legitimately say "I can help you better from out here."

Also, you need to either have the channel celestial spell or the celestial must have that ptional power from BoED.

The spell refers to BoED ch. 2 for a definition of channelling, which frustratingly, in turn refers to BoVD and DD to define the term. "Celestial" itself remains undefined. Given the channel celestial paragon spell defines all three groups of good superbeings as celestials, we can safely assume that at a minimum celestial includes archons, eledrin, and guardinals.

Personally, I would count any creature that includes an unqualified "celestial" in its name, as well as any creature (or creature group) that defines itself as a kind of celestial. That includes celestial lions (the template), but not half-celestials.

2016-05-05, 11:17 AM

Guardinal: Musteval (BOED p.174): One of three celestials with sleight of hand skill ranks and the second highest at a +9 bonus. At will magic missiles, and 1/day invisibility. Focused movement allows you to run and magic missile then hide (+17!) disguise yourself and then pickpocket your agressor...According to BOED p.190, you can get one of these guys on your summon monster 3 list. This is a great utility choice, if only to get away from ever having to learn how to cast invisibility again or for the first time if you're a cleric. Did I mention that they have a burrow speed? Your opponents can play whack a magic missile mole while your crew beats them senseless.

Eladrin: Coure (BOED p.168): 3/day magic missile, Has an alternate form that can phase through walls, can move silently (+16) and has a hide check of +24. At will faerie fire means that you can defend against your opponents invisible blur mirror imaged shenanigans. Like the Musteval, the Coure eladrin can be put on the Summon monster 3 list. And let's not ignore that +7 use rope option, +9 for binding.

Protectar (Miniatures Handbook p.66) 3/day cure light wounds. A 15 in charisma. Knowledge religion +5. Heal +6. These are literally all of the good things about this guy. If you can get this guy on the summon monster 2 list by taking the celestial summoning specialist feat and arguing your keyster off, this guy is more useful, particularly for wizards, who struggle with cure spells. The only reason to select a protectar with a lesser planar binding spell is the following text from their entry, "Protectars do not lie, cheat, or steal. They are faultlessly moral in all their dealings, and are generally more concerned with the welfare of mortals than other celestials...protectars are caregivers first and combatants second." Which means that you may be able to lesser planar bind one of these guys without having to offer them a significant payment, particularly if they are tasked with nothing but pure healing duties. They are angelic sweethearts. If you blew through a ton of sanctified spells, have a 4th level spell slot, and need to double your double healing rate, bind one of these dudes for a long night of healing, hanging out with your elysian thrushes. Carry a healers kit to lone them for a +2 bonus to their heal check. Remember, heal checks can be used as a standard action to replace saves against secondary damage for poison. So if you find yourself standing in a monstrous centipede nest, these guys can be slightly useful.

Analysis: replace the celestial bear and bison on your summon monster 3 list with the musteval and the coure (BOED p.190). The musteval is great for scouting and harassing. The coure for dealing with sensory bombing enemies, and for spying. For enemies with constant detect good up, consider getting a planar mote (Complete scoundrel p.119) to lone out to bound coures on their spy missions. Protectar is a low level beat stick or a utility flyer, but should generally be forgotten unless you can houserule them onto a summon monster 2 list and get 1d3 of them with summon monster 3 to make a healing corps after a fight, each healing up to 3d8+6...otherwise just ignore their existence.

Animate with the spirit analysis: the Musteval is a good choice. The disguise self spell is a little bit lost on their natural form (can only be used within type, and thus you must choose an outsider +/- 1 foot of tiny. But if the musteval has been animating a corpse of your dead enemies...Well then you have an ace infiltrator that you made out of their dead friend, and this infiltrator has sleight of hand, in case you want to pull a quarter out of a hobgoblins ear with the hand of his former Sergeant...or pick his pocket, or stash the Macguffin before turning invisible and running away with it. Mustevals have the best mental stats of any of the celestials of this level: int 11, wis 14, cha 13.

Coure eladrin's alternate form ability may not be surpressed under the auspices of the animate with the spirit spell, which could allow you to get some corpses into some pretty weird places. Or to unlock a door from the other side... If your DM rightly nixes this as an option, the faerie fire and magic missile SLA's have some use in the right scenarios. Although I think that if you can't get a musteval to animate the corps of a mook, I would prefer to get a lantern archon over a coure eladrin.

Now that we've examined each of the buggers in turn, lets look at a 5th level arcane/6th level dvine spell that allows you to summon these badboys for a year at a time.

You call 1d4 lawful good lantern archons from Celestia, 1d4 chaotic good coure eladrins from Arborea, or 1d4 neutral good musteval guardinals from Elysium to your location. They serve you for up to one year as guards, soldiers, spies, or whatever other holy purpose you have. No matter how many times you cast this spell, you can control no more than 2 HD worth of celestials per caster level. If you exceed this number, all the newly called creatures fall under your control, and any excess servants from previous castings return to their home plane. Abstinence Component: The character must abstain from casting Conjuration spells for 3 days prior to casting this spell.

For crafting items, this means that you can make use activated items of any of the various SLAs of these guys without having to waste spell slots.

Lantern Archons are the most useful within the context of this spell. You can make an instantaneous shipping service by strategically placing lantern archons around the country and having them teleport with up to 50 lbs of material to each other's spot. Then charge rich people dearly for the service.

A team of 5-15 lantern archons can be pretty nasty. They have a light beam that does 1d6 damage and avoids DR, they can cast aid on each other, their protection from evil means that summoned critters can't mess with them and grants them an addition +2 deflection bonus to AC. The aura of menace gives their assailants a -2 to hit, and then they also have DR 10/evil & magic. These little bugs are tough in numbers.

Coure eladrin are not a great choice for yearlong servants, unless you cast this spell multiple times and build yourself some celestial adventuring teams. The ability to phase through walls and their lightweight makes them excellent companions for lantern archons. The faerie fire helps with targeting those light rays. Dancing lights is almost worthless. And wielding a tiny dagger is unwise as far as damage output is concerned, so is blowing your one feat on weapon finesse instead of anything more useful.

Mustevals are great as a sneaky team that can burrow to a site, attacking with magic missiles while running around, turning invisible, stealing stuff, and burrowing away. In a mixed team, they are less than 50 pounds, so a lantern archon can teleport with them. So an ideal mixed team of these celestial critters is: 1 coure, 1 musteval, 2 lanterns. These teams can be sent out for oceans 11 styled tasks like heists, and they will nearly always return home with your desired goods. Sure, it requires 3 castings of this spell, but this way you can set things into motion in one kingdom while you slaughter some demonic orcs in another. I don't know what your particular endgoal is.

2016-05-05, 11:55 AM
It may be worth noting that the feat doesn't actually summon the celestial or force any kind of compliance; it must still be physically present. Which then raises the question of why would the celestial need to hide inside a mortal's body? Without a pressing stealth-based reason, the celestial can almost always legitimately say "I can help you better from out here."

Also, you need to either have the channel celestial spell or the celestial must have that ptional power from BoED.

The spell refers to BoED ch. 2 for a definition of channelling, which frustratingly, in turn refers to BoVD and DD to define the term. "Celestial" itself remains undefined. Given the channel celestial paragon spell defines all three groups of good superbeings as celestials, we can safely assume that at a minimum celestial includes archons, eledrin, and guardinals.

Personally, I would count any creature that includes an unqualified "celestial" in its name, as well as any creature (or creature group) that defines itself as a kind of celestial. That includes celestial lions (the template), but not half-celestials.

I'm not going to include the celestial template because then it all gets way too big of a project to imagine.

I reckon the celestial for channeling must be present around you in order to channel them. This just makes sense. Further, I think certain celestials can hugely benefit from channeling into a human body. Word archons probably love channeling into truenamers, archivists, and bards, if only for tons of truename knowledge. Other celestials can deal with some diplomacy check optimization, or some truename shenanigans. The Words of creation is your friend on a all celestial channeling build: you can surpress a little of the celestial's CR for a compulsion effect, and get +6 in planar binding negotiations. Further, when you do channel some of the better celestials, you get bardic music skillz that you can access, so words of creation doubles their effectiveness. So your lantern archons be all like +6 to hit.

And if a PC is really savvy, they will notice this little tidbit under symbionts in the fiend folio & Eberron Campaign setting books: Share Spells (Su): Any spell the host creature casts on itself automatically also affects the symbiont. Additionally, the host may cast a spell with a target of “You” on the symbiont instead of on itself. Likewise, a symbiont can choose to have any spell or spell-like ability it uses on itself also affect the host creature, and may cast a spell with a target of “You” on its host instead of on itself. The host and symbiont can share spells even if the spells normally do not affect creatures of the host or symbiont’s type. Spells targeted on the host by another spellcaster do not affect the symbiont, and vice versa."

Take your symbionts to a redeemery, and pound them into submission for so long that they become good, and then both you, and your symbionts, can channel celestials! I suggest getting a ghostly visage (ff) and a tentacle whip or two (ECS). Once you have the channel spells, you channel a celestial with bard skills and/or a gaze attack into your ghostly visage, and you channel something with nasty touch attacks into your tentacle whip, and maybe get a mind leach redeemed to and put one of the celestials with spellcasting in them!

This way, you be host to a heavenly body ;) I will flesh this idea out (man, I am on fire today!) once I start analyzing the better celestial summons.

All of these ideas require like a million wands of restoration. But don't worry, your lantern archon delivery service probably brings in enough funds to cover them.

I actually started a list kinda like this but for all outsiders. I'm still in the process of populating the whole thing cause it's a damn huge list, and also included elementals (since you can bind them with planar binding) but if anyone wants to have a look at it so far, here's the link.

I may avail myself of this once I finish this particular project. Because sanctify the wicked, a 9th level spell, is a tool that can turn outsiders into celestials, at least by the outsider type, [good] subtype criteria. And some outsiders are AMAZING.

2016-05-05, 12:50 PM
3 HD

Bauriar (BOED p.166 & MoP p.161): The book of exalted deeds came out later than the manual of the planes, and thus overwrites the MoP's bauriar entry, where it was NOT a good subtyped outsider. Summon monster 3 allows for the summoning of bauriars (BOED p.190), a 3HD quadruped pseudo-centaur with spell resistance 11, and a 2d6+2 charging gore attack. This does not compare with the celestial hippogriff on the summon monster list, except that a bauriar has 5 handle animal ranks and you might need 5 handle animal ranks if you are in a really weird pinch. If you are planar binding, get a bauriar with class levels, because as it stands, there is little reason to pay the planar binding price instead of hiring a few mercenaries. The mental stats are 10,10,9, and thus kinda stink for channeling, unless your mindleech is misbehaving and you need to drop their ego score down a bit...As far as animate with the spirit, I don't see a compelling reason to go bauriar when there are better options abound.


4 HD

Guardinal: Cervidal (MM2 p.43): Found under the celestial heading in the Monster Manual 2, the Cervidal can also be used to populate your Summon Monster 4 list. I suggest dropping the celestial giant eagle, you already have the celestial giant owl in there, and cervidals have spell like abilities. 1/day suggestion and hold person as a 9th level caster. At will bless spells, At will command spells (useful for directing weak NPCs to shut up and buckle down in high stress situations). At will detect poison in addition to a +8 heal skill (remember that loner heal kit for the protectar that I told you to buy? it's more useful on this guy if you didn't prepare a poison handling spell and found yourself crotch deep in yuan-ti) which can help with secondary damage DCs, if, for some reason, the supernatural horn power to neutralize poison and remove disease is nonfunctional (AMF?). The horns of a cervidal can dispel illusions by touch (as a targetted dispel), dismiss a summoned or extraplanar critter as the dismissal spell; suck that xoriat. That is an excellent grab bag of sweet skillz, in addition to the other guardianal traits: energy resistance acid and cold 10, immune to electricity and petrification (medusa slayers, Unite!), free action communication with animals via telepathy, and an always active tongues spell.

Ramadeen (Minuatures Handbook p.67): What are you bringing to the table, you third goat themed celestial between 3 and 4 HD? DR 5/magic, 1/day smite evil for +4 damage, diplomacy +12, knowledge (planes & religion) at +8, and power attack as a standard. This is not a good use of a summon, or a planar binding. This is an ok choice for animate with the spirit, if you can use the ramadeens power attack and powerful charge feats. If you are a DM, at least make these guys interesting, roll on a personality table or something. My honest suggestion is to summon these guys to perform knowledge religion checks to or aid another on knowledge religion checks, wherein you slay the stupid ramadeen to summon bigger eviller and more useful demons. Just sayin'

Analysis: Of the three goats, the cervidal got all of the good stuff and left nothing for the others. Seriously, just ignore the others if you can.

AWTS Analysis: You want a cervidal to fill into the dead body of your enemies. You can suggest, hold person, be rid of poison or disease or illusions or bad guys' summoned bad guys. With the same BAB as the ramadeen. Find out some cervidal names before you cast AWTS and you can be smooth sailing.

2016-05-05, 01:43 PM
6HD: the sweet motherload of celestials

This is where the rubber really meets the road. This is the upper limit of lesser planar binding, AWTS, and the real beginning of celestials worth personally channelling.

Guardinal: Equinal (BOED p.173) Let's start with the horse headed celestial that can cast aid, command, dispel magic, magic missile, fog cloud, and dimension door at will. If you are in a tactical situation, hiding behind a doorway, and you have summon monster 6, this guy can help. He'll dimension door to a high vantage point, fog cloud the opposing archers, area dispel all the buffs on the opponents, dimension door back to your crew, aid all of you, command the weaklings shivering in the corner to use aid another on you, and step out of the door blasting off 3 or 4 magic missiles a round. On top of all of that, dude can 1/day slow and cast wall of stone, whinny, deafening all level appropriate enemies for 1d6 rounds, and can lay on hands for 31 points of healing. You channel this guy and you can do the same heroic things, plus cast your spells. And...if you follow my awful symbiont hacking advice, the share spells trait seems to work both ways, so you can channel this guardinal into say, your tentacle whip, who will, every turn just dimension door you around, while you get your super slay on. Now the rules get a little hairy about when a celestial is channelled by both a symbiont with its own actions and a PC with their own actions. But that "at will" is pretty clear... So you can just pop around magic missiling and fog clouding all sorts of folks. Also, consider making your symbionts do all of your actions, while you hold your action to use those at will dispels as counterspells...This is an absolute yes for AWTS, particularly for combat/battlefield control. If your higher power grants you one of these for AWTS, babysit for your DM or introduce him or her to your sexy cousin. You know which one.

Hollyphant (winged form)/Hollyphant (mastodon form)(BOED p.176) I get it. Herbivores and light sources make the best celestials. Hollyphant is one of those best celestials. This guy appears on the summon monster 8 list. This is a seriously high level critter. But you can get them at 7th level with AWTS or lesser planar binding. I imagine that they are expensive to bind, but who cares, this a psychic tandem were-elephant.
At will psionic invisibility and suggestion. I don't even know how "at will" psionics even works...Also, 1/day, you have a 45% chance to summon an avoral guardinal, which is one more HD up and a beefed version of the equinal. This is on top of spell like abilities like at will greater teleport, 3/day cure moderate wounds, and 1/day raise dead (no material components!), heal, flamestrike and banishment.
You got that 3/day 60' cone 2d10 damage trumpet that stuns on both a successful and unsuccessful save. Did I mention the 30'cone of "sun sparkles"? These sun sparkles do 8d8 damage to undead and evil outsiders. The hollyphant has two forms, a tiny form and big form. Tiny form is protected by a globe of invulnerability. Big form has a strength score. Why ever be a big form? Channel this guy for teleportation, or invulnerability, or save or suck stuns, or the 17,18,17 mental stats. AWTS to raise the dead guy that the hollyphant is currently possessing! Hollyphant empowered post mortem revenge! The rules are unclear on if this is allowed, so only try it in the heat of battle when you are clearly losing so the DM has pity on you. (results may vary). The real problem with the hollyphant is action economy. You got too many choices and you wind up forgetting them all.

Archon: Hound (MM1): Can transform into canine with the animal type. The options are listed below:



dire wolf

Legendary wolf


Elven hound


climb dog




riding dog




Dire Jackal


Mastiff hound


war mastiff


arctic fox


blood ghoul wolf
web supplement

Mad Black hound

snake dog

Obviously, you want to change form into a legendary wolf or dog. Bigger better bite damage die, trip, and scent that way. Also consider warbeasting or dungeonbreeding yourself if that is allowed for some piddly bonus against poisons or help with ride checks. This ability pairs quite well with AWTS, as you can infuse a dead chicken with a hound archon, and turn it into a legendary wolf capable (bite 2d6) of spamming aid, message, teleport like a lantern archon, and track at +10 (+12 with tracks) in addition to the scent ability. 16 Spell resistance is not too shabby also. Elven hound gives you a super charge and climb dog allows you to climb, just in case you need to. Foxes grant a further +4 racial bonus to hide. Snake dog offers a poison bite.

You can summon a hound archon with the 4th level cleric spell, "summon hound archon" (Spell Compendium, p. 214), but the duration is concentration, so that spell has little utility. This guy appears on the summon monster 5 list, so that is probably the better way to go for a short term summon. You also get access to 1d4 of these guys from the 9th level spell, heavenly host (Spell Compendium, p. 113), and the duration for that is in 10 minutes per caster level.

I'm not seeing a lot of reason to channel a hound archon. I am seeing reason to planar bind one and setting them to the task of tracking someone or something down. They have survival, scent, and teleport. Send them with one of your year long coure eladrin slaves so can get to use their +9 use rope bonus to tie up your target, and eventually kidnap all the evil babies while appearing like a dingo... You can set your otherwise useless protectars and ramadeens to train those babies to be good guys.

Movanic Deva (FF p.57): According to their entry, this Deva can appear on your summon monster 7 list...sweet! So many spell like abilities. At will polymorph self, consecrate, and create food and water. 3/day atonements, divinations, hallow, plane shifts, ethereal jaunt and remove curse. 1/day commune and raise dead (no fees!). Channel them to do it yourself, or AWTS them into the corpse of any stupid thing that is dead, like a bug. It doesn't matter, they got polymorph self. Heck, they can polymorph your squashed cricket into hydra, raise dead that hydra, charge into the fray, unchannel themselves, and let your enemies figure it all out. When they have a flaming sword in hand, they can swat arrows or spells out of the air with them. Did I mention that they have a free action globe of invulnerability and outright immunity against cold, acid, and electric. There is no reason not to channel this celestial powerhouse, mental stats are only 17 16 18, but you get access to three knowledge skills at +12. The only reason they never get AWTS into dead bodies is because your diety likes it when you have a challenge. (That's why you get stuck with lame old ramadeens...) Planar bind or ally with these guys to trade services rather than thousands of GP for raise dead, or to use commune for a truename or to hallow your summoning altar with a year long dimensional lock spell.

Archon: Justice (MM4 p.80): This thing just doesn't have the luster that the hollyphant and deva have. I guess that's what happens when your HD equal your CR. If I had to use this guy, It would be against a monster with the swallow whole or snatch abilities wherein I would use the justice strike to give everyone a headache until I got sent a better celestial. Let me take a sec to look at this guy with fresh eyes. Mental stats aren't special (10,13,14), at will aid, detect evil and continual flame...Not so good. Aura of menace with a decent DC. Teleport. With AWTS you take what you can get, but as far as planar binding, this is not an ideal critter. Further, this guy really hurts with the feat choices that come as standard. See if you can get anything else to replace toughness.

Eladrin: Bralani (MM1 p.93): This guy is probably the only level appropriate dude that you can get with AWTS, or lesser planar binding. You can summon a bralani eladrin using a 5th level cleric spell, summon bralani eladrin (Spell Compendium, p. 213) or by summon monster 6. Both have similar durations, but the cleric spell requires concentration, so it kinda blows... A brimstone speaker can summon one of these bad boys with a DC 27 truespeak check. These guys got a whirlwind form that can make a scouring blast for 3d6 damage plus a reflex save to stay standing. At will blur, charm person, gust of wind, mirror image and wind wall. 2/day 6d6 damage lightining bolts, and cure serious wounds. This guy has a +11 handle animal and a +6 ride, so he can train your animals into warbeasts. DR 10/coldiron & silver and SR 17 are good especially at 7th level, when you can AWTS this celestial into a dead mook. Especially nice are the at will, "now its difficult to hit me" buff spells. At will blur and mirror image, that's like 90% miss chance. The mental stats aren't great (13, 14, 14) so if you channel this guy, it's because you have something else in mind, probably access to those SLAs.


And that is the upper limit of less planar binding and Animate with the Spirit. The great choices being obvious; cervidal, hollyphant, monavic deva. But, you don't get to choose, so don't expect the optimum choices often. From levels 6-12, we are in more channel celestial territory, as well as normal planar binding. I'll work on those later.

There a number of spells that I'm discovering as I go through the celestials that I will forget if I don't itemize them now before I get to HD 7. Planar exchange and greater planar exchange, and BOED's armageddon.

2016-05-05, 10:43 PM
7 HD

Lillend (MM1): Lillend is ok. They show up with their improved grab and their 2d6+5 constrict damage and you're unimpressed. Then you see that they have and appraise check of +12 and a perform (handbell) check of +14. You know how to explain that perform score? 6 levels of bard that's how you explain them perform skills. This makes Lilend a prize to channel, seeing as how you may already have words of creation for your celestial hijinx. Not only that, but the lilend has bardic casting. Lilend doesn't really know the best bard songs, but that is because lilend has been around in the first monster manual since 3.0, and should probably catch up with an expanded spell list. A Lillend needs to be directly planar binded (bound?) because unlike seemingly every celestial before, lilends don't seem to attract enough attention to get their own specific summon spells. Anyway, besides having access to up to 2nd level bard spells, a lilend can lay on hands to heal up to 45 damage, 3/day hallucinatory terrain, darkness, knock. 1/day speak with animals and plants. Lilend rocks. Especially if you need a bard to augment your style. I read that celestials are wicked on the handbells and psaltery (song and silence p.45 & 48), so you know what that perform skill is for. Seeing as how you're using planar binding, lets find us up to 2 Celestial companions of up to 5HD: I suggest a lantern archon and a cervidal. But maybe a protectar riding a bauriar is more your style.

Guardinal: Avoral (MM1): This guy can be summoned with summon monster 7, he's listed right there above celestial baleen whale. He can also be summoned in sorts with the 6th level cleric spell, Planar exchange from the planar handbook. This guy struts in, with at will dispel magic, blur, hold person, dimension door, gust of wind, magic missile, a 3/day 8d6 damage lightning bolt, a 1/day 20' radius fear aura, lay on hands for 66 damage, and SR 25. Avorals are also in the celestial drama club, but is our first celestial with ranks in the disguise skill (+3 and +5 when acting). Alvorals also have a handle animal of +13, so they can settle your horses for you and perhaps even train them in some teamwork benefits with your archon army with a lilend bard. These are combat utility celestials. Just unleash lightning bolts and magic missiles at streams of badguys and then dimension door away and do it again. Heal up from the ranged damage and repeat. Use gust of wind to your advantage, and paralyze the humanoids with hold person while the good guys slit their throats. For channeling, the mental stats are ok (15 16 16) but not level appropriate. Really, the planar exchange spell is the best use for this guy when you get pinned down by 10-11 HD mooks and just go nova. Don't forget how useful dispel magic is.


Asura (BOED p.164) Summon monster 7 can nab you an Asura (BOED p.190), a DR 5/cold iron & evil, SR 19, flaming angel that can beat it's wings to generate 15 cones of 2d6 damage. 1/day Humanoidic polymorph self and at will true seeing. Fire immune, so I guess there is a little variation from the other celestials. There are better celestials to channel with 6 HD.

Archon, Warden (BOED p.163): Added to the Summon Monster 8 list, the warden archon isn't that great on first peruse, well not really compared to other archons. He's got an ungodly +22 to listen and spot, DR 10/evil, SR 25, teleport, aura of menace, the ability to anyones alignment. The warden also has at will scrying and truestrike at will along with a 3/day shield of the archons a 7th level spell that mucks with magical attacks. Channel this guy and use those true strikes or all of that scrying.

Eladrin: Firre (BOED p.169) : Our second actor (disguise +9 or +11 acting) in the celestial drama club. This guy has a gaze attack. So get a cerebral hood or ghostly visage symbiont and redeem them (sanctify their wicked selves if you're high enough level), use their share spells ability, channel this celestial and make the ghostly visage do your gaze attacks DC 18 fort save vs. blindness, and 2d6 fire damage regardless if they make the save. This guy has at will 10d6 fireballs, greater invisibility, persistent image, and polymorph. Did I mention he gets 6th level cleric spells? Did I mention that he gets untyped bardic music? Look at this mess:
Song (Su): A firre has a captivating voice and can use bardic music just as a bard can, inspiring courage, fascinating, inspiring competence, or giving suggestions to those who hear it Unlike a bard, however, a firre can sing as often as it likes. So at what level is up to our best guess. This guy is an amazing critter to have on your side. Planar bind them or cast summon monster 9. Did I mention the SR 27 or the pillar of flame form? He's got those too. This may be the single best 8HD celestial: absolutely channel this guy (mental stats 17,16,18).

Arcadian Avenger (MM5 p. 8): Arcadian Avenger kinda stinks. You can tell because a lawful spellcaster can summon them with summon monster 4 (MM5 p.9) It has blade rend, which accounts for +2d6 if it hits with a blade during a full attack. It has a 3/day ability to take ten on a saving throw, and the avenger gets +2 morale bonus if it sees an ally "fall in battle." Lame mental stats (10,12,12). Don't channel them unless they have crusader class levels.

Guardinal: Lupinal (MM2 p. 43): Summon Monster 8 can snag you a Lupinal. A DR 20/+2, animal speaking, fear aura howling (600 feet) that shakens or frightens for 4d6 rounds guardinal with at will blink, blur, change self, ethereal jaunt, and 3/day 8d6 damage cone of cold, and fly. Good mental stats (16 18 15). That fear aura can be quite helpful if you have an intimidatrix on your team. Not bad for channeling, but there are better options available at 4HD.

9 HD

Moondog (BOED p.179): This creature is dumb. But its abilities are good. So good that they appear on Summon monster 9 (BOED p. 190). This thing has scent, telepathy 50' and can speak to canines. The shadow pattern ability is an ok 50' radius that fascinates evil creatures. Moondogs have supernatural luck that grants +2 to all saves. Once per target, the moondog can cast cure light wounds, remove disease and slow poison. The howl is good: supernatural ability to make a 40' radius that causes 1d4+4 damage per round, in addition to dismissing all extraplanar critters. At will Supernatural fear spell and dispel evil. Always active spell likes include see invisibility, arcane sight, blessed sight, and detect snares and pits, because moon dog don't mess with snares and pits. At will spell likes include astral projection (self only), ethereal jaunt, fog cloud, greater invisibility, and non detection while 3/day spell likes include mirror image and change self. 1/day, a moon dog can cast greater shadow conjuration. This thing has DR 10/cold iron or evil and SR 23, so it can be quite tough. Firre eladrin seems like a better use of summon monster 9 or a planar bind in my opinion. Channeling a moondog has some benefits, though: ok mental stats (15, 16,17), +2 to all saves, a bunch of abilities named after dog sounds, and good spell like abilities, spammable greater invisibility, for example.

Sibyllic Guardian (Complete Psionic p.135): Archon traits and psi like abilities. That's what describes this thing. And this thing is much more than that. You can summon a few of these psionic angels using the planar champion power (complete psionic p. 94). Otherwise, use planar binding. For archon traits, you got: aura of menace, magic circle against evil, tongues. No teleport, so that's a bummer. For skills, you have some new unique choices that make these gals great for channelling or sending these things on info collection missions: autohypnosis +17, Gather information +17, Knowledge (psionics) +17, Psicraft +17. Spell like abilities of a lantern archon: at will aid, continual flame, detect evil, and message. Psi-like abilities: At will brain lock, ego whip, mindlink, psionic teleport, 3/day dispel psionics, ectoplasmic cocoon, psionic fly, and 1/day second chance. This is highly channelable (mental stats 16,16, 20) if only for access to new and different skills. I mean, check out the utility for autohypnosis (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/skills/autohypnosis.htm). This is the first Gather information skill having celestial and the only one with psicraft as a skill. This is the real winner of the 9HD celestials.

Couatl (MM1) Quetza couatl by the toe, if he hollars, let him go. This thing is a celestial, at least according to the celestial bloodline feat (Dragon Compendium p.93) and the general way that they are discussed in fluff, particularly eberron. Couatls differ from the other celestials in that they are outsiders (native) no good subtype. These guys got spells: they cast as a 9th level sorcerer (getting up to 4th level spells) and get access to cleric spells and the air good and law domains. They can change shape into humanoids, they have telepathy, and they have at will ethereal jaunt.
They also have at will psionic invisibility, planeshift, detects thoughts, detect law, good, evil, & chaos. In the expanded psionics handbook; the psionic couatl has At will—aura sight, cloud mind (DC 15), detect psionics, read thoughts (DC 15); 3/day—mental barrier (2 rounds*), psionic plane shift, and thought shield. Which is both better and worse than non psionic couatls.
A level 16 healer can get a couatl as a companion, which is pretty nice. Planar binding might be a little weird, but the only alternative to accessing a couatl is to find one in person, or to level a healer all the way to 16 and let the couatl find you. Regardless, Channeling these bad boys is a good idea (mental stats 17,19,17). They got +15 UMD and two different knowledge skills at +15. The only reason not to channel this guy is a matter of action economy, you have access to spells, but having them all in one body may be a trade off that you don't want.

2016-05-06, 12:34 PM
10 HD - Half-way through the non epic hit dice.

Guardinal: Ursinal (BOED p.174) Big bear nerd from heaven that you can summon with summon monster 9. As typical, you can also call one with planar binding. These guys stand out because they have Profession (any) +16 on their class skills. So...if you ever need a sailor, baker, or leathermith just find the right ursinal. Like the other high powered celestials, an ursinal has both spell like abilities and access to 6th level spells, which it casts as a 12th level wizard. Consider giving them free access to Halaster's fetch (City of Splendors: Waterdeep, p. 153), which you can then use to conscript more of those low level celestials, trapping them on the same material plane as you. If you channel an ursinal, you can have access to lesser truename binding (Tome of Magic) which is like a poor man's lesser planar binding, in that you don't got to pay, you just got to babble dabble. Also, legit planar binding is available to you when you summon this guy. At will polymorph, dimension door, dispel magic, hold monster, and 3/day heal, remove disease and 1/day holy word. This is in addition to lay on hands SR 22, DR 10/evil or silver.

Archon, owl (BOED p.159) Another Summon monster 9 beastie. 6/day 120' long petrifying eye rays. Spell likes include at will dispel magic, 3/day greater dispel magic and 1/day divine power and reincarnate. If you can't find a way to use that, then shame on you. Channel this guy into your ghostly visage to have it do its eye rays thing while you do your thing.

Monadic Deva (FF p.56) You can summon this celestial with summon monster 8 (FF. 57). Notable on that stat block is total immunity to death effects, which is a rare threat, but when you encounter it as a player, knowing that you can get total immunity for the price of two spells, can allow you to put your resources towards bigger swords of swordly death. Channel these guys to protect your tender vittles if you are facing a death field spewing elder evil type necropocalypse. You got at will polymorph self, mirror image, hold monster and 3/day ethereal jaunt, hallow, holy aura, plane shift. 1/day raise dead and commune. These guys are great. Did I mention the free action double strength globe of invulnerability?

Hammer Archon (RoS p. 188) These guys are pretty cool. The have some unique skills for celestials like craft (stone working) +14 and Knowledge dungeoneering +14. The have archon traits (teleport heyo!) 3/day stone shape and wall of stone. Earth glide. And celestial spear, a standard action 2d8, +2d6 to evil creatures ranged attack. A dwarf, gnome, or goliath spell caster can summon these bad boys with summon monster 8 (get one of the above bad boys to polymorph you if necessary). These guys are good for utility usage of all that stoneworkage. Planar bind them to build you an amazing subterranean messanine of splendorous celestial hijinx.

Archon: word (TOM p. 264) These guys are pretty amazing. Let's start with the weird skills: +19 to each knowledge geography, knowledge local, and knowledge nature, in addition to truespeak +27. Then there is the word of nurturing (6d6 to bad guys, or fast healing 10 to good guys). Then there is incantantion of the angels literally granting the celestial template to dudes. If you run with the definition that you can channel anyone who has the celestial template, imagine what would happen if you made a voltron out of your party. Put a symbiont on each limb, channel a word archon, make all of your buddies celestial, and channel each of them into of your symbionts! Or how about give yourself the fiendish template while you're channeling the word archon. That's gotta be confusing. Remember, when you channel a celestial you can get spells, spell likes, and supernatural abilities, but not their ex abilities. So if you do go wild and make a PC celestial voltron megazord gem fusion make sure that your not wasting the barbarian by including them.

Plus, with the lucid channeling feat, you get all the word archon's truename knowledge. They can't hold it back. Imagine what you could do with that (summon more celestials) and words of creation allows you to abuse calling spells from different planes of existence.
A brimstone speaker at level 6 can summon one of these beasts with a DC 33 truename check.

Eladrin Ghaele (MM1 p.94): It appears that the only way to get this guy is through planar binding. This guy has tons of spell likes: At will disguise self, hold monster, greater invisibility, major image, teleport, wall of force, prismatic spray. Light ray is 300' feet long, an amazing gaze attack. And the casting ability of a 14th level cleric. If you bind a ghaele, then you can have them cast channel celestial for you, or they can help you craft oodles and oodles of scrolls/wands of that spell. They have it on their list, because it's a sanctified spell. That is awesome. Make sure that you take a crafting feat some time around the time that you get access to planar bound/allies spells capable of summoning 10 HD celestials.

11 HD - Uniquely skilled celestials

Archon, Sword(BOED p.160): Right off the bat, this is the only celestial with decipher script (+12). They also get gather information and disguise (+15 and +14.) These guys got arm blades, archon traits, SR, DR, and a 3 times a day supernatural ability to force a DC 17 check to remain alive after damaging you with a charge. You can summon these guys with summon monster 9.. The spell likes are ok, including divination, mark of justice, wages of sin, and touch of adamantine. Absolutely channel these guys, particularly if your build has any attacking skills.

"Radiant idols*
(fluffwise, may count)"(Sharn: 2 towers p.180) These guys were at least once angels. Whether or not you can channel them is up for debate. But they do share the same boat with the couatl, where fluff points towards them being celestials, but it isn't as clear cut as being outsider type , good subtype. These guys are angels still, but their alignment isn't even good anymore. Anyway, radian idol is best for channeling. Theoretically you can planar bind them. But you know that there is at least a half dozen of them in sharn, so all you have to do is find the local cults. When you channel these guys, you get the tools to manage the cult following, (supernatural abilities, word up). You get access to a cleric domain. You get access to some unique skills...like forgery +12, bluff +20, disguise 20 (22 when acting), and sleight of hand +12. The spell likes on these guys are interesting: at will dream, heroism, nightmage, rage, and 3/day confusion, slow, and 1/day teleport, song of discord, hold monster, and dominate person.

12 HD
These are the last of the creatures that can be called using planar binding or planar ally. They are also the highest HD celestials that a PC can channel using the channel celestials spell, although, as you can see, you can planar bind a ghaele by level 9 who can cast channel celestial for you. If you use planar ally, you can get an ursinal guardinal to planar bind a few other celestials for you to channel as well as the ghaele to cast the spell.

Eladrin: Shiradi (BOED p. 170) This guy is great. This is your dispeller. Your anti-thrallherd. Lightshard strike is a damaging ghost touch greater dispelling attack. THe eladrin can detect all enchantment spells within 20 feet. They get +10 caster level to dispel enchantment effects (bringing the CL of the dispel to 22). Plus the spell like abilities: at will greater dispel, remove curse, and 3/day break enchantment and restoration. On top of that, this guy has gather information 23, knowledge local 10, and a ridiculously high sense motive check +28. You only need to roll a 60 to use sense motive as an epic skill to detect alignment. This guy is great for channeling.

Guardinal: Leonel (MM1) Pounce, improved grab, rake. The kitty trinity. Holy roar supernatural ability for 60 of holy word cone that also does 2d6 sonic damage. At will 10d6 fireballs, walls of force, hold mosters. 3/day heal. Lay on hands. speak with animals. DR 10 and SR 28. Channel this guy, planar bind this guy, greater planar exchange this guy (8th level cleric spell (Planar Handbook p.103)), or Summon Monster 9 this guy, and set him loose on the poor enemy.

Archon: trumpet (MM1) Archon traits, handle animal +18, Perform +18. Trumpet archons can cast divine spells as 14th level clerics. So they can cast channel celestial for you too, or help craft the scroll of channel celestial for you. Trumpet archons also have a paralysis inducing trumpet that doubles as a greatsword +4. These guys are great

2016-05-08, 02:03 AM

SHIROKINU- KATSUKAMI (OA p.191): At will astral projection, dream, dreamsight, gaseaous form and invisibility, + 3/day Cloud trapeze, dominate monster +1/day heal and raise dead. Fast healing DR 30, SR 24. Channel this beastie for the astral projection, dreamsight, and dream as at will abilities. Those three alone are super abusable. Planar bind/ally/truename summon and get to teaching the entirety of kung fu to Neo in one night's rest if spammed Dream Spell like abilities. 60 messages an hour for 8 hours a night you can inspire and teach everyone around you, with perfect detail, the intricacies of kung fu. Heck, you could cast this spell, recite the entirety of shang Tsung's treatise on shapeshifting as a free action during hand to hand kombat and they will remember every last bit.

Angel, astral Deva (MM1): This is a bruiser. If it hits twice with its mace, the enemy must save or be stunned. DR 10/evil, change shape, uncanny dodge, Globe of invulnerability free action jazz, and SR 30. Dispel magic and holy word and plane shift at will. Blade barrier and heal 1/day. Channel this guy if you got the physical stats for it or you need to abuse those spell likes. You can planar bind, exchange, truename bind to get an astral deva. Or you can cast the 9th level sanctified spell, armageddon (Book of Exalted Deeds, p. 90) to summon 2d4 avorals, two rounds later, a ghaele eladrin, and two rounds later, an astral deva. This spell costs you a level, however.

At this level, we begin the greater planar binding or greater planar allying of celestials (up to 18HD). Channel greater celestial is necessary to channel these guys, with a singular exemption.

Archon, Throne (BOED p.162): The only freakin celestial with the ability to be channeled. That is unique. And when you channel him, you can use his supernatural and spell likes. So...let someone channel you, who is channeling a throne archon. Ideally, have it be someone with great physical stats and some symbiotes with eyes and faces exposed to the outside world. Anyway, penitent gaze is pretty phenomenal, 10 or 20 damage + fatigue/exhaustion. Spell likes are fantastic on this guy: At will restoration!, hallow, atonement, greater dispel. Plus lots of raise dead options (no material components!). All this plus archon traits.

Angel, Planetar (MM1): Spell likes! At will lesser restoration, holy smite, speak with dead, invisibility. 3/day blade barrier, raise dead, power word stun, and more. 1/day earthquate, greater restoration, and mass charm monster!. Planetars can cast divine spells as 17th-level clerics. That's ninths. These guys can cast channel greater celestial, summon monster 9, and many more. Channel them, summon them, having these guys on your side should be an instant win.

Aspect of Kord (MH p.50) **: This may not be a channelable celestial. It is an outsider with the good subtype. It is derivative of a full blood god. So it has all of the ingredients suggested by the scant info on channeling. All of this, despite having an alignment of always chaotic evil. The only reason to channel this guy is for +25 swim, +23 tumble, +21 intimidate or jump +35, . If you summon one of these dudes, just set them loose to wreck some faces. Plus, there is this little tiddy that may be useful, "Powerful Followers of Kord sometimes call up an aspect of Kord to pit their strength against it in rituals that are half sport and half worship.”


Risen martyr (BOED p.68)**: Now it's weird. The capstone of this class comes online at the earliest at level 16. The capstone does this:

"Perfection (Su): A 10th-level risen martyr is as close to celestial perfection as a mortal creature can be. He is considered a celestial for the purpose of any spell or effect that has special effects on celestials. If he is lawful, he is also considered an archon. If he is chaotic, he is also considered an eladrin. If he is neutral, he is also considered a guardinal. If he is a spellcaster, he can cast spells that have the Celestial, Archon, Guardinal, or Eladrin components, as appropriate."
So my advice is to summon a word archon and channel them to collect a ton of truenames. Use their knowledge stats to find out which risen martyrs have become celestials. Those folks will have all of the supernatural, spell, psi, and spell like abilities of at least a 6th level PC. Need access to 3rd level manifesting? Find a psion turned risen martyr. Use words of creation to teleport to them and then channel them. You also get a deflection bonus and access to at least 1 skill at 9 ranks. (forgery? lucid dreaming? craft: bongs?)

Further, everyone complains about this class sucking nards. But channeling allows you to continue to play your Risen Martyr character as a sort of HE-MAN alter ego to someone with access to channel greater celestial.


Eladrin: Tulani (BOED p. 171): These guys are the last of the planarly bindable celestials, and dude, this guy is cray cray. 300' long supernatural dream ray that does 1d6 charisma damage per hit. Ontop of that, you Tulani has a gaze that slays 5HD evil critters. And, for the survivors of that ability damage and outright death vision: at will empowered chain lighting, mass charm monster, haste, greater invisibility, major image, polymorph, wall of force. 1/day time stop, power word kill, meteor swarm, heal. You can create a +4 brilliant energy longsword at will. Which you should plunge into quintessence immediately, sell, and then repeat. Either that, or find a way develop regeneration, chop off your hand while it holds the longsword, heal yourself, and have an artificer sacrifice that thing for a crafting pool, repeat. Alternate form: immortal useless ball of impenetrable existence. Did I mention the 18th level bardic music abilities?

On top of all of that is bluff +29, Disguise +8(+10 acting), Gather information +31, and sleight of hand +8.

Unless you have a means of adding HD to the number that you are allowed to planar bind, you can only channel these folks by actually finding them, instead of bringing them to you.

Titan (MM1): These guys are complicated. They are listed in the MM as being subtype good, but in their entry they have the subtype chaos. They are generally treated with pseudo godlike status by the fluff text, so they may be candidates for channeling. Good spell likes! 3/day summon nature's ally 9. That's 3d3 rocs that your opponents have to deal with. Also, 1/day gate. Kord often sends titans as couriers. The fifth member of the celestial drama club is the titan (disguise +7, +9 acting) and perform oratory +30. These guys got craft +28.

Dwarf Einherjar (D&D p.199): Elf Einherjar (D&D p.199): Human Einherjar (D&D p.199): Einherjar are all the same except for their PC levels and skills. All Einherjar have Immune to transmutation, energy drain, ability drain, ability damage, mind-affecting effects, electricity, cold, and acid; fire resistance 20, DR 35/+4, SR 32, immortal. The following three entries are simply included for completeness. These guys are similar to the Risen Martyr loophole. Find the class and race combination that you need using word archons then seek them out and channel them for access to up to 20th level PC spell like and supernatural abilities.


Angel, Solar (MM1): The biggest goodest mofo in all of the monster manuals. The baseline used to develop the statblocks for deities. The solar is the apex of angel evolution. Pelor and Heironious both use solars as heralds. This is the upper limit of the channel celestial ability and boy it offers so much. The real problem is getting them into your presence and then convincing them to take you for a ride. If you can, say by, creating an entire celestial enclave on a prime material world, using celestials for their abilities to make people generally good. So much so that the forces of evil take notice and lay seige onto you, and you have the backing of 100's of archons and guardinals and eladrin to vouch for you, then you get access to all of these fun toys.

At will animate objects. How much fun is that! At will summon monster 7. If you are making a celestial voltron, this will help. 3/day permenancy. If you hammer archon is done making you an adamantium tank, you can finally get it animated for eternity! 1/day power word spells. Solars can cast divine spells as 20th-level clerics...so they can do everything you can do and more. They have any 5 craft or knowledge skills at +33.

2016-05-09, 12:56 PM

Balance +7, Climb +7, Escape Artist +9, Hide +17, Jump +0, Listen +7, Move Silently +9, Sleight of Hand +9, Survival +7, Tumble +6, Use Rope +4 (+6 bindings)

Archon, lantern
Concentration +4, Diplomacy +4, Knowledge (the planes) +2, Listen +4, Sense Motive +4, Spot +4

Elysian Thrush
Listen +4, spot +4

Eladrin: Coure
Concentration +6, Diplomacy +9, Escape Artist +12, Hide +24, Knowledge (the planes) +6, Listen +5, Move Silently +16, Sense Motive +5, Spot +5, Survival +0 (+2 onother planes), Use Rope +7 (+9 bindings)

Concentration +7, Diplomacy +9, Heal +6, Knowledge (the planes) +5, Knowledge (religion )+5, Listen +6, Sense Motive +6, Spot +6, Survival +1

Bauriar (BOED p. 166)
Diplomacy +1, Handle Animal +5, Hide –1, Jump +5, Listen +8, Move Silently +3, Ride +2, Sense Motive +6, Spot +8, Survival +6, Tumble –1

Guardinal: Cervidal
Balance +9, Concentration +8, Heal +8, Intimidate +9, Jump +19, Spellcraft +7

Diplomacy +12, heal +9, Intimidate +10, Jump +7, Knowledge (the planes)+8, Knowledge (religion) +8, Listen +9, Sense motive +9, Spot +9, Survival +2, Tumble +4

Guardinal: Equinal
Balance +2, Concentration +12, Diplomacy +4, Hide +5, Jump +14, Knowledge (the planes) +10, Knowledge (religion) +10, Listen +11, Sense Motive +11, Spot +11, Survival +11 (+13 on other planes), Tumble +2

Hollyphant (winged form)
Concentration +10, Diplomacy +14, Heal +13, Hide +14, Knowledge (the planes) +12, Listen +13, Move Silently +10, Search +12, Sense Motive +13, Spellcraft +12, Spot +13

Hollyphant (mastodon form)
Concentration +10, Diplomacy +14, Heal +13, Hide +14, Knowledge (the planes) +12, Listen +13, Move Silently +10, Search +12, Sense Motive +13, Spellcraft +12, Spot +13, Survival 4

Archon Hound
Concentration +10, Diplomacy +3, Hide +9*, Jump +15, Listen +10, Move Silently +9, Sense Motive +10, Spot +10, Survival +10* (+12 following tracks)

Movanic Deva
Balance +13, Concentration +11, Diplomacy +15, Intimidate +13, Knowledge (any three) +12, Listen +12, Sense Motive +12, Spellcraft +12, Spot +12

Justice Archon
Concentration +14, Diplomacy +13, Intimidate +11, Knowledge (the planes) +9, Listen +10, Move Silently +4, Sense Motive +10, Spot +10, Survival +1 (+3 on other planes)

Eladrin: Bralani
Concentration +12, Diplomacy +4, Escape Artist +13, Handle Animal +11, Hide +13, Jump +10, Listen +13, Move Silently +13, Ride +6, Sense Motive +11, Spot +13, Tumble +13, Use Rope +4 (+6 with bindings)

Appraise +12, Concentration +12, Diplomacy +16, Knowledge (arcana) +12, Listen +13, Perform (any one) +14, Sense Motive +13, Spellcraft +14, Spot +13, Survival +17

Guardinal: Avoral
Bluff +13, Concentration +15, Diplomacy +7, Disguise +3 (+5 acting), Handle Animal +13, Hide +16, Intimidate +5, Knowledge (any one) +12, Listen +13, Move Silently +16, Ride +8, Sense Motive +13, Spellcraft +12, Spot +21

Concentration +13, Diplomacy +16, Escape Artist +9, Intimidate +14, Knowledge (the planes) +11, Listen +15, Sense Motive +13, Spot +15, Survival +2 (+4 on other planes), Use Rope +2 (+4 bindings)

Archon, Warden
Climb +14, Concentration +14, Diplomacy +14, Jump +14, Knowledge (religion) +14, Knowledge (the planes) +14, Listen +22, Search +14, Sense Motive +12, Spot +22, Survival +1 (+3 following tracks or on other planes), Swim +9, Tumble –3

Eladrin: Firre (BOED p.169)
Bluff +11, Concentration +11, Diplomacy +11, Disguise +9 (+11 acting), Intimidate +6, Knowledge (the planes) +8, Perform (any one) +12, Sense Motive +8, Spellcraft +9, Survival +3 (+5 on other planes)

Arcadian Avenger
Balance +13, Diplomacy +14, Heal +12, Intimidate +12, Knowledge (the planes) +11, Listen +12, Sense Motive +12, Spot +12

Guardinal: Lupinal
Animal Empathy +13, Balance +16, Climb +17, Concentration +12, Hide +16, Listen +17, Move Silently +16, Spot +17

Balance +4, Concentration +13, Diplomacy +17, Hide +18, Intimidate +15, Jump +15, Knowledge (the planes) +14, Listen +17, Move Silently +18, Sense Motive +15, Spot +17, Survival +3 (+5 on other planes), Tumble +4

Sibyllic Guardian
Autohypnosis +17, Concentration +17, Diplomacy +19, Gather Information +17, Jump +16, Knowledge (psionics) +17, Knowledge (the planes) +15, Listen +15, Psicraft+17, Sense Motive +15, Spot +15

Coutl, psionic

Concentration +14, Diplomacy +17, Jump +0, Knowledge (any two) +15, Listen +16, Search +15, Sense Motive +16, Spellcraft +15 (+17 scrolls), Spot +16, Survival +4 (+6 following tracks), Tumble +15, Use Magic Device +15 (+17 scrolls)

Guardinal: Ursinal
Concentration +16, Diplomacy +19, Heal +16, Intimidate +17, Knowledge (arcana) +17, Knowledge (the planes) +17, Listen +16, Profession (any one) +16, Search +17, Sense Motive +16, Spellcraft +19, Spot +16, Survival +3 (+5 on other planes)

Archon, owl
Concentration +15, Diplomacy +16, Escape Artist +17Heal +19, Hide +13, Knowledge (the planes) +15, Listen +19, Move Silently +17, Search +15, Sense Motive +19, Spellcraft+15,Spot+23*,Survival+7, Use Rope +5

Monadic Deva
Balance +16, Concentration +18, Diplomacy +19, Knowledge (any three) +16, Listen +16, Move Silently +16, Sense Motive +16, Spellcraft +16, Spot +16

Hammer Archon
Appraise +14, Climb +20, Craft (stone- working) +14, Jump +14, Knowledge (dungeoneering) +14, Listen +15, Search +14, Sense Motive +15, Spot +15

Archon: word
Concentration +19 (+23 speaking defensively), Diplomacy +18, Gather Information +5, Intimidate +16, Knowledge (arcana) +19 (+21 truename research), Knowledge (geography) +19 (+21 truename research), Knowledge (local) +19 (+21 truename research), Knowledge (nature) +19 (+21 truename research), Knowledge (the planes) +19 (+21 truename research), Listen +16, Search +19, Sense Motive +16, Spellcraft +21, Spot +16, Survival +3 (+5 on other planes, when following tracks, and when avoiding getting lost or hazards in aboveground natural environ- ments), Truespeak +27

Eladrin Ghaele
Concentration +15, Diplomacy +5, Escape Artist +14, Handle Animal +16, Hide +14, Knowledge (any two) +16, Listen +16, Move Silently +14, Ride +16, Sense Motive +16, Spot +16, Use Rope +1 (+3 with bindings)

Archon, Sword
Balance +14, Concentration +13, Decipher Script +12, Diplomacy +17, Disguise +14,GatherInformation +15, Hide +12, Knowledge (religion) +12, Knowledge (the planes) +12, Search +12, SenseMotive+14, Survival +2

Radiant idols*
(fluffwise, may count)
Bluff +20*, Concentration +18, Diplomacy +17, Disguise +20 (+22 acting), Forgery +10, Hide +13, Intimidate +22, Knowledge (the planes) +17, Knowledge (religion) +10, Move Silently +17, Sense Motive +17, Sleight of Hand +12, Spot +17, Survival +3 (+5 on other planes)

Eladrin: Shiradi
Concentration +20, Diplomacy +23, Gather Information +23, Heal +18, Intimidate +21, Knowledge (local) +10, Knowledge (the planes) +18, Knowledge (religion) +11, Listen +18, Perform (any one) +21, Sense Motive +28, Spot +18, Survival +3 (+5 on other planes)

Guardinal: Leonel
Balance +22, Concentration +12, Diplomacy +4, Hide +22, Intimidate +10, Jump +35, Knowledge (any) +17, Listen +17, Move Silently +22, Sense Motive +17, Spot +17, Survival +17

Archon: trumpet
Concentration +21, Diplomacy +20, Escape Artist +18, Handle Animal +18, Knowledge (any one) +18, Listen +18, Move Silently +18, Perform (wind instruments) +18, Ride +20, Sense Motive +18, Spot +18, Use Rope +3 (+5 with bindings)

Balance +12, Concentration +15, Diplomacy +17, Intuit Direction +16, Knowledge (arcana) +16, Knowledge (spirits) +16, Listen +16, Search +16, Sense Motive +16, Spellcraft +16, Spot +16, Tumble +12

Angel, astral Deva
Concentration +19, Craft or Knowledge (any three) +19, Diplomacy +22, Escape Artist +19, Hide +19, Intimidate +20, Listen +23, Move Silently +19, Sense Motive +19, Spot +23, Use Rope +4 (+6 with bindings)

Archon, Throne
Concentration +20, Diplomacy +25, Heal +20, Intimidate +31, Knowledge (history) +21, Knowledge (religion) +21, Knowledge (the planes) +21, Listen +20, Search +21, Sense Motive +28, Spellcraft +21, Spot +20, Survival +3 (+5 following tracks)

Angel, Planetar
Concentration +22, Craft or Knowledge (any four) +23, Diplomacy +25, Escape Artist +21, Hide +17, Intimidate +23, Listen +23, Move Silently +21, Sense Motive +23, Search +23, Spot +23, Use Rope +4 (+6 with bindings)

Aspect of Kord
Balance +23, Climb +25, Diplomacy +6, Intimidate +21, Jump +35, Listen +20, Search +20, Sense Motive +20, Spot +20, Swim +25, Survival +20, Tumble +23

Risen martyr
at least one skill at at +9

Eladrin: Tulani
Bluff +29, Concentration +27, Diplomacy +33, Disguise +8 (+10 acting), Gather Information +31, Hide +27, Intimidate +31, Knowledge (arcana) +17, Knowledge (local) +28, Knowledge (nature) +18, Knowledge (the planes) +28, Listen +28, Move Silently +27, Perform (any one) +29, Sense Motive +28, Sleight of Hand +8, Spellcraft +30, Spot +28, Survival +7

Balance +7, Bluff +19, Climb +22, Concentration +37, Craft (any one) +28, Diplomacy +11, Disguise +7 (+9 acting), Heal +20, Intimidate +32, Jump +38, Knowledge (any one) +28, Listen +32, Perform (oratory) +30, Sense Motive +32, Search +28, Spellcraft +17, Spot +32, Survival +9 (+11 following tracks), Swim +16

Dwarf Einherjar
Climb +11, Craft metalworking +13, Craft stone working +14, Jump +11, Listen +2, Spot +2

Elf Einherjar
Climb +14, Handle Animal +6, Jump +13, Listen +2, Ride (horse) +12, Search +2, Spot +2, Swim +13,

Human Einherjar
Climb +14, Handle Animal +13, Intimidate +18, Intuit Direction +12, Jump +14, Listen +14, Ride (horse) +15, Spot +2, Swim +16, Wilderness Lore +12

Angel, Solar
Concentration +30, Craft or Knowledge (any five) +33, Diplomacy +34, Escape Artist +30, Hide +26, Listen +32, Move Silently +30, Search +31, Sense Motive +32, Spellcraft +31, Spot +32, Survival +7 (+9 following tracks), Use Rope +5 (+7 with bindings)

I actually started a list kinda like this but for all outsiders. I'm still in the process of populating the whole thing cause it's a damn huge list, and also included elementals (since you can bind them with planar binding) but if anyone wants to have a look at it so far, here's the link (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1C_E5G9bp7PEWZXh3Nfa9dYzKC2qbe2l4f9Q0dZJQ_f0/edit?usp=sharing).

Here's a link that you'll appreciate: http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?255219-The-Summoner-s-Desk-Reference-D-amp-D-3-5


Note: Just found this: (http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/mm/20001101a) Will add into mix later. Sept, 2016


Note: just found sibyllic guardian in complete psi p.136

------Valkyrie from ToB p156. outsider from ysgard. Always CN. Is it a celestial?