View Full Version : Looking for a charismatic drow build [3.5]

2016-05-04, 06:56 PM
Alright so, first of I'd like to introduce myself as Blazen. This is my very first post to these forums and I'm very excited for your replies. Anyways, onto the topic...

Me and my friends are playing on a 3.5 setting. The DM allows anything as long as it is 3.5 and isn't homebrew. I'm currently playing a woman who became a drow after a certain ritual. (My character sheet was lost and the DM allowed me to entirely re-do my character, its pretty "Nooby" but we just want to have fun.) I have been given 13000 GP to spend and am currently at 6th level.

What my question is, is does anyone know any fun yet powerful builds that work well with leadership and charisma? Please help me out :)

2016-05-04, 07:00 PM
Well sorcerer isn't bad; nor is bard. They're fun and fairly powerful cha-based classes
I am more partial to bard than to sorcerer myself. There's also the Sha'ir which is a spellcaster that asks for their spells right before getting them. the mechanic is cool and very diplomacy oriented

What sort of role you want to play? Bard-Crusader or Bard-Paladin tend to be popular builds

Honest Tiefling
2016-05-04, 07:03 PM
Alright so, first of I'd like to introduce myself as Blazen. This is my very first post to these forums and I'm very excited for your replies.

Hello and welcome! I hope you enjoy your stay here.

Me and my friends are playing on a 3.5 setting. The DM allows anything as long as it is 3.5 and isn't homebrew. I'm currently playing a woman who became a drow after a certain ritual. (My character sheet was lost and the DM allowed me to entirely re-do my character, its pretty "Nooby" but we just want to have fun.) I have been given 13000 GP to spend and am currently at 6th level.

What my question is, is does anyone know any fun yet powerful builds that work well with leadership and charisma? Please help me out :)

A few questions:
1) Are you retaining your human feat, or are you just making a drow?
2) I assume favored classes are not in play, or are you using the human favored class?
3) What of sort of side material, like the website or Dragon magazine? Are these available?
4) Are there any house rules being used?

But if all else fails, sorcerer is going to be your more powerful bet. As a squishy caster you'll need to pick up a few tricks, but once you do you're golden. I personally think the Dread Necromancer is a bit easier at times and sometimes a bit more balanced, but...I don't know how necromancy will fly with your minions.

2016-05-04, 07:22 PM
A few questions:
1) Are you retaining your human feat, or are you just making a drow?
2) I assume favored classes are not in play, or are you using the human favored class?
3) What of sort of side material, like the website or Dragon magazine? Are these available?
4) Are there any house rules being used?

1) Like a fresh drow.
2) Before my sheet was lost I was playing her as a skill junkie rogue but I am entirely free to just make a character as if it was level 1 and level it to level 6
3) You'll have to forgive me, but I'm mildly confused by what you're asking here. As long as it is official content, I'm allowed to use it.
4) 30 point buy

Also, I already built up a sorcerer build but I'm not quite happy with it as I think I messed a few things up. I could send you a link to it so you could give me some advice and tell me what you think could improve it. I'm also tempted to play a bard, as the main thing I want to do with my character is just do nothing other than boost her cohort in battle and let her do all of the out of combat talking since we already have a stealth, tank and healer in the party. (I've already found the perfect build that I want for my cohort, so you don't have to worry about that.)

Honest Tiefling
2016-05-04, 07:33 PM
Go ahead and link the sorcerer.

As for that question, what I mean is stuff published by WOTC that isn't in the books. Some people think it is official, others don't so it's always best to ask.

But it seems like bard is more your style. Bards are not as powerful as the sorcerer, but most games don't really let the sorcerer do all of the nasty tricks it has up its sleeves anyway. If you want the sorcerer flavor, google up some Sublime Chord builds. You get much better spell-casting, but your ability to attack and sing is hampered a bit. If you really want to focus on the music aspect, perhaps the Virtuoso is more to your taste?

If you go just plain bard, you'll have a simple enough chassis and it's really hard to go wrong throwing out buff spells unless you cast Enlarge Person on your dex based companions.

Might I ask what the cohort build is?

2016-05-04, 07:44 PM
Might I ask what the cohort build is?

For my cohort I originally was going for a water orc barbarian but my DM allows me to get a minotaur from Krynn so I changed him a bit and I'm going to build him into a frenzied brezerker.

(I can't post links yet because I need 10 posts so I'll PM it to you if you don't mind.)
The plan was to make it so I could basically escape any combat, be useful for anything social and still help my cohort in combat but now that I am looking over it again I just feel like there is so many things I'm wasting due to my recent introduction to D&D, I mainly just roleplay.

Honest Tiefling
2016-05-04, 07:51 PM
Okay! That changes things. Now, Frenzied Berserker can and will turn on you. Merely mentioning it will make posters recall stories of a TPK. You should discuss with your party, both in and out of character, what to do when he decides to turn on you. There are some tricks to stop a FB, and given that he is your cohort, you should probably pick some up. If you are a bard, you get the Calm Emotions which ends the effect, and is great to use to screw around with barbarians and anyone with a morale bonus. Normally, it can be a bit situational, but given Deathbull, you might want to consider going bard just for that. You can also get a wand of it, if his will save is crap.

2016-05-04, 08:00 PM
Alright, I'm fairly convinced that I want to go bard now so its time for me to look up some builds and adjust them to my playstyle. Even though this conversation was quite short I want to thank you for your time, it really helped out. I'm glad I decided to make a post on here.


Honest Tiefling
2016-05-04, 08:02 PM
I'm just going to leave this here if this helps...Oh look, a bard handbook. (http://dictummortuum.blogspot.com/2011/08/bards-handbook.html)

mabriss lethe
2016-05-04, 09:32 PM
I'm partial to Deepwyrm Half-drow from Dragon Magic: No LA, No ability modifiers, Dragonblooded subtype, some slightly different SLAs.

2016-05-04, 09:41 PM
I'm just going to leave this here if this helps...Oh look, a bard handbook. (http://dictummortuum.blogspot.com/2011/08/bards-handbook.html)

Just a warning: the drow bard acf is a trap

2016-05-04, 10:04 PM
How about the feat Force of Personality from Complete Adventurer? It should sync with a Charisma-based character, no?