View Full Version : 3.5 Summoning Feats

2016-05-05, 03:08 AM
I have a character who is currently a level 4 Spirit Shaman wanting to be a Summoning Specialist.
(I know it is not optimal, but this is for "fun" more than anything else - the group is fairly Low Op, when I build higher Op toons I tend to build them as buffers/support and only really unload when things get nasty.)

Greenbound Summoning and Rashemi (sp?) Elemental Summoning are off the table - we don't use the Ebberon or Forgotten Realms books as a group, and this is the DM's own world so magic is not working quite as normal (the main effect was no spellbook casters - though tattoos work).

I currently have Spell Focus: Conjuration and Augment Summoning.
I plan to pick up the Summon Elemental reserve feat at 9th.

So, what else is out there that is useful and works?
Imbued Summoning is a possibility, but I would need Practical Metamagic as well as a 1 round + 1 standard action casting time really would make we question the value of this one.

Alternatively, what other feats would people take?
My third level feat was Heat Endurance with the aim of Walker in the Waste, but I now plan to retrain it as I want to explore the higher-level SS abilities before I consider WitW.

Oh, the race is Dream Dwarf.

2016-05-05, 03:18 AM
Summoning Handbook

The only other feat that is left is Beckon the Frozen. Adds 1d6 cold damage to all your summons. Might not meet your criteria though.

There's also augment elemental but that's also Eberron. It's not setting specific because you add the bonuses to all elementals.

2016-05-05, 09:13 AM
Summoning Handbook
Big thank-you for reminding me of that one - Rapid Spell is probably the first one to consider here, though it would also require Rapid Metamagic (and possibly Practical Metamagic).

The only other feat that is left is Beckon the Frozen. Adds 1d6 cold damage to all your summons. Might not meet your criteria though.
Definitely worth considering.

There's also augment elemental but that's also Eberron. It's not setting specific because you add the bonuses to all elementals.
Hmm, may be worth talking to the DM about - if any of us has a copy of the book.

2016-05-05, 09:19 AM
Big thank-you for reminding me of that one - Rapid Spell is probably the first one to consider here, though it would also require Rapid Metamagic (and possibly Practical Metamagic).

I don't think it does require Rapid Metamagic for a spirit shaman. As a SS, you just prepare the spell with the metamagic, (so Rapid SNA IV in a level 5 slot for example), and it does not extend the casting time.

Kill whoever you need to kill for a ring of the beast. Quest for it, buy it, whatever. Critical equipment. Then, you prepare (again, as an example) Rapid SNA III in a level 4 slot, then the Ring of the Beast kicks it back up to a SNA IV.

Side note, my enjoyment of my SS was crushed by the campaign. We kept going to places where I couldn't summon. All the enemy boss lairs were warded against conjuration effects to prevent teleport and scry and die. We visited 2 separate prison planes where the summons were ruled not to work, and a third plane where my summons had a chance to be corrupted and attack the party. It was super frustrating, but probably more a DM issue than a SS issue.

2016-05-05, 11:11 AM
I don't think it does require Rapid Metamagic for a spirit shaman. As a SS, you just prepare the spell with the metamagic, (so Rapid SNA IV in a level 5 slot for example), and it does not extend the casting time.
I think it is pretty clear that the SS is a spontaneous caster - they get to choose which spell each slot is used for at time of casting, they just get to change their options daily. And since Rapid Summons is explicitly a metamagic feat, the extend casting time feature kicks in.

That said, I will be looking at the suggested items closely - though how available magic shops will be is an interesting question. Still, the DM is good enough to balance encounters against what equipment we have managed to obtain.

2016-05-05, 12:16 PM
Bolded last sentence for emphasis

"If a spirit shaman knows any metamagic feats, she applies them to her spells when she retrieves her spells for the day. For example, a spirit shaman might choose to retrieve an empowered flame strike by using a 6th-level spell retrieved slot. Any time she uses flame strike during the ensuing day, she must use a 6th-level spell slot to cast it, and it is always empowered. A spirit shaman could use a 4th-level spell slot and a 6th-level spell slot to retrieve flame strike and empowered flame strike if she wanted to have both spells available to her in a day. A spirit shaman cannot choose to alter her spells with metamagic feats on the fly, as other spontaneous casters do. Spirit shamans using metamagic feats do not have an increased casting time as sorcerers do"

Jeff the Green
2016-05-05, 12:57 PM
How's your Wisdom? You might consider picking up Spontaneous SummonerCD. Spirit shamans are strapped for spells retrieved, and even a summoning specialist can benefit from having more slots to grab buffing or utility spells.

2016-05-05, 01:50 PM
How's your Wisdom? You might consider picking up Spontaneous SummonerCD. Spirit shamans are strapped for spells retrieved, and even a summoning specialist can benefit from having more slots to grab buffing or utility spells.

especially with imbued summoning.

truestrike on your poisonous critters, charge of the rhino on your big cats, fins to feet on your aquatic monsters, venomfire on your venomfilled monsters, jaws of the moray on your 1d3 flying summons, invisibility on your crocodiles. Have you ever summoned an invisible crocodile? perhaps you should, right in the direct charging lane of a nemesis

2016-05-05, 02:01 PM
Have you considered Cloudy Conjuration from complete mage? Adds a small debuff and some battlefield control to your summons.

2016-05-05, 02:49 PM
Bolded last sentence for emphasis
Spirit shamans using metamagic feats do not have an increased casting time as sorcerers do[/SPOILER]
You absolute hero - thank-you, thank-you, thank-you.

How's your Wisdom? You might consider picking up Spontaneous SummonerCD. Spirit shamans are strapped for spells retrieved, and even a summoning specialist can benefit from having more slots to grab buffing or utility spells.
14, going up to 15 at 4th (we used rolled stats - I rolled exactly 28 point buy, but not one I would have chosen)
Now that is a good idea - thank-you.

especially with imbued summoning.
Yes - that starts looking attractive again :D

Have you considered Cloudy Conjuration from complete mage? Adds a small debuff and some battlefield control to your summons.
Interesting - I wonder that the DC on the cloud is? It reads as if there is no save...

2016-05-05, 02:55 PM
You absolute hero - thank-you, thank-you, thank-you.

You are welcome. I'm not a huge fan of the SS casting mechanic (as opposed to either Druid or Sorcerer) but it does have a few advantages, so you may as well use them!

Jeff the Green
2016-05-05, 04:18 PM
14, going up to 15 at 4th (we used rolled stats - I rolled exactly 28 point buy, but not one I would have chosen)
Now that is a good idea - thank-you.

Unfortunately it's only usable a number of times equal to your Wisdom modifier per day. If you can get your DM to swap it to Charisma it might be worth it, but otherwise I'd pick something else.

2016-05-06, 12:41 AM
Unfortunately it's only usable a number of times equal to your Wisdom modifier per day. If you can get your DM to swap it to Charisma it might be worth it, but otherwise I'd pick something else.

At this level that is probably enough uses per day and it can be retrained later, still a good point I was unaware of.