View Full Version : Name for this Superpower?

2016-05-05, 04:29 AM
So, I came up with a superpower that is... rather hard to give a name.

With this power you could walk up to a person, hand them a flower, and everyone who viewed that scene in any way, would react as if you just turned into a 50-foot-tall-monster.

Or, you could walk into a store, take everything, and everyone would act as if it was the most normal thing in the world.

This wouldn't just apply to only things you do either, you could make a cop think that the old lady buying flowers across the street, is the most wanted terrorist in the world.

In essence you could make anyone act in what ever way you wanted to any given situation.

Guy robbing a bank? Nah, he's no threat.

Child buying ice cream? CALL IN AIR SUPPORT!

So, now that we have it explained, what is the name of this power?

2016-05-05, 04:59 AM
Mind control?

2016-05-05, 05:01 AM
Mind control?

Not quite.

Mind Control means that you control their every action.
This only gives one command, such as "this is normal", "this is funny", or "this is terrifying"

2016-05-05, 05:02 AM
Normality control? Reaction bending? Conviction warping?

2016-05-05, 05:17 AM
"Inconspicuousness"? But that doesn't really cover it either, mmmh :smallconfused:

2016-05-05, 05:48 AM
Not quite.

Mind Control means that you control their every action.
This only gives one command, such as "this is normal", "this is funny", or "this is terrifying"

It is mind control. "Hey you, give me your wallet." (You feel that's reasonable)

2016-05-05, 05:56 AM
Bluff (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0767.html)? :smallconfused:

2016-05-05, 06:05 AM
Sounds almost like the Somebody Else's Problem field from one of the Hitch-hiker's Guide to the Galaxy books. :smallsmile:

Anyway, it sounds like you're making everyone around you believe in unreal things, so isn't that just a variation of common or garden illusion?

2016-05-05, 06:13 AM
This only gives one command, such as "this is normal", "this is funny", or "this is terrifying"

Suggestion? This is a... suggestion... from DnD.

2016-05-05, 06:28 AM
Controlled reality blindness.

2016-05-05, 08:43 AM
Response/reaction manipulation.

2016-05-05, 10:01 AM
Reaction control (instead of mind control)?

Maybe emotional manipulation or emotional telepathy because you're generally just giving people in a certain area a specific feeling?

Charismatic aura could work too, since you're basically doing a mass bluff/persuade check. If it's unspoken though, I guess it'd be more of a psychic charismatic aura.

2016-05-05, 10:08 AM
Response/reaction manipulation.

Reaction control (instead of mind control)?

Maybe emotional manipulation or emotional telepathy because you're generally just giving people in a certain area a specific feeling?

Charismatic aura could work too, since you're basically doing a mass bluff/persuade check. If it's unspoken though, I guess it'd be more of a psychic charismatic aura.

Reaction Manipulation/Control sounds like it would work.

Thanks Playground!

2016-05-05, 04:49 PM
How about "Perception Shift"?

2016-05-05, 04:51 PM
In essence you could make anyone act in what ever way you wanted to any given situation.

Sounds like Mind Control to me. (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mind_control)

2016-05-05, 04:57 PM
Isn't this just illusion? Because that's what it sounds like to me.

an instance of a wrong or misinterpreted perception of a sensory experience
You are describing the power to cause people to misinterpret their sensory experiences, no?

2016-05-05, 05:16 PM
Sounds like either illusion or enchantment, but obviously those could be really different, each with it's own set of strengths and drawbacks.

I guess it boils down to if someone is ACTUALLY seeing something take place, or if they just THINK they are. Another way to look at it would be to ask if a robot (not-AI) with a camera for an eye was watching, what would they perceive?

If you want a name that sounds generic and rolls off the tongue easily, I'd just call it "Glamour" and leave it at that. You can play it off as a mixture of senses-warping and hormone-control as necessary, and it generally either boils down to making people not pay attention to you or making them pay attention to you a whole lot.

2016-05-05, 06:33 PM
Irrational Perception Crafting

I thought of a variant that I called "Irrational Invisibility".

You're not actually invisible, but people and sentient things believe they see what you want them to see. They rationalize the aftereffects of your action as being something else no matter how absurd the rationalization. They do not realize how absurd their rationalizations are either. If they saw you do something in a photograph or camera they would still rationalize it away.

No worrying about being seen by puddles leaving ripples or being accidentally run into while invisible. Even an alarm system will have seemingly gone off for no reason or a glitch or whatever. You could get away with just about anything.

2016-05-05, 11:27 PM
Seconding Emotion control.

Because what you described are turning up emotions (fear of the flower) or turning them down (concern about theft) to a crazy degree. I would agree it's a form of illusion or mind control.

2016-05-06, 06:10 AM
Reaction Manipulation/Control sounds like it would work.

Thanks Playground!

Call it what you want, but it's mass hypnosis. No way around it.

2016-05-06, 07:50 AM
(Altered) Perception manipulation?
You are clearly manipulating the people around you or something in your vicinity into seeing something different, correct? It's more or less a form of mind control, but there is no active control on someones body, but merely their current view on the world.

2016-05-06, 10:16 PM
How about "Perception Shift"?

I'm gonna second this one, unless you want something that sounds more arcane and mysterious sounding. If that's the case, look up the Greek and Latin roots for words like perception, knowledge, and understanding. Pick the one you like and add -mancy to the end (i.e. - Logomancy)

2016-05-06, 10:21 PM
Delusion, or Mass Delusion.

Pretty sure they were in Shadowrun.

2016-05-11, 11:27 AM
(Altered) Perception manipulation?
You are clearly manipulating the people around you or something in your vicinity into seeing something different, correct? It's more or less a form of mind control, but there is no active control on someones body, but merely their current view on the world.

I was thinking Perception Manipulation as well.

2016-05-11, 04:54 PM
I'm gonna second this one, unless you want something that sounds more arcane and mysterious sounding. If that's the case, look up the Greek and Latin roots for words like perception, knowledge, and understanding. Pick the one you like and add -mancy to the end (i.e. - Logomancy)

This sounds less arcane and mysterious than just wrong. For one thing, -mancy refers to a method of learning things, with mysticism generally implies. Necromancy literally means mystically learning from the dead, and while it and other familiar ones can get a pass for just being magic, unfamiliar ones are more likely to be interpreted through the etymology. Meanwhile, logos originally meant something along the lines of "to reason", and while a whole bunch of metaphysics got attached to it eventually, that meaning persists.

So, you run into an issue where the straightforward interpretation of "Logomancy" would translate roughly to "To discover information using reason", or more colloquially "to reason things out". If you picked one of the other words, you instead get things that translate to "To discover information using perception", which is just seeing things, and my personal favorite "To discover information using knowledge", which is basically a needlessly pretentious way of saying you already know something.

2016-05-11, 05:22 PM
Also, the use of "i.e." here was incorrect. "e.g." was appropriate here, as it means "for example," rather than "i.e," which means "that is."

EDIT: Apparently, The Oatmeal (http://theoatmeal.com/comics/ie) did a delightful little ditty on this.

2016-05-12, 03:03 AM
How about aka?

2016-06-25, 10:53 PM
compulsion you compel them to act in the way you wish them to act

2016-06-27, 11:39 AM
That would be a Psyop

2016-06-27, 12:53 PM
Distorted perception. You aren't necessarily altering their actions directly, just what they think is happening.

2016-06-27, 01:19 PM
Same superpower that Terry Pratchett had, obviously.

2016-06-29, 05:21 PM
Abit late to the party; but I'm agreeing with the term Compulsion.

2016-07-01, 05:12 AM
I would call it perception manipulation for you are not altering the environment but instead creating false sensory data that change how someone perceives reality.

Alternate names



Darth V
2016-07-11, 12:26 AM
Force Persuasion or Jedi Mind Trick.

No, these aren't the droids you're looking for...

2016-07-15, 08:13 AM
bada paagal

2016-07-18, 06:22 AM
Perception control?

2016-08-01, 12:19 AM
I'm liking Perception Shift, although "Reality Blinder" and "Transpose Reaction" sound kinda cool, too.

2016-08-04, 08:32 PM
I've heard the power to have everyone treat what you do/say as though it's normal get called 'Universal Acceptance'. I do like the name 'Perception Manipulation' for general or more varied use though.

2016-08-09, 08:56 PM
I vote Perscendance.
Perspective - the state of being or process of becoming aware of something through the senses.
Ascendance - occupation of a position of dominant power or influence.

2016-08-10, 03:05 AM
Reminds me of something from what I think was a Larry Niven novel. The main character had a mild telepathic ability, he didn't initially know what it was or how it worked. Any time he was nervous or afraid people would just forget he was there. Eventually during the story he lost his temper and reversed his power, which essentially made him the centre of the targets universe.

The eventual in-story explanation involved eye dilation and shrinking, and how that effects the mind. Pupil dilation causing excitement, fear, interest, while pupil shrinking caused loss of interest. The book explained it better.

The Google definition of Dilation:
A dilation is a transformation (notation ) that produces an image that is the same shape as the original, but is a different size. A dilation stretches or shrinks the original figure. The description of a dilation includes the scale factor (or ratio) and the center of the dilation.

So for naming your power, how about something like Sense Dilation, Psi Dilation, or simply Dilation?