View Full Version : Splinters of Hope: Argent IC

2016-05-05, 04:00 PM
Chapter I


OOC thread (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?487161-SoH-OOC-Argent)

2016-05-05, 04:21 PM
Long before the mighty River Grey joins its Yellow sister, it meanders through the forbidding crags and lush jungles of the Southeast. This is a nigh-forgotten corner of Creation, once home to powerful kingdoms, nowadays it is a land of strife, barbarism, and opportunity for those ruthless enough to survive.

One such opportunity has recently arised. The Riverlands are flushed with talk of curios and minor artifacts coming upstream the Grey River. Rumors of changes in the river bed - and the surrounding jungles, bogs, and lakes - claim ancient ruins were revealed. Now Scavenger Lords compete with starry-eyed treasure-hunters in a quest to find the source of treasure.

You have your own reasons to follow the rumors. After a grueling journey of a thousand miles from the lands of the Marukani, you are about to reach a town named Galim...

Lore+Intelligence to know more about the local lands

2016-05-05, 04:31 PM
You recall the words of Ma-Ha-Suchi. "An old friend called. There are treasures to be found upstream the Grey River, and many fools to be slayed. Go there. Learn as much as possible, find as much as possible. Should you need help, seek others of the Silver Pact, and the men of the Flame - but remember: only I am your true ally."

Ma-Ha-Suchi hands you an orichalcum ring. Scarlet flames are inscribed on it.

2016-05-05, 04:41 PM
Ten Deaths, the Full Moon you owe a Life Debt to, told you "Go upstream the Grey River, beyond the town of Galim, and seek a staff. It will be made of bone that is not bone. Deliver it, and your debt is paid. There will be more treasure: keep as much as you want. The Pact will know of your success."

Int+Lore to know more about the staff

Per+Investigation to glean more of Ten Death's motives

2016-05-05, 04:53 PM
Varos had not one, but two reasons to head to Galim.

His sources in House Ledaal spoke of treasure and artifacts to be claimed upstream the Grey River. Both as Ledaal and Chosen of Luna, Varos felt compelled to try his luck.

On the way there, he met with contacts among the Immaculates. They knew of the events on the Grey River, and gleefully informed Varos the Order has a plan: the hammer of the Wyld Hunt is about to fall on the anvil of the garrison of Jades. All the greedy heretics and Anathema lured by the treasures will die!

Failed Phantasm
2016-05-05, 11:48 PM
Jab. Jab. Snap kick. Step back. Crescent kick. Step forward. Pause. Jab. Jab. Snap kick. Step back. Crescent kick. Step forward. ‘Faster!’ ‘Yes, sifu.’ Jab, jab, snap kick, step, crescent kick, step. Pause. It was among the first kata Varos had ever learned, so short and simple and drilled so regularly that he could do it automatically now. Jab, jab, snap kick, step, crescent kick, step. Pause. Or rather, he should. He caught sight of his reflection in the river below as he executed that last crescent kick, noting with an inward wince that he was aiming embarrassingly high. Were his sifu still alive, he’d have taken his wayward student to task for an error no seven-year student should be making, much less an Exalt; his preoccupation would not have been — and still was not! — an acceptable excuse. ‘I should be able to do this in my sleep,’ he thought as he breathed a frustrated sigh. He abandoned his routine and walked over to the railing, leaning against it as he stared down into the water. The barge he rode was leaving a churning cascade of ripples in its wake, and as Varos watched them race away from him, he felt like his mind was in much the same state.

He had only just arrived in Goodharbor, after making the long and uninteresting trip from Sijan, when he received the Infallible Messenger from home. The name Ledaal Kurome was unfamiliar, but since he had used an up-to-date code, it was only somewhat likely that the message had been falsified or sent maliciously. What Varos had been asked certainly sounded like the sort of thing his House was usually interested in: unearthed pre-Shogunate-era ruins, ancient artifacts, preserved knowledge from bygone eras. He had been instructed to exercise his best judgement and to be discreet and a half dozen other things, and he soon found himself boarding a barge laden with trade goods and medical supplies that was oh-so-fortuitously bound to the exact place that Varos needed to go. There was obviously more to the situation, what with Dynastic politics being what they were, but it was a bit disconcerting finding out about the Immaculate Order’s plan only after he was already halfway to Marukan — and from a shikari on her way to Jades, no less! Even though he managed to say and do all the appropriate things throughout that encounter, his heart had been pounding nonstop until they finally parted ways. House Ledaal was a devout family, with well-placed connections in the Order. Why had they not informed him? And then, of course, the Silver Pact contacted him about the very same thing not long afterwards.

It was certainly a surprise to find a crocodile-man waking him up in the dead of a cloudy and moonless night, moreso because said crocodile-man had managed to slip on board without alerting anyone (not that the barge had the largest of guard complements), but Varos was starting to appreciate just how sneaky his fellow Moonchildren could be when they were of a mind to be subtle. After he resumed human form, the two (very quietly) discussed the situation in Galim: with just a few handfuls of river mud, a lantern, and some creativity, maps were drawn up, names were put to (crudely-drawn) faces, a brief overview of the town’s economic and political situation was given, scouting reports of the ruins were shared, and he was told that there would be other Lunars present — along with, shockingly, at least one Solar. Varos explained what he knew of the Immaculate Order’s plans, which was less than he would have liked (and he admitted as much) but it was apparently more than the Silver Pact had known about beforehand. He advised against unnecessary bloodshed as best he could and trusted that they would understand when prudence was called for, but what the Pact would decide next was out of his hands. Then again, he wanted no one, Lunar or mortal or Immaculate, to die over something so foolish as treasure. The other Lunar slipped away into the mangroves before the sun rose, and Varos continued to ignore the gnawing sense of anxiety and trepidation growing in the pit of his stomach for the remainder of the voyage.

It had been days since that meeting already, and now his destination had come into view and was inching ever closer with each passing minute. ‘Almost there,’ he thought, as he leaned back from the railing and looked up at the river as it stretched on to the horizon. He adjusted his hat and wrapped his headscarf a little more tightly, ignoring the persistent prickly heat in his ears from being pressed against his head for so long. ‘What am I getting myself into this time?’


At some indeterminate point in the past, Varos committed two motes of Peripheral Essence to activate Hide of the Cunning Hunter when it was safe to do so. He spends one mote of Personal Essence to activate Subtle Silver Declaration (assume he has been reactivating it each and every scene, as necessary).

Reflexive — Intelligence [5] + Lore [2]: [roll0]

➔ Stunt dice (from left to right): [roll1]
Result: 3 successes (9, 10 [×2])

Essence 67 / 75, Health Uninjured (-0), Willpower 10 / 10

➔ Personal 22 + (1) / 23
➔ Peripheral 45 + (7) / 52


Hide of the Cunning Hunter – (Indefinite)
Subtle Silver Declaration – (One scene)

2016-05-06, 01:06 AM
Echo of Starlight nodded. "Of course. I shall return with it." Echo then turned, and took to the skies, making his way towards the southern Scavenger Lands. He wondered about what Ten Deaths had said. What was this staff, and why did he want it? Surely this bone that was not bone did not mean a staff made of Soulsteel. The Society had told him many stories, and he thought of what he knew of artifact staves, and of the magical materials that could be described as bone. What would he want with such a staff? Ten Deaths had waited before calling on his service, so surely this staff would mean something dear, and something dangerous.

Still, a chance to get himself treasures would not be the worst chance to earn a slash through his circles. With the Wyld Hunt on his tail half the time, it was not like he often had a chance to use the well of essence Luna afforded him, so maybe some artifacts would come in handy.
Ten Deaths: [roll0]+[roll1] 3 or 5 Successes
Staff: [roll2]+[roll3] 5 or 6 Successes

2016-05-06, 03:27 AM
Echo of Starlight had made it to the Grey River fairly easily, The Scavenger Lands only noticing Anathema that bore their banners. For the most part, he only set to the ground for food and rest. Some preparations had been made, since a Lunar on the wing largely had some leeway in getting from place to place. He had found some time during the nights to set up star charts for some of his fellows that he was told would be there, and then for himself. He was more interested in accuracy than length, hoping that he would not have to spend a season with these people and not have a reasonable opinion of them. For good luck, he finished with one on his brother, as he often did, wishing to keep track of how he was doing.

When he was past the influence of Thorns, he figured he'd make a day of getting to Galim. It had been a long time since he had been to the southern jungles. He remembered them hot and sticky. He wondered what it would be like this time of year, and thought to himself how the month of Descending Wood would manifest in the region. The summer was in full gear and the monsoons long over. The heat would surely reach the jungle, but perhaps it would only be more humid than starting to be brittle. When he made it within a few miles of his destination, he checked to see if there were any approaching parties from the north and stopped there, and drew diagrams in a clearing. If there were rumors of this place that had reached Ten Deaths and the others whose presence he'd been warned of, then he would want some sort of assurance. He lit his anima, making sure to keep it just controlled enough to not reach above the trees. Soon he was face to face with his assurance for this journey.

Lore for the environment: [roll0]+[roll1]4 or 5 Successes
"Child of the Sun, your kind has recently comeback into this world and so we have reason to watch you. It seems our paths may cross, let us see what the stars have for you and I. Your mate likely sends you this way, I have heard of your devotion to him that has led you into the Pact. What does fate say for you on this journey? Oh, it is so hard to tell many times, for just as the Exaltations of Luna allow us to forge our own destinies, so too does the sun let you pick your own path, from the moment of your Second Breath when you take on terrible odds for whatever reaseon. I will read your stars, and hope to see our paths crossing favorably."
[roll2]+[roll3]9-11 Successes: 1year, Somewhat Accurate
"My blood in two senses, it is good to know you are still around, and that we will be meeting again. We are so similar and yet so different. I only hope that we meet under good winds. Our control over our own destinies is clear, and I do not hope to gain much, only a feeling of how we will proceed upon meeting. Know that I do not wish to oust you, should we be destined to meet in unfavorable circumstances. Let us see what the stars hold for your path."
[roll4]+[roll5]7 or 8 successes: Half a year/one year, somewhat accurate
"What does destiny have in store for the scorned child turned demon nomad? Surely there is danger here, or else Ten Deaths would have gone himself. A debt is a debt and a debt must be repaid, regardless of the situation. What shall befall me when I am here. The stars flicker for the Chosen, but what is to be thrown at us can be seen. This venture I hope for success, but as my destiny was mine to change that night, I now have some hold over my Fate. With Luna as my guide and the stars to find insight, I hold the key to my own path."
[roll6]+[/rollv]3d10[/rollv] 8-? successes: 1 year, somewhat accurate
"My dear brother, who would think me a demon, what has happened in your life? We were once so close, and now, you blame the blessing of Luna for erasing your brother. Well, considering the forms I take, it might be easy to confuse me with a monster. I only hope that you are being shown the right path somewhere. I know you would not take the words of a demon, but perhaps Anathema of the Sun exalting in the Realm might benefit our culture. They were mad with power in the late of their rule, not filthy demons who curse the land. I hope that we can visit the gardens where our mother took us before primary school, when everything was so simple. I ache for home, and to see my brother smile by my side once more. Perhaps the stars find you in good spirits."
[roll7]+[/rollv]3d10[/rollv]5-6 Successes: 1month/3mo, somewhat accurate
Summon Elemental: 35m, (does my anima power affect this spell or only future spells?) I'll be summoning an Ifrit. There is an incredibly strong chance that I'll have to bind it for loyalty. If there a chance to convince it to follow me without binding (and if it would be a good idea to do so. Non-bound elementals without a pact seem only to be a good idea with the croc doctors) by some exchanges (without delving into social combat) then let me know by starting a subscene where the Ifrit arrives, otherwise, I'll just stunt the binding and explain the tasks then and be on my way to the plot.

2016-05-06, 04:55 AM
Echo of Starlight nodded. "Of course. I shall return with it." Echo then turned, and took to the skies, making his way towards the southern Scavenger Lands. He wondered about what Ten Deaths had said. What was this staff, and why did he want it? Surely this bone that was not bone did not mean a staff made of Soulsteel. The Society had told him many stories, and he thought of what he knew of artifact staves, and of the magical materials that could be described as bone. What would he want with such a staff? Ten Deaths had waited before calling on his service, so surely this staff would mean something dear, and something dangerous.

Still, a chance to get himself treasures would not be the worst chance to earn a slash through his circles. With the Wyld Hunt on his tail half the time, it was not like he often had a chance to use the well of essence Luna afforded him, so maybe some artifacts would come in handy.
Ten Deaths: [roll0]+[roll1] 3 or 5 Successes
Staff: [roll2]+[roll3] 5 or 6 Successes

More a warrior than a trickster, Ten Deaths' flat tone betrays he doesn't want the staff for himself.

It is a peculiar description. Even so, Echo's great knowledge musters a single sentence: The Staff of Ultimate Power is made of bone that is not bone.

2016-05-06, 08:30 AM
Lore, everyone:

ooc:Varos and Echo succeed for 2-die stunts. Varos is additionally considered for rp xp for that post.

All of you have heard of the region. It's defining feature is River Grey. Its aptly named grey waters often exceed ten miles in width. They meander around rocky bluffs, split around isles, branch out and come back together, and spread in shallow bogs the size of small kingdoms. The river banks are often forbidding, hidden in freshwater mangroves, fortified in steep, slippery rocks. Not marked on any map, countless streams and rivulets join the great river at every turn.

Grey flows mightily in the seasons of Water and Earth, when torrential rains further south nourish it. The downpours are so overwhelming few consider these seasons safe for travel. It is not by chance the news of treasure only spread in the season of Wood. Now, Descending Wood is already upon you, and you can feel the unbearable heat of Fire approaching. This heat causes all the humidity Water and Earth brought to rise in the air in the morning and fall back in often violent local storms in the afternoon. Between darkness, fog, and rain, visibility is always impaired.

East of the river you can see the slopes of the Summer Mountains, covered by ten-thousand shades of green. To the west, the land gradually becomes flatter, but you can still see many hills separated by seasonal bogs. Here's what's been written of the jungle:

The observant divide the jungle into three layers,
noting that little sunlight ever reaches the thin brown soil
at ground level, where elaborate ferns grow to a height of
seven or eight feet. Far more light reaches the middle layer
of the forest, where brilliantly petaled bromeliads and
hanging vines spread broad leaves to the sky. Above even
this layer is the high canopy, where birds of elaborate
plumage perch among wild, colorful flowers that spread
their petals six or more feet across.

But you are not fooled by the beauty: this is a deadly land that was not created for mankind. (Survival+Wits to gauge natural hazards).

The town of Galim is not on the river: seasonal flooding and forbidding banks make port towns impossible in this region. Instead, it is perched on a rocky bluff a mile away from where the waters stand in this Descending Wood. Narrow machete-cleared paths are maintained through the mile of jungle. Ships anchor as they manage: it is just another perilous thing to do when sailing upstream the Grey. Indeed, the perils to shipping are myriad: storms, fogs, shifting sandbars, pirates striking from hidden coves, angry spirits, and, chillingly, freshwater monsters of belief-defying size.

Yet there are riches to be had. The Guild tirelessly expands its plantations all the way to Chaing-Dav, another 1,000 miles south. These plantations require labor, and the Guild slavers know no rest. The local jungle tribes suffer the most, but noone is safe. You know the Guild has presence in Galim, but the town is still independent and is ruled by a hereditary lord.

North of the jungle is a region you already passed called the Wild Fields. Once a civilized land, today it is a "verdant desert". Countless raids of barbarians, Marukani outriders, Thorns rangers, Guild slavers, pirates, and Harborhead braves depopulated it centuries ago. In time, Grey and rapacious vegetation demolished the abandoned settlements and irrigations. To the south is the Imperial garrison of Jades, followed by more Guild plantations.

Lore, Echo and Lover only

West of the river the Summer Mountains slowly rise. Barbarian tribes hide in the jungles there, probably numbering higher than anyone admits: the region is vast, even including a little known lake the size of a country. East is the kingdom of Vesca, Galim's chief geopolitical rival. Even farther east the jungles give way to the cerrado of The Karala: dangerous plains inhabited by fierce warriors.

Finally, your deep knowledge of the history of the region pays off: you know Galim started as a single fortified shop. The books didn't say what the shop traded, but customers from far away deemed the risks of travel worth it.

2016-05-06, 11:20 AM
Most Sophisticated Lover kissed Ma-Ha-Suchi on the cheek before accepting his golden ring.

- Thank you, Ma-Ha. If I will be able, I will bring you some kind of gift – maybe even Moonsilver artefact? We will see... - he whispered, put his ring on and went off, into the wide world.


The Most Sophisticated Lover of Silver And Books was used to concealing his Moonsilver tattoos. He wore a shirt over his muscled, fit body that covered his armor tattoo and brown gloves over his hands covering his inscribed smashfist. On the finger of his right hand he was wearing an orichalcum ring from Suchi.

Overall, he was really good looking. His body was both his greatest asset and most dangerous weapon he could possess. He has short black hair, deep blue eyes and classic nose. He was wearing simple clothes over his well-shaped silhouette. He was very handsome and muscular.

Currently, he was looking at the ring he received. He loved Ma-Ha-Suchi a great lot, but sometimes wondered if his affections are returned. Ma-Ha had so many dark secrets, things form his past Lover could not understand nor get him to talk about it openly. In fact, sometimes it was like Solar learned from him more by his long silences that by things he actually spoke.

Lover sighted. Ma-Ha told him that he is his one and true ally and that nobody else he could trust. He wonderen if that was true... probably not, although Lunar most certainly believed that. But the Solar knew better – world was full of good people, it was just matter of time to find them. Personally, Lover thought that all Lunars of Silver Pact are his friends – even if most of them potentially. He would – and probably will – trust them just as much as he would trust Ma-Ha.

It was just a matter of time...

2016-05-06, 01:01 PM
Summon Elemental: 35m, (does my anima power affect this spell or only future spells?) I'll be summoning an Ifrit. There is an incredibly strong chance that I'll have to bind it for loyalty. If there a chance to convince it to follow me without binding (and if it would be a good idea to do so. Non-bound elementals without a pact seem only to be a good idea with the croc doctors) by some exchanges (without delving into social combat) then let me know by starting a subscene where the Ifrit arrives, otherwise, I'll just stunt the binding and explain the tasks then and be on my way to the plot.

Hrm. It will take me a while to set somewhat accurate predictions for the PCs.

- Wits+Survival roll predates summoning in the jungle.

After that, it is normal roleplay. State the form you're travelling with, time of day, where you begin the summoning/inscribing symbols, how much the anima flares. Speaking of the anima, if activated for expending 11+ it doesn't reduce the cost of the spell that caused going over 11.

Once all set, I'll tell you how the summon is answered, and then we bargain/talk/duel wills.

Failed Phantasm
2016-05-06, 05:00 PM
As the Grey River opened into a relatively broad and tranquil stretch and the thickening haze started to close in around them, Varos could see what might generously be called a salvage heap jutting out into the water from the eastern shore. It was a ramshackle affair that had been clearly built and rebuilt countless times before, assembled from half-rotted planks and misshapen driftwood lashed together with moldy rope and loose vine and what he hoped was mud even though the smell suggested something else entirely. He tugged a swath of his scarf loose and wrapped it around his nose and mouth; they were still upwind of the damn thing, but so powerful was the scent of mold and damp and rot and who-knows-what-else that he could smell it from the barge. Unfortunately for him, the ship was being turned towards it and he grimaced at the thought that that was what he’d soon be disembarking onto — and that the town was still deeper in the jungle beyond it.

Varos had never been so far Southeast before. There was still sunlight enough to see by while they were on the river, but for all that the Summer Mountains and the surrounding plains made for spectacular vistas, it was harder to see through the dense layers of ferns and vines and flowers and trees that crowded the shore and choked out the light, held back only by the torrential seasonal rains this land was said to endure — or perhaps it was the river’s god who made it so. Still, he could only guess at what dangers the jungle concealed. He knew of the many diseases that came out of the East, and guessed that the same would hold true in the fetid conditions here; and he knew of the river dragons that lived along the shore of the Inland Sea and elsewhere, and guessed that there were large predators in the rivers here; and he knew of the storms that whipped across the North and South that could turn a clear day into whiteout in mere moments, and this haze made him feel just as uneasy about what might be hiding beyond the limit of his sight and scent. As the barge finally started to pull up alongside the… “dock”, Varos headed for the deckhouse to collect what few things he had.


Reflexive — Wits [5] + Survival [3]: [roll0]

➜ Stunt dice (from left to right): [roll1]
Result: 3 successes (7, 7, 8)

Essence 67 / 75, Health Uninjured (-0), Willpower 10 / 10

➜ Personal 22 + (1) / 23
➜ Peripheral 45 + (7) / 52


Hide of the Cunning Hunter – (Indefinite)
Subtle Silver Declaration – (One scene)

2016-05-06, 07:57 PM
Nightfall is rapid in the South. The jungle is to be dangerous, a difficult terrain brimming with predators and parasites. Disease is common.

The oppressive heat and humidity of the jungle creates an inviting atmosphere for rot, mold and numerous parasites.

Damp seeps into shoes and boots, which, when combined with sand or dirt, reduces feet to raw and skinless meat. Tiny worms and ticks drop from overhanging
branches or burrow into exposed feet from the ground, eating their way under the skin to plant eggs or to change to their next life cycle. Buzzing gnats and
mosquitoes slurp blood from unprotected flesh.

Undergarments turn to rags in a day or two, rubbing sensitive places raw on long trips, and most clothing becomes moldy over the course of a week.

Malaria and other diseases are rampant.

Beware the silvery ant trees.

The ground in the jungle is surprisingly slippery. Even experienced rangers end up with broken arms and legs.

2016-05-06, 08:56 PM
By the time you heard of the Grey River Treasure Rush, An-Teng was weeks behind. You were sent on a task of utmost importance: one of the fabled Animal-Commanding Masks of An-Teng was stolen. A spymaster in Galim - Ga'tan the Merchant - has a lead for you, for a price.

2016-05-06, 09:05 PM
@characters on the river

As the morning mists retreat in the face of the high noon sun, a wargalley under a dark flag appears in sight. No merchant vessel can compete with hundreds of slave oarsmen at short distances: your captain has no choice, but to trim the sails and await inspection.

You recognize the flag as the Royal Navy of Queen Tiloca of Vesca.

2016-05-07, 12:09 AM
Hrm. It will take me a while to set somewhat accurate predictions for the PCs.

- Wits+Survival roll predates summoning in the jungle.

After that, it is normal roleplay. State the form you're travelling with, time of day, where you begin the summoning/inscribing symbols, how much the anima flares. Speaking of the anima, if activated for expending 11+ it doesn't reduce the cost of the spell that caused going over 11.

Once all set, I'll tell you how the summon is answered, and then we bargain/talk/duel wills.

That's fine. I worded it like I did for a reason. The Celestial Exalted have a tendency to not do what fate tells them. But yeah, if there's something immediate for this chapter like "Varos must choose between two bloods," or whatever. If you're waiting to see how things unfold, that's fine. What I'm going to do in this case is have plot twists get a connecting the dots type of revelation and some things here and there get a "Ah, of course," or "So that's what that was."
Quite. I'll make that roll now. Then I'll draw up what I do based on the spoiler I get. I'm guessing that the canopy in the morning is likely my best bet. I'll also be burning my Gem of Sorcery to keep my anima down a bit.
Echo surveys the land as he flies above, looking out for signs of what the terrain is like. A few perks below the trees give him a view of the lush undergrowth and the signs of a rich ecosystem belonging to a ripe and sweltering jungle. Echo had chosen to adapt his hide to ward off the heat, rather than to make it easier to traverse the jungle itself. He was thankful for this decision, and had made an effort to keep his clothing from getting too damp. He went below to hunt and perched the treetops to rest, but the rest was spent in the harsh sun rather than the stewing jungle. With a deep sigh as his day into the jungle was near its conclusion, he settled on a treetop.

Wits + Survival: [roll0]+[roll1] 5 or 6 Successes (he's not perched on a Silver Ant Tree it seems)
My current elemental adaptation is using the desert snake for Fire Adaptation reptile skin on top of my Clawstrider Armored Hide which should keep some of the wear and tear of a sweaty jungle away.

2016-05-07, 04:53 AM
While the merchant ship moved along the tranquil water, Klahan gripped the railing of the ship tightly in rage as he thought about what brought him to this corner of the world. Someone had dared to steal one of the most sacred objects to An-Teng. The damage that someone could wreak upon the land was nearly inconceivable if they had the right amount of wits and malice, and anyone that managed to steal such a thing from its protectors certainly did. He could absolutely not return to An-Teng empty handed; if it took weeks, months, or even years he had to retrieve that mask for his home. Klahan looked behind him towards the two bodyguards that he had brought with him from Sapphire. They had both come recommended from their previous clients, good bodyguards that will do what is needed as long as they are paid on time. He had to negotiate their contracts with the respective grandmothers before leaving the city. It took more of his resources than he would have liked but if they were worth as much as their recommendations it should make his job easier here. Perhaps it would have been safer to arrive with a greater number of bodyguards with him to the Scavenger Lands, but any more than a small handful would have limited his ability to move with any semblance of subtlety. Sasithorn had a keen eye and had uncovered a case of corruption within one of the minor nobles of the Middle Lands. Klahan hoped that if he would not be able to easily find any clues with this spymaster's information that she perhaps would have an easier chance. Mongkut had been a more orthodox choice of companions, a man who had served with distinction as a bodyguard to one of the savant families in the city.

Klahan shook his head free from his thoughts as he returned his focus to the task at hand. Regardless of what brought him here in the first place, he had not ventured to the Scavenger Lands in some time. It was best to observe what was going on and create a feel for the state of things before charging in head first to reclaim An-Teng's rightful property. A curious expression appeared on his face as he noticed the Wargalley, turning his attention to the flag with a soft sigh. With a quick silent prayer to the Golden Lord for a swift inspection he merely waited. He wasn't going to be entirely idle however, while the Wargalley approached their merchant vessel his eyes scanned along the ship. Nothing led him to believe that this was going to be anything but a routine inspection, but he had enough experience with the Lintha in An-Teng to know to be wary of every ship no matter the flag they've raised at the moment. Klahan paid special attention to the deck of the ship, attempting to see how they were acting. Were they nervous, anxious, or was this really just another routine day of inspections that would cause no problems?

Klahan's trying to see if there is anything off about the approaching ship that he can tell from this distance. Perception+Awareness [roll0]
5 Successes (10, 10, 9)

2016-05-07, 06:41 AM
Klahan sees the galley well enough, but can he understand the meaning of the things seen?

First, roll the Int+Lore and the Wits+Survival the others did.

Then, Int+Craft(Wood) and Per+War

2016-05-07, 07:23 AM
Missile was looking at the warship before him. He was not a war-scholar, but he had to admit, the sight was really impressive.

Lover was waiting calmly at the ship to pass and was willful to let him be checked if he had to. If the Queen's men would like to check him, he will allow it.

He was sitting, waiting and looking at the ship.

2016-05-07, 12:45 PM
Klahan focused on what he could see of the wargalley, wracking his memory for any minute details that could aid him. The trip from An-Teng to the Scavenger Lands is a long one and he had gathered as much information on the land that he could find for the trip. He spent the vast majority of the voyage from Dragon's Jaw pouring over the information in an attempt take in all that he could. With any luck that information would benefit him now, and even if this was just a routine check it was good to exercise the brain and keep that information fresh in his mind.


Intelligence [5] + Lore [4]: [roll0]

➜ Stunt dice (from left to right): [roll1]
Result: 3 Successes (9, 7, 8)

Wits [5] + Survival [1]: [roll2]

➜ Stunt dice (from left to right): [roll3]
Result: 3 Successes (9, 7, 7)

Intelligence [5] + Craft (Wood) [2]: [roll4]

➜ Stunt dice (from left to right): [roll5]
Result: 3 Successes (8, 7, 9)

Perception [5] + War [2]: [roll6]

➜ Stunt dice (from left to right): [roll7]
Result: 4 Successes (10, 10)

Essence 17/40, Health Uninjured (-0), Willpower 6 / 6


Principle of Motion – (Indefinite)

2016-05-07, 12:52 PM
The ground was no place to be. Still, Echo would have preferred the ability to summon on flatter ground. Yet, this could be just as fun. He had been flying for a while, but the day was still groing strong, if he started soon, the sun would not be down by the time he was done with his exchange. He began to set up in a safe treetop, and tore a band off the bottom of his robe. He wove a sigil by taking the piece of cloth and tearing it into one long thin strand. With his makeshift sigil in place, he began meditation. His hearthstone shimmered as he began to meditate, hands together in an elaborate pose as he sent a message to whomever creation thought best to bring him. An Ifrit would be a good ally. And if he could keep him busy and entice it with an interesting assignment, then maybe there wouldn't be need of binding. With his tattoos bright and the day still strong, he begun the chant to send his message.

Summon Elemental: 40-10(Gem of Sorcery): 30m. 23 Personal, 7 Peripheral (Tattoos blazing but stealth still possible (+2 Difficulty) and not locked to true forms)
I'll be calling the most applicable Ifrit. The sigil is woven into the treetop (a safe one thanks to 5 successes) in most jungle/rainforest ecosystems, only some birds occaisionally visit the actual treetops.

Form: Human True Form
Enhanced Senses: Smell, Sight, Hearing
Talons and Quills. Fangs, Toxic x3 Claws (5L/tick, 4, -/-, -4)
Wings (white as Strix) Also, this reduces his bodyweight so Flying is possible.
Armored Hide (Clawstrider Scales to protect from bugs)
Fire Adaptation (cold blooded, I guess? I think "Sweltering" makes that a viable option)
Serpentine Body (for dat Flying move speed Yo.) Combine with the Tail mutation for balance?
Impossible Joints
Night Vision (doesn't make Day Vision worse)
Do I have a form that qualifies for Inexhaustible?
At the moment, I don't have extra arms.

I'll be doing this in mid afternoon and my anima should fade a bit before sunset. Anima isn't flaring to Miles visible, though. Ifrit will be at -6 dice If we duel wills.

2016-05-07, 09:44 PM

From the swirling blazes of silvery essence, a redder flame arises. Not quite here yet, the ifrit speaks in Old Realm:

"Why do you summon me so far from the desert, oh, sorcerer?"

2016-05-07, 09:54 PM
Klahan focused on what he could see of the wargalley, wracking his memory for any minute details that could aid him. The trip from An-Teng to the Scavenger Lands is a long one and he had gathered as much information on the land that he could find for the trip. He spent the vast majority of the voyage from Dragon's Jaw pouring over the information in an attempt take in all that he could. With any luck that information would benefit him now, and even if this was just a routine check it was good to exercise the brain and keep that information fresh in his mind.


Intelligence [5] + Lore [4]: [roll0]

➜ Stunt dice (from left to right): [roll1]
Result: 3 Successes (9, 7, 8)

Wits [5] + Survival [1]: [roll2]

➜ Stunt dice (from left to right): [roll3]
Result: 3 Successes (9, 7, 7)

Intelligence [5] + Craft (Wood) [2]: [roll4]

➜ Stunt dice (from left to right): [roll5]
Result: 3 Successes (8, 7, 9)

Perception [5] + War [2]: [roll6]

➜ Stunt dice (from left to right): [roll7]
Result: 4 Successes (10, 10)

Essence 17/40, Health Uninjured (-0), Willpower 6 / 6


Principle of Motion – (Indefinite)

per usual, all the rolls gain 1-die stunts; you can read the lore and survival results earlier in the thread

The Craft roll reveals the wargalley is brand new, and of Realm style construction.

The War roll reveals the crew has training, but lacks experience. They are recent conscripts. Together with the realization about the galley's origin, Klahan concludes Vesca is expanding its military. Having it out here is an act of aggressive bullying against Galim.

Finally, Klahan knows things about the kingdom of Vesca, as befits a scholar of his stature, but he also knows Queen Tiloca has been in power for...in fact, even he can't remember a time when she wasn't in power.

2016-05-07, 10:15 PM
on the river

Only when the wargalley takes stand next to your vessel, you realize how big it is. Its unblemished hull smells muskly. Hundreds of slaves are chained in cramped quarters below the deck: you notice some seats are already empty, and more slaves will die and be replaced when the galley returns home for maintenance, if not sooner...

The Vescan marines board your vessel and begin inspection. Their leader announces a tithe on all money, goods, and expensive possessions. A few protesting voices are silenced with baton strikes. Five marines approach Lover, but balk at his appearance. "Are you some kind of 'Nathema," finally one of the marines drawls in Riverspeak.

Another five are approaching Klahan. The Tengese feels the tithe may be a problem...

The Vescans want 1/10 of all money/goods/possessions, preferably in silver coin but they'll take what they can. Klahan expensive panoply, as well as the money he carries (at least Resources 4 to pay the spymaster) are at risk.

A Wits+Larceny roll will determine how well the payment for Ga'tan is hidden, but chances are the artifacts will be rated so high Klahan will have to give up one of them, or give up the spymaster's payment as the tithe.

2016-05-07, 11:24 PM

From the swirling blazes of silvery essence, a redder flame arises. Not quite here yet, the ifrit speaks in Old Realm:

"Why do you summon me so far from the desert, oh, sorcerer?"

Holding his position, the No Moon smiles "I have a proposition for you. I will be embarking on a dangerous mission, and I could use someone who is better at hand to hand combat than I am. Your job would be to protect me from hostiles, primarily, plus anything interesting I can't do myself. I can't become immaterial for instance. Now, I would prefer not to bind you. I will admit that my current information is a bit lacking, so the first few days may be a but uneventful, maybe really exciting. I May have you go out and find information as best you can, though discretion among the locals would be key. I'm sure you can manage something difficult. There are definitely other bids on this treasure. It is likely I will run into a few pact members here. However, given one of them, it is also likely that those with poor sentiment for 'Anathema' will also be present. Think you can handle an Immaculate monk? I am loathe to bind you to a plate, but if I must, I will do so. Perhaps we could arrange something? It's a treasure hunt, so if there's jade, the first talent could be yours if I need not break your will. Any thoughts before I go into some finer details?"

2016-05-08, 12:02 AM
on the river

Only when the wargalley takes stand next to your vessel, you realize how big it is. Its unblemished hull smells muskly. Hundreds of slaves are chained in cramped quarters below the deck: you notice some seats are already empty, and more slaves will die and be replaced when the galley returns home for maintenance, if not sooner...

The Vescan marines board your vessel and begin inspection. Their leader announces a tithe on all money, goods, and expensive possessions. A few protesting voices are silenced with baton strikes. Five marines approach Lover, but balk at his appearance. "Are you some kind of 'Nathema," finally one of the marines drawls in Riverspeak.

Another five are approaching Klahan. The Tengese feels the tithe may be a problem...

The Vescans want 1/10 of all money/goods/possessions, preferably in silver coin but they'll take what they can. Klahan expensive panoply, as well as the money he carries (at least Resources 4 to pay the spymaster) are at risk.

A Wits+Larceny roll will determine how well the payment for Ga'tan is hidden, but chances are the artifacts will be rated so high Klahan will have to give up one of them, or give up the spymaster's payment as the tithe.

Klahan smiled confidently. A tithe was common practice, and even where it wasn't it was useful to have enough on hand to bribe the officials. With any luck they would accept his tithe immediately and move on without inspecting the rest of his goods too thoroughly. If he absolutely had to it may be possible to get the information from the spymaster for a favor, but that was a risky proposition. Really with that in consideration the man only had one option available to him. A distraction was thankfully being created by some of the other guards as they crowded around one of the other passengers, and he hoped that it would cause the rest of the soldiers to not inspect things too closely.This, after all, is why he brought multiple items of value. It was more useful at times to have the wealth stored that way. While the five approached he made a show of reaching into one of the specially made pouches lining his waist and retrieved one of the Glowstones he had stored. In his homeland they were cheaper baubles, here they had a value not seen in the land's gems. Klahan had brought these along for just such a purpose, even if they were given as tithe they were cheap to restock in Chiaroscuro on the return voyage. He only needed one, and if they did discover everything he had brought with him, perhaps two of the Glowstones and a container of Seven Bounties Paste would be enough for them. Retrieving the gem, he waited for the soldiers to approach before smiling once more. "I would not deny the rightful tribute, I present this glowstone as tithe." Klahan took a step forward towards the group, holding out his hand and revealing the brilliant gem.

The glowstone in question is of Resources 4 value in the Scavenger Lands.


Wits [5] + Larceny [-2]: [roll0]

➜ Stunt dice (from left to right): [roll1]
Result: 1 Success (8)

Essence 17/40, Health Uninjured (-0), Willpower 6 / 6


Principle of Motion – (Indefinite)

2016-05-08, 09:27 PM
Holding his position, the No Moon smiles "I have a proposition for you. I will be embarking on a dangerous mission, and I could use someone who is better at hand to hand combat than I am. Your job would be to protect me from hostiles, primarily, plus anything interesting I can't do myself. I can't become immaterial for instance. Now, I would prefer not to bind you. I will admit that my current information is a bit lacking, so the first few days may be a but uneventful, maybe really exciting. I May have you go out and find information as best you can, though discretion among the locals would be key. I'm sure you can manage something difficult. There are definitely other bids on this treasure. It is likely I will run into a few pact members here. However, given one of them, it is also likely that those with poor sentiment for 'Anathema' will also be present. Think you can handle an Immaculate monk? I am loathe to bind you to a plate, but if I must, I will do so. Perhaps we could arrange something? It's a treasure hunt, so if there's jade, the first talent could be yours if I need not break your will. Any thoughts before I go into some finer details?"

Echo has only a moment to impress the ifrit. The Lunar knows each and every word and gesture is judged by the honorable spirit...

Appearance+Occult to make the best possible first impression

2016-05-09, 12:58 AM
Echo bows slightly to the elemental, though his hands are preoccupied with the summoning ritual. Still impressions were everything, and he tried to remember everything he could about what an Elemental would like to see. Ifrit consider righteousness a paramount, and love when a summoner is polite. "I believe that someone of your caliber can accomplish great tasks, and I would be honored if you would serve at my side. If you would serve me without need for binding, then I would be happy to compensate you from the spoils of this venture. I apologize if I pull you from important business back home."

Prettiness+Occult [roll0]+Sorcery??? [roll1] + Stunt [roll2]4-6(5-7???)Successes

2016-05-09, 02:11 AM
Echo bows slightly to the elemental, though his hands are preoccupied with the summoning ritual. Still impressions were everything, and he tried to remember everything he could about what an Elemental would like to see. Ifrit consider righteousness a paramount, and love when a summoner is polite. "I believe that someone of your caliber can accomplish great tasks, and I would be honored if you would serve at my side. If you would serve me without need for binding, then I would be happy to compensate you from the spoils of this venture. I apologize if I pull you from important business back home."

Prettiness+Occult [roll0]+Sorcery??? [roll1] + Stunt [roll2]4-6(5-7???)Successes

The roll's stunt was what Echo already said to the ifrit (1-die). Its success means the Lunar was skillful enough to recover just in time (which can be represented by the above words).

"I agree to your terms, summoner. I will wield fire and steel in service of your cause, as long as it is just."

"You can call me Ecul the Prime. And now..." The ifrit performs a blessing of benediction. "May Hesiesh give us heart!"

"My sagely advice is to avoid the Immaculates. My powers diminish away from the desert. There, I could take on a fifth coil, but here..." Ecul's voice trails as he looks at all the water around in disgust. A fat droplet falls on his turban from a bromeliad high above and startles him.

Treat as 1 free excellency die to all Abilities.

2016-05-09, 04:49 AM
Missile looks at the people who were bothering him. He understood just one world „'Nathema” and he knew well what were they thinking.

Lover smiled gently, it was really funny, people asking him is he was Anathema. He couln't help but smile.

"Yes, I am an Anathema" he said in High Realm, hoping they will understand the language of the superpower. He slowly took off his shirt, revealing Moonsilver tattoos. He also flared his caste mark. "I wish to not harm you, but I will if you will fight me. It is more than reasonable for you to let me go, I can be really dangerous if I wanna. Believe me, you want to be my friends, not my enemies" he continued. Although he did not wanted to fight, he aranged himself in a Martial Arts battle stance, ready to fight if necessary.

2016-05-09, 02:34 PM
"I agree to your terms, summoner. I will wield fire and steel in service of your cause, as long as it is just."

"You can call me Ecul the Prime. And now..." The ifrit performs a blessing of benediction. "May Hesiesh give us heart!"

"My sagely advice is to avoid the Immaculates. My powers diminish away from the desert. There, I could take on a fifth coil, but here..." Ecul's voice trails as he looks at all the water around in disgust. A fat droplet falls on his turban from a bromeliad high above and startles him.

Treat as 1 free excellency die to all Abilities.

Echo gives the Ifrit a bow. "Thank you. It is my intention to avoid the Immaculates, but sometimes Fate has its own ideas. If there was a monk of the Fifth Coil present, then I suspect there are few things for me to do than run, and I don't expect you to remain here should there be someone significantly superior to you in the jungle. I've been traveling over the treetops. It's a bit drier there until the rains. I suppose I should at least reduce my current form. I'm not the most familiar with the local opinions on Anathema, but I can't hide my tattoos, so there's not the possibility that I can hide completely. Your thoughts?"

2016-05-10, 01:59 AM
on the river

Klahan cleverly has the spymaster's payment in gems sewn in his clothes. The soldiers eye the Tengese's panoply greedily, yet are satisfied when Klahan presents them with a bright glowstone from the deep South: a veritable wonder in this part of the world.

Meanwhile, the soldiers facing the confident man with silvery tattoos react to his admission to being one of the Anathema.


Two of them linger, two fall back yelling "Ogre! Ogre!" in Riverspeak, and one steps away so hastily he backs over the rail and falls down into the river. The splash draws the attention of more Vescan marines and passengers; but it isn't the only commotion. At the other end of the ship, a scuffle erupts between the inspecting force and several wannabe treasure hunters. The soldiers have the upper hand, swinging with batons and grappling a lithe young woman.

The other merchant vessel slowly approaches. Varos notices some of the figures in the distance move too rapidly for an orderly inspection.

2016-05-10, 02:18 AM
Echo gives the Ifrit a bow. "Thank you. It is my intention to avoid the Immaculates, but sometimes Fate has its own ideas. If there was a monk of the Fifth Coil present, then I suspect there are few things for me to do than run, and I don't expect you to remain here should there be someone significantly superior to you in the jungle. I've been traveling over the treetops. It's a bit drier there until the rains. I suppose I should at least reduce my current form. I'm not the most familiar with the local opinions on Anathema, but I can't hide my tattoos, so there's not the possibility that I can hide completely. Your thoughts?"

"The local opinions won't be the objectively correct ones. I should scout ahead."

2016-05-10, 05:43 AM
Lover looks at the commotion he had caused and smiles widerly. It was not his purpose, but he enjoy the little havoc. Although to be honest he did not expected such a reaction.

His attention is not tied to young lady and the soldiers around her. "Excuse me, excuse me, what's the matter?" he ask in High Realm not even sure if soldiers understand the language. "I want to help if I can, please, let me do so." he continues, standing between the lady and soldiers.

2016-05-10, 07:54 AM
"The local opinions won't be the objectively correct ones. I should scout ahead."

Echo sighed. "We're on the same page, then. You go do that and let me know when I should modify my appearance. However, with how I look now, I think they'd be justified in think me a monster." Echo chuckled at his last remark and made his way above the trees once more. He pointed in the direction of Gallim. "The town should be a few miles that way. Let me know when you run into anyone."

2016-05-10, 03:10 PM
Upon hearing the man being addressed openly come out as an Anathema in the tongue of the High Realm, and remove his shirt to prove it, Klahan couldn't help but grin internally. It seemed his prayers to the Pale Mistress had not only been heard but fulfilled with the joyous abandon by the maiden of chaos. With this new commotion being caused from the Anathema he had to take advantage of the situation while he could, before being caught up in the aftermath. "Unclean!" He shouted the claim in the tongue of the Scavenger Lands and looked towards his two bodyguards as they drew their weapons and closed in around him. With a flourish he put the glowstone back into the pouch it came from as he drew the Crimson Bow, notching a Frog Crotch arrow. Klahan didn't aim towards the Anathema yet though, bow pointed towards the floor and arrow resting. Everyone knew what that Caste mark meant, the Immaculates had made sure of that after all. While under different circumstances he may have been willing to speak with the man as gentlemen, but this was not those circumstances. An-Teng's Golden Lord and Pale Mistress resembled the Celestial Exalted far more than anything else after all, but if he helped the Anathema here it would make his job to find the sacred artifact all the harder. He could not risk that mask falling out of An-Teng's hands for any longer than it already had. Turning his attention towards the guards in service to the Royal Navy he spoke loudly in their tongue. "I shall follow your lead." That was all he promised at the moment, not completely throwing his weight behind either group for now.

Klahan understood everything the man was saying, and mentally debated translating for the Anathema to the Soldiers. If he did so it could seem that he was on the Anathema's side and make his own journey harder, but if they angered the man and he struck being dead wouldn't help him either. He stole a curious glance to the river to briefly see how fast it was flowing, for that just in case moment. When he opened his mouth again he spoke in their tongue once more. "The Anathema claims to have come in peace, but is taking up a combat stance and is threatening you in High Realm. Then he claims that he wants to help, I suggest caution with this duplicitous creature."


Essence 17/40, Health Uninjured (-0), Willpower 6 / 6


Principle of Motion – (Indefinite)

2016-05-11, 09:47 AM

As the Vescan was already clutching and greedily admiring the glowstone when your attention was caught by the falling soldier and then by the Anathema, you will have to wrestle it out of his hands. The other four marines are indeed distracted by the events.
opposed Str+Athletics roll

Klahan bodyguards gulp yet bravely draw their weapons, eyes on the Unclean. Still, they glance at the water just in case. The Grey is fairly slow here, and the bank of Galim is only half a mile away.


The galley and its "prey" are still some 300 yards away upriver. Barring supernatural means, Varos cannot spot a glinting castemark at that distance. He only noticed human shapes, barely bigger than dots, moving with the haste of commotion, not routine inspection.

2016-05-11, 10:01 AM
Lover looks at the commotion he had caused and smiles widerly. It was not his purpose, but he enjoy the little havoc. Although to be honest he did not expected such a reaction.

His attention is not tied to young lady and the soldiers around her. "Excuse me, excuse me, what's the matter?" he ask in High Realm not even sure if soldiers understand the language. "I want to help if I can, please, let me do so." he continues, standing between the lady and soldiers.

A couple of Vescan marines raise their shields and block Lover's path to the ones grappling and now dragging the woman away. One that appears to be a low-ranking commander shouts warningly in Riverspeak.

"Back off! It's Queen Tiloca's own tax!"

Int+Bureaucracy to recall more about this tax.

Behind them, several more soldiers beat back the young woman's friends. One of these friends, also a ragtag treasure hunter, turns to Lover and loudly pleads in rusty High Realm.

"Help! They are taking her away!"

2016-05-11, 11:22 AM
Klahan couldn't help it, starting another fight on this ship wouldn't get him any favors. He wrote the glowstone off as a necessary business tax and let the marine have it. As he overheard the commander's shouts he finally pays attention to what was going on, looking over the woman that was being dragged away by the marines. He swore under his breath in Flametongue, mentally chanting the phrase 'Don't get involved' over and over in his head. Part of his mind just wouldn't let him let it go though, whatever this woman was being dragged off for in 'tax' was unlikely to be pleasant for her. With a soft sigh, he turned his attention to the bodyguards, speaking in Flametongue. "I am going to see if I can defuse this without anyone getting harmed so we can continue on our way. If things start to go poorly, jump off the starboard side. We will continue on foot to the city if need be."

Next he turned his attention to the Anathema and spoke to the man in High Realm. "Stand down you fool. You're putting everyone on edge like that and accomplishing nothing if you want to negotiate with them and stop them from taking the woman away." Finally he focused his gaze on the commander that was shouting orders and raised his voice loud enough for them to hear as he spoke in Rivertongue. "Is it possible for something else to be traded in the woman's place for this tax?"


Intelligence [5] + Bureaucracy [-2]: [roll0]

➜ Stunt dice (from left to right): [roll1]
Result: 3 Succeses (10, 9)

Essence 17/40, Health Uninjured (-0), Willpower 6 / 6


Principle of Motion – (Indefinite)

2016-05-11, 11:25 AM
"Ey! This is not a way to treat a lady!" Missile shouted in High Realm.

Lover was not Exalted to stay idly.

He moved back, then forth. He was mowing fast, trying to break the line of soldiers. If that would not succeed, well... he was armed and ready to use his weapons.

I try to go to the woman, if I cannot, I'm fighting them.

2016-05-11, 11:42 PM
on the ship with trimmed sails

Events move fast. The tattooed man goes for a break...

roll higher of Str/Dex+Athletics to break through the shieldwall.

Despite the chaos, Klahan recalls yet another bit of Vescan trivia: Queen Tiloca's tax governs the rules by which women are enslaved personally for the Queen every year; always young and always beautiful, these women are brought to the palace and never seen again. The entire law is arcane, but the Scavenger Lord remembers the lines about the right of ransom.

The commander of the nearby Vescans acknowledges Klahan's offer, but the cost of youth and beauty coveted by a royal is high...

higher of Cha/Man+Bureaucracy to bring the cost down in a quick exchange with the Tescan

Klahan knows it won't go lower than the lower end of Resources 4...but failing will mean the commander will demand the low end of Resources 5

2016-05-12, 12:37 AM
Klahan continued his impressive litany of swearing in Flametongue in his mind as he heard all of this. He was starting to run out of bargaining chips, and would the commander really be enamored with the trinket like the marines were? Perhaps another item in his panoply would catch their eye but he had only brought a small number of the paste sine he hadn't expected to bargain it away. All the same he was foolish enough to get involved in this skirmish and he had to deal with it. Get the civilians out of the Pale Mistress' path and pray to the Golden Lord that one fire can be taken care of before the Marines had to deal with the fact a traveler on the ship was Anathema. Think Klahan, think.

"This woman can not be worth the hassle and lives of the men under your command, surely. We must be smart with our battles against the Anathema or we are all in danger." He motioned towards Missile with a motion of his head, his bow still aimed in his vague direction. "Clearly he has comfort in fighting in this environment, if we were to fight him here over the maiden what would happen? If the maiden were to come to harm by the vile power he can unleash it would be all for naught. I will pay for the girl's passage and safety so that we all don't wind up dead on the bottom of the Grey for such a pittance. I've paid my tithe and I shall pay for her as well, my only request is that you deal with the Anathema after my fellows and I have reached our destination." Once he was done speaking he offered up a silent prayer to the Golden Lord once more in the vain hope that this would go as smoothly as he wanted it to and they could recover the artifact quickly. The Pale Mistress made sure it was never that easy but he could dream.


Spending a point of Willpower for an extra success. Klahan wants and needs for this to succeed.

Charisma [5] + Bureaucracy [-2]: [roll0]

➜ Stunt dice (from left to right): [roll1]
Result: 2 (9, WP)

Essence 17/40, Health Uninjured (-0), Willpower 5 / 6


Principle of Motion – (Indefinite)

2016-05-12, 08:21 AM
"Firstly, I am no fool! I am a Chosen of Unconquered Sun, the highest of gods and I will do as I wish. Secondly, my honor cannot stand a fair lady being mistreated!"

Missile jumped high in the air, above soldiers that were going to stop him and landed softly behind them. Now, the path towards lady in distress was clean for him. He moved to her, standing between her and the opressor. "Leave her alone, you caused enough pain for one day" he said slowly, looking him straight in the eyes. He was still going to handle that peacefully if he could, but between the language barrier and soldiers all around he had not much choice...

2016-05-12, 03:19 PM

If you keep roleplaying him like that, get Valor 3.

The Athletics roll is indeed more than successful.

The marine you spoke to backs away, but another one is still grappling the woman. So far her raven hair was in the way of her face, but now you can see her beauty is truly a marvel, marred as it is by sweat, dirt, and bruises.

Capitalizing on the soldiers' confusion, you attempt to free her.

Strength+Martial Arts

2016-05-12, 03:27 PM

Successful 2-die stunt. The Vescan will grudgingly accept a payment of Resources 4 for her, all things taken under account.

PS. Btw, Klahan's Essence can sometimes protect his pool against the mortal penalty, but so far this has not been the case.

You and the low-ranking commander are about to agree on a price, and it only took a few pointed phrases to convince him to do so.

Meanwhile, the self-proclaimed Anathema bypassed the shieldwall and is about to free the young woman - at least for a moment, because you can see more soldiers approaching. Nearby, an old lady urges them in Riverspeak. "Don't let the Ogre have her! It will eat her!"

2016-05-12, 04:01 PM
Klahan breathed a soft sigh of relief as he and the commander reached an agreed price. He foolishly believed that would have been enough to end this damn charade and get everything moving again. Then the Anathema went through the shield wall surrounding the woman. No rest for the weary it would seem. While reaching into the pouch storing the Seven Bounties Paste he turned his attention towards the Anathema and raised his voice to the man in High Realm. "Stand down! We have it handled. I'm going to pay for her tithe, so just relax. If you continue on this path like this you're just going to get her and everyone else on this ship killed." Klahan pulled the last glowstone he was willing to spare on this trip and handed it out towards the commander. If they didn't even accept that he would have to add some of the Seven Bounties Paste to the deal.

Failed Phantasm
2016-05-12, 04:28 PM
The sound of heavy footfalls thumping along the deck above him made Varos stop midway through folding one of his spare sets of robes. He glanced up at the ceiling for a moment, one eyebrow arched, but then shrugged and returned to his packing. A thin rucksack lay open on the low bamboo cot he’d been given use of, with one set of robes already neatly stowed away. As he finished with the second set, he lay it down on top of the first and pulled the bag’s rope cord to draw it shut. ‘That’s that,’ he thought, ‘but I thought we’d have docked by now.’ More footfalls echoed down from above — louder this time, and faster-paced too; quite unlike the usual sounds of activity — which prompted Varos to sling the bag over one shoulder and dash his way out of his small cubicle in the cargo hold.

He mounted the stairs to the main deck two at a time, and it took only a moment of looking around once he’d hustled there to notice the crewmen (and some of the guards) crowding themselves against the prow. Through the retreating murk, he could see what they were staring at: a large galley that had not been there when Varos went belowdecks had drawn up alongside another, smaller ship that had been ahead of them. He uttered a soft ‘Hrm,’ and rubbed his chin. ‘The captain had best get this crew in order,’ he thought, looking around for wherever she had gone off to; ‘we’re probably the next ship to be boarded.’

Essence 67 / 75, Health Uninjured (-0), Willpower 10 / 10

➜ Personal 22 + (1) / 23
➜ Peripheral 45 + (7) / 52


Hide of the Cunning Hunter – (Indefinite)
Subtle Silver Declaration – (One scene)

2016-05-13, 04:40 AM
Lover was ready to break the contact between lady in distress ans her opressor by force when the man called to him in High Realm.

"Uh... okay...?" he asked, still looking somewhat angry at the man that mistreated the woman. He did not do any urgent movement, but was seemingly on edge. "If it's settled... I will wear my shirt if you do not mind." Missile said, going back the ship and picking up his clothing. He felt ashamed - he almost lost control of himself, but what could he do? The woman was in real trouble and it was his duty as an Exalted to help her all he could. So he did, best he was able to.

2016-05-17, 12:41 PM
Klahan breathed a soft sigh of relief as he and the commander reached an agreed price. He foolishly believed that would have been enough to end this damn charade and get everything moving again. Then the Anathema went through the shield wall surrounding the woman. No rest for the weary it would seem. While reaching into the pouch storing the Seven Bounties Paste he turned his attention towards the Anathema and raised his voice to the man in High Realm. "Stand down! We have it handled. I'm going to pay for her tithe, so just relax. If you continue on this path like this you're just going to get her and everyone else on this ship killed." Klahan pulled the paste out and started making his way over towards the commander.

The paste would be only Resources 3, wouldn't it? What's the entire Resources 4 Klahan intends to offer?