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2016-05-05, 08:58 PM
We All Fall Down
Chapter One: Descent

OOC Thread (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?487015-We-All-Fall-Down-%28-Dark-Heresy-OOC%29)

According to Administratum records, Wight was a Class-α world, located on the outer fringes of the Ixaniad Sector. The world was designated as geologically stable, strategically unremarkable, and possessed of a population numbering in the low millions. The largest of its cities was a footnote on the world's file, with only a single sentence to its name; "Over 30% of Wight's population is situated in Dunbar." From above, lit by the early morning sun, the city was beautiful: Gothic arches soared over its districts, the Tower of Dunbar rising strong and proud from the shores of the river bisecting the city. The grand cathedral was a marvel of Imperial engineering, its great marble statue of the Emperor Ascendant towering over the Crusader's Plaza. Its refineries, fed by huge brass pipes from the hundreds of collection tanks at the docks, converted material harvested from the deep oceans to promethium fuel for the world's industries. Its fisheries, collossal structures of red brick and grey mortar, exported vast amounts of food to the larger sector. If Wight was a crown, Dunbar was its jewel.

But the jewel was cracked. Smoke rose from the financial district, where banks and guilds had been converted to charnel houses when the crematoria overflowed. Street gangs ran rampant through the commercial district, looting empty shops and burning whatever they couldn't carry. Dozens of doors had been splashed with paint, the red X of quarantine slashed angrily across boarded windows. The streets were full of rats, and the skies were full of crows. The House of Judgement had barred its doors, the Adeptus Arbites looking to its own in the face of an enemy their Judges couldn't fight. The Administratum, similarily, had shuttered themselves in their offices, grim-faced scribes collating the reports that rolled in daily by vox. The city was dying, its streets choked with blood and corpses, and it was to this pit of hell that the Inquisition came, five souls in an unmarked black Aquila lander sweeping down over the rooftops amidst smoke and ashes.

"You'll have to forgive me for not getting out to see you off," the pilot said, his voice crackling over the vox in the cabin. "I'm under strict orders. Let you out, and then return to orbit. They're going to sterilise the whole bird once I'm back." A pause. "That probably don't make you feel any better. Sorry."

They'd gotten the news a month ago.

"You're being sent to Wight," Graeme said, peering over the rim of his half-moon glasses. Formerly a member of the Administratum, Inquisitor Brosius - or Inquisitor Harve, as he asked all of his subordinates to call him - had recruited the pinched little man decades ago, plucking him from a life of endless scribbling in ledgers to be one of the Inquisitor's many adjutants. Graeme had served faithfully, if unimaginatively, and had dealt with all of the gathered acolytes before. Adjusting his glasses, the scribe continued.

"There's a plague in Dunbar, and the Master Prefectus has requested Inquisitorial assistance. The plague has proven resilient to known treatments, and many of the menial labourers have died, causing production to grind to a halt. The Tithe is overdue. So far the other cities have been unaffected, but they're struggling to make up the remainder of the Tithe on their own. Wight is Tithe Grade Exactis Primus, and without regular food shipments from the planet I calculate thirty-seven additional worlds will be adversely affected, resulting in further shortages across the sector. Naturally, such a deficit is unacceptable. Under normal circumstances the planetary governor would be tried and executed for her failings, but Governor Emelia has apparently had the temerity to allow herself to be assassinated."

Graeme puckered his lips at this statement, somehow managing to look even more like he'd been forced to swallow a lemon. "This, too, is unacceptable. The post of Governor is currently being filled by Acting Governor Chavarin, who has stepped into the void left by Emelia and is by all accounts attempting to restore order. He has thus far proven unsuccessful, and Inquisitor Harve felt it would be most remiss of us in our duty to the Emperor if we failed to act in remedium of such a situation. Thus, your assignment."

The scribe pushed a dataslate across the desk towards them, adeptly maneuvering it around his collection of neatly stacked file folders and spinning it to face the group. "Details are here as a reminder, but I will go over them for you. Inquisitor Harve feels that it fosters team unity to hold such conversations. Item Primus: You are to make planetfall and commence investigation of the source or sources responsible for the breakdown in completion and collection of the Imperial Tithe. You are authorised to field-interrogate and summarily execute such sources if required. I do note that, if at all possible, the Inquisition would prefer that they be remanded to our custody for completion of a more thorough interrogation and public execution. Item Secundus: All material relating to the assassination of the Governor and the source of the plague is to be collected, collated, ratified, compiled into a formal report and delivered to myself or other appropriate representative of the Inquisition. Item Tertius: The situation on Wight is being further compromised by the assassination and/or dissapearance of important Imperial figures, including but not limited to the High Ecclesiarch, several Merchant Guild leaders, the heirs of three noble houses..." The list went on for some time. A huge number of people, all of them well-placed politically, were either missing or dead. Some of it was likely to be the result of the plague, but the others... The others had been murdered, and they were being tasked with finding the killers, on top of the other two objectives.

Graeme finished the list and peered up at them, his briefing evidently close to finished. "I trust that all is clear," he said. "Take the slate, and report to Landing Bay Seven. You leave in four hours."

That same slate was now secured in the crash webbing covering one of the Aquila Lander's spare seats. The ride came to an end, the lander descending onto the roof of the Central Administratum Block, a towering structure at the center of the Administratum's compound. The jets powered down, turbines winding as the lander sank onto its struts, the noise of travel finally dissipating from the cabin.

"Good luck," the pilot said as the landing ramp hissed open. "I hope they have a welcoming committee left for you. This is gonna be an awfully lonely place pretty soon..." He trailed off, perhaps aware that he was, once again, not really helping. Once they were disembarked, the lander ascending into the sky behind them, they had their first real look at the city around them. This was to be their home, for as long as it took to finish the investigation.

They could only hope it would not become their tomb, as well.

2016-05-06, 07:15 AM

Savvius's mechadendite slithered its way across the desk, avoiding the towers of processed organic material and locating the familiar shape of the data slate. Plugging itself in it retracted the slate slowly back to Savvius who began processing the data found within the slate. It is no wonder that Savvius had been summoned for this task, the biologicals may die to a disease but the blessed machine spirits shall continue to advance. It is puzzling why more servitors were not utilized for production upon Wight. Savvius turned his attention to the other acolytes assembled here with him. Their names and faces were know to him, but little beyond that. He made a mental note to assess their skills for better responsibility allocations in future efforts. Savvius broke the silence, his voice slightly muffled by the respirator attached to his face. "Has an initial point of contact been determined upon Wight? A local's assistance in establishing a base of operations and medical examination site could be an efficient use of the native's efforts."


Savvius listened to the sound of the retreating lander, comforted by the sound of motors and the smell of exhaust. Knowing that many of the native dwellers may be uncomfortable by the presence of someone walking the path to ascendancy, Savvius remained silent, standing near his fellow acolytes.

2016-05-07, 12:43 AM
- Then -

"We thank you, Mister Graem, for the clarity of your briefing- as it appropriately reflects the direness of the situation on Wight"

Nathaniel spoke, his voice poised and confident - emanating with surprising clarity from the depths of his sombre hood. Slowly, he lifted his right hand upwards and extended his index finger, pointing to the ceiling and beyond- before carrying on with an ominous quote, taken undoubtedly from one of his holy tomes.

"I will send the sword..."

He turned towards his colleagues, the light washing over his face...

"The famine..."

Reflecting the bright, fiery glint of his silvery eyes...

"And the pestilence upon them..."

An eerie contrast with the dull, white powder covering his skin....

"Until they are destroyed from the land which I gave to them and their forefathers."

Finally settling his gaze upon their employer's representative.

"Wight is afflicted with extensive spiritual corruption and for their failings they are being punished. Through purification and penance there is hope- and like Orendel from his ashes, Dunbar can rise again, once the cancer is purged.

We have been appointed as emissaries of His will and granted authority to act in His name in order to ensure that this comes to pass... I take it than that the planet's officials will be expecting us in our official capacity: as judges, juries and executioners?

If so, those culpable will dread us and likely attempt to instigate our martyrdom as soon as we arrive- using whatever means they've already applied to successfully assassinate the other victims....

Though the physical cure has eluded the... medical scholars... what of the plague's method of transmission? Should we be wary of the very air, as it could carry the taint of moral decay? Perhaps through gluttony, when local nourishment is consumed? Could it be through unsavory physical contact?

As per his Word, the triumvirate of calamity you described is likely, at the source, the work of the damned: though none have claimed credit for it yet, is Dunbar harboring (or has it in the past concealed) the impure activities of some heretical cult that may now be seeking revenge? Perhaps led by a newly risen witch or sorcerer ignored or overlooked by the local authorities - leading to the ultimate sanction and their doom.

Your opinions and comments are welcome, friends and colleagues- along with, perhaps a short and cordial introduction so that we may get better acquainted.

I am Nathaniel, Templar Of the Crimson Ash- Spiritual counselor and moral motivator, who fans the eternal flames in His Service... and yours..."

Nathaniel stands, bowing his head lightly, waiting for the others to introduce themselves. Only one of them had spoken- that "Iron Priest" - and already he disliked It- there was a hollowness to its voice, a metallic grating to it that distanced it from humanity. He would ignore it for now- treat it as he would any servitor. On Orendel, only a few of these "priests" haunted distant labs and kept to themselves. Their interests revolved around the study of the human cadaver - futilely trying to understand the essence of the soul, perhaps in an attempt to acquire the glorious inner-fire which the templars of Crimson Ash have long since cultivated in their members.

2016-05-07, 01:26 AM
- Then -

Osmund eyes his companions warily, "Yyyes. Thank you Graeme. My compatriots make some appropriate points," he leans forward and takes the data-slate from Savvius, making sure not to interrupt his data download, and skims through it's contents as he speaks, "Will anyone in the city be expecting us? I would hope at the very least I might have access to the data gathered by the local medical personnel, assuming there's no information in here," he lifts the slate in front of him, still skimming, "I see here that we're allowed a discretionary budget for equipment, I shall have to speak with the Quartermaster regarding that, some re-breathers or protective suits may be in order, as well as a limited supply of basic rations to live off of, until we can ascertain the source of this plague."
He finally lowers the slate and looks at each of the assembled team in turn, "Very well then, introductions seem to be in order. Osmund von Rutherborne, of the Scintilla Rutherbornes, at your service. Doktor, and Scholar. Obviously my presence here will be to ascertain the medical aspects of this mission, I trust that you gentlemen are more familiar than I with the more... physical aspects of field-work?"

2016-05-07, 02:21 AM
Sanctum; Office of Graeme, One Month Ago

When Jacyn had received the news that Graeme wished to see him, he quickly gathered his belongings. He removed the small wooden incense bowl, candle stubs, and 'Paper Saints' with one hand while his other reverently tilted the Clovian Cylinder on its side upon the worn wax stained velvet it rested upon, the accoutrements of his devotions placed to the side he deftly enveloped the scrap of cloth around the seal strewn metallic object and folded the two ends inwards before rolling it and tying it closed with two cracked pieces of leather sewn to the makeshift travel alter. He placed it gingerly in his pack as he began putting on his armour.

Once he had donned his battle vestments he lashed The Peacemaker to its place on his ruck, his helm and respirator was stored in the webbing of his pack, lastly he placed The Purifier in its sling on his waist and lay his readied gear near the door to his small cell on his way out. By his estimations the entire affair had taken no more than ten minutes. He was getting slow.

He ran a furtive hand over his hairless pate before he donned his gloves. Letting his fingers quickly trace the familiar scar pock landscape of his skull for any signs of abnormality or unnatural disfigurement. As he neared the door to Graeme's office he quickly put on his gloves, knocked thrice, and entered.

He stood next to Templar Haart. He listened as Graeme detailed the situation on Wight, and what would be expected of them. His lips moving as the Adept spoke, his eyes focused fast on the bespectacled man's mouth. Jacyn paused as Graeme puckered his lips.

He cringed mentally as the Tech-Priest's metallic tentacle slithered across the table. There was something about the Scion of Mars that made him uncomfortable, something ineffable. He had worked beside Techseers and Priests during his service, he was used to their less than perfect forms, he had also been taught of their special place in the cog of the endlessly grinding machine of the Imperium. Yet this one was somehow different, what it was he did not know.

Once Graeme finished Jacyn's lips furiously moved as he whispered hurriedly under his breath, while Savvius spoke in the characteristic distant voice of the Machine Priests.

Jacyn waited for Savvius and the others to complete their querries but spoke before Graeme had a chance to reply.

"In a similar vein, should there be a complete or near complete collapse of the local authoritarian system what means are presently in place, if any, by way of Adeptus Arbites, PDF or other paramilitary organizations that we might expect cooperation from in restoring order, discipline, law and ensuring an unhindered access to any desired personnel during the course of our investigation, are there currently any active agents in Dunbar we might hope to liaison with?"

"Emperor willing we successfully complete our objectives are our means of extraction in place or are we to arrange that independently? Is an Inquisitional vessel to remain in orbit at Wight and what system of contact, if any, are we to utilize and what expected intervals of operational updates, if any, are we to employ? Does Harve prefer that we to work in concert with or parallel and independent to local authorities? And is it correct to understand, given that Inquisitorial intervention was requested, that we are to announce our presence and work 'in the open' as it were?""


Inquisitorial Aquila Lander; Wight, Dunbar

As the Lander finished its descent and fired her landing thrusters, Jacyn did a last minute check of his equipment. He tapped his rucksack, stored under his seat, with the heel of his left boot, and put pressure against it as the nimble Aquilla pitched slightly in her descent.

His micro bead was in place his armour securely fastened, helm and respirator secured, he clasped shut the face mask as the Aquila touched down and opened the air valve. His Flamer was secure at his waist, his chainsword at ready.

He tightened the straps on his gloves as the engine cycle slowed. Catching the arm strap of his ruck with the toe of his boot he slid it out from beneath his seat and into his hand as the ramp hissed open. He stood shouldering his ruck and firmly securing to his back and buckled the two check and waist clasps in a fluid motion that only years of repetition made second nature. The Peacmaker he locked onto the quick release catches on his gear harness.

Quickly he descended the ramp behind the Tech Priest, and spoke over the micro bead's vox caster.

"Ioudas and Crusader will secure the LZ while the equipment is unloaded."

He strode quickly forward scanning the area for any signs of life, friend or foe, or for any signs of anything amiss.

Roll for Awareness 30

2016-05-07, 08:45 AM

Graeme listened to the questions with his expression unchanged, beyond the slight raising of his left eyebrow.

"All was not clear, then. I shall endeavour to explain." He coughed, and steepled his fingers in front of his face.

"You will be making planetfall within the Administratum compound. They will likely have a representative to meet you, and I believe they are also the ones who have taken responsibility for primary census data collection. The official government has not been informed of your arrival. The Inquisition felt it best to leave that to your discretion as field agents, and to avoid disseminating news of our involvement too widely."

Reaching into one of his files, the adjutant removed a file from one of the stacks. It had a photo of Wight, taken from orbit, clipped to the front, and looked as though it had been recently thumbed through. Graeme placed it in front of him and didn't look at it. Knowing him, he'd already memorised the contents. "Wight has no history of prior cult activity. There have been occasional rogue psykers, all of whom were captured and placed on the Black Ships. There are also a number of persistent minor superstitions deemed non-threatening by the Ecclesiarchy, most of which involve unfeasibly large aquatic creatures. Wight is an ocean world, and the oceans have long provided for her people. I understand that some of them are given to carving devotional charms out of fish bone, and all services in the Emperor's name include significant mention of His mastery over sea as well as land."

Shuffling his papers aside, Graeme resumed peering across the top of his spectacles. "On the nature of the plague, I have little information. The method of transmission is not thought to include airborne contaminants, as far as I am aware." As always, the little adept's voice included special contempt for the idea that there were things he didn't know. "There is a Magos of the Adeptus Mechanicus who is currently devoting his time solely to studying the plague in an attempt to find some sort of cure. The local Administratum will undoubtedly be able to tell you all you could ever want to know about him. Mmm, what else..."

He trailed off momentarily, gathering the last of his thoughts. "You should have access to anyone you need to speak to. Getting to them might be a difficulty, but the Administratum will be able to assist with transportation. You should expect to see a truly vast number of rooftops, I'd say. Inquisitor Harve is giving you free reign with this one, to investigate as you see fit. If I may say, it is a singular display of confidence in your abilities for him to do so. Your extraction will be arranged once your mission is complete. One of the Tithe ships is scheduled to remain in orbit until such time as its cargo quota has been met, which given the current situation is likely to be some time indeed. You may liase with them, and their astropaths, as needed. You will, after all, have the luxury of time..." here came another pause, as Graeme consulted his wrist chrono. "A luxury which I do not currently have. Tell the Quartermaster to give you as much food as you think you will require. I will call ahead to let him know you are coming. Should Wight's supply be contaminated, you will not starve."


Wind swept the Administratum's rooftop, swishing past the acolytes and their collection of offloaded equipment. Nobody else seemed to be up here, for the moment; Jacyn's circuit of the rooftop to check behind every set of ventilator outlets for possible lurking heretics confirmed that they were alone. It was not to last, though: the sergeant had only just finished the small circle when the door to the downward stairs creaked open, and a woman in plain beige robes and a bulky respirator mask leaned out to look around. Her hair was done up in a bun behind her head, and she had a small bronze icon of the Administratum pinned to the front of her robes. When she saw them she waved them over, before stepping back inside the stairwell.

2016-05-07, 09:17 AM
--- Then ---

Osmund looks impressed at Jacyn's thoroughness, and listens politely to Graeme's further information before speaking again, "Ah, most illuminating. I believe that summarizes all questions voiced, yes?" without waiting for an answer, he pulls out and consults a pocket-chrono, "At any rate, I should get to the quartermaster and see about some gear, if Sergeant Sohle would like to accompany me and see that the more martial area of our needs is covered all the better. Thank you, Graeme, for your thorough briefing." He says, with a small bow before striding away without looking back, after all they all knew where to find the quartermaster. I shall finally get to use that Environment Suit I purchased...

--- Now ---

The good doktor spends a good deal of the initial landing time seeing that the equipment is brought safely out of the lander, he looks distinctly unusual in his obviously well-tailored gentleman's outfit, specially designed to fit over some kind of strange body-glove, complete with hood and respirator mask, and polished wooden cane. He looks up though when the Administratum woman waves them over, "Ah, that must be the welcoming committee! Splendid! Let's go then, chaps," shouldering his share of the equipment, he moves towards the stairwell.

2016-05-07, 12:59 PM
"Lead on Doktor Rutherborne. There is no point in waiting when there are discoveries to be made." Savvius looked back to the rest of the acolytes, briefly ensuring that they had not lost any of their biological appendiges during the dismount from the lander, and then followed the Doktor towards their initial contact.

Lord Magtok
2016-05-08, 12:31 AM
Inquisitorial Aquila Lander; Wight, Dunbar

Ioudas hates flying. The confined space, the weird lurching sensation in his stomach, the way one's ears pop because of a difference in air pressure...throne, it's just awful. His disembarkation from the shuttle is anything but graceful, and until the Administratum woman shows up, he spends most of his time swearing under his breath and getting used to solid ground beneath his sabatons once more. He's rather fortunate that his sallet and bevor do an excellent job of muffling his words and masking the infantile expression on his face, otherwise I'm sure Father Haart would be smacking him in the back of the head for this unprofessionalism.

2016-05-08, 03:54 AM
Sanctum; Transit to Quartermaster, One Month Ago

The veteran Crusader and Guardsman knew well enough when a briefing was finished, he nodded curtly towards Graeme, and bowed towards Templar Haart, before exiting with the Osmund.

Jacyn fell in step with Doktor Rutherborne as they left Graeme's office in order to requisition gear for their upcoming deployment.

"What is your form of address, Sir?"

He asked the well dressed Doktor as they exited into the hall and made their way through the empty passage. Neither a member of the Ministorium nor a Military man, the former Guardsman was at a loss for the proper etiquette to apply, when dealing with him. As the pair made their way to the Munitorum, Jacyn's lips continued their fervent motion as he reviewed the briefing. Concurrently he tried to think of what equipment might best be of use given the parameters of their assignment, the skill set of the operatives and the current conditions on Wight.


Administratum Building; Wight, Dunbar

Seeing that the landing zone was secure, Jacyn quickly moved to the offloaded equipment and took one of the large duffles in each hand before hurriedly shuffling towards the door and the beckoning woman.

"Sargent Sohle, you're our POC here I assume? he said, his voice slightly muffled by the re-breather and Aquila's engines. "Where should we store the gear, Miss..."

He continued, letting the tail end of his question trail off as he passed through the doorway and descended into the buIlding, waiting for the Administratum employee to reply as he went down a few steps, carefully laying the bags against the stairwell wall before returning to the rooftop once again to assist the Docktor and Templar with any remaining gear.

2016-05-08, 06:30 AM
"Subscrivener Ainsworth," the woman said, her voice muffled by her mask. She waved them all into the stairwell, waiting until their gear had all been collected from the rooftop. "We've got some spare offices you can use for your things. You might have to move some papers, but the owners don't really need them anymore."

Shaking her head, she started down the stairs. "Thank the Emperor you're here. It's bad. Every day, we get reports of more fallen ill. Everyone else is downstairs. The ones who are left, anyways. We've lost a lot of the department. Of course, we've also lost most of what the department is supposed to be cataloguing. I'm with the Bureau of Statistics and Records. You'll probably be wanting to speak with Master Prefectus Caldwell? He's in charge of the compound, here, and we're fortunate he hasn't been affected. I think he's the one who sent for you."

Ainsworth stopped in the hallway, indicating a set of doors to the left. "You can have these three. If you want to stay here, I'll have some cots dragged up from the emergency supplies. Otherwise you can just use them to keep things in."

2016-05-08, 03:12 PM
The tech-priest stepped forward, examining the interior of the rooms that they had been offered. "Do you have medical facilities for the Doktor and Savvius to use or will Savvius have to transform one of these units into a temporary examination chamber?" The tech-priest does not make eye contact with Ainsworth, instead visually scanning for power sources and dataports built into the room. "Establishing a base of operations should be one of the first efforts which we pursue. What other assets are available to us through your resources? I trust you will be able to acquire adequate cadavers as they are requested."

2016-05-08, 09:30 PM
- In the Present -

Strapped to his seat, Nathaniel hands were clasped in silent prayer - now that they were landing, he had to be prepared (mentally and physically) to ensure the success of their mandate.

The burden of which he could share reliably with at least two of his colleagues - agents of faith and fire he knew would not hesitate to act when the time inevitably came. Although Ioudas could be overzealous, Sgt Jocelyn served as a positive example - capable of showing initiative yet deferring to him when a more subtle interpretation of the creed was required. After all, The Emperor bestowed upon his servants the power to REND and PURIFY and the application of fire is not to be misused.

The other two would be more difficult to deal with, but ultimately they too will prove useful in the overall success of the mission. Often inexperienced Autopsychirugeons and Coroners would obsesses over their task, forgetting that they are but the first step in an often long and arduous process of purification. His presence would ensure they remember the spiritual implication of the inner-flame.

Afterall, if the "Doktor" (and his metal-man assitant) were responsible for explaining and evaluating the physical aspects of this scourge, he was confident that their findings would only confirm his growing suspicions. And he would make sure they crossed the Ts and dotted the Is so that they could all get to the resolving the issue and perhaps even teaching the local authorities a thing or two about Imperial Creed.

The Emperor's flame can be found in the depths of the oceans, something seemingly evident to the locals by the prominence of Promethium refineries- but paradoxically ignored in their spirituality. Could this have justified this plague? Perhaps- could proper subservience have averted this crisis? Certainly. There would be others on the planet who shared his belief - their always are- and they should take the time to find them, for they would proof useful allies (and likely more competent than the authorities who allowed the situation to devolve to this stage.)

No sooner had the doors of the landers opened than he was greeted with the fetid stench of the sea, permeated by death and corruption. But he had come prepared, and his mortuary's mask concealed a rebreather- and other precautions he had been accustomed to taking, working with the dead.

First impressions were everything, and a look of disgust (or a hint of it in his tone) was likely to take away from his credentials and credibility.

He watched silently as Jacyn secured the landing zone, and with the help of Ioudas they started unloading their gear. Moving past them, he walked towards the Doktor and his pet to meet the woman who had come to greet them- only to stop sharply and cringe when the Tech-priest spoke. What horrible, grating sounds- they would need to look into adjusting the volume on that thing.

Finally inside, he removed his mask- revealing skin powdered white as always.

"Good souls, Subscrivener Ainsworth." He greets her with a sombre tone, befitting the seriousness of the situation. "Your plight is felt across the stars and your resilience to it admirable- as is seemingly Master-Prefectus Caldwell's... We will definitely would like to meet with him, but after we have settled."

Once more he cringes as the tech-priest passes next to him entering one of the rooms before bellowing something - his spine shivers and lips curl. But he forces a polite, reassuring smile before speaking once more.

"We must act quickly and efficiently - and a first step involves evaluating the integrity of our local- the Doktor here will want to know if you have a medicae shrine, a morgue- and of course, a chapel...."

2016-05-09, 11:51 AM
Administratum Building; Wight, Dunbar

Jacyn chastised himself, and was, for the thousand time, grateful for the presence of Templar Confessor Haart. He would assure that they maintained the proper perspective in all matters, that their hearts and souls remained true and pure and that their focus was upon that which really mattered.

The old Guardsman had been concerned with liaising with Master Prefectus Caldwell, cordoning the Administratum Head Quarters, inventorying and confirming their requisitions made planet fall safely, setting up a field holding and processing center for any suspects and a quarantined and secure work space for the Doktor and the Techpriest. Yet these were mere frivolities. Temporal and carnal concerns, necessary, yes, yet tertiary to the true matters of import, the matters of Him on Terra and the immortal soul. Truly they would be lost in the darkness of their own sinfulness without the guiding light of their Cleric.

He had almost made an idol of his work, placing it before the concerns of his soul, the Enemy was clever and had entered the fortress of his faith through the door of pride. Jacyn would do well in the future to heed Master Haart's example, one of perfection, piety and propriety. He would have to remember to divulge his wicked prideful neglectfulness to Confessor Haart at the next opportunity, lest his base nature endanger their noble work.

"Templar Haart is correct." he said matter of factly, putting the last of their luggage in the central of the three rooms.

"Our first order of business should be in seeking an auspicious and blessed beginning in our endeavors here by tending to our ever faltering souls, as its diseases are legion and far more deadly than that, even now, blighting Dunbar. 'Wight is afflicted with extensive spiritual corruption and for their failings they are being punished. Through purification and penance there is hope, and like Orendel from his ashes, Dunbar can rise again, once the cancer is purged.' Subscrivener Ainsworth where is the Chapel?" he asked.

2016-05-09, 03:37 PM
"Each of our buildings has its own small chapel. The one here in the main building is largest. It's on level one, near the back. That's the easiest of your requirements. If you want a proper examination room, you'll need to set something up. All we have is an aid station, and there's no morgue here. The Watch House and the Hospitals have morgues, but they overflowed weeks ago. We're just using some of the empty guildhouses, now."

Ainsworth shook her head, and gestured at a nearby window. "Course, if what you want is bodies to look at, just go outside. The sidestreets are choked with them."

2016-05-09, 09:33 PM
Osmund looks up from the Data-slate he had been absent-mindedly studying, "My dear, where are my manners? Subscrivener Ainsworth was it? Delighted to meet you, I apologise, some of my compatriots can be a trifle blunt, but it is merely that they desire to see this world restored to it's former glory, and the Emperor's will be done." he gives a slight formal bow, "I am Doktor von Rutherborne, this is Father Haart, Sergeant Sohle, Enginseer Atillious, and Master Ioudas," he indicates everyone in turn, "Now if you will spare us a moment, I believe our first order of business should be to inspect these rooms... over here was it?" he gestures to the group of doors indicated previously, "Once that is done, and we have rid ourselves of our bulkier equipment, we should like to meet with the Prefectus, who I am sure, after the proper introductions, will be delighted to allow us use of his primary chapel." he looks pointedly at the others from an angle that the Subscrivener could not see, "After all, it would be improper to make use of the facilities without first meeting our host, yes?"
Charm test: [roll0] vs 56 (46 Fel, +10 for Peer (Administratum)

Making the assumption that Osmund has heard Ioudas doesn't like being referred to by his surname, also if Ioudas has a formal rank, let me know and I will edit it in, I wasn't sure.

Lord Magtok
2016-05-09, 11:39 PM
Though Ioudas wouldn't dare question the other acolytes, especially in the presence of Wight natives, he has to privately wonder if all of this socializing and bowing and decorum is really necessary. Why aren't they out there taking heads and demanding answers at gunpoint? Why aren't they rocketing through the criminal underbelly at a madman's pace, hunting down their quarry before their couriers and spies speak of the trail of destruction headed their way? There's obviously some foul collective of heathens directly responsible for engineering this plague, is there not? Some evil mutants in the slums and dark crevices, conspiring to spitefully strike out against the Imperium because they haven't the humility and virtue to accept their rightful place in His divine order? Filthy mutants or insatiable, gluttonous nobles, that's how these things usually play out. That's what his chainsword is here for.

For now, however, he's fine with just moving equipment around and letting the Important People do the Important Talking. It's not his place to question their methods. So long as they get results, it's not his concern.

I couldn't think of one, and boy's not really anyone of status, so he'll have to go without.

2016-05-10, 10:13 AM
Savvius processes the Doktor's words, trying to align their priorities into the most efficient use of man-power and skill in the time they currently have. Pulling out his data-pad the tech priest began rapidly reading and editing his notes on the party and their objectives. Surely the Doktor would be of more use during the examination and Father Haart could handle whatever requisitions they require? Perhaps Father Haart is not adequately trained to understand the needs of the Doktor and Savvius, in which case naturally the Doktor would be required to ensure that the proper equipment is appropriated for our efforts. Savvius made a note and reduced the estimated medical and technical skills of Father Haart. Perhaps other useful skills will be demonstrated later. "Understood. Savvius will initiate the process to establish an examination sector. The list of required resources will be submitted before the interview of Master Prefectus Caldwell. Savvius will require assistance obtaining recently deceased samples for evaluation, but that may be postponed until the sector meets Doktor von Rutherborne's approval."

2016-05-11, 01:37 AM
Ainsworth nodded. "I'll go inform Master Prefectus Caldwell of your arrival, then. I'm sure he'll be anxious to meet with you. If you require anything, please let me know."

Leaving them to inspect the offices, the subscrivener hurried off as soon as she was sure there were no other immediate questions. The three offices they had been given were spacious, for offices, and had probably belonged to senior staff before the plague hit. Personal effects, if there were any, had apparently been removed, but the files and papers belonging to the Administratum had all been left behind, as well as the large desks and a scattering of unupholstered wooden chairs.

2016-05-11, 10:52 PM
Nathaniel waves a hand towards Sgt Jacyn and Ioudas, motioning them into the room.

"Come, let us Pray." He says, before carrying on - his tone and dialect changing as he adopts a language akin to archaic prayer familiar to the redemptionists in the cell.

"A suspicious mind is a healthy mind- check the room, verify its integrity and the extent of the privacy which it affords us - we wouldn't want anyone to be listening in." As he speaks, he subtly gestures to a nearby section of the room, drawing out a zone where they should begin before fanning out and making sure no one's left a listening device in a drawer in anticipation of their arrival.

He gives them a few minutes to complete this task, praying - before settling down one he is satisfied that they have adequately ensured that the room is bug free.

"Dear Doktor, though we have had time to prepare for our Journey, it would be wise to review our approach before we meet with the master prefectus. We are all, of course, at your service but if you would defer to my council on a few matters...."

"That helper of yours" (he says, motioning to the tech-priest) "Is without a doubt of great help when it comes to the more technical aspects of our mission- but is lacking in... tact... to say the least... perhaps he should direct any request to you before bringing them to our hosts, lest we risk accidentally offending or... disturbing them."

"On that note- what approach would like to us to take upon meeting him? Any specific line of questioning you would like us to explore? As a delegation here to aid with the plague, we should be able to complete the entirety of our mandate without running into too much trouble... After all, a cure to whatever ailment is affecting this planet can likely be resolved through purification of its source."

"One detail- she mentioned they were lucky the master prefectus was not infected- perhaps it is nothing, but it might worth checking if he had recently exposed himself to some risk and returned unscathed or if it was just a expression."

A suspicious mind is a healthy mind indeed.

2016-05-12, 04:33 AM
Jacyn immediately attended the side of Father Haart when he was summoned. Kneeling he listened attentively to the order and then nodded his head in affirmation replying as he rose,

"'The Enemy without the Xenos, the Mutant, the Daemon is known while the Enemy within, the heretic, the witch, the traitor is more dangerous -- for they move unseen among us.' It shall be done, Father."

The crusader rose from his supplications to a corner of the office and began arranging the furniture to accommodate the gear.

Scrutiny, Search (Which is now part of Awareness vs. 30) Jacyn will feel under the desks, inside the drawers, will remove any papers, books, contents and check the insides of the drawers as well as shaking out the books, papers or other such trappings. Any devices will be placed aside to be examined by the Scion of Mars.

2016-05-12, 10:25 AM
Osmund nods at Father Haart's suggestion, and motions Savvius over, "Savvius, a moment." He moves to a more amicable, confidential position, "Master Atillious, I feel that diplomacy is going to be an important aspect of this mission, and I believe your considerable talents lie elsewhere, as your forthrightness can be off-putting for those not used to one of your Order. Where possible, if outsiders are around I would prefer you address any concerns quietly to me, rather than aloud. Also it might be prudent to aid Sergeant Sohle by sweeping the rooms for anomalies with the Auspex we brought." with that he attempts to give the man a friendly pat on the back, but stops when he realises the extent of his cybernetics.

He spends a few moments seemingly in thought as the rest of the group clears the rooms before addressing the rest of Nathaniel's concerns. Once the all-clear is given, he finally speaks, as he moves into the room, "The Prefectus is of course our honoured host, and we his grateful guests, and should be treated with respect as such. We will need access to local records and resources, which he is most well-placed to provide, and indeed is already providing us with these quarters. That said, we need not bother the man with the minutiae of our entire operation, however."

Osmund moves into the room, putting down his pack and doing a quick inventory, "I cannot say anything definitive with regards to the plague until I have had a chance to examine the facts," he selects a select few chem-injectors from the pack, and tucks them into the inside pocket of his jacket, "Hopefully after some study I can provide something concrete." he dusts off his jacket, adjusts his re-breather unit, and looks around to see if anybody else has concerns. He starts for a moment, having just remembered something, he turns back around and pulls out his Diagnostor, "I shall see if our host is amicable to a quick check-up at the meeting, if he has resisted the plague successfully it may be helpful."

2016-05-12, 03:23 PM
Osmund nods at Father Haart's suggestion, and motions Savvius over, "Savvius, a moment." He moves to a more amicable, confidential position, "Master Atillious, I feel that diplomacy is going to be an important aspect of this mission, and I believe your considerable talents lie elsewhere, as your forthrightness can be off-putting for those not used to one of your Order. Where possible, if outsiders are around I would prefer you address any concerns quietly to me, rather than aloud. Also it might be prudent to aid Sergeant Sohle by sweeping the rooms for anomalies with the Auspex we brought." with that he attempts to give the man a friendly pat on the back, but stops when he realises the extent of his cybernetics.

Savvius accepted the Auspex, but instead of using it placed it inside of his robes, continuing to tap on his datapad. After an uncomfortably long moment Savvius puts away his tablet and turns himself to face Osmund, his mechadendrites continuing to work the datapad. "This seems to be an inefficient method of relaying our needs to the local inhabitants. Perhaps Savvius should utilize some of the other members of the cell whose skills are not yet being fully utilized." Savvius's mechadendrite orients the datapad toward the Doktor, displaying a complex display of lines and symbols that were layered in a 3 dimensional graph. "While there is a lack of efficiency in Father Haart's communication he seems capable of requisitioning equipment that we may require. Judging by his displayed skills and physical capability this should be a well within the standard deviation of his expected skillset." Savvius withdrew the datapad, producing the Auspex instead and began scanning the room. "Savvius will reduce the volume in which he addresses you, since you seem to feel that it is obstructing communication with the locals."

Tech-use 58 (Int 38 + Skill 10 + Mechadendrite 10)
Awareness 34 (Half Awareness 14 + 20)

2016-05-13, 12:15 AM
Between Savvius with the auspex and Jacyn physically searching the area, the rooms were given a good, thorough sweep. The auspex detected nothing running on any sort of vox frequencies, or any other frequencies, for that matter. Meanwhile, the sergeant emptied the desks. Inside the drawyers were a number of books - mostly ledgers containing lines of numbers - a series of inkpots, an autoquill or two, a mug, stained brown from recaff, a stack of blank paper, a read-write dataslate with a handful of personal notes on it, pins, stamps, and a large pot of wax. None of the devices seemed especially sinister in their function, and there didn't seem to be any hidden bugs under any of the furniture, either. Completing the search didn't take long, and Subscrivener Ainsworth had not yet returned by the time it was finished. It seemed they would have a little more time to discuss things before meeting with the Master Prefectus.

Lord Magtok
2016-05-13, 12:50 AM
Ioudas dutifully followed Jacyn's lead...not that he has any idea what the throne that guy or Nathaniel were saying. What was that, High Gothic? Some Ecclesiarchy code? Probably just orders to search the room, if the Sergeant's actions are anything to go by. Whatever it was, he couldn't make heads or tails of it, though. He'd have to ask them if it was anything especially pertinent later. Not now, not when asking would make him look like a clueless child, but when it's just the three of them again, perhaps.

2016-05-17, 05:00 PM
It was impossible not to cringe.

He clenched his fists, silently praying for patience - That Noise!!! It had to be some fault in whatever the tech-priest replaced his vocal cords and throat with. It was not surprising - how could a man made replacement hope to compete with the natural perfection of the Emperor's own image?

Regardless, if they could just find a way to adjust it....

"Yes yes, I will gladly and respectfully represent the group and requisition anything else We might require... For the immediate future, let us meet with the Master Prefectus and then we can begin gathering bodies for your tests.

2016-05-18, 02:20 AM
The unpacking of equipment proceeded, and after a short time Ainsworth returned, followed by a shambling servitor. The servitor's hands had been replaced with an assortment of writing implements, and a half-empty tank of ink was attached to its side. It seemed to have been repurposed as a hauler, though; it was holding a stack of slim crates, each stamped with a serial number. The crates were deposited on the floor next to their remaining supplies.

"Emergency cots," the subscrivener said with a nod at the crates. "So you'll have somewhere to sleep later. If you could follow me now, I'll take you to Master Caldwell."

The journey was a short one, past far-too-empty rooms filled with empty desks and racks of scrolls. Here and there minor functionaries shuffled about, carrying documents or supplies, and glancing furtively at the windows when they thought nobody was looking. Once, the group passed a door that led into the huge, open lobby space, where rings of balconies were visible ascending upwards. Every level should have been filled, but as it was the silence was a product of emptiness rather than propriety, and took on an unnerving quality. There should have been legions of scribes and functionaries, logisters, calculators, tallymen... but there was nothing.

The office of Master Prefectus Caldwell was windowless and austere, and gave off a distinct impression of angularity. The desk was a monolithic wooden thing, the symbol of the Administratum stamped boldly on its front. The shelves were lined with books, each one filled with the rules and regulations pertaining to the day-to-day operation of a different facet of the great Imperial bureaucracy. Fresh boxes of wax cylinders were stacked neatly next to an archaic dictaphone, and an antique stained-glass lamp stood in one corner, casting green-tinted light over the office's sole occupant.

Master Prefectus Caldwell was a short, stumpy man whose large round glasses failed to hide the dark circles under his eyes. He had short grey hair and a bald pate, and wore cream-coloured robes with ink stains on the cuffs. Around his neck was his chain of office, which looked as though it hung especially heavily from the way he was stooped over the leather-topped surface of his desk.

"Welcome," he said, "to the esteemed representatives of the Imperial Inquisition. It is truly an honour." He sounded tired, and the formal greeting lacked the sense of ceremony it might have otherwise had. "Please, come in. I really am glad that the Inquisition has responded to my request for assistance. If there is anything the Administratum can do to ease your task, I shall make it so at once. Though, you're not seeing us at our finest, I'm afraid. Were it another time, I should have had a proper entourage meet you at the gates to conduct you within. Such as things are, though, I think we may overlook some of the conventions. Come, come."

Waving them inside, he stood up from his chair, shuffling around the desk to bow as deeply as he could manage. "Let's not stand on ceremony. Tell me, how was your journey?"

2016-05-18, 05:58 AM
They must be concerned about the low rumble that the Lander's machine spirits were making during our entry. Fortunately Savvius took diagnostics during the reentry to calm them. Savvius began to speak, his inhalation of breath a brief reminder of the weakness still inherent in his current form. No, suspend efforts, it was agreed that Doktor Osmund and Father Haart would speak for the delegation. Savvius had best remain in monitor mode and observe their skills and capabilities. It is unfortunate that Savvius didn't share the diagnostic report with them. Savvius slowly exhaled his stored air, a low whine emitting from his respirator, and silently contemplated the necessary materials needed to replace his lungs with a more practical filtration and purification system.

2016-05-19, 02:40 AM
Osmund eyes the cots with mostly-concealed disappointment, before following the Subscrivener out the door to the Prefectus' office. Once there, after spending a moment taking in the room, as well as letting the man give his introductions, he finally speaks, "Ah yes, Master Prefectus Caldwell was it? Pleasure to meet you, I am Doktor Osmund von Rutherborne," at this he gives a semi-formal bow, "And these are my associates Father Haart, Sergeant Sohle, Enginseer Atillious, and Master Ioudas," he adds, gesturing to each of them in turn, "Our journey was most uneventful, which thankfully lends itself to us beginning our investigations right away, and not a moment too soon evidently, the situation in the city does appear quite dire." He pulls out the diagnostor and adjusts it for a moment, "Before we begin formally, I do notice that you appear rather haggard, the burdens of your position in these troubling times no doubt, perhaps you would permit me to give you a brief check-up while we establish a good starting point for the job at hand, yes?"
Charm test: [roll0] vs 66 (46 Fel, +10 Peer (Admin), +10 Etiquette Trait, if Peer (Academic) applies then another +10)
Not sure how necessary these rolls are, mostly trying to give a favourable first impression and make him even more amenable to helping us out where needed.

2016-05-19, 11:29 PM
"Good Souls, Master Prefectus and thank you, Doktor for that most agreeable introduction."

Nathaniel remains rather rigid and austere - bowing his head only slightly to whisper a quick prayer.

"Though our Journey was uneventful, our dreams and waking moments have been occupied- haunted restlessly by thoughts of the calamity that has struck this planet."

He takes a moment to shake his head, as if dismissing these negative ideas- before signaling one of his colleagues to close the door .

"But we have arrived, strong in our resolve- and as my colleague pointed out, eager to help- our bodies, mind and spirits are shielded, basking in the cleansing purity of the flame of our faith..."

When the door has been closed, Nathaniel turns back to their host.

"We can begin our journey with a few questions - perhaps you can answer them while the Doktor completes your check-up...

Who did you inform of our arrival, and what did you tell them -exactly- ?

Wight's leaders are being systematically assassinated... Has there been an attempt on YOUR life yet? Have you taken any preventative steps?

Who, and where, is the Magos leading the investigation on the nature of the plague?

Have you remained in contact with other Bastions of Imperial Authority?

The High Ecclesiarch has been murdered, but what of his replacement? Or the Adeptus Arbites?

Your office is in charge of census data-collection, is that correct? We will no doubt require access to some data and assistance sorting it out.

I assume all of the crime-scenes have been catalogued and investigated, despite the plague?"

Nathaniel quiets down afterwards, giving the man a chance to answer.

I am just gonna throw down a roll here incase I had to roll for something : [roll0]!

2016-05-20, 06:05 AM
"Of course, Doktor." The Master Prefectus nodded at the diagnosticator. "Though I assure you, if I had managed to contract the plague I should look a good deal worse than I do now. This is simple lack of sleep. I may have run myself a bit ragged trying to keep a handle on things here. Ah, but on to your questions..."

These he answered as Osmund proceeded with the checkup, trying to speak around the Doktor for the rest of the group to hear as much as was possible.

"The only ones who know you're coming are here in the Administratum. Myself, Subscrivener Ainsworth, Lecture Foremen Mustrum and Malich, and Codifier Graves. Oh, and Subscrivener Fitch, I suppose, but he died last week. Apart from Ainsworth and Fitch, they make up our remaining senior members. I told them I had contacted the Inquisition, and that an investigation team was being sent to help resolve the matters of the plague and the Tithe. Nobody outside of the compound knows you're here."

"Thus far, there have been no assassination attempts on my person. I do spend a lot of time in my office, though. I have a direct vox link to the Arbites, but not much in the way of actual defenses outside of the fact that the compound is somewhat fortified."

"Magos Biologos Aleksei Sakharov. I've only met him once, so I can't tell you much of him outside of official records. He specialises in plants and marine life, keeps a Laboratorium on the waterfront near the processing plants. He's been collecting a lot of samples, trying different combinations of treatments in an effort to find something that works. Hm. Stays apart from most of the other Mechanicus... what else... Nothing jumps out at me. He's a little unusual by all accounts, but he files all his reports with us and we've never had issues with him. Is there anything more specific you wanted to know?"

"Got a vox to the Arbites, I think I mentioned that? I also have vox codes for every building in the city, though it's no longer guaranteed that anyone will answer any of them. We've been in sporadic contact with the other institutions. Mostly data collection: Dead counts, and the like."

"Whoever's responsible for the murders has been leaving the Arbites alone. The Arbitrators themselves are holed up in the House of Judgement, but they've been sending out small parties of Judges in heavy anti-contaminant gear to respond to particularly egregious breaches of Imperial Authority. The Acting Governor has declared Martial Law, though, and most of the law enforcement is being done by PDF troopers. The Ecclesiarch... I think they've chosen his replacement? Younger man. Father Neely, or His Holiness now, I suppose. Hard to get hold of him, though, the Bishops have all shuttered him up to prevent another assassination, from what I hear."

"You'll have access to whatever data you need, as long as we have it. For the crime scene records, you'll need to talk to the Arbites. I don't know how much investigation has been done on that. It's not really my department, apart from noting the deaths. You understand, I hope?"

2016-05-20, 08:08 AM
"Thank you, Master Prefectus, this won't take but a moment," As Nathaniel begins his line of questioning, Osmund starts his examination, motioning Savvius over to help operate the relatively unfamiliar Diagnostor, while subtly making sure he stays to one side, to better facilitate the conversation, giving the man a thorough check-up. Also, since paranoia is a job requirement in the Inquisition, making sure to keep a wary eye on the man's vitals as Father Haart questions him in a much more blunt fashion that he would have personally liked.

Rolling Medicae: [roll0] vs 76 (+ was it 20 from the Diagnostor?)

2016-05-21, 05:18 AM
Administratum Building, Office of Prefectus; Wight, Dunbar

Jacyn, nods to the Prefctus when the Doktor mentions his name during the introductions. As the examination begins and Father Haart begins to speak, Jacyn examines the office while listening, when the cleric indicates the door, he briskly strides over and closes it, quietly and quickly, feeling the weight of it as he does so and wondering how much pressure it could withstand in event of a hostile breach.

Once closed he locks it and takes a position opposite its hinges, his back against the wall he stands with the wrist of his right hand atop the hilt of the chainsword strapped to his harness. From here he continues to scrutinize the room's contents attempting to decipher anything he can regarding its occupant and the recent days from its contents and their current condition.

Scrutiny, Search, Awareness vs. 30

2016-05-22, 07:34 AM
The diagnosticator beeped negative on a broad array of things. As far as Osmund could tell, Caldwell wasn't sick, aside from being overworked and underslept.

While the Doktor was confirming that their host wasn't ill, Sergeant Sohle did a brief once-over on the room. He couldn't very well go poking through the desk with the Master Prefectus standing right there, but wandering around examining the contents of the shelves seemed innocent enough. Without even looking, it was easy to tell a few facts about Caldwell: He was a neat, tidy sort of man, generally opposed to excess clutter. He wrote frequently, unsurprising for his profession. He liked to appear imposing, despite his somewhat diminutive stature. The Dictaphone implied that he sometimes preferred talking to writing, and combined with the lamp to suggest that he both liked and could afford examples of older, better made technology. Sohle couldn't read the titles of the various books stacked on the shelves, but the impression they gave of was of rules. Every rulebook the sergeant had ever seen had shared the same aura of dull solidity, and that was all over the Master Prefectus' shelves.

2016-05-23, 10:43 PM
"Of course master Prefectus, we understand perfectly."

Nathaniel clasped his hand together and bowed his head in recognition of the prefectus`work.

"Your efforts in maintaining operations here have been admirable- and you can definitely count on us moving forward... After all, we will have to work together if we want to get to the bottom of this.

We must arrange a meeting with the various factions as soon as possible- starting, I believe, with the Magos Biologis followed by the Arbitrators and the ecclesiarchy.

We would like to maintain the same discretion you have so far afforded us- it would allow us to work without attracting unwanted attention.

As such, you would need to write us up a letter of reference validating our credentials- not as members of the Inquisition, but more so a mixed census team evaluating the extent of the ravages of the plague.

I imagine you remain in good standing with the other officials , enough that your seal or recommendation on an official document would be sufficient to grant us an audience?

We've already met Subscrivener Ainsworth- we would also like to meet the others. Do they all have access to your Voxes? Can they communicate with the outside? Have they left the compound since you informed them of our arrival?

What about the other subscrivener- Fitch you say? Did he catch the plague? Where did he catch it? Is his body still in the compound? We would need to access his room (and his body) in order to determine is his death was in anyway related to what he knew, or if it was merely a coincidence."

2016-05-25, 04:59 PM
"I can get you a letter of reference and warrant. The seal of the Administratum is respected in most institutions. I'm not sure how well the Arbites would respond to it, but I can always set up a meeting with them myself, and you can talk to one of the Senior Arbitrators. As to the others here... they can all access the voxes, yes, but all vox traffic is recorded for archiving purposes. Everyone has been staying within the compound since the death of Subscrivener Fitch, but before that they were free to come and go as they liked. I wouldn't worry, though. the number who know you're here is small because the list of people I trust with that information is small."

Caldwell bowed his head. "Fitch, yes. He contracted the plague, and his death was mercifully swift. We had the body cremated, but you can look into his room here, if you wish. Fitch lived outside the compound, and must have come into contact with the plague on his way to or from work. I can give you his home address as well. Let me just find the records..."

Shuffling over to his desk, the Master Prefectus opened one of the drawers, removing a huge leather-bound folio. As he flipped through the papers, the acolytes could see it was a list of names and vox codes, building numbers, the residency information for every one of the Administratum's employees within the city. At last, Caldwell, stopped, placing his finger on the page.

"Number 27, Highcroft Canal. That's over by the river, near All Saints Bridge."

2016-05-26, 09:39 PM
Jacyn looked expectantly back and forth between the Doktor and Templar Haart. Up until now he had not removed his re-breather. He waits for a lull in the exchange with the Prefectus before interjecting.

Docktor? Is the air here clean? he asked pointed towards his full face mask.

2016-05-27, 01:17 AM
Osmund looks up from his study of the Diagnostor, "I believe it would be prudent to keep our preventative gear on, at the very least until I can look over the findings of this Magos Sakharov." he finishes up the last of his check-up on the Prefectus, "Master Prefectus, I can say with some confidence that apart from an excess of fatigue and stress, no doubt due to the current situation, you are fine. I would recommend you try and at least get a little more rest, you will be of less use to the administratum should you fall ill." he carefully puts away his medical equipment, "Do you have any official reports or records regarding the Magos we could look over? I would like to familiarise myself with his work if possible, before meeting formally."

2016-05-28, 05:40 PM
The Master Prefectus nodded. "I'll try and get more sleep, but there's so much to do around here. It's ahrd to fit it all in." Stepping back around his desk, and putting his folio back in its drawer, he climbed back into his chair. "I do have files on the Magos. He's very good about furnishing us with reports. I can have them fetched down, or you can go look at them yourselves, if we're done here."

2016-05-30, 10:51 PM
"Understandable, but do try to take better care of yourself in the process." Osmund dusts off his hands and looks around at the rest of the group, particularly Nathaniel, "Well my check-up is complete, unless there's anything else pertinent to discuss, I think the Enginseer and I might go inspect some of these reports, yes?"

2016-05-30, 10:58 PM
"Thank you Master Prefectus, I have no further questions at this time, and if my colleague here agrees- we will proceed with our investigation."

Nathaniel bows his head respectfully, palms clasped, fingers intertwined.

"We will start by examining sub-scrivener's room first on our way to look over the reports. Was he friends with anyone in particular? Perhaps Ainsworth, or One of the Foreman? If so, it would help us if you had that individual bring us the warrants (once you've completed them) so that we too may get better acquainted with the deceased.

We will prioritize the people we would like to meet and let you know our next course of action so that we can arrange the meetings. "

The templar waits for directions to the Sub-scrivener's room, making sure his colleagues get a chance to add any remarks or concerns before politely turning and exiting the room.

He waits until they are out of earshot before speaking once more.

"Well- that was most informative- don't you all agree? Although the plague itself permeates the air and the atmosphere around us, I believe it is a symptom of a deeper corruption still. I am more inclined to investigate the murders first: confirming that no foul play is involved in the death of the sub-scrivner, followed by a meeting with the Arbites and the Ecclesiarchy.

Once we've discovered the core reason behind the planets failings - likely some heretical thought or deed which offends the Emperor, and purified with it with cleansing flame, I am inclined to believe the Plague- like the sword and famine, will be lifted through His mercy allowing the planet to rise from the ashes.

Your diagnosis, Doktor?"

2016-05-31, 06:42 AM
"Of course. I'll have that sent along as soon as I can. Fitch's room was in the central archives, off to the left. I believe his nameplate is still on the door."

Finding the central archives was easy: The Administratum building had many signboards and maps pointing towards it. Locating Fitch's room wasn't much more challenging, once there. The left side of the towering archives room was taken over by office space, each one tiny compared to Caldwell's. The office of Subscrivener Fitch was near the end of the hallway, its tarnished brass door placard proclaiming his name. A roll of caution tape had been tacked across the door, warning against the possible danger of plague, but it was now askew. Fitch's room looked like it had been thoroughly disinfected, and whoever had cleaned it had simply not removed the tape when they were finished.

The room contained a small writing station with one large drawer, a rack of inks and quills, a small burner, a cabinet, a series of binders held in bookends atop the cabinet, a cracked mirror, and a chair. On top of the desk was a small box stamped with the words "Cleaned - Return to Owner." It was unopened.

2016-05-31, 07:43 PM
Before reaching Fitch's room, Savvious stepped forward, his robes swaying across the ground as he cleared his throat and raised his mechadendrites. "Father Haart, your statements are full of flaws and unsubstantiated opinions. Additional research must be performed before we may ascertain the cause of this contamination. The Emperor may punish them for their faults, but his followers must strive to understand not only the initial infraction, but the method of judgement as well. By understanding the method we will have demonstrated dedication to him. Therefore, we must focus on understanding this disease instead of projecting your own thoughts and assumptions of inerrantcy." Savvious removed his datapad, presenting the front to Nathaniel. "You will now be tempted to a fit of fervor, which I encourage. Perhaps that fervor can be used to gather data of the recently deceased?"

2016-05-31, 10:58 PM
Osmund clears his throat awkwardly, looking furtively from the Tech Priest to the Cleric, "Yes, well, I am forced to agree with my associate here, we cannot neglect the plague until we know more about it. While I am sure that at times the Emperor brings down His wrath to punish the wicked in the form of a plague, we simply cannot know if that is the case here, and even then a cure may be needed as a test of our skill in our devotion to Him, yes?" he looks between the two again, looking for signs that the priest had taken offense, "If you wish to meet with the Arbites and the Ecclesiarchy then that is fine, but I truly think Savvius and I should prioritise meeting with the Magos Biologis to get a better understanding of the plague. If nothing else we may at least ascertain if we can take off these environment suits." he says gesturing to the collection of suits and re-breathers among the group.


Once they have arrived at Fitch's room, Osmund gestures Savvius over, "Perhaps a quick Auspex sweep of the room, just in case? Particularly that box before we inspect it further?" he turns to the rest of the group, "If you would be so kind as to wait a moment, while we do a quick scan of the room?"

2016-06-01, 03:27 AM
Administratum Building, Office of Subscrivener Fitch; Wight, Dunbar

If there is one thing his work within the Holy Ordos had taught him it was patience. Patience in the dispensing of the Emperor's Merciful Justice and patience with the unique and Emperor chosen individuals you were required to work alongside.

It wasn't his place to say anything, at the moment, perhaps the Techpriest had a different set of protocols, if Templar Haart chose to exercise restraint in this affair he was not one to over step his place.

Jacyn remained in the hall next to the door while the Doktor and the Techpriest entered to perform their tests. He looked towards Ioudas, "Brother Ioudas, do you have any recommendations on how best to defend these premisses in case of an assault?"

2016-06-01, 10:51 PM
"Remind your.... Servitor.... Doktor, that Analysis is the bane of conviction"

Nathaniel turns abruptly to face the scholar, straightening his back and standing up straight- his long black robes shifting around him. Although his pale mask conceals the templar's facial expression, the breathing apparatus beneath it distorts his voice giving it an unnerving quality that betrays condensing disappointment.

"By questioning His methods, you demonstrate Pride above and beyond your station, not dedication."

He says, motioning towards the Tech-priest with a wave of his gloved hand, but speaking with the Doktor.

"Best remind the glorified medikit of its obligations- after all, if the plague has baffled the other magos biologis to this day, do you presume to craft a cure after reading a few of his notes and asking him a few questions?"

He moves towards his colleagues, standing behind them- and lifting both arm in order to rest one on each of their shoulders- before reflexively shriveling and taking a stay away from the priest of mars, instead standing besides the Doktor and away from the other one.

"Even as we speak, the plague ravages and destroys - can we really afford to wait, delaying the investigation, while you both play with all of your fancy toys? "

He points a accusatory finger at the various auspexes that they are carrying- before wagging it judgmentally.

"But... we have been mandated to collect the data confirming that the plague is supernatural (and definite expression of His Will)."

Nathaniel sighs, moving a palm to his heart- before lifting both in a gesture of peace.

"As such, I cannot reasonably object to an early visit to the Magos - if we are lucky, it will be on the way to the others. The faster we rid you of that unhealthy skepticism - the faster we can get to the bottom of what's going on here- but remember: Better crippled in body than corrupt in mind."

The Templar concludes before stepping aside dramatically, waving both hands into the room - allowing both the Doktor and the Tech-priest inside so that they can search and sweep it.

"The air, in the compound at least- is safe to breath- as evident by the various people living here who would have otherwise been infected. The box may likely contain our first clue, perhaps, Doktor, you ought to manipulate it so it doesn't get... accidentally destroyed by unwieldy metal claws...."

Waiting until they finish with with the scans, the Templar then moves into the room and and towards the Mirror- running a finger over the crack. He leans forward, examining it- hoping to determine what might have broken it.

Broken mirrors allowed trapped souls to escape.

He spends only a few minutes here, making a mental note to return after the main object has been examined. Moving behind the Scholar and the Tech-priest he feels a icy shiver go down his back and travel all the way to his fingertips, causing him to shudder and clench his fists.

Is this what the victims of the plague felt like? No- It had to be something else, he ponders- glaring at the Metal-man.

Some broken exhaust tube on that thing. Its volume was defective, and now it's the ventilation seemed to be failing as well. Maybe IT managed to get infected... Something to consider, and be wary of...

2016-06-02, 04:15 PM
Savvius briefly considered correcting Father Haart on the technical differences between himself and a servitor, but a brief review of his data pad caused him to realize that such confusion was well within the expected range of mental acuity so far displayed by Father Haart and came to the conclusion that a full education may need to occur, but it would require additional time, resources, and preferably a cortex implant to attach to Father Haarts brain stem. Savvius shuffled into the room, tapping at his data pad as he listened to Haart's tirade, before stowing the device and using the auspex to scan the box and the rest of the room. After Father Haart stopped to inhale Savvius responded, convinced that he was still authorized vocalization privileges since there were no natives in their immediate vicinity. "We don't question his methods, we mean to understand his methods. Seeking to understand displays a certain reliance on the Emperor that you do not seem to bear. Be cautions that you do not begin to rely on your own sentiment. Emotion can be a dangerous hubris to carry. While it is true, we may not be able to discern a cure for the disease, merely understanding how it spreads and slays may aid us in understanding the Emperor's will. Secondly, performing our duties is also an offering to the Emperor and one of our duties is to collect data on the plague and to compile a collated, ratified report on the plague. Fortunately for you this task is far beyond your calculated ability, so the Doktor and Savvius will be handling that portion of the tasking while you assist in the gathering of supplies and subjects."

Tech-use [roll0] (Int 38 + Skill 10 + Mechadendrite 10)
Awareness [roll1] (Half Awareness 14 + 20)

2016-06-03, 05:18 AM
Savvius' auspex beeped as the techpriest swept the room. Nothing dangerous was detected on the many settings that Savvius tried, though the box contained traces of heavy industrial disinfectant agents. Whatever was in it had evidently been sprayed down very thoroughly with the nastiest germicides that the cleaning staff could find. Touching it with bare skin was inadvisable, but likely not lethal; whatever traces of the plague may have been on any of the items were wiped out. The rest of the room was equally, if less thoroughly, cleaned. They had probably diluted the assorted agents used.

The mirror Father Haart was examining looked like it had been cracked by an impact of some sort, though the cleric couldn't tell what had caused it. Part of the frame was chipped. Possibly it had been knocked off the wall at some point? Checking behind it revealed that it was held up by a simple hook and wire. The hook looked new. The mirror did not.

2016-06-05, 03:44 PM
"So we've got a small box and a broken mirror - I wonder if he fixed the hook himself or had someone do it for him. "

Nathaniel removes the mirror, turning it and examining its back before putting it down. Then, with a clenched fist, he taps the wall beneath and around the hook.

"Lets open the box- and then take a look at this. We shouldn't ignore any details, regardless of how trivial they might seem at this moment. "

2016-06-06, 12:38 AM
"Perhaps it might be pertinent if we divided our time here. We can all go and visit the Arbites, and Savvius and I can see the Magos whilst you check in with the Ecclesiarchy..." Osmund says absently, with a glance towards Savvius as he looks around the room, before finally moving inside once the all-clear is given, and examines the box more closely, before carefully checking to see if it would open, "We should also check the drawers, see if the man kept a journal of some sort that hasn't been destroyed by vigorous decontamination. If so, it might yield clues as to when the infection took hold."

2016-06-06, 04:14 PM
Wordlessly Savvious drifted toward the wall where Father Haart was tapping, using the Auspex to scan for any structural damage or abnormalities within the wall.

2016-06-06, 10:49 PM
The wall was, as far as Savvius and his auspex could tell, not damaged outside of the recent addition of the hook for the mirror. There was an older hole slightly to the left that had been filled in at about the same time. Likely the mirror had been dislodged by the same thing that had cracked it - Savvius could tell that the crack and the chips on the frame were as recent as the new hook. The wall itself was structurally sound and, according to the auspex, made of wood panelling over a steel-and-ferrocrete core several inches thick. The scan revealed a series of micro-stresses within the core, indicating that something roughly the height and weight of a human male had impacted it not long ago. Below the mirror was an area visited by particularly vigourous disinfecting attention. The mirror itself bore similar traces.

Meanwhile, the Doktor was searching the desk. The box was unsecured - the lid simply lifted off. Inside was a pict-frame with a photo of Subscrivener Ainsworth and a man Rutherborne didn't recognise, standing in front of the datastacks in the main archive room. There was also a small book, bound in leather and looking rather like it had been recently made very damp, to the detriment of its pages, a brass icon of the Emperor, three metal models of luxury groundcars, an empty clip for a small-bore pistol, a handful of loose bullets that looked like they would fit the clip, an unloaded Phobos pattern stub pistol stamped with the Administratum seal, a letter opener shaped like a power sword, and a claim ticket for one (1) set beige robes, available from Janitorial any time within the next three weeks.

2016-06-07, 04:13 AM
The guardsman peeled himself from the wall as soon as Father Haart entered the room, rolling deftly from his position of passive observation and immediately falling into step behind the Templar. Passing in his wake as he entered the room. Observing the contents of the box, Jacyn picked up the pict in a gloved hand, flipping the pict around and tapping his index finger over the man in the pict.

"I am willing to wager this is Subscrivener Fitch. We should still confirm this man's identity with Subscrivener Ainsworth."

He flips the frame over looking at its back and running his fingers along its edge to see if there is any means of opening the frame to slide out the pict.

Once done he takes the pistol in hand turning it over several times in his hand before scooping up the magazine and bullets, making sure the handgun's chamber is clear he begins to load the magazine and then slides it into place, seemingly more out of instinct and automatic muscle conditioning than any particular process of investigation.

Scrutiny, Search, Awareness vs. 30
Searching the room and its contents in general, the picture and the gun in specific. Does it appear that the relationship of the pictured is anything other than platonic? And is there anything which stands out about the pistol? Any of the rounds missing or they seem to be all present?

2016-06-09, 04:25 AM
Osmund carefully lifts out the book and examines it without opening it, trying to assess the extent of the water damage without exacerbating it, "Hopefully there's something legible in this..." he looks over at the Guardsman holding the picture frame, "If he was particularly close with Subscrivener Ainsworth, perhaps she would know more about his initial infection." looking around the room he notices the Tech-Priest examining the wall where the mirror once sat, "Anything noteworthy, Savvius?"

2016-06-09, 06:08 AM
"Preliminary scans indicate that this wall has been damaged, likely in a violent altercation. No indication of ballistic activity is present in the wall, indicating that physically adept assailant forcibly propelled another human individual against the wall with enough force to cause fractures on the Steel-Ferrocrete core of the wall." Savvious gently, almost lovingly, indicates several points on the wall with his mechadendrites. "During this altercation the mirror was forcibly removed from the wall. No indicators remain of it being used as a weapon, so it likely was released from it's wall binding by the force of the victim striking the structure. The damage to the mirror is likely due to applied force from free-fall onto the floor." Savvious indicated towards the mirror, but kept his additional limbs away from Father Haart, who seemed to grow in unease whenever confronted by a superior intelligence. "It seems that whomever the victim was bleed profusely upon the base of the wall and the floor, requiring a maintained disinfectant process. It is also likely that the mirror fell upon the victim, coating it in his bodily fluids and also required additional cleaning by whomever sterilized this living space." Savvious indicated to Jacyn and Ioudas as he continued in his steady monotone. "It is likely, given the structural damage to the wall and the loss of bodily fluids that the victim of this assault would be extensively beaten and could not be confused with the ravages of most plagues. If a visual recreation of the death needs to be recreated I am sure that Jacyn and Ioudas will be able to create a acceptable facsimile. These facts, combined with the current sociopolitical climate, lead Savvious to the conclusion that an individual was assassinated in this room and that this fact has been ineffectually hidden from a number of individuals." The whole Savvious briefed his teammates, he continued to gently stroke the Auspex, blessing the machine spirit which imparts knowledge and truth.

2016-06-10, 12:23 AM
"So the plot thickens and already my suspicions are confirmed - someone may be keeping something from us yet."

Nathaniel turns his attention towards Jacyn who is manipulating the gun.

"Can you tell if it's been recently fired?" He asks "But someone would have heard it if that was the case.... Lets check the neighboring rooms, if any are occupied."

"Something remains amiss, if THAT was his gun: he didn't get a chance to use it for self defence. Either it was out of reach, or he knew whoever attacked him. Perhaps we can confirm the owner of the gun with its registration seal- if that's what they are used for on this planet.

We have to figure who exactly is the person who was injured in this room, before jumping to conclusions- perhaps it wasn't even Fitch but someone else. Two other people fighting... Alternatively, I can't imagine the victim didn't struggle, so perhaps his assailant is injured.

In any case, the compound was secured after his reported death - which further reinforces the theory that the attacker is still here, else they would be missed by the ever meticulous master prefectus.

What about the robe? We should go pick it up - if the place is still operational. And the letter opener - no letters though, that could be relevant...

Any luck with the book? Its contents are likely to helpful.

I look forward to questioning the Lecture Foremen, and if we are lucky, perhaps Ainsworth will come back for another round..."

2016-06-10, 01:47 AM
The stubber clip held nine rounds, and the Sergeant was left with - counting them - eleven. The bullets were of standard manufacture, and typically came in boxes of twenty. The boxes were generally stiff card rather than metal, and had probably been discarded by the cleaning staff as unsuitable for sanitation. All the bullets were still present, though, and the gun didn't look like it had been fired recently, if it had ever been fired at all. The Phobos was an almost ubiquitous pistol design, and was available by requisition for almost anyone working for an Adepta.

The two in the picture also didn't seem unusual. They were standing side by side, but neither was touching the other. Ainsworth was holding a stack of books, and the man - most likely Fitch - had his arms folded across his chest. Both were smiling, but there was nothing to indicate they were anything more than friends.

The book was more helpful. the pages were stuck together in places by the water damage, but carefully peeling back the cover revealed that it only extended a little ways inwards, and most of the center was undamaged. The front page had a handwritten title, Fitch's Log, and the rest of the pages were divided into little boxes for each day, all dated. The book held enough pages for a year's worth of activities, though without a huge amount of space for writing them in. Flipping through a few of the entries garnered more details: Fitch had used the book as a sort of day planner, noting down meetings, job tasks, or any significant thing that had happened that day. After a moment's searching, the Doktor found the day of Fitch's reported death - the entries went on for a little while afterwards, indicating that Fitch liked to schedule things in advance. On the day he died, the Subscrivener had placed a checkmark next to "pages 1-35. Copy text, deliver to Illuminations," and "Order more #37 ink." Below that he'd scribbled "See Medicae re: cough. Getting worse." The handwriting was noticeably shakier than on the other two entries.

2016-06-15, 02:23 PM
"The relevance of examining the notes on the plague is now more apparent to us- can the symptoms manifest themselves fast enough to cause such a change in the man's penmanship?
Nathaniel questions out loud, before facing the scholar and tech-priest. "Perhaps the magos biologis can answer that."

He then turns towards the mirror and the wall, sliding a finger over it.

Furthermore, we have the dates- with those, we should be able to contact the disinfecting crew on shift - see what they have to say about the blood stains, at the very least they can tell us if someone else had already scrubbed those clean.

He then points at Jacyn.

"That the gun is unused strengthens my earlier theory- that he knew his assailant. But I think that there is, or was, too much blood for the fight to have killed him, that Doktor and his tool can confirm or deny this- but if its the case, there could be a weapon: maybe he was stabbed or slashed with something? Claws?" He concludes, his voice maintaining the same serious tone throughout all of his suggestions.

"Anything else left to see in this room, or should we call in the first... witness...."

2016-06-15, 05:48 PM
"The team will need to discover the standard method of disposing with plague victims. It was indicated that while many of the plague victims are available for study and dissection, Fitch's remains were cremated after his relatively recent decline in health. This may be standard procedure for the destruction of plague victims, but it seems unusually efficient for a planet at this level of advancement." Savvius placed the Auspex back within his robe, replacing it with his datapad as he began to pass his knowledge to the blessed machine spirit housed within.

2016-06-15, 09:54 PM
"Indeed, not to mention the only mention I can find of his sickness is the note near the end, at least so far. I will not discount the possibility of some kind of violent seizure of some sort being a possible explanation, but circumstances do seem suspicious." Osmund adds, leafing carefully through the book, he examines the week's notes of the man before he had died, looking for any entries that stand out, or signs of pages having been removed. "As for your murder weapon, it's entirely possible that he was killed with the letter opener, though I suspect it had to have been a decisive blow to cause as much bleeding as Savvius' readings indicate."

2016-06-18, 06:13 AM
From outside the room, the acolytes could hear footsteps approaching. Before long, a very large man in red-trimmed Administratum robes appeared in the door with a folder in his hands. He had a bushy white beard and appeared to loom in a manner generally considered uncommon for Administratum functionaries. He looked at them, cleared his throat, and offered the folder to whoever was closest.

"Hello," he said. "I'm Lecture Foreman Mustrum. Master Prefectus Caldwell sent this along for you, and said you might have some questions."

2016-06-20, 06:56 AM
Savvious requires the foll-hweeEEE..." With the arrival of the native Savvius attempted to terminate his verbal communication. One of the fault of common vocal communication is the delay at which data is transmitted, and now he realized, the delay required to adequately cease verbal communication. Perhaps if a dataport could be implanted among the team so that data sharing could be performed in a more streamline fashion...

Shaking free of the comfort of conceptual mechanical enhancements, Savvius began typing on his datapad, compiling a list of individuals that would need to be interviewed, lke a conversation shopping list. After completing his list he walked towards Father Haart, presenting the shopping list to his errand boy.

-- Individuals to Interview --
Sanitation Team
Administrium Members
Plague Body Disposal Team
Site Security Forces
Magos Biologis

-- Sites to Investigate --
Alternate Assassination sites
Plague Corpse Storage Facility

2016-06-21, 10:14 AM
At Savvius' abrupt halt in conversation, Osmund looks up at the newcomer, "Ah yes, Lecture Foreman... Mustrum was it? Pleased to meet you." he moves forward and accepts the proffered folder, "If you please we did have a few questions, particularly about the former occupant of this room. Tell me, did you know the man at all? If not, do you know anyone else particularly close with him? Can you describe to me the events leading up to when he succumbed to the illness? Also, what was done with his body?" he looks pointedly at Father Haart as he emphasises "Succumbed to illness."
IC Osmund probably spaces these questions out a little more politely, but this saves a bit of time.

2016-06-22, 01:33 AM
Mustrum nodded. "Yes, I knew Fitch. Not especially well, but he was one of the subscriveners assigned to my division. Ainsworth was friends with him, I think. As for events, which do you mean? General events? Something specific? Plague moves pretty quick, you know. You'll be fine one day and vomitting blood the next. Dreadful thing, really."

On the question about the body, he hesitated. "Sanitation cleaned it up. Probably got cremated. Didn't really concern myself with the aftermath."

Lord Magtok
2016-06-22, 02:43 AM
Ioudas gives the Lecture Foreman a suspicious glance. Of course, Ioudas being the heavily armored wall of steel that he is, his suspicious glance looks more or less identical to all of his other glances. Then, quite unexpectedly, an idea strikes him. An original thought, which is quite a rare occurance for our young zealot. He'll need to wait until Mustrum is away, but depending on what Father Haart says, it might even be a good idea.

2016-06-22, 05:18 AM
Osmund nods as he skims through the contents of the folder, "That seems to match up with expectations. With regards to events, did the man have any new tasks, anything out of the ordinary that might have put him more at risk to being exposed to the plague? I haven't yet had the time to study the medical situation in-depth, tell me about this plague, you say it strikes suddenly with the specific symptom of vomiting blood? Are there any other major symptoms that you are aware of? Skin lesions, violent seizures, delirium, that sort of thing?"

2016-06-24, 02:51 PM
"Nothing really new, no. Up until he died, though, we were all still going home to sleep and things. Now we're all stuck in the compound. Plague's been spreading too quickly outside for it to be safe anymore. Now, major symptoms, let me think..."

While Mustrum was thinking, Osmund got a good look at the contents of the folder. There were only two papers in it, one a letter of reference from the Master Prefectus, and one certifying them as official Tithe Investigators, with all the authority that conveyed. Technically their own Inquisitorial authority was higher clearance, but this would allow them to operate more subtly. Both documents were sealed with the Administratum Sigil.

"Starts with coughing," Mustrum said suddenly. "Coughing and dizzyness, general sort of feeling unwell. Progresses to vomiting blood, delirium. Difficulty standing and walking. Good sign of a plague victim in mid stages is lots of stumbling about crashing into things. Eventually they just fall over and die. Blood everywhere."

2016-06-27, 09:42 AM
"Ah yes, that seems to fit with what little information I have gathered so far regarding the plague," Osmund looks to the others, closing the folder, "Unless anyone else has any questions for you, I believe that will be all for now."

2016-07-03, 06:22 AM
"Seems nobody else has questions," Mustrum said. "I'll be over in the central archive if you need anything. Security footage, archive entries, whatever you need. We're all at your disposal, here."

2016-07-05, 04:09 AM
"So it would seem, yes. Thank you for your help, sir, we will almost certainly be in touch once we've settled in some more." Osmund says, as he waves the man out of the room. After he closes the door behind him, he waits a few moments before checking that the hall outside is empty of eavesdroppers, before speaking again, "I would say that given the symptoms of severe disorientation, collapse, and vomiting up blood, that there is a non-assassination explanation for the damaged wall and the thoroughly cleaned floor, yes?" he straightens up somewhat, "At any rate, it would be bad form to accuse our hosts of covering up evidence at this early juncture." He looks around at the others in the room, "So, any suggestions as to our next move?"
What time is it locally? I imagine we'd have to bunk down in our offices at some point, and we need to make them ready to use.

2016-07-07, 06:55 PM
There was a steady whir as Savvius began to retract his mechadendrites, puzzled by the Father's sudden stage fright in front of the local populous. "The disorientation, collapse and vomiting of blood may explain the vicinity's need for cleanliness, but a collapsing body may not have the force required to damage the wall foundation. The fractures are not great, so it may have merely been a collapse, but coincidence of such implication should not be dismissed."

2016-07-08, 04:43 AM
Osmund nods, "I agree, in so far as we should not let our guard down, even here, and we should look into the man's death, but I do not think it should be a priority." he looks around at everyone in the room, "I believe next we need to collect some data about the plague from the Magos, as well as inspect the local Arbites and Ecclesiarchal facilities regarding suspicious deaths. Do the rest of you think it would be more efficient for us to divide our efforts, with Savvius and I visiting the Magos, while the rest of you investigate the more clandestine aspects of our mission, or should we stay together for relative safety and maximum resources?"

2016-07-08, 07:53 PM
The response was noncommittal - Father Haart wanted to speak to the other Administratum officials, Sergeant Sohle wanted to stay nearby Father Haart. It looked like the consensus was going to be to split the group, for now. Osmund and Savvius would take Ioudas and go speak with the Magos, while the others continued gathering information at the Administratum complex.

The Magos' laboratory was near the waterfront, the main roads kept largely clear of plague victims and unwanted traffic by the PDF. Below the streets, in the alleys and byways of the river, the group could see filth piling up, scrawled graffiti covering the lower walls. The plague was, according to the scrawlings, punishment from the Emperor. Or it was the work of xenos infiltrators. Or it was death itself, come to claim its due. Panic and fear were the bywords of the lower classes, it seemed.

The lab itself was a great building with glass walls, nestled amongst decaying tenements and inoperative processing plants. Some of the factories still ran, creaking wheels and rumbling machinery audible from many streets away. It smelled of death and fish, even through the gas masks. Governor's March, the city's largest bridge, loomed over the river behind the lab. The front doors were guarded, PDF troopers leaning against the walls and sitting in little guard posts, a central alarm tower serving to call for reinforcements, if needed. In the river below, the bodies of delirious plague victims unfortunate enough to wander too close floated by.

2016-07-13, 06:07 AM
Savvius was filled with logical confidence as he approached the Magos' site. Surely a member of his order would be able to assist without the unhealthy burden of emotion and predisposition that seems to have gripped the local populous. Glancing over his shoulder, he really should get those ocular augmentations to the back of his cranium, Savvius ensured that Osmund and Ioudas were following him. "I am please we did not choose to delay our departure, this technical exchange may be very helpful in your development Ioudas. While I have not yet met the Magos, I am sure the Magos has knowledge beyond myself and Doktor Osmund."

2016-07-14, 03:45 AM
"You may take the lead on this if you wish, Savvius," The priest had seemed dismayed by the request for silence during normal negotiations, and this should help cheer him up somewhat. Hopefully being of the same order, he would also be in a better position to interact with the Magos. "Indeed, Savvius, a basic grounding in the fundamentals of this plague will at the very least enable us to adjust our preventative measures," Osmund says, tapping the helmet of his hazard suit. "I will observe and interject if I require any specific facts from the conversation, or if any social misunderstandings occur." As the group arrives at the PDF checkpoint, Osmund pulls out the folder with the credentials provided by the Master Prefectus, ready to present them if necessary, waiting to see if Savvius wished to lead, or if he needed to speak up.

2016-07-14, 04:49 PM
One of the troopers pushed off from the wall as they approached. He took the papers, looked at them, and turned. "Hey, Sarge! C'mere!"

The man in the guard booth stood up, looked at the group, and sighed. He took the papers from the trooper, scanned them, and handed them back to Osmund. "You're from the Administratum? What do you want?"

2016-07-15, 06:51 AM
Savvius stood to his full height before the Sergent, authorization papers in hand. "Sergent, Savvius and these associates require access to the facility beyond you and your men. Savvius is currently in transit approaching Magos Biologos Aleksei Sakharov, as authorized by the Administratum, as a Tithe Inspector gaining quantifiable data regarding the decline of planetary tithe." Two of Savvius' mechadendrites drifted towards the Sergent, datapad presented detailing the declined tithe. "Now with our intentions, authorization, and methods expressed, there should be no further inquiries required before granting us access to the Magos. Savvius thanks you for your vigilance and dedication to your current task. Will you open the portal or am I now authorized to enter the structure under my own mobility?

2016-07-16, 03:40 AM
"All seems in order," the sergeant said slowly. He seemed not entirely sure what to make of Savvius. "I'll show you up. It's a bit of a big place."

He opened the door of the lab, revealing a small foyer. Beyond that was a staircase, and a large open floor area. The open area had blocks of stone and rolls of canvas stacked off to one side, and was surrounded by glass cases containing assorted curiosities and relics of the Mechanicus. The second level was walled off with metal plates that had been welded into place to form rooms, some of which had windows roughly cut into them. Access was by the staircase near the foyer, or by a smaller set of service stairs off to the right. In the foyer itself was a small elevator, into which the sergeant had stepped.

"The Magos is up top," he explained. "Spends most of his time up there, in the greenhouse."

Once the group was in the elevator, he flipped a switch, and the gate rattled shut, the elevator beginning to rise slowly. It opened into a small hallway, the area ahead filled with bookshelves, and a large double door to the right providing access into the lab proper. The sergeant stopped at the door. "I'll not be going further," he told them. "Smells funny in there, but with what you've got on I'm sure you'll be fine. Take the stairs to the roof, you can get into the greenhouse from there."

Inside, a large area to the left had been given over to a series of chalkboards and tables covered in glassware. The boards were covered in scrawled notation and diagrams of plants, or of dissected animals. To the right was a lower area with a heavily reinforced bed and an antique clock, as well as a number of personal effects. Above that was a set of steel stairs, leading up to a steel door near the very top of the building. Grey sky was visible through a glass window in the center of the door.

2016-07-18, 01:21 PM
Osmund raises an eyebrow briefly at Savvius' conversation skills, but contents himself with giving the sergeant his best long-suffering look as he hands over the credentials and follows the others into the elevator.

Once outside, he wanders over and starts examining the books lining the shelves as the sergeant bids his goodbyes, he wanders around inspecting the clutter for a few moments, before looking back to the others, "So shall we go to the greenhouse then?"

2016-07-20, 08:49 AM
"That would be an acceptable starting location. The Magos should be alerted of our arrival though, before we proceed to gain access his biological preserve. If he is performing research within it would be unfathomably rude to contaminate his work space. Perhaps we should beat upon the door to make our presence known to him?"

2016-07-21, 03:35 AM
The stairs went up and out, the door they saw above leading to a landing, and then more stairs. At the top of those was a sort of balcony running around the entire outside of the building, with only a thin metal railing between them and the long drop into the river below. The door to the greenhouse was near the closest end of the balcony, though, and so the acolytes followed Savvius' suggestion; knocking loudly on the door, they waited.

A moment.

Two moments.

Nobody came to answer the door.

Kaptin Keen
2016-08-07, 03:31 AM
I'ma just show some initiative, introduce Clavius, and get the ball rolling towards these archives.

Clavius had been delayed slightly on the descent from the inquisitorial transport ship. Making no explanations about his tardiness, took one look around, and burst out:

Well - I can certainly see it's high time a proper scholar took a look at these things, try to sort out the mess you've made. His words gave no indication whether he meant the resident staff, or his fellow acolytes.

I'll come along to those archives - see if we can determine a pattern of infection, point of origin, any nefarious linkings to anything. Being completely frank with you all, this has 'bio-weapon' written all over it.

With the exception of a tendency towards flowery speech, Clavius is very far from what you'd expect in a scholar and researcher. In fact, he seems much more like a trumped up savage from some far flung feral world - which is precisely true. He is a large man, grizzled, wide of shoulder and deep of chest, and a voice akin to the noise you imagine a machine made to crush gravel to dust would make. He has two needlessly large firearms hanging from his hips - one a revolver heavy enough to serve as a blunt instrument, and do it well, the other a pistol shotgun of the type ships bosuns carry to motivate the crew.

2016-08-07, 06:45 AM
The group Clavius was with, which included the Arbitrator Sayla and the assassin Cat, had followed Lecture Foreman Mustrum back to the central archives. The Administratum had been collecting data on the plague for a good while now, but with personnel as stretched as they were much of it had failed to be properly collated. Mustrum happily gave them free run of the central archives, and made himself available to answer any questions they might have. They started digging up a few details, at the behest of Clavius.

The pattern of infection, over time, was found by digging up reports of infected and comparing them with Administratum address records. Mustrum found them a map of the city, and the pattern slowly emerged: The infection had started near the waterfront, in the poorest districts and near the huge processing plants. From there it spread outwards, at an alarming rate, until it covered most of the city. There were a few little islands of resistance, most of them Imperial Institutions with strong walls: The Administratum office block, the Arbites Hall of Judgement, the Tower of Dunbar, and many of the noble districts showed a lower rate of infection than anywhere else.

As for nefarious links to anything, there was precious little that could be told from the records. The plague HAD started in the poor districts, though, and that coincided nicely with the districts that had the highest crime rates.

Right, so, coming into an investigation like this can be a bit rough, since I'm not sure if you guys are going to want to go in the same direction as the previous folks. Give me a general idea of what sort of things you want to look at, and I'll supply details. I've started here with Clavius' line of questioning, and I hope that gives you a good jumping-off point.

Kaptin Keen
2016-08-07, 07:03 AM
As he reads through piles of reports and files, Clavius puts on a pair of reading glasses. Magically, the glasses fail entirely to transform his apperance from 'gorilla in a suit' to 'scholarly-intellectual'. Instead, he just appears to be wearing glasses.

Having learned what he can, he returns to the Foreman.

Master Mostrum, he begins, before lowering the glasses and peering over their rim, Ridcully, is it?

Anyways, allow me to be blunt: If this infection is somehow linked to xenos, heretics or the like, we may be able to help. If it is just a naturally occurring strain, the Inquisition wishes you well - but we're not healers or doctors.

So it seems the infection spread from the dockside. Eventually, I guess we must go there and get eyes on the situation. But before that - is there anything else we might dig into? News or arbitrator reports, harbor manifests, um, old maps? What was here before you built this proud city?

2016-08-07, 12:12 PM

Why's it always bloody 'Biters? Cat muses bitterly, as she mooches around the corners of the room. Paperwork's never really been her thing, since reading was never a priority skill for her. Not that she can't read the important words, like 'pub', 'bar', 'danger' and 'toxic' but that's 'cause you don't live long in the underhive if you don't know those sorts of words.

Seriously, who needs to be able to read words like 'marmalade'? What sort of use is that to anyone?

And so she skulks. And mooches. And occasionally opens things with that lovely power-sword-shaped letter opener she got hold of a little while ago, regardless of whether they actually needed to be open or not. And ignores the ogryn-in-a-suit who's doing the boring papery thing and talking to the boring papery people about boring papery things.

She also does her best to look as inconspicuous as possible. Between the elderly flak overcoat, the short lime green hair with its ragged tufts that make it look like it lost a fight with a butcher's knife, and the tattoos that cover her left arm and the left side of her face this isn't very easy. The amber lenses that change the shape of her pupils to a more feline one don't help much. The respirator helps, though, since it's covering the teeth that are filed to points and because everyone else is wearing one.

Then her patience gives out.

"Ugh. This is so boring," she moans aloud. "I'm going up to the roof to see what's going on out there. Gimme a shout if you're going to do something interesting," she snorts as she whirls on her heel causing the battered flak overcoat she's wearing to flare out behind her.

Kaptin Keen
2016-08-07, 12:43 PM
Clavius, deep in concentration, rifling through papers while he waits for Mustrum to produce an answer, isn't really paying attention. Mmm, he mumbles, bored .... roof ....

He looks up briefly.

Miss ... he snaps his fingers, and it comes to him, Cat, was it? If you're going up there, there is something you can do while you're at it. See if you can find or wrangle from someone a pair of binoculators, photosensor helmet or similar, and take a look at what activity you can spot around where the outbreak started. If anyone did this on purpose? Well, they'd make sure not to die to it themselves, and they might still be skulking around there.

2016-08-07, 04:28 PM

"...I'm not sure you get how many people are in this city," Cat says, with a jaundiced look at Clavius. "And how big it is. You know there are probably people all over, right? Even now? And that a lot of them'll be hiding?" she hesitates a moment, then glances questioningly at Mustrum.

"Can you even see where the plague started from here?"

Kaptin Keen
2016-08-07, 05:02 PM
I get that there is a plague. Anyone who is A) not worried about it, and B) in the docks area, that's suspicious. Of course whether you can actuall see the docks is unknown to me.

2016-08-08, 05:45 AM
A moment.

Two moments.

Nobody came to answer the door.

Savvius turned to his companions, doing his best to look severe but instead appearing uncomfortable and constipated. "Savvius is concerned that the Magos may be deeply involved in important work, therefore Savvius has determined that for the sake of efficiency the Magos should have installed vox's throughout the greenhouse for this exact scenario. Due to a lack of vox's, Savvius and Doctor Osmund will be forced to enter the laboratory uninvited. Savvius will lead the way, and requests that you refrain from any physical interaction with the contents of this greenhouse." Savvius never takes his eyes off of Osmund, or more accurately Osmund's carotid artery, as his mechadendrites begin to work the door handle to the green house.

2016-08-08, 05:52 AM
Team Alpha

The door opened easily, the lock left unturned, for whatever reason. Light filtered in through the glass ceiling, catching on the leaves of dozens of plants. The inside of the greenhouse was warm and damp, moisture filling the air. Automated sprinklers hissed softly. Down near the far end, a series of makeshift cages had been constructed. Near the door of each hung clipboards with waterproof slipcovers. The back wall featured a massive bank of machinery, slaved to a servitor and undoubtedly charged with the operation of the various aparatus around the greenhouse. A still bubbled nearby. Notably absent was the Magos Biologis. He should have been easily visible, since none of the racks of plants rose more than chest high, but apart from whatever was in the cages, the greenhouse seemed quite empty.

Team Beta

"However did you know?" Mustrum blinked at Clavius, then shook his head and answered the actual question. "The issue is the tithe, really. I believe it was hoped that, if the source was NOT one of, er, those things, you'd be able to lend your authority to clamping down and getting everyone either quarantined or back to work. And for the other things, yes. Yes, one moment."

He shuffled off into the stacks, returning shortly with a large tube, from which he removed a very old looking piece of parchment. "This is a copy of the original," he said, spreading it out next to the more modern one. It showed the landscape, though not quite accurately, having been drawn from observations rather than measured. Still, all the important things were there; the river, the inlets, a few houses marked here and there. "Pretty much always been a settlement here," he said. "The fishing's good, and it's a fine central location. A few of the old superstitions have carried over, carving little charms and things out of bones. You get things washing up sometimes. The city's roots go deep. It's been built up over time, so you'll find odd things like roofing tiles in cellar floors in the older areas. Wait once more, I'll fetch the reports."

The Arbitrator reports had been compiled onto dataslates instead of paper. A few things had been redacted here or there, but the Administratum was the Administratum: they liked to have the complete versions. The picture was certainly strange: one day the plague wasn't there, and the next day cases were popping up in all of the districts by the docks. It got worse over time, as the plague spread. Victims driven mad, attacking Judges. Whole streets condemned. Then the Governor had been killed, a number of people close to him had vanished, and the acting governor had stepped in. Shortly after that, the disappearances started. While Clavius read, Mustrum hovered near his shoulder.

"Manifests would pretty much all be fish," he said at one point. "Not a lot comes through the harbours but the daily catch. You might be able to see the ships from the roof, but it's a fair ways. You'd be hard pressed to pick out any activity at street level, even from as high up as our building goes."

Kaptin Keen
2016-08-08, 06:20 AM
Clavius makes a 'meh' sound, shrugging his shoulders as if he honestly didn't really expect any different.

Any satellite coverage to speak of? He asks without much hope.

Turning to the old maps, he tries to correlate: What, on the old map, corresponds with the first outbreaks. However, from the set of his jaw, he's just about ready to discard this line in inquiry.

Then, slowly, he taps his temple:

Do you have any of those charms? Or a picture?

2016-08-08, 07:21 AM

"Ugh. Whatever," Cat rolls her eyes as she saunters out the door, and down the corridor in search of... stairs, people with directions, whatever. Something more interesting than being stuck in a room with the Boring Squad.

Stairs, stairs... Oh, and magnoculars. Not that she's going to tell Captain Boring that that was a good idea, but yeah, it probably is a good idea to find some for extended watching.

Kaptin Keen
2016-08-08, 07:41 AM
As the door swings shut, Clavius gaze at the papers in front of him becomes unfocused. A look passes over his face.

Teenagers are bad. Assasins are worse. I don't even know where to rate teenage assasins.

2016-08-08, 11:56 AM
Osmund does his best not to look discomfited by Savvius' "interpersonal skills." Once they discover the empty greenhouse he looks back to his compatriot and raises an eyebrow, before starting towards the servitor and the cages, curious as to their function, sparing a glance back to see if Savvius is following.

2016-08-09, 06:27 AM
Team Beta

Sayla rubs at her forehead and sighs. She can feel a headache coming on from reading through the piles of paper reports and dataslates.

Bloody reports. Don't know how the paper pushing twits can stand reading through this nonsense day after day. And most of it just some variation on 'We know nothing'.

She irratedly flicks an errant strand of strawberry blond hair that's managed to sneak between her respirator and the hood of her flak cloak out of her face before standing and stretching.

"Well, that was illuminating. Hardly any useful information at all other than the location of the initial outbreak. I hope the good doctor and cogboy are having more luck talking to the Magos. I'll let you continue looking into this, I think it'd be more productive if I were to focus on the other reasons we were sent. Much more my area of expertise than dealing with bloody plagues anyway. Mustrum, how much information do you have on hand on the murders and disappearances of the Governor and the other officials? I'd like to see it."

Of course, what Sayla really wants right that moment was one of the lho sticks from the sealed pack in her pocket, but until the Doctor tells her it is safe to do so, she has no intention of removing her gas mask anywhere in the plague-ridden city.

2016-08-09, 06:27 AM
Team Alpha

Accepting the Doctor's silence as agreement Savvius moved into the greenhouse, listening to the rhythmic bubbling of the still as he progressed down a different row than the Doctor, curious regarding the contents of the cages. "The sergeant did indicate that the Magos spends most of his time in the greenhouse, which is substantiated by the state of the Magos living space, but that does allow that this is one of the rare circumstances where the Magos has departed this laboratory. Perhaps we should inquire for him on the lower floors after the cages have been observed?"

2016-08-09, 05:06 PM
Team Alpha

The servitor, as far as Osmund could tell, was hooked to a device that controlled the greenhouse sprinklers. It also had a databank, and voice recording, presumably so the Magos could use it to dictate notes. The cages were, but for one, empty. The one that was occupied had in it a young woman, disoriented, her mouth flecked with blood. She was clearly in the mid-late stages of plague, but still recognised that someone was there when the two acolytes approached.

"Hello? Magos Sakharov? No, no, that's not right..."

Team Beta

"No satellites, I'm afraid. The Mechanicus has never recognised a need for us to have any. Charms and murders, though, that I can do. We don't have any of the actual items on hand, because the Ecclesiarchy likes to round them up and destroy them whenever they can. They're not officially sanctioned, and you know how that is. I'll fetch a drawing." Once more, he shuffled off into the stacks. His return this time took longer, but when he did come back it was with a whole armload of things. More, even: he'd found a servitor to help him carry extra.

The drawing of the charm was crude, and done by hand, but it got the point across. Little pieces of bone, inscribed with strange letters. Mustrum explained that it was words written in the local dialect. They were tied together with bits of string, or worn on cords around the neck. Some had metal bands around them.

The murdered and missing information formed the majority of what had been brought back. Governor Emelia had been found, fatally stabbed, in the palace gardens. Her bodyguard was missing, presumed dead. Three palace guards who had been nearby had also been murdered, their throats cut, or shot with poisoned darts. The assassin's method of entry could only be guessed at. That was the first murder. From there a short period of time passed, and then the High Ecclesiarch was found in his quarters at the Cathedral, shot through the heart. His quarters were on the second floor, accessible only by the stairs from ground level or through a second-story window. The other priests had seen nothing, and had only found the dying prelate when they came running after hearing the shot. The heads of two merchant guilds had simply vanished one day, and nobody seemed to know where they had gone, only that they had last been seen near the brothels. Lord Morgan, a close personal friend of the Acting Governor, had died of plague. Ordinarily this would have been usual, but he had died of plague in one of the safest districts at the time, a sort of patient zero amongst the nobility. Lord Greaves had been decapitated in the middle of the night, his head placed on a spike above his front door. There were more, all dead or vanished under mysterious circumstances. Canvassing for leads by both the Arbites and PDF had come up mostly empty, with only a few unsubstantiated reports of a black-robed figure on the rooftops to tie the cases together.


Magnoculars weren't easy to come by, in the Administratum building. Eventually Cat found a pair, left in an abandoned cubicle by some unfortunate scribe. They were cheap, and poorly made, but they were better than nothing. Heading to the rooftop, the assassin got a good look around. It was, as Mustrum had said, almost impossible to pick up anything at street level. She could see the rooftops of the other districts easily: the pillars of smoke from the financial district, the gables and peaks of the commercial areas, the huge stacks of the great refineries. Beyond the refineries, she could see ships, collossal hulks of steel anchored in the harbours, disgorging tons of fish into the canneries. Once or twice, she caught a brief glimps of someone moving about on one of the decks.

Kaptin Keen
2016-08-10, 01:41 AM
Wait wait wait ..... The body guard is missing, presumed dead? No! He's presumed guilty! Furthermore, for such a blitheringly obvious oversight, I shall also need to talk with the person in charge of the investigation.

Clavius begins pacing the floor, mind racing - possibly way ahead of the facts.

Who is in charge of the investigation - it's not you, is it? Also, find out anything we can on the bodyguard. He's a plant - he must be. An assasin. Where's Cat, she might offer some insight on this.

The boats are still active? How unusual is that, compared to the rest of the city? My impression was that almost everything had ground to a halt.

2016-08-10, 12:44 PM

Cat runs the magnoculars away from the ships, and down to the close-in streets looking for... well... what she came up here to look for - and to listen for, of course - the sights and sounds of what passes for city life below her.

Most importantly, she's listening for the screams and rage of the zealous mobs certain this is the Emperor's judgement - as if He gives a damn about this stinking place - the smashing sounds of people breaking into shops and houses, or the unnerving silence of everyone trying to wait out the horror.

What's it like on the streets? I think the initial reports said something about criminal gangs running riot out there. Is that still going on? Are there mobs of looters still, or is everyone in hiding trying to wait out the disaster by now?

Essentially; if we go out there with our expensive drugs and biohazard suits, are we likely to get mugged by desperate survivors?

2016-08-10, 06:27 PM
Team Beta

"Er, no, it's not me. I'm not sure we have much more on him than census data. He's been the governor's bodyguard for years, though. Why pick now?" Mustrum blinked, looking rather perplexed by the idea of sudden betrayal. He then shrugged, discarding the thought as not particularly being his problem. "Anyways, his name was Stefan Koraki. He was from one of the other islands on the planet, I think, wasn't born here in the capital. Do you want me to go find his records? It might take a little while."


Sound travelled easily, in a city like this. Sirens seemed uncommon - much more common was public address systems blaring recorded warnings to stay indoors and report anyone who looked sick to the authorities. Not a lot of glass breaking, but then a lot of districts probably didn't have much left. Here and there she could see graffiti, and other signs of occupation by street gangs, sprayed onto the walls. The sound of fighting, of death... Near to the Administratum compound a street preacher had taken up residence, shouting about the end times and the coming of the Emperor's judgement. Watching him for a while, he didn't seem to have much of an audience... but then, there didn't seem to be much of anyone around in this cursed city. Most of the good loot had probably been taken already.

Kaptin Keen
2016-08-11, 12:44 AM
Mustrum .... two guys enter a room. One guy gets murderized, the other disappears.

The obvious conclusion is obvious. And if an investigator fails to arrive at that conclusion, the obvious conclusion to that is that he is in on it.

Now, that said, there are other ways it might have happened. First and foremost, the bodyguard may have gone off in pursuit of the assasin. It's possible. But in an investigation, assume villainy over heroism, every time.

And a trusting mind is like an unguarded fortress, it gates open. Horus was a loyal friend for .... never mind.

Yes, I'd like to see the bodyguards file.

2016-08-11, 06:15 AM
Savvius approached the cage, glancing at the chart hanging on it in the hope of gaining the appropriate SRN (Subject Reference Number) designating this plague carrier, as well as if there was any reoccurring treatment or observations that were being performed on the subject. No verbal communication was attempted, as it may contribute yet another unintended variable into the observation and research being performed with the blessed subject.

Is there any sort of regular medical treatment? How is the subject fed and hydrated, is the frequency indicated on the chart? Does the subject have adequate food and water currently or does it seem to be neglected? Are there any visible sensors around the cage? I'm not willing to Auspex sweep it yet, it is there for research and therefore less likely to be hidden, unles the Magos thinks their presence will cause a unwanted variable in the observation.

2016-08-11, 01:11 PM

After a lengthy interval of watching and listening to the sad sights and sounds tomorrow, Cat quietly nods to herself. Walking the streets seems a pretty lousy idea right now. And she has new questions for that whatsisname guy, so, like, that's a bonus, right?

Now, where are they gonna be? Probably still doing boring papery things...

Turning away from the ledge she's been perched on, Cat disappears back into the stairwell and threads her way through the Administratum building again. And, right where she left them, are Captain Boring, the 'Biter and whatsisname. She saunters into the room, drops her duffel which clanks in a stuffed-with-weapons sort of way, lounges against the doorframe and lays a bored hand on the ornately decorated sabre - complete with a noble crest - hanging at her hip.

"Hey, yeah, so you solved this yet or what? No? Right then," Cat says, without bothering to pause for a response, and turns to Mustrum. "So, what's the deal with the food right now? Where's it coming from? Who's supplying it, how're they protecting it and, y'know, what're they charging for it?"

Kaptin Keen
2016-08-11, 01:20 PM
As a matter of fact, I have some very promising leads, Clavius answers the Cat's first question. Then, as she shifts to food, he adds oh you're hungry now? Well let me rush off right this instant to find you a kebab, why don't I?

Dropping the scathing sarcasm, he asks: Did you spot anything interesting while up there?

2016-08-11, 01:38 PM

"Sorry, no mysteriously suspicious people wearing sunglasses and trenchcoats, looking like they're up to something," Cat waves dismissively. "But we probably don't want to go walking around out there. Streets are... bad. Real bad. Lot of scared and desperate people," she looks meaningfully at Captain Boring, and waves at the respirator and quarantine suits. "If we go out in this gear with our drugs and stuff? We can expect trouble. Wouldn't bet on not finding it even if we felt like leaving it home, either,"

Kaptin Keen
2016-08-11, 01:41 PM
Mm .. trouble. I'm going to posit that we're better armed and trained than what the common rabble of the imperium wants to contend with. But I do see your point - avoiding the infection might be more difficult than fighting off a crowd of scum.

2016-08-11, 01:57 PM

"...And I'm going to plausy-whatsit that you've experienced insufficient suffering, insufficient commonness or insufficient scum in your life," Cat says, after a moment of stunned silence in which she stares in horror at the adept. "What, you think that lot out there are all sane and rational when it comes to stuff that might stop them and their families dying horribly? Seriously? I doubt there are many out there who aren't willing to risk getting killed for something that'll stop them catching the plague. I know I wouldn't. Better die fast than slow. And the stuff we're carrying? Whatever it's worth normally, it'll be worth ten times that here, at least, 'cause there won't be enough to go around,"

Kaptin Keen
2016-08-11, 02:06 PM
... seen insufficient? Cat, where do you think I was born? I've seen witchdoctors try to cure cancer with leeches, try to make the females of the tribe fertile with smoke. I've seen whole villages torn to ribbons by predators.

No, I've seen suffering. But I have my priorities straight: We're here to save the planet, the population - not a few scrawny low lives. The destitute may have the courage of desperation, but in my experience, that usually falters at the first spread of lead from a shotgun.

And make no mistake. I will not hesitate to kill to fulfill our mission. Lives - millions of lives - depend on it.

2016-08-11, 08:35 PM
Team Alpha

This was subject 312, according to the chart. She was currently under observation, and was being given a combination of two treatments. The result was noted as being accelerated progress of the disease, rather than any sort of cure. The Magos had declared this dissapointing, but not unexpected. He intended to try producing another formula for use with a future subject, as this one was not expected to live long. Strangely, the last sentence on the chart appeared incomplete, cut off halfway through writing the last word. Looking down, Savvius saw an autoquill on the floor nearby.

Team Beta

"Er, alright. Yes, let me just..." And then he left. He returned just as Cat was coming back in.

"The food? Some of it comes from farms outside the city, though they're being very careful about how they deliver that, now." He paused long enough to give Clavius the file. "All of it produced in the city is fish. A lot of the factories and canning plants have been shut down, but a few are still running. Privately owned, most of them, with their own set of in-house workers. They've got those places locked up tight, nobody in or out. The cans come out on grav pallets and get delivered to autocars for distribution. PDF protects them from there. Prices have gone up a lot, but the Adepta are supplied on contract. We get our food that way."

The Administratum files on Koraki weren't very long. He had been born on one of the southern islands, and came to Dunbar when he was still young. His occupation was listed as 'mercenary' for the first few years, then as 'palace guard,' then as 'personal guard.' He had been granted land and a title two years ago as a reward for loyal service. There was very little about his personality: the Administratum didn't care what you were like, as long as your papers were in order. He filed his taxes, had no criminal record. Owned a house in the country somewhere, lived within the Tower while in the city. Unmarried, no children. That was all.

2016-08-11, 11:06 PM
Osmund approaches the cage behind Savvius, reading the chart as well, "The writing cuts off... that is not promising..." he looks around for signs of a struggle before turning to assess the girl in the cage's apparent mental faculties, if she lucid enough she might know where the Magos went.

2016-08-12, 05:56 AM
"It would seem something demanded the Magos immediate attention. As you said, that is not promising." As the Doctor seemed focused on Subject 100111000 Savvius turned his attention to the servitor. Most laboratories need a monitoring system, and servitors equipped with an event logging system could be used. Savvius approached the servitor, blasting off a string of binary noise to try and extract information from the servitor.

Are there any monitoring systems? When did the Magos last attend this lab? Did he leave alone?

2016-08-13, 06:38 PM
Team Alpha

The servitor proved difficult. It didn't possess visual augments, which must have been deemed unnecessary for its function. All that Savvius was able to get out of it was audio. The audio wasn't old - the Magos had only left half an hour ago, or thereabouts.

+++ Transcript begins: +++
Three subjects. Subject one voiceprint identified: Magos Sakharov. Subject two voiceprint identified: Test Subject 312. Subject three unknown.
MS: Let me see... hm. Unfortunate.
312: What?
MS: I shall have to try using an extract from one of the other plants. This one appears untenable.
+++ sound of door opening +++
MS: Perhaps if I...
312: Who are you? Oh no.
MS: The binding agent is the difficulty, I cannot combine those two. The results would be explosive.
312: The crow. It's the crow. He's here.
MS: What?
+++ heavy thud +++
UNKNOWN: Sorry about this, but I'm afraid you're needed elsewhere.
312: Get away. Get away!
+++ retreating footsteps. Door closes. +++
+++ Transcript ends +++

Subject 312 confirmed, albeit in a much shakier voice, what Savvius had found on the recording. "He was taken, yes. Taken by the crow. I saw."

Kaptin Keen
2016-08-14, 01:17 AM
Clavius puts the reading glasses away, looks over at his compatriots, and says:

As I mentioned, it's highly suspect that the bodyguard is missing. Also suspect that the authorities seemingly do not consider him a primary ... um, person of interest.

The plague spread from the docks - the poorest part of town, also the most prone to criminal activity.

Mustrum, anything I'm missing?

Cat, anything to add?

Lastly ... I see no other way to proceed: We need to visit the home of the bodyguard, and those processing plants on the dock. Please tell me we have some form of farspeak - a voxwhatsit - to contact the other team.

2016-08-14, 05:57 AM

"When you get killed for your stuff, I'm just going to laugh, okay?" Cat rolls her eyes. "And what I think? I think you're way hung up about this bodyguard guy. He's vanished? So what? Lots of people have vanished. Sounds like it'd be more useful to figure out what they've all got in common than running off to try and find some cold trail. If you want to chase after someone at least make it the most recent disapear.. er... ee? Ancer?" Cat shrugs. "Whatever. Who ever vanished most recently. Be easier to find, y'know, clues and stuff where the 'Biters haven't already torn through everything, and whoever's going the vanishing might get sloppy. Besides," she adds, carelessly. "It's probably closer so we waste less time if there's a dead end,"

Cat kicks away from the door frame and goes and finds another wall to lounge against.

"Oh, and yeah. I've got a vox," Cat taps the microbead she's wearing. "Dunno why you didn't get one. Oh," she snapes her fingers and looks at Mustrum. "Any of the PDF been assassinated or vanished yet?"

Kaptin Keen
2016-08-14, 06:16 AM
Clavius massages the bridge of his nose - as if he's getting a headache.

The bodyguard disappeared from the scene of the assasination. He had the means and the opportunity to do the deed - something, far as we know, no one else had. If he also had motive, that pretty much closes the deal. To find this out, we need to see where he lived .... although, Mustrum, I assume the arbites did search his place, right?

We could hope they did a decent job, and check their findings. That saves us some time on the street.

2016-08-14, 06:37 AM

"Or he got grabbed by the killers 'cause he went to the same school as all the other people who got snatched or something, and they're collecting a matched set for some scary ritual thingy and you don't know 'cause you didn't look," Cat replies, waving her hands in the air vaguely. "You're assuming the assassinations are the end game here. I don't think they are. This is the beginning of something. Looks like someone's trying to create chaos here, and they've mostly done it - sounds like anyone who could bring things under control's fetched up dead. But why are people vanishing? That doesn't fit. So why do it? Who benefits from all this? I bleeding doubt it's going to be some random schmuck of a bodyguard,"

Kaptin Keen
2016-08-14, 07:30 AM
I assume the disappearances and killings and the plague are all related.

I cannot track the plague - no closer than a few city blocks.

The bodyguard - who I happen to consider likely an assasin, based on the available evidence - is a solid lead. If we can find him, guilty or innocent, we will find the rest.

I'm not saying he needs be a plant, a sleeper agent. Though he could well be. Or someone got to him, made him do it. Or he didn't do it, but was snatched. Or he wasn't snatched, but went off in pursuit of the real killers.

In every one of those cases, I still want to find him.

If you have something more solid .... please share.

2016-08-14, 06:00 PM
Team Beta

"Nothing you've missed that I can think of." The Lecture foreman shrugged. "I would assume his house was searched. I'm not really the one to ask about that. None of the PDF have been assassinated, though more than a few have died of plague. The ones that are left are keeping order along the main streets, guarding important installations, that sort of thing. I expect the side streets are a good deal less safe, but on main routes you should be alright."

He pointed at Koraki's file. "His house is outside the city, pretty good distance away. You'll likely want a vehicle, if you go there. His quarters in the tower, you'd need to get into the palace. You're Inquisition, and certified as Tithe Investigators for us, and either of those would get you in."

2016-08-15, 06:10 AM

"Right, cheers mate," Cat nods to the Lecture Foreman, before turning back to look at Clavius. "Yeah, I've got something more solid. Some time soon, a bunch of planets are going to start starving 'cause this place isn't producing any food. We don't have time to chase every itty bit criminal down one at a time, andit don't sound like there's really anyone left who could organise stuff and fix things even if we did catch 'em all. So, we go find someone who can sort it and put them in charge while you and the other boring people go do whatever it is you lot do to catch people. The assassins'll be after them, so we catch or kill 'em as they come and interrogate them. Let the bad guys come to us, you know?"

She glances around the room, vaguely, and scratches the back of her spiky-haired head for a moment before sighing.

"But there's something weird going on here, 'cause the people who vanish aren't the ones you'd vanish if you just wanna scare people. Well, they aren't the ones I'd vanish anyway," she shrugs. "So they're getting grabbed for something... Could just be, like, someone wanting to kill this place and starve a bunch of planets. Pretty effective and all. But I think maybe someone's making a power play, right? Kill all the leadership, all the people who can rally everyone else, and let things go to hell - after a while, someone strong and chary-whatsit comes out of nowhere, makes sure everyone's getting fed and makes some pretty speeches and bam! They're just eating out of his hand. Or her hand. Maybe its hand. Whatever. So long's things look okay, the Imperium'll probably let that person be in charge and - presto - someone's just got control of a planet, and they can really start screwing things,"

Cat snaps her gloved fingers vaguely by way of emphasis.

"Then you can divert food to all the wrong places and people, and feed a couple of whole bad-guy armies while starving the Imperium. Pretty slick, huh?"

Kaptin Keen
2016-08-15, 06:24 AM
Clavius looks at Cat a moment, wonder in his gaze:

You capacity for baseless invention is ... unrivalled. But - yes, a trap. That's something to consider. Now, farspeaker.

Clavius digs into capacious pockets, and comes up with a slew of standard issue all fresh in it's packaging. He tosses the lot of it on a table, roots around, comes up with a vox bead. Aha! Fumbles with it, pops it in his ear, calls out HELLO - CAN ANYONE ... oh, wait, pops it back out, flicks it on, and tries again: HELLO, OTHER TEAM! ANY PROGRESS TO REPORT?

Unless the proper channel is preselected, this is all entirely wasted effort. While he waits for a response, he turns back to Mustrum.

MUSTRUM, he shouts, realizing he doesn't have to, and goes on, sorry - you're right there, hah, Mustrum, thank you for your assistance ... for now.

2016-08-15, 12:13 PM

"Please. It's not a patch on yours, since you somehow came to the conclusion that this bodyguard guy is the evil mastermind based on the fact that he vanished like - gasp! - quite a lot of other people," Cat replies, her voice heavy with scorn as she waves her arms around for emphasis. "We know that the tithe of food isn't being met. We know that a bunch of planets will starve without the food. We know the leaders that are still alive aren't getting things under control. For someone who wants to hurt the Imperium, that ain't a bad result - you know, millions starving and all, desperation, turning to who-knows-what to survive... you get the idea," Cat rolls her eyes. "We want to stop that happening, we need order and stability here and we need it fast. If you ain't willing to listen when I say there's worse to come here... fine. Even you can't argue that this needs dealing with fast, before all that stuff happens. We need to stabilise things and keep them stable before we can go off hunting the boogeyman,"

She watches Clavius wrestle with a microbead for a moment, then sighs.

"...Oh, and quit bugging the other team while they're working unless you've got something they need to know, like, right now, 'cause breaking in on an important talk isn't going to do them any favours. They'll call in when they're done,"

Kaptin Keen
2016-08-15, 12:29 PM
We're no longer doing anything constructive with our time here. Hence, we should coordinate with them. And while we wait for them to respond ...

Clavius looks up a general directory, and tries to find contact information for the local constabulary.

2016-08-15, 01:35 PM

"Only 'cause you won't do what I ask," Cat says irritably. "Oh, forget it," she sighs, stalking out of the room in Mustrum's wake.

"Hey, 'scuse me. I want someone to do some digging through the files for me, if you've got someone spare?" she asks, jogging after him and tapping him on the shoulder. "I want to know if the people who disappeared have anything in common... or anything that's, er, not in common with the ones who were assassinated. I can pay," she adds hurriedly. "It's a crummy job and all, by the sound of it. I got booze and a little cash if it helps any,"

...assuming this isn't what the Administratum do for fun. It might be. Reading people tend to be pretty damn weird, after all. Probably a side effect of wasting all that time learning something that doesn't directly increase their chances of surviving 'cause they live somewhere sissy.

Kaptin Keen
2016-08-15, 01:41 PM
Clavius - failing to notice that Cat has left the room - answer sorry, I didn't notice anything you said specified an actual course of action. I'll gladly assist, your guess is as good as mine.

This, whilst searching the registry and fumbling some more with the vox bead.

2016-08-15, 07:23 PM
Savvius looked over to the Doctor, recording the transcript to one of his datapads. "It seems that there is another individual who has managed to gain access, overpower the Magos, and escape undetected by the security force. We should investigate for the method of ingress and egress." Savvius removed his Auspex and powered it up, chanting the blessings of initiation to the spirits of the Auspex... just in time to receive an burst of static from his vox bead.
HELLO - CAN ANYONE ... oh, wait. There was a moment of merciful silence during which Savvius began to frantically adjust the volume on his bead, but not in time to mute the following broadcast.
HELLO, OTHER TEAM! ANY PROGRESS TO REPORT? Savvius breathed a pained breath as he completed adjusting his earpiece and attempted to communicate with the (assumedly mentally deficient) vox operator contacting them... an individual by the name of Clavius if he recalled properly.

"Savvius reporting in. Access has been gained to the Magos compound. We have interviewed the Magos's assistant and facts indicate that the Magos has been abducted by an individual referred to as The Crow. Begin inquiries regarding the crow. Any other agents untasked should converge on the Magos laboratory. Additional details will be granted as required to the team present." Savvius paused, trying to think of the socially acceptable way to phrase his final statement, before abandoning that thought as a waste of effort and efficiency. "Furthermore, please dispense with any further broadcasts until Savvius has adequately trained you in the operation of these holy instrument. If further communication is required, enlist the aid of a more astute individual in your presence."

Satisfied at his professional restraint Savvius turned back to the Doctor, raising the Auspex. "Shall we begin our inspection?"

2016-08-15, 11:25 PM
Team Alpha

There was only the one door to the greenhouse, so that seemed as good a starting point as any. With the asupex's help, the search went much more quickly - Savvius turned up two discarded rounds from a needle pistol, their tips still bearing trace amounts of Morphia V. Morphia V was a sedative, which meant that whoever the Crow was, they hadn't wanted to kill the Magos - merely to incapacitate him. The Magos' lab projected out over the river, and looking over the railing near the greenhouse door was a straight drop to the water. The railing, incidentally, had some recent damage on it that hadn't rusted over.

Team Beta

"I can put one of the subscriveners on that," Mustrum said. "Don't worry about payment, digging through files is their job. Anything the same, anything different from the killings."

Clavius had no trouble finding contact information for the Arbites. The Administratum seal the group had been given would give them easy access to the hall of Judgement, it was just a matter of making the appointment, which itself was just a matter of voxing.

Do you want to go see the Arbites right away, or is there anything else you want to do first?

2016-08-15, 11:26 PM
Osmund winces as the vox screams to live, slowly putting his hand over his face and muttering to himself, "Throne, I forgot that they put him on the team, I was hoping the buffoon had gotten lost on the ship..." After a moment or two of this, while Savvius gives his report, he takes a deep breath and straightens up, "Right then, back to work," he steps up to the cage with Subject 312, doing his best to speak in a calm, clear voice, "Madam, could you describe this 'Crow' to me, please? What did it do with the Magos?"

Kaptin Keen
2016-08-16, 12:55 AM
It slowly dawns on Clavius that these devices pick up his voice just fine, without the need to raise it. He continues at a more moderate volume.

'The Crow'. Noted, I will cross-reference here, see if he's been around before. Once done, I shall move onto the local constabulary, try and wrangle them into establishing tighter control. Young Cat seems to want martial law, which is something I can agree with. But we should make it feel like it's really their own idea.

Clavius grabs any passing scribe, and puts him (or her) on digging up any information on the crow. Then he sets off the meet the arbiters - waiting for Cat tho, if she wants to come.

2016-08-16, 02:29 PM

"Oh," Cat says, momentarily flummoxed. She's not really expected easy acquiesence. Why can't everyone be this helpful? "Great. You, uh, you sure 'bout not wanting any pay? Sounds like kind'f a crummy job. But while you're doing it, could, you, uh..." she pauses, furrowing her brow in thought. "Yeah, could you see if any other bodyguards have gone missing when their paycheck got killed?"

Yeah, Cat'll go along to see the Arbites. I'm... assuming they're what you mean by local constabulry, right? Not the local police?

Kaptin Keen
2016-08-16, 03:41 PM
Well .......

So in the case of Clavius - who is a feral worlder, and not up to date with all these newfangled words - 'constabulary' is anyone in law enforcement.

Technically, as I've read the lore, a crummy backwater such as this world is highly unlikely to have actual imperial arbitrators. Any law enforcement requirements are most likely handled by ... just that, local enforcers.

Of course, that's all up to the GM. But as I read it, arbitrators are like the Imperial FBI. Major hives like sibellus have their own, but otherwise they come when summoned. Knight Errant style.

2016-08-17, 09:46 PM
Savvius looked at the drop, briefly considering jumping into the waters below to see if there was anything to be observed there, before deciding that without adequate recording support the effort would be wasted. Instead he turned his attention to the railing. Damage to the railing like this could be the work of a grapnel, but he was not well versed in these matters. Reaching for his vox, Savvius braced himself for what he was sure would be a loud painful response. It's almost as if no one had paid attention to his briefings on the flight to this planet. "Team, potential method of ingress and egress discovered. Require a ingress expert to confirm hypothesis. Supply aforementioned expert to the Magos' laboratory immediately." While waiting for the rest of the team's confirmation Savvius proceeded to the PDS troops who, while wonderful gate guards, seem untrained in methods of site security. Hopefully the Sergeant would be more open to conversation and correction than he had seemed before.

2016-08-18, 03:12 AM
Team Alpha

"He took him. I don't know where. He's been taking lots of people. At least, according to rumours. I didn't know he was real." Subject 312 shook her head, looking confused. "He's not really a Crow. He's got a black coat and one of those long masks, like the doctors wear. He said something to the Magos, but I couldn't hear it. Can I have some water? I'm very thirsty."

Meanwhile, Savvius had descended to speak to the troopers. The sergeant looked surprised. "Done already?"

Team Beta

Leaving the Administratum to do what they did best, the acolytes headed for the Hall of Judgement. Like Mustrum had said, the main streets seemed clear, with checkpoints maintained by PDF troopers in filter masks. Once, they saw a Tarantula sentry turret backing up the troopers. They could still hear the ocassional distant scream, or breaking window, but it was confined to the alleys, and the streets of the lower city. The Arbitrators had closed their compound, and the heavy doors were barred from the inside. A sentry let them into a small room where their documents were checked, and then they were admitted into the hall. They couldn't see any way to talk to those inside; the sentry would have to maintain contact by vox.

Inside, the Hall seemed mostly unaffected by the plague ravaging the streets. A decontamination chamber had been set up just inside, using sheets of plastic and fiberboard, but beyond that all seemed normal. The investigation into the governor's assassination had been headed by Judge Kurno, a taciturn short-haired man with ears that stuck out at the sides. His office was on the second level of the hall, and while it was in no way as organised as the office of the Master Prefectus, still reminded them of it with its general neatness. The Judge was seated when they walked in, but rose to greet them.

"I'm told you're the Administratum's Tithe investigators. What is it you need from us?"

Kaptin Keen
2016-08-18, 06:17 AM
I'm interested in the governors assasination. With what I know of investigative procedures, you look at motive, ability and opportunity.

So the governor died, and the last person to see her alive disappeared. This man had military training (so ability), and was a trusted employee (so opportunity).

I should like to see any paperwork relating to his possible motive, his current where-abouts, any clues towards shady dealings or contacts. And um ... whether he may have had one of these charms.

At this last, Clavius shows the picture gained from Mustrum.

Oh, and martial law - that too.

If Cat wants this last bit handled differently - say, with more tact, for instance - maybe we should treat that as a joke? But it's very Clavius to be that blunt =)

2016-08-18, 10:38 AM
Osmund calls after Savvius as he leaves, "If the oaf has the vox, he has probably broken it by now." before looking back to the girl, "Water, yes I shall see what I can do." While looking around to discern the standard method of providing the cage's occupant with water, in case there's some kind of special precaution, "I had heard about these deaths and disappearances, but not this 'Crow,' how is it you came to learn of this?"
Osmund has the overwhelming urge to facepalm right now, but doesn't yet know why... :smallamused:

2016-08-18, 01:18 PM
Judging by the lack of response from the other members of their team, Savvius agreed that the present data indications were in line with Doctor Osmund's pronouncement that the other team's vox beads were now broken. Perhaps Clavius needed the remedial training in holy machine maintenance. Savvius shuddered slightly as he contemplated the loss in efficiency that would result in having to cease his current endeavors in order to perform the remedial training. Perhaps he could direct Clavius to a local institute where he could learn these things instead. These thoughts filled his mind as he approached the Sergeant, so upon his presence being questioned Savvius was initially unsure of what the proper protocol was for reporting a missing person. "We have not completed our inspection, obviously the past span of time was not enough to identify and solve the current tithe issue on this planet. No, rather Savvius requires all of the security recordings that you current have for the past day, especially any data you can provide from the waterways adjacent to the laboratory. Savvius also requires a PDS trooper with rappelling training in the 50th percentile or higher, as well as gear for ascending and descending. These are to be sent into the laboratory." Savvius turned to go, but then remembered that some troopers may not follow directives from him without a stated reason, so he decided to share additional information to make the Sergeant more comfortable. "It seems that the Magos has been kidnapped."

2016-08-20, 08:15 AM
Team Alpha

"He's actually real, the Crow. It was just rumours. It was supposed to be just rumours. Maybe somebody saw him? I don't know." Osmund found a bottle nearby, and water was readily available. There didn't seem to be any special procedure for introducing it, the bottle was small enough to fit through the bars. The woman was still talking. "I heard about it from the guards, when they brought me here. I don't think they knew I was listening. I'm good at listening. I listened a lot to the Magos, when he was close enough for me to hear him. Sometimes he talked to the others. I could hear them, in the cell next to mine. The Magos liked to talk while he worked. Where is he?"

From below, both of them could hear the sergeant's response. "He's been WHAT?"

The man was staring at Savvius, looking somewhat disbelieving. "Sorry, he's... I don't understand how that's possible. Security recordings. I'll, umm. I'll try to see what I can find, I don't think the waterways get much surveillance. Rapelling, rapelling... There should be some rope around here..." Suddenly, the trooper remembered that he was sergeant, and was therefore allowed to delegate. This seemed to cheer him up somewhat. "Maurus! Find some rope and follow the cogboy."

Team Beta

"That's about right," Judge Kurno conceded. "Though I can't see we've found much motive for the missing bodyguard, we did look into him. Ability and opportunity, he had, the big question was why. As for his whereabouts, we have no idea, I'm sorry to say. With the damn plague, it's been bloody difficult to get any searching done, and by this point he's probably coughed up blood and crawled into a hole to die. Craziest thing, him up and vanishing like that."

Taking a close look at the picture, Kurno shook his head. "We searched his apartment at the Tower, and his house in the country. Didn't find anything like that. As for shady dealings and contacts, there's probably too many to count. You know he was a mercenary early on, yeah? Do that for any length of time around here, and you either end up dead, or with a list of dubious friends long enough to start your own penal legion."

"Martial law's already happened, though it doesn't show too well. The damned PDF are too bloody scared to go into any of the places that really need it imposed."

Kaptin Keen
2016-08-20, 08:28 AM
There is no such thing as a bad soldier .... mumbles Clavius.

He lapses back in thought, leaving center stage for Cat.

Kaptin Keen
2016-08-21, 11:24 AM
Lapsing back out of thought - in part at the lack of any forthcoming initiative from young Cat - Clavius adds:

By the way, Judge Kurno, could I perhaps persuade you to requisition - on my behalf - a hunting rifle?

The bodyguard had an appartment, and a country retreat? How well was he paid, exactly? Furthermore, I understand the governor was stabbed? What was the weapon, and how does that match up with what is known about the bodyguards proficiencies and weapons he possessed?

Finally, is there a box somewhere with evidence collected from those places?

Oh and .... supposing he didn't do the deed. Lets say he witnessed the murder, followed the culprit. Where would he hole up? Does a former comrade in arms run a bordello, or ... anything of the sort?

2016-08-21, 11:34 AM
Savvius waited for Maurus to come with the required rope before turning and heading back up to the Laboratory. Walking directly to the railing Savvius pointed over the edge to to water beneath. "Maurus, you have been granted the honor of displaying your skills as a climber. Please secure the rope to the railing and let yourself down the wall to the water below. On your way down make a point of observing any unusual indentations, markings, punctures or any other trace that the abductor used this very means of extracting the Magos. It is to be expected that the Magos was blessed with many heavy augmentations, and therefore taking such a individual would leave indications. As you perform this investigation Savvius shall be observing you and giving additional commands as Savvius sees fit." Savvius briefly considered that the test may be more accurate if he had Maurus carry him down the rope as well, but due to the lack of water transport awaiting them, and the fact that the addition to the test would necessitate Maurus bringing him back up the rope as well (adding an additional unnecessary variable to the experiment) Savvius decided to have that test be phase two.

2016-08-22, 03:54 AM
Team Alpha

Maurus looked at the railing, scratching with his finger at the recent dings. "Looks about right for a grappling hook," he said as he secured the rope. "Though, the Magos didn't have that many augments. He had a few, for sure, but we all gathered he was a bit odd by the standards of your order, and that's why he'd been stuck out here. Um, no offence to him, of course, representative of the Omnissiah that he is." Maurus looked uncomfortable, perhaps thinking he'd said too much. With the rope secured, he climbed over the railing and began to abseil down.

When he reached down near the water level, he stopped. "There's pilings down here," he called back up. "No access from the lab, but you could probably tie a boat out of sight."

Team Beta

"Well..." Judge Kurno frowned at Clavius. "There's no evidence, but popular rumour has it that he wasn't just a bodyguard. Even governors need companionship, if you know what I mean. So, he was paid pretty well. The apartment was provided by the Governor, and he bought the house himself with what he earned as a guard plus whatever he had from the mercenary days. All above board, too. We checked."

Back on the topic of the case, the Judge was strictly business. "The governor was stabbed with a single-edged straight-backed fullered sword, with a triangular blade that reached a maximum height of four centimeters, presumably near the base. We don't have the weapon itself, but we could match it to the wound if it was found. The bodyguard owned a sword, but it was a double-edged straight sword, diamond-shaped blade, no fuller. That said, he was supposed to be an incredibly talented swordsman. All evidence is collected in the Hall of Judgement, Verispex Division. Adept Castor has had his hands quite full cataloguing it all. Unfortunately, no sign of Koraki himself has turned up, as I mentioned. If you want to look into his old associates, I could find you a list of them. Probably a few in there who own business that haven't been looted yet."

Kurno cleared his throat. "The armoury does have hunting rifles, but I've got to ask. What do you want it for?"

Kaptin Keen
2016-08-22, 07:50 AM
The only part of Clavius' 'tithe inspector' disguise that's even moderately convincing is the official badge of office. He looks the judge squarely in the eye, and answers:

Ballistics. Vital for the investigation.

Also, you'd be amazed sort of trouble you run into as a tithe inspector. One day it's crazed cultists, the next it's hostile xenos. And you know, the third you're running sums off an old ledger, and an overworked adept just snaps and attacks you with his trusty fountain pen.

Really, you arbitrators have it easy.

All this, delivered dead pan and straight faced.

Getting back to the investigation, he adds:

This bodyguard angle annoys me. It's the only irregularity I could find, going over the archive files - but it's going nowhere. Did you investigate the apparent source of the infection? Did anyone go down to the dockside and poke around?

2016-08-22, 08:09 AM
Savvius activated his vox bead, quickly invoking the chant of power, and called out to the rest of the team. "Hypothesis of abduction method has proven true. We now have a working theory of method, still developing hypothesis regarding perpetrator. Additional research is required regarding disappearances and abductions. Specifically how many of the disappearances and abductions were located with access to a waterway. Separate that information between cases that had proven lethal outcomes and cases of disappearance. Savvius will collect the data from you upon regroup." Savvius then looked over the edge at Maurus and extended his mechadendrite in, what he hoped, was a friendly gesture. "Well done Maurus. Feel free to return to your unit. Your assistance has been most illuminating. I will recover you if additional insight is required." With that said Savvius turned to return to the Doctor, hoping that the conversation the Doctor was having hadn't damaged the Magos experiment. It would be a shame for the Magos to lose such progress due to a contaminated mental state brought about by verbal communications.

2016-08-27, 08:09 AM

Cat, who had been temporarily delayed explaining just why a tithe inspector might be carrying enough firepower to kill everyone in the building and then burn down the neighbourhood, walks in to the party a little late. Then stops and stares as Captain Boring does his best to blow their cover and mortally offend the 'Biters. Then she coughs politely, which in the middle of a plague situation... probably isn't an excellent way of attracting attention. At least, not the good sort of attention. And, of course, the respirator she's wearing makes it less of a cough, and more of a protracted grinding sound.

"...Don't mind him. He's, er, seen one too many films about the Arbites and fancies himself a detective," she puts in quickly once the Emperor-awful sound has stopped. "We're here to collect the tithe, and make sure it doesn't get stopped again 'cause entire planets are in trouble if we don't get this sorted. So... I guess what we need to know it, why do you think it's stopped? And what'll it take to get the collections running again? Quarantine? We can arrange that. We're gonna go see the governor next and maybe explain things a bit to him," she grins wickedly, flashing her pointed teeth. "But we figured you guys know what's what, so we'd talk to you first and get all the juicy details,"

2016-08-27, 11:00 AM
Osmund picks up the empty bottle and moves to fill it with some water for the woman, "We're not sure where the Magos is right now, this 'Crow' went to the trouble of kidnapping him, so he is presumably still alive." He walks over and offers the water to the woman through the bars of the cage, "Did the Magos talk much about his work, or your condition? I was hoping to find out more about this sickness from him, but that doesn't seem possible now..."

"He's been WHAT?"
"Ah, it seems my companion has informed the guards about the kidnapping." Savvius could hopefully handle things for a little longer.

2016-08-27, 05:36 PM
Team Alpha

"A little about the work. And my condition. I'm not sure what you would need," the woman was saying, as Savvius returned to the lab. "He's studying the plague. Wants to find a cure. I don't feel much better, though." She drank the water, draining the bottle in a few gulps.

"You have to find him."

Team Beta

"It didn't seem related. The plague's been going on for longer than the governor's been dead. Maybe the locals did some poking around down there, but the Arbites didn't get involved until things hit the big Imperial institutions. By then, the plague was everywhere, so we don't have a 'patient zero' or whatever the term is."

Cat having walked in, the Judge switched focus to her questions. Apparently he'd chosen to ignore any lapses that Clavius might have made. "Simple answer? The tithe's stopped because half the people supposed to be producing it are dead or dying. Ultimately if you want it restarted, you need to get rid of the plague. In the meantime, the best thing is to stop the spread. Acting-Governor's already been trying to lock down on things. There's quarantines, restrictions, and a series of 'remedies' being rolled out by the Magos who lives down by the river. Far as I've seen, none of them fix the plague. Some of them might prevent you getting it, who knows. Personally, I think he's just using the population to test the things." Kurno shrugged. "I think you're right to go talk to the Acting Governor, and I think the bodyguard is a good person to be concerned about. He's probably dead, but if he's not he's running around out there somewhere, and who the hell knows what he's doing."

2016-08-27, 08:03 PM
"I wouldn't expect you to, my dear, just wondering if you knew of the Magos' progress with your condition." Osmund watches as Savvius and the guard inspecting the balcony and the guard eventually abseiling off, "We will do our best to find him"
Trying to figure out if the subject knows she probably doesn't have long.

Kaptin Keen
2016-08-28, 06:06 AM
Clavius chews Kurno's words - literally, a parade of fierce expressions marching across his face - then replies: This bodyguard. I need to figure out where he is and what he's doing - alive or dead. Though if dead I guess he's not doing much except decomposing.

Kurno. If he's out there doing anything, he will need weapons. He is a soldier, after all. He seems the type who would have had a small arsenal in his home. Are his personal weapons accounted for? If so, can we hazard a guess where he's picking up new supplies?

And if he's dead .... where would he be? Is there a way I could pick up his trail from where the governor was murdered?

2016-08-28, 04:39 PM
Savvius waited patiently for the Doctor to finish interviewing Subject 100111000. He wanted to compare results with the Doctor before rejoining the rest of the team. Savvius' own skills had been fully utilized identifying the ingress and egress of the abductor, so until they got any additional security footage to review his use was reduced to information recorder as the Doctor finished the interrogation.

2016-08-29, 08:07 AM
Team Alpha

"No, he didn't talk much about that. Just the symptoms. Progress of the disease." She had sat down again, near the far wall of the cell. "I have to stay in here, don't I?"

What's the next move?

Team Beta

"He'd have whatever was with him when he vanished, I expect. Sword, pistol, maybe a gas grenade or two if he was feeling especially paranoid that day. The rest of his arsenal is still in his house. Of course, if he needed more, he could have picked it up from a few places. Looting houses wouldn't go far for serious hardware, he'd need to have some connections. Either someone who knew how to make it, or someone who knew where to find it. First is probably out."

There was a long pause.

"As for finding him? If you really want to do it that badly, and you had a powerful enough auspex, you could try hunting specific biosigns. That would take a hell of a good operator, though, which is why we never tried it. You'd need to find a good sample to work off of, too. Ask the verispex about that sort of thing, he knows more than me. If you don't have the equipment, there's always the old investigator's standby," and here Kurno pointed to the door. "Pound the pavement and ask around. Guy like Koraki is recognisable, there's got to be somebody in the city who's seen him."

Kaptin Keen
2016-08-29, 08:46 AM
Pounding the pavement sounded uncomfortably like someone-elses-job to Clavius. He didn't mind walking in the slightest, but he had the fairly lucid conviction that others were better suited to asking. However .....

Savvius, he said, after flicking the contraption in his ear back on, do you have like ... a dowsing wand, only with tech - and would you say it's any good? I guess the word the man used was 'powerful'.

If I got my hands of a sample, could you scan for his bio-what's-it? Metric thing?

Looking back at Kurno, he added: To who? Verispex? Is that a title or a name? And where would I find him?

2016-08-29, 10:43 AM
Savvius was mildly pleased at the progress his student had already made in respecting the machine spirits, or rather he would have been if Clavius hadn't referred to his Auspex as a Dowsing Wand. Instead, Savvius took a moment to compose his thoughts before responding. "Savvius is in possession of an Auspex, but Savvius has not attempted to scan for the Magos Biologis. Without a naval device Savvius is unable to pursue the Magos, but once that is supplied pursuit can begin. Be advised however, It is likely that the water has damaged the Magos's trail."

2016-08-29, 11:42 PM
Osmund looks solemnly through the bars at the girl, "Yes, my dear, I'm afraid staying in there is likely for the best, though I could arrange to make your stay more bearable." The doctor pauses and sighs, glancing towards the Magos' notes, "Madam, I feel terribly sorry, I haven't even asked your name, mine is Doctor Osmund von Rutherborne, and you are?" After giving the girl enough time to respond to this, the Doctor continues, "Well [NAME], before I move off to continue our investigation I must tell you that from what I can glean from the Magos' notes, your prospects seem rather grim. I'm not sure how much time you have left, but I don't think it's going to be particularly long. I will see what I can glean from the Magos' notes, and my companions and I will do our best to find him, just know that it might very well be too late for you if we do come up with a cure for this sickness. I'm terribly sorry, but you deserve to know." Noticing Savvius has finished his investigation, Osmund calls him over, giving the girl time to process this information, "Savvius, could you see how much of the Magos' research we can recover from the Servitor? If we cannot rescue him, I would at least like to continue his work for a cure."
Ideally I would have split this post up, asked her name, then delivered the bad news in a second post, but in the interests of moving things along I've condensed it a bit.

Charm test to hopefully deliver the news with tact: [roll0] vs 46

Kaptin Keen
2016-08-30, 03:20 AM
Clavius' mind stumbles along with Savvius' stream of largely unfamiliar words and the fact that they're talking of scanning for two different people. He grasps hold of the one relevant (to Clavius) fact: Savvius has an auspex.

.... yes - wonderful. It's the bodyguard I'm after, not the magos. Though Emperor dammit, with our luck we'll likely need a boat regardless. But I take it your answer is, ultimately, a 'yes', right? If I get you a sample - then you can track him?

Um, a binary answer would suffice.

Clavius, obviously, doesn't not fully consider the implications of this last remark.

2016-08-30, 06:03 AM
Savvius silently nods to the Doctor, moving to the Servitor in an effort to copy all relevant knowledge from its databanks. Listening to Clavius does little to aid in Savvius' efforts to wrest control of the data from the servitor, but upon a binary request it made the whole conversation much more agreeable.

01010111 01101000 01100001 01110100 00100000 01100010 01101111 01100100 01111001 01100111 01110101 01100001 01110010 01100100 00100000 01100001 01110010 01100101 00100000 01111001 01101111 01110101 00100000 01110010 01100101 01100110 01100101 01110010 01101001 01101110 01100111 00100000 01110100 01101111 00111111 00100000 00100000 01010100 01101000 01100101 00100000 01001101 01100001 01100111 01101111 01110011 00100000 01100100 01101001 01100100 01101110 00100111 01110100 00100000 01101000 01100001 01110110 01100101 00100000 01100001 00100000 01100010 01101111 01100100 01111001 01100111 01110101 01100001 01110010 01100100 00101100 00100000 01110101 01101110 01101100 01100101 01110011 01110011 00100000 01111001 01101111 01110101 00100000 01100001 01110010 01100101 00100000 01110010 01100101 01100110 01100101 01110010 01101001 01101110 01100111 00100000 01101111 01110100 00100000 01110100 01101000 01100101 00100000 01010000 01000100 01010011 00100000 01010100 01110010 01101111 01101111 01110000 01100101 01110010 01110011 00101110 00100000 00100000 01010100 01101000 01100101 01101001 01110010 00100000 01101100 01101111 01100011 01100001 01110100 01101001 01101111 01101110 00100000 01101000 01100001 01110011 00100000 01100001 01101100 01110010 01100101 01100001 01100100 01111001 00100000 01100010 01100101 01100101 01101110 00100000 01100101 01110011 01110100 01100001 01100010 01101100 01101001 01110011 01101000 01100101 01100100 00101110

Kaptin Keen
2016-08-30, 06:18 AM
Clavius - who had been expecting a simple yes or no, rather than what he had inadvertedly asked for - quickly ripped the com bead from his ear, and held it at arms length. When the noise stopped, he cautiously spoke into it:

... ahh, yes - thank you, Savvius.

Ahhh - modem sounds. Those were the days. The days of the 'why am I listening to the hardware handshake - why did anyone think this was necessary?!'

Of course, while it's clear that you can translate into binary, I cannot. Is there like ... an online tool?

Of course there is. The internet has all things.

2016-08-30, 06:36 AM
Team Alpha

"Mary." As the Doctor delivered his news, her expression fell. Fortunately, there was no outburst. Either he'd been tactful enough, or this was just a confirmation of what she already suspected.

"I'm... Yes. I'm still not feeling well. Thank you, Doctor, for your honesty. It's a rare thing to find, these days." For a moment, she was silent. "I wish I could tell you more. I don't know much. It's hard to remember. Um. The Crow! I could tell you... but I already talked about him, didn't I? Where did I hear about him..."

The silence, for some time, was broken only by Savvius working at the console. The Servitor was, as he'd previously discovered, fully equipped for recieving dictation, and the archives it had were extensive. The Magos seemed to like to take his notes verbally, to preserve his thought processes - much of the archives were recorded voice clips. Savvius copied what he could to a memory storage device. Reviewing it would take time, even if they sped up the audio. Skimming the text revealed that the Magos had, largely, started with a mixture of panimmune and other drugs known to work on most diseases, and started adding other things to see if anything would stick. A long list of plant-derived additives that had been tried and failed was referenced by several of the entries. He'd also been conducting some studies on the side to see how the disease progressed, and perhaps narrow down where it had come from. Transmission by blood was suspected, after a number of experiments with rats.

"Geoffrey." Mary said suddenly, from the corner of her cage. "Geoffrey was the one talking about the Crow. He's a scavenger, so he might be hard to find. I usually saw him near the cathedral."

Team Beta

"Verispex is a job title. Ours is Adept Castor, the one I mentioned earlier. He's overworked, and I don't know if he's certified as a proper verispex or just what got afforded to this backwater. He's in back somewhere, undoubtedly. If you want I can show you to him, and we can stop by the armoury on the way. If you can convince the quartermaster that you need a rifle, I'll sign on a loaner. We'll want it back, of course."

Kaptin Keen
2016-08-30, 07:10 AM
Absolutely - wouldn't dream of making off with the ordnance of the officio munitorum. But a loaner I'd greatly appreciate.

Let's start with the Verispex, though.

Clavius knows this with utter conviction: He'd never dream of making off with the rifle. On a far less conscious level he's aware that - unless someone directly reminds him, he's highly unlikely to remember on his own.

2016-08-30, 12:19 PM
After the data had been transferred Savvius began entreating the machine spirit in the Auspex to allow for tracking of specific targets. His thoughts briefly wandered to the Kennel Masters and their Auspex hounds, and he decided to inquire into similar augments for himself once he returned to a temple. For now he would rely on the equipment loaned to them by the Inquisition.

Attempting to modify the Auspex to allow for biometric tracking. If I have to choose a single individual I'll key it to the Crow if there's enough data on the bullet casings, otherwise I'll key it to the Magos.

2016-09-01, 07:58 PM
Team Alpha

Savvius spent some time with the auspex, entreating the machine spirit, twisting dials, chanting certain catechisms, and ultimately proving unsuccessful at adapting the sensors for detection of a single individual. The machine spirit of this device seemed particularly stubborn, compared to others he had worked with.

Team Beta

"Right. This way."

Kurno left the office, heading towards the rear of the building. The verispex division of the Adeptus Arbites on Wight turned out to be, indeed, one adept in a tiny room stuffed with shelves and cogitators. Another room behind him, secured with heavy locks on the door, was marked 'secure evidence storage.' Currently, the adept, introduced by Kurno as Adept Castor, was engaged with a truly monumental stack of paperwork. He looked up when his name was mentioned.

"Er. Hello?"

"Tithe Investigators," Kurno said. "Got some questions for you about the Koraki thing."

2016-09-01, 11:12 PM
Osmund is startled from his thoughts by Mary's outburst, "Oh, excellent, that might help us. Do you remember much about what this Geoffrey looks like? Anything that will help us find him?" While talking, he looks around for something to write out a list of instructions for Mary's care on, to ensure she is looked after until either her death or a cure is found.

Kaptin Keen
2016-09-02, 06:05 AM
Ah, Master Castor, begins Clavius, I understand you're the chief verispexer. It irks me tremendously that the governors bodyguard remains unaccounted for. He could be implicated in the murder, know something about it ... anything really.

I want to find him. Without delay.

I should like to have a look at the evidence collected. I suppose it's a bit much to hope for that you have a blood sample of Koraki - but if you do, I'd very much appreciate that.

What else, what else?! Know associates. Any safe houses or stashes he might have had. Family? A favourite bar even.

Swiftly, please, if at all possible. All highly important details of the tithe collecting business.

2016-09-03, 09:16 AM
Team Alpha

"He's older. Skinny, grey hair. Every time I saw him he was wearing the same ratty old tweed jacket." While Mary provided a few other basic sort of details, Osmund was able to find a bit of scrap notepaper and a quill.

Team Beta

"Yeah? Well, it irks me, too." Adept Castor waved a hand at the stack of papers he was working on. "None of this would be here if he'd been better at his job. Or worse at it, if you're right about him being the killer. Either way, it's his fault I've been pulling double shifts for the past who knows how bloody long. We're STILL cataloguing the contents of his houses, plural, in case you didn't know, and it's very slow going when it's just me doing it." Here he stared rather pointedly at Judge Kurno. The judge just grunted.

"Maybe if the powers that be had furnished us with another Verispex you'd have some help. As it stands, you're it."

"Yes, yes. As has been thoroughly established at this point, I think." Castor frowned. "Don't have a blood sample, do have a bunch of his personal things. If it's genetic coding you want, there's probably some hair or something that could be found. Family? None, unless you count the governor, who he may as well have been married to. Known associates, can get you a list. And how do you expect me to know about any secret hidey holes he had, let alone what bar he liked? I'm an analyst, not a frakking encyclopedia."

Kaptin Keen
2016-09-03, 09:50 AM
And I expect you to analyze. Trade on this world isn't barter, is it? Hence, every transaction leaves a trace. Hence, you could know every place he's made a purchase, quite possibly down to the items on the receipt, the time and date, and you might even - quite easily - have your cogi-what's-it's cross-reference with the credit trails of any known associates to see if they were at the same location at the same time.

I don't expect you to want me to tell you how to do your job. I expect you to simply do it.

If you need assistants, and anyone competent can be found, I shall have an army of them in here if it speeds up my investigation, and accelerates this planets return to tithe-paying status.

Do not tell me what you can and cannot do. Simply provide me with answers. I'll have any biosamples that can be extracted, and any halfway likely place Koraki might be found - if still breathing. And a list of known associates.

For those associates. Look for anyone making unusual purchaces or going to unusual places in the days after the assasination.

And master Verispex: Thank you. I respect you are in a difficult position, but in the interest of the future of this planet and others besides, I cannot allow politeness to be a priority. Only results matter.

The strained expression on Clavius' face as he says this is the physical manifestation of his restrain from pulling out the inquisitorial seal.

2016-09-04, 06:46 AM
Team Beta

"Sure, I could, if I felt like going to every business in the city and asking to see their entire stock of transaction receipts. Or maybe if I queried his personal accounts I could find every instance of him buying shaving cream and a new shirt. Anything illicit he probably paid cash, which would just show up as a generic withdrawal. Of course, generic withdrawals also cover hot grox buns, clothes, guns, or any other bloody thing you could think of. Same goes for his friends."

Castor sighed. "Look. I get the results thing. You can get me some assistants? Great. I'll foist off some cataloguing and maybe get some actual work done. Give me some time to get things together, and I'll have a slate with everything sent to wherever you're staying. The samples I can do for you right now."

Removing a set of keys from his belt, Castor unlocked the door to evidence storage and waved Clavius to follow him inside. The storage room was much, much larger than the office Castor worked in. There were rows upon rows of shelves, running a long way back. Castor seemed to know where everything was, though, and walked quickly past sets of unrelated boxes to find one which he pulled down and placed on a nearby table.

"This one's got things from his quarters in the tower, mostly stuff we collected because the new Acting Governor wanted the rooms cleared out and if we didn't save it it'd be long gone. I can probably sequence something from here. Let's see..." He began removing sealed bags from the box. "Couple of books, probably no good... dagger, maybe... gloves, maybe... no... no... why did he even OWN a statue this ugly... hah! Recaff mug. That'll have a geneprint on it."

2016-09-05, 11:46 AM
Osmund writes out instructions for the subject's care, stating she is to be provided food and water in keeping with the rationing that the Magos would have been provided with, had he been here. This care is to follow until either the woman succumbs to her illness, the Magos is found, or a cure is discovered, whichever occurs first. Any change in her condition is to be reported to Doctor Osmund von Rutherborne, who is staying at the Administratum complex. He then writes out some general care instructions based on what he knows about the plague currently, with an addendum that these instructions may change as the disease is researched. "Alright, my dear, I think these instructions should suffice for your care, I'm sure one of the gallant fellows downstairs can be assigned to see to your needs until such time as the Magos is found, or Emperor protect, the worst should occur. Now then, this Geoffrey, should we find him, is there anything you could suggest that would make him more likely to cooperate with us? Times are rather hard after all."

Kaptin Keen
2016-09-05, 01:36 PM
Clavius turns to the judge - hoping, basically, that the two have a basic understanding, that the judge is aware that not this investigation, nor the type of operative, nor the focus on actionable initive rings of 'tithe inspector'. Because if this hasn't penetrated ....

Judge Kurno - the local branch of law enforcement must have halfway competent investigators and other administrative personnel capable of assisting the Verispex. I hope I can prevail upon you to see to it that Castor has enough help to be through these piles by this time tomorrow?

With that, he grabs the recaf cup, thanks the Verispex again, and skulks off in search of the teenage ninja.

2016-09-08, 02:40 AM
Team Alpha

"Could always try paying him. That's likely to work." Mary didn't have much better advice than that, and the guards downstairs were somewhat leery of going up to the lab, but agreed to follow the Doctor's instructions.

Off to the cathedral, or somewhere else?

Team Beta

"Well, you're Tithe Inspectors," the judge said, meeting Clavius' look with one that says he very much knows they're more than that. "See if the Administratum here can spare a few quill-pushers? They won't let me have them unless someone with your authority requests it. You can just write the order out, if you have other things to do."

Castor protested that he couldn't possibly get through the whole lot by tomorrow, even with help, but the judge wasn't listening to him. "I'll see who I can get from the Lower Guard for helping as well," Kurno continued. "We'll get this done for you."

2016-09-08, 06:48 AM
Savvius activated his vox bead and reached out to the rest of the team. "Efforts completed at the Magos Laboratory. What is your current status? Rendezvous at the Cathedral recommended."

Kaptin Keen
2016-09-08, 07:00 AM
Clavius, oblivious to matters of protocol, etiquette and manners - immune, I should say - locates and appropriates a quill and autoparchment (?!) and starts jotting out a legal-seeming dokument in a surprisingly neat and coherent hand.

By the authority of Governor Segmentum such and such, long string of titles, la di da, he mumbles, and by order of the Segmentum Administratum of Tithe Collections, office 427-9 scribble scribble, jot jot, please dispatch unto Verispex what's that name again?! Castor as many assistants as he deems will physically fit into his workspace without delay.

Your prompt and decisive action on this most important of issues shall be meritoriously noted on our full and extensive report unto Governor Segmentum, Officio Aministratum and other ranking officials, offices and authorities.

Humblest thanks in advance - your servant
Clavius Windermere
Tithe Inspections Direct Action Division

Clavius looks immensely pleased with himself as he finishes up, thanks the two gentlemen, and sets off in search of Cat.

2016-09-10, 12:09 PM
Osmund gives the guards a stern look at their reluctance, "Please, as long as you follow proper safety protocols there shouldn't be any problem. As for motivation, think of it as keeping the good Magos' work in a holding pattern until he returns." Before leaving, he walks over to Savvius, "Have you collected all you can of the Magos' research? We can go through it later." Then finally walking over to Mary one last time, and giving a small bow, "Thank you, good lady, if there is anything else I can do for you, within reason, I shall see it done." After giving her the appropriate time to respond, he motions to Savvius and leaves in the direction of the cathedral, "Has that blunderer responded with anything coherent over the vox, or are we to do this alone? Much as I loathe his company, we really should stick together for safety's sake where possible."

Kaptin Keen
2016-09-10, 12:38 PM
Clavius stares with a certain distaste at the vox bead, hoping that Cat would respond to Savvius. When that doesn't seem to be coming, he replies:

Have commandeered additional investigative personnel for Verispex. Obtained genesample of bodyguard. Established rudimentary spread pattern of disease. Will convene at Cathedral as requested.

Cat seems to have disappeared. Possible kidnap. Possible new avenue of investigation.

2016-09-11, 03:54 PM
The cathedral was huge, dominating the Crusader's Plaza that it stood above. The statue of the Emperor looked up, towards the sky. It was a testament to the ingenuity of Imperial engineering. It was also suffering from the plague, just as the rest of the city was. Though the doors were open, there were no sermons being given. Much of the congregation had died, along with some of the priests, and the whole square felt somewhat empty, wrong, compared to how it should have been.

Back alleys wrapped around the outer walls of the cathedral, some undoubtedly leading to service entrances. In the shadow of one of these, Osmund spotted a man fitting Mary's description of Geoffrey. He was slouched against a wall, next to a small table holding an assortment of trinkets and charms. A few other people were around, but none of them seemed interested in talking to him at the moment.

2016-09-14, 01:33 PM
Savvius observed the surroundings in marvel. So much unused space that could be rebuilt for additional production on this planet. Just repurpose whatever materials are salvageable from the church... Savvius turned to the Doctor, his mind forced away from the optimization possibilities and focused on the task at hand. "Since Clavius has lost Cat, his transit time may be increased. Do you believe it best to wait for Clavius or shall I begin interrogating the local populous?"

Kaptin Keen
2016-09-16, 07:47 AM
I did not lose Cat. She made herself scant, possibly looking ... something or other, Clavius peters out as he realises he hadn't been paying attention to what she was actually saying.

He spots Osmund, wrinkles his brow, and mutters Oh ... it's you. The inquisition isn't without it's charitable side it seems.

He looks about, apparently entirely unimpressed by the splendour of the cathedral.

Remind me, if you will - why are we here again?

2016-09-22, 10:33 AM
Osmund raises an eyebrow at Clavvius, "Yes... As evidenced by your presence here. To answer your question, we are here because the Magos was kidnapped, likely by the same individual responsible for various other disappearances. Unlike previous incidents, this one was witnessed, I have been led to believe the man at that stall up ahead has potentially useful information. In case the man is somewhat skittish, I would ask that you and Savvius remain behind so that we are less likely to spook him. Feel free to watch the exits in case he does bolt though, perhaps find where that alley over there exits on the other side, if you can manage," he says the last with a pointed look at Clavvius, before walking into the square proper.

He takes a moment to look around, leaning rather heavier than usual on his cane, and wanders around the square, sparing a few moments to inspect other beggars and trinket purveyors if any are present, so as to appear less like he is heading for Geoffrey specifically and to hopefully give the rest of the team time to get into an advantageous position. After what is hopefully enough time, Osmund approaches the man's makeshift stall and takes a moment to look through the items before looking up at the man, then around at the bleak and almost deserted square, then back at Geoffrey, "I say, it's a bit grim on the streets these days. Do you get many buyers in times like this?"
Just FYI, Osmund is still wearing his environment protection suit, with somewhat upper-class clothes on over the top of it. All in all he probably looks like a paranoid rich guy, which is what he's hoping to bring across.

2016-09-22, 02:01 PM
Savvius turns his attention back to his datapad. The title "Fitting in with the lesser-folk" flashes across the screen briefly before Savvius scrolls down through the information. After a few moments, armed with the information on how to better mingle with the crowd, Savvius moved into the crowd, interviewing them on the regular meteorological effects of their present and past locations, doing his best to always remain in observance of their target.

Kaptin Keen
2016-09-22, 04:12 PM
As the other two depart, Clavius scratches his beard. He mumbles ... Ahh-I've never had much real talent at subterfuge. Their backs turned, and pretty much out of earshot regardless, they don't hear a word of it. He continues, a growing smile on his face ... but if he tries to run, I'm not much inclined to chase after him like a goon. It's more my way to see how far he'll make it with a barrelfull of shot in his leg.

And with that, he unhitches his sawed off shotgun from his belt, and follows after the more bookish of the assigned scholars - at a decent distance.

Just for clarification, he doesn't bring the weapon out and wave it around like a moron. He just discreetly readies if for immediate use =)

2016-09-22, 04:28 PM
Geoffrey looked at Osmund's environment suit and scratched his head. "Well, I mean, I ain't gonna say business has been good, but I do alright. You lookin' for summat in particular?"

The others were getting into position, Osmund could see out of the corner of his eye, though it didn't seem as though Geoffrey would immediately bolt.

Kaptin Keen
2016-09-23, 05:56 AM
Feeling very sneaky about himself, Clavius edges around Geoffrey to position himself between Jeff and the nearest exit.

2016-09-27, 09:35 AM
Osmund looks the man up and down, "Well now that you mention it, I am looking to buy something. I've been hearing rumours from a few of my work colleagues about some mythical figure called "The Crow" and heard that you might know a thing or two about it?" he says, idly tossing some coins in his hand.
The Easy Way: Charm: [roll0] vs 46

Kaptin Keen
2016-09-27, 09:41 AM
Oh! Oh!

Can I be the hard way?

I so much want to press the barrels of the shotgun right in kidneys and ask: Have you tried your hand at Alchemy? My friend here has gold for you - I only have lead!

That last bit in a hard - but also horribly amused - whisper.

2016-09-28, 05:12 AM
Geoffrey looked at the coins, and his fingers twitched. "The Crow, yeah. I've heard of him, but I don't know nuffink. Oo're these colleagues you've been hearing from? Oo's been talking as they shouldn't?"

2016-09-29, 08:43 AM
Osmund sighs, and looks around the square before moving closer and speaking in a lower tone, "Look, truth be told I've been helping that Tech Priest do his research, and I've been worried that what happened with all the other big-wigs, might happen to me. A lady by the name of Mary said if I needed information, then you were the best one to ask. Though she did warn me that the best wouldn't come cheap..." He adds the last while making a show of begrudgingly digging up some more coin.

2016-09-29, 06:40 PM
"Oh, that's alright, then." Geoffrey seemed to relax a bit. "Just Mary. Yeah, I might be able to tell you summat, but I just seen the guy, I don't know who he is. If you still want to know, I'll take the money, aye?" He extended his hand, waiting for the coins. Only once he'd been paid did he continue, in a low voice so nobody might overhear.

"So a bit ago, I'm here in my spot, going about my business, and I see this guy in one of them big beaky masks like the plague doctors wear. He was coming along through the alley, looked like he was trying to avoid the guards. He saw me, and I told him I wouldn't raise a fuss to the PDF and he was welcome to buy from my shop. Hard times, y'know, can't be choosy about my customers. He said that was fine, looked at my scavenge, and picked up a few little things. I asked what I should call him, and he said if anyone asked he was just the Crow. Got a good look at what he had with him, under the big robes he was wearing. Nice clothes, nice sword, and a fancy little dart gun. Not too far off the clothes you've got, actually. Proper tailored, like, but kinda dirty, as if he hadn't changed them for a while. He went off towards the cathedral. Saw him come back a little later, but he didn't stop, just hurried on by and zipped up to the rooftops over there with a grapnel." He pointed across the square to a row of houses with their doors boarded up.

"Maybe five minutes later every bloody alarm in the place goes off. High Ecclesiarch's been murdered. And I'll be damned if it wasn't that Crow man as done it. Only saw him once more after that, next day, as he flitted by on the roofs."

Kaptin Keen
2016-09-30, 02:21 AM
Clavius' mind ticks over a few times.

Goodday, my good man. This sword he wore, would you describe it as .... um, lets see ... a single-edged straight-backed fullered sword, with a triangular blade or a double-edged straight sword, diamond-shaped blade, no fuller?

Clavius' brow crinkles furiously as he struggles to remember terms he frankly has no understanding of.

2016-10-05, 12:11 PM
"Ah thank you, I feel-" Osmund freezes at Clavvius' outburst, he emits a kind of choking sound and resists the equally strong urges to put his head in his hands and weep, and bludgeon his colleague about the head and neck. Thinking quickly he tries to cover for the outburst, "Reginald I told you to let me talk to him alone, we don't want to crowd the poor man! Sorry about him, my co-worker, my assistant really." he leans in conspiratorially, "He's a bit dim." he adds in a hoarse whisper, "Obsessed with swords, though, probably wants to know where the man bought it."

Kaptin Keen
2016-10-05, 03:31 PM
Clavius takes to subterfuge with the same natural ability with which fish take to bicycles. It's not that he doesn't understand what Osmund wants to achieve - only to Clavius, it seems so much simpler to just state what you want, either get it or not, and if you don't get it ... well, then you gotta beat it out of them, right?

Yea ... he murmurs, his voice decidedly unfriendly, a bit dim, that's me. Straight, or curved. Just answer me that, and I can go back to beating my head against a rock.

It's unclear whether he's unfriendly to Geoffrey, or whether calling himself stupid just sits really poorly with him.

2016-10-06, 12:14 AM
"Ummm." Geoffrey blinked at Clavius' sudden appearance. "It was double-edged? I don't know much about swords, but it was double-edged, for sure." he scratched his head, trying to remember more. "It was straight, not curved or triangular. What's a fuller?"

Kaptin Keen
2016-10-06, 02:02 AM
Clavius gives a big, radiant smile - almost like he's about to hug the man - and replies:

I have absolutely no idea. Thanks. No need to point me to a rock to pound my head against, I'll manage. Do have a continued marvellous day, and I leave you safe and sound in the capable hands of my colleague here.

And he walks off.

2016-10-06, 02:53 AM
"Thank you, Geoffrey." Osmund waits for Clavius to leave before speaking again, though makes sure his vox is transmitting, "Sorry about that, he's a bit touched that one. Not a lot of able-bodied workers left these days. Insisted on coming along. Still, 'Aliud scire oportet' I always say!" He dusts himself off and takes a moment to actually look at Geoffrey's scavenge pile before speaking again, "Any ideas which parts of town I should avoid so I don't run into this Crow fellow? Seen him going in a particular direction we should avoid?"

Which I think is just Savvius, I am assuming Geoffrey doesn't speak it.

Aliud scire oportet: Anything else we need to know?

2016-10-08, 06:45 PM
Geoffrey shook his head. "Haven't seen him since that one day. I don't know if he's got a schedule, or where he's hiding, but all he needs is a boat and it could be anywhere on the river. With the mask, though, maybe he's in one of the plague districts, and I'd want to stay out of those anyways."

Kaptin Keen
2016-10-09, 02:58 AM
Clavius, walking off, speaks to the others via the comm bead.

Good odds on this Crow being the governors bodyguard. Ask what 'little things' he picked up.

Also, if we cannot get an address, we should try and find a way to get a message to him.

2016-10-13, 07:08 AM
Savvius almost chokes as he asks another civilian if the condensed atmospheric moisture does in fact descent upon the deforested landscape. Hurriedly excusing himself from that conversation he activated his bead with his mechadendrite. "What information do you have regarding the Crow that indicates his previous occupation was the failed bodyguard of the ex-Governor? We were informed that the bodyguard was MIA."

2016-10-13, 07:47 AM
Osmund takes a bit more time looking through Geoffrey's wares, taking his time so that the others can hopefully advise him on anything else he needs to check, "So what sort of things do you usually sell here?"

Kaptin Keen
2016-10-13, 08:24 AM
Clavius' brow crinkles momentarily.

The sword. The sword the Crow carries ... look, I realise this isn't the hardest evidence there ever was, but the sword matches the one the bodyguard uses - conversely, it does not match the one used by the assasin.

Of course there is every risk that every child on this Emperor forsaken lump of rock and mud is given a straight sword for their naming, but it's still better than what we had to go on a moment ago.

2016-10-13, 12:58 PM
"This level of suspect projection is detrimental at this stage of the investigation. All we can say for sure is that the Crow allegedly has the same style of sword as a bodyguard who may or may not have been a witness to the Governors murder. The facts are insufficient to assign the Crow the same identity as the bodyguard. Without additional facts to support these statements we should accept these facts as independent points and see the picture that they form, not the picture we want to make them form." Savvius removed his mechadendrite from his bead and pursued a new line of inquiry with a local, inquiring about the expected amount of fermented liquid poison they would recommend for consumption as part of their evening meal.

Kaptin Keen
2016-10-13, 01:26 PM
Honestly though, your analysis is way off. Count: How many major players are we actually aware of in this mess? I make it two. One uses a curved sword - the other a straight one.

I give you odds 20 to 1 that the Crow is the bodyguard.

Even though I agree the evidence wouldn't get a conviction in a magistratum court.

2016-10-13, 06:58 PM
"Whatever I can find, mostly." Geoffrey said, as Osmund poked through the selection on the table. There were tins of meat (expired), a selection of bullets in different sizes, a pair of battered flak helmets, a stub revolver with the serial number filed off, a shard of broken mirror, pocketwatches, dataslates, a stack of print books, an odd little device with a universal datajack on one end, empty bottles, mismatched gloves... under the table were a couple of crates containing bottles full of murky liquid. Each bottle bore a handwritten label declaring the contents as 'miracle cure.' Most of it was obviously junk, but there must have been a market for it. Hard times did funny things to people.

2016-10-16, 10:51 PM
"Well, thank you for the information, Geoffrey. I think I'll take this as well," Osmund adds holding up the weird data-jack device, "I have a friend that might find it interesting." He hands over a few more coins before bidding the man good day, and setting off out of the square.

2016-10-17, 07:35 AM
Observing that Osmund had finished his interrogation, Savvius ceased his inquiries regarding the mass of the individual's biological matron and if it truly affected the tides of this celestial body. Excusing himself, he returned to his companions. "The Crow seems involved in multiple cases of murder and missing persons. Clavius, were you able to determine a timeline of murders and disappearances during your interview with the officials? That timeline needs to be tracked along with the known start of the plague and the mean survival duration of an infected subject. Some of this may be established from the Magos' notes, once we have had adequate time to review the data. Also, the ammunition for the sidearm preferred by the Crow is very scare on this planet, correct? Perhaps investigating know vendors, both licensed and unlicensed, may assist in our efforts to recover the Magos."

Kaptin Keen
2016-10-17, 07:53 AM
Timeline? This sort of detailed cross referencing is the sort of task Clavius is more than happy to leave to others - wild leaps are much more his style - but a quick mental rundown tells him it's most likely the data is there, even if he paid it zero heed.

Um ... yea, sure! If you can get the exact data points you want tracked to the verispex - just to make sure we have the same idea. He'll be returning everything we need to us.

Same for the ammo. I discussed this with the judge and the verispex, or something so similar as to render the distinctions moot, and they felt it was impossible to track such things. Just make the same request again. If it really is impossible, the worst case is they don't produce an answer.

2016-10-19, 01:42 AM
Osmund waits until he is well out of the square before communicating with the others over the vox, "Alright, I think our next course of action should be to rendezvous back at our lodgings and go over what information we have gathered so far. I for one would like the chance to go over the medical data Savvius gathered from the Magos' laboratory."

Kaptin Keen
2016-10-19, 04:29 AM
Clavius waits until the rest of the group has left before going back to Geoffrey. He puts on his best smile.

Hi. Geoffrey, was it.

This Crow person. I need to get in touch with him. Whether you have a way of reaching him - know someone who has - or just randomly run into him. Either way, your help in this matter would be appreciated. And by appreciated, I mean rewarded handsomely.

I suspect this Crow isn't the trusting type. So here's one option: Get a comm bead, and contact us on this frequency. Clavius gives the man a public frequency. I feel reasonably sure we share interests with the Crow. If not, it would still be an interesting chat to have.

Now, for you, simply relate to the following: I can reward you. Meds, thrones. Passage off-world? I can do all of those and more.

Not that I necessarily will, he thinks to himself.

With that, Clavius follows the others.

2016-10-20, 01:13 AM
"Er, alright, yeah. Might be able to scrounge something up, and I'll let you know if'n I hear anything."

Back at their quarters, Osmund looked over the data Savvius had retrieved, while Clavius voxed Judge Kurno. The Magos had apparently been running a large number of trials focused around possible curatives, and their effects on subjects with plague. He'd tried a huge number of derivatives, and had been mixing all manner of things with Panimmune, amongst other known Imperial medications. So far all that he'd managed to come up with was more preventative than cure, a formula that prevented already healthy people from contracting the plague but did nothing but slow the disease's progress for those who already had it. Also included were a number of notes on transmission vectors, from experiments using rats. The plague wasn't yet airborn, it seemed, and was transmitted by contact with bodily fluids, blood or saliva mostly, originating from infected individuals. It looked like it could be transmitted by insect bites as well.

Meanwhile, Clavius had been transferred to Adept Castor. The irritable Verispex sounded only slightly happier than he had when they last saw him. "Yes, what is it? I need to get back to instructing the handful of scribes I wrangled out of the Administratum, thank you for that by the way, but I can spare a minute. Needle rounds? Not common, not common at all. Number of crimes using those is actually quite astoundingly low, when you think about it. They'd be fairly tricky to make. Don't suppose you have a serial number for the weapon? No? Well, if you find that it'd be a lot easier, but give me a second and I'll find you a list of official suppliers."

As it happened, there were only two. One over by Rudshore street, in one of the plague districts, and the other up by the tower, in the section of the city inhabited predominantly by the nobility.

2016-10-20, 01:36 AM
Osmund sighs and looks up from his research at the rest of the team, "Alright, so I can confirm that the plague is not yet airborne according to the Magos' notes, however I would recommend full-body coverings still as it can be transmitted via insect bites, so keep that in mind. From what I can tell here, the Magos was probably quite close to a cure, it looks like he might have developed a vaccine, but not yet a cure, I will go through his notes on the vaccine trials and if they look promising, try to manufacture some for us, as well as key people we don't want coming down with the plague." He makes a point of going through his latest trials, hopefully including the mix he administered to Mary with the intent of seeing just what it was that accelerated her plague's symptoms. Osmund makes a note to requisition more medical supplies from whomever was supplying Magos Sakharov. "Any luck with the Crow?"

Kaptin Keen
2016-10-20, 01:42 AM
Well ... likeliest supplier of needle ammo lives on Rudshore street. Unless we figure the crow is likely to go to the noble quarter for his contraband - I find that doubtful.

Also, I slipped the Jeff person a public channel, and told him I'd be ... appreciative if he could somehow get the Crow to radio us.

2016-10-20, 06:06 AM
"The Crow indicated habits that could place him in either the Rudshore Street area or the Noble district. His clothing was reported as being of high quality and his accoutrements would require a level of expendable income that is beyond any natives in the plague districts. Additionally, one can expect the quality of ammunition to be more consistent with dealers supplying higher end clients. The potency that would be required to quickly and silently incapacitate a Magos, even one with a hesitancy towards physical ascension, would be required to be quite high. Lastly, it would be prudent for most individuals to avoid the plague districts as often as possible, even with the appropriate preventative measures. With his level of exposure it would be prudent to minimize his exposure where he can." Savvius ceased tapping on his datapad as his mechadendrite plugged itself in to continue the data manipulation. "In favor of Rudshore Street, the Crow has allegedly been seen traversing the rooftops in the slums districts and regularly wears the filtration mask, so he has some level of preparedness for the plague zones. Additionally, his preferred method of travel, being on the rooftops, would be less likely to be considered strange and reported in the plague districts. The dealer in this area also likely has more flexible pricing and potentially a wider array of available options since he is less influenced by quality than he is by quantity, which may appeal to the Crow's habits." Savvius put away his datapads and tried to make eye contact with both of his companions at once, resulting in some uncomfortable stares and head swiveling. "The data indicates that we should visit both locations as they may be able to provide us with information we seek and also may allow us to catch a glimpse of the Crow in action. In case the Crow is seen and intends to evade us, are either of you trained in pursuit?" Savvius continued to try and hold the stare, while slipping his mechadendrite into his robes to reconnect to the datapad to update their profiles with their responses.

Kaptin Keen
2016-10-20, 07:09 AM
Trained?! Clavius looks confused. What, to run around like a goon, trying to catch a guy who rutinely traverses rooftops? Emperor forbid - I'm a scientist, not some sort of mime or juggler.

I'm sort of an ... um, a hands-on scientist. Action-science. Special-Weapons-and-Science. Threat Management Science. Assault Recon Science.


Clavius eventually runs out of terms to kinda-sorta describe his unique relationship with the scientific community.

The overlap between what mimes and/or jugglers do - and what Clavius seems to think they do - is hazy at best.

2016-10-20, 09:38 AM
Osmund can't hold back a snort of derision as Clavvius describes himself as a scientist, nevertheless he allows him to finish before speaking, "I don't think any of us here are trained in proper pursuit practices, though I do agree that either sounds likely. Generally when there's a plague people don't like going into the most infectious areas, which would make them a good hiding place, but the longer you stay there the greater the risk of infection if you're careless. However if you were being chased by someone, and you ran into the plague district, they would be reluctant to follow. Once pursuit has been lost, you may go where you please, like a hunted animal on a feral world running into a stream to evade capture. Personally I would like to avoid the heavy plague areas until I have properly studied Sakharov's preventative, so I would suggest we try the noble district first. I would also recommend we stay together, as we can then make more..." he looks at Clavvius, "Informed decisions."

2016-10-20, 01:10 PM
"In that case, Savvius will prepare for departure to interrogate the nobles." Savvius looks around briefly before realizing that he is already prepared to leave, then approaches Osmund. "Doctor, Savvius also has a practical knowledge of medicine. If Savvius can be of any use to you in this arena you need but ask."

Kaptin Keen
2016-10-20, 02:49 PM
Speaking of informed decisions, I should drop by the armory. I need to see a man about a gun.

Clavius will go see if he can borrow that hunting rifle.

2016-10-20, 11:30 PM
Clavius went off to get the hunting rifle he had been promised by the Arbites, while Osmund settled in to work on the Magos' notes. The Magos had, he recalled, been a botanist sort rather than a practicing doctor, and may have missed a few things. The vaccine seemed promising, based on a combination of protein strings and chemical binders, half derived from local plants Osmund had never heard of. The Magos had everything to make it in his lab, but the doctor could already see a few ways to improve the formula using additives he'd learned of here and there. Finding them here might be a challenge, but perhaps... In any case, he wouldn't be able to make it immediately. It would require some time mixing and waiting in order to be at maximum effectiveness. While he was at it, he compared the formula that caused enhanced progression speed with one that didn't, and found a few possible reasons why. If they found Sakharov, they'd have to compare notes.

Clavius returned with a somewhat-used-looking rifle, on loan from the arbites armoury. He'd had to sign a few papers to get hold of it, but they had eventually given him the thing. With everyone ready, the party set off again.

Travelling up towards the noble areas, the road traffic thinned out and the number of PDF troopers patrolling the streets increased. Barriers had been erected on some streets to keep plague victims out, and here and there a door was marked with the red X, but by and large these districts seemed to be least hit by the plague so far. The manor houses were each like their own little fortress, with gatehouses, high walls topped with spikes, private guards armed with lasguns and huge, heavy doors. Canals ran off the river, providing access for shipments to private cellars, though Savvius noticed that many of these had been recently boarded up. The shops had some of the finest goods they'd seen, rich clothing and gilded baubles. The place they were looking for was located off a small square, the sign above the door declaring this to be "Maywell's Armoury." Inside were cases filled with pistols and swords, a rack of knives, and assorted discrete armour, designed to be unnoticed when worn under clothing. Behind the counter, Mr. Maywell was polishing the firing mechanism on an old duelling pistol.

"Good evening," he said. "What can I do for you?"

Kaptin Keen
2016-10-21, 10:50 AM
Greetings, Master Maywell, Clavius begins when no one more qualified in the ancient art of diplomacy hurries to precede him, we are Imperial Tithe Inspectors, he says in that tone of voice that's meant to convey 'do you really think that's what we are', and we are concerned about one and only one out of two possible things:

We would very much like:

A: A very in-depth and detailed perusal of who has purchased from you a quite specific type of ammo, or,
B: A very in-depth and detailed perusal of your books, tax and tithe reports, customer database, transaction history and pretty much everything else our function as Imperial Tithe Inspectors entitles us to look at.

Of these two, he says with a giant, radiant smile, which would you prefer, pray tell?

2016-10-21, 11:27 PM
Osmund takes a little extra time putting through the proper forms at the Administratum offices to requisition as much of the cure as he can, better to get the wheels of bureaucracy turning early. He spends most of the walk making notes about his observations on the Magos' research on his dataslate, and as such misses his queue to speak up and looks on in horror as Clavvius attempts to communicate with someone civilised. In the brief silence that follows this outburst from Clavvius, whom he shoots a dirty look, he interjects, "Now now Clavvius, there's no need for that, we are all civilised here," he pauses a moment, "Well most of us are," he adds with a pained look to Mr. Maywell, "Good evening sir, what my colleague here meant to say, is that as members of the Imperial Tithe Inspection Team," at this he flashes the credentials provided by the Administratum, "We are investigating all interruptions in this planet's tithe caused by this unfortunate situation. We have reason to believe that certain agitators of the peace have been active in the city and are investigating all possible sources of supply that they might have sought. Now, we by no means suspect you of anything, but we would appreciate a list of customers who have purchased the following munitions in recent days, just so we can make our report more complete." At this he hands over a list he had prepared earlier of a few rare and expensive types of ammunition, including the needle rounds. "Also, you wouldn't happen to have any spare air filters that would fit this particular model of respirator, would you?" he asks, indicating the respirator apparatus on his suit.

Charm test to smooth over Clavvius' threat and make nice with the proprietor: [roll0] vs 66

Kaptin Keen
2016-10-22, 02:37 AM
In case there was any confusion: He's the good cop.

Clavius shares this information with a dismissive tone - as to say, sure he's much nicer than me, but he doesn't outrank me, so think before you speak.

2016-10-23, 07:49 AM
"Well, I can't say as I have much to do with the tithe..." Maywell trailed off, looking over the list. "But I certainly wouldn't want to go supplying any agitators, either. I'd have to go digging in the back for air filters. Wasn't a lot of demand until recent, so I might still have a few somewhere. The list, though, that I can get for you. Might take a bit."

Moving behind the counter, he produced a large leather-bound ledger. "Most of those are special order only. No sense stocking them permanently, with how little I sell." He proceeded to run down the list, providing interesting bits of commentary on some of the names. Buyers of odd ammunition included such notables as Acting-Governor Chavarin, who had recently filled an order for executioner rounds, some lord named Wulfric Shaw, an Admiral named Slattery, whom Maywell remarked had been recently discharged from service, and an assortment of nobles and bodyguards. It was rather widely scattered as to who had bought what, and Stefan Koraki was conspicuously absent in the days after the death of the governor, though he had shown up on a few occassions before. He had never previously bought the needle rounds. Not as far as Maywell's ledgers showed, in any case. Rather oddly, one person who had was the High Ecclesiarch.

Kaptin Keen
2016-10-23, 01:43 PM
This is going to sound needlessly paranoid ... but do we have positive gene id of all the murder victims?

2016-10-24, 09:17 AM
Osmund spends some time copying the relevant contents of the ledger over to his data-slate, "Interesting. What would you say is the usual method these orders were completed? Were the goods delivered to the customer, or did the customer or a representative pick them up from the premises?"

Kaptin Keen
2016-10-24, 09:23 AM
Clavius makes sure to check precisely when the High Ecclesiarch's order was placed - relative to when he was actually alive. Could someone have used his credentials?

2016-10-24, 08:03 PM
"Often it's a representative, but ocassionally the client will come in themselves. Acting Governor Chavarin makes a point of it, usually. I'm not sure he trusts anyone else with his ammunition."

The order Clavius was looking at had been made, and filled, about a week before the High Ecclesiarch died.

2016-10-25, 02:34 AM
Osmund makes a show of writing down more notes, "Fascinating. I notice this one here is for the former High Ecclesiarch himself, may he rest in peace. What can you tell me about this one? Surely he didn't come in here himself?"

Kaptin Keen
2016-10-25, 02:47 AM
Actually, why do all these high-ups buy needle ammo? Is there some sort of assasination craze on this world ... I mean, well, clearly there is, but ... did they all know it was going to go viral, and wanted to get in before the rush?

Explain this to me, man! I command you by ... the power of the Tithe Inspection!

2016-10-25, 03:56 AM
Osmund rounds on Clavvius looking annoyed, "They didn't all buy needle ammunition you dolt, pay attention. If you're going to keep interrupting with this nonsense I will have Savvius escort you outside." He takes a moment to recompose himself before giving the shopkeeper a long suffering look, "Now then, sir, where were we?"

Kaptin Keen
2016-10-25, 04:09 AM
Clavius, well aware that he hasn't been paying attention and in no way about to acknowledge it, growls Grah! This kitten play drives me nuts. What is the point of having unlimited ... powers of ... accounting if we're not prepared to use them?

I shall wait outside, and prepare the scorn I shall heap upon you should you fail to produce meaningful results.

And so he stomps outside, finds a place to sit and light up a pipe, and glowers angrily at the world.

2016-10-25, 05:47 AM
Maywell laughed nervously after Clavius left, loosening his shirt collar. "You have unique colleagues, sir," he said. "No, no, the High Ecclesiarch didn't come here himself. It was one of the brothers who came to pick the order up. I gathered that the Ecclesiarch was quite nervous, and wanted the items for personal protection. Sadly, it seems, too little was done, though to be honest with you I haven't the faintest idea how the assassin managed to get into the Cathedral without being seen."

2016-10-25, 06:43 AM
Savvius, having been fully engrossed in inventorying the contents of the shop, returned to Osmund. "Inspection of the Cathedral for methods of ingress falls to the Arbites, we have not attended that site. You do provide a previously lacking insight. Did the High Ecclesiarch and Acting Governor buy their Needler Sidearms from you as well? If so, Savvius would like to see those as well."

2016-10-27, 02:23 AM
Osmund sighs, "Like I told Clavvius, the Acting-Governor didn't buy- oh you know what, here, read the list yourself," he says irritably, handing Savvius the notes he had made from the shop's ledger, before turning back to Mr Maywell, "Nobody listens anymore. Now, just so I can fill out some extra paperwork at the office, did you happen to get proof of identity from the Brother who picked up the High Ecclesiarch's order? Also has there been many unusual purchases lately not on the list I gave you? Anything that stands out? I like to be thorough with my reports you see."

Kaptin Keen
2016-10-27, 02:50 AM
Bored, Clavius fishes out his com bead, switches it to the public channel he gave to Geoffrey, and opens: Hey Crow. I hear your mother is so dirty she lost her job in the Recycling Pits for sanitary reasons.

2016-10-27, 03:47 PM
"The needler was purchased from here at the same time as the ammunition, yes." Maywell pointed to a display case on one side of the shop, in which rested a needle pistol of a very old design. "This isn't the same one, of course, but it's a very similar model. If you wish to inspect it I can get it out. The fellow who picked it up... oh, what was his name..." Slipping back behind his desk, the shopkeeper went digging under the counter. He found another ledger, this one much larger than the one he had showed them, and thumbed through it.

"Brother Otto. He provided a letter signed by the High Ecclesiarch stating he was authorised to pick up the order."

Outside, the only answer CLavius got on the commbead was static. The channel worked, but nobody was there.

2016-10-29, 07:41 AM
Osmund makes a few more notes for himself, "A Brother... Otto, was it? Do you recall anything about his appearance, we'll just be wanting to follow this up as quickly is possible so that we can move on to more pressing matters. While I am on this subject, does the needler ammunition come pre-loaded with drugs or toxin, or must that be purchased from a separate establishment?"

2016-10-30, 09:46 AM
Maywell shrugged. "He looked like a cleric. As for the needler, mine come unloaded. You have to get your own stuff to put in 'em."

2016-10-30, 11:35 AM
"Like a cleric..." Osmund mutters to himself absent-mindedly, making a small notation on his notes before looking up and smiling at the shopkeeper, "Very well, I believe that should be enough to be going on with. If the air filter is a bother to find, you can just set one aside for me when you have the chance, I should be able to stop by tomorrow to pick one up, always handy to have spares! Thank you very much for your assistance, Mister Maywell" he looks over to Savvius, his earlier irritation completely forgotten after some blessed Clavvius-free time, "Shall we go, Savvius?" he gestures for the Tech-Priest to follow, and mentally bracing himself, steps outside to find Clavvius. "Now then, I more than anyone want to find the Magos as soon as possible, but I'm not sure we want to brave a plague district at night, and it is getting rather late is it not? Perhaps we should hunker down back at the Administratum compound for the night, so that I can go over some of these notes?" he asks, checking his chrono, "Alternatively we could stop by the Ecclesiarchy offices to check on the credentials of one 'Brother Otto' as he was the man who picked up the weapon for the High Ecclesiarch?"

2016-10-31, 09:48 AM
"It does appear that the natural light is diminishing. Perhaps we should go to interview Brother Otto briefly before we return to our quarters and spend the evening reviewing the data that has been collected. There is much data to ingest, especially as we require a full debrief from Clavius. Savvius is also willing to debrief Clavius prior to the end of the evening."

Kaptin Keen
2016-10-31, 02:27 PM
Uh - a debriefing, yea. Look, I don't much pay attention to all the chatter. I'll wager I can give you a full debriefing by the end of the next sentence: I got a rifle, put a bunch of pencil pushers working for the Verispex, asked about the bodyguard, his habits, associates, preferred weapons and so on - and kinda-sorta established a spread pattern of the disease.


I'm really expecting the Verispex to provide any actually useful information. It feels like the judge, while not unfriendly, isn't exactly ... I dunno ... doing much? Does anyone get that sense? That everyone on this planet is sorta puttering about, going through the motions without much actual work being done?

Actually, I get the same sense from you guys. How'd it go, once you purred harmlessly at the shopkeeper and politely asked him to reveal all his dirty laundry?

Clavius flashes his most brilliant smile at the rest of the group.

2016-11-01, 06:01 AM
Savvius blinked slowly... twice... processing the information that Clavius had given them. After a pause he realized that Clavius had finished passing information and had begun deflecting blame so his further statements were tabulated as developer comments and dismissed. "A gun was requisitioned, which is likely due to an oversight on Clavius' part before he was deployed. Clavius authorized the Verispex to task the Administratum with your power as a tithe collector? Clavius inquired regarding a bodyguard which he has provided no answers for, resulting in expended time with no validated data. Clavius has developed an incomplete spread pattern of the disease which he is unable to provide. Savvius is at this time unable to establish a vocabulary standard for Clavius' definition of 'puttering about', assuming that Clavius doesn't include himself in that standard."

Kaptin Keen
2016-11-01, 06:18 AM
Clavius engages in halfway friendly bickering with the techpriest, having obviously no interest in a point-by-point discussion of who did what when and why. He does state one thing very clearly: In my experience, no one lies around a mouthful of shotgun!

Chuckling mostly to himself, he also mumbles about shotgun Russian roulette.

2016-11-02, 02:07 AM
Osmund just starts leading the group towards the cathedral district, "So let me get this straight, the only thing you've really done is pick a suspect, based on reasoning you haven't adequately explained, some fool gave you a gun, and the you've spent the rest of your time faffing about, making threats, pretending to work, and trying to blow our cover as tithe collectors? Stellar work, really exceeding my expectations of you, Clavius." He sifts through his data pad for a moment, "Meanwhile, we have a line on a possible preventative for the plague, leads on our actual suspect, someone to question, and a reasonable idea how the plague works. We are currently going to the Ecclesiarchy to ask about the man sent to pick up the needle gun in the High Ecclesiarch's name, after which we really need to get a good grounding in research. Connections between assassination victims, list of people who have disappeared rather than turn up dead, an actual mapping of the disease's spread pattern. Not to mention try and locate the Magos as soon as possible so that we can do something about this plague." he walks on in silence for a moment, "Oh, and while Mister Maywell sells Needle ammunition, he doesn't sell the drugs to fill them with. Savvius, did we get an ID yet on what exactly the spent ammunition contained?"

Kaptin Keen
2016-11-02, 02:18 AM
So many words, just to say 'we got nothing solid'.

Here, let me give you an example: Tell me again how the shop keeper described Brother Otto - appearance, clothing, any recognizable traits, was he armed?

2016-11-02, 05:31 AM
It wasn't far from Maywell's shop to the cathedral, but it was getting late. As the sun dropped in the sky, they saw more soldiers and fewer civilians. The cathedral was at the far end of Crusader's Plaza, the open space lined with statues of Imperial heroes. A large statue of General Holgar stood in the centre of the plaza, but even that was dwarfed by the statues of the Emperor that fronted the cathedral. Each statue had a spotlight at its base, the stern stone faces made even moreso by underlighting. Three large spotlights placed across the plaza lit the front of the cathedral, white stone columns and a huge gold aquila all shining in the dark, a symbol of Imperial power even in dark times. Unlike the Administratum and Arbites complexes, located in areas hit harder by the plague, the grand cathedral had not shuttered its doors. They stood open, though a nearby sign informed the acolytes that the cathedral would soon be closing for the night.

2016-11-02, 05:58 AM
Savvius finished finding the appropriate annotation on his datapad and informed Osmund that the drug was Morphia V. Savvius made a note that a expert on the local economic status would be a valuable asset on their next deployment. Lacking that current skillset, they should ask their planetside contacts regarding the availability of this drug.


Arriving at the cathedral Savvius immediately removed his auspex and began doing a rapid scan of the nearby rooftops, just in case the Crow was once again watching the church from the rooftops.

2016-11-02, 11:59 AM
"I will admit, the shopkeeper was fairly unhelpful with regards to a physical description, however if he was on legitimate business then there will be evidence of it in the cathedral, if there is not then we go back and ask the shopkeeper some more pressing questions. We're trying to keep this investigation low-key for now, so as not to alert any of our foes to our presence, hence we are Tithe Investigators, which means we can't go kicking in doors, making threats, and what was the phrase you used? Questioning through a mouthful of shotgun?" Osmund continues irritably, in a low tone as they make their way towards the cathedral, "We just need to ascertain if this Brother Otto is a real person, and if he was actually acting on the High Ecclesiarch's orders. Any information on the attack on the High Ecclesiarch will also be useful. I would thank you, yes thank you, for at least attempting to be discrete on this." He finishes speaking as they enter the square, with a glance over at Savvius who is already sweeping the area with his auspex, he leads the way to the cathedral entrance, on the way over he speaks quietly to the team, "Remember, we are here to investigate events leading to the disruption of the Imperial Tithe, the civil unrest caused by these deaths and disappearances is vital to that. If we must make threats, simply allude to the fact that if we are unsatisfied then we will have no choice but to request the presence of the Inquisition." With that, after ensuring Savvius gives the all-clear, and ensuring he has his Tithe Inspector credentials on hand, Doctor Rutherborne leads the way into the cathedral.

Kaptin Keen
2016-11-02, 02:04 PM
The whole thing about pretending to be Tithe Inspectors is nice and all - but no one believes that unless they are complete morons. Real Tithe Inspectors have zero cause to involve themselves in the things we do. At least I keep them guessing about what Imperial authority that isn't Tithe Inspection we really represent.

Furthermore, where's the fun? I'd have left that poor shopkeeper in tears, traumatized for life. And Savvius could have traced his actions after we left the shop - who he called, what he did.

Right, Savvius - you can trace calls and communication, see through walls, all that stuff, right?

2016-11-03, 04:18 AM
Savvius didn't find any lifesigns with the auspex. None on the rooftops, in any case. With it verified that the Crow was likely not watching, the group entered the cathedral. A smaller antechamber led into the huge main gathering area, lined with pews and lit by thousands of candles. At the far end stood the altar, and behind that the Aquila. Here and there a few faithful were sitting in the pews, praying to the Emperor for salvation. Were it not so late, there would undoubtedly be many more. Several clerics moved along the edges of the room, carrying papers or stepping in to grant benedictions. Off to the left of where they had entered, a small group was speaking with a priest, listening to counsel on the subject of the plague potentially being a punishment from the Emperor.

Another of the clerics had noticed them enter, and hurried over to greet them. "Welcome, welcome," he said. "Blessings of the Emperor be upon you."

2016-11-04, 08:36 AM
Acknowledging his responsibility to not speak to the locals unless imperative need presented no alternative, Savvius instead removed his datapad and, after ensuring that the data was locked and safe from tampering, displayed his team capabilities data to Clavius since he seemed interested regarding their independent and cooperative capabilities as observed and derived by Savvius through data accumulated in the field and extrapolated from their personnel files. Hopefully this would answer all of Clavius' capabilities questions.

Kaptin Keen
2016-11-04, 08:45 AM
Clavius looked at the data, fascinated - at one point tilting his head to see if it made more sense viewed sideways - baffled by the density of observations, calculations, derived data and assupmptions.

That's ... nutz, highly interesting, Savvius.

Pointing at any random graph or percentage that looks about right, he adds: Look, Osmond, Savvius has a graph that shows how much better a researcher I am. Then he walks off, responding to Savvius' assertation that the graph is in fact something entirely different with a dismissive psh!

2016-11-05, 11:01 AM
Osmund is briefly distracted by Clavius' nonsense before realising his mistake, listening to Clavius, and that one of the priests had addressed them, "Ah yes, hello! May His blessings be upon you as well, Father," he gives a bow along with the sign of the Aquila, "My name is Osmund, this is Clavius and Savvius, my associates. We work for the Imperial Tithe Collection Office, we were hoping to speak with someone of seniority to discuss some matters relating to recent local events. Do you know whom we might speak to about this?"
Charm: [roll0] vs 56

2016-11-05, 06:57 PM
"Ah, well, that depends on what you mean by seniority. We've yet to select a new High Ecclesiarch, but I can find you someone else if you like. Brother Frederick has been with us for years."

2016-11-07, 01:34 AM
"Would there happen to be..." Osmund checks his data slate, "A Brother Otto, on staff? We have that name down for a few questions. After which, yes I think maybe we might speak to Brother Frederick, if at all possible."

2016-11-07, 05:49 AM
"Brother Otto? Of course, I'll fetch him. Please, follow me." Leading the way to the side, the priest passed through a door marked 'private,' and then they were in the staff areas of the cathedral. This section seemed devoted to small reading rooms, and the large library visible beyond another set of doors provided the reason why. They were ushered into one of the rooms and then their guide vanished, returning shortly with another man. Brother Otto was clean-shaven, hair going a bit thin on top, though otherwise of indeterminate age, and wearing the same Ecclesiarchal garments as every other priest they had seen thus far. It was easy to see why someone might have difficulty describing him in detail.

"Blessings to you," he said. "I'm told you wish to see me?"

2016-11-10, 01:05 AM
"And to you. Brother Otto, I presume?" Osmund offers him his hand to shake, "I am Osmund, these are my associates Savvius and Clavius. We have been tasked by the Administratum and the Tithe Inspection office to look into the situation down here, as it pertains to this world's contribution to the most holy Imperium of Man. In the course of our investigations, we have discovered records of the previous High Ecclesiarch, may he rest in peace, purchasing a rare needle weapon from one Mister Maywell in the Noble Quarter. Would you be able to shed any light on this transaction?"
Charm: [roll0] vs 56