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2016-05-06, 12:44 AM
You have all come to room 310, as ordered by your superiors. They aren't technically superiors... But they can kick your ass and made it very clear that you were expected show up.

Which makes it all the more the galling that they didn't. They left a flipping note for you all.

Right. You're not stupid-some of you-so you probably noticed all the big guys are gone. Skarbrand, Ku'Gath, Masque, and Kairos haven't been seen in a couple of days, at least. More than that, the ritual that keeps us all safe from prying eyes? Is starting to fade. So, we would handle this, but we've got prom coming up in a couple months, and that's a little more important than a couple of missing Greater Teachers (and the Masque). So, it's the job of you asshats to see about fixing it. Get cracking-or else.

Some people seem to have noticed your more odd traits, like horns or tentacles. That shouldn't be happening.

Skarbrand, the gym coach, hasn't been in for a few days. Maybe he's finally taking anger management courses? Or maybe he's sick? But Bloodthirsters don't really get sick...

Kairos has also been missing, as has the junior Chemistry teacher Ku'Gath and the dance coach Masque. That's something like all the Greater Teachers here.

You've noticed a sort of... Absence. Usually there's a constant thrum of power going through the school-the demonic energies empowering the ritual to keep you all safe and hidden. That's missing.

2016-05-06, 12:54 AM
Wait... The teachers are missing. Warren piped up with a squeak.

Huh.... Susan is more distracting then I thought. Warren muses muttering to himself, turning to the rest of his supernatural classmates he piped up.

Did the teachers mention anything weird to you four before they left?

2016-05-06, 12:59 AM

So nothing unusual.

Have an excellent day, young student, and learn to be your best!

A bit unnerving, knowing he's capable of frying your soul out of your body, but not unusual.

And one-two one-two one-two, move it, move it, move it, come on, dance harder!

Nothing unusual there.

I think I might have done it this time, you know? Maybe Papa will finally be proud.

Little weird, but he often talks about Papa Nurgle.

2016-05-06, 01:19 AM
Sunset reads the note, then looks at the guy who just asked a question. She doesn't know him. Probably because he's a him and not one of the hims who hangs around her other friends and club members when she isn't around to keep the hims away. She shakes her head and backs away a few steps and in so doing just happens to wind up half-way into a fighting stance.

In her mind she mulls over the question and thinks to herself that Starbrand barely threatened to mutilate each student's still living corpses more than once each this week and the principle just wanted to talk to her about her grades. Pretty tame all in all. Though she had noticed they'd all been gone for the past few days.

2016-05-06, 02:27 AM
J, sitting in the class starts singing to herself nervously. Does Anyone know what we are supposed to do?

2016-05-06, 04:27 AM
Thomas was simply sleeping in his chair as he was right in the front of the rows of desks. At least it seemed like he was sleeping, he was actually in the middle of a prank for this room before anyone got here, their interruption was quite annoying. At least till he saw that cute chick with the adorable horns. Wait horns? Thomas did not know who the other students were that were daemon touched. Things just went to a new level here seeing her.

Thomas leaned his head back as if he was snoring but really he was just trying to gauge his new pursuit. Then the reason why they were hear came out. The teachers they were gone? Well He did see Kairos last always cheery made it hard to prank him when he was so nice. Thomas hated pranking the nice guys. Man all this drama was stopping Thomas from getting some eye candy, oh well may as well wake up.

Thomas raised his head and smacked his lips.

"Do? Do what? DO me? Well if you insist. " Thomas chuckled it was a horrible joke, and the pursuit was more fun then just skipping straight to the action.

"what is going on?" Thomas asked as he continue to pretend to be waking up.

2016-05-06, 04:57 AM
Rolling her eyes at the pervy guy, J says " The seniors said were supposed to figure outs whats happening.

2016-05-06, 05:00 AM
At Thomas' words, Sunset turns slowly almost without actually moving her feet to face him and her eyes narrow and her stance takes just another step in the direction of being a full fighting stance and she seems to have an aura of general menacing.

2016-05-06, 05:10 AM
Thomas smiled at the wonderous and beautiful Sunset. He slowly rose his skin tanned as he looked completely human if it was not for his other wordly beauty.
"Please mi'ladies forgive me words, I just as you both have trouble fighting back my naturally born sins."
Thomas as he felt it was safe if it was moved slowly toward Sunset. His voice was soft sensual, his accent thick as he was clearly even despite his touched status was not from arround this country.
"May you explain to me what is going on?"
Thomas asked Sunset his pose not in any way threatening. It hinted at him wanting to get closer, as if he did not understand personal space.

2016-05-06, 06:39 AM
Alyssa quickly reads the note, then swears angrily, sounding rather unlike herself, "You have got to be kidding me! Those idiots really expect us to deal with this? It's bad enough the normal people are starting to notice...And then they dump fixing it on us? God, if we don't die horribly, I'm going to kill them. Slowly." She thinks for a minute, then says, "Thinking about it, some of them would probably like that." She sighs disgustedly, and sits down, thoroughly frustrated, but already trying to think of a plan.

2016-05-06, 07:01 AM
Thomas was torn this very moment three beautiful deamons oh how he wanted to try all three. Maybe he could there was a clear threat to them all with the higher ups being gone. He thought back on his magical training, it brought about images and flashes of memories he knew would come, but he had to muscle through them to get such rewards as helping these three lovely ladies.

Arcana check to know how to help fix this situation


2016-05-06, 11:36 AM
Thomas was torn this very moment three beautiful deamons oh how he wanted to try all three. Maybe he could there was a clear threat to them all with the higher ups being gone. He thought back on his magical training, it brought about images and flashes of memories he knew would come, but he had to muscle through them to get such rewards as helping these three lovely ladies.

Arcana check to know how to help fix this situation


The ritual requires a great deal of complex moving parts to keep going, and is nigh-impossible for anyone to pull off without being some kind of avatar of magic itself. That being said, there are probably shortcuts that can be taken-just not very safe ones.

2016-05-06, 01:24 PM
As Thomas approaches she looks back on forth to the other girls to see if they'll maybe answer him instead. When Alyssa does, she gives her a thankful look for taking the pressure to reply off of her. "Yeah" Sunset replies to Alyssa's words in an annoyed tone, not helped by the pressing in male-thing. As Thomas gets closer, she tenses up a bit more, her body getting ready to take action. Trying to fight back a bit against her instincts she talks to Alyssa, "They're kind of stronger than us though. And maybe they think we can do it because maybe they know we're great? Or maybe they just think we're dumb enough to do it for them. Which I guess is probably true. I'd rather just go try and be awesome and succeed or try and fail and have them grumble at us and then get someone else to do it than deal with what they'll do if we don't try. So, how about you? Are you great?"

2016-05-06, 01:34 PM
Thomas turns arround looking back on memories of magic was starting to get to painful. Damn that magic was all he could think. He almost missed what the two said to him.
He let out a pained sign.
"Yah I have a vague idea of what to do. It will be risky. But why go through it? Personally why not come out have the humans fear or love us?"

Thomas steps away he was feeling a little queasy from those thoughts on what was needed. He went to a guitar case he had in a corner and leaned on it. Looking at everyone to see their answers.

2016-05-06, 02:47 PM
Warren was having trouble concentrating smooshed between a sexy sorceress on the right, and a beautiful bard on the left. Bonus points for alliteration he silently squeed. Having to resist clapping his hands, he remembered. He had something that could help him focus.

Pulling out demonology 101. The demon inside you, he started to consult the pages. Intending to define a way.

We could take shortcuts with weaker magic. And we've got me. He says pointing to his nose.

Alyssa. And J.... What is that short for by the way? He asked cocking his head..

2016-05-06, 03:18 PM
Thomas only needed a couple breathes before he went to the side of this Warren. He placed a arm arround his shoulders. Thomas wouldn't be blamed for playing sides only possibilities.
"Now you do have impressive magic to know names not given."

2016-05-06, 04:11 PM
Sunset finds herself in the unusual position of looking at someone else like they're an idiot when Thomas opens his mouth, apparently forgetting that guns are a thing humans do to things they fear. She looks at the girls with a look of "Seriously? What's wrong with this guy?"

2016-05-06, 04:40 PM
Alyssa glares at Thomas and says, "You know, just because I'm Slaaneshi doesn't mean I'm interested in a perv like you. I'd rather have a guy I'm actually interested in eating out of my hands, rather than an idiot like you." She then sighs and says, "And besides, if the humans knew about us, we'd be on a bonfire faster than you'd think. People have a tendency to murder the heck out of what they fear."

2016-05-06, 04:52 PM
And with Thomas putting an arm around Warren he jumps in shock against J.

Sorry! I'm just a bit jumpy. Warren replies.

So Alyssa. Do you know where we could find some Salis Mundus. He asks her, holding out the book for her to see a picture of it.

2016-05-06, 05:41 PM
"Idiot? So you would label me an idiot. " the foreigner said.
"Claims you know nothing of, like some weak dominatrix wanting to be in charge when you know in life that will never be. At least I respect my pursuits. They are equal to me as I to them. At least I can achieve something deeper while you try for something that will never be. Your empty while I accept myself." Thomas had walked toward the door. He was not angry but clearly was not liking this crowd. He picked up his guitar case.
"Name is Thomas. And try to solve this without me, for unlike all of you I can hide in the midst of humans." he said before leaving the room. He had no horns he had olive skin like a foreigner versus a other worldly being. Then the name Thomas the gifted foreigner who was not even from this place for a month. Who had always aced his school work, but was only falling because he did not go to classes. He took the rest and got As but he never was in classroom. Idiot was certainly the wrong word for him.

2016-05-06, 07:26 PM
Sunset nods a couple times in agreement with Alyssa. Then the Thomas-he said some stuff in an aggressive and condescending tone. She wasn't really sure what he meant. It sounded a lot like a bunch of brainy ego blah blah to her. She takes a step forward in a certainly menacing way now and looks at Alyssa and then looks down at the sword at her hip and tilts her head and asks, "He upsetting you?"

2016-05-06, 08:07 PM
My real name is Jerian. But, I like J. Let's all work together you said shortcuts to fixing this? What kind and what do we need to do? We can't have the normal people know about us.

2016-05-06, 08:15 PM
Thomas heads down the hall towards the band room. He had a feeling it would be empty this time of day, as it normally was. Band was not usually accepted in this school it would seem during normal class hours. Thomas always thought that strange, he always believed music could help ones education if done properly. Finding a decent table to places his case on he opens it up to reveal not only a Guitar, but a saxophone and flute inside as well. all three seeming to be in great shape. Taken care of with respect.

Thomas pulls out his Saxophone, and begins to play. He allows the music to clear his mind and think on the solutions needed to help all the other Daemons. He had to remember after all not all Daemons were like those he left. Those who lived openly and unafraid of judgment.

Hopefully to aid the Arcana check




2016-05-06, 08:23 PM
My real name is Jerian. But, I like J. Let's all work together you said shortcuts to fixing this? What kind and what do we need to do? We can't have the normal people know about us.

J it is. Warren says with a nod.

Well first we need Salis Mundus. He states gesturing to the picture, beckoning J to the other side of him, next to Alyssa.

Do either of you two know where to find it? He asks smiling at the girls.

2016-05-06, 08:54 PM
I'm sure I could flirt it out of one of the seniors. They always want young girls. She says flirtatiously

2016-05-06, 09:07 PM
I'm sure I could flirt it out of one of the seniors. They always want young girls. She says flirtatiously

And like Warren starts blushing and stuttering.

H... hi.... M... my name is Warren. He says with a dopey grin and holding a hand forward for a handshake.

2016-05-06, 09:10 PM
Thomas knew he needed the Salts it ended his song suddenly. He quickly packed his sax away and rushed out the room. This time heading to the Chemstry room's storage. Without the teacher being there the class would most likely be in Chaos. He could slip in and grab some salts from those Stores.

2016-05-06, 09:45 PM
Alyssa grins as she watches J put the moves on Warren, but then blinks as she realizes she's kinda feeling jealous, and 'trips' forwards, acting like it was caused by leaning too far forwards to look at the book, hoping to end up on top of Warren, with her chest in his face. As she falls, though, she puts on the full act, yelping, "Ahh! OhgodsI'msosorry!" and flailing her arms around, pretending to try to regain her balance.

2016-05-06, 10:02 PM
Sunset just stares blankly as the rude guy left and the other two girls started suddenly competing over the other boy. Feeling a bit dumb for just standing there doing nothing (and a bit disappointed that both girls apparently cared more about boys than this rather serious issue), she asks nobody in particular, "So we're not going to try and find them? I think I could more likely do that than fix the magic problem. That's not really my thing. Not that being a detective is either I guess."

2016-05-06, 10:05 PM
Thomas knew he needed the Salts it ended his song suddenly. He quickly packed his sax away and rushed out the room. This time heading to the Chemstry room's storage. Without the teacher being there the class would most likely be in Chaos. He could slip in and grab some salts from those Stores.

When you enter the chemistry room... Everything seems to be in order. There's a tall man in a respectable business suit at the head of the classroom, and as Thomas enters, one of his three heads turns to face him. "Can I help you, young man?"

2016-05-06, 10:51 PM
Nice to meat you Warren. she gets up and sees Alyssa fall on him. I'm going to go and see if I can find a senior.Alyssa, wanna come with me? she says, trying to get another girl to come with her. You two are more than welcome to come. She starts to walk down the hallway looking for the most popular guy in school.

2016-05-06, 10:54 PM
Alyssa grins as she watches J put the moves on Warren, but then blinks as she realizes she's kinda feeling jealous, and 'trips' forwards, acting like it was caused by leaning too far forwards to look at the book, hoping to end up on top of Warren, with her chest in his face. As she falls, though, she puts on the full act, yelping, "Ahh! OhgodsI'msosorry!" and flailing her arms around, pretending to try to regain her balance.

Warren attempted to try and catch Alyssa, but his book was in the way. As the tall demoness fell onto Warren, he let out a squeak as she hit chest first.

Falling to the floor, Alyssa felt Warren's hands and book prodding her stomach, along with something a little lower.

Is it hot in here, or is it just you... The hormonal boy mumbled dreamily from under Alyssa.

2016-05-07, 01:11 AM
"I.... um.... I'll pass?" Sunset says a mix between really not wanting to go watch J flirt with boys and confused by everyone seeming to have no response to anything she's said since she entered the room. Was this part of the magic failing? Was this just part of the awkwardness that made everyone but J not one of the cool kids? Except that wouldn't explain J ignoring her words. Then again J was probably part of the "cool" crowd that thought it was cool to be mean and think you're better than everyone else without actually being better at anything like Sunset and other athletes were.

"I have an idea of my own.... to find stuff out." she added. Then she tried to think up an idea. Probably something that didn't have to do with magic stuff and that stuff she already forgot the name of.

2016-05-07, 01:18 AM
Thomas felt a ping of hatred suddenly from those he was just with. HE was not perfect, he had a hard time controlling himself yes. Then that thought reminded him He needed to control himself. HE was better then a skirt chaser. HE was part Tzeentch He had to change he had to be better. Remember the Music remember the Pranks.
Thomas approached the teacher.
"Yes sorry to interrupt I was sent to collect some special salts for the seniors. Can you help me. I don't mean to disturb but it is rather important."

2016-05-07, 02:36 AM
"I.... um.... I'll pass?" Sunset says a mix between really not wanting to go watch J flirt with boys and confused by everyone seeming to have no response to anything she's said since she entered the room. Was this part of the magic failing? Was this just part of the awkwardness that made everyone but J not one of the cool kids? Except that wouldn't explain J ignoring her words. Then again J was probably part of the "cool" crowd that thought it was cool to be mean and think you're better than everyone else without actually being better at anything like Sunset and other athletes were.

"I have an idea of my own.... to find stuff out." she added. Then she tried to think up an idea. Probably something that didn't have to do with magic stuff and that stuff she already forgot the name of.

Aww, ok. We will be right back.
she says as she walks down the hall.

2016-05-07, 07:37 AM
Alyssa oofs as she lands on Warren, but smiles to herself as she hears him, whispering back, "It's just me, sweetie." But afterwards, she gives no indication of what she just said, blushing as she feels him prod her, and quickly stands up, saying, "Sorry about that. Anyways! J! Let's go!" and runs down the hall to catch up with the other Slaaneshi.

2016-05-07, 11:38 AM
Alyssa oofs as she lands on Warren, but smiles to herself as she hears him, whispering back, "It's just me, sweetie." But afterwards, she gives no indication of what she just said, blushing as she feels him prod her, and quickly stands up, saying, "Sorry about that. Anyways! J! Let's go!" and runs down the hall to catch up with the other Slaaneshi.

As Alyssa gets up. Warren runs after her, clearly very red in the face.

Wait for me! He requests of the two girls, mostly Alyssa.

2016-05-07, 12:18 PM
"Really. Really now. You want to just confiscate some chemicals because classmates asked you to? That is, ah... Not how the world works, I'm afraid."

You head off down the halls, heading for some of the usual hang-outs for the more popular kids. First stop-the parking lot, just outside the school, where a lot of the Slaaneshi seniors smoke.

When you get there, you see three striking figures-two women and a man, each of them with some form of drug in hand.

2016-05-07, 12:35 PM
Warren turns to the two ladies he's with.

Okay... How do we want to approach this? Just talk to them and ask? He questions, eyes constantly flicking to Alyssa.

2016-05-07, 12:40 PM
"No professor."Thomas stated.
"It is for the Glimmer over the school I have been tasked by the seniors to fix it, since the 4 great ones are missing."

Persuade roll?

2016-05-07, 12:55 PM
Sunset was rather nonplussed (not that she knows the word herself) at having been both completely ignored and abandoned by her peers. Hell, they hadn't even asked her name. This was a new experience. Not a great one attesting to the chair she had absentmindedly demolished the moment the others left while she thought about things. Noting they weren't already back, her patience left her and as she'd managed to have an idea she left and began walking to the principle's office. After exiting the door, she turns back around to grab the note and continues on.

2016-05-07, 12:59 PM
Alyssa grins as a thought occurs to her, and whispers, "Just play along," then waves to the seniors and says, "Hey there! You guys know where we can get some Salis Mundus? This guy said it'd be good to snort and I really wanna try it out."

2016-05-07, 01:06 PM
Okay, Alyssa. Warren smiled back.

Warren made sure to give Alyssa a thumbs up in her field of view. You're doing great. He mouthed to her.

2016-05-07, 01:17 PM
"No professor."Thomas stated.
"It is for the Glimmer over the school I have been tasked by the seniors to fix it, since the 4 great ones are missing."

Persuade roll?

"Hm... You do have a point. But then again... Kid, there are some circumstances that kinda bind my hands here. But, if you manage to take care of the librarian... Well, I've always hated those scribbling bastards. I might be able to let some salt slip by."

Alyssa grins as a thought occurs to her, and whispers, "Just play along," then waves to the seniors and says, "Hey there! You guys know where we can get some Salis Mundus? This guy said it'd be good to snort and I really wanna try it out."

One of the girls looks at Alyssa, and scoffs. "Why on earth would we want to share some with you?"

2016-05-07, 01:24 PM
Warren proceeds to whisper in one of the girls ear.

Please.... I really like her, and I think she'll be impressed if I get some Salis Mundus for us. He requests doing his best puppy dog face.

Persuade. [roll0]

2016-05-07, 01:25 PM
The girl rolls her eyes and whispers back. "Free my ass-tell you what-I'll spot you some for a hundred bucks. She doesn't need to know."

2016-05-07, 01:30 PM
"Professor!" Thomas said shocked.
"We can't go arround killing each other. That will just bring even more problems then the Glimmer failling But I am willing to try and help solve your problems."

2016-05-07, 01:31 PM
"Professor!" Thomas said shocked.
"We can't go arround killing each other. That will just bring even more problems then the Glimmer failling But I am willing to try and help solve your problems."

"I never said murder them. Just take care of them. Make them... Incapacitated for a few weeks. That should do it."

2016-05-07, 01:35 PM
"Professor please I cant attack of harm a staff member. What is your problem with the librarian. There has to be a chance for peace."

[roll0] persuade.

2016-05-07, 01:39 PM
"Well there's the obvious-we're at war. Nurlge, Tzeentch... I don't suppose you'd be that into it, being barely a daemon at all, but once you reach the echelons I have, you really learn to hate the other side," he says.

"Specifically, though, the Scribes have stolen some of Nurgle's knowledge-the trick to making the zombies that Typhus is so fond of-and we can't have that. I suppose if you somehow managed to get the knowledge away from them, that'd be enough."

2016-05-07, 01:43 PM
Thomas was torn now but he nods to the professor and walks out. He was conflicted as he stated there for a moment. Till at least he saw her that khorn girl from before. He was so hated by the others he forgot to ask her name. He chased after her.
"Hey it is me Thomas, I didn't get your name before."

2016-05-07, 02:02 PM
"Gah!" Sunset exclaims as his sudden (and male) approach startled her and she sort of hopped a bit away. Taking a second to calm down as she slowed her walking speed down so she could walk and talk... from a bit of a distance... she opens her mouth to reply. Then stops and stops walking as well. She just happens to stop with a window behind her, causing her to be back-lit as she practically adopts a (not exactly heroic?) pose and states clearly and with inexplicable confidence and unnecessary vigor, "I am Sunset Skullheim Exuberance Crowcairn Bloodmoon. Second of Three. First year member of volleyball, swim, track & field, and other clubs." She lets that sink in, as is proper for an introduction. Then goes back to normal (for her) and starts to walk again and says seeming to have to force the words out of her mouth, "The others went off to.... go flirt or something. Probably just.... slacking. Figured I was gonna have to go be the useful one so I'm going to the principle's office. If he's there, he'll maybe know something. If not, we can maybe.... go through his files. See if there's anything useful. Or at least addresses for the other greater teachers? I think... detectively-speaking?.. y'know... that even finding out nothing there would maybe mean something?" she ends with a shrug, not really sure even though she's trying her best and feels outside of her comfort zone here for all manner of reasons.

2016-05-07, 02:23 PM
Can... I get back to you on that. I don't really have a hundred bucks on me. Warren requested of the senior.

2016-05-07, 02:27 PM
Can... I get back to you on that. I don't really have a hundred bucks on me. Warren requested of the senior.

"No money, no Mundus. Screw off, dweeb.

2016-05-07, 02:27 PM
Thinking he knew now what the others was doing Thomas shook his head. He could not allow negative thoughts on his mind or let them consume him. He then looked at Sunset and smiled. It was friendly not perverted as he answered her.
"That is really smart may I join you? I am also working to solve this and I have a way to secure the Salts. Though...." he was not happy about the way clearly as he was not attempting to hide his feelings.

2016-05-07, 02:33 PM
Returning back to J and Alyssa, Warren rubbed the back of his head awkwardly.

Okay team. He said huddling them together like he was a football coach. Blushing as he touched Alyssa.

I got them to lower their price from not selling. To a hundred bucks, I don't carry that much on me though... So any ideas?

2016-05-07, 02:36 PM
"Hey jack-wipe!" the girl says, seeing Warren talking to others. "Thought you were trying to impress her! I don't like getting lied to."

2016-05-07, 02:42 PM
Alyssa sighs as she starts to pull away, rubbing the bridge of her nose as she says, once out of earshot of the seniors, "Well...That could have gone better. I don't suppose either of you have a hundred bucks?"

2016-05-07, 02:48 PM
"Hey jack-wipe!" the girl says, seeing Warren talking to others. "Thought you were trying to impress her! I don't like getting lied to."

I am trying to impress her! Warren comments back. Loudly.

Alyssa sighs as she starts to pull away, rubbing the bridge of her nose as she says, once out of earshot of the seniors, "Well...That could have gone better. I don't suppose either of you have a hundred bucks?"

Following Warren comments I have 25. Maybe we could pool stuff together. He offers.

Then realizing he was nearly yelling, he blushes. How much did you hear? He asks facing Alyssa.

2016-05-07, 02:59 PM
Thinking he knew now what the others was doing Thomas shook his head. He could not allow negative thoughts on his mind or let them consume him. He then looked at Sunset and smiled. It was friendly not perverted as he answered her.
"That is really smart may I join you? I am also working to solve this and I have a way to secure the Salts. Though...." he was not happy about the way clearly as he was not attempting to hide his feelings.

The unlikely pair heads off for Kairos' office, seeing what they can find inside.

"Can I help you?" a harried looking woman dressed in a smart blue suit says when they open the door.

2016-05-07, 04:00 PM
Sunset nods somewhat passively to Thomas, meaning that it's ok. She was going to respond to the other bit, but then they arrived at their destination.

"Yeah, is the principle around?" Sunset asks the woman.

Does she recognize this lady? I figure Sunset has probably been here before to get talked to about her grades (barely toeing the line with your grades is still a thing that gets commented on when it happens for long enough and it's possible throwing other students across the room in dance class might get a word or two).

2016-05-07, 04:21 PM
"I'm sorry, Mr. Fateweaver is currently out. Now, is there something you need I can handle?" she asks.

The woman does not look familiar.

2016-05-07, 05:02 PM
Thomas knew he should have mentioned that to Sunset he would apologize to her later. However he looked to the adult.
"We are working to secure the Glimmer, since they are missing is there anything you can do to help us? We need to act fast some are already being more clearly daemon then human." Thomas knew who or what the adult was and thus had to make this urgency clear.


2016-05-07, 05:06 PM
"The glamour is fading? I wondered why I didn't feel its energies when I arrived..." she says, trailing off. "I wish I could help, but Morgy and Archy are riding my ass here. If I step out of line to help a student... Well, I won't have a job for much longer."

2016-05-07, 05:10 PM
Thomas leans in to whisper to her.
"What if I leave magical risdue that makes it seem like I charmed you into helping us? Then you can blame it all on me and well I already get into trouble on a regular basis so no harm no foal?"


2016-05-07, 05:13 PM
"Hell no," she says. "Either they know it's a bluff, and I get fired, or they don't know it's a bluff, and I still get fired for incompetence."

2016-05-07, 05:15 PM
"The alternative is we are all found out by the humans and killed you tell me which is better?"


2016-05-07, 05:21 PM
"Right..." she says, drawing out the word and reaching a hand under the desk. She withdraws a staff that flickers and warps even as you look at it. "Somehow," she continues as she takes the staff and slams it against the wall, sending cracks spiderweddbing their way through it "I think," she says as she lowers the staff to point at Thomas, "I'll be alright. You might not be-but I suppose that's just part of the Plan."

2016-05-07, 05:27 PM
Thomas sighs.
"they have numbers compared to us. We may be strong, but still your web can't catch all of them." Thomas turns around ready to leave hoping this last saying will be what helps them get into the office.

2016-05-07, 07:27 PM
While Thomas is busy arguing with the lady, Sunset quietly backs away until she's out the door, then tries to find a way to sneak in, even if this means climbing on the outside of the building to get in.

Various checks in case I need them.

Stealth: [roll0]

Athletics: [roll1] (She'll also use her climbing kit in the case that it seems like she's doing something where there's any chance for her to fall and get hurt. She also has a grappling hook if that's needed.)

Acrobatics: [roll2]

Thieves' tools (if she needs to actually break into the office from a locked window): [roll3]

edit: Of course the low roll is the most important one and the nat 20 is for the thing most likely not to be needed. *rolls eyes*

2016-05-07, 07:43 PM
Thomas sighs.
"they have numbers compared to us. We may be strong, but still your web can't catch all of them." Thomas turns around ready to leave hoping this last saying will be what helps them get into the office.

"Out-join your friend already."

While Thomas is busy arguing with the lady, Sunset quietly backs away until she's out the door, then tries to find a way to sneak in, even if this means climbing on the outside of the building to get in.

Various checks in case I need them.

Stealth: [roll0]

Athletics: [roll1] (She'll also use her climbing kit in the case that it seems like she's doing something where there's any chance for her to fall and get hurt. She also has a grappling hook if that's needed.)

Acrobatics: [roll2]

Thieves' tools (if she needs to actually break into the office from a locked window): [roll3]

edit: Of course the low roll is the most important one and the nat 20 is for the thing most likely not to be needed. *rolls eyes*


Sunset quickly dives out a window, then climbs back up to where the principal's window is. A faint "click" later, and the window is open, revealing the room, and an expectantly waiting woman.

"I can see you, Sunset. A noble effort, but..."

2016-05-07, 07:59 PM
Thomas leaves the office. However he quickly looks arround.
"Sunset? sunset where did you go?!" Thomas asked loudly as he was suddenly worried for her well being.
"Could the first person I trusted be in danger." he thought out loud.

2016-05-07, 08:00 PM
As Thomas thinks out loud, someone walking by him rolls his eye, muttering "Overdramatic jackass."

2016-05-07, 08:02 PM
"Pompous Bitch." Thomas said as he visciously mocked the person.
[roll0] psychic damage.

2016-05-07, 08:07 PM
"Ow! Mother-" the kid trails off into swears as he grabs his head, nursing a sudden headache and glaring at Thomas.

2016-05-07, 08:07 PM
Thomas just raises an eyebrow confused as if he had no idea what happened.

2016-05-07, 09:33 PM
"Oh." Sunset says, clearly disappointed she got found out so quickly. "Could you give me a hand in then?" she asks the woman as she gathers up her climbing gear, still on the outside of the window. While she does so, she takes the opportunity to take the sack out of her backpack, making sure it's kept out of sight under the window.

2016-05-07, 09:40 PM
"You... You expect me to help you in? Are you serious?"

After taking a moment to confirm that she is, in fact, serious, the woman sighs and puts her hand out, helping the young Khornate woman into the office.

2016-05-07, 10:27 PM
Thomas thought then he that he saw Sunset leave heading outside. Thomas rushed out the door only to see her struggling to get into a window. Her butt and legs struggling... Thomas needless to say can't help but blush, However he turns around getting what she was doing and head back to the office. Thomas pulls out his guitar and attempts to throw a show to distract the woman and any office worker from attempting to stop Sunset.

Distraction Preformance!!


also can i give her a inspiration die?

2016-05-07, 10:34 PM
Sunset takes the offered hand and as soon as she's halfway through the window, sparkling marvelously in the light, and her hand is free she dashes forward sweeping the sack over to collect the piles of papers on the desk (or as much as she can get in a single swing). "Oho!" you're thinking. A right good trick there huh? But no, that's not all folks! She continues her forward momentum and lowers her shoulders and slams straight into the desk and attempts to get it onto her shoulders or in her hands or arms if the bag isn't in the way and tries to lift it and run through the doorway with a shout to Thomas, "Cover me!" as she runs past and down the hall (assuming that all occurs). (Obviously she'll also think to try and angle the desk so that it'd actually fit through the door.)

Using Rage (the regular kind).
If she happened to do any damage to herself slamming into the desk, she resists it I suppose.
Athletics for desk lifting: [roll0], [roll1]
Athletics for running (because she has no intention of stopping any time soon): [roll2], [roll3]

2016-05-07, 10:38 PM
"Wha-what?" the woman says, in sudden shock as her desk disappears. "You little-get back here!" she adds, charging out past Thomas towards Sunset.

2016-05-07, 10:39 PM
Thomas Cast prestidigitation to dirty a patch of floor for the teacher slip and fall. All while Thomas runs behind Sunset.

2016-05-07, 10:40 PM

Imma say it's DC 10 to avoid slipping, since you're just using a cantrip.

The well-dressed woman, surprisingly, goes down hard, slamming face-first into the ground. Her head whips up and she glares at Thomas.

2016-05-07, 10:53 PM
Thomas looks back and shrugs but he keeps running staying just behind Sunset to keep giving her cover.

2016-05-07, 10:54 PM
Sunset keeps running full tilt until she has to slow down or she makes it back to the room where the group had met.

Because..... checks why not?
Athletics: [roll0], [roll1]
using that bardic inspiration (since it won't last long enough to be used for anything else anyway), so adding [roll2] to the better of the two.

2016-05-07, 10:55 PM
[roll0] DC 15

If successful, [roll1] DC 19

You have been mentally dominated by the woman. Tackle Sunset, then make another DC 19 Charisma saving throw to shake off its effects.

2016-05-07, 10:58 PM
IF Thomas can speak

Athletics to attempt the tackle/grapple

and Charisma saving throw

2016-05-07, 11:14 PM
The woman, seeing Thomas fail to knock Sunset over, growls and raises a hand, light gathering at it.

As she does, though, two gaunt men step from opposite hallways.

"Janet," they say in unison.

"Morgy... Archy..." she replies. "I was just..."

"About to strike a student?" one of the men says.

"Tut-tut, Janet. Can't have that," the other continues.

"Of course not. I was readying a spell to lift myself," she says.

"Very well, then," Morgy (or Archy) says.

"No need-we'll help," Archy (or Morgy) says, offering a hand.

Janet grumbles to herself, but accepts his help, standing up and watching as first Sunset then Thomas round the corner. She glares after them, but heads back to her office with the men.

2016-05-07, 11:16 PM
Thomas prepares to cast a mage hand on who ever comes their way to trip them.
"I am sorry Sunset, I did not mean to try and tackle you."

2016-05-07, 11:17 PM
Sunset gives a nod in response, but it a bit occupied and doesn't respond verbally.

Once they finally reach the room, Sunset slams the desk down then collapses on it as she alternates burst of laughter and gasping for breath. She tries to make a belated response to Thomas but just winds up looking in his direction and laughing some more.

2016-05-07, 11:19 PM
Thomas closes the door and sits down infront of it gasping and laughing as well.

"WOW Sunset you are really strong!"

2016-05-07, 11:21 PM
Sunset grins and gives a flex, which winds up resulting in her sort of sliding to the floor and laughing/gasping some more.

2016-05-07, 11:27 PM
Thomas just chuckles as he rests his head against the door he just closed. He closed his eyes and starts to sing just a little bit, a tale of their exploit just now, and their most daring escape. When he finished he was calm once more and looked to Sunset with a friendly smile.

"We should check the desk for anything important then maybe try and see what the others are doing?"

2016-05-08, 12:04 PM
I am trying to impress her! Warren comments back. Loudly.

Following Warren comments I have 25. Maybe we could pool stuff together. He offers.

Then realizing he was nearly yelling, he blushes. How much did you hear? He asks facing Alyssa.

Alyssa chuckles and says, "Only what they said. In any event...I don't have enough, even with that. So...I guess back to talk to the others?"

2016-05-08, 12:26 PM
Sunset, having finally calmed down, nods and moves aside to let Thomas check things out and leaves the sack of papers on top of the desk. She watches, mostly seeing if there's any locked drawers she'll need to unlock.

2016-05-08, 12:34 PM
"So Sunset." Thomas said as he was working on searching the desk.
"The thing about the Salts, well... The Chemistry teacher is willing to give them to me if I can steal away a certain book from the Librarian that teaches how to make zombies. While I am not against stopping zombies, the Librarian is a Tzeencth, and the Chemistry teacher is a Nurglian. I am half Tzeentch, so I am rather conflicted here." Thomas voiced out his opinion since Sunset was a Khorne she was a neutral party in this matter. She would he hoped have a few thoughts on this.

2016-05-08, 12:41 PM
Alyssa chuckles and says, "Only what they said. In any event...I don't have enough, even with that. So...I guess back to talk to the others?"

Warren seems strangely relieved as Alyssa proclaims to have only heard what they said.

Yeah, we have to hope to pool our resources. Warren replied, as they walked back Warren's eyes kept glancing over at Alyssa's hand in short bursts.

Entering the room and seeing their new co-workers, Warren smiled.

So good news and bad news. We got a source of the salts.... But it's expensive... He admits striding into the room.

2016-05-08, 12:52 PM
"Already a head of you guys on that, I know a source and it will cost nothing."

2016-05-08, 12:58 PM
"Already a head of you guys on that, I know a source and it will cost nothing."

Oh! Awesome! Warren said brightly.

So what's the source?... And what's with the desk.....? He questioned.

2016-05-08, 01:01 PM
"Well......" Thomas looks to the desk.
"We stole it from the Principal's office. We hope it has some clues as to where the great ones went. Also my source is the chemistry teacher, that ugly Nurgle with the three heads. He said he would give me some salts if I steal a book from the Tzeentch librarian that teaches how to make zombies." Thomas still is not sound thrilled about this whole idea.

2016-05-08, 01:55 PM
"Well......" Thomas looks to the desk.
"We stole it from the Principal's office. We hope it has some clues as to where the great ones went. Also my source is the chemistry teacher, that ugly Nurgle with the three heads. He said he would give me some salts if I steal a book from the Tzeentch librarian that teaches how to make zombies." Thomas still is not sound thrilled about this whole idea.

Huh. Would the librarian have any insights into the ritual? Warren mused outloud finger poking his lips.

In any case, our source is a couple of Slannesh upperclasser. Warren replies. So yours is probably more reliable.

2016-05-08, 02:01 PM
"Right you should never trust a Slaanesh who willingly is doing drugs, I may be Slaanesh, but I would rather be aware of myself while enjoying myself."

2016-05-08, 02:24 PM
"Right you should never trust a Slaanesh who willingly is doing drugs, I may be Slaanesh, but I would rather be aware of myself while enjoying myself."

I thought alot of them do drugs though. Warren replied cocking his head.

He then looks to Alyssa and J to confirm or deny this opinion.

2016-05-08, 02:25 PM
"Exactly." Thomas states bluntly also looking to his fellow Slaanesh. However he then breaks the stare to return to his work at the desk.

"Anyways I did not catch your names when we were last here." Thomas said as he continued to poor over the desk.

2016-05-08, 02:33 PM
Oh! I'm Warren. Warren replied brightly, moving forward and extending a hand for a handshake.

2016-05-08, 02:34 PM
Thomas stands up also smiling warmly as he takes the hand.
"I am Thomas again. Sorry about before, I guess I totally misread the situation."

2016-05-08, 02:46 PM
Alyssa glares at Thomas and says, "Hey! There's nothing wrong with pot...Or Coke...Or hallucinogens...Don't knock it till you've tried it!"

2016-05-08, 02:49 PM
Thomas stands up also smiling warmly as he takes the hand.
"I am Thomas again. Sorry about before, I guess I totally misread the situation."

Everyone makes mistakes... I remember one time I misread something in chemistry class.... Not a fun day. Warren replied.

Alyssa glares at Thomas and says, "Hey! There's nothing wrong with pot...Or Coke...Or hallucinogens...Don't knock it till you've tried it!"

I've never had any of those. Warren admits.

2016-05-08, 02:50 PM
"Just more proof that I can't trust you." Thomas shots back.
"How can someone trust another who is willingly not being in their right mind."
Thomas sighs.
"anyways it won't matter if the Glamour fails. You all would risk many horrible things if it fails, and for those I do trust." Thomas looks over his shoulder to Sunset.
"I will do my best to prevent that from happening. "

2016-05-08, 03:01 PM
"Just more proof that I can't trust you." Thomas shots back.
"How can someone trust another who is willingly not being in their right mind."
Thomas sighs.
"anyways it won't matter if the Glamour fails. You all would risk many horrible things if it fails, and for those I do trust." Thomas looks over his shoulder to Sunset.
"I will do my best to prevent that from happening. "

To be fair. I don't think Alyssa is high right now. Warren replies.

2016-05-08, 03:03 PM
"True but but it is something that is most likely on her mind and since she has indulged it has a stronger pull on her then me."

2016-05-08, 03:04 PM
As you all discuss, a teacher walks into the room-Mr. Hanson, a math instructor.


"What are you all doing here?" he asks, seeming a little mad.

2016-05-08, 03:20 PM
Right before the teacher enters Thomas finds a secret compartment.
"Gals Warren I found something!" Thomas says with excitement clear in his voice.
Then Mr. Hanson comes in.
"We were told to um meet here sir. We are working on the Principal's desk he had a stuck draw that we were to look at."
Perception if the teacher is daemon

2016-05-08, 03:21 PM

"Well, you're going to need to clear out. I have to set up for algebra next period," Mr. Hanson says.

He seems like an ordinary human.

2016-05-08, 03:34 PM
Okay... Who can carry the desk then!? Warren asked his classmates brightly.

2016-05-08, 03:36 PM
Thomas looks to Sunset, "do you want help this time?" he offers to her as he motions to the desk.

2016-05-08, 04:44 PM
Sunset was about to reply when the others burst in and then it seemed like there wasn't a chance for her to get a word in. Then the teacher came in. Of course the seniors couldn't have bothered to arrange an unused room. She sighed mentally.

She shakes her head in response to Thomas and says almost too strongly, "I got it! Just.... find us a not taken room? And get the papers." and picks up the desk. As they walk she takes the time to reply to the earlier things. "So about that stuff before. I'm half slaanesh too, but uh... well like... when I'm on the track I don't care who is coming in second, just where I'm placing right? As for the drugs thing.... don't care. Don't need em. Adrenaline and victory and knowing I'm great are all I need to feel right and I don't need to be unbalanced out there on the track or court and all." It may be noted that she holds the desk so that she can't see the boys.

2016-05-08, 05:08 PM
"We can head to the band room it is always empty this time of day." Thomas said as he held a smile. He was glad she had the desk between them his smile was one of acceptance understanding and belonging. Thomas felt safe and happy arround Warren and Sunset at this moment.

2016-05-08, 05:22 PM
Thundering footsteps can be heard echoing through the hall...just before a towering figure crashes into the wall, her momentum not really giving her time to turn in from the hall she'd originally been running down. Shaking off the self-imposed body-slam, a towering Amazonian ginger pelts toward you guys at full speed, bearing down on you like an incoming storm.


2016-05-08, 05:25 PM
Thomas steps to the side and waves his waves at a spot on the floor.
"Second verse same as the first! Go I will cover the back!" Thomas shouts as he believes he sees another threat.

Casting presiditidigation to create a dirty greasy spot on the floor before the Amazonian.

2016-05-08, 05:46 PM
Hey Sam! Warren replied giving the Amazon an enegretic wave.

How are you doing!?

2016-05-08, 05:47 PM
"Wait what!?" Thomas looks back at Warren.

2016-05-08, 05:53 PM
"SORRY FOR BEING SO LATE. ALARM CLOCKS ARE FLIMSY FOES!!!" Sam bellows as she skips over the grease and grabs Warren in a great big bear hug. I HOPE NOBODY BOTHERED YOU WHILE I WAS GONE. HOW ARE YOU? OH, HOW ARE YOU GUYS TOO? she asks, noticing the people not named Warren also present in the hall.

2016-05-08, 05:58 PM
"I am wonderful!" Thomas said with a nervous chuckle. He would have to make a note to instead of hitting the floor hit the persons foot or shoe.

"I am Thomas, Sam is it? I must say you are beautiful." Thomas said with a blush then looked away. He starts humming to himself to keep his mind from delving further.

2016-05-08, 06:13 PM
"I am wonderful!" Thomas said with a nervous chuckle. He would have to make a note to instead of hitting the floor hit the persons foot or shoe.

"I am Thomas, Sam is it? I must say you are beautiful." Thomas said with a blush then looked away. He starts humming to himself to keep his mind from delving further.

"WHY THANK YOU!!" she coos at a volume normally reserved for screeching. In the blink of an eye, Warren is deposited back on the ground and Thomas finds himself in her steel deathgrip of a hug...moments before being smothered. "THAT'S SUCH A NICE THING TO SAY. I THINK YOU'RE CUTE TOO!!" she exclaims, obvlivious of any discomfort she might be causing.

2016-05-08, 06:17 PM
Thomas did not mind the hug actually as he looked up to the giantess. Hugs were not the problem he knew it was forcing himself from taking it further, so to do this he tried to start a conversation.
"Wow Sam, not only are you really pretty you are amazingly strong!" Loading yet another compliment the amazon's way.

2016-05-08, 06:26 PM
thomas did not mind the hug actually as he looked up to the giantess. Hugs were not the problem he knew it was forcing himself from taking it further, so to do this he tried to start a conversation.
"wow sam, not only are you really pretty you are amazingly strong!" loading yet another compliment the amazon's way.


2016-05-08, 06:28 PM
Thomas looks confused.
"I am Thomas I just told you that. I only met Warren today, though he seems like a good guy. If I were you however I would watch her." Thomas points to Alyssa.
"If she is anything like other Slaanesh I know she may try to just use Warren."

2016-05-08, 06:31 PM
Thomas looks confused.
"I am Thomas I just told you that. I only met Warren today, though he seems like a good guy. If I were you however I would watch her." Thomas points to Alyssa.
"If she is anything like other Slaanesh I know she may try to just use Warren."

Sam blinks in confusion as she puts you down. "Did you? I guess I'm more tired than I thought..." she muses, before latching onto your last statement. "Wait, causing problems? Is somebody causing problems for Warren? WHERE."

2016-05-08, 06:32 PM
"Sam may I sing you a tune?" Thomas asked mainly to help calm himself more then her, but if it helps her, hey win win.

2016-05-08, 06:39 PM
"Sam may I sing you a tune?" Thomas asked mainly to help calm himself more then her, but if it helps her, hey win win.

Sam leveled her gaze at Thomas. "YOU ARE TRYING TO DISTRACT ME." Returning her gaze to Warren, she asked him 'Is anybody bothering you, Warren?"

2016-05-08, 06:43 PM
"I am trying to distract myself to be honest."

2016-05-08, 06:47 PM
"I am trying to distract myself to be honest."

Sam glanced at him again, confused. "Distract yourself from what?"

2016-05-08, 06:49 PM
"From Sunset and your beauty. " Thomas said clearly not even meaning to give another compliment.
"I am Slaanesh and I find music keeps me focused on important matters, and keeps me from becoming a lecherous hump."

2016-05-08, 06:54 PM
Well I mean the seniors are making us solve a problem with the teachers disappearing and a ritual. Warren pipes up.

But that's to all of us, no one is bugging me in particular. Warren said with a smile.

2016-05-08, 06:56 PM
Alyssa sighs and asks, "So...Do we actually have any Salis Mundus? Or are we waiting on a fat, diseased chem teacher to give us some?"

2016-05-08, 06:59 PM
"From Sunset and your beauty. " Thomas said clearly not even meaning to give another compliment.
"I am Slaanesh and I find music keeps me focused on important matters, and keeps me from becoming a lecherous hump."

"Music and lechery are both very nice..." Sam mused.

Well I mean the seniors are making us solve a problem with the teachers disappearing and a ritual. Warren pipes up.

But that's to all of us, no one is bugging me in particular. Warren said with a smile.

"Ah, very well then. So what, the teachers are missing the ritual is failing, and the seniors are making it our problem? Troubling..."

2016-05-08, 07:08 PM
Alyssa sighs and asks, "So...Do we actually have any Salis Mundus? Or are we waiting on a fat, diseased chem teacher to give us some?"

I... I could you know talk to the teacher. Warren replied rubbing the back of his head awkwardly.

Just so that, you know you don't have to, if you don't want. He offers with a smile.

2016-05-08, 07:31 PM
Sunset, not sure what's going on since the desk was blocking her view, whirls around almost smacking whoever is closest with the desk as she turns to look at the loud person. She blushes a bit at Thomas' words and after a moment adds, "I got papers and this desk from the principle's office. Some strange lady tried to stop me, but Thomas helped out. Hopefully it will solve some of our problems." She thinks for a moment and says a bit quieter and mainly to herself, "It could even solve lechery related problems if applied correctly."

2016-05-08, 07:38 PM
Thomas felt his heart skip a beat with Sam's words, however before he blushed he ducked underneath the desk as it came arround. Seeing Sunset blush Thomas worried he stepped over the line. Then her last comment set the coffin's base.
"Yah we have to get a book away from the librarian to give to the nurgle. Then we get the Salts. But Sunset is right we should get this desk to the band room so we can unlock that magic sigil." he looked to Sunset with he hoped a friendly smile.
"This way Sunset, you shouldn't have to carry that more then necessary."
As he walks Thomas will strum a few cords on his guitar.

2016-05-08, 07:49 PM
Warren will start reading the papers, trying to decipher them as he sticks close to Alyssa.

Knowledge arcana [roll0]

2016-05-08, 07:52 PM
Sam wanders over to lend a hand. "I CAN HELP WITH THAT!!" she said as she grabvbed the nearest part of the desk.

2016-05-08, 08:12 PM
The papers are still very hard to decipher, but you manage to make out a few words. "Nurgle's Rot," "Ku'Gath," and "A debt repaid" amongst them.

2016-05-08, 08:30 PM
So... I'm getting Nurgle's rot, which I think is some sort of disease. Something about a debt repaid, and Ku'Gath which, any ideas what those are? Warren replied;

2016-05-08, 08:32 PM
Sam shrugged; didn't sound familiar to her.

2016-05-08, 08:56 PM
"Wait Nurgle Rot? Oh why would the Principal have stuff like that? That is some nasty disease, I would rather die than have it."

2016-05-08, 09:48 PM
Soon enough, you reach the band room. It's mostly empty, save for a Slaaneshi band geek rocking out on headphones loud enough for you to hear the music.

2016-05-08, 10:17 PM
Sunset allows Sam to help her, even if she's not really sure why she needed help. It's not like they were running down the halls with it this time. When they get to the room, she puts it down away from the sole occupant. Hoping they won't be disturbed this time, she looks over the desk for anything that might need be unlocked.

2016-05-08, 10:18 PM
Sunset allows Sam to help her, even if she's not really sure why she needed help. It's not like they were running down the halls with it this time. When they get to the room, she puts it down away from the sole occupant. Hoping they won't be disturbed this time, she looks over the desk for anything that might need be unlocked.

There do not appear to be any locked drawers. They can lock, but it's doubtful the acting principal expected someone to do... Well, what Sunset just did.

2016-05-09, 12:24 AM
Sunset goes through the drawers and takes everything out of them and puts them on top of the desk so the others can examine them if they're done with the papers.

2016-05-09, 12:40 AM
"So Sunset Sam, Warren, Alyssa do you know what Ku'Gath is? Also did the papers mention the salts?"

2016-05-09, 01:01 AM
"Uh... yeah I think? It's a kind of sausage right?" Sunset replies before she realizes she's thinking of an entirely different thing.

2016-05-09, 01:08 AM
Thomas just shrugs.
"I honestly don't know. You may be right for all I can think of. I wonder if it is tasty, you know like blood sausage."

2016-05-09, 02:41 AM
Even though she's realized it's wrong, Thomas' words make Sunset salivate a little bit. Blood. Sausage. Mmmm. She zones out for a bit after that.

2016-05-09, 02:43 AM
"I actually know a recipe or actually for blood sausage learned one or two while I travelled Europe. I could make you some tomorrow if youd like?" Thomas said as he was putting together a flute.

2016-05-09, 04:13 AM
Sunset.... nervously doesn't reply or make eye contact and pretends to be looking at things. Which would probably be more convincing if she hadn't picked up a stapler to "study".

And.... going to sleep now.

2016-05-09, 11:10 AM
Sunset.... nervously doesn't reply or make eye contact and pretends to be looking at things. Which would probably be more convincing if she hadn't picked up a stapler to "study".

And.... going to sleep now.

Thomas simply smiled back when she finally looked back at him.
"It is okay, I wont. I just thought It would be something that you would like." he finishes his flute and starts to play a little song.

2016-05-09, 12:38 PM
Smiling at Alyssa and breaking out into goosebumps as they get close for some mutual learning.

Warren pipes up.

So... um... got any spare pot? He asked shyly.

2016-05-09, 03:37 PM
Alyssa shakes her head at Warren and whispers, "Not now. My place. Later," her mind obviously spinning in a completely different direction as an idea has occurred to her, and she says, "Well...Ku'Gath is our missing Chem teacher. And he really liked the Nurglings, to an extent even greater than other Unclean Ones...If the book is talking about a debt to be repayed...I remember a story...Nurgle was working on a new, stronger batch of Rot when Tzeentch ruined it by manipulating a Nurgling into drinking it all...Maybe the debt the book is talking about is the loss of this horrible blight?"

2016-05-09, 03:44 PM
Warren looks extremely happy all of a sudden.

So.... they made a sort of disappearing virus? Warren replies.

2016-05-09, 07:31 PM
"Hang on, what if Keiros was helping repay a debt owned to Ku'Gath, and Ku'Gath was trying to remake this enhanced Nurgle Rot. What if Nurglings were being used to help recreate it. By Khorn I hate Nurgle."

2016-05-09, 09:43 PM
J, Waking up from a daze, absently following Warren and Alyssa,

"Hmm what is happening?"

2016-05-09, 09:45 PM
Thomas steps away from Sunset, he was not in her personal space but he felt she wanted to be even further away so he accommodate her. He moves to J.
"Well I found a way to get the salt and Sunset and I stole Keiros desk. Are you okay?" Thomas asked with what sounded like genuine worry.

2016-05-09, 09:53 PM
Thomas steps away from Sunset, he was not in her personal space but he felt she wanted to be even further away so he accommodate her. He moves to J.
"Well I found a way to get the salt and Sunset and I stole Keiros desk. Are you okay?" Thomas asked with what sounded like genuine worry.

Looking up at Thomas with a shocked look, no one ever asked if she was ok before after coming out of her random spells, Blushing, she says

Yes, I am ok. I just seemed to have zoned out for a while. I remember us going to talk to the seniors but then I kinda just blanked.

Thank you for asking, no one seems to care how I feel, just how I look.....

2016-05-09, 09:55 PM
Looking up at Thomas with a shocked look, no one ever asked if she was ok before after coming out of her random spells, Blushing, she says

Yes, I am ok. I just seemed to have zoned out for a while. I remember us going to talk to the seniors but then I kinda just blanked.

Thank you for asking, no one seems to care how I feel, just how I look.....

That's stupid. If you're in trouble. You should tell people. Warren says sincerely with a warm smile.

2016-05-09, 09:57 PM
Thank you, both of you. Ill tell you about this more later if you all want, but lets get back to keeping this place functioning. she says with a warm smile.

2016-05-09, 09:58 PM
Sam noticed the new friend popping up, the one who seemed sad. "Hello! I'm sorry I didn't say hello early, I didn't notice you. My name's Sam! How are you?"

2016-05-09, 10:11 PM
Thomas nods with another one of his friendly and disarming smiles.
"You got it J. Though I have to admit you are quite beautiful even if it is not as important as who you are inside." Thomas turns around though he stays by J's side as he looks to the others after he voiced his own thoughts earlier.

2016-05-09, 10:20 PM
Sam noticed the new friend popping up, the one who seemed sad. "Hello! I'm sorry I didn't say hello early, I didn't notice you. My name's Sam! How are you?"

Turning to the Large woman, Im J, Im doing better, I just kinda zoned out. So, what information are we trying to get out of this desk?

She begins to sing a small song (sound of silence) hoping to help with the search and investigation

Bardic inspiration for all!!!!

2016-05-09, 10:33 PM
Turning to the Large woman, Im J, Im doing better, I just kinda zoned out. So, what information are we trying to get out of this desk?

She begins to sing a small song (sound of silence) hoping to help with the search and investigation

Bardic inspiration for all!!!!

Thomas will pull out his guitar and start playing along with J, as he smiled even more warmly at her. When she finished.
"Wow J you got an amazing voice." He then cleared his through before continuing.
"We actually found out a bit, Keiros was it seemed repaying a debt to the missing Chemistry teacher, in the way of Nurgle Rot or something which is a pretty aweful disease. Now we I guess just have to try and get the salt from my source."

2016-05-09, 10:41 PM
Ok, lets go and get that salt. she smiles at the compliment, and jumps off the desk.

We should start a band, we have body guards and a lead guitar and lead singer and groupies

2016-05-09, 10:43 PM
Thomas blushed, as he started to talk with J.
"Well actually I can play 4 different instruments and am working on my 5th."

2016-05-09, 10:43 PM
What part am I? Warren questions of this impromptu band.

2016-05-09, 10:47 PM
Sunset finds herself in the unusual position of looking at someone else like they're an idiot when Thomas opens his mouth, apparently forgetting that guns are a thing humans do to things they fear. She looks at the girls with a look of "Seriously? What's wrong with this guy?"

Was that a joke a some funny stories ?

2016-05-09, 10:49 PM
Whatever role you wanted to do.

She says with a smile.

who is your contact?

2016-05-09, 10:51 PM
Whatever role you wanted to do.

She says with a smile.

who is your contact?

Manager! Warren asks happily.

2016-05-09, 10:53 PM
"It is another Chemistry teacher, though he is a Nurgle..." Thomas said with some disgust.
"We have to steal a book away from the Libarian who is a Tzentech, and he will give us the salts. I kinda want to destroy this book also so it is sort of a win win."

2016-05-09, 11:38 PM
Well then, lets get this book. Im sure we can arrange for it to be destroyed slightly after.

2016-05-10, 12:04 AM
"I am ready when the others are, why not join me out in the hall then till they are ready J. " Thomas asked as he politely motioned to the door.

2016-05-10, 12:20 AM
Warren jumped up.

I'm ready! He says gleefully, not aware of what Thomas might be planning.

2016-05-10, 12:24 AM
Thomas first leans over with his arms going limp. Then his shoulders start to bob as he laughs. He looks to Warren and places a hand on his shoulder, "Alright J that is one."

2016-05-10, 01:03 AM
"I am ready when the others are, why not join me out in the hall then till they are ready J. " Thomas asked as he politely motioned to the door.

J walks out in the hallway with Thomas

2016-05-10, 01:16 AM
As soon as J joined Thomas and Warren his smiled turned to a frown as he focused on J.
"I wanted to apologize for my behavior when we first met. I don't want to be know as sleazy or gross as is common for Slaanesh males. I want to be a good example of what living your life to fullest can be without so many negatives. Though fighting our nature is hard. Even now I can help but think how beautiful you look."

2016-05-10, 01:55 AM
J begins to blush.
I don't know what to say.... Lets go and get the book.....

She seems very distracted by the thought of someone complimenting her

2016-05-10, 02:04 AM
Thomas was still holding both his guitar and case, but that did not stop him from smiling leaning in and attempting to kiss J. on the cheek.

"You got it, let me just put this away as we wait on the others okay." He then kneels down to the floor to carefully place his guitar away, his flute and saxophone still safely and neatly stored as well around the guitar.

2016-05-10, 02:21 AM
J, seeing Thomas lean in for a kiss, flinches slightly, she has never been kissed by someone that didn't just want her for her body, she thought maybe he might be different....

She says nothing and just nods her head.

2016-05-10, 02:23 AM
Thomas just chuckled softly as he works with his instruments.
"I won't steal away your first true kiss, that should be something you give away freely." Thomas then just smiled innocently at her one more time.

2016-05-10, 03:03 AM
Sunset sighs and rolls her eyes at the more flirting.

The fickle and wanton nature of males and other slaanesh-touched was rather bothersome, even if it wasn't anything new to her. She still wished that they could at least pick one of the two. That'd be a bit better. Did they just not get how hurtful it could be to feel like being seen as just something to be used for fun and tossed aside at a moment's notice? She'd almost think there was something wrong with her for thinking this way, but non-slaneesh touched non-males seemed to commonly enough expect to be respected and treated as a person with feelings. Or at least someone not to be angered. Neither of the boys had quite managed to provoke her to violence yet or maybe she was just having a good day in that regard because her ire had been spread around the group rather evenly and she managed to use that energy in getting the desk. Maybe this wasn't doing her any favors and she shouldn't be holding back so they'd maybe know better than to be if she gave them a good smack? But most likely it was going to happen sooner or later, whether she planned to do it intentionally or not. So she figured she might as well not worry about it. Still, she wished they were less..... this way and if they had to be going about this they'd just hurry up and pick pairs and stick with them so she wasn't constantly subjecting to all this uncomfortable stuff that made her feel grossed out, angry, lonely, and jealous all at the same time. Not that they actually would stick with them even if they did pick based on what she'd seen so far. Worse, she couldn't tell if it was more annoying that they weren't trying to pick her or they eventually would try.

While she was thinking these thoughts, her body language seemed to just be conveying that she was standing there impatiently.

2016-05-10, 03:15 AM
While she was thinking these thoughts, her body language seemed to just be conveying that she was standing there impatiently.

Sam notices Sunset's apparent discomfort. "Are you alright?"

2016-05-10, 03:58 AM
"Uh......." She looks at the others again and replies possibly unconvincingly, "...sure. Just wanting to get on with this so I can get back to my club activities and stuff."

2016-05-10, 05:01 AM
Hearing the talking coming from inside the room, Why don't yall come out here and we can all go? She calls, trying to get more women out in the hallway....

2016-05-10, 06:22 AM
Alyssa frowns and says, "I'm not sure we should be giving this book to one of the Nurgle Teachers...I have a bad feeling we might end up letting something way worse into the world...Nobody wants an extra-strength Nurgle's Rot floating around except for the Nurglites..." She follows J out into the hall, rubbing her forehead as she tries to think of a plan.

2016-05-10, 06:28 AM
"Did I say I was going to give the Nurgle bastard the book? No I did not." Thomas turns and looks up to Alyssa. A mutual respect for Nurgle hatred in his eye.
"At the most I was going to keep the book and learn from it, at the least I would destroy it."

2016-05-10, 12:44 PM
Then we're going to need to pool our money together for the salt. Warren replies warningly.

2016-05-10, 01:12 PM
"What why? The Nurgle did not say they wanted the knowledge just that the tzentech did not have it or was incapable of using it for a few weeks."

2016-05-10, 01:33 PM
"What why? The Nurgle did not say they wanted the knowledge just that the tzentech did not have it or was incapable of using it for a few weeks."

Oh... We can do that. That's a lot better. Warren replied.

2016-05-10, 01:35 PM
Oh... We can do that. That's a lot better. Warren replied.

"Also I am broke, I only got enough money to pay for a small lunch..." Thomas grinned trying to make himself the end of that joke.

2016-05-10, 01:53 PM
Sunset, being a very active and growing girl, deeply frowns in semi-serious manner at the idea of a small lunch.

2016-05-10, 01:57 PM
Thomas shrugged, and then tried to relieve the tension.
"It is what I can afford Sunset........"
Only for his attempt at humor to turn on him, as he looks away ashamed.

2016-05-10, 02:48 PM
Alyssa sighs and says, "Fair enough, I suppose...I still don't like it, but it's the best we've got at this point. Still, if the world ends, I'm hanging it on your head." She says the last part jokingly, grinning a little nervously at the idea.

2016-05-10, 03:12 PM
Thomas just nods without saying a word. He picked up his case and took the lead of the group. He did not look toward anyone as he led them to the Library. Thomas hated the idea of being looked down upon for his social standing, as he walked he slouched a bit and wa clearly not happy. Thomas knew he was not poor, but being on the move constantly before did little to have a means of savings. Even though his father was a avid writer and many of his books were well received it did not change that they were still fresh and new to everything around them here .

Thomas now wished he had not put his instrument away, for really all he wanted was to get away in the waves and flows of a song.

2016-05-10, 05:29 PM
So... Anyone going to take action? Currently there's a lot of talking, but no real action.

I would recommend hitting the library.

2016-05-10, 06:22 PM
The group heads to the library, and upon arrival, hear two people bickering.

"No no no, it's all wrong! That's not how you-"

"Yes it is, yes it is!"

"No it isn't!"









The two bickering are the librarians, their forms barely concealed by the fading glamour.

2016-05-10, 06:30 PM
Alyssa calmly walks into the room and asks, "I'm sorry, what's wrong?" playing the part of the common-or-garden library dweller once again.

2016-05-10, 06:32 PM
Thomas at this moment is feeling very much a loner again, as he tries to hide and sneak into the areas of the Librarian work shops.


2016-05-10, 06:34 PM
"Hey!" the two say simultaneously. "What do you think you're doing?"

2016-05-10, 06:35 PM
Thomas does not look at the two, though he keeps a down cast face.
"just looking for a quite place to get away is all."

2016-05-10, 06:36 PM

Checking a thing.

"Oh. Okay," one says.

"Go ahead," says the other.

2016-05-10, 06:43 PM
Thomas heads to the back, and starts to look around for anything that may help find this zombie knowledge. Though as he moves he keeps his depressed posture and mannerism, partial because it was how he was really feeling, and partial for it to continue the act.


2016-05-10, 06:45 PM
You don't spot anything of particular note. It doesn't help that the vast majority of the more arcane looking tomes are written in some strange language, rather than English.

2016-05-10, 06:48 PM
Yeah. What Alyssa asked. What's wrong? Warren replied trying to keep attention on those two.

2016-05-10, 07:13 PM
J, bouncing up to the Librarians, putting on her best pouty face, leans in and says, Im trying to do an assignment for my teacher, but he wont give me any clues other than I should look in the Library, Can one of you help me? Please, Ill do anything.....

She casts friends on one of them
[roll0] (persuasion)
[roll1]Bardic inspiration from the Jam Session with Thomas in the Classroom before leaving for the Library to add to my Persuassion Check.

2016-05-10, 07:20 PM
What do you need help with.....? Warren asked ogling J as he blushed.

2016-05-10, 07:30 PM
This would work... If they were human and susceptible to human charms. As it is, they'll still lend a hand.

"Yeah, what do you need?" the nearer one asks.

2016-05-10, 07:33 PM
Thomas leans against the wall he watches the group talk with the librarians.
He then moves his hand across the wall for Warren, it is the Tzentech symbol for "Ruse" and then looks to J. He could not help but smile at her however she with her voice and using the magic they played with before during the jam session brought him from his melancholy.

He then if they were still looking changed the symbol to "Discovery". As he was trying to communicate his find.

2016-05-10, 07:42 PM
This would work... If they were human and susceptible to human charms. As it is, they'll still lend a hand.

"Yeah, what do you need?" the nearer one asks.

Still attempting to flirt with the Librarian, J says Well, I was assigned to research the theory of raising the dead. but, all the books I can find only talk about material things. I cant find anything about how they are raised or the theory of it... Can you guys help me?

2016-05-10, 07:43 PM

DC 15 check.

"Oh, sure, that's easy. We just-" he starts, but his companion slaps him across the back of the head.

"Idiot! No, we can't help. Go check out a book."

2016-05-10, 07:53 PM
Thomas applies some blush to his cheeks as he also casts Friends on the one that was not allowing J. the help. He then walked up to them and tapped him on the shoulder.
"can you please help her, she is my friend, and I don't want her to get in trouble with our teacher."

Persuade the one that was not allowing. (Friends does not require a save, but it does require make up as the material compeinant.)


2016-05-10, 07:55 PM
"No. If you really need help, though..." he says, tearing off a piece of paper, "Call this number. It's Typhus' number. He knows zombies."

2016-05-10, 07:55 PM
Thomas leans against the wall he watches the group talk with the librarians.
He then moves his hand across the wall for Warren, it is the Tzentech symbol for "Ruse" and then looks to J. He could not help but smile at her however she with her voice and using the magic they played with before during the jam session brought him from his melancholy.

He then if they were still looking changed the symbol to "Discovery". As he was trying to communicate his find.

Eyes still darting to J frequently, Warren looks a bit confused.

With half formed words on his lips. He turns to Alyssa.

[Do you speak French?] He asks her warmly.

2016-05-10, 07:56 PM
"How would a Tzentech know a Nurgle? I thought you were enemies." as he spoke he made sure to remove his mark from before.

persuasive answers

2016-05-10, 07:57 PM
"We know everything," the nearer one says.

"Everything!" the other echoes.

2016-05-10, 07:58 PM
"We know everything," the nearer one says.

"Everything!" the other echoes.

"Then by that logic you know how to help us, and thus are unwilling to do so which is why you are here in the first place."


2016-05-10, 07:59 PM
"Okay... Maybe not everything. But a lot of things"

"Besides," the other says, "what if Typhus is the best way to help you? Counter that logic."

2016-05-10, 08:00 PM
"Okay... Maybe not everything. But a lot of things"

"Besides," the other says, "what if Typhus is the best way to help you? Counter that logic."

"Typhus is a Nurgle thus he is an embracer of life Zombies are undead and thus against what he embraces, we tzentech are not like that however."


2016-05-10, 08:01 PM
"Shows what you know! Nurgle zombies are filled with life," the nearer says.

"Yeah," says the other. "It's one of Nurgle's greatest gifts."

43 seconds since you cast friends. You have 17 seconds left.

2016-05-10, 08:02 PM
casting charm person, J, leans in showing of her breasteses to the one that was trying to help her earlier,
Wouldn't it be easier for you to help me? Im sure I could make it worth your while.... She says as she touches the librarians hand.

[roll0] (final persuasion check)

2016-05-10, 08:03 PM
"Thus you do know what we need, and can help us as you have just proven." Thomas was willing to play this word game all day, it was just as much fun as any prank.

Thomas looks to J. he was knowing she was trying to do, but he wished she did not have to. from her actions before she did not have to demean herself like this.

2016-05-10, 08:04 PM

Checking the Charm Person.

"Are you trying to seduce me?" the librarian asks incredulously.

2016-05-10, 08:08 PM
"Thomas was glad she did not have to go through with it as he continued his verbal assault.

"Look at me not her. You clearly know what we need, and rather then waste both our times you could just help us now. Do what you are paid to do and allow us to learn more and more, giving a better chance for hope in the future."

Thomas was relying on common sense and one of the key traits of tzentech to help influence this.


2016-05-10, 08:10 PM
And Friend's is up!

"Yeah, alright... Wait a minute. Wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute..." he says, then begins chanting in a low tone under his breath.

"What are you doing-oh, alright," the other says, and joins him.


2016-05-10, 08:13 PM
"And RUN!!!!" Thomas said as he leaps over the counter and grabs for J. if she allows ,the only other who cast friends as well, and dashes from the Library.

2016-05-10, 08:15 PM
Roll initiative!


2016-05-10, 08:15 PM
DAMN IT!:smallbiggrin:


"J. I am sorry I tried." Thomas said as he popped out his guitar from his case. He had to be ready for anything here. By Khorne why?

2016-05-10, 08:24 PM
Warren staring as J upped the flirt....


Was reasonably quick at jumping to her defense.

2016-05-10, 08:26 PM
Sam was not much for libraries, but she followed her friends in anyway; maybe she'd find some book on historical combat or something. As she perused the nonfiction for history stuff, she eventually noticed angry voices; glancing over, she saw...A FIGHT BREAKING OUT!

"WAIT FOR ME!!!" she said, in her best attempt to shout while also whispering.

Initiative: [roll0]

2016-05-10, 08:33 PM
huh, what did I do? she says innocently

2016-05-10, 10:16 PM
In almost an echo, Sunset asks very pointedly, "What did you do!?" as she hadn't really been paying attention.

Initiative: [roll0]

2016-05-12, 11:54 AM

2016-05-12, 10:12 PM
J, immediately slides off the table and says to the one thAt was not helping "You don't know anything you're knowledge is insufficient for your task at hand. "

vicious mockery
wisdom save dc13

2016-05-12, 10:56 PM

"You!" they say.

2016-05-12, 11:05 PM
Sunset draws her scimitar and a hand-axe and politely axes the librarian to, "Stop chanting!"

Movement from place to wherever.

Main attack: [roll0]
damage: [roll1]
if crit: [roll2]

bonus action attack: [roll3]
damage: [roll4]
if crit: [roll5]

2016-05-13, 05:32 PM
Warren sighs as the librarians move to attack.

He just seemed a little sad as he rubbed two small rocks, as a stream of fire sprang from them.

Spell to hit [roll0]
Spell damage [roll1]

2016-05-13, 06:37 PM
"You know Teacher's should not be attacking students. Do you want the others to come and kill you? Or are you both just that stupid." Thomas yells as he tries to get far away from them.

Intimidation +Vicious Mockery

DC 13
[roll1] SON OF A ******

2016-05-15, 01:40 AM
The two finish their chanting, and a few small bolts of force appear, darting out to puncture flesh and bone, one for each of you.

Everyone take [roll0] damage, from Magic Missile.

2016-05-18, 01:14 PM
Sam rockets through the library like a living battering ram, screaming incoherently at the top of her lungs. Desks go flying and tables are overturned as she charges the two...before bringing her hammer down in a blow that seems to cause a small shockwave.

Attacking whichever one is closest.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1] (+[roll2] if crit)

2016-05-18, 01:16 PM
"Ach!" the nearer one cries as the hammer cracks its exoskeleton slightly.

2016-05-19, 12:47 AM
J, says "Is that all you got?" Yall are weak little bitches, first you aren't smart enough, now you aren't strong enough? Is there anything you are good at?"

Wisdom Save DC 13 or take the following
Disadvantage on next attack roll

2016-05-19, 01:10 AM
Sunset just gives a grunt at the damage and slashes again with her weapons. Others were handling the taunting and they didn't listen when she told them to stop earlier.

Scimitar attack: [roll0]
damage: [roll1]
crit: [roll2]

off-hand handaxe attack: [roll3]
damage: [roll4]
crit: [roll5]

2016-05-22, 01:32 PM
Warren will attempt to shoot some more fire, before ducking under a table.

To hit [roll0]
Damage [roll1]