View Full Version : Players as characters

Elite Hatter
2016-05-06, 02:08 PM
Hello playground. As a fun experiment me and most of my gaming group have made ourselves as Adventurers. Using only human and the variant, because we are all obviously humans, and used Standard Array. We are starting at level 1.

The list is as follows:
I am Thomas the Bard, destined for the School of Lore, human Variant.
Str: 10
Dex: 12
Con: 13
Int: 15
Wis: 8
Cha: 16
Inspiring Leader

Our Human variant Light Cleric
Str: 10
Dex: 8
Con: 14
Int: 14
Wis: 16
Cha: 12

Our base Human Bard, destined for the Valor School.
Str: 14
Dex: 15
Con: 9
Int: 11
Wis: 16
Cha: 13

The Human Variant Barbarian of no set path yet
Str: 16
Dex: 10
Con: 16
Int: 12
Wis: 13
Cha: 8
Tavern Brawler

And our base Human Fighter who's going to be a Champion.
Str: 16
Dex: 11
Con: 14
Int: 15
Wis: 13
Cha: 9

Just a fun experiment to put stats on what we'd "most realistically" be as well as a class that matches our preferred styles of handling issues. I'd be rather interested in seeing any of you guys as characters. Either way it was fun and I thought I'd share. =)

2016-05-06, 02:22 PM
27 point buy, yeah?

Well, let's see... My stats would be:

Strength 9
Dexterity 10
Constitution 12
Intelligence 15
Wisdom 10
Charisma 15

No, still feel like that's too high. But it's 27.

I'd probably be a bard. Valor, maybe? I dunno. I don't feel like the adventuring type really.

2016-05-06, 02:24 PM
Sure, I'll join in. The D&D class that best fits my actual life would be Artificer, but as that's not an option for 5E yet (the incredibly lame UA wizard subclass isn't a real artificer)

Transmuter Wizard
Str: 15
Dex: 9
Con: 12
Int: 16
Wis: 12
Cha: 6

Elite Hatter
2016-05-06, 02:33 PM
27 point buy, yeah?

Well, let's see... My stats would be:

Strength 9
Dexterity 10
Constitution 12
Intelligence 15
Wisdom 10
Charisma 15

No, still feel like that's too high. But it's 27.

I'd probably be a bard. Valor, maybe? I dunno. I don't feel like the adventuring type really.

Maybe warlock with you being forced to go out? We just did what "closest" agreed with our preferred methods of handling issues. Whether they be social, combatitive, or adventuring issues.

For example I myself am obsessed with lore. For video games, mythology, historical figures and events. All of it. Pair that with a whole lot of sarcasm, a joking nature, and the ability to BS my way out of a good bit more than I should be able to, and Lore Bard just fits.

Our Cleric, he's been in church since he was a baby, still goes and volunteers. And is very devout in his faith. Also he's incredibly stubborn and steadfast in what he believes. So cleric. Light domain comes from the love of fire and calling upon holy light to assist.

It isn't always so cut and dry. But it's also a just for fun exercise

2016-05-07, 04:41 PM
So for a 27 point buy my relative stats would probably be close to this with human variant.


Class would probably be bard with the healer feat since I work in healthcare.

2016-05-07, 05:17 PM
Hmm, probably something like

10 Str
14 Dex
10 Con
14 Int
14 Wis
14 Cha

I'm definitely a commoner without any class levels IRL, but if I had to pick one it'd probably be Rogue, either Arcane Trickster or Mastermind (although, definitely still just a level 1 character so the subclass wouldn't matter). My Expertise would go in History and Nature, though. I'm totally not optimized.

2016-05-07, 05:48 PM
I love thought games like this.

Str 13
Dex 10
Con 9
Int 15
Wis 14
Cha 11

Int and wis may be switched. It's 27 point buy.

Probably human variant, picking up the skilled feat for an additional 3 skills (I have multiple degrees. Associates in biology, natural science, liberal arts; bachelors in chemistry, toxicology, masters in forensic science). I'd request to change out any additional languages learned from the human and any background to tools, as I only speak one language. The +1 would go to strength and wisdom.

For my background, it would be solider, sage, or a mix of the two. Definitely pick the sage feature, as I'm fairly good at finding information.

For my class, most likely a wizard, as that's what I always get whenever I take one of those class quizzes. I'm also a degreed and practicing scientist, so it makes a bit of sense. If this was pathfinder, it would probably be the alchemist, as I'm more specifically a working chemist. However, I spent years studying martial arts, so monk is a possibility. With my military background, fighter is a possibility. Combine the idea that science = magic, and for both I'd be an eldritch knight or an elemental monk.

2016-05-07, 07:08 PM
I'd go with lore bard since I know a little bit about quite a bit, but I'm far better at knowing who to contact for proper information. And I'm sort of a lightning rod for the ill will of the small minded.

Maybe oath of ancients paladin?

edit: oh yeah, lucky feat from the human variant. This can't be right though, this sounds fun too play, maybe I'm just not playing myself correctly.

Elite Hatter
2016-05-07, 07:15 PM
I'd go with lore bard since I know a little bit about quite a bit, but I'm far better at knowing who to contact for proper information. And I'm sort of a lightning rod for the ill will of the small minded.

Maybe oath of ancients paladin?

edit: oh yeah, lucky feat from the human variant. This can't be right though, this sounds fun too play, maybe I'm just not playing myself correctly.

That was the original point me and my buddies did this for. To put perspective into these character sheets, that they aren't just numbers on paper. And we came to the same conclusion that we look fun to play. So much so that we're actually considering finding a DM to run "Us" through a campaign.

2016-05-08, 05:09 AM
Str 14
Dex 14
Con 12
Int 16
Wis 8
Cha 12

Feat athlete (wich explains the extra point above the 27 point buy for those ceeping track :smallwink:)

I think I would go fighter and Eldritch Knight. Because who doesn't want to walk around slicing people and blowing them up. :smalltongue: and athlete because of my background in Parkour. (hardcore Parkour)

And I would defenitly have Wisdom as my dump stat I can't notice something if my life depended on it.

2016-05-08, 06:58 AM
I ran a game like that once - only so I could see what race one of my players chose (I wanted to confrim that he was indeed human).

If I had to choose a class, I'd go with Warlock. I am definitely someone that would rather be given power than earn it the hard way.

Str: 13
Dex: 9
Con: 9
Int: 16
Wis: 14
Cha: 16

2016-05-08, 09:07 AM
I think about this more than I care to admit :smalltongue:

16 STR
10 DEX
14 CON
14 INT
10 WIS
10 CHA
Fighter, Eldritch Knight, Guild Artisan

I'm a plumber (hence background) who squandered my opportunities in my youth and now I'm trying to make enough money to go back to school without having to move back in with my parents or rely on their/the government's money. Tough goal, that. That's why I picked Eldritch Knight; I'm intelligent, but I haven't leveraged that into a career just yet.

2016-05-08, 09:45 AM
And I'm sort of a lightning rod for the ill will of the small minded.

Sounds like a Warlock to me.

2016-05-08, 11:19 PM
Variant Human, using the standard spread.
Class: Conjuration Wizard
DEX 12
CON 16
INT 14
WIS 13
CHA 10
Feat: Lucky

I enjoy making things, and best useful stat is INT. But I'm above average, not a genius. However, I never get sick and have a high tolerance for discomfort (I ride a bicycle to work year round, in an area with 90F summers and 10F winters). Despite a high CON, my STR is slightly below average. DEX is good (I play lots of video games), but not fantastic. My common sense and instinct serve me well, but are not infallible. My CHA is not noteworthy. And I feel my life has turned out way better than it should have.

2016-05-09, 06:32 AM
With 27 points, I think this would be close to appropriate:

Str 10
Dex 16
Con 14
Int 10
Wis 10
Cha 14

Defensive Duelist

I would probably be a Swashbuckler Rogue, since I have been fencing for years.

2016-05-09, 01:50 PM
Fun little thought experiment. For me, before racial bonuses:


Ironically, my favorite class is the Paladin. But I know my own charisma isn't even close to high enough for that.

I'd probably lean towards Fighter (Champion). My feat would be Great Weapon Master since I've had some training with large swords, and my background would be Guild Artisan (or whatever best fits an auto mechanic, as that's basically my job).

2016-05-09, 02:05 PM
I've done this a couple of times before. The method we used was that everyone wrote down what stats they thought everyone else had.

Then I took the average for all stats for each player.