View Full Version : My World Jebell, Greco-Roman Inspired Setting

2016-05-06, 10:05 PM
Jebell is a setting inspired by Greco-Roman myths with a dash of other inspirations. The game system in use is currently up for grabs, just getting the basic ideas down.

List of playable races on Jebell:

Arachnes, short for Arachne's Children. They are small sized spider-humans, with a tiny but normal appearing human body appearing out of a spider body sized like a large dog. They are nature loving creatures that dwell in forests and shy away from the use of fire, although they will purchase metal and other goods from other races. Fantastic and climbing, weaving and moving silently.

Sartyrs. Small sized Goat-men with tiny horns, Sartyrs are amazing musicians, stone carvers and smiths. They construct dwell in mountain homes, enjoying most especially cities carved into cliffs. Their natural leaping ability allows them to traverse dangerous terrain easily, and they produce fantastic works of metal and stone.

Centaurs are large sized Horsemen, the men often have horns or antlers and uniformly colored furs while females have whirled and spotted fur and no horns. Centaur's are magically talented and have a powerful warrior culture. Their societies live on open planes and trade with other races primarily in magical items and animal hides, but they are also the most destructive of the humanoids. Centaur hordes swarm out of the steppes , plains and deserts to bring down soft civilizations incapable of dealing with their lances and screaming war spells.

Harpies are small sized humanoids with wings instead of arms and hands instead of feet. They live in settlements similar to those of the Sartyrs. In some regions the two live side by side as the closest allies and cross species marriages are common, while in others they are dire enemies whose hatred for each other matches that of giant kind. Harpies are terrific archers and make the finest bows in the world, as well as hunting many of the most dangerous ground creatures by staying out of reach and filling them with arrows.

Goliaths are seven to eight ft. tall and weigh over 400 pounds. They are leaner than their Ogre parents and are functionally immortal, although a large number are only a few centuries old. The Ogres did not breed together but in individual spattering, which has allowed there to thrive a post-Gigantomachy sub-generation on both Jotunheim and Jebell. The Goliaths on Jebell are the playable ones, and have taken to Jebell's mountain crags and rocky islands with purpose. The other races have largely accepted that the Goliaths and their walled cities are here to stay, so long as they refrain from unwholesome levels of predation. Their extinction is seen as just a matter of time.


Harpies who choose to live on rock islands rather than on inland islands are called Sirens, and are famous for their singing and magical abilities. Sirens “sing up” the ocean, and then catch animals with nets. As a result they lack the archery associated with their inland cousins, and are less integrated into the world. They gain the ability to hold their breath for indefinite amounts of time.

Merfolk are humans whose mid waist down are replaced by fish bodies. They come in many shapes and sizes, and are purveyors of the finest armor in the world and many semiprecious gems. They consume stones such as flint and obsidian which are useful to them but difficult to acquire, where metal rusts far too quickly.

The History of Jebell

The Primordial Age:

In a time beyond reckoning the world was divided into two groups. The first was the Masters, and the second was the Slaves. The Masters ruled over the slaves, growing rich from their work and powerful by sacrificing them to the hated Old Gods.
These Old Gods cared little for the Masters, but in return for great gifts of slaves and wondrous creations they would change them to fit their own image and so strengthen them. The Old Gods were not want to stay in one place, but drifted away and back at random times. As each one left the Masters would turn to the ones remaining, and as others returned they turned back to them. Their form shifted with each change, altered to fit the next Old Gods vision of perfection. In each new shift of worship and sacrifice the Masters would war amongst themselves over which form was best, and the winners would destroy or drive out the losers. So it was that the weaker Masters continually fled to other planes, planets and places.
The Slaves were the progenitors of the current races, but their form is unknown. Were they a single species that was shifted into a new form by eons of slavery? Were they hundreds of different races whose forms would be recognizable, or did they meld together into a single shape and then split again? The Masters cared little for the Slaves, and left no clues but old legends as to their forms.

The Mythic Age:

After many Eons of aching horror passed the prayers of the Slaves were heard by a chorus of Angels drifting through the heavens. They knew they were too few in number to defeat both the Masters and the Old Gods, and so they broke taboos from the beginning of time and mated with Slaves. In this world Angels and their descendants can only reproduce once, and so each angel gave birth to a great Nephilim.
The Nephilim were massive and immensely powerful like their parents. Each Angel could only birth one Nephilim in their life, and each Nephilim could only reproduce once. However they each bore twins, whose children came in fours, then eights, then sixteens, and so on until the final birth of the Goliaths. These creatures, called Giants because of their size and power, assisted the Angels in defeating both the Masters and the Old Gods. The Old Gods were impossible to kill, and were banished or imprisoned to prevent their interference in the world.
The Giants did not worry about dying out in these days, as they did not age and were all but impossible to kill. No Giant ages past adulthood, even the least of them is functionally immortal.
The Angels and Nephilim constructed great cities on solid clouds where they dwelt above the now peaceful world of the Slaves. They divided their civilization into hierarchies based on their generation, with the Angels and Nephilim taking on the mantle of New Gods. Their council of 20 ruled the world for thousands of years.
Below the Angels and Nephilim were the 20 Titans, beings of incredible power and size but lesser than them. They were tasked with ruling the great cloud-cities so that the New Gods could focus on protecting and bettering the former Slaves. Each Titan was completely unique in power and shape, but all were over 100 ft. tall and endowed with magic.
The next generation were the 80 Storm Giants, each some sixty feet tall and relatively uniform of shape, looking like modern men and women. The Storm Giants were tasked with hunting down the Masters who sought to hide themselves in the world.
Below them were the Cloud Giants, the 640 giants who specialized in magic and the construction of magical items. They bore no responsibilities as they made the Cloud-Cities and the buildings which the New Gods lived within. They were similarly large, but had less direct power than the Storm Giants.
The last of the generations born before the Masters were defeated were the 10,240 Elemental giants, beings similar in size to elephants and more limited magically than their ancestors but powerful in their own right. They fought as the soldiers in the Primordial War that broke the Masters, and became farmers and artisans on the Cloud-Cities.
After the construction of the Cloud-Cities the Elemental giants began to reproduce great broods of children, strange fell creatures like Ettins, Trolls and Oni whose sole universal trait was an ingrained predatory nature. Dubbed the Monster Generation, their numbers grew too large for the Cloud-Cities, and the New Gods decided to move them to a single continent on the planet. The races growing there in their primitive tribes and early cities were set upon and destroyed by the giants, despite their size being nor larger than a large bear.
The Monster Generation gave birth to the Ogres, dumb and weak by the other generations standards but growing in numbers almost like a Slave race. They lacked entirely the magical powers of their ancestors but more than twenty million of them walked the continent, and devoured the Slave races there.
The final generation was the Goliaths, larger than men but smaller than any older generation. They were smarter than the Ogres and some of the Monsters, and their population was grown in such numbers that they ran out of food. They were kept in check to a certain extent by the cannibalism of their elders, but their numbers still surpassed the total population of the Slave races and they began plead with the New Gods to be allowed to travel to the other continents in search of sustenance.


The New Gods: Epic level beings
10 Angels
10 Nephilim
20 Titans

The Greater Giants: High level beings.
80 Storm Giants
640 Cloud Giants
10,240 Elemental Giants

The Lesser Giants: Medium to low level beings.
327,680 Oni, Trolls, ettins, etc.
20,971,520 Ogres
2,684,354,560 Goliaths

Now came the great Civil War of the New Gods, the Titanomachy (war in the Cloud-Cities) and the Gigantomachy (war on Jebell). The Angels refused to allow the Goliaths to leave Jotunheim and the Nephilim began to make land bridges for them. The Angels were supported by the Storm Giants and Cloud Giants, while all other supported the Nephilim. The Angels fought a war on their Cloud-Cities which broke them, leaving ruined buildings and gardens to float across the skies forever, and then came to ground to unite the races there against the Giants.
The Nephilim in Jotunheim launched hundreds of invasions of the other continents, met by armies of humanoids and a dwindling number of greater giants. Their own numbers decline with each invasion, but their starting number of Ogres, Monsters and Goliaths allowed them to continue long after their greater giants were declining into unsustainable numbers.
At last the slaughter broke the will of the giants, and the lesser giants and elemental giants refused to fight further. They waged a second civil war against their ancestors, losing millions more but at last ending the conflict when the few remaining Titans and Nephilim fled the world. The Angels and their descendants were too few now to recreate their cities and continue on, so they built a vast fortress to prevent the return of their families and left the word to the humanoids.
Jotunheim is ruled by Elemental Giants who have set up kingdoms there, with Monster, Oni and Goliath followers. The Goliaths are reduced now to tens of millions instead of billions, the Ogres are in the millions, and there are scant hundreds of Elemental Giants in the world.

The Golden Age:

In the age after the Gigantomachy ended the humanoids were left with governments and institutions implemented upon them by their gods. Highly developed agricultural systems, complex laws and production that they did not fully understand had forcibly replaced their tribal societies.
The various humanoid races continued their integrated, highly developed societies by simply accepting in the place of their gods and the Greater Giants priest classes which spoke for the lost gods. These priest classes sought to keep the “celestial kingdoms” exactly as they had been under the gods, including massive war efforts to prevent giants from invading their territories. Each kingdom was propped up in its original shape for over a thousand years, the priests meeting each new problem with strict adherence to past traditions.

2016-05-06, 10:08 PM
I need this post.

Jebell's landscape is of moderately dry coastlines, wet islands, and dry interiors. Jebell consists of several long, thin, twisting continents on a warm, shallow ocean dotted with small islands. The continents consist of coastal mountain ranges and interior planes which shade quickly into desert.

The exception to this is Jotunheim, which is positioned around Jebell's southern pole and has its mountain ranges located deep in the interior. The continent is the largest on the planet, and has large temperate regions in the part that extends northward.


Tyro is a large island lying uncomfortably close to Jotunheim, making it dangerous for the inhabitants, but it also is more temperate and recieves more rainfall than much of Jebell. Tyro is covered in massive forests dominated by populations of Arachne, who are bitter enemies of the Goliath colonists that live on the island. Oddly Goliaths from the northern continents have allied with the Arachne against the southern Goliaths, as they fear resubjugation by the Ordnung.

Key locations on Tyro:

Shadowsbask is the largest city on Tyro, a colossal Arachne web city of some 200,000 individuals. The Arachne are able to sustain such a large city due to their relationship with nearby Merfolk, who use their webs as nets underwater. In return they receive a tremendous bounty of fish, which has allowed them to become ever more specialized in making webs and cloth.

Shadowsbask is a fairly normally designed web-city, being divided up into districts based on which old growth trees they use as the center. Each district has a single massive old growth called a Heart, which act as the anchor for the webs. They then extend from the trunk of the Heart tree across a large empty grove to a circle of carefully cultivated trees.

Walking on the ground below a web city is very similar to being under a large circus tent, with a great central pole and the clothe extending to the ground, but instead of stakes the great ropes of web are hooked to the bases of the grove trees. Much thinner sheets of web are hung between the great cables to prevent rain from entering the grove, with holes punctured in specific places to allow the rain to run off into the ground level drinking pools.The houses and shops are hung from the cables and suspended in the air, often hundreds of feet up. These consist of a large rope of web descending from the cables, and then a hollow ball of webs. Often multiple balls are hung along the same downward rope, and to prevent confusion movement up the rope is always done on the south side and movement down is always on the north side.

The wealthiest district in Shadowsbask is Oldheart, built around the oldest tree on Tyro. Oldheart specializes in the production of a special kind of perfumed silk called Slish. Slish is made of dry webbing from Arachnes who consume an entirely fruit diet for a month before hand, which is extremely expensive. The slish smells like the kind of fruit that the Arachne consumed, and so the best Slish is made by consuming only a single type of fruit. The most expensive slish is strawberries while the cheapest is coconut, but even the cheapest kind is extremely expensive. Slish is also very fragile by comparison to most silk, and has to be worked by master weavers. As a result Oldheart is where the best of the weavers and dyers end up, as well as a shifting population of young Arachne with constitutions capable of surviving a diet with almost no nutrients or protein.

Problems facing Oldheart:

1. There is a crisis in strawberry growing which threatens the highest quality Slish industry. The issue is a kind of monstrous beetle which is highly territorial and spits acid in defense. The merchants of Oldheart desire either that shipments of strawberries be acquired from a hostile Goliath town nearby or the elimination of the beetle population.

The Goliaths are willing to discuss terms, but the party has to make the deal meet a certain threshold, above which the slish will no longer be profitable. In order to get these low prices the party will need to face a series of fetch quests for the Goliath town.

The beetles are more dangerous than they seem, as they are the creations of Urzhog, an Arachne mage-scientist. Urzhog is being paid by a cabal of merchants from Cottonhome who want to destroy the Slish trade, and he will be very displeased if the party eliminates his beetles, and will begin to send threats after them.

Skychain is one of the strangest cities in the world. A large harpy city of some sixty thousand people, Skychain is a relic of the ancient cloud cities of the new gods.

Skychain is visible from any point on Tyro as a great taut chain rising from the central bowl of the island to a height of several thousand feet. The chain is solid gold in color and ends at a tiny piece of torn cloud rock which is all that is left of the cloud city which was once anchored there. The harpies have hung communities from the links of the chain. These communities are made of rope and woven sticks and are orientated towards the middle links, the lower links too at risk from Arachnes and other predators while the upper ranks are cold and too high to carry materials up to.

Skychain itself is indestructible and motionless, being made as an artifact by the lost gods to anchor their cities during harsh storms. The biggest danger to Skychain currently is the threat placed on it by a nest of Zebrawasps. Any group of strangers determined enough to climb up to the Skychain community (probably sent there by the lower Arachne community to protest raids on their town) will be approached to go and clear the closest Zebrawasp nests. The nests cover the up part of the chain, and if the party reaches the top they find them infesting an abandoned Sky City tower.

2016-05-06, 10:10 PM
Fauna and Flora


Plantimal Trees: Plantimal Trees are among the most dangerous and useful plants on Jebell. They grow to be very large but have soft bark and wood, making their wood useless for carpentry. They have smelly flowers which make the inhaler light headed or noxious, which then grow into Plantimals. A Plantimal is at its most basic a very elaborate fruit which moves and thinks like an animal, but is very short lived. They take the form of fish-like organisms which fly on wings similar to that of a beetle, and their scales are made of hard nut wood. The Plantimals contain seeds within them, which they distribute by flying away from the tree. Small plantimals are designed to attract predatory birds and be eaten, the birds being unable to digest the seeds themselves. The bigger plantimals can be ten feet or more in length and instead swallow other animals to stay alive while they migrate great distances in search of the perfect spot. Farmers grow plantimal trees in many places, placing nets around the plantimals to prevent them from flying away before they are harvested and eaten.

Merfolk Trees: A disturbing variant on the Plantimal tree are Merfolk trees. These create short lived but sentient life forms which look like winged merfolk. These quickly build weapons and sack surrounding regions, killing as many large animals as possible without stopping to feed. Legend holds that these are the result of Plantimal Trees which have been harvested for too long and become bitter, and so the trees are usually chopped down and replaced by their fiftieth year.


Chirrcurs: An animal similar to a grasshopper but much larger and gold or silver in color. Chirrcurs can grow from the size of a medium dog to the size of a person, and are prized for their meat and their golden exoskeleton to be used as decorations on armor and clothing. Chirrcurs have a nasty kick but are not otherwise dangerous, and in places not dependent on large scale crop production they are mostly seen as a food source. They become pests where farms are common, and many Sartyr and Goliath farmers find themselves hiring harpies to exterminate them from the sky.

Hoocats: Hoocats are dangerous animals capable of killing even a Goliath or Centaur, but are thankfully scarce as they migrate after and prefer Summerbeasts. They are still a danger as they are extremely territorial about animals larger than a sheep. Hoocats are known for their long, telling cry Hoooooooooooo. Physically they resemble a large grey marbled cat with a strange bulging throat, but they lack retractable claws. Instead they have nail like claws and a pair of extending poisonous stingers where the dewclaw is on most mammals. A Hoocat strikes its prey and then backs off to leave it to enter into a seizure from the poison before killing it. Hoocat pups are often taken from the pouches of their mothers, have their stingers removed and then left with a flock of sheep to scare off potential predators.

Summerbeasts: Summerbeasts are slow, migrating animals that are similar in appearance to seals and maggots. Summerbeasts are inedible to most animals, as they store everything they eat and do not regurgitate or defecate in their short lives. This causes them to bloat up rapidly from their birth, and after devouring all of the plant life in a region they reach a substantial size of some 100 pounds or more and then migrate to reproduce where there is fresh greens. To migrate the Summerbeast drops most of its rotund body and the accumulated waste within it and gains clumsy wings. A 200 pound Summerbeast before it molts can shrink down to some 50 pounds to migrate. They fly until they reach a large patch of forest and then die, their children eating out of them. This flight comes at the end of summer, and they are visible almost everywhere as they fly between islands and continents searching for new homes. Hoocats are some of the few animals that actively eat Summerbeasts, but all races eradicate them where possible.

Jellybirds: Jellybirds are mindless organisms which float through the air and devour insects using long stinging tendrils. They are similar made of similar tissues as a jellyfish, but they are formed into a single crescent and appear similar to a boomerang. They fly by flapping their wings, but then they hover in places where there are large numbers of bugs by spinning in place and subtly moving the tips of their wings to maintain altitude. Out of their smooth body there is a single orifice that acts as the mouth, around which are fixed the jellybird's tentacles.

Zebrawasps: Among the most ferocious animals on Jebell, a Zebrawasp is a white and black striped wasp roughly the size of a small horse. Zebrawasps are predatory but usually small in numbers, as their nests are constantly pillaged by Shirrs. In places too remote for Shirrs to access their nests can become sprawling and their population too large to control without the abundant use of fire.

2016-05-06, 10:11 PM
And this one too! Feel free to post critiques or ideas now, I have enough posting space.

2016-05-06, 11:57 PM
Wait, no humans?

2016-05-07, 02:04 AM
You've listed the playable/humanoid races twice. Goliaths aren't among them? Also, merfolk and centaurs are going to have problems in many adventures - just keeping up with a walking pace for the mers, climbing & in tight quarters for centaurs.

2016-05-07, 02:34 AM
No humans, Goliaths largely take their place as the city dwelling people. Humans would defeat a large aspect of the story, which is that everyone on each side has some claim to legitimacy. The Masters ruled the world for eons, the Old Gods made the world, the New Gods freed the various races, the Giants should have inherited their parents power, and the humanoids have lived here forever.

Also humans too easily become "normal," which Goliaths cannot because they are descended from man eating invaders and drove off everyone's gods. The setting tries to place the races so that none of them are the standard race.

On Centaurs and aquatic races: Merfolk are mostly meant for aquatic campaigns unless the campaign reaches a certain level, then they open up through magical flight.

Centaurs have squeezing problems, but are stronger even than Goliaths (although less numerous). Nobody should be better at everything than other groups, and Centaurs are physically and magically powerful but limited in the kinds of environment they can thrive in.

2016-05-08, 09:16 AM
Hmm. If you're talking about warfare over continental distances then mundane galleys won't cut it. Their speed over long distances and resistance to bad weather are famously bad. Either widely available magic or larger ships like galleons will be needed if any player gives a thought to the practicalities. Or, you could scale down the size of the area you're concerned with a bit; the 'Classical World' of Rome was most of Europe, some of North Africa, and a chunk of West Asia at its height for example.

Because of how it's created (lava hitting water) obsidian is more common underwater than above. Merfolk won't need to trade for it in most cases.

2016-05-08, 03:02 PM
Hmm. If you're talking about warfare over continental distances then mundane galleys won't cut it. Their speed over long distances and resistance to bad weather are famously bad. Either widely available magic or larger ships like galleons will be needed if any player gives a thought to the practicalities. Or, you could scale down the size of the area you're concerned with a bit; the 'Classical World' of Rome was most of Europe, some of North Africa, and a chunk of West Asia at its height for example.

Because of how it's created (lava hitting water) obsidian is more common underwater than above. Merfolk won't need to trade for it in most cases.

The Gigantomachy was fought by raising land bridges and marching between continents, and modern Giant incursions are more like raids than like actual warfare. Also the geography is based on the Mediterranean, so it is all island hopping.

I'm not too concerned over scale right now, since there are not large empires everything is going to be small city to village in scale anyway. Going 3,000 miles you are going to find some difference in language, clothes and customs but it isn't going to be fundamentally a different world.

Good tip on the obsidian. I will switch it to gold, since gold does not rust and so can be used underwater.