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View Full Version : D&D 3.x Class Wild Monk Base Class (Name Tentative) (PEACH)

2016-05-06, 11:15 PM
Concept: High damage frontline tank that depends on high HP instead of AC or Damage Reduction

Hit Die: d10


Audacity, Improved Unarmed Strike, Wild Flurry

Predatory Aura


Wild Flurry Penalty Reduced

Unmovable x2


Intimidating Aura

Wild Flurry Penalty Reduced

Devastating Unarmed Strike

Unmovable x3


Wild Flurry Penalty Reduced



Unmovable x4

Wild Flurry Penalty Reduced


Chained Beast


Unmovable x5, Gigaton Punch

Class Skills: Climb (Str), Craft (Int), Intimidate (Cha), Jump (Str), Listen (Wis), Spot (Wis)
Skill Points at First Level: (2+Int Mod)x4
Skill Points at Each Additional Level: 2+Int Mod

Wild Monks are proficient with Unarmed Strikes and thrown weapons. They are not proficient with Armor or Shields.

Audacity: Wild Monks do not believe in avoiding attacks. If you get hit, take it like a MAN. Or woman, in some cases. As such, a Wild Monk cannot equip any item that increases his AC in any way, including items that grant Dexterity bonuses. If he does, he loses access to all of his Wild Monk class features except for Improved Unarmed Strike, and cannot regain said features until he unequips the offending item and atones (See Atonement spell). A Wild Monk cannot be bought below 1 hit point per class level from losing the Unmovable class feature.

Improved Unarmed Strike: At 1st level, a Wild Monk gains Improved Unarmed Strike as a bonus feat. A Wild Monk’s attacks may be with either fist interchangeably or even from elbows, knees, and feet. This means that a Wild Monk may even make unarmed strikes with his hands full. There is no such thing as an off-hand attack for a Wild Monk striking unarmed. A Wild Monk may thus apply his full Strength bonus on damage rolls for all his unarmed strikes.

Usually a Wild Monk’s unarmed strikes deal lethal damage, but he can choose to deal nonlethal damage instead with no penalty on his attack roll. He has the same choice to deal lethal or nonlethal damage while grappling.

A Wild Monk’s unarmed strike is treated both as a manufactured weapon and a natural weapon for the purpose of spells and effects that enhance or improve either manufactured weapons or natural weapons.

A Wild Monk's Unarmed Strikes deal damage as a Monk of his class level.

Wild Flurry: A Wild Monk can unleash a devastating flurry of blows, overwhelming his opponents with brute force. By taking a -4 penalty to all attacks in the current round he can add another Unarmed Strike attack at his full base attack bonus when making a full attack. He can do this multiple times per round, to a maximum of a -12 penalty for 3 additional attacks.

At 4th level, and every 4 levels thereafter, the penalty for Wild Flurry is reduced by one until it reaches zero at 16th level.

A Wild Monk can only use Unarmed Strikes or Natural Attacks when using Wild Flurry.

Predatory Aura: At 2nd level a Wild Monk can use his Strength or Constitution modifier in place of his Charisma modifier for Intimidate Checks.

Unmovable: At 5th level Wild Monk can add twice his Constitution modifier to his hit points per hitdie instead of the usual one. He also gains Fast Healing 5 when resting or asleep.

At 10th level and every 5 levels thereafter, he increases the number of times he adds his Constitution modifier to hitpoints to a maximum of 5x at level 20.

Intimidating Aura: If a Wild Monk of 7th level or higher is targeted by a spell, power, or spell-like ability, or would be within the affected area of such an ability (such as a Fireball or Cone of Cold), the caster must make a Concentration check opposed by the Wild Monk's Intimidate check. If the Concentration check fails, the spell, spell-like ability, or power fails. However, the spell, spell slot, SLA use, or power points are NOT lost. Concentration check bonuses from Combat Casting and similar feats and abilities that grant bonuses to casting defensively apply to this check. This ability does not apply if the caster is not within the Wild Monk's threatened area, and only works once per day per target.

If a Wild Monk threatens an opponent, he can make an Intimidate check as a standard action. If the check succeeds, the target cannot move from that spot for 1 turn. Flying opponents fall to the ground and take fall damage as normal.

Intimidating Aura can be suppressed for 1 round as a free action.

Devastating Unarmed Strike: A Wild Monk's Unarmed Strikes are treated as two-handed weapons at 9th level and above.

Penetrator: A Wild Monk of 11th level or higher can ignore damage reduction up to 1/2 his class level, unless the damage reduction is listed as x/-. The Wild Monk also has the option to deal full damage to objects, ignoring hardness. The Wild Monk loses 1 hit point per point of hardness ignored per strike.

Earthshaker: A Wild Monk of 14th level or higher can unleash a seismic burst simply by punching the ground. By punching a solid surface he is standing on as a standard action, a Wild Monk deals his unarmed strike damage to everything within 20 feet that is standing on the same surface, excluding himself. A successful Reflex Save (DC 10+1/2 Class Level+Con Modifier) negates the damage. Creatures damaged by Earthshaker are knocked prone.

Chained Beast: A Wild Monk of 18th level or higher can barely contain his power, and this power intimidates the weak willed and craven. Creatures that attempt to attack him during a surprise round must make a DC 17 Will Save or become Frightened for one round.

Gigaton Punch: The ultimate strike, unlocked only by the most dedicated of Wild Monks. 3 times per day a Wild Monk can make a single attack as a standard action. This attack deals damage equal to the damage of a Wild Flurry. Whether this attack hits or misses, the Wild Monk is then exhausted until the end of the encounter, and fatigued for an hour after that. Gigaton Punch cannot be used if the Wild Monk is fatigued or exhausted.

At 25th level a Wild Monk can channel the damage of a Gigaton Punch into an Earthshaker as a Full Round Action. This uses up a daily use of Gigaton Punch, and applies the negative conditions from using Gigaton Punch normally.

2016-05-07, 05:23 PM
Class is ready for public review. This class is designed to punch stuff, and do little else. It starts off rather rough, but gains power and effectiveness exponentially as it levels up.

And if anyone has a better name, please speak up.

2016-05-08, 02:23 PM
"Wild Monk" is already a dragon mag variant.

Some comments after a brief once-over:

> Gigaton Punch should just say how much damage it deals (or make it a single unarmed strike with a high multiplier, which is basically how it is working as far as I can tell).

> Penetrator can't be turned off, and deals unpreventable damage. I'd make the object hardness avoiding optional if you're going to attach a cost to it.

> Raising out of combat fast healing isn't worth much, really. Fast healing 1 heals 300 hp in 5 minutes. Fast healing 5 heals 300 hp in one minute. Even with 20th level WM and their possible 1200+ HP they'd be fine in a couple minutes at fast healing 5.
Fast healing isn't that useful in combat anyhow - they already have the main benefit from it, so why not reduce the amount and just give it to them 24/7?

> I don't know how well the core concept scales with optimization level. Probably fine at high-op, Intimidating Aura is very strong. Speaking of which, you don't need to note concentration bonuses apply - you already note it is a concentration check. Did you mean bonuses to casting defensively apply (sounds like it, since that's all combat casting does)? Anyway, having a bazillion HP at low-op.. I dunno.

2016-05-09, 11:59 AM
Gigaton Punch damage varys because of feats like Snap Kick and natural attacks.

You make a good point about Penatrator. I will make an edit.

I'll give Fast Healing 5 and remove scaling.

I did mean bonuses to casting defensively. I will correct the page.

Wild Monk was built with High Op games in mind.

Thanks for the input! I really appreciate it.