View Full Version : Custom Artifact Idea

2016-05-07, 06:11 PM
As a fan of WoW and the Pathfinder system, I enjoy implementing from other sources that I enjoy and so I attempted and made a custom list (https://docs.google.com/document/d/12rkF6wMyaU1N4nDy71_VoKWLHBka1FmU9ozTYJVk-E4/edit?usp=sharing) of artifacts based off multiple legendary items that are/were available in World of Warcraft and wanted them to be possible to use in my campaign for the end game against what I have in store for them so I was just wondering if I could get some opinions on which ones I may need to re-balance as much as I can assume someone may just say, "don't bother putting them in your game." But I want to because I want to have fun, despite how broken some of them may/will be specifically the caster staff.

2016-05-07, 08:39 PM
Artifacts are story tied (hence the lack of gp cost)
If it fits for your story add it?

Toilet Cobra
2016-05-07, 09:25 PM
Fellow wow-head and finder of paths here. I like a lot of what I'm seein'. Why are all these weapons exotic though? And where's the love for the Horde? :P

I can't comment on balance- I wouldn't even know what to balance these artifacts against. But a few things I noticed- does the bow require the wielder to have the metamagic feats to get those effects on its shots? That would be odd for an archer to have, especially for something that is probably only a little useful. And the Staff of the Last Guardian could probably afford to lose the metamagic level-reducing thing- that's like a pretty powerful feat for free on top of a ton of good spells. I might nerf it to say that any metamagic spell you cast has its effective spell-slot reduced by one, so they only get 1 level of reduction.

Does the Permanency spell on the staff allow you to avoid paying the gold cost of a permanency? If you put a condition on it... like it only applied to certain spells or spells cast on certain "guarded" locations... that could be a pretty cool, unique ability. The staff could use one, it's a mite bland.

I like that that mace has a luck bonus to reflect the fact it is not intended to be used as a weapon. You may want to specify if it has to be in hand to function, though; I think it would be odd to have it grant a bonus while it was sitting in your backpack, but then it also seems odd that you hold a pacifist mace in one hand and beat people with the real weapon in your other hand. So clarifying how it is supposed to be used would help a lot.

2016-05-08, 01:51 AM
Fellow wow-head and finder of paths here. I like a lot of what I'm seein'. Why are all these weapons exotic though? And where's the love for the Horde? :P

I can't comment on balance- I wouldn't even know what to balance these artifacts against. But a few things I noticed- does the bow require the wielder to have the metamagic feats to get those effects on its shots? That would be odd for an archer to have, especially for something that is probably only a little useful. And the Staff of the Last Guardian could probably afford to lose the metamagic level-reducing thing- that's like a pretty powerful feat for free on top of a ton of good spells. I might nerf it to say that any metamagic spell you cast has its effective spell-slot reduced by one, so they only get 1 level of reduction.

Does the Permanency spell on the staff allow you to avoid paying the gold cost of a permanency? If you put a condition on it... like it only applied to certain spells or spells cast on certain "guarded" locations... that could be a pretty cool, unique ability. The staff could use one, it's a mite bland.

I like that that mace has a luck bonus to reflect the fact it is not intended to be used as a weapon. You may want to specify if it has to be in hand to function, though; I think it would be odd to have it grant a bonus while it was sitting in your backpack, but then it also seems odd that you hold a pacifist mace in one hand and beat people with the real weapon in your other hand. So clarifying how it is supposed to be used would help a lot.

1. There just exotic because idk, gave it no real thought but to make them more unique? I represent both sides and if it makes you feel better only one of these items currently have a wielder and it is an orc with the Deathbringer.
2. I had no real idea how I wanted to do the bow in terms of making it more unique then a force bow and I thought if this somehow got into the hands of a caster, he could potentially use this well since any archer would already have the feats that would make shooting any times more better.
3. For the first staff, keep forgetting there is an actual cost for casting the spell as well, I'm used to playing cleric myself so I don't ever look at the spell. How do you feel on the actual spells on it placed on it already, didn't want to put anything too powerful like Time Stop, but nothing to weak as well? Might be removing/replacing the Permanency or just state you still have to pay the gold cost. "I might nerf it to say that any metamagic spell you cast has its effective spell-slot reduced by one, so they only get 1 level of reduction" much better stated instead of what I had placed will change.
4. The visage staff? Similar to the bow was unsure how I wanted to do this exactly, turning someone into a CR 21-22 dragon seemed like a pretty cool idea when I first thought of it since, that is all the staff does now. Thinking of a unique ability, I can give it the same one in game where it can have a chance of copying a damage spell that is cast by its wielder.
5. Will note that the mace must wielded to benefit from its abilities, good call.