View Full Version : Level 10 bard build CoS

2016-05-08, 12:35 AM
Hey guys, I have made a few posts here recently trying to nail down a build for CoS. I think I have it, but I want to be sure I am not missing anything.

Lore bard 10

10 strength
16 dexterity
14 constitution
10 intelligence
10 wisdom
18 charisma (2 from ASI level 8)

Feats: level 4 magic initiate(MI)

Cantrips: Firebolt (MI) shocking grasp (MI), mage hand, message, friends, minor illusion

1st: shield (MI), healing word, disguise self, faerie fire, detect magic, Guiding bolt (MS)

2nd: Lesser Restoration, enhance ability, blindness deafness,

3rd: hypnotic pattern, leomunds tiny hut, dispel magic, aura of vitality (MS 6)

4th: dimension door, polymorph, greater invisibility

5th: animate objects, cone of cold (MS 10) wall of force (MS 10),

Edit: changed a few spells based on suggestions, and rebalancing spell selection. I have 2 heal spells, 2 buff spells, 1 scaling radiant damage spell, a variety of defense and condition cure spells, a few lockdown spells, a few high level damage spells, and a few low level utility spells.

Anyway that's basically it. Hopefully it is solid, but any advice is appreciated!

Let me know If there are any major holes in my spell list.

2016-05-08, 01:12 AM
you start CoS at level 10? isn't that a 1-10 adventure?
where's animate object?
what is your role in the party? what other team members do you have?

2016-05-08, 01:28 AM
you start CoS at level 10? isn't that a 1-10 adventure?
where's animate object?
what is your role in the party? what other team members do you have?

Haha no this will be my final build when we finish at level 10.

The other member is a sword and board paladin. We have a third member supposedly, but he hasn't shown up yet.

My role is general support, some healing, some crowd control, some utility and minor blasting. Idk what the other PC will be so I kinda have to tackle many roles.

I don't have animate objects.

Edit: animate objects looks solid after doing some reading. Maybe switch banishment out for that?

Aaron Underhand
2016-05-08, 03:33 AM
Interesting ... MS at 6th often ends up as Fireball and Counterspell, nice to see some other choices.

Are you going to be playing with followers/employees? I ask because a three person party can be vulnerable to a few bad rolls. aura of Vitality would be good if you have some guards with you (and as Paladin and Bard why wouldn't you be leading the locals...), but if it's just the three of you AoE may be better.

Oh, and Animate Objects is on your spell list - Have you consider Conjure Elementals as an MS at 10th - again for similar reasons...

2016-05-08, 03:44 AM
I'm a level 4 Hill Dwarf Life cleric. I'm just maxing wisdom, I'll live with the 14 in strength.

Can you live with a 14 in dexterity? I don't know if a lore bard needs a 16 in dex.

I would put a 13 in dex (becomes a 14) and put a 12 in wis and int. Your party will need you skills more than your use of rapier in melee.

The spells for magic initiate are from the sorcerer list, so shocking grasp and firebolt will serve you in melee and ranged as they are charisma based attacks.

So you only need dex for AC with studded leather armor. And its only difference of +1. You will have the shield spell and mirror image, if you are in melee its because the sh*t has hit the fan, make sure it doesn't happen.

I would put a 13 in dex and have it bump up to 14. And place 12's in wisdom and intelligence.

Other than that awesome build, lots of exploration and social skills needed in CoS. You will be a valued team member as party face, explorer, problem solver, and healer/buffer and still have a potent firebolt to lean on.

2016-05-08, 11:10 AM
Interesting ... MS at 6th often ends up as Fireball and Counterspell, nice to see some other choices.

Are you going to be playing with followers/employees? I ask because a three person party can be vulnerable to a few bad rolls. aura of Vitality would be good if you have some guards with you (and as Paladin and Bard why wouldn't you be leading the locals...), but if it's just the three of you AoE may be better.

Oh, and Animate Objects is on your spell list - Have you consider Conjure Elementals as an MS at 10th - again for similar reasons...

Haha yeah it was hard to not go with counterspell and fireball, but I wanted a divine spell or two for RP reasons with the paladin (radiant damage is great verse undead too).

Mirror image does not seem lime a very strong choice, but it's a non concentration defense buff... aura of vitality would be much better, but I don't wanna overload on concentration spells. Spirit gaurdian has good synergy with mirror image, forcing people to chase me at half speed (if melee) and take damage while trying to hit the real me.

I will take animate objects and look into conjure elementals with MS 10.

2016-05-08, 11:39 AM
Unless you rolled for stats, there's no reason not to dump STR. Failing a STR save is irrelevant, and you shouldn't even dream of going melee.

2016-05-08, 11:45 AM
Unless you rolled for stats, there's no reason not to dump STR. Failing a STR save is irrelevant, and you shouldn't even dream of going melee.

My stats are already set in stone since I am level two now. The dm doesn't like minmaxers, and my character wouldn't have 8 str based on his backstory (security officer for noble house). I could have dumped strength and went with 14 dex to boost my other stats, but I wanted a better AC and a way to do weapon damage until level 4 when I get damage cantrips. Probably sub optimal but I out dprd the paladin in our first encounter(he had bad rolls) without damage spells.

I edited my spell list up top.