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2016-05-09, 03:10 PM
I played this (http://bloodghost.tumblr.com/post/28417331911/its-here-after-many-months-the-utterly-complete) Adventure Time 4e game and loved it. However, I felt that 4e itself didn't really suit AT, and 5e's more relaxed feel was better (plus the greater simplicity of 5e is nice for a more silly game). So I'm converting it into 5e. I haven't bothered with the fluff (yet, at least).

I've decided to leave all the normal classes available but will be making more.

EDIT: I have found a different AT 5e homebrew that is amazing, I may still make magic items, enemies, etc. but I recommend you look at this if you're planning to run AT, they've done a brilliant job: http://www.tribality.com/2015/11/27/adventure-time-for-dd-5e-part-1-species/

2016-05-09, 03:12 PM
The Races:

Ability Score Increases: +1 STR, +2 CHA
Size: Medium
Speed: 30 feet walk.
Darkvision: 60 feet.
Proficient in Acrobatics.
Honey-Flavoured Energy Drink: Once per long rest, you may use an action to spend a hit die.

Ability Score Increases: +2 DEX, +1 WIS
Size: Small
Speed: 15 feet walk, 30 feet fly.
Has feat Dungeon Delver.
Honeyed Words: Once per long rest, you may use your action to vomit honey over your foes: all creatures within a 15 foot cone must make a Dex save at DC (8 + your Con modifier + your proficiency bonus) or be knocked back 5 feet and restrained until the end of their next turn.

Ability Score Increases: +1 STR, +2 WIS
Size: Small or Medium
Speed: 30 feet walk.
Coffee Blood: Once per long rest, you may choose to gain advantage on an ability check.

Ability Score Increases: +1 STR, +2 INT
Size: Medium
Speed: 25 feet walk.
Synergy: Once per short rest, each ally within 50 feet of you may take a move action as a free action.

Ability Score Increases: +2 INT, +1 CHA
Size: Small or Medium
Speed: 30 feet walk.
Proficient in Arcana.
Candybalism: Once per short rest, as a bonus action you may recover (1d6 + your level) HP.

Ability Score Increases: +1 WIS, +2 CHA
Size: Medium
Speed: 30 feet hover (float a foot above ground).
Darkvision: 60 feet.
Float it up: Once per short rest, you may move up to twice your speed when taking a move action.

Ability Score Increases: +1 STR, +2 CON
Size: Medium
Speed: 30 feet walk.
Symmetrical Violence: Once per long rest, when you're hit by an attack, you may make an attack against them.

Ability Score Increases: +2 DEX, +1 CON
Size: Medium
Speed: 25 feet walk.
Natural Glow: You emit dim light in a radius of 5 feet.
Fiery Soul: You have resistance to fire damage, and vulnerability to cold damage.
Dancing Flames: Once per short rest, when an enemy hits you with a melee attack you can choose for them to take fire damage equal to (1d4 + your CON/CHA (whichever is higher) modifier).

Ability Score Increases: +1 CON, +2 WIS
Size: Medium
Speed: 30 feet fly.
Darkvision: 60 feet.
Proficient in Stealth.
Become More Ghostly: Once per long rest, until the end of your next turn you have resistance against all non-magical attacks and can pass through other creatures.

Ability Score Increases: +2 DEX, +1 INT
Size: Medium
Speed: 30 feet walk.
Proficient in Sleight of Hand.
Royal Rules, Article 5, Subsection 11: Once per short rest, if an ally within 5 feet of you is hit by an attack, you may choose to be hit by it instead.

Ability Score Increases: +1 CON, +2 CHA
Size: Small
Speed: 20 feet walk.
Immunity to poison damage.
Peer Pressure: Once per long rest, you can force an ally to perform an action if they fail a Wis save DC (10+Cha modifier).

Ability Score Increases: +2 STR, +1 INT
Size: Medium
Speed: 30 feet walk.
Darkvision: 60 feet.
Water Breathing.
Ingenuity: Once per short rest, you may gain advantage on an INT/WIS based ability check.

Ability Score Increases: +1 DEX, +2 CON
Size: Medium
Speed: 25 feet walk.
Proficiency in Athletics.
Construct of Winter: Once per long rest, when you're reduced to 0 HP, instead of becoming unconscious you may choose to immediately spend a hit die.

Ability Score Increases: +1 DEX, +2 CHA
Size: Medium
Speed: 30 feet hover (1 foot above ground).
Proficiency in Deception.
Drama Bomb: Once per long rest, as an action, all enemies within 5 feet of you must make a Wis save with DC (10 + your Cha modifier) or become incapacitated until the end of your next turn.

Ability Score Increases: +1 STR, +2 CON
Size: Medium
Speed: 30 feet walk.
Proficiency in Nature.
Tough Nut: Once per long rest, you may activate this power as an action, while it is active you may not move or take any actions, and all damage you take is reduced by 40. You may deactivate this as a move action.

Ability Score Increases: +1 CON +2 INT
Size: Medium or Large
Speed: 15 feet walk, 30 feet fly.
Proficiency in Insight.
Swirling Rainbow: Once per short rest, you may give advantage to an enemy's ranged attack roll against you.
Chromatic Beam: Cantrip:
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Self(100-foot line)
Duration: 24 hours
An object of your choosing (5x5 feet or less) changes to a colour of your choosing. The object returns to its original colour when the spell ends.

Ability Score Increases: +2 INT, +2 WIS
Size: Small or Medium
Speed: 25 feet walk.
Darkvision: 60 feet.
Dial Up: Once per short rest, you or an ally within 30 feet may gain advantage on a History roll.

2016-05-09, 03:28 PM
Prestige Class: Vampire Queen

Charisma 13. A person must have a solid sense of themselves in order to stay sane after being turned.
Character Level 5. Vampire Queens are the elite of vampire society, so a vampire must have some degree of skill and knowledge before they can be considered a Queen.
Bitten by a vampire. You must have been bitten by a vampire before you can gain the abilities this prestige class provides.
Hit Points:
d8 per Vampire Queen Level

Vampire Powers

Curse of the Nosferatu, Vampire Powers
1 Minor Power

An Eternity to Practise
2 Minor Powers

2 Minor Powers, 1 Major Power

3 Minor Powers, 1 Major Power

Lord of the Night
3 Minor Powers, 2 Major Powers

Curse of the Nosferatu. When you take your first level in this class, you become undead in addition to whatever creature type you were before. If a spell or ability specifies that it does not affect undead, such as Cure Wounds, you retain enough of your original type that it still affects you.
As an undead creature, you do not age or require ordinary food and drink, though you do still require air and sleep. In addition, you must consume the colour from at least 2lbs of red objects or 4lbs or pink, orange of purple objects.
You also gain the Sunlight Sensitivity trait as per page 24 of the PHB and for every turn that you spend with your skin exposed to direct sunlight, you take 1d8 radiant damage. This damage can be prevented by wearing a wide-brimmed hat or sheltering under a parasol. Furthermore, you take double damage from wooden stakes.

Wooden Stake. Simple melee weapon. Damage: 1d4 piercing. Weight: 2lbs. Cost: 2sp. Special: Deals double damage to vampires.
Vampire Powers. As you gain levels in this class, you learn Vampire Powers from the list below; you may also replace one power you already have with a different one every time you gain a level in this class. You may not pick the same power twice. Vampire Powers are magical and cease to function in Antimagic Fields and similar effects. For Vampire Powers that work like spells, treat Charisma as your spellcasting ability. They are always cast at the lowest possible spell level, except where otherwise noted.

Minor Powers
Minor Powers are the most commonly seen of the Vampire Powers, as they require little effort to use and often become second nature to the vampires that wield them. Minor Powers that function like spells can be cast at-will and never require your concentration.
Frightful Visage. You can cast Hold Person on any target that can see you.
Invisibility. You can cast Invisibility on yourself only.
Levitation. You can cast Levitate on yourself only. While under the influence of this spell, you can move yourself in any direction, not just up and down.
Magic Tricks. You learn three cantrips from any class' spell list.
Regeneration. You can cast Healing Word on yourself only, requiring no verbal components.
Speed. Your base speed increases by 10 feet.
Major Powers
Major powers are more advanced than minor powers, and few vampires master more than one of them. Major Powers that function like spells can be cast once per long rest.
Hypnotic Eyes. You can cast Dominate Person on any target that can see you.
Shapeshifting. You can cast Polymorph on yourself only. You retain your mental scores when you use this ability.
Telekinesis. You can cast Telekinesis.
Undead Henchmen. You can cast Animate Dead as a 5th-level spell.

An Eternity to Practise. At level 2, you gain proficiency in one skill and one tool or musical instrument of your choice, thanks to the extreme length of your life.

Lord of the Night. At level 5, something...

2016-05-09, 03:54 PM
I don't know whether to leave the classes as-is or change them, there is also the question of a level cap to consider.

I'd introduce some new class options. Off the top of my head:

Science Nerd (based on PB, mundane class that stays on the power curve thanks to high-tech weaponry, etc.)
Circle of Infinite Shapes (druid circle based on Jake. It'd be easy to base his stretchy powers on the Wildshape chassis, and Jake's pretty zen sometimes, so I could buy him as a druid)
Vampire Queen (I'd do it as a prestige class, based on what was revealed in Stakes)
The Lich (as an otherworldly patron for warlocks, obviously)

We also need new spells!

I've already done Cerebral Bloodstorm (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=20024188&postcount=22)
And we definitely need a Cold Spell
Create Snow Golem, maybe?

2016-05-09, 04:29 PM
I'd introduce some new class options. Off the top of my head:

Science Nerd (based on PB, mundane class that stays on the power curve thanks to high-tech weaponry, etc.)
Circle of Infinite Shapes (druid circle based on Jake. It'd be easy to base his stretchy powers on the Wildshape chassis, and Jake's pretty zen sometimes, so I could buy him as a druid)
Vampire Queen (I'd do it as a prestige class, based on what was revealed in Stakes)
The Lich (as an otherworldly patron for warlocks, obviously)

The original had a Doctor class that replaced the Cleric's healing with medicinal healing. Doctor could be a Science Nerd archetype perhaps?
Jake's stretching is very different from Wildshaping tbh and I'm not sure Jake's powers would be at all balanced for PCs.
Definitely a prestige class, although it could be awkward if there was a low level cap.

We also need new spells!

I've already done Cerebral Bloodstorm (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=20024188&postcount=22)
And we definitely need a Cold Spell
Create Snow Golem, maybe?
Like it, but again with the potential level cap, it could affect their power.

The Zoat
2016-05-09, 08:58 PM
I feel like the races you've outlined rely as a whole too much on per-rest abilities for 5th edition.

Throw in some resistances, bears should have Keen Senses.

2016-05-10, 09:34 AM
I feel like the races you've outlined rely as a whole too much on per-rest abilities for 5th edition.

Throw in some resistances, bears should have Keen Senses.

I agree, I've ported most of these directly from the 4e ones, so I haven't made many changes yet.

2016-05-10, 03:13 PM
- Wizards´magic is always linked to a particular style: Ice (Ice King) , Nature ( Wizard Huntress), Rainbows (Poor, poor Abracadaniel).
- According to Betty, their Magic is always linked to Madness and Sadness, so they should take disadvantages which reflect this.
- In the show, what a wizard can or cannot do depends on the writer. Not sure how Vancian rules can adapt to the heavy surrealism of the setting.

2016-05-10, 04:47 PM
- Wizards´magic is always linked to a particular style: Ice (Ice King) , Nature ( Wizard Huntress), Rainbows (Poor, poor Abracadaniel).
- According to Betty, their Magic is always linked to Madness
As you say, this would be difficult to make work with D&D without heavy work, so perhaps this could be represented by spell types/lists being more restrictive?

2016-05-10, 06:03 PM
Ron James' Cold Spell
5th-level conjuration

Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Self (60-foot sphere)
Components: S, M (a bottle filled with 'secret brew', which the spell consumes)
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute

When you pull the cork on this spell, a wave of snow and ice is unleashed, freezing everything in a 60-foot sphere, centred on yourself. The area is heavily obscured for the spell's duration, and exposed flames in the area are doused.
The ground in the area is covered with slick ice, making it difficult terrain. When a creature enters the spell’s area for the first time on a turn or starts its turn there, it must make a Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, it takes 4d8 cold damage and is paralysed until the start of its next turn (at which point it would have to make another save, unless the spell had ended before then). On a successful save, it takes half as much damage and is not paralysed.

What do y'all reckon? 4d8 seems like a lot of damage for an ongoing, large-radius effect and paralysis is a powerful rider, so I'm wondering if it needs to be higher than 5th level.

2016-05-11, 11:57 AM
Ron James' Cold Spell
5th-level conjuration

Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Self (60-foot sphere)
Components: S, M (a bottle filled with 'secret brew', which the spell consumes)
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute

When you pull the cork on this spell, a wave of snow and ice is unleashed, freezing everything in a 60-foot sphere, centred on yourself. The area is heavily obscured for the spell's duration, and exposed flames in the area are doused.
The ground in the area is covered with slick ice, making it difficult terrain. When a creature enters the spell’s area for the first time on a turn or starts its turn there, it must make a Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, it takes 4d8 cold damage and is paralysed until the start of its next turn (at which point it would have to make another save, unless the spell had ended before then). On a successful save, it takes half as much damage and is not paralysed.

What do y'all reckon? 4d8 seems like a lot of damage for an ongoing, large-radius effect and paralysis is a powerful rider, so I'm wondering if it needs to be higher than 5th level.
I'll admit I haven't watched the more recent series and had no idea what that was at first...

I'd say it isn't OP for 5th level because of the concentration, although 60 feet seems a bit a large tbh.

2016-05-11, 02:03 PM
So, I re-watched Stakes and accidentally a prestige class...

Prestige Class: Vampire Queen

Charisma 13. A person must have a solid sense of themselves in order to stay sane after being turned.
Character Level 5. Vampire Queens are the elite of vampire society, so a vampire must have some degree of skill and knowledge before they can be considered a Queen.
Bitten by a vampire. You must have been bitten by a vampire before you can gain the abilities this prestige class provides.
Hit Points:
d8 per Vampire Queen Level

Vampire Powers

Curse of the Nosferatu, Vampire Powers
1 Minor Power

Feral Senses
2 Minor Powers

2 Minor Powers, 1 Major Power

3 Minor Powers, 1 Major Power

An Eternity to Practise
3 Minor Powers, 2 Major Powers

Curse of the Nosferatu. When you take your first level in this class, you become undead in addition to whatever creature type you were before. If a spell or ability specifies that it does not affect undead, such as Cure Wounds, you retain enough of your original type that it still affects you.
As an undead creature, you do not age or require ordinary food and drink, though you do still require air and sleep. In addition, you must consume the colour from at least 2lbs of red objects or 4lbs of pink, orange or purple objects.
You also gain the Sunlight Sensitivity trait as per page 24 of the PHB and for every turn that you spend with your skin exposed to direct sunlight, you take 1d8 radiant damage. This damage can be prevented by wearing a wide-brimmed hat or sheltering under a parasol. Furthermore, you take double damage from wooden stakes.

Wooden Stake. Simple melee weapon. Damage: 1d4 piercing. Weight: 2lbs. Cost: 2sp. Special: Deals double damage to vampires.
Vampire Powers. As you gain levels in this class, you learn Vampire Powers from the list below; you may also replace one power you already have with a different one every time you gain a level in this class. You may not pick the same power twice. Vampire Powers are magical and cease to function in Antimagic Fields and similar effects. For Vampire Powers that work like spells, treat Charisma as your spellcasting ability. They are always cast at the lowest possible spell level, except where otherwise noted.

Minor Powers
Minor Powers are the most commonly seen of the Vampire Powers, as they require little effort to use and often become second nature to the vampires that wield them. Minor Powers that function like spells can be cast at-will and never require your concentration.
Frightful Visage. You can cast Hold Person on any target that can see you.
Invisibility. You can cast Invisibility on yourself only.
Levitation. You can cast Levitate on yourself only. While under the influence of this spell, you can move yourself in any direction, not just up and down.
Magic Tricks. You learn three cantrips from any class' spell list.
Regeneration. You can cast Healing Word on yourself only, requiring no verbal components.
Speed. Your base speed increases by 10 feet.
Major Powers
Major powers are more advanced than minor powers, and few vampires master more than one of them. Major Powers that function like spells can be cast once per long rest.
Hypnotic Eyes. You can cast Dominate Person on any target that can see you.
Shapeshifting. You can cast Polymorph on yourself only. You retain your mental scores when you use this ability.
Telekinesis. You can cast Telekinesis.
Undead Henchmen. You can cast Animate Dead as a 5th-level spell.

Feral Senses. At level 2, your vampiric blood causes you to develop enhanced senses, especially your sense of smell. You have advantage on any Perception or Survival check that relies on smell. In addition, you gain darkvision out to 60 feet if you do not have it already.

An Eternity to Practise. At level 5, you gain proficiency in one skill and one tool or musical instrument of your choice, thanks to the extreme length of your life.
Anyone have any other suggestions? I'm pretty terrible at PrCs...

And now, some items!


The Enchiridion
Wondrous item, artifact (requires attunement by a creature with class levels)

The Enchiridion is an ancient book with codes of conduct, guidelines, and other helpful information for heroes. Furthermore, the book has great power which allows it to tear open wormholes between different dimensions in the multiverse. An attuned creature must spend 40 hours studying the book to gain its benefits; any other creature can read the book but lacks the conviction to put its teachings into practice until such a time as they can attune to the book.

Random Properties. The Enchiridion has the following randomly determined properties:

2 minor beneficial properties
1 minor detrimental property
Heroic Teachings. After reading the book, you immediately gain 10,000 XP. You can only gain this benefit once.

How to Kiss a Princess. The Enchiridion also contains useful advice on diplomacy and etiquette, including (but not limited to) instructions on how to properly kiss princesses. Once you have read this book, you may add twice you proficiency bonus to any Charisma checks you make while interacting with royalty of any kind, and always have advantage on such a check.

Dimensional Portal. By rotating the sword on the cover of the Enchiridion anticlockwise, you can open a door in the cover, behind which are nine slots. If you place nine ioun stones (of any kind) into those slots, you can use the Enchiridion to cast the Gate spell, requiring no spell components. The gate is attached to the book; you cannot take the book through the gateway. After the gate closes, the ioun stones can be retrieved from the book.

Destroying the Book. The Enchiridion can be destroyed by targetting it with a Flesh to Stone spell and then using an action to smash it to pieces. When you do so, its Dimensional Portal feature is automatically activated, creating a portal to Sigil. It is, however, impossible to permanently destroy the Enchiridion, as it is fated to exist until the end of time. 1d100 years after the book is broken, someone in the multiverse will make a wish that (probably unintentionally) causes the Enchiridion to be reformed, or that changes history so that it was never destroyed in the first place.

2016-05-12, 12:10 PM
So, I re-watched Stakes and accidentally a prestige class...

Prestige Class: Vampire Queen

Charisma 13. A person must have a solid sense of themselves in order to stay sane after being turned.
Character Level 5. Vampire Queens are the elite of vampire society, so a vampire must have some degree of skill and knowledge before they can be considered a Queen.
Bitten by a vampire. You must have been bitten by a vampire before you can gain the abilities this prestige class provides.
Hit Points:
d8 per Vampire Queen Level

Vampire Powers

Curse of the Nosferatu, Vampire Powers
1 Minor Power

An Eternity to Practise
2 Minor Powers

2 Minor Powers, 1 Major Power

3 Minor Powers, 1 Major Power

Lord of the Night
3 Minor Powers, 2 Major Powers

Curse of the Nosferatu. When you take your first level in this class, you become undead in addition to whatever creature type you were before. If a spell or ability specifies that it does not affect undead, such as Cure Wounds, you retain enough of your original type that it still affects you.
As an undead creature, you do not age or require ordinary food and drink, though you do still require air and sleep. In addition, you must consume the colour from at least 2lbs of red objects or 4lbs or pink, orange of purple objects.
You also gain the Sunlight Sensitivity trait as per page 24 of the PHB and for every turn that you spend with your skin exposed to direct sunlight, you take 1d8 radiant damage. This damage can be prevented by wearing a wide-brimmed hat or sheltering under a parasol. Furthermore, you take double damage from wooden stakes.

Wooden Stake. Simple melee weapon. Damage: 1d4 piercing. Weight: 2lbs. Cost: 2sp. Special: Deals double damage to vampires.
Vampire Powers. As you gain levels in this class, you learn Vampire Powers from the list below; you may also replace one power you already have with a different one every time you gain a level in this class. You may not pick the same power twice. Vampire Powers are magical and cease to function in Antimagic Fields and similar effects. For Vampire Powers that work like spells, treat Charisma as your spellcasting ability. They are always cast at the lowest possible spell level, except where otherwise noted.

Minor Powers
Minor Powers are the most commonly seen of the Vampire Powers, as they require little effort to use and often become second nature to the vampires that wield them. Minor Powers that function like spells can be cast at-will and never require your concentration.
Frightful Visage. You can cast Hold Person on any target that can see you.
Invisibility. You can cast Invisibility on yourself only.
Levitation. You can cast Levitate on yourself only. While under the influence of this spell, you can move yourself in any direction, not just up and down.
Magic Tricks. You learn three cantrips from any class' spell list.
Regeneration. You can cast Healing Word on yourself only, requiring no verbal components.
Speed. Your base speed increases by 10 feet.
Major Powers
Major powers are more advanced than minor powers, and few vampires master more than one of them. Major Powers that function like spells can be cast once per long rest.
Hypnotic Eyes. You can cast Dominate Person on any target that can see you.
Shapeshifting. You can cast Polymorph on yourself only. You retain your mental scores when you use this ability.
Telekinesis. You can cast Telekinesis.
Undead Henchmen. You can cast Animate Dead as a 5th-level spell.

An Eternity to Practise. At level 2, you gain proficiency in one skill and one tool or musical instrument of your choice, thanks to the extreme length of your life.

Lord of the Night. At level 5, something...
Anyone have any ideas for the capstone? Or other suggestions? I'm pretty terrible at PrCs...
Wow, this is very cool. I don't know if infinite minor casting is balanced though, but I suppose it wouldn't really matter in a campaign as the DM would be able to dictate if any PCs got bitten anyway.

2016-05-12, 12:54 PM
Wow, this is very cool. I don't know if infinite minor casting is balanced though, but I suppose it wouldn't really matter in a campaign as the DM would be able to dictate if any PCs got bitten anyway.

It might be horribly unbalanced - I can't really tell. Mostly I was trying to adhere to the canon for the show, because the vampire powers are all conveniently similar to existing spells. As you can probably tell, I had warlock invocations in my mind when I designed the class. The vampire powers are meant to be significantly stronger than invocations - but they're also the only real feature this class gets (while the warlock gets things like pact magic and pact boons), and there isn't as much flexibility in the options.

It could be a problem that a few 5th-level spells are theoretically available at ECL 8 using this PrC, but I'm not too worried about that. It's one spell, once per day, one level early. The 'minor' powers are probably more likely to break the game.

Also, I figured out how to approach the capstone - I'll move the skill proficiencies to level 5 and add in and 'enhanced senses' ability at level 2.

2016-05-12, 01:12 PM
It might be horribly unbalanced - I can't really tell. Mostly I was trying to adhere to the canon for the show, because the vampire powers are all conveniently similar to existing spells. As you can probably tell, I had warlock invocations in my mind when I designed the class. The vampire powers are meant to be significantly stronger than invocations - but they're also the only real feature this class gets (while the warlock gets things like pact magic and pact boons), and there isn't as much flexibility in the options.

It could be a problem that a few 5th-level spells are theoretically available at ECL 8 using this PrC, but I'm not too worried about that. It's one spell, once per day, one level early. The 'minor' powers are probably more likely to break the game.

Also, I figured out how to approach the capstone - I'll move the skill proficiencies to level 5 and add in and 'enhanced senses' ability at level 2.

It's definitely very true to the show :smallsmile:. The lack of other abilities does make it more balanced when I look at it again, and even if it would be difficult to balance for PCs, this is still a brilliant model for an NPC.

Would you want me to put this in the classes post (with credit, obviously)?

2016-05-12, 01:20 PM
Would you want me to put this in the classes post (with credit, obviously)?

Sure. This is your project, I'm just contributing material. If I can think of any other good spells from the show, I'll post them, and I'm also thinking about maybe writing up some of the show's many magic items. The Grass Sword and the Enchiridion have to be included, at the very least.