View Full Version : Optimization Help me build my first Paladin(3.5 & Pathfinder)

2016-05-09, 03:54 PM
So, my character originally started off as a Crusader/Warblade but since then I've changed my focus a bit. This will be the first time I play a character who despises evil on a mechanical a very fundamental level. I thought of Crusader because in my eyes he's the better Paladin, also, I hate paladins. The second draft of the character is the idea of a Barbarian(Spirit Lion Totem and perhaps Whirling if I don't need Con, probably I won't.) who is found by the organization that is sending the party to its missions, the organization sees a potential in this particular barbarian.(Her name is Amber Nev'ard.) So she travels with a warlock who is good in heart, has a vast amount of knowledge but is a bit clumsy when it comes to social situations. He ignites in her a sense of good. A sense of duty. As the character progresses she'll let go of her instinct of survival and become a beacon of hope and goodness. Not because she'll be rewarded with gold, or because she'll gain the praise of the common folk, a king or even a God. But because she thinks that if you have power and you see evil happen right before your eyes and do nothing, you're no better than evil. She won't go on a killing spree to stop evil or for the sake of some greater good crap. She's an altruist who wants to do the right thing, but that doesn't mean she'll be naive. (Sense Motive+100) So she learns from this guy and takes up a few levels of Paladin(of Freedom) or Crusader. Level 6,8,10,12,14 and every level after that are going to be gestalt. Her race is going to be Maenad(Psionic race in Pathfinder). Her playstyle will be the best possible battlefield control you can get with mundane means. She'll be using a shield and sword, but for when things get tough she'll be animating her shield and pulling out a valorous halberd of vaunting(Really tough, as once per a handful of sessions and numerous encounters). She'll be a master of tripping and bull-rushing. With the Paladin levels I'll be getting the nice bonuses of the Paladin along with the Charging Smite class variant. With the Crusader levels I'll be getting ALL the White Raven maneuvers for RP reasons along with some others and finally the first-level Barbarian is for the sake of the RP transition from Survivalist to Valiant Champion of Good. The Lion Totem fluff is there for when I need to pounce to kill something fast so we don't die or something, cause the party will be filled with newbies. It's going to be an ability I use rarely. The sort of feats I'm thinking are obviously revoling shields. Touch AC to Shield and CMD, Improved Shield Bash, TWF. I'm also thinking of wielding my Shield in 2H for a period with improved shield bush and a bigger shield and the Lighten Weapon feat from PF. Some ToB feats and finally some feats that will work for the team like Intercept Charge, Step Up and Step Up and Strike. I want her to be a Defender. Maybe I'll get the ability that allows allies who are adjacent to me to use my smite bonus and the Savage Tactitian archetype so they'll all be enraged for a nice rage bonus if they wish to. Although I'm more inclined to go with Invulnerable Rager for a DR/- equal to 1/2 my levels which will go nice with the delayed damage pool of Crusader and all that AC. Remember that my DM is lenient and we're generally not stuck up in rules as a party. If the option creates an awesome visual image without breaking the game, it's good to go.

EDIT: This is pretty much how she looks. I have a more custom image of her and the inspiration to this character in the first place, but I can't seem to find the picture at the moment.https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/b4/83/b0/b483b0889c2fc02340966cb8830a6dbe.jpg