View Full Version : Pathfinder [Pathfinder] How to Hunt a Dragon

Jarred Stone
2016-05-10, 11:55 AM
Greetings fellas, last session my Pathfinder group went after the steps of a green dragon who lurks in the deeps of an elven forest, causing mayhem and destruction among the elves.

The thing is, since we (the players) have created characters with a dragon hunting/monster hunting background and this will be our first dragon, we agreed upon beating him by other means apart of "going to his lair and smacking him as a full-round action". We want to hunt him like if we are hunting a big, intelligent beast as a dragon should be, with traps and keen methods. Basically, we thought it could be sound fun as a roleplay standpoint instead of a typical Pathfinder combat.

Any suggestion to accomplish this, guys? The player party is a two-handed warrior with social and leadership skills (skill to command an army, not the Leadership feat), a paladin who can track and move throught the woods like a ranger and a fireball launcher in the shape of a sorcerer. In addition, a healer witch, an orc barbarian and an engineer (alchemist class, actually, but fluffed as someone who knows a lot about science and its applications) could bring us a hand. We all are level 6 and we are talking about an adult green dragon (CR 11) who has several tribes of fauns as minions and sits on top of the ruined town hall of the last city they ravaged. The sorcerer have gathered rumors of the dragon wanting to go after an important forest nymph. Money shouldn't be a problem and, thanks for a 20 in a knowledge check from the paladin, we know every stats of the manual about these kind of dragons.

2016-05-10, 12:27 PM
Green dragons are the apex predators of the forest. It is likely the hunters will become the hunted, but you could use the dragon's hubris and natural ability to effortlessly sneak through the woods against it. You could use yourselves as bait, flauting your adventurer swag and skill at arms for the dragon to want you. Then lure it somewhere where you can combine your power to bop it.

Since green dragons can swim, breathe water, fly, and move through any natural terrain without penalty, you have to use a magical or mechanical trap. Green dragons are large and very strong, so no normal mechanical trap will work. Also remember they can breathe acid so make sure your trap is acid proof. I don't think you have any magic strong enough to trap it like a forcecage, and magic circle against evil won't work since it is not a called creature. You might be able to trap it in the ruins of the town hall if you could rig the building to collapse. A spell that can grapple the dragon might help, but it will be near impossible to do so against its CMD.

Green dragons are also the most diplomatic of the chromatic dragons, so you could try talking to it and dealing with it nonviolently.

2016-05-10, 01:52 PM
"...then later tonight, Launcelot, Galahad and I leap out of the rabbit, taking the dragon not only by surprise, but totally unarmed!"

Help the engineer start building a giant wicker man on the edge of the forest, and you ambush the dragon when he comes to see what gives.

Jarred Stone
2016-05-10, 02:04 PM
Green dragons are the apex predators of the forest. It is likely the hunters will become the hunted, but you could use the dragon's hubris and natural ability to effortlessly sneak through the woods against it. You could use yourselves as bait, flauting your adventurer swag and skill at arms for the dragon to want you. Then lure it somewhere where you can combine your power to bop it.

Green dragons are also the most diplomatic of the chromatic dragons, so you could try talking to it and dealing with it nonviolently.

In fact, the paladin of the group wanted to take things in a diplomatical way with the dragon before trying to attack him. Maybe we could use that time to gather the siege weapons ready around the city or smuggle them inside. Would that be viable by RAW? The knowledge check of the paladin revealed the dragon has a high perception check. In addition, we don't know which weapons could pin down a dragon by RAW. Is there some siege version of tanglefoot bags, alchemic fire, nets or bolas by any chance? Right now they are the only thing it comes on the top of my head to pin down that ****er.

2016-05-10, 03:52 PM
In fact, the paladin of the group wanted to take things in a diplomatical way with the dragon before trying to attack him. Maybe we could use that time to gather the siege weapons ready around the city or smuggle them inside. Would that be viable by RAW? The knowledge check of the paladin revealed the dragon has a high perception check. In addition, we don't know which weapons could pin down a dragon by RAW. Is there some siege version of tanglefoot bags, alchemic fire, nets or bolas by any chance? Right now they are the only thing it comes on the top of my head to pin down that ****er.

As it just so happens, there is an entire page on siege-engines (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/other-rules/siege-engines) and there are entangling bolts you could shoot out of a large ballista. With 27 strength, the dragon still needs a 17 on the dice to strength check break the net. It also has a touch AC of 8, so even with penalties for no proficiency, your target should be easy to hit. If you could collapse the building down on the dragon that might work as well.
Be mindful of the minions getting involved and attacking your siege gear and cutting the dragon free should they be entangled. You can also fly up to the thing and hit them with this (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic-items/magic-weapons/specific-magic-weapons/dragoncatch-guisarme)

A green dragon would probably not see the paladin as a threat, so it would be more inclined to talk, gloat, do dragon things and toy with its eventual snack, or maybe try to convert him to the side of evil. It might notice the siege equipment, but it may not care if it has enough pride it might see such as "cute but petty attempts" to stop it. Hubris will be its downfall.