View Full Version : Party of dexers: how will we manage?

The Shadowdove
2016-05-10, 05:32 PM
Hello forum-lurkers,

We have a non traditional party composition, whereas we've in the past happened to form very balanced Adventuring groups.

I'm hoping some of you more experienced adventurers may have experience and or ideas as to how to best utilize our classes without suffering due to lack of members who specialize in magic or healing?

Your stories of past experiences, class tricks and advice, battle or role play strategy, itemization , and general advice or suggestions are much much welcome and appreciated.

We all have stealth skill proficiency.we all are dexterity based.

We have:
Rogue assassin-triefling dex scag variant

Rogue swashbuckler-wood elf.amazing stat rolls. 19 dex and 17 cha.

Ranger hunter-v.human crossbow master urban natural explorer.

The world is mostly various independently ruled kingdoms and towns who are constantly guarding their backs while looking for opportunity to supplant their neighbours.

Thanks a dozen. Your superior booksmarts and experience are very appreciated.The creativity and helpfulness of the community here is always great and encouraging.


2016-05-10, 05:35 PM
You should do fine as is, but if you want an extra layer of security, the Swashbuckler would do well to pick up the Inspiring Leader feat, and someone else would do well to pick up the Healer feat.

2016-05-10, 05:42 PM
Advice will largely depend on whether your group plays more "Combat as Sport" or "Combat as War." Because an all-stealth party excels at the latter and has issues with the former. Essentially, if you play it smart and cautious, you can set up fights to maximize abilities like Assassinate and Sneak Attack, to the point where you should (and perhaps must) eliminate at least one important foe before they even know what hit them. Be prepared to have escape options if things go pear-shaped.

Also, you might want to ask your DM how he's handling stealth, since there are a million little holes in the rules and it's good to have a shared expectation.

2016-05-10, 05:52 PM
In fact, mention to your DM that you'd like the chance to see a fight coming and employ stealth and scouting. Many DMs don't bother with surprise and perception and simply say, "OK you're in a fight now. The bad guys are 30 yards away. Roll initiative."

2016-05-10, 06:04 PM
As others have said, emphasize scouting and try to set up encounters on your terms. It can take some cooperation from the DM, so make sure they're on board and be as explicit as possible about your pre-encounter plans.

If you're all using ranged builds, utilize hit-and-run and diversionary tactics as much as you can. Spread the enemies out and focus fire to take out priority targets. Stay hidden, stay at range, and keep moving.

If your builds are mixed, or you get in an unavoidable close-quarters fight, try to at least get surprise on your side to take one or two bad guys down before they get a chance to do anything.

Joe the Rat
2016-05-10, 07:54 PM
You guys are a scout and sneak dream team. Make sure your DM (and everyone else) is on board. Honestly, you could probably do an intrigue game fairly well.

You are not a toe to toe party. Stealth, speed, maneuverability. Remember to run away. A lot. You will want to plan strikes carefully. Consider doing heist-type capers.

I'd be tempted to add a Bard or Criminal Wizard

We have:
Rogue assassin-triefling dex scag variantI think I'm going to start calling them Scaglings.

2016-05-10, 08:11 PM
Ooh, a Valor or Sword bard with a good load of defensive spells would make for a great "tank" for this kind of group. Just in case things go down.

A Lore bard could make for a good healer if need be as well.

And both can get Expertise in Stealth. The tastiness is just too much.

2016-05-12, 02:33 PM
You shouldn't have too much trouble

The main problems of unbalance parties is usually either there are too many "glass cannons" and not enough hit points or too many muscle bound idiots. Your party has a ranger, who has a solid hit point total and can take evasive bonuses to add to AC. This coupled with their limited healing spells should make them a good front line man. And your elf rogue with super high charisma should get you through any negotiating tasks you have. Though you may not have much magical versatility, you should be able to get by on the ranger's utility. Additionally, you have no "clankers" so whenever you go into anything that may look like combat you can just stealth and sneak attack everything to death. Also with your whole party having sky high dexterity you should be able to get the start on initiative, giving you 2 rounds to kill everyone before they can retaliate.