View Full Version : Rules Q&A PC Outsider and susbtype

2016-05-10, 06:31 PM
Quick question, if a teifling is say LE, and as he is an outsider, does he get the corresponding lawful and evil subtypes? Or is he just outsider(native). Thanks.

2016-05-10, 06:34 PM
Quick question, if a teifling is say LE, and as he is an outsider, does he get the corresponding lawful and evil subtypes? Or is he just outsider(native). Thanks.

Just outsider(native).

Yuki Akuma
2016-05-10, 06:37 PM
Alignment subtypes have nothing to do with the creature in question's actual alignment - it corresponds to what "Alignment Stuff™" they're made of. A Lawful Good succubus still has the Chaos and Evil subtypes.

2016-05-10, 07:01 PM
Quick question, if a teifling is say LE, and as he is an outsider, does he get the corresponding lawful and evil subtypes? Or is he just outsider(native). Thanks.

Nope. Alignment subtypes indicate that one is physically formed of matter associated with that alignment. [Good] Subtype means the character is formed of solid Good. It has nothing to do with your personal alignment.

Side-note: Being a native outsider mean's you're tied to the alignment-agnostic Material Plane (as opposed to alignment-formed Outer Planes), so most (if not all) native outsiders will lack alignment subtypes (since they're made of Prime Material Plane material, which usually doesn't have any real alignment charges to it).

2016-05-10, 07:18 PM
The tiefling doesn't have alignment subtypes out of the box, but could acquire one through the Ritual of Alignment in Savage Species.

Honest Tiefling
2016-05-10, 07:25 PM
A tiefling (Or aasimar) does not gain the alignment subtypes because they are native to the Prime Material. Outsiders with those subtypes (Angels, demons, devils, etc.) are native to other planes with those subtypes.

This is why banishment doesn't work on you, because even if it did work, it just drops you back onto the prime material.

Yuki Akuma
2016-05-10, 07:27 PM
A tiefling (Or aasimar) does not gain the alignment subtypes because they are native to the Prime Material. Outsiders with those subtypes (Angels, demons, devils, etc.) are native to other planes with those subtypes.

This is why banishment doesn't work on you, because even if it did work, it just drops you back onto the prime material.

That's not the reason banishment doesn't work - in fact, banishment totally works on Tieflings. They just need to currently be on a plane that isn't the Prime Material.

Banishment doesn't work on a Baatezu if you're both currently in Baator, either. And the devil could actually banish you back to the Prime Material (say, by casting Blasphemy, which Pit Fiends, at least, can cast), even if you're a Humanoid instead of an Outsider.

Honest Tiefling
2016-05-10, 07:34 PM
That's not the reason banishment doesn't work - in fact, banishment totally works on Tieflings. They just need to currently be on a plane that isn't the Prime Material.

Banishment doesn't work on a Baatezu if you're both currently in Baator, either. And the devil could actually banish you back to the Prime Material (say, by casting Blasphemy, which Pit Fiends, at least, can cast), even if you're a Humanoid instead of an Outsider.

Well, yes, but I meant it to show that the tiefling is tied to the Prime Material, so yes, going to other planes will make Banishment and other spells effective. But a tiefling is not tied to the Abyss/Baator, and being a tiefling from these places is an incredibly bad idea.

2016-05-10, 08:29 PM
Banishment effects specifically work on creatures with the (extraplanar) subtype, which all creatures gain whenever they're on a plane they aren't native to. That's all the effects look for; all other creature types and/or subtypes are irrelevant. That's why banishment doesn't work on tieflings, they don't have (extraplanar).

2016-05-10, 09:06 PM
Side-note: Being a native outsider mean's you're tied to the alignment-agnostic Material Plane (as opposed to alignment-formed Outer Planes), so most (if not all) native outsiders will lack alignment subtypes (since they're made of Prime Material Plane material, which usually doesn't have any real alignment charges to it).

Which does make me wonder if someone from very specific locations- like near the center of Golarion's World Wound- could be exceptions and produce aligned native outsiders. Rare in any case.

2016-05-10, 09:30 PM
Which does make me wonder if someone from very specific locations- like near the center of Golarion's World Wound- could be exceptions and produce aligned native outsiders. Rare in any case.

That's up to the DM. I don't know of any official fluff that suggests this is possible, for obvious reasons.

2016-05-10, 09:58 PM
Banishment effects specifically work on creatures with the (extraplanar) subtype, which all creatures gain whenever they're on a plane they aren't native to. That's all the effects look for; all other creature types and/or subtypes are irrelevant. That's why banishment doesn't work on tieflings, they don't have (extraplanar).

Oh god, the number of times I had to explain this to one of my DMs was infuriating. He consistently confused extraplanar and outsider, to the point where, when we did actually planar travel, and he said our types all changed to outsider, when i corrected him, he insisted I was wrong, so i asked him "cool does this mean i get free darkvision and martial weapon proficiency since i'm an outsider now? Also that hold person spell the enemy just cast on me doesn't work anymore."

Nope. Alignment subtypes indicate that one is physically formed of matter associated with that alignment. [Good] Subtype means the character is formed of solid Good. It has nothing to do with your personal alignment.

Side-note: Being a native outsider mean's you're tied to the alignment-agnostic Material Plane (as opposed to alignment-formed Outer Planes), so most (if not all) native outsiders will lack alignment subtypes (since they're made of Prime Material Plane material, which usually doesn't have any real alignment charges to it).

Also worth noting that the alignment subtypes have nothing to do with determining what you're made of, it's the outsider type that does that, the alignment subtypes just generally indicate the nature of your home plane, though not always, for example efreeti from the elemental plane of fire are outsiders with the evil subtype despite a) not being from an outer plane, and b) not being from an evil plane

Honest Tiefling
2016-05-11, 12:21 PM
Which does make me wonder if someone from very specific locations- like near the center of Golarion's World Wound- could be exceptions and produce aligned native outsiders. Rare in any case.

I don't know Golarion, but something tells me that making a tiefling native to this region is about as much of a good idea as making one native to the Abyss. As in, the chances of your character being sane and still have the original number of limbs is pretty darn low.

2016-05-11, 01:00 PM
I don't know Golarion, but something tells me that making a tiefling native to this region is about as much of a good idea as making one native to the Abyss. As in, the chances of your character being sane and still have the original number of limbs is pretty darn low.

Pretty much. A *bit* less so, but it's not a happy place.

2016-05-11, 08:33 PM
All of the late discussion made me wonder something... Where does the Honest Tiefling come from?

Honest Tiefling
2016-05-11, 08:44 PM
No one, if that's a Banishment spell behind your back. Keep your finger waggling to yourself.