View Full Version : Roleplaying I'm looking for a Deity

2016-05-10, 08:13 PM
I'm thinking of creating a barbarian who later on transitions into a Paladin(of Freedom). I can't seem to think of any deity that I may know that fits my concept. Is there a way to search for deities through domains? If not, I'm thinking of a Deity who doesn't actively punish evil, simply strive for goodness and upholds it. The domains that fit my character's theme would be the following:

And Beastial. I would consider the most important ones as: War, Strength, Sun, Protection, Good, Courage.

I know I can just think of my own Deity to use, but it'd be nice to have somewhere to draw inspiration from. Thanks in advance!

Honest Tiefling
2016-05-10, 08:21 PM
Do you have a setting to work with here, or can we pull just anything?

I think one could give Kord, the Greyhawk deity, the Courage domain if he doesn't have it already. That'd give him Strength and Courage domains. Kord is a pretty good Barbarian god in my opinion, as he's a huge burly guy who runs around beating evil up. That, however, might come into conflict with the whole 'not actively punishing it' part. But I do wonder why you aren't going to punish evil, and yet take paladin and barbarian levels?

If it is real world gods you want, the whole Sun and Strength thing reminds me of Mithraism (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mithraism).

2016-05-10, 09:15 PM
Do you have a setting to work with here, or can we pull just anything?

I think one could give Kord, the Greyhawk deity, the Courage domain if he doesn't have it already. That'd give him Strength and Courage domains. Kord is a pretty good Barbarian god in my opinion, as he's a huge burly guy who runs around beating evil up. That, however, might come into conflict with the whole 'not actively punishing it' part. But I do wonder why you aren't going to punish evil, and yet take paladin and barbarian levels?

If it is real world gods you want, the whole Sun and Strength thing reminds me of Mithraism (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mithraism).

Any setting is good to go, we're playing on a homebrew World. A big aspect of her character is that she's a defender. She wants to help people, not punish evildoers. She believes in the good of the world and that evil can change as well. When evil does not leave her any other choice however, she curbstomps it. Some may consider her naive or too big of a "dreamer". Others will call her stupid. In my opinion she's a true altruist. She considers the good of others before her own and that's why she'd even help an evil person if that would give her a chance to try and change his mind about his actions. Like I said however, when she's left with no other options, she won't tolerate it in front of her. While she does think of the bigger picture, she tries to concern herself with the immediate future(?) and things that she has the ability to change, not worrying too much about what she can't do yet. Her motto is something along the lines "If you believe yourself to be good but won't stop evil when it happens right in front of you then you're no better than evil itself." Now, I understand this may imply that if you let evil in the world run rampart then you're evil, but she literally means "right in front of you". I may need to rephrase it before I actually use it.

This quote of Albert Einstein hits a lot closer home “The world is a dangerous place to live, not because of the people who are evil, but because of the people who don't do anything about it.” .
Or this one from Edmund Burke: “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”

mabriss lethe
2016-05-10, 09:28 PM
Obad-Hai would be a pretty good choice as a Barbarian deity, and a Barb/Paladin with Animal Devotion would be particularly nasty. As a nature deity he would also make a decent choice for a fairly mellow paladin.

2016-05-10, 10:11 PM
Depending upon what setting your DM is willing to steal from:

Greyhawk: Tritherion http://www.canonfire.com/wiki/index.php?title=Trithereon

Golarion: Milani http://pathfinder.wikia.com/wiki/Milani

Forgotten Realms: Selune, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Selûne

Arcanis: Hurrian http://annex.wikia.com/wiki/Arcanis (note Arcanis deities do not have listed alignments; paladin of freedom is or at least was within the realm of possibilities for Hurrian's lore as I understand it).

2016-05-10, 10:26 PM
Good and Merciful, pretty solid bloke

2016-05-10, 10:52 PM
1) Remember that nothing forces your barbarian to start with the deity that you will use for your paladin. You can roleplay it out with your DM that you will convert to some deity at some point in the game. It would fit the primitive barbarian theme, that worships a Totem and later acknowledges other Gods as more powerful or equal.

2) Malar could be also an option (Strength, Bestiary), but beware of the C-E alignment. Malar isn't the regular C-E role and followers can be played different from other C-E imho.



Survival of the fittest and the winnowing of the weak are Malar's legacy. A brutal, bloody death or kill has great meaning. The crux of life is the challenge between the hunter and the prey, the determination of who lives or dies. View every important task as a hunt. Remain ever alert and alive. Walk the wilderness without trepidation, and show no fear to the hunt. Savagery and strong emotions defeat reason and careful thought in all things. Taste the blood of those you slay, and never kill from a distance. Work against those who cut back the forest and who kill beasts solely because they are dangerous. Slay not the young, the pregnant, or deepspawn so that prey will remain plentiful.

You have other goals as the typical c-e. You aren't the defender of natures law as a druid. No, you represent natures law and wrath in its purest form, wild and unforgiving.

2016-05-11, 05:51 AM
1) Remember that nothing forces your barbarian to start with the deity that you will use for your paladin. You can roleplay it out with your DM that you will convert to some deity at some point in the game. It would fit the primitive barbarian theme, that worships a Totem and later acknowledges other Gods as more powerful or equal.

2) Malar could be also an option (Strength, Bestiary), but beware of the C-E alignment. Malar isn't the regular C-E role and followers can be played different from other C-E imho.


You have other goals as the typical c-e. You aren't the defender of natures law as a druid. No, you represent natures law and wrath in its purest form, wild and unforgiving.

1) Oh, totally. When she starts out as a Barbarian she believes in the laws of nature, suvival of the fittest and in beast totems to grant her their blessings. When she realises that she has power in her(She's a PC after all) and that she can use that power for good, it's what she'll strive for. I was thinking that believing in a Deity would be a nice way to transition between archaic worships of totems and their blessings so she could survive one more day into a more complete moral code and belief of gods that show her a path she could follow to achieve her goal to help as many people as she can.

2) Malar sounds like a very interesting deity I may use as a core on a future character. As for this one, he does fit the Barbarian theme quite a lot and may use him in the earlier stages of this character. Thanks!

EDIT: Your monk/lock build was awesome, by the way.

2016-05-11, 06:27 AM
I'm thinking of creating a barbarian who later on transitions into a Paladin(of Freedom). I can't seem to think of any deity that I may know that fits my concept. Is there a way to search for deities through domains? If not, I'm thinking of a Deity who doesn't actively punish evil, simply strive for goodness and upholds it. The domains that fit my character's theme would be the following:

And Beastial. I would consider the most important ones as: War, Strength, Sun, Protection, Good, Courage.

I know I can just think of my own Deity to use, but it'd be nice to have somewhere to draw inspiration from. Thanks in advance!

Krystal Keep once did a lot of aggragate documents one which was deities and their domains from all official, including dragon mag., sources.